@Golden State Warriors

UPDATE on Draymond Green & Warriors: ‘They are giving each other space’ – Shelburne | NBA Today

UPDATE on Draymond Green & Warriors: ‘They are giving each other space’ – Shelburne | NBA Today

Not only did they get back in the win column last night it was also their 10th game right without Draymond Green and they’re six and four during their stretch without Draymond the season though the Warriors are seven and eight with green N9 and N without him so pretty similar win percentages there and

Steve cerr he he spoke yesterday about Draymond Green he said he hasn’t been in the facility remember Draymond is allowed to be around the team facility but he said you know what draymond’s giving us our space and we are giving Draymond his space what more can you tell us Ramona about Draymond Green

Status here well I mean look he’s been in La I mean he’s he has a house here his family’s here if you look at you there’s some sweet Christmas pictures he has a new baby and there’s he’s been spending a lot of time with his with his

His his newest his newest member of his family and I I think he’s used that time away from them to work on himself as our colleague Roes has been detailing um but also they have used that time away from him for some clarity like I really think

That’s helped them and and look this is what we all try to do over the holidays right spend as much time with your kids but the matching PJs yeah I mean the matching PJs I mean that I don’t do that yet it’s all right we get and I have

Matching you got into the match PJs with and and you know talking to people around the Warriors my understanding right and I’m sure yours is similar is that right now they this isn’t space to be alarmed about this is space that they are very much okay with and they feel

That they need that in order to win Draymond is ready when he clears the hurdles that he has and R Adrian w r reported it’ll be sometime you know maybe in the the if he’s there that’s what we’re talking about and that’s what they’re talking about correct and when

He’s away from them they can focus on who’s in the room right they can just focus on the group that’s there and they’ve kind of given those guys some ability to reinvent themselves I mean I think they’ve reinvented themselves around some of the younger players that they’ve been wanting to play more and

And so much of Draymond is is the Bark in that team The Edge well when you don’t have that somebody else is barking right and so they’re going to be able to sort of work on that too but when he look when he comes back and it’s when

It’s not if when Draymond Green comes back he’s got to understand there’s zero tolerance for Behavior okay they they can do some still special things together collectively without the drama of Draymond Green and whether he’s going to be suspended how long he’s going to be suspended whether he’s apologized

What he’s saying on Twitter no no no no no that’s done if they’re going to be any good this year if they’re going to be relevant in the postseason draymond’s got to understand that to the degree of changing his behavior completely and the Warriors have to understand there’s a

Reason he got 100 million dollar contract this last off season the Warriors understand how important Draymond is to this team at his best but he has to be that at his [Applause] best NBA Army is

Ramona Shelburne, Chiney Ogwumike, Michael Wilbon join me on NBA Today to discuss what is going on between Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors.



  1. Package and trade him.

    Not going to be the same for him coming back, definitely won’t be better. Even if it were the same, that still wouldn’t be good.

    Time for a new look. No shame in it.

  2. Love the matching PJs. He needs to really be concerned about the person he's portraying to his children. 🙏🏾He gets the real help he needs.

  3. he hasnt just been a bark unfortunately from the perspective of other players hes been a bite also. i hope he gets it in this down time.

  4. Great family photo 👍. ….but hard to top Malika's Super Soulful dance exhibition in her matching jammies. ….dare I say.. Soul Train Line worthy ….🙂

  5. Basically the same team with or without him. Get him outta there. He’s had too many chances. Stop pacifying these grown ass men

  6. Release em. Send em home. Trade em. Waive em. Whatever. Get rid of em. So he can be a full time father. Cute dog tho

  7. Get rid of him 😂😂😂 Hes not worth the hassle & if im Draymond im loving a mid season vacation cause nobody cares about the NBA until after the all-star break 💯💯💯

  8. We’re not a championship team with him or without him time to play the youngsters, they’re fun to watch Ann Curry’s window well we shouldn’t have resigned all these guys every team that’s any good has length and are Athletic we’re in older team that’s only gonna get older

  9. Ok time for me to release him from my fantasy team. No way he coming back this season. If he hasnt even been to the facility he cant just grab his gym sneakers and show up to a game

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