@Miami Heat

Michael Wilbon picks the Lakers to win at halftime on ESPN: “I expect them to come out and have a Warriors-like 3rd quarter and pull ahead before we get in the 4th.”

Michael Wilbon picks the Lakers to win at halftime on ESPN: “I expect them to come out and have a Warriors-like 3rd quarter and pull ahead before we get in the 4th.”

by ch405_5p34r


  1. iliveonramen

    ESPN is the worst. I actually hate that channel and organization and how they’ve ruined sports journalism.

    Morning Sports Center was amazing. Catch up on yesterday’s sports and it was entertaining with guys like Olbermann, Patrick, Stuart Scott, Berman, Kenny Mayne. Those guys would make a recap of the Brewers vs Royals entertaining without dumb takes.

    Now it’s like 4 teams in the NBA they focus on and if you aren’t LA/Boston/NY you are mainly treated like a supporting cast

  2. JudgeWhoAllowsStuff-

    Given our propensity for turd quarters and blowing big leads this season that was a safe bet for him to make.

  3. ActualRobot1

    ESPN is really the worst. The entire half time show was “What’s going on with the lakers?”

  4. Proof-Research-6466

    I turned my volume off so I wouldn’t have to listen to their halftime show or Doc Rivers lmao any team we play against on national tv they stay glazing the other team.

  5. SoFarSoGood-WM

    This entire game was about the Lakers. Acting like all of their turnovers had nothing to do with our defense.

    Commentators talked about LAL all night. Shit was super frustrating.

  6. TheShadowOverBayside

    Funny, I was forced to stream the Lakers local broadcast, not ESPN, and it seems they paid a lot more attention and respect to the Heat than ESPN did 😂

  7. recollectionsmayvary

    Did anyone catch James Worthy torch the Lakers and hype up the Heat?

  8. That halftime show was infuriating as a Heat fan. They spent the whole segment talking about LA and then the host at the very end said something like “very quick 10 seconds, what do you think about the Heat tonight?” And all they said was “this is what the Heat do” and then clowned on Heat Culture. Fuck them, glad we whooped LA in that fourth quarter. Garbage network

  9. iankstarr

    I didn’t care enough to look at who said it, but one of these chuckleheads was like “I don’t care how many points Lebron had in the first half, you just know he’s gonna end with 25.”

    These dudes are all absolute clowns.

  10. heatrealist

    This man died on the hill that Rip Hamilton was the Wade stopper.

  11. --lalilulelo-

    Dude just made a prediction, I don’t understand the hate? As if what he said wasn’t possible.

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