@Miami Heat

Los Angeles Lakers vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights | Jan 3 | 2024 NBA Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs Miami Heat Full Game Highlights | Jan 3 | 2024 NBA Season

Beautiful Wednesday night in downtown Los Angeles Arena expecting a sellout Lakers starting a five-game home stand the heat in the midst of a five game West Coast trip Reeves looks oh nice hesitation and James with the bucket that’s a pretty pass he hung in the air re shot goes

Down going right at Reeds back up top yic tries another three and that’s good well he hasn’t played a heck of a lot this year when Lowry plays there a much quicker Pace as that ofo hits that mid-range Reeves could look down the other end some rough three-point shooting

Early on teams combine one for seven and Lowry cleans that up y so nice skill of goes all the way and plays it up a 20-year-old from Serbia showing some nice skill Reeves leans in Kyle L yelling he wanted a travel call hero drives blocked by Davis Prince

Outlet to James nice transition defense from Miami to force had another turnover hakz kicks it out herro tries again that one finally goes down as first field goal herro ahead to Lowry Lowry alop hakz throws it down and Darin and needs a timeout it’s a 15-2 run pass inside

Velt throws it down pullet pass there for LeBron James just the fourth field goal for the Lakers Christy goes inside lays it up and in with all the bad shooting Lakers are only down by four make that six as that of bio on the pretty feed from Robinson pass inside vanderbelt nice cutting

Without the ball Richardson drives block oh the Davis get a piece of that didn’t look like it apparently not though as Reed throws it up and that will end the first quarter entry pass stolen by hakz Euro Step layup got it to go hakz great instincts Christie from the corner

That’s their first three-pointer their roll for seven Richardson launches and knocks down the three James strives gets inside lays it up and in Maran Prince spots up can’t get it battle for the rebound wood using his size the follow banks at home wood could rebound and he can score

He’s fighting blocked by wood terrific play on onio Good Shapino cutting to the basket blocked by hakz Boy we’ve seen some great rejections and Robinson runs down the floor yic with the pass inside and the heat back up eight again hakz just moving beautifully without the ball six

Points for him Lowry with the assist reddish Davis on the Finish Lowry Ali up yic puts it up and in because if you look at their individual Defenders on the floor right now there’s not a lot of great individual and Reeves gets the three-pointer just the second three-pointer made in 12 attempts yich

Knocks that one and Demar D rozan is another one there been a number of players that have not been afraid love gets inside backs at home H with the pass and this is the largest lead for the heat Davis that a nice pass Six turnover for Miami Davis has The Crow and the

Fou Anthony Davis now with nine points hero shoots and scores of three the runner and hero able to knock it down he’s in double figures with 11 Chris deep Corner three got it backto back bucket for Christie he’s got 10 points and the Lakers back within seven

Lowry only the third shot by Lowry that’s good Lowry’s got eight points six assists four Steals and the heat back up by 10 throws it in and the Finish Christian Wood using his size shock clock turned off hero looking drives pulls up two-pointer it’s good for hero

So creative off the Bounce by the James was questionable for tonight catches and right away scores only four points in the first half and just like that though Lakers back within six oh shot block by Davis that’s his third rejection well Hawk has not taken that shot just then

Had a lot to do with Davis but they wind up getting a three-pointer out of it re off nice play inside to Davis and Anthony Davis now 14 points Lakers back within seven as adabo connects dve Davis excellent defense out of bile he wants to take the shot there’s no doubt about

It step back Davis all over shot blocked by Davis and a 24 second violation that is great defense by one of the elite defenders in the NBA Lowry ahe of the pack grees in Pursuit Lowry lays it up and in the Miami Heat with their hands are everywhere right now nothing’s easy

Rees with 13 young man’s played well though from Serbia oh side of James just his fourth field goal both teams have a sense of urgency about him now FL good there hero fights over the screen Rees gets inside what a gorgeous move surrounded by Defenders out of Bio inside nice feed

From bam out of Bio hakz connects on the three-pointer he’s been quiet offensively as Davis floats that one up nicely H will never be judged by just his scoring he’s just a winner he does winning things speaking of that yage doing winning things tonight chrisy oh what a drive right at that of

Bio Davis drives inside shot is good this in the left hand Davis across the lane throws it up and in time out Miami it’s a three-point game he’s playing just great basketball as out of Bio knocks down the jumper trying to make sure our defense is short up and

And also you know doing what he has to do to help us offensively I know you can’t be thrilled about the 20 turnovers but you’re only down five how do you overcome that and win this game just being decisive we just got to be strong with the ball and be decisive you know

Force them to move about getting the ball to the paint then everything will open up here comes LeBron James by the way James finally got it to double figures as what counted out a foul nice pass inside Kevin Love off the bounce leans in trying to draw a foul blocked by

Davis Robinson gets it and hits the three wow dunin Robinson a big bucket Robinson drives oh what a shot D and Robins that’s what you talk about by the way Anthony Davis has played the entire second half wood using that length gets inside important minutes for Christian

Wood nine points seven boards couple of assists Kevin Love the extra pass haak has a three got it the UCLA product with lots of family and friends you can hear him cheering out of Bio goes right at LeBron James can’t get it but Kevin Love

Can and a timeout call by the Lakers W getting some oh nice pass from B his third assist love gets inside Kevin Love using all’s experience tonight Rees way outside puts it in a rare three-pointer tonight for the Lakers Ali up again and Davis throws it

Down and a foul out of B five to shoot he’s got Prince on him Davis lurking out of Bio turns and scores what a tough shot from bam out of bile Duncan Robinson off the bounce hard pick set by anab Robinson knocks it down dcan Robinson with his second three-pointer

Robinson hits another three dunan Robinson 11 points hwz drives on James spins turn falling away it’s good Hae hakz with a big bucket James drives and James took a shot and the Bread Basket up top Josh Richardson lines up a three and knocks it down big three-pointers

Here in the fourth quarter for the Miami Heat Rees is bumped drives shot blocked by out ofile but a go here’s the double team hero three-pointer puts it in Tyler hero from downtown this is a big win they didn’t want to lose two row and you

Know assure thems going on a road row as wood throws it up and this is going to be a sense of urgency game for the heat you can see it and feel it all night well another impressive Road win for the Heat


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  1. Прекрасная иллюстрация, что работают все, кроме королька леброна. Если сломается Дэвис, то можно сразу сливаться. Статистика Леброна минусовая во всех смыслах. 0 из пяти трёхочковых, 1/3 двухочковые. Это не лидер команды. -20 КПД.

  2. Prince and reddish got 0pt… shouldn’t be a starter.

    I was planning to go watch Lakers’ playoff game in April but seems like I have to replan my schedule to February or March lol

  3. Learn a lot more from team Miami about what the principles of teamplay should be.
    Love their strugglings and crafty executions tonight, especially Bem and Jaime ♥

  4. Lakers theres is no motivation to win no brave heart no ones drives coz they dont want to injured eqch player scared😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Not a big LeBron fan but it is ridiculous to expect a proficient game every night the 39year old steps on the hardwood. He has paid his dues and deserves all respect

  6. The Heat's objective was to stay ahead of Lakers throughout the game and they pulled it off really well 👍🏼 Regardless of this match or any others, Lakers is still the best NBA team for me ❤🎉🤝🏼😌

  7. It’s going to be a fight just to make playoffs. Especially if they have a bad January. Home almost the whole month. Teams behind them will be coming too.

  8. Now this game shows Lakers dont care in regular season just want a paycheck becausee u see any team can step up if theres trophy involved

  9. Now this game shows Lakers dont care in regular season just want a paycheck becausee u see any team can step up if theres trophy involved

  10. The laughable Lakers are in a lot of trouble if Lebron continues to play the most minutes. He is not the future of the team at 39 years of age! Give more minutes to the youngsters to develop them! Just plain dumb. The Lakers are playing desperate . . .

  11. My Heat make me so proud as we show what team sport is all about! We have one captain and everybody knows their role, and understands even the smallest role can be a contributor and really important over a whole season. Players missing somebody can step in without a problem, thats a SQUAD! Please media keep underestamating the Heat and we will keep doing great

  12. It’s never a huge problem when Butler misses games because Miami plays like a team. Many other franchises can’t afford to miss their star player.

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