@Brooklyn Nets

Milwaukee Bucks vs Brooklyn Nets 2nd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 27 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs Brooklyn Nets 2nd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 27 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

Yeah look that’s a tough shot for them as well and I think that’s what Milwaukee likes to give up little floaters nothing too easy obviously with Brooklyn struggling from three staying in that zone making them shoot some threes just got to force him to make

Some before you get out of it time for Mar to knock down that three and he does a wing Shot doesn’t quite know what to do with DQ Whitehead takes a peek at the shot clock and drops it off to Noah Clowney Clowny now with a couple of buckets in his first NBA points here tonight think it looked like Chris had a great idea for Brooke but Brook didn’t

Quite have that idea yet Smith junor no transition bucket that time here for the Nets Marc the other way less than three and a half to play here before the half cam gets the three-pointer he’s got a couple of them yeah just really unselfish basketball right now you see guys making

Extra passes Maran trying to set Chris up Chris thinking he’s drawing the defense a little bit and just keeping campaign going keeping that three-point Advantage going right now from thewa the Brooklyn with only one M three still in the half double digit Advantage here for

The bucks 56 to 45 Brooks a high bounce pass Brook challenging Clowny stays with fourth youngest in Net’s history on the opening game roster Noah clowning Bobby facing that double team to to Chris 11 seconds here to shoot Cash Money uses that Brook screen beautifully looking for the foul call

Though won’t get it try to bait him just is get enough contact to get that call quick tricker for Brooks and the Nets that is not a fake chain right happens to uh have a lot of money steak and Vitamin Water a lot of money in very

Heavy chain Chris Middleton out of that time out they go cash money’s way we’ll call him my friend Curtis can we just call him my friend Curtis Curtis Jackson we’ll kind of look at your crossy but you can Oh high off the class two sometimes these uh these guys who don’t get a whole lot of playing time nothing to lose in a game like this oh that’s true it’s a very powerful thing as they turn over Dame in the box and they head back the other way Wilson one

And another alleyoop for The Greek Freak it’s kind of nice build just throw it up as high as you want right at the corner of the backboard Yan can somehow find a way to go get that but great find put back as good they pursuing everything another bucket for Noah

Clowny yeah Brook is doing a good job of contesting things but obviously when he goes to contest a shot he opens up that backside rebound and guy’s got to come down and crack Dame Lillard makes it look easy anything but the eighth most three-pointers made in the league here this year coming into

Tonight times figured things out they’re not making any three-point shots and he’s leaving them out there to figure it out it’s been a while since we seen male Bridges as well as cam Thomas too by the way it’s tight 63 to 57 and there’ll be another turnover it’s Net’s basketball eight turnovers here for the bucks that has so far resulted in nine points off turnover [Applause] tip isn’t there see a foul on the floor though against Chris Middleton his first yeah and Coach Jack vau is really he’s yelling commands out of these guys you can tell just not all exactly on the same page but their activity and their energy is really good and it’s keeping a

Minute Lisa just like you said it’s been a lot of tips on the second offensive rebound to give himself a chance and it’s on the attack on fast break but you don’t have to call a set and so I think these guys are are keeping them in it well this thing broke

What midafternoon I I know the Brooklyn nuts are on the back to back so you got to think maybe there might be some guys who might be out but it broke that that some of the regular guys you know five six of them were going to be out today

Like around 1:00 2:00 so you got to kind of make a left turn and adjust Scouting Report wise final few seconds here of the half D back to jannis with the repost that double team coming over to cash good ball movement leag Beasley brings up another Corner three

Milwaukee Bucks vs Brooklyn Nets 2nd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 27 | 2023 NBA Regular Season

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