@Los Angeles Lakers

The Lakers are TERRIBLE…

The Lakers are TERRIBLE…

Yo what’s going on y’all it’s con back here again today with another video and today we’re going to be talking for a bit about the Los Angeles Lakers last time I made a video focused on them was after they won the IST finals and talking about how they pretty much

Didn’t make any sense there were some games where they look like World beaters where LeBron and enony Davis look like two of the best players in the world and then some games where the squad completely fall apart and they seem like a lottery team of course a lot of games

In between those two ends but for the most part a lot of games were on one side of the spectrum they were a roller coaster ride of a squad but it was enough at that point the season to at least get them the NBA cup and make them

Feel like a team that can make a run in the postseason if they just put it together consistently since that point have not put it together consistently in fact it’s been the exact opposite they’ve been consistently pretty bad since they won the inseason tournament finals good example of this is last

Night’s game against the Miami Heat which wasn’t particularly close the heat LED for every single minute of the game outside of the first few they led by double digits for a decent portion of the game and by Midway through the fourth the game was pretty much overheat

End up getting a 16-point lead Lakers cutting into it a little bit but the Heat win 110 to 96 and another short-handed win for a Heat team that continues to find ways to put them together they had no Jimmy Butler in this game but 15 points seven rebounds

Five assists three seals from bamb to bio 21 64 and three from Tyler herro 13 from Duncan Robinson haime hackas had 16 points and eight assists ni yovic had 15 points and eight rebounds in the starting lineup as usual it was a team effort from this heat Squad that despite

As many injuries as they’ve had they’ve been the most beat up team in the league they continue to find ways to put things together and remain is one of the top teams in the Eastern Conference meanwhile for the Lakers this is just another loss in a string of them since

That win against Indiana in the IST Final on December 9th the Lakers are 3-9 including blowout losses to the Spurs and Bulls two teams who they really shouldn’t be getting blown out by I will give them credit got a convincing win over my Oklahoma City Thunder where they

Physically could not miss from three but for the most part outside of that game and a couple of other moments they really haven’t played much good basketball since winning the NBA cup and with that loss the Heat last night they follow to 17 and 18 one game below 500

And they’re currently time with the Warriors for the 1011 spot on the verge of falling out of the plane race entirely when I personally thought they’re going to be up there towards the top of the standings I thought the Lakers were going to be a championship Contender carry over what they did in

The playoffs last year making the Western Conference Finals carry over what they did just over the course of the entire second half of last season I like their off season and none of it has come to fruition yet they look really really bad right now not to mention the

Fact that all of this failure has come in the midst of one of the better stretches of Anthony Davis’s time as a Laker honestly it’s been one of the more dominant stretches of his entire career he’s been a monster on both ends putting up 30 points per game 12 boards and four

Assists to go with 1.5 Steals and 2.5 blocks while shooting nearly 60% from the field and 45% from Deep he’s hitting his shots he’s been a force defensively one of the single most impactful defenders in the entire league if the Lakers were better he’d probably be up

There as a top two three Deo candid if he isn’t already he’s legit playing like an MVP and defensive player of the year type player on a nightly basis some of the best B we’ve ever seen from him and it hasn’t mattered at all because the Lakers still can’t put together wins

Last night against the Heat in that very comfortable loss for them ad had 29 17 63 and five he was two Stills off of a 5×5 on 60% shooting and the Lakers still lost by double digits not to mention he’s actually having a healthy season ad

Has only missed a couple of games so far he’s playing out of his mind he’s looked like the exact version of Anthony Davis you want to see if you’re the Lakers if you’re a Lakers fan if you’re just a basketball fan in general and it hasn’t

Led to any wins you’ve also got his co-star in LeBron James who just turned 39 years old also playing some fantastic basketball he did have a stinger of a game against the Heat last night just 12 points six boards nine assists on 33% shooting not Bron’s best game in fact

One of the worst games of his season but over this same stretch that Anthony Davis has been playing well on he’s been averaging 25 points seven boards nine assists one steal and 48% shooting from the field 37% from Deep even shooting 82% from the line which is pretty high

For LeBron James I can tell you firsthand he been a monster because he had 40 points on 65% shooting perfect from three against my favorite team the Thunder he has been really good as of late and is just having another great season again at the age of now 39 years

Old him and Anthony Davis are having some of the best combined Seasons they’ve had together as Lakers they’ve hardly missed any games Bri and AD have both been healthy which has been a problem for them the past few years yet they’re still bad if one or both these

Guys was injured or they were just not playing up to their standards and they were losing games it would be understandable and there at least be that glimmer of hope that they’ll maybe get healthy that they’ll bounce back from this rough stretch but no they’re playing out of their minds and the

Lakers are still unable to get wins I will say outside of those guys they have dealt with a number of injuries Gabe Vincent has hardly played for them Jared vanderbelt missed a lot at the beginning of the Season Rim Mor has missed some time DLo didn’t play tonight and has

Missed a few games here and there but at the same time Austin Reeves has played every single game Anthony Davis and LeBron James have missed five games combined which is huge for you that’s not typical for the Lakers Toren Prince is just missed a couple games D’s missed

Just three most of their top guys have been healthy it’s just not really working and you take a look across the locker room across the court tonight at the Miami Heat who have dealt with countless injuries Tyler hero missing most of the season so far same thing

With Bama deio Jimmy Butler has been very in and out of the lineup they still find ways to get wins they’re still able to put together great team efforts that propel them over the Finish Line even if their stars are struggling or just aren’t even playing it’s a great example

Of what the Lakers could be but they’re not probably one of the biggest reasons why there’s this difference is coaching Eric spoler on one side of this game is the best coach in the world that coaching staff has a lot of great minds on it they’ve got these guys knowing

Exactly what role they need to play they have everybody ready to step up everyone knows exactly what they need to do on any given night and they get things done meanwhile for the Lakers they may have a new head coach sooner than later the Catalyst for me making this video today

Is a report that came out from Shams he put out an athletic article where he said basically there’s a deepening disconnect between darham and the locker room which has raised questions about the head coach is standing article carries on to say that disjointedness between the coach and team has stemmed

From the extreme rotation and starring lineup adjustments from Ham leading to a fluting rhythm for several players across the roster the article also later says that there are specific instances where Ham would put out a starting lineup and they were just kind of left confused that there have been moments

Where adjustments haven’t been great pretty much it seems like people in the lock room and in the front office are not happy with Darvin ham and if you ask Lakers fans I think they’ll Echo the sentiment that they believe Darvin ham is the biggest problem with this Lakers

Team right now and I will agree I don’t think he’s that great of a coach tonight against the Heat he started Austin Reeves Toren Prince cam reddish LeBron James and Anthony Davis which is their 10th starting lineup of the Season we’re only 30 games in by the way so like a

Third of their games has had a different starting lineup and this is also the third starting lineup in three games so in the midst of this losing streak he’s desperately trying to find anything that works and I guess I credit him for not just sitting there and seeing what

Happens but at the same time you have to give guys a chance to build Rhythm together as a lineup as a unit if you’re trying something new every single game how do you guys know exactly what they’re supposed to do in specific instances how do you expect them to

Build cohesion over that time you’ve dealt with injuries but most of the injuries haven’t been to these key starters that you’re utilizing so it’s not like those are forcing you to make these decisions he’s just kind of trying to change stuff to see what works and tonight’s lineup like many of the other

Starting lineups he’s tried haven’t been great one main gripe I have is I don’t know why Austin Reeves for most of the season has been kept out of the starting lineup at the beginning of the year I understand he struggled you moved him to the bench and it was working but now now

Regardless of the role he’s been in he’s been playing really well you’re a team that needs offense needs shooting needs ball handlers in most of your lineups start Austin Reeves there have been multiple times where they started LeBron James as like the only ball handler out

There and it leads to an offense that’s stagnant that doesn’t have a lot of shooting that just cannot generate offense which has been a problem for them all year start your third best player I guess one of the arguments for benching Austin Reeves is his defense

Which yeah the defense isn’t good but I think you need the offense a little bit more and the guy that he was benched for for majority the season in DLo also not very good Defender then DLo even got benched and Reeves didn’t move to the starring lineup so why would you not put

Him back in there if that’s the reason that he was out of it is because you wanted him to kind of run that second unit deal to run the first one why are they now both off the bench as bad Defenders you’re not putting any offense

In he also said he wanted Austin reefs to only play like 28 minutes per game which is crazy when you have 39-year-old LeBron and Anthony Davis who are both injury-prone playing like 35 minutes a game out they’re trying to win I just don’t understand he throws out some

Really bad lineups and just has terrible rotations to end up with no spacing no ball handlers he’s throwing out starting lineups all over the place and after the game he talked about how the Lakers can’t really judge this team because of injuries and how it’s hard to win when

You’re missing a few cogs out of your team it’s harder to win in that regard than it is for a Heat team that was without Jimmy Butler tonight missing that big dog which I don’t necessarily agree with that and the sentiment isn’t helped by the fact that after the game

Also in the same postgame press conference Austin Reeves and Anthony Davis pretty much say that there’s no excuses that dealing with injuries isn’t an excuse that a lot of teams deal with them we have to still find ways to win with the guys in the locker room which

They’re entirely right a lot of teams have been beat up this season a lot of teams are missing their top players the Lakers have had most of their top guys consistently healthy and they’re not putting together wins not to mention the fact that LeBron James didn’t even speak

To the media after the game so all these things on top of the fact that apparently the Shams report came from six different sources shows me that darham probably doesn’t have much time left here as the head coach of the Lakers to me this is probably the right

Decision he’s lost the locker room and he just hasn’t been a fit at all for this Lakers team maybe he’s better as an assistant coach but for the head coach of the Lakers don’t really think this is the role that they need him in right now

Although I will say as much as darham has not done a great job he’s not the only problem for this team it’s not like the Lakers are going to fire darham bring someone else new in which by the way I don’t know who they’re going to bring in most of the top coaching

Candidates have been picked up at this point and it’s really hard to find success when switching a head coach midseason maybe it works for the Lakers I mean I guess it worked for LeBron in the past with the David blat firing and bringing in Tyron Lou but that was kind

Of an outlier Circle cumstance and this Lakers team is a lot worse than that Cavaliers team was so I don’t know we’ll see if they’re still able to make a Deep Run if they switch their head coach but he’s not going to fix all the problems

This Lakers team has a lot of just Personnel based issues they don’t have a lot of two-way players or consistent players whatsoever they’re still intensely riing on LeBron James and Anthony Davis the defense has still been good but the offense is terrible they still cannot shoot the ball which has

Felt like a problem for years at this point I don’t know how they still don’t have reliable three-point Shooters they just don’t look very good outside of the rotations outside the weird lineup changes the Personnel in the roster just itself has not been good and that’s surprising to me because I like their

Off season I like the continuity I like the additions that they made I like that they didn’t go out there and add a bigname star they just kept this thing together this team that was one of the better second half teams in the NBA and a team that made the Western Conference

Finals even if they did get swept at this point in the season it feels like they do need to make a deal because of how poorly it’s going cam reddish is shooting just 29% from three as well as he’s defended has it really been a threat from the outside whatsoever

Christian would hasn’t done it ton Off the Bench I didn’t think he was going to have a big role or anything like that but I have just generally not been super impressed Toren Prince is hitting his shots credit to him but gab Vincent is hardly played as one of their other big

Additions Jackson Hayes doesn’t do too much for you at all D runs the offense well but still can’t really defend Vanderbilt is one of the worst offensive players in the league ruy haimura has been inconsistent there’s just not a lot of consistency on this roster and most

Players play either one side of the ball or the other not many guys play both I genuinely thought their offseason was great but hey maybe not they’re going to be able to make some big time moves coming up here on January 15th that’s when DLo is eligible to be traded who

Was one of their bigger contracts and I do believe they’re probably going to make some moves there’s no way they let this thing fly even if they fire Darvin ham I think there are still going to be moves to be made for this Lakers Squad

We’ll have to see what it is I still don’t love the idea of them chasing a star maybe just finding more reliable role players although it also feels like every time they’ve tried to go out there and add role players they just don’t add the right guys but you’ve got to do

Something LeBron is 39 Anthony Davis is about to turn 31 they’re both playing phenomenally at this this point they’re both actually healthy whether you got to fire darham you’ve got to make trades probably do both things something has got to give for this Lakers team they’ve

Also got a hard schedule coming up here they’re about to play Memphis on January 5th who have looked really good since JW came back then you’ve got the Clippers the new look Raptors who have been solid so far the Phoenix Suns the Utah Jazz who are playing their best basketball

Right now the Thunder the Dallas Mavericks over the next 1 2 3 four 5 six seven games those are your next seven games I could realistically see the Lakers losing five out of those seven games if that’s the case I don’t think Darin ham Stills a job at the end of

This stretch I don’t think he probably does very long but if the Lakers play like I think they might over that stretch of games darham is going to be fired trades are going to be happening sooner than later it’s probably going to be another busy trade deadline season

For the Lakers the continuity seem like it would work but it’s been a disaster the Lakers like terrible right now and if the season wrapped today I don’t even know if they make the playoffs through the planing tournament because I think some of those teams are just straight up

B with all that being said appreciate you watching leave a like And subscribe if you enjoyed hit the notification Bell so you don’t miss out future videos comment down below what you think about this Lakers team should they make trades whether it’s for a star or some role

Players should they fire darham or not is he being scapegoated what would you do to fix this Lakers team or do you think they’re just kind of doomed at this point I appreciate you watching I’ll see you all later real one say back

Since winning the NBA cup, the Los Angeles Lakers have been on a downward spiral. Anthony Davis is playing some of his best basketball, LeBron James is still dominant at 39 years old, they’re both actually healthy and playing games, but it hasn’t mattered. To make matters worse, following their loss to the Miami Heat last night, a report came out that Darvin Ham has lost the locker room and he may not have much longer as the Lakers head coach. With the team under .500 and on the verge of missing the NBA Playoffs, something needs to change for the Lakers. Let’s talk about it.

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Video Submissions:

#NBA #Lakers #lebronjames

0:00 – Intro
0:45 – Lakers vs Heat
1:31 – Lakers are Struggling
2:23 – Anthony Davis and LeBron James
4:37 – Injuries
5:27 – Darvin Ham
9:23 – How Do They Fix This?
11:25 – I Was Wrong
12:53 – Outro


  1. Not "Look" but have been bad since Bron got here. Not all his fault, its 50/50. YOU thought THEY would be awesome. You think many things and flip 'n flop like a pancake. A new coach? Why not?! It will be the fourth in just six seasons! Bron is…..Bron!

    Stop talking fast and loose, Cone. My Lakers SUCK!

  2. That lakers terrible still teribble to me has to go coach and prince reddish lebron ad reaves doesnt work at all always starting line ups also vincent and dlo rui always gets hurts with lakers need trade gets asap

  3. There is time for a turnaround, as a laker fan. But it’s running thin. It’s just so weird because you have lebron and AD playing out of their minds but everyone else showing up in spurts. They try to have a defensive identity yet half the guys can’t play defense at all- it’s hard to watch especially when you look back at the bubble roster and you see how good their defense was (McGee, rondo, KCP, Caruso, Kuzma, heck even Dwight Howard). The question now is WHO can fix them, and it’s hard to say who because you have guys that, on paper can, but don’t. And you have guys you can trade for, but risk giving up key assets and picks. A very tough balancing act for sure

  4. It's all depend on the energy of Lebron. The problem Lebron don't realize he is old and can get fatigued so easily not like before . So when he is rested they played good but when he is tired they bad . That's why they played bad on the road especially back to backs . If Lebron just let the team grow with just him playing under 30 minutes they wouldn't be looking for him all the time .

  5. Oh here we go it’s “ lebron needs more help” “ lebron needs a better coach “ season. Never seen such a coach killer get praised

  6. This happens all the time with lebron lead teams. N there's always a scapegoat for them, instead of blaming lebron. People need to realize that players have to change their game completely when playing with lebron. N yea lebron has good numbers, but he's high volume n mid efficiency. Lebron gets all the credit when his team is good. But gets none of the blame when his team is bad. He's the only star people do this for.

  7. Typical lebron cycle. Lakers doing good it’s all Coach Bron! Goat James!! 😤😤💪🏾💪🏾
    They start sliding it’s all fire the head coach!! Bron needs help!! 😢😢😭😭

  8. Lakers are a massive disappointment. Bron was absolutely trash yesterday and he needs to be better 🤦🏿ham gotta go too

  9. isn't there 29 other teams in league
    why does this dumpster fire team with a losing record gets so much attention

  10. I ve never heard so much crap in my life the Lakers suck the tournament was rigged an the excuses on here are kindergarten or cartoon crap! Lakers are a lowly 10 seed!!!

  11. Cone doing LeBron a favor with this video; now they’ll go on to win another IST championship; hats off to Cone and the Thunder from a Celtics fan 🍀🫡

  12. Even if the LA Lakers make the 2024 Playoffs, they're goimg to get bounced early. Remember the Denver Nuggets vs. the LA Lakers? LeBron mentioned that he wants to play Denver again to see what happens this year. Apparently he thinks his squad this season is better and much improved. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Lakers. It's just LeBron always says something ridiculous or guarentees the Lakers will be victorious before the teams even step one foot on the court.

  13. No, Darvin has lost Lebron, and if Lebron won't listen then the locker room won't listen. Yet this is the guy who stepped in last year and helped this team get to the conference finals last year too when the Lakers changed the team up to appease Lebron.

    At this point in his career, Lebron is stat padding, and not had a serious impact on winning against quality teams in what 3 or 4 seasons now.

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