@Utah Jazz

Best Of The Monty Show 2023: The Utah Jazz!

Best Of The Monty Show 2023: The Utah Jazz!

Welcome to the best of the Monty show 2023 presented by our friends at soundsleep before we get into it I want to remind you there’s a big difference between snoring and sleep apnea every night in this country people go to bed with sleep apnea and they

Never wake up because it stops you from breathing you know if you have sleep apnea and you wake up and you’re or your spouse wakes you up because you’re snoring loudly and gasping for air you don’t have to do that anymore you don’t have to be embarrassed anymore you don’t

Have to sleep away from your wife or your husband all you have to do is get to soundsleep Monty and sign up for their free sleep evaluation no embarrassment it’s completely discreet what they’re going to do is tell you hey are you just somebody who snores or do you have sleep

Apnea in any case they’re going to fit you for a custom mouthpiece that’s going to move your lower jaw forward clearing your Airway so you can get that sleep you need I’m begging you do it right now don’t delay sleep apnea kills Americans every single night don’t be the next one

Get to soundsleep treat snoring and sleep apnea with no masks and no tubes just better healthier sleep with sound sleep medical use code Monty m o nty y to schedule a free sleep assessment today the Monty show what’s the right way to build in the NBA is it to do what

The Utah jazzer doing and restructure your salary cap keep veterans on the roster and try to accumulate draft draft assets that you can then trade to build or do you do what the Houston Rockets do trade everything burn this thing to the ground get a bunch of draft capital and

Play with 17year olds for three years and hope for the best it’s a big question and in my mind I think rebuilding the way that jazz are rebuilding is the right way to go because I think it gets you back to a championship much quick much more quick

Quickly and I think it gives your fans something to hang on to but Jake where are you are the Jazz the right way to do it or are the Rockets the right way to do it yeah I think there’s a proven route to success with with rebuilding

And I think it’s the way the Jazz are doing it which is Danny a is is you know obviously going to make some significant trades but you’re not making those trades with the intent of just burning it down you’re making those trades with the intent of of getting your salary cap

Right so you can go and make more moves and have more flexibility my problem with the way that teams like the Rockets are doing it is you’re just burning it down to burn it down you’re just burning it down so that you can have more money

To play with but you don’t know the direction you want to go to I view Burning It Down differently than what the Jazz did Burning It Down is just let’s trade everybody and just start over but we don’t have direction we don’t have you know a sense of strategy

We don’t have any sort of end goal really you know it’s easy to say like if you’re the Rockets it’s easy to say well our end goals to win a championship you’re not winning a championship anytime soon and the reason you’re not winning a championship anytime soon is

Because you don’t have that that vision and strategy and Direction so to me this is very clear I I think the Jazz and the way they’re going about it is proper the frustrating thing and why we talk about the Jazz so much on the show right now

Is because they are capable of winning like both of these teams tonight what’s funny is they both lost their last five games the problem is with the Jazz we’re surprised by that because because the way they’re losing these games games is very fixable it’s correctable yes that’s

The the hard part is that the way the Jazz are rebuilding is is much more clinical much more proper to me because you have the way you’re going about it is allowing you to be in these games it’s not just a it’s not just lucky that

You happen to beat this one team or that team it’s not just lucky that you lost to this team or that team you lost because you turned it over and you’re playing bad basketball not cuz you’re a bad team just like that’s the difference whereas the Rockets lose cuz they’re a

Bunch of 17year olds that just aren’t ready to win yeah and I don’t I I don’t think I I think that’s exactly right I I think when you look at this Jazz team I think there’s a lot to hang on to with this Jazz team I actually think there’s

A lot to be excited about with this Jazz team I think the question is how invested is Ryan Smith and I know we’ve talked about this in the past but I think it’s a really Salient point right now and a really big question if you’re a jazz fan how much confidence do you

Have that Ryan Smith is going to lead this franchise to a championship because I think there are a lot of questions about that one of the the topics that we talked about on the show yesterday is what is the bar for Sports in this town

And I I’m am curious if you as a jazz fan believe that winning a championship for the Utah Jazz is is Within Reach because I do I think the Jazz will compete for a championship in the next three to five seasons I think this upcoming trade deadline in in just about

A month here is massively important I think they have to do big business and sources around the league continue to tell me that the Jazz are busy they are on the phone and I think they will do business here but the question is what is your level of confidence that this

Jazz organization is willing to go out and and do what has to be done to win a championship yeah and and I don’t know how confident people are I really don’t yeah you know I think that I think people would be more confident if Ryan Smith was regularly out in public

Talking I think people would feel more safe and more uh reassured that things were going the right way if Ryan Smith would simply make a statement once a month instead of doing it at a media deis why don’t you do it at like like why don’t you like and this is the thing

With England and Europe and in Premier League teams and things like that you get there are certain sects of that sport where you get leadership out in the community meeting people and talking to people and there’s a relatability factor that I think is is really necessary and and yesterday on the show

We talked about this you know expectation things and and do people treat Salt Lake like a major Market even though it’s not which they should be doing and the problem is is that Ryan Smith does own the Jazz he does own RSL and I’m not sitting here saying he’s

Doing a bad job that’s not really the conversation we’re having we’re having a conversation about what could you be doing better how much further could you push the envelope with what you have to work with now and my belief is you could push the envelope quite a bit further I

Just don’t think they’re prioritizing the the The Fan Experience outside of the physical game which is what really matters which is why not to go right back to the membership thing we’re just talking about but that was the the reason I wanted and we wanted on the show to start doing memberships

Because we want to serve you guys because you’ve been supporting us just the same way the Jazz and BYU and Utah and all of our teams here really should reach out and try to support you and give you more value when you’re not watching the show or the game or

Whatever it is so so that’s my struggle with with leadership in this town is like I feel like Ryan Smith could do a lot more and he’s just not and again I’m not sitting here insinuating the guy’s just sitting around on his couch drinking a cup of coffee not doing

Anything I respect the fact that the guy is you know a billionaire who owns multiple organizations and is really busy but what I don’t buy is that you don’t have 5 minutes to spend with media relations putting out a video on Twitter saying hey Jazz fans it’s Ryan Smith I’m

Literally just in my office and wanted to say hey today yeah that’s not hard to do hey big shout out to Salty drunk he’s now a member of the Monty show channel appreciate that he has exclusive access to video content and our Instagram group uh appreciate that uh Sean Carden says

If Quinn Snider coached the Rockets or magic they could become great teams because of their athletes this is a really interesting comment here mhm because I think one of the biggest moves that that Ryan Smith Danny a that this group made was firing essentially firing moving on from Quinn Snyder I think that

Was a that was a huge move for this team and I think will Hardy’s the right guy but I’ve been a lot I’ve been surprised that a lot of jazz fans are wondering if Will Hardy is a good coach mhm I I think will Hardy’s done a pretty good job with this team

But you knew there were going to be growing pains with Will Hardy is this Jazz team better with Will Hardy or with Quinn Snyder I don’t think there’s any doubt they’re better with Will Hardy I there’s no doubt about that that doesn’t mean that Quinn Snider doesn’t have a

Place in the league or that Quin Snider did a bad job for this team because he didn’t but they needed to move on from Quinn and I think will Hardy’s the right guy because you’re going to be bad for two three years right I think I think we

All realize that yeah you’re going to be bad that was the game plan yeah so there’s nothing wrong absolutely there’s nothing wrong with hiring a young coach who’s going to make mistakes he has made mistakes in my opinion but you’re not going to see those mistakes repeated

Over and over again and I think that’s why will Hardy’s the right guy at the right time for this club will he be the head coach when they win a championship I don’t know that’s to be determined maybe maybe not but right now I think will Hardy’s the right guy I think it’s

Unfair to compare will and Quinn because I think one success for Quinn was very clear get to the Western Conference Finals that was success anything short of that is not successful don’t care what your regular season record was right but success for Will Hardy looks very different and I think this is why

People are asking the question if he’s a good head coach because success really is not hey get to this juncture of the Season or get to this team achievement right that’s not success this year this year’s success is develop guys well what does that look like that’s an

Opinionated thing right like we can sit here and say well Colin seon is developing and then maybe he thinks he’s not or I like you know what I mean like it’s just such a it’s just such a cloudy thing for will right now that’s why I

Think you got to have patience with it yeah I agree uh hey how about that nameless ghoul 911 welcome is our newest member uh make sure you DM Us by the way when as you become a member DM the Monty show m o n t y the Monty show on

Instagram uh and we will put you into the uh exclusive members only group appreciate that nameless schhol Richard McDonald says Smith definitely has deep enough Pockets I guess we’ll find out how willing to dig into them he is the black jerseys are dog s okay so they’re actually the only ones I like

And it’ll be interesting Austin neers is going to the Jazz game with us next week yeah um and one of the things you’ll get by the way when you become a member of the channel is you’re going to find out about our promotions first um but Austin

Niry won the Jazz promotion where we take him plus one to the to the Jazz game against Donnie and the Cavs I’m interested to see what Austin appears he’s going to do yeah is Austin going to get a jersey a sweatshirt what’s he going to get we’re going to buy him

Something in the team store it’ll be interesting to see what he gets yeah uh Richard thanks for the $10 tip appreciate that Eric and Raleigh says Quinn Snyder did the very best with the talent he had they just had the Warriors in their way well well I think there’s

Something to that but I I think that that’s a great Point Eric I I think that locally people had a lot of emotion around Donovan and Rudy and Quinn in that Dynamic and I think that at the end because of what happen people lose sight

Of what this team was in their Prime and I think that’s a shame but I think it’s the natural occurrence of how Sports goes when you get heartbroken in sports you don’t give a damn that that you know you don’t care about you know Donovan Mitchell doing this or Rudy goar doing

That or you like you don’t care about a 60 win season or whatever they had when they were the number number one seed you know like you don’t care about any of that all you care about is oh our team sucks now now what now now I got to wait

Till football season is that what you’re telling me that’s the problem man Kai Johnson did us all dirty he brought up the name Ty Corbin whoever don’t like will hardy is the fan that wants Ty Corbin back his head coach can I let’s not go overboard let’s

Not go overboard because I think we all are well aware nobody wants Ty Corbin be the head coach yeah I mean nobody wants Ty Corbin to be the head coach nobody yeah nobody all of our Jazz talk on this show presented by Quick Quack Car Wash

Make sure you go and uh hook it up at Quick Quack you know it’s supposed to rain and snow this afternoon no problem Quick Quack Car Wash has you in and out in five minutes uh I go to the one in South Jordan at the district and as I

Always tell you I love that I don’t have to talk to a machine I I do Jake is a big fan of the self checkout I am not uhhuh self checkout is dumb self checkout different than than a car wash though and and that’s why we love Quick

Quack cuz you get a person when you’re sitting in your car like one of my biggest pet peeves in life whether I’m at Quick Quack or you know I’m in a parking garage or whatever parking garage is the best like one of my biggest pet peeves is you got to like

Like oh when you’re going to a jazz game when you’re going to a jazz game right you’re going to a jazz game and we all know that garage that’s got like the 10ft curb that you’re worried about while you’re trying to pull up to the little kiosk and you’re reaching for your life

You don’t have to do that at Quick Quack you roll up they ask you for your name or they take your plate they know your name and you’re good to go like it’s and always says Hey Monty how are you yeah he doesn’t know who I am but because he

Puts my license plate in there and has my name in there he hands me they they give you a free dashboard wipe like it’s great bring the kids to because there’s a bunch of colors and lights and stuff Quick Quack Car Wash presents all of our

Utah Jazz talk on the Monty show um no to that dirty name Louis kapaso says exactly right exactly right can I man don’t ever bring up that name again do not I’m get medieval on your ass let’s be honest though Ty was a good dude Ty

Is a nice dude Ty is a nice guy Ty Corbin he was a filling for the guy who replac the guy who replaced the guy like that’s what Tai was totes I totally agree with that Josh Ling good morning he says will hardy is a quality coach is

Will a yes man though well he could be he absolutely could be right now he is and you of need him to be because again maybe Oak baji is the best example of this maybe nikil Alexander Walker is the best example of this you need to be able

To go to Will Hardy and say hey we need to get oai more minutes we need to really understand where he is and where he can go does he need more g-league time does it like that’s the biggest question because what I can tell you is

If Will Hardy doesn’t want to play Oak baji it’s a problem yeah if Will Hardy doesn’t want to give Walker Custer more minutes it’s a problem well and I think the cool thing with Will is you see what he wants to do and then he just goes and

Does it like I I think it was really smart by him like take the nikil Alexander Walker thing the the naw uh and tht situation for minutes distribution yes na just came in and took those minutes right and that but that that the source of that was Will

Giving naw extra minutes for one game right one game got naw all these extra minutes now and he’s cooled off a little bit and he no longer everyone’s you know sliced bread if you will but he’s still getting good minute distribution and now it’s up to agbaji to do that same kind

Of thing the problem is is for whatever reason agbaji just is not making the three at the NBA level which is fascinating to me because it is the same game it’s just faster that’s it like the game moves faster and to me I think he’s just adjusting to that the line doesn’t

Move right like that’s the difference are you surprised that Talon Horton Tucker has not played a single minute treat snoring and sleep apnea with no masks and no tubes just better healthier sleep with sound sleep medical use code Monty m o nty to schedule a free sleep assessment

Today and I’m going back through his game log I don’t see that he’s played a game since December 22nd yeah it’s a long time dude are you surprised that he has so quickly out of favor THD um on some level but also not so much like on

Some level yes because he can shoot it a little bit he’s got a good body like he can do some things the problem is is he shoots it too much right he he doesn’t have a good grip on when he should play Within the set or when he needs to

Create cuz that’s that’s his strength he can create for himself yeah and that’s the trouble on this team like like the Jordan Clarkson even naw even sometimes Mike like these guys got to find that balance of when to create for themselves and when to run the set yes I agree

Salty drunk who’s a member of this channel now thank you sir didn’t the front office have problems with Quinn on Minish distribution they did yeah they did your guy Joe Engles was one of those guys yeah they were pissed he wasn’t playing Joe enough and and I think that

Abut I think you know this conversation around is Will Hardy a yes man he needs to be a yes man whether he wants to be or not because he and Danny Ang or buddy buddy and I guarantee you Danny said hey if you’re going to take this job this is

You know you’re going to have to be a yes man here on some level and I I think the The Joe Engles minutes thing I mean you were playing him too much now you’re not playing him enough like it was it just it became uncomfortable so I agree

With that myi Alvarez who’s also a member thank you for that Ty Corbin was a good player loved him but a horrible coach yeah Ty Corbin said dep Paul blue demon Blue Devil blue demon demon blue demon he went to the Paul in Chicago

That’s my guy but not as a coach he’s a great assistant he is a great assistant yep and that’s okay I I hate when we’re like oh well well well dude is only capable of being a great assistant as if that’s not a great thing yeah right like

That is a great skill yep I agree Richard McDonald says how do I join I’m late today um again not to be Mr sales guy it yeah do it but uh there is the join link right there I just put it in the comment two minutes on this YouTube

Is is is working on renovating the mobile app that a lot of you guys watch on and so right now with the membership thing that we’re talking about today there’s not a join button on the mobile app if you’re watching is where everybody watches this show and YouTube

Knows that right so like YouTube is working on adding that um but it’s not there right now so you can find the link in the chat he’s just put it in there or um you can just go to his Twitter the Monty show and that’s where I would

Recommend you go that’s probably the easiest if you have any trouble with that link which I don’t think you should but if you do um just go to his Twitter and it’s right at the top there totally agree BB says Rudy Gabe minutes over young guys will hardy come on well and

And I actually don’t disagree with this at all BB I think you’re exactly right um I think it’s very difficult to continue to watch Rudy Gay take minutes on this team and and it it doesn’t matter who you want to play give somebody else Rudy Gay’s minutes because

He he’s got value he just doesn’t have value to a rebuilding team Rudy Gay needs to be the 10-11 guy uh on a on a Milwaukee Buck team he needs to be the 10-11 guy on a Brook team like go somewhere where they need a little a

Little bit of offense and not a whole lot of Defense cuz he just is not a guy in my opinion that can defend at a high level right now but he can defend the four five a little bit and His Highest value to me is as a spot up three point

Shooter that’s what he does well I don’t want him dribbling a whole lot even though I know he the other day he dropped um uh what’s his name from the heat in the corner there hit that jumper like that’s all well and good but the turnovers the like like it’s just not

He’s not a fit Rudy Gay is not a fit on a lot of shots that are gims yeah he’s not a he’s not a he’s he’s not a he’s not a great fit Pi Piper join the membership thank you I appreciate that remember remember for the Instagram

Group you need to DM us so we CU Instagram and YouTube aren’t connected so there’s a lot of you joining please DM us on Instagram so we can add you after the show yeah and the the uh the details are hey if you if you’re a

Member on our show if you subscribe to our membership it’s $10 a month you’re going to get exclusive video content every day we make a video just for our members and then we’re going to have a Instagram group that we already have by the way um and again shout out to

Arlington Bears he was the first member of the show he was the first member of that group um but that group is together and we’re going to chat like during the Jazz game tonight we’ll be chatting in that group with you guys about Jazz basketball uh Ken Scott the former Utah

Alum is on the show in an hour from now talking Utah football in the direction of the program um you know we’ll chat about that stuff like you’ll always get access to things first you’ll always get access to our Insider information to when we do giveaways what giveaways

You’ll be the first one to have access to merch so yeah absolutely uh join appreciate you doing that uh also Richard McDonald thank you he is also now a member of our our little YouTube Community appreciate you doing that uh salty drunk says Rudy Gay needs to be

Blake Griffin he does yeah I don’t disagree with that I think I think Blake and I think Blake did a great job of sort of you know transforming himself into that into that you know firecracker Off the Bench and and I think it it elongated his career for sure y uh Chase

Aett says is if tanking is part of the strategy now is the time to experiment with lineups tanking is such an interesting word because as we talk Utah Jazz basketball on the Monty show I just don’t know tanking in its traditional form is not what this team is doing I mean

You’re not you don’t tank and lose games by two points right you do what San Antonio did last night which is just not inbound the ball and turn it over no no no that’s what you do when you’re tanking you play all of your young guys you don’t play Rudy game minutes when

You’re tanking this team’s clearly not tanking in the traditional I’m tanking mode right I think what you’re seeing though is I I don’t think it’s the end of the world when this team loses a game and I think it’s really interesting that when you look at these things and you

Start to understand where this Jazz team is I think there’s a lot of opportunity for this team yeah and it’s a matter of do you want this to make the playoffs or not but let’s be really clear on one thing they’re not in this in the hunt

From a win loss perspective for Victor wanyama probably not for scoot Henderson like you want those guys you’re going to have to trade up to get them the problem is their draft assets are not great if we’re truth telling on this show and you know that’s what we say hey the Monte

Show is the truth in Salt Lake Sports Talk if we’re truth telling on this show their draft assets are not great I don’t know that their draft assets alone would move them up into position to draft Victor wanyama yeah it almost feels like it their the draft asset situation or conversation very much

Feels like hey you have a lot of draft assets and that’s what’s going to be the value not so much that those draft assets are like the best thing we’ve ever seen in the draft you know like that’s that I think is the difference that’s kind of come to light and and

That’s why I say like when we when we were talking earlier about like dra uh like rebuilding paths like the way the Jazz are doing it or the way the Rockets are doing it or or even like the way the Brooklyn Nets did it right firing all

This Talent like like they’re it’s very clear the teams that do it quickly and do it properly are rare but when they do it it’s very successful and that’s why I say as a jazz fan don’t hold or or Hing on win loss that’s not what you’re

That’s not what you should be doing what you should be doing is hingan on comments like BB had or some of these other guys have had about hey like why are we playing Rudy Gay over young guys why are like those are the wins or losses within these games right now

Totally agree and and I I am a nil Alexander Walker fan I want to see more I want to see more from him I want to see more from oi I want to see more from Walker Kessler I think we’re watching almost on a a minute to- minute basis

Walker kussler become a better player I I I don’t think there’s any doubt about that so I want to see I want to see more from him for sure uh lisis capazo says all those slivers from riding the pine uh has got a hurt someone get DHT a pair

Of tweezers in a mirror he needs them both oo cold blooded bro uh but I don’t disagree uh gotta quick not Sidetrack the show in our Instagram group because I just want to keep talking about this Chris K has graduated from watching us on a phone to watching us on this new TV

He just bought really yeah so now he’s on he’s on the new TV so I like it and he’s hunging on the wall and he’s got his little soundar it’s pretty slick dude I like it way to go Chris nice work dude yeah you yeah I like it it I like

It a lot I I love guys that watch us on TV that’s phenomenal appreciate that uh let’s see Richard McDonald says if y’all here every day buy Super chats or memberships these uh these boys need support or we will eventually won’t be able to do this with each other great

Little Community going here it it’s not a matter of join the membership because we’re desperate what it is is it it it buys time that’s what it does and we we’re looking for ways to be more interactive I think one of the wins on this show not to be arrogant about it

But one of the wins on the show is we’re constantly talking with you guys we tweet with you we Instagram with you we talk with you on the show like the show O is over and then it just keeps on going yeah because we’re we’re we’re

Talking to you guys we’re like a 365 Community here like we’re it’s every day like it it’s that’s what this is about and yeah I appreciate that Richard thank you for the support uh chase a says yeah Instagram is all part of the metaverse not not the Google umbrella yeah it is

We we really considered that too it’s funny you bring that up cuz we literally had that conversation yesterday about like well great they’re going to we’re asking our listeners and our viewers to pay for something right which we haven’t done really before I mean we you know

We’ve done some light merch stuff we’ve really tried to stay away from it yeah we’ve tried to stay away from asking you guys to pay for stuff but we felt like hey if we’re going to ask you to pay for something we want to make sure that we

Bring as much value as we can possibly bring and so you know to Richard’s comment there and to what you said like it’s not necessarily that we need the money per se but if we’re going to what allows us to bring you more of that content more of that interaction and

More of that behind the scenes personal time is is time right so that is the the the tradeoff and why and that’s essentially what you’re paying for is time and more interaction and more personalized stuff and and I know I keep saying this knowing about the giveaways

In the future is a big deal because you are going to have to get into those giveaways the earlier you’re in the better chance you’re going to have and members always get 5 to1 entries so if you’re not a member you get one entry if

You are a if you’re a member of the show you get five entries so you have five times more chance to win a weekend at spring training with us than you do somebody who’s not a member things like that yeah that’s why you become a member uh all right talking Jazz basketball

Jazz um by the way is anybody surprised at the as are a Sixpoint favorite and their the money line isus 250 yeah I think this game is going to be a barn burner tonight I think the the 232 number in my opinion is a little light I

Think this is 100 this is like 120 118 this is like low 120s to High Teens kind of game and the 232 number kind of suggests that 17ish area where I feel like one of these two teams and it it could be the Rockets I’m not sitting here saying that

I’m you know just over the moon confident about the Jazz in this game but but I do think one of these teams is going to crack like 120 125 but when’s the last time the Jazz were this awful on the money line like you have to bet

250 bucks to win a 100 bucks like who’s doing that yeah like that’s that’s crazy I the the line on the game tonight tells you yeah I you you know um let’s see Eric and Ry says when are you guys going to expand the network in new shows to

Follow your show oh God why did you bring this up take over the Salt Lake City Market Jake absolutely rides me about this on a regular basis we talk about it all the time I think you know I have no problem talking about a little bit like I think the consider like we

Want that’s in the cards for sure it’s funny you bring that up I think the conundrum is that that if we’re going to add somebody or we’re going to bring someone into the fold the quality can’t go down and the just the feel of it can’t change too much and that’s what

We’re the X and O’s is we’ve built a really strong algorithm with YouTube yeah we have we we have if you search Utah Jazz you’re going to see a thousand of our videos if you search BYU football BYU Utah football like you’re going to see the Monty show Amazon Deal Amazon

Deal you’re going to see the Monty show we’ve built a really strong algorithm because you guys do a great job supporting the show you click the like button which is a huge part of that that’s why we’re constantly telling you hey give us a thumbs up please um when

When you look at how long people our average watch time is through the roof man like people watch this show for 20 to 25 minutes a day that stuff makes a huge difference if you bring in a new show and you put them on your YouTube channel and people watch for three

Minutes and they don’t hit the like button it absolutely tanks the entire Channel yeah so it’s something that you really have to have to calculate you have to be you have to be really careful uh Anton says I’m not familiar with what what that – 6232 means so what that

Means is and it’s always next to the favorites team so let me let me put this Banner back up here what this graphic right here means is and read it from left to right with me Utah Jazz minus 6 they’re a Sixpoint favorite 232 A2 the

Over under is 232 A2 the combined score between the two teams is 232 A2 that means the boys in Vegas think that botht teams are going to score 116 points are they is some somebody going to score 117 is somebody going to score 133 and somebody’s going to score 100 do you

Think the two teams will combine for more than 232 points combined that’s the question uh and then minus 250 is what we call the money line right so if you want to bet on the jazz tonight just to outright win the game you have to put $2

Down to win 100 yeah that’s the bottom line if there was a plus $ 250 that means you’d have to put $100 down to win $250 so it’s all gambling ease and that’s what that means do you guys care about gambling lines that’s something else we’ve talked about a lot yeah we’ve

Talked about that a lot uh let’s see my Alvarez who’s a member says speaking of speaking of smash the like button only 36 likes so far wow is that yes we’ve had uh almost 1,000 views and we have 39 likes that hurts my groinal region the Monty show the Utah Jazz versus

Jordan Clarkson a battle to the contract dep right should the Utah Jazz extend Jordan Clarkson is Jordan Clarkson a guy that when you’re looking at a salary cap where you could imagine paying JC $20 million a year I said2 million a year yeah that is that

Is nothing to cost at right H thank you uh I’m not paying Jordan Clarkson $20 million a year and let’s get right into it here on the Monty show by the way huge announcement coming at 7:15 you don’t want to miss that um Jordan Clarkson for $20 million a year there’s

A lot of conversation around this because obviously Jordan Clarkson’s a heck of a basketball player he’s been somebody that’s been critically important to this Utah Jazz team but at what price and really what this comes down to is Jordan Clarkson wants to be a starter and wants to be paid like a

Starter and he’d like upwards of $2 million per season on a minimum of a three-year deal Jake are you doing that no I mean I think for this Jazz team you can’t do it I I I don’t think that Jordan is worth it I think that he’s

Been a great guy for the organization but I don’t think that that means that you should overpay him or overcommit to him and and the reason I say that is because there’s a bigger picture here that you’re working on that is more important than one guy and this is why

I’ve continued to say I don’t understand why we get the Ryan Smith tweets about certain players or like we get any kind of commitment to anybody because that’s not how the NBA works the NBA is a business the NBA is a coldblooded thing like hey if you want to be a starter and

You want to be paid 20 million then inherently you don’t want to be a Utah Jazz man and that’s fine but to me what this signals is they need to trade Jordan Clarkson you need to move him before this year’s over so that he doesn’t just walk away with you getting

Nothing that’s what I think the real conundrum here is and that’s where I say okay you’re in a good place because Danny a is a business guy Danny a isn’t Mr hey your name is Joe Eng Les or your name is Jordan Clarkson so that means you’re exempt from being traded like

He’s not that guy he is the guy that says all right we’re going to make it known that Jordan’s available people are going to call and we’re going to do a deal I mean that’s just what it is and so to me I don’t think there’s any place

In this organization to be paying Jordan Clarkson 20 a year and extending him what probably at least two years if not a third-year option oh I I think the Jazz would have to give Jordan Clarkson three years and at this point P the Utah Jaz is giving Jordan Clarkson three

Years and $60 million minimum and you’re probably 6668 million at the end of the day on a deal like that I I don’t know how do that not where you are now not at this space and time and and again this is this is no indictment on what Jordan

Clarkson means to the Utah Jazz I’m not saying that Jordan Clarkson’s bad for the Utah Jazz or that he’s a bad player but where the Utah Jazz are at this space in time it just doesn’t make a lot of sense to overpay to keep Jordan Clarkson now obviously the issue is that

He he is he’s got some Freedom coming up and I think Jordan Clarkson wants to go to NBA free agency I think that’s a big part of it as well and clearly Jordan Clarkson wants to win and I don’t I don’t for a minute believe that the Utah

Jazz are going to go long term without winning I don’t but it’s probably this year and next year where you’re not competing for an NBA championship and if I’m Jordan Clarkson he’s 30 years old now he’s on the wrong side of 30 Jake I don’t know how patient he can be no I

Don’t think he can be patient that’s why I say this doesn’t have to turn into some like personal thing this doesn’t have to turn into some dramatic like oh it’s Jordan Clarkson fighting the Utah Jazz he’s squaring up against Danny a in the front office in his office no that’s

Not what this is this is business a player wants to be played a certain amount or wants to be paid a certain amount and the Jazz that doesn’t fit into the Jazz structure and that’s why I say I know that Jordan Clarkson is beloved by everyone I know that that

Everybody loved Jordan Clarkson squaring up against against you know Bane last night and and he’s a tough guy which by the way I thought was pretty ridiculous and it at some point if you’re the Jazz in Jordan Clarkson and and this is very very reminiscent of Rudy goar yeah you

Got to stop this because nobody is scared of Jordan Clarkson that was a ridiculous ridiculous foul on Desmond Bane I have no idea what Jordan was thinking there by the way this is a team that’s now lost seven of eight games they’re a game out of a playoff spot in

The Western Conference like all signs are pointing in the wrong direction if you’re the Jazz and then Jordan Clarkson comes out of the box slams Bane upside his Dome gets ejected for it like it was just really dumb catch me outside how about that it was really not not smart

And this is what the second time this year he’s done the hey you want to throw let me bow up to you thing come on Jason be better than that tough guy Jordan be better than that and the hard part about this is the Jazz are losing games in

Ugly fashion you’re losing games that you should probably win and you have 21 turnovers last night and it’s just and Jordan’s part of that obviously but this team should be winning more games than they’re winning and it it it’s just this stretch of the Season where you’re just

Trying to get to the all-star break now like you’re just trying to manage yourselves so that you don’t lose 15 out of 20 well and I also out this Dynamic where Jordan Clarkson knows his value and knows that he’s one of the best players on this team and so he probably

Feels like he can do kind of whatever he wants to do uh obviously there’s a line with everything but like that’s like Jordan is just I don’t know I’m just over the tough guy thing in Utah there hasn’t been a guy wearing a jazz uniform

Who’s been a tough guy and I don’t know how long you know like Jordan Clarkson’s not a tough guy Rudy wasn’t a tough guy like you’re not it’s just that’s just not who who this team is with all due respect so but even more than that you

Can’t get ejected there this team needs Jordan Clarks and if they are to win games yeah you have to understand who you are and where you are and no one’s got to disrespect me but nobody was disrespecting you you slammed Bane upside the the Dome bro what did you

Think they were going to do I’m not afraid to die like it was just a really bad foul but having said that Desmond Bane getting inside of people’s heads man that’s what that guy does so well and if you’re Jord Clarks you got know that you got know that and you got

Respect that it was just a it was a surprising laps it was a surprising lapse I don’t know why you know what I think is funny like so Draymond Green’s the guy that Everyone likes criticize oh well Draymond just likes to pick fights and Draymond likes to cause drama

Draymond’s Mr technical foul in the NBA but you have the same behavior here now right like it is the same behavior like Jordan Clarkson I don’t buy for a second that Jordan Clarkson didn’t know what he was doing no Jordan Clarkson knew what he was doing and wanted to pick up a

Technical in that situation or I guess that’d be a flagrant in that situation you know like you you knew what you were doing so that’s why I say I’m not going to sit here and be like oh yeah like he was real tough guy like I just think

That that’s the wrong Behavior to be displaying on this team what happened to Jordan Clarkson’s a leader and he’s he’s some some that everyone should look up to and like he’s this great guy and they rewarded him with a starters role this is what happens when you start guys who

Shouldn’t start they get a little too high on their horse they demand more money and you wind up trading them and that’s why I say you can’t give in Jordan Clarkson type guy tra uh uh uh demands this is Tyler hero right this is the Tyler hero issue it’s the same thing

So that’s what I say I’m just tired of tough guy act around here so where do you guys all come down on this I would love to to hear from you on a Jordan Clarkson extension here on the Monty show presented by The Advocates Utah I’m curious where you guys

Are with this uh so in the comments right now are you willing to pay Jordan clarkson2 plus million a year that’s a huge amount of money um so drop your thoughts in the comments and we’ll read all those comments after this from The Advocates we got stuck in traffic at a

Construction zone and I got rear ended at 80 M an hour so I needed help they just stepped in and pretty much care of everything if you’re in a motor vehicle accident or situation call The Advocates Utah your best injury attorneys are The Advocates the make sure you hit them up

Online you could talk with an attorney 247 atth all right let’s get your thoughts in here uh where you at first one in this morning is San Diego State Aztec what’s up my guy good to talk to you he’s a member of the show

That means he pays .99 a month he gets access to what has been a blast by the way absolutely incredible Our member exclusive Instagram conversation group uh watching football yesterday watching the Jazz game I mean we have just had so much fun chatting with all of our

Members so it’s been four days since we rolled out memberships right we rolled them out on Thursday in those four days you already got uh uh trade be you know Insider information sourced information in the membership only group you’ve gotten two videos so far you’re going to

Get a couple of things this week that the Public’s not going to get until next week like I’m telling you guys join the group I know it’s $9.99 a month I know it’s another Netflix subscription but I’m telling you it’s worth your time the announcement we’re going to make in the

Exclusive member group today it’s cash and today is the first day that we are going to give something away in the membership group only to those in that group y it is access to a really big deal we’re going to cut a video and announce that today and in that video we will

Announce uh our first member exclusive prize and let’s just say it’s not a game console okay let’s just say it’s something much bigger than that um yeah it’s a big deal it’s a big deal it is a big big deal um so we will do that video

After the show hit the join button um again I can get you a link to do that as well um because I know that there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of people uh you know on mobile and sometimes it can be difficult I’ll pop a link in there for

You but yeah join the uh join the member exclusive Club it’s $9.99 a month you get in every single day you get a uh member exclusive video right here on YouTube and you also get access to our um member exclusive uh Instagram chat which has amazing yeah I don’t think anybody that

Is a member and if you guys want to drop comments I don’t think anybody that’s a member would even questions whether or not uh it’s worth the $9.99 it has been it has been so good it has been so good to have everybody in there and San Diego

State Aztec who’s our first comment this morning uh absolutely has been a big part of that group so it’s great chatting with you guys so good to see you Aztec uh good to see you little Jizzy uh says GL luck 5000 okay yeah yeah that’s your brand we get it Gage

Carter my guy good morning sorry I missed the show last week it was a heck week well welcome back welcome back got a new week salty drunk member of the show good morning to you what’s up uh Carl Loveless good to see you hope you’re not Loveless for long talking

With Raphael podcast on PBS says good morning casuals what’s up giggity what’s up uh Hib says shout out to Tyler aler and Jamal Williams both setting team records yesterday how about Swag beating the Packers last night hell yeah the most touchdowns rushing touchdowns in a season in the history of the Detroit

Lions and that includes one Barry Sanders now he has an extra game to do it okay totally cool but a record’s a record a record’s a record uh what do you guys think about um oh Kyle a says good morning fellas from Disneyland Kyle who’s a member is at Disneyland how the

Heck are you good to see you friend um what’s the uh San Diego State says what’s the membership now it’s up to 26 uh pretty respectable number I’m happy about that yeah very happy about that um you know uh but San Diego State says no dice on an extension I agree

Funky Oran says 20 million for JC nope too much tweet snoring and sleep apnea with no masks and no tubes just better healthier sleep with sound sleep medical use code Monty m o nty y to schedule a free sleep assessment today don’t disagree with that um Jake

Please don’t put anybody in the same breath as Draymond Green I mean how can you he’s a legend well he’s getting paid more than 20 million I would dare say people on this show do not like Draymond Green there is very little love or even respect for Draymond uhhuh you know uh

What’s up Mike Maples good to see you drock how the heck are you good morning everyone NFL coaches beware of Black Monday seriously well I don’t know why it’s got to be a racial thing dck but in my opinion yeah today’s he see you know um I think today’s a very

Difficult day if you didn’t see it Lovey Smith fired moments after the game last night uh lovey is out the Browns fired their defensive cordinator cliffy’s got a meeting with the owner uh Mr Bidwell Shawn mcvey’s on firewatch I think Shawn mcvey’s on on resign watch that’s what I

Think resign I well I don’t think the Rams would fire him I think they had a very it’s very difficult to repeat this is the LA Rams had the worst season by a Super Bowl champion ever yeah a season following a Super Bowl championship but you also had a lot of injuries like

That’s why I’m saying I’m not on I’m not necessarily on the fire McVey TR I am not either I think that he deserves another opportunity I believe that Shawn McVey very likely very likely will take a year off I think he’ll resign and I think he will take a

Year off but that’s just my opinion Court McMullen what’s up my guy says Clarkson and Conley should both be traded by the deadline don’t disagree with that uh Richard McDonald Filipino genius or Jesus right right Jordan Clarkson is beloved in the Philippines beloved in the Philippines uh let’s see

Anton who’s a member says lri is getting paid 16 A5 million a year yeah well and that’s the thing with Jordan’s deal Jordan’s making 13.5 this year and I want to say it’s 14 point I have his numbers right here uh he’s due for 14 .2 on a player option next year

Which let’s be honest Jordan’s opting out of that deal like he’s he is not going to play on that deal yeah but as a six-man 175 to7 million in this League’s not a lot paying Jordan Clarkson to be a starter at 20 22 million a year is too

Much I just can’t see doing that yeah I can’t see doing it that’s just me though uh Troy Cushing uh who is a member thank you Troy uh morning Monte and Jake you think Jordan’s decision not to sign is because they are doing uh they are going

To trade um I don’t think so I think I think Jordan Clarkson if you offered him 6668 million over three years he’d sign a deal today but the Jazz are not going to do that because again I just I ask you as a jazz fan and if you’re a Jordan Clarkson

Fan and I know there are a lot of Jordan Clarkson fans that watch this show uh I think we have 7 something per of our viewership is in the Philippines for a very obvious reason ask yourself this question if you’re a championship team if you are the Boston Celtics if you are

The Denver Nuggets if you are the whoever is Jordan Clarkson going to Milwaukee and being a starting two guard no he’s probably not he’s not starting over Chris Middleton is Jordan Clarkson going to the Golden State Warriors as a starter no he’s not he’s not starting

Over Wiggins like you you if we’re truth telling on this show yeah and this is the truth in in Salt Lake City Sports Talk Jordan Clarkson’s not a starter on a championship caliber team he’s not he is a wonderful contributor as a six-man and is he worth $20 million a year not

On my team he’s not I’m willing to pay him 17 18 Max but if you look at what that is that’s $6 to8 million over the life of contract that’s a lot of money MH that is a lot of money that is a role player that is debt that is you know $8

Million I can put into a free agent deal $8 million of cap space more to help me be flexible and trade for a stud like that’s a lot of money in terms of of flexibility for an NBA team especially a team like the Jazz that’s been pushing

Or over the luxury tax limit for the last several years you’re trying to get your financial house in order you don’t get in financial order by overpaying the first contract you write I just can’t see doing that especially when Larry marinin is on such a very team-friendly

Deal mhm yeah I mean I think that Jordan just you have to understand your value I mean I I I think it’s not too harsh to say he wouldn’t start on a championship team he just wouldn’t and I think that if you’re Jordan Clarkson your perspective has to be that you’re on a

Bad team and you have to make a decision do I want to get the bag and play on a crap team or do I want to win championships and either way it’s fine because as a six-man you’re essentially just a paid assassin right you’re paid to get Buckets that’s it like you don’t

Have to worry about playing Elite defense you don’t have to worry about being a team guy like just come off the bench and put the ball in the hole and then go take a seat and don’t be a problem that’s it it’s not that hard man

And to me I just think that that’s what Jordan does that’s his game and and it is frustrating to to watch Jordan regularly drive into the paint and turn it over it’s frustrating to watch him brick threes and then make a bunch of Threes like he go like he’s just such a

Hot and cold player that’s the hard part so to me I would trade him I don’t have any dog in this fight like I just would ship him out get some value back I don’t know what that looks like Danny’s going to have to figure that out but get some

Value back and move on with your life but again I what I what I say about this is is is this not the perfect situation to make a John Collins trade is this not the perfect situation where you know if you’re the Phoenix Suns and you can end

Up with Jordan Clarkson would you rather have Jordan Clarkson or Malik Beasley I think that’s a lot more difficult of an answer than one would think because the nerich reaction is to say well I’d rather have Jordan Clarkson well yeah not so fast my friends I don’t know that

I can can say that you going to make it over there Surly I don’t know that I can say that yeah I think there’s a lot of value in if you’re a championship Contender I think the three-point percentage I think the mid-range game that comes with Malik Beasley but I also

Think the emotional composure that comes with Malik Beasley is a hell of a lot more valuable in game five of a of an NBA finals and what you’re going to get from Jordan Clarkson I agree with that 100% And I think that that’s a question if you’re a postseason team you have to

Ask I mean emotions with no you going to make it over there you going to make it over there what are you talking I’m just popping a schit slitz right well you’re not even going to you’re not even going to slurp it for us there you go slurp there you go thank

You thank you thank you just trying to contribute to the ball Club coach right right I think the emotional composure piece is a huge problem for Jordan Clarkson that’s just me um I don’t pretend that Jordan Clarkson is you know some huge problem for this club because

I don’t think he is right I think Jordan Clarkson’s a wonderful contributor to this team but this is a team that’s not in contention in any way shape or form the Utah Jazz I don’t know how many people realize this the Utah Jazz are out of a

Playoff spot by a game now MH they have lost seven of eight um you know you have a guy on Donnie and the Cavs coming in that you’re probably going to lose eight of nine after tomorrow night which by the way I and it should be pointed out

Today is National Austin day right which means if your name is Austin today is your holiday right but Austin pii plus one Jake and I are going to the Jazz game tomorrow night right and Austin by the way seems to be a very a very smart level-headed individual cuz he said he’s

Going to get a sweatshirt not a jersey there you go see he gets it you know uh but Austin won our Utah Jazz plus1 contest when we got to 9,000 Subs we appreciate that but you know at the end of the day this is not a championship

Caliber team right now and I if we’re truth-telling you you are in a rebuild mode there’s no doubt about that I want to see far more from to kill Alexander Walker the rest of the year I want to know what I have in you know and nikelle

Just happens to play very similar spot as Jordan that’s why I use him right I want to know what I have in nikelle much more because I already know what I have in Jordan I am not saying you trade Jordan gold cuz he sucks right I’m not

Saying that what I’m saying is that Utah Jazz should trade Jordan Clarkson Because I believe he can get you a first round pick yeah that’s why I would trade him I believe that guys like Malik Beasley and Jordan Clarkson are incredibly valuable when it comes to to

Trading for draft capital and if I can get a John Collins and Phoenix can wind up with a Beasley uh you know in a Vando and you know you’re looking at you know a a a situation where you got to include a a Jordan Clarkson in a tht or

A Malik Beasley I’m happy to do that right I’m happy to do that I am happy to do that instead of overpaying Jordan Clarkson on the wrong side of 30 when I’m trying to contend for a championship in 2 years come on man that’s just not smart business yeah and I think Jazz

Fans in particular as a as a fan base have trouble separating those emotions we saw this all through the Donnie and and and Rudy deals yeah where you couldn’t separate emotion to understand the Rudy gobear trade I is is likely a felony if Danny a is wearing a mask and

A gun because of the level the absolute level of theft that was perpetrated against the Minnesota Timberwolves and I turn around and I look at the Cavs trading while it wasn’t the the absolute Heist that the the Rudy deal was they got a boatload for da that’s right T so

You’re in a position now where you’re a game out of a playoff spot are we trying to emotionally connect to a player are we trying to get everything we can get to win a championship in the next five years I just don’t I don’t understand

Why it’s got to be like that if I’m being really honest like I don’t I don’t think that that emotionally connecting to players during a rebuild is smart business you know you know what I mean like like the it’s a transient situation you’re in right you’re not in hey we got five guys

And we’re going on a three-year Championship window dude you’re you’re in a position where you’re signing guys you’re trading guys you’re moving guys so I’m I’m just telling you as a jazz fan don’t get so invested they’re like damn we traded Jordan or damn we traded

Beasley or V or whatever it’s bees bees sorry be on the broadcast where they use all the cool hip names that we’re not priv to its bees whoever came up with that need to be fired come on bro I think it was Jake Gordon who came up

With bees and is now a member of the show let’s go hey let’s go Jake Gordon let’s go my guy appreciate that man welcome to the club appreciate you and hey look back to back look at Maples Mike Maples in the hisy let’s go Maples good to see you buddy appreciate that

Thank it is so flattering that now 30 of you just about have decided to support our show every month like that is that’s unbelievable and please don’t forget to DM me SLC Jake so I can add you to the Instagram if you want to be obviously

You don’t want to be that’s fine but that’s a big part of of the membership like being able to interact with us and having offline con like that’s a big part of it so I would encourage you and again we’ve had great conver the Instagram group is unbelievable it is it

Is just so much fun we had a conversation last night in the group about like what we’re doing this week and what we’re trying to accomplish and like we were talking about Sunday Night Football and Aaron Rogers choking on a d like it was amazing I don’t believe that was said in

That group but anyway the point is yeah the group has been so much fun so to get into the exclusive Monty only members group on Instagram a you must join the show uh and what that means is you click that join link I put in the comments um

You hook it up for $9.99 a month and then you DM Jake and he will put you into the Instagram only members group so welcome to uh Mike Maples and Jake Gordon our two newest members uh Jake said also just acquired my Monte membership damn right you did let’s go

Jake appreciate you uh Anton says what do you guys think of the Suns ATM uh at the moment at the moment uh just imagine if they drafted Tyrese halberton instead of Jaylen Smith and by the way Jaylen Smith has turned into a nice little contributor in this league yeah uh but

You’re exactly right can you imagine um Tyrese Albert on the Suns I mean I mean I think the what if game is the bane of everyone’s exist istence you know what if this what if that well what if the Jazz had drafted what if the dra Jazz had drafted Desmond Bane instead which

They had access or what if the Jazz had drafted Devin Booker oh I don’t know maybe that would have worked out a little differently but the point is is that is that yeah the Suns the suns are in a position where they they have expectations there’s no way around it

And the problem is they’re in this weird place where if you wind the clocks back the Aon and Monty Williams thing happened where they had that beef because because Aon didn’t play the last playoff game and now the Sarver thing came out and he still hasn’t sold the

Team so now you got to run all your trades by him and he’s got to sign off on that the Suns the Phoenix Sons are in this weird little place and if I’m if I’m dein Booker if I’m Devin Booker I see LeBron you know imprisoned on an

Awful Lakers roster and I’m like dude I need to get there I need to help LeBron win two more rings and then those will be my first two rings and we’ll ride off into the sunset yeah I totally agree I I just think the LeBron comments over the

Weekend that interview he did with Dave McManaman which we got to talk about yeah yeah and I also think he said this losing thing is killing me we’ll talk about all that uh coming up in a bit all of our Utah Jazz talk and NBA talk on

This show is presented by Quick Quack Car Wash you’re seeing them all over the valley a major expansion um in the in our communities here in Utah Quick Quack Car Wash those are all owned by individual entrepreneurs who are building something great in their lives that’s why you support Quick Quack Car

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Credit card no dude somebody guy walks up to your car he’s wearing a tie it’s got a smile on his face it’s professional it’s cordial and by the way bring the kids to Quick Quack Car Wash because it’s fun they’ve got a bunch of different lights they’ve got all kinds

Of different colors and it’s a really fun experience at Quick Quack Car Wash and you’re in and out of there in 5 minutes that’s what I love about it Quick Quack Car Wash presents all of our Utah Jazz and NBA talk on the show hey how about court McMullan joining the

Show let’s go keep that time going baby let’s go Court McMullen on the program good to see you Court says uh Jazz fans continually long for a player to be able to invest in for 15 years like the good old days of Stockton and alone well you’re not wrong about that you’re not

Wrong about that uh Court also says also the best nickname for Beasley is beesel okay is that his nickname be they calling him beesel is that what that beesel okay what a what’s a good nickname for for Malik Beasley the beator befic beesus that sounds oddly awkward beesus

No let’s we don’t need to do that uh let’s see uh drock says congratulations to the 2020 2 FCS National Champion South Dakota state it was the jack rabbits okay okay uh Jake Gordon says W Monte don’t throw me under the bus like that what do you mean what do you mean

How’d I throw you under the bus San Diego State says Monty’s life hacks in the membership group are great too I appreciate that man thank you Troy Cushing uh says hey can I get uh the Instagram uh from Jake to join thanks Jake yeah absolutely DM Jake slcj that’s

Me on Twitter and Instagram and by the way follow me too you hack yeah you hack you can find th followers you can you still don’t have that no really I’m not official you yeah I mean people well I think it’s just that people don’t like you I have

963 really yeah really yeah I’m slacking bro follow Jake on Twitter and insta SLC Jake if you’re if you joined if you are a member an exclusive member DM Jake he will put you in the Instagram group but a lot of people have asked to get in

That group you must join you must have a Monty show membership hello for $9.99 a month to get into the exclusive Instagram group and it but I’m telling you it’s worth it it is so that Instagram group is worth 10 bucks a month in my opinion salty

Drunk I’m not sure if any other Jazz fans feel the same but with all these longtime jazz players leaving or left it’s hard to sustain the seven same level of emotional connection maybe it’s just me well and I also think salty you’re a you’re a Joe Engles guy so like

You’re attached to Joe but that’s what this league has become and I think we’ve talked about this on a pretty regular basis this is a players League like I’m a Devin Booker fan yeah right so I I naturally watch more Suns games I’m by team I’m a Chicago Bulls fan so I watch

A ton of bulls stuff but I don’t yeah but I don’t have a player on the Bulls that I’m absolutely connected to or married to like yeah you do Alex Gro anyway that’s so I said yeah that’s Jeremy Bolton’s favorite player the mayor of Monte town but I am not

Necessarily connected to the Bulls by the player you like dear you like dear I do I root for dear and I root for alexo and iio jumu I think is one of the best young players in the league but they got to get rid of Billy Donovan who they

Just extended awful but my point is I think the NBA is turning into a players League like your guy Kevin Durant getting hurt last night yeah I know you cried yourself to sleep yeah it was terrible yeah was it was you know I didn’t sleep for the past two nights

Because of this imag I can imagine I don’t know I don’t know how you do it I really don’t um so DM Jake at SLC Jake to get into the Instagram group uh let’s see San Diego State says Jake the drafting of Devon Booker stop it with

The crazy talk the Jazz drafting Devon Booker yeah why would you do that why would you do what do you mean why would you do that why would the Jazz Draft Deon Booker that’s the right thing to do yeah Dennis Lindsay never did that yeah I know see Dante exom right again was

Supposedly the greatest player ever that never has become nothing uh Boyd Lake Bees is the best nickname I agree with that giggity what’s up my guy says I’m hoping with new ownership the Suns get out of this funk you got to get this transfer of control with the Phoenix

Suns done though because I think is and everybody in Arizona I think you guys know this there’s a bit of a an awkwardness now because Robert Sarver Bobby Sarver Bobby POS uh continues to hang on to the Suns and they still need his approval to make trades and he still

Asked to sign the piece of paper to make that trade happen so it’s a bit awkward right now for the Suns because I do think the Suns had like to make a trade yeah and we’ve talked about the fact that they were in on on Beasley and

Vando and and Conley and Vando and I I know for a fact that they’re one of the teams that’s inquired about Jordan Clarkson so I know the Suns did like to make trades and they need to make a trade to upgrade this roster but they can’t do that right now

Because Robert starver is still kind of sort of hanging on yeah so it’ll be interesting to see exactly how all that all that plays out uh let’s see Mike Maple says I followed but I couldn’t tag you Jake he followed you send him a DM Mapes uh Mapes uh Jake Gordon said with

The best comment LOL but maybe we could talk Malik beastly oh there go I like it I like beastley yeah that’s a good one Malik beastley is a good one like a general question how do we feel about the broadcast giving these all these guys nicknames and stuff I mean is that

Like a is that cool do you guys enjoy that like is that you know Vando beastly you know Donnie when he was here like you know do we like that or like where do we come down on that and again speaking of the Jazz broadcast M Holly

Row is is covering the Georgia Bulldogs for ESPN yeah in the national championship of college football yeah and she’s excellent I’m for real on college football I’m for real and it it so it makes my mind hurt that she’s just unlistenable on the Jazz you know what

What really stands out too like and for all you guys out there who have League Pass you’ll get this when you’re watching other teams out of Market games you wouldn’t normally be able to watch because of league pass you start to understand the good ones and the crappy

Ones and the good ones always have the dynamic short and sweet sideline reporter and I feel like this applies to a lot of things in life get in get out do your thing that’s it like that’s what Holly should be and I think she would be

Phenomenal for the J like I think it would be 10 times better if she would just do sideline stuff have a camera guy walk with her I we’ve been to Jazz games obviously they have tons of resources to do this they do it with all the the

Timeout stuff that you don’t see on TV have a camera guy with her do sideline hit and that’s it she’d be great yeah I don’t understand it I I really don’t understand it it’s crazy I I just don’t I don’t know man uh let’s see Sean

Carden says J needs to shop JC gay and kellyo Conley can at least Mentor the other upcoming guards yeah I mean and we’ve had this discussion with with Mike as well like Mike Conley is a guy that has value Beyond dribbling a basketball right he is a mentor he is a leader he

Is a coach on the floor but you you look at the name you brought up there like I hope people understand that Rudy Gay is just an awkward fit on this roster now he’s not a terrible awful player unless he’s wearing a jazz uniform because his skill set doesn’t

Fit into what this team’s trying to do the problem is you have to give him minutes so he can illustrate that mid-range jumper that he can still knock down a three this is the tht conversation we had on Friday you’ve got to play tht minutes cuz I think they’re

Going to include him in a trade he’s got a $10 million number well and we talked all about this in the member group on Instagram right like people were bringing up the conversation or the question of why is Rudy Gay getting minutes why is Rudy Gay why are they

Playing Rudy Gay over young guys like you know you know naw or whatever young guy you want to point and specifically the conversation was about ochai right and I kind of agree oai had a pretty solid weekend like everybody was saying yesterday that hey he didn’t make great

Contributions like he didn’t light it up like he did against the Bulls and I’m sitting here saying that not every time agbaji plays he’s going to go like six of six from three like there are going to be nights where he doesn’t get opportunities to shoot but you notice

What he does in in replace of that he’s getting rebounds he’s making defensive plays he caused by playing good defense like bodying up his guy he caused like two or three turnovers last night that led to easy transition baskets and that’s what I think you know will hardy

Wants from him right now he wants to work hard try hard minutes out of him and I think oi is delivering on that yeah I think I think o shag baji we we saw him in the G League several times here at the Mavericks center by the way

If you don’t know uh the Salt Lake Stars play at the Mavericks center and it is awesome it is you can usually get really nicely priced tickets you can the the Stars often give away tickets free yeah it is a great basketball event to bring your kids to if you have young

Basketball fans and watching guys like Frank jackon oai abaji when he was down in the G League I think he’s in the NBA the rest of the year now um excuse me I think he is just yeah the fact that he is knocking down that corner three at a

High percentage I think really I think it really justifies his that that deal yeah and getting him in that deal feels like a really big get for the Jazz now because that’s a guy he can be your seventh eighth nine guy because he’s also incredibly athletic on defense yes

His ability to run the floor his ability to come from behind and block shots like he is Oak baji is somebody that you you should really be be excited about from what we’ve seen well and I think his ability to be pliable with the different groups he plays with so like when you’re

An eight or a nine guy or even a seventh guy on the bench on the roster you’re going to play with a lot of different groups you’re not always going to get to play with the same guys and in the g-league like I’ve said before we see

Him play many different roles there are some nights in the G League where where he’ll go 10 12 15 minutes where he is the guy and then other nights he’ll be a secondary guy like he is up with the Jazz and I think that’s really valuable

For him so I hope that he keeps shooting it well because if he does shoot it well and if he does play defense he can have a long NBA career there’s no reason he can’t yeah uh last night abbaji 21 minutes 0 of two from the floor zero

Points three boards and one turnover not his best but if you look at the if you look at his last 10 or if you look at his game log when he’s really come along you look at what he did I thought Houston was a really big game for him

Cuz he played 18 minutes um but you could see that he was really working hard now you don’t love all the fouls in that Houston game um and frankly I really don’t care about three of four from three that doesn’t impress me that much it’s the effort and the

Understanding and then obviously uh what he did in Chicago 21 minutes 7 of seven four of four from three uh a rebound a dime 19 points like that felt like a really big performance but he’s a young guy in a situation where he’s on a backtack against Memphis I didn’t expect

Him to play well yesterday right we flipped on that game we were watching the NFL and flipped on the game you just I I wasn’t expecting him to have that kind of performance so it was nice that he wasn’t scoring but he was also you know playing 21 minutes contributing in

A in a lot of other ways yeah I think that’s what matters about oai uh let’s see San Diego State says Holly row gets the Wayne’s World most excellent thumbs up right truth I like her on college football yeah her interviews her her halftime interviews like I I just I

Think she does a great job she she did a hit for Sports Center this morning where she’s talking about how you know Georgia you know how Kirby Smart was talking to Nick Sabin about how you know Alabama successfully travels West when they need to and that so Kirby Smart reached out

To program and Nick sabbin and asked them because they played in the champ ship games in in Los Angeles and so he asked he asked and he asked Nick sa hey what did you do she had the details on that she had wearable technology that George is using um to

Help them recover faster did in a different time zone like all of the like this inside information that was just fantastic and then I get cute little acronyms and laughing and squealing on the Jazz broadcast yeah and I just don’t understand it I I don’t understand it uh

Mike Maple says mes was the nickname I had growing up through High School my dad had it too and made it his license plate I joined the group and now you have the whole history LOL exactly right mes exactly right I had a I had a guy

That I played baseball with um whose name was Maple and his name was Jack Maple and so we used to call Jack Mapes so every time I say your name I almost think of that guy I’m going you know uh Brett Robins says please don’t say 22’s name he’s not

Even worthy of mentioning yes he is yowser that hurts Court McGee or Court McMullan excuse me uh says hly just always feels out of place exactly yes succinctly put court she it always feels like she’s out of place I want I’m cing with you I don’t care where she sits or

Stands she sits at the scores table opposite of the broadcast usually but she’s never on camera so it just doesn’t matter to me but my feeling is like her doing hits in the pregame is even awkward like when it’s bowler and Big T I want to talk basketball in the

Pregame show when they’re on the court ready to get us going the tip off I want those two guys talking basketball previewing the game I want like a hey we’re about to tip off let’s get 35 seconds from Holly row and put her on camera standing court side what I want

The Cavs did this thing where they had their sideline reporter walk from it started at the door to their locker room all the way out with JB bicker staff and they were just talking and they had a camera guy who had a handheld rig who was backwards walking shooting them and

It was really cool they had this whole conversation it was probably like a 2 and a half minute thing and then once they got out on the court that was it but it was a cool visual to like see all that the night that they that Don scored

71 mhm she was following him around the floor after the game he was was getting his bro hugs and his daps and everybody was celebrating with him and what it did is she was just kind of talking about well hey this guy’s coming up and that

Guy’s coming up and you know like she’s just hearing the convers like that’s what I want from Hol R it was really good it’s like Holly row has the skill set to do that that’s the thing that’s why I have so much trouble with it it’s not because Holly like isn’t capable

Holly is way capable she is you’re just using her in a very awkward way and that’s why I say like I just don’t know why it’s got to be this third voice of the broadcast thing like who cares about the broadcast it’s about game presentation it’s about hey you’ve got

Bowler and Big T doing a pretty solid job I would say bowler is very Homer but it’s bowler you get it I really like Big T’s color work I think it gives you great great analysis really makes some good points like I enjoy him Holly is just being asked to do something she

Shouldn’t be doing that’s right and that’s what I have an issue with I don’t have an issue with Holly as a person like I think she does great work but I just get tired of her always feeling like that yep totally agree guys let’s talk Utah Jazz can Lori Markin and carry

The Utah Jazz an interesting article by Tony Jones in the athletic today treat snoring and sleep apnea with no masks and no tubes just better healthier sleep with sound sleep medical use code Monty m o nty y to schedule a free sleep assessment today uh about Lori marinin being featured by

The Jazz and the idea is that jazz are going to make Lori marinin the number one for the rest of the season my question is why hasn’t he been the number one for most of the season Once he established himself as the alpha on this team you should have been regularly

Feeding him the ball and my question is why hasn’t that happened um but you know the first thing that came to my mind Jake when we were talking about this this morning okay so you’re going to you’re going to make make Lorie Markin in the featured guy

Right what about Jordan Clarkson and is Jordan Clarkson on board with that cuz my guess is not much is going to change and maybe I’m being a cynic here Jake but do you see much changing with Lori marinin I mean I think that you know not

Is not so much in his game but I think they’re going to try and be more intentional about putting him in successful situations so you know getting him on that mid mid-range you know elbow extended area out to the sideline there and trying to get him in

A favorable matchup I I I think that’s what they mean by featuring him and I think you know Jordan Clarkson for all of this you know Ryan Smith conversation and that that side of Jordan Clarkson season you know if you set that aside like Jordan’s not having

A bad season I think he’s having a productive season and and the trouble is that if you have JC and Lori out there and the message to the public is that you’re going to feature Lori Markin and JC’s going to have to give the ball up

But we all know that J Ison not going to give the ball up and so when they open up the second half on Thursday the first thing that I’m going to be looking for is what is the offensive flow like what’s the balance like what are what

What are you what are you actually trying to do I know what you told me you’re going to try and do you’re going to feature Lori Markin but but I want to see what what does that actually equate to how does that translate on the floor

CU we’ve heard a lot of things from Will Hardy and I’m not even criticizing will hardy but we hear all the time like hey we got to do this better we’re going to try and do that or you whatever you it depends on the day right you always hear

Something but ultimately it feels like this team always devolves down into hey we’re we made this mistake or we didn’t execute here here or there or whatever like that’s what I want to avoid I want to see this team execute at a higher level for the last what whatever it is

25 games here like that’s what I want to see but is Lorie marinin and Alpha and this is my biggest concern with the Jazz and Lorie marinin is that I don’t know that Lori is a clear-cut number one guy I don’t know that he’s a dude that you

Can look at and say go win me the game sure okay but is he a guy where you can say hey bring this team together give me because by the way in case you didn’t see it today Frank Jackson and Chris Dunn are on the ball club now Frank

Who’s been tearing it up in the g-league um who I think has I think it’s long overdue um that he is somebody that that I think you have to look at and say hey you know what Frank Jackson’s got to get a shot here great Chris Dunn the former

Bull um who I think is wildly talented absolutely has to get a shot on this team they’re both going to be here that’s going to change the dynamic of this team but my question is who’s the leader on this Utah Jazz bench right now who’s the guy that you can look at and

Say yep that’s our leader right there who’s the face of this team I’m telling you it’s still Jordan Clarkson yeah no I mean 100% I I I think if you ask any jazz fan they’re going to go with Jordan Clarkson but I think that you know the

Jazz front office and this this team moving forward is Lori marinin I I I think that that’s the guy that they’d like to build around and and not like to they are and I think that Walker Kessler is is catching him I think Walker Kessler I think Walker Kessler has a

Chance to be the best big man in the league I think that’s his upside yeah I think I think he has the ability I think he’s he’s got the the he has the athletic ability which I think is the first ingredient you have to have at

Least the ability to get there cuz if you don’t have the ability I don’t care who you are in the gym you’re not you’re you’re not going to overcome just Raw Talent raw athleticism as a big so as as a big at his size he’s got the

Athleticism and now he’s got to figure out how he can get a little bit tougher a Little Bit Stronger how he can use his his jumper to open up the drive to the basket just like any other player would and and that’s why I think you know he

He is going to develop you’re going to see long strides through the summer from Walker kler so if they can just play this string out I’d love to to see them break through the plane and at least play one playoff series I think that’s top of the mountain this year if you do

That you’ve had a hell of a year I think if you get to the plane and lose you still had a good year not a hell of a year but a good year you know you you did what you needed to do so that’s what I say this whole featuring marketing

Thing I agree with you you should have been featuring him already and this Jordan Clarkson situation the other problem with saying you’re going to feature marketing and you know Jordan taking the ball is now Jordan’s on a pro it deal right can we just agree with

That like hey I’m going to be a free agent I’m not accepting my option on this current contract I want to see what I can go and get on the market well you better go and earn that money now you got to prove that you’re worth that $90 million four-year contract extension so

Jordan Clarkson’s not going to be so willing in my opinion or reticent to to give up the ball dude and and I don’t blame him for that I’m curious and again I’m curious if he signs with the Jazz over the summer because I think this is

It for Jordan Clarkson this is the last big contract of his career it’s probably three years it’s probably 75 to 90 million I think this is his last best opportunity to make that bread and win a championship does that happen are the Jazz Championship material in the next

Three years I think they’re very close do you want a 34 year-old Jordan Clarkson to still be ball hogging on your Club when you’re trying to win a championship I don’t know I mean ask me what the rest of the roster looks like do you want any part of paying Jordan

Clarkson $90 million because I don’t and I know we’ve talked about this at nauseum I still don’t understand why he wasn’t traded I would love somebody to ask um and again somebody was asking in the comments earlier why Ryan Smith hasn’t been on the show we’ve asked

Multiple times we have asked I sent an email today and we we just have not gotten the green light and my guess is we likely won’t um but I think Jordan Clarkson and the thing that worries me most Jordan Clarkson served this club well he deserved to go to a championship

Caliber Club right now and they for whatever reason didn’t want to do that and I don’t know is that Jordan saying I want to be here that’s not what I was told Jazz sources told me he let them know he’d be okay being moved to a

Contender and they just chose not to do that I can tell you they had first round picks offered to them for JC just didn’t materialize so I don’t know how you look at this situation and I don’t know how you look at Jordan Clarks and see a

Happy happy ending here because I think he deserves it I think he served this club well you let him go and I think there’s going to be a lot of anger and vit all from Jazz fans and trust me as somebody that does a global Sports Talk

Program on a daily basis the Philippines are pissed if you even look at Jordan Clarkson with any question in your heart I think this is going to be a very difficult ending for Jordan Clarkson and the Jazz yeah I agree I do not see them resigning him yeah well and I think it’s

Funny that that the the organization was like yeah we got to do right by Mike we got to make sure we take care of Mike and they are hoping JC’s not selfish and are you know willing you know so far as we’ve been told willing

To take that risk willing to allow JC to be an unrestricted free agent you know doesn’t have shad of Gordon Hayward written all over it or anything if you’re a jazz fan right like that’s the situation you’re dealing with and and I understand why you know I I get why

Filipinos would be pissed right I get it Jordan’s your guy I understand and I respect that I I have no problem with that but I’m telling you it it does not make sense to continue to overpay someone who just isn’t in your Championship timeline and if you think

He’s in your Championship timeline then like I’ve said many times in the past we just have a philosophical disagreement yeah I I think it’ll be very interesting Brady cook says I want Jason Tatum yeah we all do yeah so do I right I want Jason Tatum too you know

Like come on now that Jason Tatum I mean what he did in the allstar game scintillating yep scintillating uh Car Wash Channel what’s up car wash Channel good to see you dude yes Lori can carry the Jazz with the three-pointer he uh makes and he’s uh a

Good guard he and he works hard defensively I would agree with that the common man what’s up common man are you new to the show I think uh Lori is going to learn to refine and season his game he needs a good young point guard to set

Up the offense and not a black hole agree I’m curious what Chris Dunn turns into here because Chris Dunn’s a guy that brings volatility and Chris Dunn’s a guy that brings ability and I think he just has been in some awkward situations he was injured you know he’s played well

In the G League I’ve seen in my opinion I’ve seen enough to know that he can play at this level MH I wonder what Chris Dunn brings uh Jacob dambo what’s up dambo they were pumping the players they wanted to trade the first half of the season and I don’t have any problem

With that I I think that’s the business of the league I I think you know that was the challenge to Will Hardy pre trade deadline and now I think the challenge is different post deadline yep I agree Chris dung could be a become a player I agree dambo says we are not

Going to win many games during the final stretch of the season I would not think so I would not think so uh Julian what’s up Julian could it be that the Jazz want to resign JC and then try to get more for him at the next deadline I just

Don’t know that that makes a lot of sense because all of that’s out of your control yeah you know what I mean like if you let him go to free agency let him when he chooses to go to free agency this summer it’s out of your control now

Bro like you’re you’re done like you don’t have you don’t have an opportunity to resign the and and I I just I think you’re ask this is Gordon Hayward all over again yep all over again uh Brandon Butler a member of the program says my supposition is they didn’t want to take

Salary back they want him to opt out and walk away so they have cap space to work with man okay and hey if that’s the case fine fine I’m good with that you want to roll like that I’m good I’m with that I would hate to see him go away for

Nothing cuz he’s worth a first round pick in my opinion you know like I just but now that’s best case scenario with the decision you’ve made yeah Ron McClure says I want Kevin Durant never mind Sons got him exactly fact dude Brandon Butler says Danny has used his

Tactic in the past and Danny DGA AF if the fans like what he does no he doesn’t he doesn’t give a Quinn B do you think the Jazz will start letting Kesler take mid-ranges in games he has a decent shot well listen I think it’s coming and Jake I know you’ve

Talked about this at nauseum I think he does come back next year with a jumper yeah I think that it’s no surprise that we got a bunch of videos of him shooting three-pointers and shooting mid-range and having some fun at All-Star Game practices and you know and we saw that

With Rudy that’s you know the the Jazz like to do this but for me I think Walker ha Walker Kessler has the ability to shoot it he does he has a nice stroke for big man and I think he needs to take advantage of that and I think frankly

For the Jazz offense to be there best they got to have him taking and making those shots and and you see it in Phoenix with with DeAndre Aton you see Aton all the time you know probably I don’t know seven eight times a game we’ll knock down a little elbow jumper

He’ll hit a little turnaround you know just opportunistically they’re not featuring him on the Block certainly but opportunistically when you’ve run five possessions in the in a row of like pick and roll or some variation of that and the defense starts sagging and and you’re not keeping them honest okay go

Ahead and pull one Walker like that’s what I think they want to do that’s the next incarnation of his game and to me once he’s able to to gain the defense’s respect from the elbow you’re in a world of trouble because he can get his own he

Can get his own going right 100% from the free throw line of the basket he can go right he’s got a little spin move he’s got a little baby hook like he’s got some gam so to me I I I absolutely think he comes back with it yep talking

Utah Jazz on the Monty show thanks to our friends at Quick Quack carw you know they always bring you Utah Jazz and NBA talk on the mon program um I I think the the other conversation here though to get it back is to Lori marinan like is

Lori marinan ever the best player on a championship team I can’t say that he is no I think he is there is a certain level of I don’t know what’s the right way to say it soft there’s a a wee bit of softness in L’s game and I think that he he

Certainly has shown he can be a number two I mean the question is what how does his game change if there’s an alpha at number one yeah if there’s a brad Beal at number one if there’s a Jason Tatum at number one how does that change his

Game if there’s a Kevin Durant how does that change his game and the answer is I don’t know I think it’ll be very interesting to see how it changes his game because I think Lori now knows he’s the best player on this team and I think

He’s going to be here for a significant amount of time and it would not surprise me if the Jazz built around him but I think building around him means you got to go get a number one you got to go get Kevin Durant yeah you know who I am you

Got to go get a killer in my opinion do you ever like what is his role on a championship team yeah I think it’s a number two I think Lori is a dynamic number two I think he can be you know uh a lethal number two I think he’s got I

Mean again it’s his game plus a premier score I mean that’s the most simple way to say it like I don’t have to tell you guys what Lori can bring you you w you’ve watched him all year you know that he can shoot it he can get to the

Basket he can dunk he can finish he’s got a nice layup package like he’s got what he needs to be a good offensive player the problem is and what what you know not a lot of people like to talk about Lori is athletically again there’s that word right he used it with Walker

Kler same deal here athletically he’s not as gifted as you know some of the best in the league so that prevents you from being a number one you’re he’s a little bit slow with that first step I’m not saying he’s got a slow First Step

But when you compare him to you know the best in the league he’s a little slow with his first step so it makes it tougher for him to break guys off or to be this Dynamic Wing player like he’s not that guy but what he is is a nice little three-point shooter physical

Player like gets after it like he works hard like he’s a really solid number to and that’s why I’m saying it’s it wouldn’t surprise me at all if you kept them and then you went and got you know whe Bradley Beal is the guy we always

Bring up but you know whoever that name is and you went and got a number one that would be an ideal path yeah I think it it it would be interesting to me anyways to see how all of this plays out because the other thing I don’t think is

A slam buun is it is that this team misses the playoffs because I don’t think we have any idea who the LA Lakers are I mean I feel pretty good say I think the Clippers are better but if you look at the standings I don’t have a I

Mean you really have a handle on on who the Lakers are right now I don’t know that I do LeBron James is talking about how the next 23 games are the most important 23 games of his career yeah right like that sounds like a motivated

Killer to meh so I I look at the Western Conference standings I say to myself okay you’re tied for 11th with Portland are you better than Portland right now probably not right like are you better like do you have a Dame style player you don’t no you don’t like I look at the

Lakers they’re two games out of a playoff spot they’re four games out of a six spot I mean they got a hell of a long road to go and by the way after that San Antonio the Rockets they’re not even in the equation um I look at Oklahoma

City you know I I I I’m staring at Golden State wondering you’re you’re a game in the playoffs one game separates you from being out yeah is that a team that we believe in I really like the the wisan trade but I look at this this gp2

Situation I have no idea what happens there MH I mean if he contributes right I think there are so many unknown factors at the bottom of the Western Conference I don’t know how we’re sitting here today thinking anything other than it’s really possible for this

Jazz team to go out and make a playoff run I don’t see any reason that we should count them out yeah I and I don’t agree with the assertion that they’re going to lose a bunch of games I I think they will lose games obviously but I

They’re definitely a playing team in my opinion I don’t it’s unacceptable for them not to be you look at their roog games to and OKC Dallas Orlando Charlotte Miami MH okay I mean you’re going to probably lose to OKC now I think they’re a better team than you you

Should lose to Dallas you’re on par with Orlando you’re better than Charlotte and I think you’re going to contend with Miami right Sacramento you can beat Sacramento at any single night s Antonio you should beat San Antonio at Boston you’re probably losing that game on a Friday afternoon at 5:30 mountain time

You’re losing that game um Brooklyn you’re losing that game you’re probably losing that game right and then you finish at the Lakers that that game against the Lakers could be a playin game whoever wins that game could get in right like this game we’re going to announce tomorrow who we’re going to uh

Against Denver on April 8th at 4:00 tomorrow we’ll tell you who we’re taking of that game mhm that game could will likely be hugely consequential to the Jazz playoff hopes yeah right you look at their roog games they have a chance to win probably half their roog games by the way the

Home schedule’s no cake now obviously you’re coming out against Oklahoma and San Antonio twice Thursday Saturday Tuesday so that feels like a nice spread of games yeah Thursday off Friday Saturday off Sunday Monday Tuesday off Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday to start the road trip your next home stand is March 18th

Boston uh the 20th Sacramento 22nd Portland 24th Milwaukee and then March 27th at home against Phoenix yeah like you don’t have an easy road to Ho here I’m a man I’m not saying it’s going to be easy but do we really think that we can just sit

Here and count out the Utah Jazz I’m not at all well I guess people are yeah well and and listen PLL super fan forever Sacramento is actually very good yeah they’re good but you can beat them you can beat them but I’m telling you Keegan Murray is the guy nobody’s talking about

Nobody’s talking about Keegan Murray you know uh Ken Williams says I don’t want to get pissed again bye guys what are you pissed about what are you getting pissed about dude I have no idea uh Riley O’Brien what’s up the best RV salesman in Utah says I’d still lean

Towards second best on a championship team agreed y agreed uh Brady cook but look how much Lori has improved from last year to this year he is good but still needs help yes he does Quinn B who do you think the Jazz are looking to get

In this year’s draft no idea yeah it’s hard to say dude it I mean no idea you know I think it’s it’s not as simple as who they want in the draft it’s a philosophical thing too like you you have you know who they want in the draft

Versus you know where they’d be willing to trade who’s willing to trade like you know they’ve got all this draft capital and that’s what I’m saying like this team is like like you got to view this team in Windows the first window is closed the the pre- deadline you know

Trade deadline window is closed and this team is now different and now you’re going to see a team with Frank Jackson and Chris dun and you know you’re going to see bigger roles for some of these guys like this team’s different now what does that look like you know so to me

It’s like how long is Colin ston going to be out like how long is that hammy going to bother him like you know how much JC are we going to get vers Mark in it like there’s all these little things that you got watch for and I’m just

Telling you man I feel very I feel very very what’s the right way to say this I feel very positive about the future of this team but I don’t think Danny a is looking to draft a bunch of dudes with his picks I don’t excellent strategy sir

I think he is not he’s not built a team that way and I think yes everybody says well he drafted Tatum and brown we built this program on nil after what did but what did he do do before that like his championship teams were not built on the

Draft yeah and he’s looking to win now not later yeah uh Brandon Butler the problem with lri is he still needs somebody to facilitate for him yep I would agree with that and I think Chris Dunn could be that guy I’m excited about Chris Dunn y i I’m frankly you guys I’m

Excited about this entire roster right now like I look at I look at the the Utah Jazz the Utah Jazz Colin seon’s got to stay healthy yeah it it’s becoming it’s becoming problematic now but Clarkson marinan Walker kler OK um what are you talking about oay

Bei uh tht Chris Dunn I love him yeah and I’m telling you trust me when I tell you Chris Dunn’s going to do some things that are going to wow you and then he’s going to disappear for a minute and then he’s going to do some things that are

Going to wow you and then he’s going to disappear for a minute and Frank Jackson likely is not a guy that a is going to stay healthy or B contribute a huge amount of production to this team you know yeah but I still think he he’s a

Guy that longterm they need to develop Frank Jackson nah he’s not a long-term guy okay now Chris dun that’s a long-term dude Chris Dunn’s a guy that can play in this league um you know he’s a 1994 baby so you feel like us Millennials he’s on the right side of 30

For a minute like you feel like he can play a little bit man mhm you feel like he can play a little bit so I’m excited about him the problem with Frank Jackson is he’s had multiple opportunities and he has not flourished and when you look at the opportunities that he’s got now

Granted it was New Orleans when they were terrible and it was dayis and they’ve never been good the guy barely has one season average double digit points now him a real run man well he’s had a real run though how many games played 5340 59 and

61 yeah not as a starter but this gu also a guy that averaged just about 20 minutes a game 18 minutes a game in his career the problem is he’s only a 33% career 3point shooter and you got to be better than that in the G League he was

Better than that dude can play but what is he as a as a he is not he has not shown to be more than a role player yeah and I know there’s great affection for him in this state but man I’m telling you go easy Jeremy Bolton Jazz needs

Some M mclung well mclusky take it easy mclusky mayor of Monty Town Jeremy mclusky take it easy a squid the three games since the trade he hasn’t have people set him up the same he’s struggling adjusting you can see it in his efficieny but he he is averaging 28

Since then yeah yeah are you talking about marketing yeah well I mean it’s going to be a huge change for him I mean this this I think I think no matter what Lori marinin is a piece going forward I could see a scenario where he just doesn’t

Play a whole lot of good basketball because I think it’s going to be a real challenge this four days off going to Thursday that’s a big deal for the Jazz because they have a lot of new pieces now the Monty show the Monty show presented by The Advocates Utah

Obviously the biggest story uh in sports today is the return of the da Jake the Jazz are a three and a half Point dog will Jazz fans boo Donovan Mitchell yeah I think the answer is unequivocally yes I think Jazz fans are a little bitter

About it I and and look I I we in in our you know exclusive membership behind the scenes Instagram group we were talking about this we were talking about how Donovan Mitchell is is someone who Jazz fans are frustrated with because Jazz fans a lot of times not you guys who

Listen every day CU you guys are pretty plugged into the team but if we zoom out we think about the the fan base and totality I’m talking about the the the guy who works as nine to5 isn’t plugged into the team and just reads the headlines that guy is not happy with

Donovan Mitchell and the issue and the reason for that is is because they read headlines just like a lot of us do so Donovan’s headlines as we all know haven’t been real positive lately you take that you combine that with the 71-point game which is another headline

Maker and what do we have we have a perfect storm for everyone hates Donovan Mitchell who doesn’t understand his plight in life yesterday in this town what do we get we get Smith going on the radio talking about how they feel like they had a great relationship with Donovan Mitchell

How they feel like you know they made great progress in this town and I’m here to tell you while that might be true while they may feel that way clearly Donovan Mitchell didn’t feel that way and I’m also here to tell you that I don’t think Donovan’s issues were were

So much that he hated playing for the Jazz I don’t think Donovan walked around every day and said man I I I hate viven I hate the Jazz I hate their fan base I don’t think that’s Don but what I do think is that Don didn’t enjoy not being in a more diverse

Culture with all due respect to Salt Lake right we know and we’ve had the conversation and we’re not looking to go back into that conversation but we know the demographics in Salt Lake we know that it’s a predominantly white State and I think Don was frustrated that as

He said in his own words there weren’t more people that quote looked like him and I respect that so will he get booed tonight yeah I think he’ll get booed tonight we’re going to be there with Austin niri and whoever he decides to bring and Austin’s going to be wearing

His sweatshirt from the team shop that he’s is going to buy so yeah I think when we’re there he they they are going to boo him there’s no question about it my question is is how does Donovan respond because I remember how LeBron responded right we all remember when

LeBron multiple times has gone back to Cleveland in a heat uniform right when when he went back to Miami in a Cleveland uniform we all remember those days LeBron had big nights against those teams he had big nights in his return to the different markets he played in and

So to me I would love nothing more than to see Donovan Mitchell drop a 40 spot on this team and prove a point and basically shut up all the haters because I do think there are a lot of haters in this town that don’t like Don that think

He’s some victim or that he that think that he’s some some just guy who just causes drama that’s what we hear all the time oh he’s just a drama queen I don’t think he’s just a drama queen I think that he has his beliefs just like you

And I do and I think at that point he’s like I think he’s going to vocalize those and he doesn’t care whether you like it or not and I think that’s the part that rubs Jazz fans the wrong way that’s the issue they have with it they

Wish he would just conform to the status quo I don’t understand the booing thing because one of the conversations I think is really important that we have today is what did Donovan Mitchell mean to this city and I understand that there’s a lot of people who want to say that Don

Was woke or whatever you want to say about Donovan Mitchell if you boo Donovan you don’t understand how important he was to this town and I think the inspiration that Donovan brought to this city I think the fact that Donan Mitchell is a guy who was an unbelievably good citizen you

Never heard about Donovan Mitchell off the floor yeah you never heard about Donovan being lazy you never heard about Donovan being a problem you never heard about Donovan you know being a cancer in the locker room like Rudy goar you never heard about Donovan Mitchell constantly and obsessively bitching at officials

Like he wasn’t that guy all you heard about Donovan Mitchell was how hard he worked in the off season and think about just the motor and the work ethic that Don brought to this club and that every summer he worked hard and every training camp he came back with a broader better

Game that’s what you heard about Donovan and yet you’re going to have fans that are going to boo him as though he’s some kind of pariah in this town and he’s not and if you boo Donovan Mitchell don’t come to the game because you’re not a

Jazz fan MH that’s what I would say I think it is ridiculous if you’re come to this game tonight and you’re going to boo a guy who I think almost single-handedly carried you to one of the best runs postar alone that this franchise has had not think that is

Donovan’s time here is the best run this franchise has had since Carl and John and I think since Mr Miller passed Donovan carried this team it wasn’t built to his strength he never had a team that catered to what he did well he never had an offense that catered to

What he did well frankly he had one of the worst in my opinion general managers in the NBA at the time that he was here and you’re going to blame Donovan Mitchell you’re going to call him like it it’s just so shortsighted in my opinion and it makes very little sense

To me very little sense to me that people have so little ability to see and digest what Donovan’s meant to this club it’s remarkable yeah it’s remarkable uh Teddy Wayman says Don going for 50 tonight dude would love to see it I really really would love to see it yeah

I would I would that would be a phenomenal show uh Brett Robins says at least Gordon had the Papa Murphy’s balls to say he’s leaving instead of sneaking around behind our backs asking for a trade okay so again I will just say where has Donovan Mitchell ever asked

For a trade where was it that he demanded a trade where was that cuz that’s never come out Danny’s never said that Don’s never said that will anybody in the media ask ask him if he asked for a trade or demanded a trade I don’t know I guess we’ll find out until Donovan

Says he demanded a trade because again I was told right up until the last moment that they had conversations and Donovan essentially said hey if you can make a move make a move I’m not going to stand in your way of making a move Donovan never demanded to be traded and anybody

Who thinks he did that hey you’re going to need to show proof of that because I’m here to tell you that never happened Donovan never went to Danny a or Ryan Smith and said I’m out I you need to trade he never said that he never said

That at all uh BB said who cares we are done with a player that’s wanting only to see guys of his skin color racist com what are you talking about see like and again this is where the shallow guy always goes yeah where you always want to play the race card with Donovan

Mitchell that’s the problem and it’s one of the bigger issues in in my opinion this is one of the bigger issues in Utah we always want to go to the race card first my biggest problem with this comment right here with all due respect BB because I’m not I don’t want you to

Feel like I’m trying to just take you to the Woodshed or something but but when you say something like that I have to I have to respond to that and what that comment tells me is you don’t have any ability to empathize or put yourself in Donovan’s shoes how would you feel if

You were a you know and I don’t know what your skin color is but I’m just going to use the example uh a white man in a 94% black community how would you feel why is it a problem that he recognizes when he was a a Utah Jazz man you look

Around viven Arena and there’s a bunch of white people watching you play basketball and why is it a problem that that makes him uncomfortable and makes and like I thought it was great yesterday like Big T was on uh Spence’s show thorl Bailey was on espn700 and you

Know what he said yeah you look around and there’s not a lot of people that look like us BB how come you’re not attacking thorl Bailey today how why are you not going after thurl Bailey for saying that when he played here there that hey you look

Around and there’s a bunch of white people and yesterday what did what did THL Bailey say hey uh welcome to Salt Lake City there’s not a lot of people that look like us so again BB why are you not taking Donovan Mitchell or or thorough Bailey to the Woodshed the way

That you’re calling Donovan Mitchell a racist doesn’t that make THL Bailey a racist because he said the exact same thing yesterday ah maybe it’s because you lack perspective and you don’t understand that that’s a real issue because you don’t have to ever think about that you don’t ever have to worry

About what it’s like to not see other people who look like you you’ll never have to worry about that in Utah and by the way we as white dudes don’t fully know how Donovan feels I I can tell you right now I I have the ability to

Empathize with Don like I understand hey man like you’re uncomfortable with the idea that you don’t see other black folks around I get that I I the concept of that the idea of it I understand what you’re saying yeah now I I will never it’s physically impossible for me to

Ever feel how Don feels cuz I’m white and he’s black that’s just the world we live in and I’m not scared to say that but to sit here and say that that Donovan Mitchell is racist is just ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous blasphemy it’s it’s just ridiculous and the problem is we as a societ

Don’t want to talk about issues of inequality we just want to bury that stuff deep deep deep down and we want to talk about hey you know was this guy the problem or he’s a problem because he wanted to do why why do we not why can we not Embrace especially in today’s

Culture that the athlete and specifically black athletes and specifically in the NBA they carry the water man they have the power it it there’s no question about that and I think this this dear Hamlin thing in the NFL actually shed some light on that because now we know thanks to Don vanada

At ESPN the NFL didn’t want to cancel the game the NFL didn’t move to cancel the game it was the players and the coaches that said we’re not playing tonight and then the NFL canceled the game which kind of explains the Joe Buck situation that everyone was like oh well

Joe just made nitt of himself no he didn’t it it is remarkable to me that people don’t understand in the NBA it’s a players League period it is players league and to be specific about Donovan Mitchell he handled himself with nothing but class he handled himself with nothing but professionalism yeah the way

That he he has has he taken some Snipes sure he has sure he has but the way that he exited Salt Lake City he didn’t say two words he didn’t rip Salt Lake City he didn’t Darren Williams he didn’t Gordon Hayward you know publish a Blog on

Accident like he didn’t do any of that he just didn’t say anything but if he’d have said something guys like BB would have crucified him for it he says nothing guys like BB crucify him for it because it’s not that Donovan is you know a a a jazz man leaving it’s that

He’s black and he’s leaving and you’re happy about that and that’s a that’s the real issue that’s the real problem in my opinion uh let’s see nameless ghoul of 911 who is a member of the show says Monty speaking truth on Don uh don was a beast best jazz since stocked in him

Malone and I don’t think there’s any doubt about that we as a fan base did not appreciate Donovan Mitchell when he was here you never do you you never ever do it’s why and I had to drag you kicking and streaming to go to the Laker game I’m going to see LeBron James

Before he retires and I’m going to do it in Los Angeles because that guy’s being wasted in La okay I don’t know that you had to drag me Kicking and Screaming well you you weren’t exactly excited to go well those weren’t exactly $5 tickets my guy I I just don’t care about that

The point is when you have guys like Kevin Durant when Kobe Bryant’s a perfect example of this Michael’s a perfect example of this when you have guys like that and you see that LeBron’s at the end of his career and you see that Kevin Durant’s at the end of his

Career next chance I get to see the Nets I’m going to see him because I want to see Kevin Durant while he’s still Kevin Durant and you have to appreciate those guys we did not appreciate how good Donovan Mitchell is and we resent Donovan Mitchell for how good he was

When he was here because now he’s even better and he’s with the Cavs and they’re contenders in the Eastern Conference and the Jazz are out of a playoff spot and I think a lot of fans resent Donovan Mitchell because he’s another superstar that didn’t didn’t

Stay here and at what point by the way can we start saying that maybe it’s not the player and maybe it’s maybe it’s us as a fan base M when can we start saying that cuz this is not new by the way Brett Robbin says Mitchell is Young and

A top 15 player you just don’t trade that on a whim there’s no doubt he wanted a trade no I don’t I actually think from what I understand from a combination of what I’ve been told by Jazz sources and NBA sources what happened was that Donovan Mitchell was

Left on an island Donovan Mitchell was not Donovan Mitchell was not in the loop on Rudy Gober and I do believe and people close to Donovan is have told me this and and Rudy’s people told me the same thing Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gober didn’t hate each other they just

Knew they couldn’t play together that’s what it came down to and once Rudy got traded I think Donovan was a little surprised at the return and I think that’s when they started having conversations Donovan Mitchell Ryan Smith and Danny a started having real dialogue after the Rudy trade and I

Think teams like New York were just not going to make the trade foolishly they were not going to make the trade and then when Cleveland swooped in because Cleveland was not a real Contender for Don at any point until the last probably five days before the trade

Happened and they got real serious about it and I think that’s why you saw that trade happened I don’t think Ryan Smith and and Donovan Mitchell have a bad relationship I don’t think Danny an and and Donovan Mitchell had much of a relationship and I don’t think Donovan

Mitchell hates the Jazz I think Don Mitchell Saw an opportunity and he was not going to stand in the way of what is a blockbuster massive deal cuz the Jazz can’t say no to that deal you’re not saying no to what the the Cavs offered you’re just not there’s no chance that’s

Happening so when you get that opportunity and I think when they went to Donovan and said hey we have an opportunity Donan Mitchell was like sure let’s go let’s do it he’s not going to stand in the way of that and he was uncomfortable with the environment here

So I don’t think Don and I would put it at 99% I don’t believe Donovan Mitchell said you need to trade me I want out of Salt Lake City I don’t believe that ever happened because I talked to a lot of people at that time that were right

There in the middle of it and nobody ever heard Donovan Mitchell go to anybody and say I want out of Salt Lake City nobody ever said that just like Rudy goar never demanded a trade Rudy goar never went and the ridiculous report that it’s him or

Me Rudy never made that trade Dem that that’s a pure fabrication that never happen guy pal trust me you’re not that guy that never happened yeah what happened with Rudy was Rudy in his exit interview said hey if you can move me I wouldn’t mind a change of

Scenery and which is very different than hey trade me or I’m not playing the Jazz absolutely were trying to trade I think the Jazz had a Rudy goar deal at the deadline and I think if they had tra ated Rudy goar at the deadline Quinn Snider would still be the coach of this

Team Donovan Mitchell would still be here and this would be the best team in the Western Conference but that’s not how the stars align and they didn’t trade Rudy at the deadline they traded him over the summer and I think I think a lot of things came

Together so is he going to get booed tonight yeah’s going to get roundly booed tonight there’s no doubt about that and this whole thing yesterday two minutes on this this whole thing about the the have skipping shoot around don’t don’t buy into this whole thing of oh

Well they skip shoot around because it’s Salt Lake and he’s scared to play no they didn’t skip that that just has nothing to do with it dude you you really think that Don is scared to play no Don is rolling up tonight in fullon villain mode ready to like this thing on

Fire ready he’s ready yeah he’s he’s ready there’s no doubt I think not only is Donovan Mitchell not scared to play he cannot wait to play exactly I think he is excited to to play I I I think it is every day to me I I think it’s it is going to be

Remarkable I think he it is going to be remarkable to watch him perform tonight and I I I am I am so I whether we were taking the reason we were taking a fan with us Austin and piy won the the the tickets tonight to sit at the game with

Us because you want to be there this is one of those games where you’re going to look back and say man Don put on an incredible performance and it’s one of the most impactful evenings in Utah Jazz history I think it’s absolutely look back right so three years from now when

You’re back in the Western Conference finals and you’re contending and you’re a good team again you’re going to look back and you’re going to say man it feels good that we’re contending but do you guys remember Don’s return do you remember when he dropped 55 and eight

Against the Jazz in his return and there was nothing they could do to stop him I remember that like you’re going to remember tonight and that’s why we we did the giveaway and that’s why we’re excited to go with Austin yeah I I think

It is it is it’s going to be I’m super stoked about it I just because I also think the other thing that I I think a lot of people forget when we talk about Don is that the Jazz are in a really good spot the Jazz are in a really good

Spot and I think when you look at at um you know when you when you look at the UT Jazz and you look at where they are and you look at that I think by the time we get there they’re going to have five first round picks yeah I mean they’re in

A really good place and that doesn’t even consider you know how does oai develop over the summer how does you know what happens to naw where does beastley end up where does you know it’s how much better has wait you said did you say beastly yeah Malik beastley we

De how smooth that was he worked that in there we decided that yesterday and he’s already using it yeah you I mean the the listeners decided the members of this show decided that we were going to call him Malik beastley um one of the things as an exclusive member of the program

Right uh is that you you know you get some say on some of the content here progr uh you know you should absolutely join the program as a member um and you get say over some of the things we talk about you get into the exclusive Instagram group um you get members only

Content right here on our YouTube channel uh you get counts on our merch that’s coming like you get a lot of things you wind up going to Jazz games with us you wind up at exclusive events with BYU and Utah football players all you got to do is pay $9.99 a month I

Just put the join Link in the comments go ahead and check it out okay uh yes really quick I I I I know BB’s the villain this morning this comment he’s got right here is making me laugh this right right up here like five or six up

Right there you see that you see that longer one right there this is funny to me we love the Jazz but never had problems with players if you attack Utah you’ve never had problems with players if you attack Utah uh on your way out don’t expect us to kiss your ass late uh

So wait but that’s been my point why would you be why would you be mad at Donovan Mitchell then because he didn’t attack Utah on the way out and notice notice he’s like I didn’t play the race card is that what that says at the end there and don’t race card

Everything we will remember the stars that are legit and don’t race card everything so wait are you talking about yourself cuz you did the race card well and the funny thing is Donovan Donovan didn’t attack Utah on the way out I don’t know what see this is the thing

Like you’re making up a false narrative so you can hate Donovan Mitchell and I just why are you working this hard to hate another human being I don’t understand that this guy was nothing short of unbelievable on the floor we were at his first ever preseason game

Yeah like you knew it as soon as you saw it yeah and yet where are you you’re trying to find a reason to hate the guy like why do you hate other people like that I don’t I we we yeah man um let’s see do we have vard Donovan well this is

A much bandi about discussion great question uh I don’t know who you have Garden because it ain’t Jordan Clarkson Because you’ve got Darius Garland who I would think Mike Conley’s gonna have to check him you’re going to get a rotation of guys guarding Donovan Mitchell including oai agbaji cuz it doesn’t it

Doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it just does not matter who you guard nobody’s guarding Donovan one-onone the real question is how many times is Walker kessle are going to get dunked on tonight because I think that Don when I talk about wanting to burn the place to the ground that’s what I

Mean like Donovan they’re going to play a lot of pick and role in the first quarter and Donovan’s going to come out I guarantee you with one or two posterizing attempts well in the problem’s going to be he’s going to Dime out because one of the things that this

Particular you Utah Jazz team struggles with is well defense on the whole generally speaking um I think that you’re going to exploit Kelly oen who I do not believe should be starting for this team MH uh I think you’re going to wind up you’re going to wind up probably

Trying to pick and roll Donovan into one-on-one situations and I think you’re going to hope that the Jazz switch everything and the issue is that Don is such an elite three-point shooter now that you can’t go under on him and as as you go over

He’s going to drive to the basket and I I think you’re right I think he’s going to try and dunk on dudes yeah I think you’re going to try and dunk on that’s what I’m saying dude whether you’re bb or you’re somebody else or whoever you

Are you have to watch this game tonight yeah well yeah I agree uh let’s see Jeremy Bolton says Donovan uh going against Tatum in his first year preseason was incredible to watch it was yeah and that’s the thing that I think about like I think about all of some of

The moments watching him have no business on the court limping around in the playoffs like but still trying I think about you know in Dallas last year that pass to to get bogey the open three like yes Donovan Mitchell made this team good and just you know it the Don versus

Rudy narrative you know like it Rudy had no business being on the floor but Quinn didn’t have the stones to take him off yeah you know like it just it’s it’s a very interesting thing but yeah I mean he Donovan had so many moments here so

Many moments here um you know I think it’s interesting uh David Humes says I see the persecution complex amongst Jazz fans is alive and well and I think that’s a real thing I think Jazz fans have been victimized so many times so many times and I think it goes

Back to you know lhm and you know Jordan in 97 you know it goes back to you know John Stockton and now Carl Malone who I think has earned a villain tag which is amazing to me and I I thought it was really interesting uh I I

Can’t remember who brought it up on Twitter but somebody said if Donovan Mitchell’s a villain what is Carl Malone well Carl Malone is a hero to this community apparently and he’s just a nasty ass human being in general yeah but people like lawed over him but you

Know want to see Donovan Mitchell fail like it’s crazy to me the double standard we have because there’s so much just from a basketball perspective do you understand that Carl Malone went to the LA Lakers to try and win a championship he went to the dark side to

Try and win a championship yes and you love that guy but you hate Nan Mitchell it’s crazy to me yep it’s crazy to me you know I I just yeah yeah I don’t know uh Eric Andy says I moved to block BB we’re not blocking anybody no we’re not

Blocking him we don’t block people on this show there’s a very difference specific set so the first person we ever blocked on the show was duck season last week duck season was making fake accounts and doing nefarious things behind the scene BB is just sharing his

Opinion and I’m here to beat that thing into the ground man BB is just exposing who he is well that’s fair too yeah that’s all he’s doing yeah now you know who he is there’s if you’re upset or disappointed by BB’s comments that’s a youth thing because you know what that

Guy is now you know uh San Diego State who’s a member of the program good morning says uh one of the problems with racism is the perpetrator has a deep-seated unconscious bias Zero game zero sum game mentality if you get if you gain steps to equality I have to

Give up what I earned well that’s a different show probably it’s a different show uh salty drunk who’s a member says Monte De beair Donovan has made a couple of uh antagonizing comments in the media when he got to Cleveland well I mean I

Also think he did do that um and I think he’s done that we’ve done shows on the things he said but let me ask you this and I don’t disagree with you James salty drunk I don’t I don’t disagree with you but but how do we discern the difference between Donovan’s truth and

How he truly feels how do we discern the difference between that and taking shots because the Salt Lake Community takes it as a shot but if that’s how Donovan felt then that’s just how he felt it just is what it is that’s the reality of of his world so if if you

Feel like the sky is green and then I take it personally cuz I think the sky is blue it just is what it is you know what I mean so that’s why I say like that’s not an unfair question or a point but that’s where I think it’s really interesting

How the community has reacted to those comments because the one thing I believe above anything else that you hear about Don or that I’ve heard is that Donovan speaks his truth that’s just what it is like he’s just going to say what he experienced and how he feels about

Something and that’s it like he’s not I don’t think he’s trying to Gaslight the Salt Lake Community I don’t don’t I think he’s just saying hey now that I’m gone I feel I’m in a safer space really to share what my experience was and if

That pisses off Salt Lake so be it you know and by the way Salt Lake has a history of dropping end bombs during games with Russell Westbrook and other guys so I’m sure Donovan coming into this game is preparing for some of that stuff if you’re not you’re foolish in my

Opinion so yeah I don’t I think if you’re not preparing for that I know how you I don’t know how you would do that which again though is why I wanted and we wanted to be there because to hear that stuff you have to be there yeah it

It’ll be interesting to see um you know who actually who actually plays because I I think um and somebody made the point um about the injuries tonight uh Brandon Butler Kelly tht and sex are out it’s going to be a long night tht has played two games in three

Weeks I’m not worried about him being out Kelly oen frankly is not very good right now I’m not worried about him being out and seon’s been out a good chunk of the year yeah so I’m not worried about him being out I want somebody to take the opportunity Walker

Kessler should be your starting five tonight I want to see that I I want to see do we get Evan Moy tonight do we like I want to see that you know like I want to see naw step up I want to see you know guys on this team really take

Uh uh the opportunity and become sign ific contributors for the Jazz yeah you have to do that uh Neville 93 says good morning people just waking up uh Don’s going to burn this city to the ground today wow think there’s a real good chance that happens that’s right T real

Good chance that happens Troy Cushing we don’t have a good defense so Don will go for 48 at all the Jazz are not great I mean that would be incredible Brett Robin says oh God that means 20 plus minutes for 22 rri gay is going to have

To play yep but again I also think and I’m not defending Rudy Gay but so many people told me I I I’m wrong on Rudy Gay I just don’t see that Rudy Gay is a fit in this particular Jazz system yeah if he’s a veteran on another contending team he’s

A far better player but you’re asking him to do things he can’t do you know like you’re asking him to do things he can’t do by the way Jake you should uh hold the wheel at 10 and two oh God Shams has an update on Kevin Durant uh

Missing several weeks um the future outlook to win the Eastern conf remains mostly unchanged this is a code aard odds for the Sixers and Cavs have moved now to plus 900 to plus 750 so they have a better chance and from 1,000 to 900 so with Kevin Durant out what’s

Probably a month who do you think wins the Eastern Conference because it won’t be the Nets no I would have to go with Boston I think Philly’s there I think that helps Philly a ton if I’m being honest the interesting thing about Boston is they they are becoming wildly

Inconsistent through long stretches of games and I’m curious how much better how much better Cleveland can get I am curious about that okay this wait but this is what I mean right here sorry not to cut you off did you see that on if you go to on the

Cleveland Cavaliers homepage what Jersey is Donovan Mitchell wearing a jazz Jersey not wearing a Cleveland jersey because it’s a story about um Donovan Mitchell to the Cavs was an 18month uh in the making trade you know so and listen I we can anyway the point is how much better

Can the Cavs be I think the Cavs can be a far better team than they are now because I think they’re all still learning to play as a unit and I think you uh you have not seen I think one of the guys that’s really struggled on this

Team is is Evan Mobley and it’ll be interesting to see exactly how he how he gets back to being the best version of himself because I don’t think he’s I think he’s a 17 to 20 point night guy and right now I just don’t think that we’ve seen that and it’ll be interesting

To see how he how he grows in this offense because Don does Don tends to be a vampire on offense I mean he’s a volume shooter but guys like Darius Garland have been fine with that Evan MO is the guy in my opinion that is that is

Taken a step back and I think he has a lot more to offer and I’m curious I’m curious how he how he gets back to his his 15 to 17 instead of 14 15o guy yeah I mean I think it’s yeah I mean he’s going to have to make more

With the shots he’s got I mean that’s the only way I mean I I I’m sure that there are probably a couple more shots a night for him but there’s certainly not like eight or 10 more shots or something ridiculous like that you know yeah he’s

Going to have to become a better range player is what that comes down to but you know look I look at I look at their team and if you look at guys like Don Garland Mobley uh Jared Allen I don’t know you don’t have an answer for Jared

Allen on this team you don’t I mean it I’ll be curious to see how the Jazz do stand out of foul trouble tonight

The Utah Jazz continue their quest to build a NBA Championship team, but with another summer of uncertainty, and Jordan Clarkson in question, The Monty Show talks through the issues facing The Utah Jazz!

Best Of The Monty Show 2023: Presented by SoundSleepMedical.Com
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