@New Orleans Pelicans

PPR: Pelicans Fall Apart AGAIN Late to Grizzlies 116-115 (Full Recap)

PPR: Pelicans Fall Apart AGAIN Late to Grizzlies 116-115 (Full Recap)

Um obviously you talked about Miss free throws the last game uh it’s it SE in the rear its ugly head again especially tonight such a close game yeah I mean it was a part of it and um I’ll tell you guys what I told our team for three and a half

Quarters you know our game plan discipline was at a high level we were executing and as the game start to get you know a little close we get tired little fourth quarter what whatever it is um teams they up their level of physicality and we started to turn the

Ball over and not execute as well and we let them right back in the game and that’s what it is is our free throws is our execution it’s our turnovers and is not one guy it’s all of us we’re all in it we’re all a part of

It it’s an opportunity for all of us to get better this this crap hurts losing games like this but you know it’s a part of it and and we have to learn from these moments and you know hopefully it doesn’t take another three or four games but you know we haven’t been winning

These and then this is a moment where we we go back we watch film we don’t finger point we’re in it together and we we figure it out together in those kind of moments you know when you when you really need a bucket I mean who do you who do you look

To I guess to be like an organizer for for you on offense well we got three guys out there that are all capable uh Zion bi CJ and the ball was in all their hands at one point um to settle us down and get us good looks and they did for

The most part but we didn’t do enough to win the game that’s what it boy was down to and what was just your Vantage Point on the uh the inbounds pass with point4 seconds left uh I take I take responsibility for that um in hindsight they they didn’t have enough time to

Throw it back to the the inbounder so we should have took a guy off the ball and just tracked whomever and then just stay at the rim and if they throw it to the rim we got a guy there plus we got four guys so that’s on us that’s on me as a

Coach that’s that’s area where I need to get better and uh overtime in particular it seemed like so many of the possessions came down to right before the shot CL buzzer getting a shot off I guess what did you see just the way the offense kind of slowed down at end it

Did it slowed down we got stops we we stop running but the biggest thing is give them credit those guys are physical Bane um Marcus Smart jiren Jackson is tracking everybody coming to block shots tman and they when when they got tougher when the game got tougher they picked up

Their level of physicality and they made it difficult on us and that’s this is where we have to grow we got to learn to get to our spots execute with force and Pace um make solid passes and then when we get to the free still line makeer

Free throws and you know like I said for three and a half quarters we did it and the last five minutes five six minutes we we didn’t you men the free throws how frustrating is to see how much these free throws are C games it’s frustrating it’s frustrating for our guys it’s

Frustrating for everybody but um we got to keep working on them you know and when you see these issues popping up reply where you’re allow these games to slip away late in the fourth quarter I guess what do you do to to address the team and try to find a solution to this

The biggest part is having a level of honesty about it you know why is this happening um watching film on it getting on the floor and practicing working on it and then showing up the next day and that’s the goal for us like that’s the

Deal show up the next day be ready own it and we still got games in front of us and Coach when a game comes down to the end with a team that you know admittedly the Grizzles have been further than you guys lot bigger playoff runs and stuff like that bigger game

So is that something that you guys have to hit you have to find that level how to fight how to fight every minute and U it’s not just like running in offense but doing everything possible because it seems like the Grizz were able to do everything they needed to hedge out that

Win yeah they did give them credit um this is twice in the last you know five or six days or what have you but they did what they needed to do to win they executed they came up with big plays and they have the experience you know they

They’ve been there you know more times than we have and um we’re a team that we’re gonna learn from this and we’re GNA be better uh when it counts but right now we got to go through some of the some of these growing pains well are you surprised that these issues are

Still coming up late in games though I I don’t want them to happen I I would lik to have won this game but you know sometimes they’re unpredictable you don’t know that it’s going to happen the way it does and like I said we own it we’re honest about it

Um I’mma take ownership on my part and our guys will too we’ll get back to work tomorrow coach Z had 17 and 10 at half time but in the second half only six points one rebound but he was bringing up the ball more like more of a point

Zion sort of experiment yeah was that matchup dependent or something you just want to get reps up no matter what at this point SE um it was a combination of just looking at some of the matchups and where we could get him the ball and certain spots and that’s it I mean he’ll

Have the ball Brandon CJ so those guys kind of alternate and another double digit leag going by the way side what’s the mood of the locker room and how are they taken these defeats has it all been the same there is sound like like evolution of their just getting upset or

First correct mistakes and not just how have they taken these losses it all been the same um it’s tough you know they don’t take these losses lightly and they shouldn’t um but we also have to have a level of big picture and big picture is is

We can learn from this we can grow from this and so we we’re all upset we’re all going to be down about it uh but the beauty is we get to come back to work tomorrow watch film have a practice and have an opportunity to get better okay thank

You for all things Pelicans you’re now tuned into the Pelican post scame report much love to the fan appreciate y’all being in this episode of Pelican post scan report Pelicans fall apart in law two Grizzlies 116 to 115 and if that title sounds like you’ve heard it before

You’ve seen it before no doubt about it shout out to the flock appreciate y’all being in the Stream uh shout out to everybody man Big Ups please feel free to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and feel free to share the show on your social media feed pelic post

Game report we in this thing man I’m big Q we got DC and Lexa they’ll chime in thoughts on the game man listen Damian you absolutely right we definitely have some problems here man free throws y’all know how I am I’m very fundamental when it comes down to the game of basketball

It shouldn’t have been overtime period Pelicans entered into the fourth period I think up 15 points something like that want to says 15 points um free throws ridiculous stupid uh bad defensive breakdown assignments very curious uh adjustments and non- adjustments curious calls in terms of rosters all this stuff

Happened in the same game ultimately and then with the Pelicans losing the matchup so let’s bring in some of our family members to kind of talk about this thing man to kind of get this situation uh talked about so DC Lex welcome on into the stream man man much

Love to y’all appreciate y’all being up in this thing man let’s hear from you guys before we get into the stats breakdown you heard my early spill about the fundamentals and how many free throw attempts this team missed on and it’s just the obvious Ridiculousness of uh just just ridiculous the Pelicans are

Now one in what one and three one and four in the last four contests they’re one and three one and three after the what three or four game winning streak that they had and now won and three ridiculous but at the same time the Memphis Grizzlies to DC’s Point tramal

Mentioned this that Memphis is the supposed to be the little brothers our little brothers they are now controlling the series they have won three of the four I plead the fifth I I recanted that statement okay thank you DC for admitting your you’re wrong sir but anyway let’s bring y’all into this to

Kind of hear your thoughts on this uh we’ll start with with you decent yeah uh as you can see the Memphis Grizzlies are no longer our little brothers uh they taking us out behind the wood [ __ ] and getting us the business you know more like our parents

At this point because uh we just psychologically are losing games to them like um you had the game you had in the bag and just a collection of buffoonish erors down the stretch in both games man it’s almost embarrass well it ain’t almost it is embarrassing because Tru be told we

Should have won this game now we can be honest you know for the people who want to have Rose tinted glasses yes the refs were giving us the shaft but even with that we still shouldn’t have lost this game uh the play the end of regulation with JV wouldn’t have been possible if

We would have been hitting our free throws they wouldn’t even had a chance for that so it wouldn’t even matter you know there’s there’s no excuse to shoot 63% from free throw line and you get 30 32 31 out some free throws and then you know Willie’s just lack of scheming or

He’s saying it’s execution well I don’t know the play so so maybe we can say some of it is but it’s it’s it’s a reoccurring theme so if they can’t execute put some people out there who can uh change some some of the things that need to be executed the things that

They can execute because down the stretch man uh when the game start to get tight and you know things kind of slow up and you can’t just play with force and Pace you know we seem to not be able to do anything offensively uh we don’t it’s almost like we don’t even

Think to run simple pick and rolls like it’s it’s no excuse for having 18 assists in a game when we supposed to be you know Point Drive of pass and point five and all of this like you the ball can’t stick man we can’t play ISO ball

We not built to be able to be that far as uh the way these guys are playing right now that they ain’t going to work because everybody’s just going to gang up on Whoever has the ball and they know you’re not going to be able to get it to

Guys like win drw no plays for Trey he set out there for three four minutes on while he a’t even get to touch the ball and let alone shoot it you know and then you get a shot way way down the end of the game and he

Finally puts one up and you know nothing but he didn’t got cold he ain’t even in the action um it’s just mindboggling to me how you can be up to 10 points and I know you can lose some games like that but it’s almost like we find a way to lose we are

0 and six at games decided by three points so am I shocked no but I thought just maybe once I saw the game get tight maybe tonight they could exercise those demons and they still haven’t so until we’re able to learn how to play half court basketball when we can’t get easy

Transition buckets or catch guys where their defense not set and actually have some semblance of a offense with identity um we going to continue to run into these problems when we can’t run people out the building or kind of salt away a lead where we got the where we

Got the uh got it going early you know and just rolled that wave to the end of the game so horrible loss to me uh this loss is on everybody you know the players didn’t execute but I’m still looking at Willie like man any ideas on why are we subing z uh

Dyson in for Zion and Jared Jackson J gets the easiest two points of the whole game in crucial clutch minutes you know um just a lot of things that don’t make sense don’t add up from uh I schematics and what we’re doing but also just just the players

Executing too and also shrinking in those moments man yeah it’s uh everything you said was a th% facts DC um tonight the Pelicans man they were just awful man in terms of what they did and like we we talk about the schematics and we could talk about the the the effort the fundamental

Aspect of what the Pelicans had man in terms of free throws was ridiculous 21 of 33 you got 33 attempts you hit 21 of 33 for 63 points .6 uh% L the 64% from the foul line there should be no overtime period it should have been none

Of that and and besides the Memphis Grizzlies turned it on in the fourth and outscored the Pelicans 36 to 23 36 to 23 and the fourth 18 assists in the game for the Pelicans 18 stinking measly assists in the match up just awful Lex uh bringing you into here let

Let’s hear your thoughts on why win a foul what happened here in this matchup in particular this game now that Grizzlies have a they’re up three games on the Pelicans in a series of four that’s it from you 0 and six with the game determined by three points or less four and

14 with a um in games that are determined five points or less that’s that that’s what our record is um I saw a lot really uh I’m not even gonna focus on the the most of the game because really it doesn’t matter but again this team has confirmed that they have a major

Problem in the clutch I have a major problem in the clutch um obviously I know about the free throws I understand the free throws however this team still had a chance to win the game regardless of the free throws um it was it was a tight game they shouldn’t have lost the lead

Um substitutions were questionable but uh there was a stretch in like the last two minutes of uh uh regular regular time it got down three times to seven seconds on the shot clock because there was dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble there was no movement there was nothing

And I’mma get on Willie but I’m trying to figure out why is it the leaders on this team Brandon and CJ they’re the ones who are panicking the most why are you panicking why are you all dribbling around the perimeter and doing nothing with the ball and it’s only you two touching the

Ball I’m trying to figure out what plays are being called like it looked like everybody was literally running around out there like chickens with their head cut off I mean there was there was no movement it was nothing but stagnant like what is the play you called these timeouts what is the

Play you had to call a timeout you can’t go into the two-minute Mark with three timeouts so you call a timeout right before the two-minute Mark that means you had two other timeouts what did you discuss what plays did you draw up to help your team get settled

Down I mean because there was like you said DC there was there was no pick and roll there was um and then why put Trey Murphy out there and he can’t even find a shot what’s the purpose in having a shooter out there if you’re not gonna call a play to get him

Open I don’t understand that why are you taking out your star player at the end of the game why do you keep doing that and just to let you all know out of all the starters Zion had uh he he I think he was like the only one

In the positive so he was actually playing well on defense you have a guy who lives down in the paint and who actually on that play that Triple J went to the basket Zion played great defense Triple J made it but he played great defense and immediately after that

Because Triple J got a shot over over Zion you’re G to take him out and bring in freaking Dyson Daniels to guard Triple J are you serious I mean you might you might as well put have should have put like Jose in there you should have put Jose in

There because that’s basically what you did they went straight to him and you know what Memphis commentators like I you know because I had to listen to them but they said why in God’s name did they do that I mean that that’s just like they just they just said here

Triple J make the points that’s what they literally said I mean you’re asking for for for for for Memphis to win the game that’s what they said their commentators said that and I know hey DC big man I’ve told you a lot of a lot of decisions that that I’m I’m seeing

Willie make you’re basically helping the other team win they’re saying thank you Willie thank you you’re not on the Pelican side when you make when you make decisions like that you’re not you’re not trying to win and that’s why I keep saying that and that’s really weird when you have a head coach

That’s not making decisions to help your their team win that that’s just not that’s just not good sense man that that’s not good sense at all and we still we still had a chance we still had a chance um um but yeah like this this this team has

Um a coaching identity crisis and a team identity crisis and I don’t know which is wor I mean I know I know I’ve seen people talk about trades and stuff as long as Willie is the head coach this this it doesn’t matter who you get it really doesn’t like like this

Is you can’t make decisions like that and then Willie said something in his presser like you know we just got to learn keep learning keep growing I have a question it’s it’s the win wh en it’s that part that’s in question it’s that part because right now the learning and the growing it’s

Stagnant and guess what if if you’re learning and you’re growing is stagnant you’re not learning and you’re not growing that’s what that means I could say more I’m trying to keep myself together man but you know I mean like I said there’s a lot of there’s a lot of things that that could

Be pinpointed you know on on thiso well really just the lat the ending of regular and overtime but um yeah this was this was a crazy game Crazy Game yeah this is uh I feel you Lex I’m with you on that man I’m just kind of yeah it’s um it’s mindboggling man to

See the the the the Zion Williamson substitute substitution with the Dyson that was really head scratching um the this team didn’t even they didn’t have a a real Center they didn’t have a real Center there we could have took advantage of them if we had played Dre valich chunis

Earlier we could have really did something a little differently they were up by 15 going into the fourth quarter 15 they missing all of the free throws various defensive breakdowns it’s just at times man you know I like Willie Green I I really do man but you’re right a lot of the there

Is no way to get around these really awful n adjustments non adjustments these this just stuff is very weird very very weird and suspect how he just decides to do these things and this it his these things are directly causing the team issues so I don’t know what’s going on

Man at the end of the day but it and he talk about fixing it I just want them to get up off the ass and make something right here man the team is now on the two game losing streak the Memphis control three they up what is it no I’m

Sorry I said three games it feel like three but the series is actually two to one in terms of matches yeah go ahead DC uh they not gonna fix [ __ ] as long as they get up there and keep smiling I’m just say that nothing Ain’t Gonna Change

You just smiling we gotta figure it out it’s it’s gonna be you see how relax Willie is he’s cool about everything at some point in time like is that is that gonna move somebody who you know what I’m saying to to do something because that laidback attitude is killing

Me it really is and and I all those signs on the wall man I ain’t even trying to hear that ain’t even funny no more man it ain’t funny like like this is a problem because I mean the like I’m telling you like I mean the pals have just

Like like shot up you know J stock you know what I’m saying you need a or anybody you know what I’m saying you need a game to you know really uh give you some momentum play the pills play the pills they gota lead don’t sweat it just

Keep working hard and I’m saying I ain’t trying to it’s it’s it’s really um I still think this can be fixed though Alx I like Willie and I do understand that he’s not a season veteran head coach like I get that and it will be growing pains air quotes but

My thing is always as I think anybody is that just goes to actually fix the problem you can’t keep having the same problems or you can’t keep losing the same way you know what I’m saying like um shooting yourself in the foot and then consistently trying to do the same thing

I definitely think things will change and Willie has shown that he is willing to change but is he a lot of times he changes after like way too late and as sad as it may seem I just I I think it’s the same thing with that

But um if we had a point guard because I was one of the people think oh we don’t need it we don’t need it because I I see all of these guys we have that can facilitate but um we definitely touched on it talking a few times about when we

Had Rondo and and that’s absolutely true man if if we had a floor General or a guy with that mindset man he’ be throwing some of that [ __ ] out the window whatever they talking about that ain’t working at the end of the game and it would take that

Over and force the team to execute different stuff or we just gonna be running picking rolles all day till I get the M matchups I want and switching or or whatever but we need somebody with some composure um I think we have him or it’s Zion but I don’t I don’t know if

He’s ready to handle that role to command everybody else cuz Zion to me looked like the the most relaxed calmest guy out there with all that going on as that moment didn’t seem too big for him except you know he he was turning the ball over a little bit having some issues they

Trying to collapse on him he did make some mistakes but he wasn’t panicking but I don’t think he can do exactly what a floor General will be to do so if if we don’t have one maybe we should look at getting one or somebody

That can at least um Step In in some of these moments even if it’s just in practice to show guys what they would need to do because we it’s almost like we need a coach on the court on the offense now defense I I think we’ll be fine

But outside of that what we going we G to trade the whole roster we gonna break everything up we’re expecting them to fire Willie Green I don’t think none of that’s going to happen now after the season if we collapse then yeah but right now we got what we

Got I’m back on the Pelicans payroll boy damn damn bro can we get along one day Damon one day can we get along my man be coming for me every day every time check I thought we was all right I thought we started over today he

Said what he say uh I’m on a damn I’m on a pay what I said to be on the payroll first of all let’s let’s get it together Daman you’re wrong for that I gotta I gotta man I gotta protect my dog you can’t call Direct check that’s disrespectful bro it’s called it’s

Damage control I wish it was direct check you know what I’m going with Dam on this the hell that [ __ ] you talking call me direct check please DC Direct check please just don’t compare me to Derek car oh all right don’t go that dude don’t do that all right anyway this here

Man this is some of the some of the individuals not much to talk about here before we get into the preview for the Utah game Ingram LED all scores for the Pelicans 24 points in 42 minutes of action nine of 20 from the field two of four from downtown he was perfect from

The charity Stripes Seven assists with six rebounds in the matchup Zion had 23 points in 36 minutes he was seven of 17 nine of 12 from the free throw line uh he did have six turnovers in the game but plus four and a plus minus 11 rebounds so Z the double double tonight

17 from valat chunis with 13 rebounds and 36 minutes of action he was eight of 14 from the field one of three from downtown for big V 16 from McCullum in 39 minutes of action six of 14 from the field three of eight from downtown and

He had two assists two rebounds a block in the matchup herb not not much shaking offensively only four points he was 0 for four from downtown and two of eight from the field um he was out there doing some stuff but herb H not a herbage type of performance tonight from herb the

Complete performance he was off offensively in this one only gave us four points three assists and three rebounds and 32 minutes of action Off the Bench Trey Murphy and 36 minutes had 10 points and seven rebounds he was three of eight from the field he was 50%

From downtown three of six there 11 from Dyson in 19 minutes he was perfect from the field he even hit this three-pointer uh tonight 11 points and an assist with two steals from Dyson Daniels in the matchup so outside of that not much to talk about uh as the Grizzlies and John

Morant did did they thing uh you mentioned it uh J finished with 31 points 27 from Desmond Bane and basically those guys and jiren Jackson threw in 19 points but it’s basically between those guys Pelicans uh go down to the Grizzlies in the matchup so now

That we covered a lot of the stuff from the Memphis game Let’s kind of compare this going forward what do we need to do we got Utah coming here on Thursday the Utah Jazz are going to creep in here on Thursday against the Pelicans um they always seem to give us problems

Man the Jazz are 13 and 18 right now um they’ve won two I think they’re they won the last two games the last let me see if I can pull yeah actually three games they’re three- game winning streak the Pistons Raptors in the Spurs so we got

Them coming up on Thursday what do we need to do fam uh to kind of get this W against this Utah team that we always seem to have problems with um the exact opposite of what we did tonight man hold of damn the matchup indicator got a 78% wow that’s for

Gambling when is the last time we when the last time we PE Utah how hell that’s for gambling purposes some for people who don’t know people up I could they could have just made it 5050 at least but you know yeah that’s what that was for and they gave youah

21% chance a 21% chance of winning and if you if you are a intelligent person you could just look all the way to the bottom right of the screen over there and it’s the Jazz one the Jazz one the Jazz one but um the PS to be Utah man they they have

To get out of this uh down the stretch this this ISO ball mentality man that’s not will we do well I think we can be able to do that if we actually um have the offense in place that we were anticipating with bgos where you can have the ball and

Zion or be’s um hands down a stretch and guys are moving off of them but it just seemed like they don’t they don’t know what the hell to do you know what that’s going on um this is a tough matchup for Zion uh with the length that they have defensively

And um it’s it’s a real tough match up for Zion bi usually gets gets his going against Utah so if we could figure out a way man to neutralize The Bigs um preferably get a one or a couple of them in foul trouble I think that would help

Tremendously as well as uh knocking on the three ball man this it’s going to be huge if we want to beat Utah we got to knock down the three ball man and we got got to put a handle on Jordan Clarkson as well because um a lot of times when

We play them he he kills us man so if they can do a couple of those things or a combination of all of those things I think the PS will be able to be victorious against the Utah Jazz but again this this is a tough game man I I

Can’t remember the last one we beat with Utah and um before the show I was just telling Pig Q the way they did us with uh with that uh that tip ball not the tip Ball but the last play of regulation on the game tonight is the same [ __ ]

With Utah Rudy goell they they gave him one like that I remember uh joic didn’t beat us like that far as uh them calling a foul at the end of the game so you already know where the refs would be if it come down to the come down um but

Maybe not because they don’t have no stars on their team but Utah is just always one of them teams man has been tough to beat as well as uh Memphis as of late um I thought uh once we got all our guys back healthy we’ll be able to continue

To run the table on Memphis like we used to do when we was at full strength but not such a thing and they got the refs in their pocket Utah it’s just been a tough matchup overall man with the way that they they play us defensively and it’s very weird because

They’re not really a good team but as much as I want to say we gonna win this game I’mma have to say wait and see I’m I’mma be like y’all l no predictions for me don’t ask me just won to watch it on Thursday and see what

Happens yeah the thing about Utah DC is you’re right they play us really well you know Styles make fights old old boxing jargon but if you look at statistics with the Jazz they’re a top 10 team and three points made three-pointers made they’re top six in freee throw percentage the top four in

Rebounds they’re ninth in in assist game and they eighth in blocks so I mean they do a lot of really good things um from a hustle standpoint that could be problematic for the Pelicans because the Pelicans have a lot of issues especially breaking down late and and fundamental

Stuff like hitting free throws stuff that good teams do that really help them get like several games that we’ve been dealing with if he’d been a better foul team shooter would we’ have had we’ had these games no problem but it’s just those things they leave the door open

For teams to sneak back in and then sit up here saying why did we lost why did we lose the game Lex uh talk to me what do you what do you what do you see from this matchup energy that’s always the number one thing that I say and

Um playing the game to win and not playing the game to lose that’s the next big thing um really that’s the biggest thing make free throws play with a lot of pace it’s called double checks okay DC it was a shot at Dame I’m sorry Lex

No came out of nowhere but um yeah I I think the biggest thing is just playing the win man um you know keeping keeping uh keeping the foot on the gas um the times that this team has beaten the PS it’s been close but right now I

Mean the crisis is just so real right now I I don’t I don’t even know man I mean you can’t you can’t you can’t get over a crisis you know within a game you know pills lost Before Christmas right after Christmas it’s like didn’t want nobody to get no

Christmas gift as far as the fans go but um yeah I mean that’s that’s basically what they got to do um because all these games have been close definitely gota knock down knock down shots in order to knock down shots we got to get our Shooters open

Um ain’t no sense to having the shooters up in there and you know they don’t shoot that’s all I got yeah you right Lex Shooters can’t shoot if if you know they don’t get the ball where they open to take a shot you know like I said I don’t know why Trey

Was in there I I don’t know why he was in there man I mean because you know Trey ain’t no known for his defense so they was putting J on tree I’m like man this [ __ ] is D yeah I know and and we weren’t making them pay on the other end

It’s like you got even giving them the ball you got Marcus Smart and well the thing is it’s like I was hoping like one thing that I would love for Trey to do because a lot of times when he sees somebody up close to him well what’s

Funny he said uh Dam said I wonder where our enforcer was tonight he was in a locker room man he got hurt oh sh but that hey man I mean that was kind of I don’t know that wouldn’t that wouldn’t even you know it wouldn’t even

Called for an enforce on tonight but um one thing that I would love for Trey to do is you know obviously uh teams want to run him off that line I would love for him to just to just take that shot dog you are freaking 611 you have Marcus Smart on you who

Who’s not athletic like that you are way more athletic than him rise up shoot your shot let them hit hit you in the body or something and and and go to the line to get four make that a four-point play I I wish he would do that more I re

I really do because I mean he a lot of times it’s like dog don’t run off the line rise up like I would love I don’t know if he watches KD sometimes but man hey man if you a little dude and you 611 s foot with a ridiculous wingspan rise up and hit

That J I know he’s athletic but he’s still a little dude you athletic too you were just in the dunk contest rise up and hit that that’s it done that’s indeed I mean this is U yeah we uh I don’t I don’t know what we gonna do

Against this team I mean the Pelicans do too much beating their ownself man that’s the problem with this damn team they do too much beating their own s and it’s hard to say they gonna beat other squads when they when they turn the ball over they don’t hit the free throws the

Referees give that I know the referees had some bull craap calls but it did give the Pelicans opportunities to get to the line you got to take advantage of them man and it’s just mentally weak mentally weak team down there that explains your statistic that you may

Mention of Lex you know at you know what their what their record is at a certain uh time yes that’s mentally that’s mentally weak and and and that’s when your intelligence go out if they start like you said use the term panicking that’s exactly what happens yeah so I

Don’t understand how you voluntarily go away from what was working to get to establish the 15-point lead to uh uh turn into a struggle Factory late in the game and then it’s just it’s just I don’t know what to say about it man Pelicans just H they aren’t ready man

They are not ready for what we thought they were supposed to be man it is what it is so Draymond Draymond was right man I keep going back yeah I know that’s why I keep saying it I’m gonna keep saying it because the thing is as much as I

Don’t care for that dude hey man you got to be honest this team ain’t built like that a ly you’re right you’re right they’re not built like that and that that Rings true I mean I don’t know what to say about this man because it don’t

Make no sense for a team to to be to to beat themselves like this over and over again I just don’t get it man I really don’t get it I don’t understand they they can’t hit free throws I just really don’t I don’t get it man I really

Don’t they glutting for punishment bro I guess they they like it what do you call that uh forgot what you call it person like that man they they they like self-mutilation and self torture bro that would be C huh would that be crazy crazy you’re crazy that’s what that what

That means if you yeah they they got a name for it man I forget the uh Mist massachus they’re Mist bro as a basketball team they’re Mass is it’s it’s self-inflicted injury after self-inflicted injury and the the crazy thing to me is it all happens inside of

Like four minutes if you go back and you watch all the pel’s losses especially unless we got blue out or something obviously right inside of that last four minutes man it’s just like looking at a completely different team and then you know you put in perspective what’s happening um the other team’s obviously

Gonna play harder on defense right they’re gonna um not sell out even harder to not give you what you want and it’s almost like once you know they turn off our water far as in that aspect we we just we don’t have the next thing to

Go to when they prevent you from the first layer of what you’ve been doing we we don’t we don’t have a option B C or D you know we just keep trying to push through and everything looks stagnant but you can watch the PS pretty much in

The game and kind of get a good idea on how it’s going to turn out because all of the games that end like this um everything looks like a struggle and we’re a bad team because um good teams they have games where everything looks like a struggle and

They find a way to win Pals we have games where everything looks like a struggle we’ll somehow manage to get a 10 or 15o lead and find a way to lose so until we can fix that that man and figure that out you know it’s it’s going

To be more of this up and down roller coaster I really don’t see anything changing and I don’t think it’s a drastic change we need to do with a lineup or anything like that it’s more of a a shift in philosophy um being more strategic down the down the stretch actually having a

Good uh good game plan being able to stick to it and being able to adjust or have a backup plan for our backup plan when uh what we initially want to do isn’t working and uh gotta give a shout out to Mo because he’s saying the same

Thing as me man that we need a real point guard or if we have a real point guard on a team and we’re not utilizing them in that way we need to allow them to to get some of those minutes in crunch time um I like Jose I’m not sure

If he’s that guy but at this point you I mean you got to try something different though at least at certain stretches because one thing I do know about Jose is um I don’t see he’s not the guy that panics Under Pressure I don’t see that from

Him I don’t I thought CJ was I guess had more composure than this man but I yeah that dude was not a point guard but he’s he was in panic bi isn’t really fully panicking but I mean they’re uh when he has the ball he’s not but when it’s time

To make an outlet pass it’s kind of a little bit of it but I mean got two guys on him and they trapping him but um we got to figure something out man because everybody just keeps doing the same thing to us it’s not like it’s rocket science what they’re doing well there’s

No plays either I mean if you did you see like what they were doing out there spacing was bad they running into each other there there is really no Outlet pass or I don’t know man it’s like what what play are you running because I don’t I don’t see any and I I

At this point I don’t even like any of the sets the sets if there is a play um I I don’t even like them I you know I don’t even like them whatever whatever is going on out there they they need to they need to they need a brand new set of

Plays like ones that ain’t nobody ever seen before not even them but yeah this team got a they got a lot of work to do they got a lot of work to do you know it’s funny because I I look at I look at last

Season in a weird sense I feel like they were playing better last season than they are this season um I don’t know at least it felt like there was like a whole lot more hope at this point um say Lex what there is a lot of hope we have a physical therapist

Now things will [Laughter] change and Larry NZ Jr is coming back that’s the other aspect I think that oh DC come on come on wa wait wait no no no no no no no me out come not he’s not a savior hold up hold up wait wait you gotta think about

Something and you want to put something in perspective and I’mma give you something based off of what you saying about last year and something I’m noticing that’s missing okay last year when we went on that stretch while Zion was playing Point Zion you know who was getting a large portion of the sentiment

Larry Nash Jr so I think having him may change some things far as uh our offense him um actually running plays and setting better screens and stuff then JV you know um the intensity defensively was up with him so I I I would like to see you know yeah I gotta

Get my money uh Dane bro direct check D but uh Dam DC that’s the intensity man got a y’all y’all we sound like we at a funeral tonight we this game 27 man things can change we ain’t exactly at a at a at a lively party right now DC well

This ain’t no goddamn eulogy okay you know what it is but n the the Dynamics of how we run uh how we get out and run you know change some with him it’s just it’s a different look and I think if we get the right combination of guys it may give us

Something different or help that um that Zion lineup man when we want to go Point Z and also I think him getting in in better shape and um I mean he was probably actually moving his feet on tonight he actually looked pretty good yeah yeah I mean he had a double double

He was he was getting them rebounds I mean he had a lot of turnovers but again they don’t put the ball in his hand a lot so I mean that’s to be expected but um no he didn’t look he didn’t look bad I mean dude look he was getting up and

Down the court getting rebounds so and like I said like he was the only starter in the in the plus minus well I mean yeah you gotta point that what be wait be wasn’t in plus minus be had a he played some hell of a defense man I thought that was a wasted

Uh very outstanding defensive performance from be he had like four blocks three steals he he denied J so many times um Dam he wasn’t in a plus or minus he played horrible offensively minus seven wow wow with the way he was playing defensively that’s crazy fooled you yeah he

Did but I know what I saw down the stretch offensively it wasn’t nothing to look at yeah yeah that that that was the the big sign right there what we got to do man to get better um two games left in the year we got Utah uh coming up on

Thursday and the Lakers we still need a we need a in my opinion a rim protector I would like to see us bring Jameson up from the G League I think that would help with some things it won’t happen but if we did I think that would change

The Dynamics of our defense especially down the stretch so we wouldn’t have to sub in Dyson Daniels for Jared Jackson Jr you can probably Sub in some guy you know who that actually block shots for a living against big guys you know um I think that would change um the ability

For us to utilize more shooting so I I think Matt Ryan I’m really looking forward to see when he comes back um what that what that’ll do I think that’ll Force Willie at least based on what he saw previous to give him a shot he’s a vet it’s not

Like he’s Hulk he’s better defensively than Hulk so while we see Hulk not getting minutes those minutes we want hog to get I think he would actually give them to Matt Ryan especially if that that shot is falling and something like that man just to create a spark you

Know within that bench unit or a different rotation I think is enough to turn the tide and unfortunately this is the last thing it’s inevitable don’t want it to be bad but somebody to get hurt so Willie is forced to change his rotations because it just seems like sometimes when guys

Get hurt and Willie we go these different and and it’s extremely successful and then they’re not hurt no more and we completely forget the [ __ ] we was doing earlier that was actually working when said play was hurt so uh one of those things are a combination

Of them man I think will put us back on the winning streak I don’t know bro I mean it’s it I do like what MOS is saying about the point guard situation I I really Malcolm brogon too man that’s that’s an amazing idea we’ve been trying to how long we’ve

Been trying to get malcol Brock K been saying that for the last two or three years been about four years he was in he was in he was man I think Malcolm Bron was in Milwaukee when we first started talking about yeah yeah he moved around a little bit I think he

Then he went to Indiana we was still trying to get him yep he was went to the Celtics and we still wanted him not Portland yep you been saying Malcolm Brockton Brockton he can distribute the ball uh he does a lot of good things like the opposite of Drew holiday you

Know good enough defensively but like better offensively as a point guard it’s like the opposite version of Drew holiday it’s not a bad idea but that’s where they get this idea of everybody it’s a a point guard by group approach go ahead Lexi you wanted to say

Something oh yeah um you know I wonder if it’s possible if Willie can get sick and and you know just so we can get back on track with bgo damn you know what I’m saying I don’t know because they were playing different but that’s what we

Need right now that’s the only way we can change you know this crisis overnight if if you want to be honest but Lex you ain’t gonna stop till will about him I mean the thing are you seeing what’s going on I’m I’m I’m not I’m not trying to attack him because of personal

Reasons I know it may seem like that because I talk about basketball very passionately and with a lot of conviction but that’s not the case I’m looking at what he’s doing I’m looking at the performance and this is a business right so the thing is this is there’s there’s

Habits that he’s developed that are you know they’re repeating themselves I mean and it’s causing problems on the team you know so I mean like I said you know even if we are able to get to the playoffs the number one thing in the playoffs is the ability to make

Adjustments and that is the number one thing that Willie has problems with I mean you know I mean it’s not it’s not rocket science I mean it’s it’s you you got to be able to make adjustments and you have to be able to make in-game adjustments and adjustments

From G from game to game within a seven game series that that that’s one thing they always Hall of Famers say that commentators say that analysts say that players say that coaches say that you know in all the game playoff games that I’ve seen they always say that and he

Lacks that ability that that that’s a big deal that’s why it’s like there’s only so far this team can go with with him at the ham because he he hasn’t gotten better and I’m not saying even if he has a good game and he he wins a game it’s

Like it’s not like a huge needle that he moved he he hasn’t moved it a whole lot so and that’s that’s why I keep saying that man I’m I’m looking at everything and I didn’t I didn’t just start doing this overnight I you know I’ve given him

Time I mean the the thing is I know he’s been dealing with injuries but right now with the exceptions of Larry Nance the roster’s healthy we we have really no excuses you know I’m looking at other teams look a lot of other teams they’re dealing with injuries you know they’ve

Got first year coaches and it’s like they know their identity they know what they’re trying to do and here Willie’s been here three years I’m like I mean I know everybody has different levels of learning curves and things like that but it’s like dude like I mean this dude over here is

A first year coach this team was in the slums last season and they they’re they’re doing better Memphis was was without job for 25 games and you know what the Pelicans we this team has been playing together way more than J’s been back and we still look like we have an identity crisis

They know exactly who they are that’s the difference Memphis knows who they are they know what they’re about and the Pelicans don’t and it’s not just Memphis it’s it’s other teams too that’s a that’s a serious thing man you got to know who you are that’s just like me asking you

DC who who are who are you who are you big Q who are you Traal that’s the question we gotta ask ourselves you know what I’m saying you all could I’m sure you could easily tell me who you are what you’re about Pelicans can’t do that at least not right now this is true I mean Lex you cooking uh shout out to the fam man appreciate

Y’all being in this episode of the show man listen it’s a tough one tonight Pelicans go down by their own hands man because this was a game that they had once again so in the two game we’re on the two game losing streak again winners

Of one out of the last four games not good we got Utah coming up on Thursday Saturday afternoon I think 6:00 pm we have the Lakers so this is going to be interesting this week Mo’s asking about show participation we gonna see what’s going on with that bro just hit

Your notification Bell we’ll let you know about all that man but yeah confidence in Willie uh right now is is is is it is what it is yeah it’s it’s low he he has to prove that he can turn this stuff around and granted the Pelicans aren’t exactly you know they’re

Not losing ass I mean they losing right now but they overall right now their record is 17 and 14 but it could be a hell of a lot better if they just do some of the small things right we just saying it’s not even complicated stuff

For you know that we starting with just start with the simple stuff like get these goddamn guys in in the on the foul throw you know shooting free throw drills you know focusing on that just you know working on certain aspects of the game getting them on the same page

You know they miss they can run suicides that’s what I’m saying make them pay for this this for real this this this is a part of the team if you want to get to the next level it was a onepoint loss today like a lot of the games that we

Get close to we losing these games and it’s a lot of different reasons but a simple way to look at it check the free throw line 10 misses tonight you lost by one you hit half of those you win these games and that that’s the point a lot of

This it changes everything when you get free throws these are supposed to be it’s a charity stripe we call it a charity stripe it’s supposed to be one of the easiest shots outside of getting a a straightaway layup I mean but it is what it is man so anyway we gonna get on

Out of here on that listen I appreciate y’all please feel free to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and by all means feel free to share the show on your social media feed the Pelican post game report the number one independent longest running Pelican podcast in the

Land we up in this thing also feel free to check out Lex’s uh new song Lex pinned in the chat uh she has a a great you know the the edges the theme song we push into the Pelicans if they played this during the damn practices that we can finally find

Out what’s on the other side of the building and I laughed anyway get to the bottom of the mystery of what’s on the other side of that damn building I’mma find out what it is I’mma get to the I’m ask cousin Giller to shoot that that is very Mindful and

Thoughtful you okay I’m trying to fight a great mystery to the world there’s no Joy to the World man I’m get brother I’m G get brother Giller to shoot a picture of that other side of the wall right there man I’m sure he would enjoy that re read read what uh Mo put

Down all right says Willy’s confidence level is lower than yes yes indeed yes you are absolutely low that is Low Mo read the other one you got another one if if Willie was in the in the Orleans Parish School System he would have oh my goodness

I it’s yes he it’s something going wrong upstairs got it so we we’ll let you know mol we’ll do the we got the two shows they don’t exactly fall on Friday yes sir Marley has an interesting theory on what’s on the other side of the the banners okay Q I think Dennis Allen’s

Hiding on he probably is is because it’s the same facility I think he probably is on that’s why they think his his rotten crazy energy is all over the place right y’all make Old Willie man all right so anyway y’all make sure y’all check out Lex a full song Man The

Edge is cool man it’s it’s it’s a great song Man to get you you know get you up in the morning get you running that extra lap man to put you get you working man and we need to kind of push that on out there man so look shout out to the

Fan appreciate y’all you also be looking out for DC DC working on the song Too Lexa asked a really important question early on she asked who is DC and I just thought Ziggy Marley J so what that is the HUD that that’s right the H that your One-Stop shop

Everything do all the saints do all the Pelicans LSU Tigers even the Top Flight boxing dud so if you’re a HUD that you looking for a place to stay up on your team H that is your site the hudat for the sport hudat and

All of us that’s right the Pro Shop is the platform store where you can go and buy all the latest merch to support the platform available at the Pro Shops we have dozens of hundreds of products available for you and your family unisex te’s for men and women hoodies and

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🏀 Dive into a comprehensive recap of the Pelicans vs Grizzlies showdown with your favorite basketball analysts Big Q, DC, and Lexxah on PPR! In this episode, we dissect the key moments of the Pels/Grizzlies matchup, providing you with insightful analysis and exciting play-by-plays.

🎙️ Hear directly from Pelicans’ head coach Willie Green in his postgame press conference, as we explore his strategies and reflections on the game.

🔜 Looking ahead, we preview the Pelicans’ next challenge against the Utah Jazz (12-18). What tactics will the Pels employ? What should fans watch out for? We’ve got all the answers!

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  1. Hate to say it, but the best this team has performed this year was when Willie was not coaching.

  2. Blaming the Coach for everything is tiresome. The Coach don't turn the ball, the Coach don't miss Free Throws, the Coach don't Ref the games. This is a PLAYERS LEAGUE!! The Players have to figure this out.

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