@Chicago Bulls

Brunson and Randle go off in Chicago Bulls loss to Knicks | CHGO Bulls Postgame

Brunson and Randle go off in Chicago Bulls loss to Knicks | CHGO Bulls Postgame

Yeah what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to C show Bulls post game coming to you live from our studios here in the West Loop downtown Chicago I am P you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls corpe my guys big dayve bow bwl Sports perfectly timed why would that be shocking to

Anyone will go goly willor go we are CSU Bulls our P producer Joseph spis on the controls he is at Joey spus follow him too Bulls fall to the New York Nicks and our old friend tibs 11600 the final thank you for hanging out uh live on

YouTube hanging out in the chat if you are with us go ahead and hit that Thumbs Up Button we’ll get to as many of y’all’s thoughts on tonight’s game as we can throw us some super chats if you feel so inclined uh gentlemen the Bulls hung with the Knicks for the first half

Actually bounced back from kind of a rough start some turnovers some Miss shots uh in early going take a four-point lead in a halftime mhm lose the second half by 20 uh Randall and Brunson who we talked about in pregame both end up dropping 30 plus dear and

Kobe both had themselves a solid first half Kobe kept it going in the second half dear kind of quieted down dear ends up with 28 Kobe 26 they just didn’t have any help tonight from this very short-handed Bulls team uh no uh second quarter Bulls score 31 uh third quarter

23 fourth quarter 22 too uh yeah you’re not going to win that way I it’s been the same old problem I guess you know the three-point shooting uh just being bad but I think what was newer for me tonight was the turnovers or the way they were having those turnovers happen

Um Patrick Williams definitely uh Alex guso he’s just been doing that honestly all season as far as turning the ball over is concerned but yeah like in that second half it was just a whole different ball game um the Knicks executed much better the Bulls were a step slower um they

Basically bullied them and realized you know we’re a bigger team than you that’s that’s all Randall pretty much did was bully and what BV was Caruso or IO or Kobe or whoever I’m bigger than you I’m taking you and I’m putting you in the hole and I’m putting you in the realm uh

Hardenstein uh game of his life out there against the Bulls career high in rebounds yeah 20 rebounds 15 points five blocks 10 points 10 points excuse me uh five blocks which is wild but yeah like I’m mad at myself cuz I didn’t stick to

My my my uh Tod that I had called when it was about 7 minutes to go about 7:02 that’s time of death for those of you who aren’t quite sure I’m I’m mad at myself when I was thinking about it cuz I felt that after that sequence where

They couldn’t get an offensive rebound at all and then they finally get and then the Knicks get it and they dunk it I believe it was out aobi gets it dunks it it’s cuz soogo wasn’t in there Dave that was that was what sealed the Bulls

Fate tonight yeah like a a taale of of of two halves man like stuck with him played well in the first one second half it yeah and like it really was kind of as simple as the Bulls played a game last night against the Sixers it’s obviously a really tough game sure and

They’re missing Zack LaVine they’re missing try Craig they’re missing vich it’s just they seem tired like d rozan was on fire in the first quarter first half could and then 10 in the first half and then he was 10 of 13 on the game so he just kind of like stopped existing um

And it’s just hard to score when nobody’s really generating offense again that’s a reason why you miss a guy like V and a guy like Zach correct uh just to like be somebody that can create shots um as as much as the offense has looked

Better at the end of the day you still need somebody that can like go get a bucket yeah and I think a lot of people a lot of fans a lot of teams even who might be in some of these sweep Stakes often forget that like these games slow

Down and you need somebody that can go score correct um and I think the Bulls really missed that so uh maybe we can talk more about Zach here later on the show but like sounds like trending towards Friday return and yeah it’s going to be interesting to get him back

Yeah definitely and you mentioned being on the back toback uh outrebounded 52 to 39 um that lets you know and Drummond had pretty much nice amount of drumman had 16 of those 39 16 of your 39 rebounds damn yeah all right so yeah like like they were they were yeah they

Were beasted and it was the turnover it was the turnover turnover Patrick had five turnovers just a rough game for him he like I don’t know if he got blocked or just missed the dunk on the opening possession yeah um but just did not look like a very good version of Patrick um

For the majority of that game but yeah I mean the the Knicks were generating a ton of seals they had six steals seven blocks uh 15 turnovers for them to only 11 for the Bulls but it just again when you’re a team that is going to lose a

Three-point battle which they did only bu two yeah um you just you have to be better at the free throw line and you have to be better on turnovers and look the Bulls you know they had fewer turnovers than the Knicks they still managed to lose the points off turnovers

Battle it was close 21 points off turnovers for New York 18 for the Bulls so it’s not like this game was dictated by turnovers it’s just that you know when that is an element that’s contributing to such a short-handed roster unless your role players are shining in their roles behind your new

Big two because you don’t even have a big three V is out Zach’s out it’s now Kobe and dear is your big two and they both gave you what they could on the second night of a back toback dear old Kobe playing hurt you expected some you

Know slow legs in that second half right who was going to step up and help him your role players who you have been relying on when you’re short-handed Patrick Williams trash game tonight mm and I don’t know if it’s because he is also playing hurt has something he left

Last night’s game with an ankle yeah I saw him make plenty of bone-headed decisions out there tonight that have nothing to do with a bad ankle or that I certainly would not blame on a bad ankle telegraphing bad passes making bad choices as far as when to shoot when to

Drive when to pass he made the bad decision every time he made a decision tonight except the first time he touched the ball in the first 30 seconds of the game put the ball on the floor beat his man off the dribble didn’t convert the dunk but I love the aggression on that

Every decision Pat made after that I thought tonight was bad yeah five turnovers five freaking turnovers from a role player who doesn’t handle the ball all that much and look I don’t think he’s deserved a lot of criticism when the Bulls been dropping these games when they’re short-handed but I dumu and and

We credit him for what he does in transition we credit him for the defense he plays he covers a lot of ground he minimizes his mistakes we’ve seen him make off ball mistakes on defense this season but he was two of 12 tonight two of 12 Pat played like garbage and IO two

Of 12 how how can you expect to be in a game against a legitimate Knicks team like that when you know iow was a bench player but he you know in his regular role recently a bench player playing 30 damn minutes and one of your other starters is doing

That it’s it’s an uphill climb and I was not at all surprised to see the Bulls let go of the rope and and let this one get away from them in the second half second half of back toback their entire starting five lost by double digits yeah

And you mentioned the back toback also with uh D rozan and Kobe D Roan played 38 minutes Kobe with 37 like those are also like your top two in the NBA as far as total minutes so of course that second half you know you’re going to see

Guys you know kind of get fatigued especially coming off of back toback and like you mentioned an older player like R roen like that’s just what it is and you’re going to need help and they could not get that help you mentioned I also one to six uh from the three-point line

One of six Caruso two of eight Caruso two of eight correct and Caruso started off the game with two misses uh from the three-point line and when I’m watching Caruso create I’m just you know you know how I feel Caruso’s the guy doing that stuff you’re in trouble you know that’s

That’s not the way to win it um also uh Drummond who had 13 points uh 16 rebounds two steals still for me wasn’t a great game um definitely turning it over out of place a lot you know uh and when another guy is getting 20 rebounds on you along with

Five blocks that kind of you know dwarfs you know your numbers and what you’re kind of doing right there but you know I’m not putting again I’m not gonna put it all on drum but like I said when people lose everybody gets a piece um and Javon Carter man like you mentioned

Javon like it’s been wild like the regression has been crazy like I I’ve watched Javon Carter since College bro like a long time I watched since College I don’t remember him like this as far as getting the ball and the tunnel vision of having the ball and that’s it and

It’s going up I don’t care what else happens kind of thing so that’s been interesting for me because I’m used to seeing him nowhere to be on the floor to get the ball someone to find him you know in the corner find him on the uh

Baseline you know find him at the elbow get him the ball and then he shoots the three you know do it like that and then then I’m used to him play full court defense when the ball goes through the net I’m used to him being up on the ball

Handler I saw him do that earlier a little bit in the season I haven’t seen it as much since man I really haven’t so yeah they haven’t been able to uh score especially from the three-point line also when you can’t get inside to score either that’s going to stop you too when

Hartenstein is dude stopping you from get ins side of scor that’s some issues but yeah you’re missing more scoring and you’ve got a guy who can kind of do that sitting on the bench and we’ll see uh what he looks like on Friday when he

Gets back and you got a guy in Vu and please this these games like this go towards the people who were saying you know start drumming why is drumming out there he’s got to start and we’re like I like what Drumm is doing he can’t be your starter like these are the reasons

And getting a guy like V who can kind of spread the floor helps but at the end of the day you just missed those shots man and you missed those three-pointers cuz there were a lot of time times uh where they the play was run run correctly and

They just did not make the shot it was just clang Charlie Bale and that’s what was going on I mean they had some bad misses but 13 of 32 is like you know 40% it’s not the worst three-point shooting night of all time um and honestly like

I’ll take that from the Bulls uh on most nights but yeah to me it was just like they couldn’t really get anything going at the basket uh Kobe had that one awesome dunk but it just felt it felt like they just didn’t get a lot of easy

Looks and part of that was hardenstein um he was obviously detering everything um yeah I don’t know it just it felt like nothing was really coming easy tonight and again I think that goes back to the idea that they were just pretty gassed yeah it’s a gas team gas it’s a gas team

That’s so short-handed I I uh I see people having a interesting conversation in the comments about you know tonight’s loss and who depended on okay everybody put it on everyone y’ straight up like again they’re leaders of it could but everybody gets some peace the the South garon saying the game turned when

Drummond left the game Drummond Drummond’s playing 30 minutes a night if he doesn’t get in foul trouble and then some yeah you guys see how much sweat is pouring off of Andre Drummond he’s working man yeah you expect Billy to pull a tibs and be like hey sorry

Drummond I mean we’re shorthanded you’re playing 48 tonight Terry Taylor’s minutes are not the problem tonight I saw somebody else in the comments say like you know once V is back Terry Taylor better not see the floor well [ __ ] duh do you think that’s going to happen I saw Alexander

One of our regulars saying like yeah small ball really works like really works guys look the Knicks are a big bruising team they are and they dominated the Bulls who are being forced to play small right now yeah what what else do you want yeah tell me what you

Want one of your guys on your roster who’s actually over 6’7 Patrick played fewer minutes as a starter tonight cuz Billy saw he was playing like [ __ ] Tory Craig is out Vu is out Julian Phillips second round rookie thin as a freaking paper clip you think he was going to do

Better banging bodies down low tonight yeah all comes back to soogo right 6’9 big muscle love what we saw from him in absolute garbage time last night he’s about to explode I just missing the bigger picture it’s a hurt team it’s a short-handed team yeah they got worked on the boards tonight

What show show me this giant stable of available bigs that Billy isn’t using please I mean [ __ ] sake I think the piece you’re missing here that people are still not willing to accept is that it’s a short-handed team it’s an injured team it’s a tire team it’s also just not

A very good team this team is 11th in the East they’ve been playing a lot better of late but they’re just still not a great team and it’s hard to win every night when you’re not a great team it just is hard to win every night when

You’re not a great team and a short-handed not a great team Channel 4 News hurt short-handed also not very good when they are healthy none of this is surprising thank you and it’s like thank you I think part of the like incentive to keep this team together the

Continuity thing is like none of these other teams in the East are all that exciting or all that good and I do think On Any Given night the Bulls could beat them but on most nights they don’t and that’s kind of the problem is like it’s almost like the regular season record

Doesn’t matter as long as they get into the play in because yeah they could beat the Knicks or the Hawks or the Raptors or the Nets um On Any Given night in a playing game true but it’s to me it’s just like this bigger question of like is that

Really what you’re going for is that not a reason to still try to get better when you look at the team uh the Knicks team that just went out and got OG and and Obi like all these teams are trying to get better and the Zach’s situation is

Going to be difficult I’m not sure what’s going to happen with that but you know it’s been three years basically that we haven’t really seen the Bulls try to do something to like actively get better and um you know you don’t have to get worse in order to get better but you

Have to do something in order to get better because we’ve seen what happens when they just say the same and that is what happens tonight yeah again like you said short-handed and not having those guys out there but yeah you took a ass whooping on the back to back I I like

The point also being made about Drummond of first of all going against embiid you know what I’m saying the night before and actually putting up some really solid numbers against embiid but then coming in on a back to back tonight and going against hardenstein you know and

Still putting up you know those solid numbers like I said he did some drumming stuff out there which is just kind of par for the course with that but at the same time that’s why I cut him a little bit of slack like man dude that’s no

Real help for him like Terry Taylor is not helping you guard and be that’s just not the thing whatever Terry Taylor can provide is just extra you know it’s just like found money it’s like oh man he scored a bucket oh man he got a rebound

Oh man he got a steal like that’s found money stuff and allowing Drummond to get more rest just because he did those kind of things it’s not a it’s not somebody you’re putting in and and you’re like all right we can hold it down now you

Know what I mean no like you I think you made the point like playing small ball is just not something they’ve really done you know and so to be put into the situation with a guy like Terry Taylor you know like and I like Terry Taylor

He’s solid but there’s a reason he’s not out there playing like just every single game there’s there’s definitely a reason for that but yeah like they’re in a tough situation with all these injuries that have slapped them across the face and you know they’re paying for it now and hopefully they get some

Reinforcements soon well it’s looking like they’ll get some very very soon and they’re going to need it cuz they got to get them buckets man because not scoring and not having a shooting threat out there outside of uh Kobe is is really hindering the Bulls from winning these

Games like that like just the threat and again I feel like I’m rehashing old arguments that we’ve we’ve went over and done all the time man but talking about just getting somebody who’s a threat on your team you know that teams have to actually respect like that like there’s

A reason IO was so wi open on a lot of those shots you know there’s the reason why Caruso was too even though he’s play shooting much better he’s still not a threat they’re not scared of Alice Caruso shooting threes um Patrick Williams just he’s scaring himself out out of taking those shots

Open yeah like and when I’m looking at Demar and he’s what three for three I think from the three-point line tonight yeah you’re like wow that’s amazing but I you got to get somebody that’s going to threaten you that’s Zack LaVine he’ll give you that threat I mean Zach out V

Had not been shooting the three super well to start the season had started to knock him down before getting hurt he did out yeah Tory Craig can occasionally have a night where he knocks down some threes out this Bulls team that came in short on three-point shooting is missing

A good chunk of its three-point shooting and aside from Kobe did not shoot well tonight yeah and shout out to Kobe for finding his shot but like Al like if Demar de rozan is suddenly your team’s second best three-point shooter problems credit to Demar problem

Jo God uh let’s take a quick break right there we’ll come back on the other side uh and get more thoughts on tonight’s game more of y’all’s thoughts on tonight’s game uh a rough loss to the Knicks while we’re doing that you know what to do hit the thumb do it for Joey

Do it for each other do it for yourself for hanging in there and watching a really tough second half of basketball tonight make sure you subscribe as well to csj sports YouTube channel uh Big Dave do you want to talk uh just a little bit for a little while you

Know I know we got a little more things to get into but I figured we could bring some joy and talk about some ComEd man I would love cuz you know Joy it’s getting a little bit easier Matt getting a little easier for businesses to switch to electric vehicles that’s something

That we can all get behind for the health of the planet and for the well-being of all of us who share it that’s right Dave the electric Rd is evolving to meet your cleaner energy needs as we all move with confidence towards an electric tomorrow whether you

Have one delivery van or a whole Fleet of shipping trucks like we know baby joey does of course he does got a whole Fleet of them things and helicopters comeg can help guide you to make the changes that make sense so what’s your business owners like Baby Joey do man

Well I’ll tell you Dave go to clean to learn more about the resources Fleet rebates and infrastructure incentives available to help businesses go electric if you own a business one good for you cool way to go two don’t wait start making your plan today to switch to electric vehicles good for

Business good for the planet good for all of us go to clean did you say SL CLE yes I did Dave go now and see how going electric connects us to a better way of doing business and a better future for generations to come you know what else could create

A better future it’s something you could do for yourself and has get in Goat shape that’s right ladies and gentlemen you see this the coughing doesn’t just happened that’s the breeze flowing through it when he’s outside running get right that’s right man it stays in shape

All right that’s how it rolls and the place he can do that at and something that you can do that at is the Midtown Athletic Club what an amazing Place ladies and gentlemen four locations one in palentine in the north for suburbs banic burn in the NorthShore Willowbrook

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System um get it out I I can’t help myself and y’all can’t help yourselves either give it to man Reggie Mack in the comments backto back is no excuse for poor coaching adjustments uhoh small ball while being outrebounded not using your bench where you have energy and

Fresh legs oh I’ll be over here did did did Billy play his his starters All 48 minutes all five of them tonight what not using you know who was on the floor for that back breaking four try Nick’s possession that ended in a dunk and basically put the game Out Of Reach cuz

It was all your hustle and energy guys I was out there D was out there Caruso was out there couldn’t get a rebound you’re hustling energy guys I Terry why is it that such a huge portion of this fan base suddenly thinks that Adama sonogo is a savior a

Savior is that what I’m not I’m not saying I don’t want to see any soogo minutes ever I’m saying to think that this obsession with small ball and the fact that there are so there’s a wealth of better options out there is what’s causing a loss like this mhm more so

Than second night of a back toback and your team is missing four of it it’s main rotation players mhm no no it’s it’s it’s it’s the rotations I swear to God it is what the [ __ ] is wrong with some of y’all I swear I don’t get it I really

Don’t the tough night of a back to back man playing the Nicks team like you’re undersized you know going against this squad right here and even a guy that is your size is Jaylen Brunson who was an All-Star dude who’s who’s pretty damn good like they scor they both had two

People scored 30 you know what I mean two of them they scored 30 points man so and then again another guy dropping uh a double double with 10 points 20 rebounds and five blocks it’s a lan stuff so you have to factor all that in coming in on

The back to back and not just be like well if I can plug in this guy that stops that that’s not the case you know what I mean even like I said even when you’re wide open you’re still missing your shots that has nothing to do with

The turnovers I’ll give you an example the Knicks would turn the ball over like crazy in the first first half mhm just some of the worst passing even JJ reing said it’s some of the worst passing I’ve ever seen from a team that got stopped in that second half you know they made

Some adjustments and they stopped and it didn’t go like that for them the Bulls were were a little more hot you know as far as the three-point shooting was concerned in that first half they did a better job of that that adjustment that came for them that three-point shooting stopped you

Know in that half man even with wide open and still like the IQ and those things that Matt was talking about as far as Patrick Williams not uh doing well with the basketball in his hands even Javon Carter not doing well in his hands IO like we said had a tough game

He had several breaks IO did those one on Three breaks that he’s been successful at this season weren’t successful tonight at all they just weren’t so yeah it was one of them games you you have to give the Knicks credit also CU they’re a good basketball team

So it’s not just like oh man we could have did this this you can’t take away Julius Randall and you know Jaylen Brunson balling out there and de chinzo hitting those threes and things like that man they that’s how it goes sometimes I I did I did find it amusing

That in the you know ABC halftime show Stephen A was like I don’t understand how Mick are losing Bob Meer was like well they’ turned it over 12 times and the Bulls are not this good of a three-point shooting team they’re probably going to start missing more

Threes than they make in the second half and that’s exactly what happen what I just point to you like that’s that’s what it is you know what I mean like it’s what it is guys I’m sorry go ahead no I mean you’re you’re spot on it’s like some games they’re going to play

Over their head and they’re going to win some games they’re going to just grind it out and it’s going to be like a good win and in some games they’re just not going to play well um the fact that they shot the ball from three pretty well

Like that’s great Kobe needed to get hot that’s that’s a positive I think after a certain amount of time like he’s that’s going to happen happened so it’s good to get him back on track but yeah to me it’s like what I said earlier it’s it

Was a talent deficit it was a rest deficit um just think the Knicks are a better team in general and definitely a better one tonight yeah it were a better team tonight man I mean I if you want to take a uh Silver Lining it is the fact

That Kobe who has really struggled correct and you know was on the injury report coming into tonight’s game in between it’s back to back we saw him tweak the ankle last night who has been shooting I think if was what three of 31 spanning his last four maybe five games

Behind the three-point line not pretty six of nine tonight yeah like I I think Bulls fans however you’re taking this loss tonight you could take that hopefully as a sign that Kobe is maybe going to start shooting his way out of that little mini slump yeah um I think

Most of us expected him to not continue that ridiculous streak he was on sure uh at the back end of November into the first three weeks of December where he was shooting like 50% for three yeah that’s the problem though it’s like it’s very difficult to know what you’re going

To get any given night when you go on 50% from you know nine and a half threes per game type of volume over 15 games and then go three of 31 over the next five games it’s just really difficult and I think that’s on Kobe he’s got to

Be more consistent those are we know he can do it and it’s like I’m saying the same thing Billy like the same excuse Billy’s making after every game I’m saying that too because it is it’s the consistency piece like they have good players there but they just can’t do it

Consistently that’s a problem though like it’s not just oh that’s just the thing we need to do it’s like the fact that they haven’t done it is a problem to me it’s been three years they still cannot figure out how to consistently play well that’s a problem that’s the thing he was correct

About that uh Dave Colin would like you to neuralize everyone and only have people remember Kobe’s 6 for9 threo shooting and his dunk which oh my God that Kobe dunk was that was vicious I think I’ve never seen him dunk with two hands honestly I I can’t recall it uh

I’ll leave that to Joey Joe you hit him with that nor last one time so there you go there you go oh doesn’t that feel good doesn’t that feel right yeah yeah it’s a thing doesn’t what feel good doesn’t it feel good what feel good the neuralizer feel good what [Laughter]

Neuralyzer Joey is very particular about how the neuralizer science works and I think he’s right yeah he is he’s right but he’s but he neuralized himself so he forgot everything see that’s the thing you’re not supposed to look into it Joe you’re supposed to have your glasses on not supposed to look into

What and there you go these are the things we have to deal with next time I got you Joe I won’t put put you through this uh jelly meanwhile saying as rough as it is Kobe will get out of the slump he’s grabbing his wrists and wiing after each shot and

We if he shot that well tonight despite the fact that the wrist is still a problem and the ankle is still a pro I mean I I’m hoping that tonight is a sign that whatever was hindering Kobe shot yeah he found his way out of it yeah um

You know it it could be just a little blip and then we see him go fall back into the slum you know I have no idea what’s going to happen all I know is that for this team being as short-handed as it is yeah it was real tough to come

By wins when Kobe was shooting 12% from three sure sure um yo uh yeah uh shout out to our guy Ben Dean who chimed in pointing out that it was uh the the dunk from Kobe was off the right leg by the way like it was

Just nasty like I’m going to watch that a bunch of times uh after this show I can’t wait to go look at that cuz that for me was definitely the Bulls highlight like of the game was that dunk bro so everything else I forgotten I’ve been neuralized properly I’m doing well

Everything’s good but yeah that that is the one bright spot Matt is watching Kobe actually come out of the slump and actually um play really really solidly and played really well couple of those shots that he missed were just really good moves he just missed those shots and that’s why I

Wasn’t mad about none of it you know I’m like oh that’s a oh ah just missed it but those threes he were hitting just let me know like okay I’m feeling better and again I’ve credited Kobe with this whether he hits it or misses it no

Matter how good or bad he’s shooting he is the same that that’s the consistency that I’ve seen will in that just that is the fact that none of it gets him up none of it gets him down now he’s got to find a balance within that because like

You said you can’t be 50% but then you can’t be eight you know what I’m saying like there has to be a balance bro I love the fact that mentally it’s not affecting him like it used to in the past but at the same time man like it be

And the reason he’s asking for the consistency because it we want it to be Dependable you know want to depend on you and be like I can put you down for three or four of these a game you know that’s going to happen like with dear I

Can put you down for 25 I can put you down for that like there it is boom boom we’re good thank you V I can put you down for a double double it’s in we’re good I got it I want to be able to put Kobe down but like man four or five

Threes we in you know it’s going down and it’s going to happen that way so he’s not the only one though like it’s a lot of these Bulls players the young one too who have got to find that consistency io’s got to find it uh Patrick Williams has got to find it like

They have to find that consistency that I can depend on and just say I know this is going to happen no matter what’s going on in the game this is going to happen they’re going to do this they’re going to do this they’re going to do

This let’s see how we can you know work around that and then what Joy can come from that from somebody else exceeding the expectation yeah I mean I think this is maybe a larger conversation but to me yes you need to see more consistency I

Do think Kobe has gotten a lot better in terms of adding value to the game when his shot isn’t falling yeah but a lot it’s like aside from the ball going in what does this team need to do to get better offensively because at times it

Really does just feel like they have to shoot unsustainably hot in order to have good offense I mean they’re in their last eight games so over the last two weeks they’re 26th in offense mhm 26 they’re 23rd on the year so they had a little fun stretch there once uh once

Zach went down and Kobe got super hot and like now it’s back to reality a little bit there go gravity what do they do to be a consistent sustainable offense on the whole MH and and speaking of that shout out to our pal CLM over

There in France uh who said only D rozan and Kobe can score in the half court everyone else can only exist with an offense uh who has an offense that has some flow and Rhythm which we are unable to do without v i I don’t know if I

Would go so far as to say that the Bulls are unable to do it at all without V I would agree that it’s a lot harder yeah um and uh our pal Drew Stevens from The Bigs uh had a great stat um this morning the Bulls have averaged 3.4 fewer

Secondary assists and 11.2 fewer potential assists per game since Vu left the lineup I feel like those numbers are backed up by the ey test when you see this Bulls halfcourt offense recently in his absence yeah the hockey assist is important drug a link the ball movement

Is important you know we and again I saw you saw a lot of plays being run well especially by Demar like they were highlighting them like oh this is exactly what happens when the Nick double team he made the right read the right pass the right play you swing it

Out to your shooter there you go and clang you know what I mean and clang and clang and you know it’s it’s those kind of things that that that become frustrating but you got to get more consistent at yeah like you just going to need scores you’re going to need

Shooting guys you’re going to need some Zack just telling you just tell you you coming me I can’t wait to see this man honestly I can’t wait to see this on Friday because again we’re talking about consistency and any way it could go I don’t know which way it’s going to go

You know like I have no idea I don’t know how it’s going to work or or if it Buy in or if it’ll go revert back to you know nope give me the ball it’s over you know what I mean I’m taking it like that I don’t know what it’s what it’s going

To be but I’m going to be entertained and I’m going to definitely be watching and I can’t wait to see it and you mentioned will about Vu cuz you’re right I mentioned I wanted to see Drummond play but you’re right like he it might not happen that way because v may be

Back you know I mean on Friday as well like got news on him in terms of ramp up and recovery but maybe tomorrow at practice we will have an update yeah I’m excited to see that so it’s a lot of stuff I’m really honestly excited to see

Going forward after these kind of losses you know like usually I’m not excited to see what’s up happening after these kind of ass whooping I just like oh God but I’m like okay let me see what it is let me see what it is what can you do let me

See what it is I know we we know where you at we we already know what Zach dear and V together on the floor looks like the answer is bad yeah yeah I’m so eager no I’m interested to see what Zach is that’s my point I’m interested to see what Zach is

Bro I am bless your heart you have faith that we’ll see something different it might be or at least a curiosity or it might be worse might see something different well but I will be entertained is my point because we might see something that you were like oh just

None of this [ __ ] might work at all and it might just fall off the ass like that ain’t occurred but it might happen you know what I mean so you lean your ass over there I’mma lean my ass over here and we’ll meet in the middle as we always

Okay meanwhile I like this comment from the south garon who said if the Bulls are so poorly constructed and they’re so limited when is the drum beat uh to hold # Acme accountable going to ramp up some of us never stopped drumming while you were enjoying that fun little stretch of

December it was fun and it ain’t over call me a hater for not getting excited about those wins no that’s not why I call you a hater no no not you not you what are I don’t have the time just enjoy the wins back to steam Is For Real

We’re back the Bulls are back baby they and you know what I mean honestly what can AK say they fell out of that precious tth spot tonight can’t even call yourself a playing team right now what you gonna do see no I won’t I won’t be what you gonna do well man say

I’m gonna be disappointed when when you play one or two games and they trade his ass I won’t be like I just really want to see what this is I have no clue I I really want to see what this is man this is a new position for this dude for Zack

LaVine this is a brand new thing for him man so I’m interested to see just how it’s attacked and how they come at it I really am I I just want to see what it is all right let’s let’s take our second break then we’ll come back and wrap up

With a few more thoughts uh we’ve got some super chats I see that we got to get to we will get to those for sure hit that Thumbs Up Button wherever you are in your Bulls fan mental health right now hopefully you’re somewhere where Big

Dave is no be in the middle man be in the middle like for real be in the middle bro don’t lean one way or another either side cuz honestly it doesn’t deserve one way or another either side be in the damn middle you don’t believe that it’s better for mental health to

Have a more optimistic Outlook though no it’s better to just be real bro like be yourself you know what I mean like don’t force [ __ ] like you know if that ain’t you that ain’t you be be yourself man for real oh he made me think of that dude

Naggie and I hate his G almost tried to cost me a fantasy but he didn’t cuz I won my Championship shout out come on ah I’m talking so much [ __ ] I can’t wait to bring this Trophy up in here I just want y’all see it it’s all crystal and [ __ ]

It looks nice so proud of you oh thank you mat uh Jo what time is it get oh he was leaning on the other side away for the mik he hustled over that mic yeah I heard the hustle I didn’t even see it I heard the shout out Joey man you shouldn’t

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Will we go go what time is it game time who I love will cuz he he’s like Luca when it comes to that he’s at his own pace you know what I mean like I just know what’s going defense just I just know what’s going in that’s all my way

To the bucket cly getting there with the uh splash I I believe I saw Luca dropped 30 in the first half tonight sounds about right no just just doing Luka things good just normal just nor I I I did PEC things tonight you know what that means wow it’s a loaded

Question just means I won some bets hey watching blls basketball okay there you go all shout out to our sponsors and friends at serus sports book shout out sad to say I was right in my prediction that the Knicks would cover tonight sad to say why does he say sad to say when

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Gambler that’s 1800 426 2537 text GB to 833 234 or visit are you really is that the only time like you like humans because you’re not a I’m not saying you don’t you hate all humans but you’re not a huge fan you know of of

Humans why why why you outing me like this Dave oh really this is a secret that doesn’t I love all people I said I didn’t say that I said like there a difference there’s a difference sir there is a no no you’re right I uh other than everyone in Bulls Nation correct

For the most part correct handful of friends handful of work friends most people suck and I have no interest in interacting with people cuz people suck everyone knows other people know this people suck I’d like to show you got me though it says mean people suck this is true

There’s a difference it’s the great thg shirt from Half Baked he only wears it in one scene correct he does but it’s the greatest shirt ever mean people suck man all right but uh no if I’m if I’m having an issue as a consumer and I would like help resolving that issue

You’re a big fan You’re darn to I want to talk to a human being and not a robot big fan of people completely agree with you I want to do that hit the thumbs up because you’re a real person real people hit the thumbs up man that’s right do it for Joey

Troll what this is what you said you said you be troll you a troll Joe with the thumb oh right right I’m a goblin yes yeah oh it’s a goblin now you keep switching on me now all right a woozi it’s a wasi let’s keep it let’s get it

Man let’s talk to some fans uh Jason in the comments said just wait until Alonzo ball is back if there’s one thing this roster is missing it’s a guy who’s 66 and crazy unreliable from three well I mean last part you had me with the joke

At the beginning but um did you miss the part where Lonzo was the Bull’s most lethal lethal three-point threat before he got hurt yeah cuz that’s the thing yeah he was shooting 40% on a high volume of threes very high unreliable that was all he h was threes Lonzo ball

Was Nathan freaking Detroit yeah man from the three-point line Good Old Reliable yes that’s a Guys and Dolls reference for all you sports fans out there some guys doing it for some dolls this guy knows what’s up I’m with it I’m with it I’m with it everywhere

Wide ranging top rad wheel uh Anthony said Joey I hate to say it but I don’t think you guys are ever going to get free Portillos what does that mean uh we will get free Portillos oh circus on the screen we will get free Portillos when Patrick Williams scores 30

Points and I think you are you know what I’m going to go out and say this I think we’re getting 30 in the next 10 games I think we’re getting free Portillos in the next 10 games in the next 10 games cuz Patrick Williams is going to drop 30

Correct okay I mean you you s you saw what he looked like tonight right I actually didn’t I was almost doing my graphic for almost the entire game that’s true he was but I don’t care now that I’ve seen this comment I know we’re getting Portillos in the next 10 days

Love the confidence I mean I I I could just order some Portillos if we all want Portillos nevered Portillos way when you guys were doing game on Saturday and I was getting ready to leave on Sunday morning and I ordered Portillos and I almost called you to see

If you want anything although I was at home and you were here I was going to call and make sure Matt ordering Portillos to my house is that all right with you I mean I would have appreciated the heads up oh my God I I wouldn’t have

Been mad if I found out about it after the fact if we were in different Geographic locations mhm um that is really sweet that you thought about it yeah I depending on what I was up to I may have been like yeah order me this I’ll be right there you would have

Showed up well you know that’s a silly statement by me of course he show up some some Portillos of course he would yeah that’s on me I apologize that’s on me I i’ would cross the Atlantic for some Portillos but some people out there he

Wouldn’t even talk to or F I mean I literally have crossed the Atlantic for Portillos when we got back from our Paris trip like right around this time last year that’s true the first thing I did when I got home from O’Hare yeah was order up Portillos yeah the first thing

I did Paris had some cool interesting food they did you know what they didn’t have Portillos beef that’s right d beef where is wilin Hing this totally legit Chicago guy look man we got so many voices bro like we’ll be having so many voices and we’ll always pull it out man

Oh will you always pull it out at at the wildest times and we’re like wait what where did that come from how how could you do that how could you do that he’s skilled uh Joseph uh you want to knock out some super chats real quick let’s do

Some super chats indeed we can knock out some super chats here we go number one IO Laro what’s happing can we hit threes Jesus Christ hate losing to mediocre teams W me they’re a better team they’re a better team than us did did you check the Nicks record and then check the

Bulls record before or maybe after that statement because the Bulls are a less than mediocre team and the Knicks are a slightly above mediocre team this is true that’s kind of how you know where they are in the standings and such but yeah I mean you you do you I

Digress here I’m just saying hate losing to mediocre teams the Bulls are our worst team yeah but I he still hates losing to them okay I feel them I I hate losing to mediocre teams when it’s a good team that I’m rooting for okay that is not the situation right now so you’re

Okay with losing the mediocre teams when you’re mediocre how can you not be depending on you depending on the context yeah I’m not I mean I’m not the Bulls are less than mediocre and short-handed right now yes playing a can we look up the definition of mediocrity I’m just curious I mean

Dude shout out John say I feel like I just uh shout Miriam web I re I recently had an explosion I think it was somewhere during that homee and you weren’t here you were at the UC whe where you people were feeling really real real zesty about like oh the Bulls

Being a good team and I was like we’re we’re still four or five games under 500 let’s let’s take it easy on calling us a good team we are struggling to get back to mediocrity which I thought we all collectively agreed a month or so ago is

Not acceptable but yes let’s all get hyped mediocrity is the quality or state of being mediocre okay great thank of only moderate quality not very good thank you Joey uh yeah not very good so maybe they are mediocre I think of it as being like average

Which is 41 wins but they’re quite less than that at the moment at the moment for sure how dare you we’re not mediocre we’re average I mean yeah Paul s’s Paul S Paul need to buy Vu a box what we need him back box for what’s the box for what

Come on what’s In The Box come on to help him with his adductor strain injury a box guy needs a box um I know when it’s getting late you’re not sure what the box was going to do for V but regardless hold on Ariel drop band in

The comments we I assume you mean p we the Bulls are like Portillos [ __ ] overhyped food oh man I feel sorry for you I’m not even going to yell at you I just feel sorry for you if you think Portillos is [ __ ] overhyped food just get get a taste buds implant

Or transplant or something my God the thing get a taste buds um implants correct clearly you clearly need them you have that will P will I don’t know of any player ever that misses this many dunks and gets blocked every game that turnover after turnover unacceptable he

Was hot trash with IO smell IO Snell and Javon gonner wow Javon gonner that’s what we’re calling Javon Carter now yikes that’s tough I I still think IO Snell is a little disrespectful I agree but again IO did not have a good game today no he

Did he didn’t have a Tony Snow Game oh God he made two field goals he did on 12 attempts keep going to but yeah no I mean p Wills turnovers tonight he found five different ways to turn the ball over he did he was impressive almost oh it sucked

Here we go AK Drummond gives Bulls a different look but needs to come off the bench V gives you passing shooting rebounds when no one can hit a shot Zach can create his own shot Bulls are out of gas from heavy minutes and injuries yeah well you know how we all

Feel about voo already we’ve already stated like what we feel and you know a lot of people and but you know you just got to let stuff play out sometimes I like that I like that Super Chat because it basically sums up the entire episode here that’s just that’s just a correct

Take yeah that’s correct that is a a solid jump shot is what we say man when V comes back we better not see any Terry Taylor minutes that’s in his happy point Y are wild which is sad wild his happy place come on Joe Danny uton assuming we can keep Zach can paw

Net us a true power forward like he is in a in a trade power forward are are you suggesting trading Pat for a true power forward I guess he means like traditional you know because you don’t believe that Pat is a true power forward and you’re looking for a better

One don’t need a Charles Oakley type shout out Charles Oakley I uh no thanks I mean they uh they mentioned on the broadcast uh tonight Pat Patrick Williams being a restricted free agent to be and I was like oh yeah that’s that’s a thing that’s passing a contract

Year yeah and now all of a sudden with the Zack trade stuff and this team and all these injuries like somehow like Pat playing in a contract year and what he looks like has just sort of Fallen onto the backest back burner of what my where

My Bulls fan head is at these days but it is still very interesting I I would still be surprised even with the up and down we’ve seen from Pat this season M lost is starting job after like six games yeah then got it back and has looked okay some nights great some

Nights awful some nights yeah I would be shocked if they trade him before this deadline no I agree I would be shocked I’ll be completely shocked for sure I mean but here’s the thing they literally they have to make changes they can’t not make changes yeah I I I know this is not

Like on people’s radar yet but like they will not be going into next season $15 million over the luxury tax it’s not going to Happ not going to happen and in order to not do that you need to get rid of guys or you need to move guys or

Consolidate they can’t bring back Patrick they can’t bring back dear they can’t uh keep Zach without doing that unless they get off of lonzo’s money which maybe they do but again it’s like what are we doing here you’re just throwing every last dollar you have to

Keep the same team that’s the 12th seed # 11 excuse me 11th 11th yeah pardon me I mean yeah no um everything you just said is correct they uh they have some difficult financial decisions to make uh and they they better figure some stuff out before this trade deadline lit they

Have no choice the one thing the one known quantity is the luxury tax mhm that’s not happening so something has to get and look he he didn’t shoot the ball great tonight but we might have got a little bit of help from the playing everywhere was all over the floor I

Think he had four steals credited tonight Alex Caruso on a nationally televised game uh I believe it was JJ reic who referred to him as a complete psychopathy yeah compl psych he’s a psycho I know Bulls fans weren’t too keen on the idea of giving up Caruso in

A trade when the Bulls strung a few wins together back in December but trade them bro I think it might be time to start talking about it again trade them cuz you can get some value trade them GE goodbye now byebye goodbye now come on Joey any any more last one last one

Assuming Zach plays Friday assuming Zach plays Friday how do you see Zach 20 shots affecting others will others regress yes I don’t are am I worried about how it affects others I think that’s the question I don’t know okay if it affects Kobe I’ll probably be worried

About it you know what I mean I don’t want it to affect Kobe most Bulls fans concern is okay if they do face the music make some moves maybe Kobe is looking like a guy on now a very Team friendly contract one he just signed last summer maybe you keep Pat around

Maybe you keep IO around maybe dal’s even here for the next phase of whatever the Bulls are going to be not messing up any developmental steps that they’ve managed to make in this 15 game sample size without Zack LaVine on the floor right and ruining where they are in making that progress

By throwing the same old Zack LaVine back into the equation if some of those Bulls fans are a little skeptical about Zach actually adapting his game which I think is a fair skepticism right now yeah oh no very very fair man and again well I’m excited to see what’s going to

Happen on Friday dog like this is like a so proper to me like I have no clue what’s going to go down or how it’s going to work or how it’s going to react or if you’re going to see the same exact thing of it of him V and dear not

Working you know what I mean or if you’re going to see him actually try to adapt to the system or if you’re going to see it affect Kobe white or not or if you’re going to see him play more with the bench like I’m just excited to see

It like cuz they need some help obviously as far as the shooting is concerned he is the only threat you have you got to put him out there on the floor and I’m excited to see if he wants to buy into it because man quite honestly this could be his career I’m

Talking about if he’s wants to be traded this could be it so I’m interested to see it man I really am uh I like Mohawk the kids idea in the comments if Zack takes Drummond’s shots will’ll be good just just take just take Drummond shots because Drummond has

Honestly been you know taking double digit shots in this five game stretch starting that’s true in V’s plays but then how many of those are how many of those are just his own misses well yes a lot of those are just tips on offensive rebounds that don’t go in the first time

Extra shots or the second time that’s true or the fifth time yeah um we are out of time thank you everybody for hang out with us tonight we appreciate it a little bit of a later tip off for those of us uh in Central Time Bulls are off

Tomorrow uh coming home from this little two game Road Trip uh HQ on Deck tomorrow will HQ on Deck tomorrow h on Deck HQ csj Bulls episode with Will and our guy Marque 5:30 central time tomorrow be on the lookout for that and then Bulls back in Action Friday against

The Hornets yeah maybe wasach LaVine maybe we shall see in the meantime read everything will writes follow him on Twitter for all his great updates reporting and takes willg big Davis at B bwl Sports on bsor our pal producer Joyce spis under controls is that Joyce

Spis We R chore Bulls we love and appreciate your Bulls Nation even on nights when I think half of y’all are crazy still love you appreciate you for tuning in and uh will and Mark will talk to you tomorrow all of us will talk to you on Friday Friday until then see you

Be good bivo Peace we all C like

The Chicago Bulls dropped their second game in a row, losing Wednesday night to the New York Knicks in Madison Square Garden.

DeMar DeRozan scored 28 and Coby White scored 26, the latter finally locating his shot after going ice cold the last few games. Julius Randle and Jalen Brunson went off for the Knicks, combining for 66 points and 17 rebounds, and leading the Knicks to a big win over the Bulls.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. I'm so DONE with Patrick Williams this "Potential Bullshit " is all garbage he ain't getting any better

  2. Well Bulls showed up for the first forty eight minutes anyway. Another can't finish game. What's new?

  3. “Demar old” this is how Matt just says whatever. Maybe look at Demars longevity throughout his career. When has he slowed down ? Dude is 34 not old at all. This isn’t 90s basketball where they get beat up for an decade.. Also he’s 6th in mpg at 34 with no serious injuries or doesn’t even looked winded .

    Also small ball was not the issue it was when they used it still don’t agree with Taylor playing but they should have subbed Drummond out the same time when the knicks subbed out their center they didn’t have a backup center either tonight . Matt if you’re going to argue with the fans in the chat understand what people are actually saying 1st.

  4. lmao, making fun of your audience is really bringing in the views, less than 1k views on this LIVE, lmao…. no one likes CHGO Bulls anymore, too much of them attacking their audience.

  5. We need these players to come back. If we want to be anything in the off season we cant be playing our top guys 37 minutes a game

  6. That L burned me because I really cannot stand losing to the Knicks. Patrick having 5 careless turnovers was a joke. He's the X factor and the range in his level of play is problematic.

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