@Utah Jazz

The Utah Jazz Have A Sign Problem!

The Utah Jazz Have A Sign Problem!

The Utah Jazz have a sign problem and if you did not see this there were fans sitting courtside at the Jazz game this week holding up these signs there were four rabbis sitting Courtside I am a Jew and I am proud not coincidentally they chose to sit courtside at the Dallas Mavericks

Game and they did that because America’s favorite anti-semite Kyrie Irving plays for the Dallas Mavericks and you know that Kyrie Irving has had a massive amount of controversy around anti-Semitism and his harsh words towards the Jewish community and it only got worse from there if this picture had lived on

Nobody would have said two words the problem is jazz staff and Personnel asked and then pretty much demanded that these rabbis give up their signs and not continue to flash them and it was said that Kyrie Irving was in fact the reason that Kyrie had complained and he was uncomfortable with those

Signs until Tim McMahon from ESPN asked Kyrie Irving and Kyrie Irving said no I didn’t have a problem with those signs Kyrie admitted he saw he said I have nothing but love for those guys I don’t have any problem with those Signs Now the jazz on the other hand

Said well it violates our fan coach of conduct um for disturbing uh the players those signs they because Kyrie well it turns out it didn’t disturb the players and Jake I think the Utah Jazz completely botched this situation I and I think what’s Difficult about it is

That you know when Kyrie comes out and denies that it obviously is a is a bad look for the Jazz and and and I am always very cognizant of of laying criticism to folks like Ryan Smith or any owner or like anybody high up in a Sports organization because a lot of

Times they’re not Courtside they’re not seeing what’s going on they’re in some back office doing calculations or figuring out who they’re going to draft next or whatever the case may be but but in this situation it’s Delta Center Ryan sits Courtside for every game we all know that like he’s constantly in the

Pictures constantly in the news oh he’s Courtside with Pat McAfee he’s he’s doing this he’s doing that like so we know Ryan’s very present at these games pretty much every single night and so my biggest thing with this sign situation is that I haven’t I’ve been monitoring Ryan Smith’s Tweets like I have

Notifications on like I’ve been waiting for hey this is what went down like this is how we handled it and here’s you know whether it’s I’m not saying he’s got to apologize but maybe just like hey this is why we did this and we were under the

Impression Kyrie was annoyed by it or something like some type of explanation some type of clarification on why exactly this happened because without that clarification and explanation this is a really bad look for the Jazz because nobody gives a damn about your fan code of conduct these guys were not

Causing any type of problem these guys were sitting courtside at your game at the Delta Center holding up some signs in their lap they weren’t like huge poster board signs right they were reasonable side size for where they were sitting so they were cognizant of that

Which I feel like is an important detail that not a lot of people are thinking about if these signs had been like the big poster board signs that you see in like the bleachers at a ballpark or like NFL games that would have been a huge problem that would have been obnoxious

But they’re not they’re reasonable size for where they’re sitting so these dudes were not causing any type of issue so when Kyrie comes out and says no I don’t have any issue with it all love with those guys no problem I saw them but we’re all good that’s a bad look for

Ryan Smith and the jazz on top of this nonsense about moving the team on top of the fact that your team is well for the most part underachieving but the last few games here you’ve been overachieving so that’s why I say I just there’s not

Like last year with the Jazz there was I felt like a lot of positive momentum like that we were moving in the right direction like the Delta Center happened like there was a lot of positivity around this team and I’m not really seeing that positivity you know in the

Air this year I’m just seeing a bunch of you know this thing like moving the team like I said like the team not performing like there’s not really a lot coming out and yet all I see on Ryan Smith’s Twitter is like love this random guy or

Love this dude or everything’s cool like that’s all I see like I don’t see any meaningful thoughts or things coming out and that bothers me and the struggle for me is that Freedom’s not free and it’s free when it’s comfortable and it’s free when it aligns with what you believe but

These guys had every right to have those signs and and I agree that the jazz on the whole and I know I am not the one who said this first but I think it is apropo the jazz on the whole have had issues with equality in their building

Whether it is fans being racist and yelling terrible things at Players whether it is I mean it I don’t have to detail it there have been issues with equality in that building and so when you have four rabbis sitting Courtside holding Jewish Pride signs what is the

Difference between this and a a a pride flag or a pride t-shirt or and we do Pride nights across professional sports what what is the difference that’s the question that I would need answered and if this had been somebody sitting Courtside saying hey I’m Black and I’m Proud would we have

Had them remove that sign if we’ have had somebody sitting Courtside saying hey I’m Latino and I’m proud hey I’m white and I’m proud hey I’m Asian and I’m proud would we have had a problem with that sign and had him REM remove it I highly doubt it I think this was whoop

That’s Kyrie Irving he’s had problems with anti-Semitism those are rabbis and they’re Jewish and they’re proud n we better get those signs out of there and I think they completely overreacted to it and I think it is it is an opportunity for communication if I am those rabbis I am

Asking to meet and talk to Ryan Smith because I need him to reassure me that I am welcome in his building because that’s the level I think this Rises to now were these rabbis gracious about it they were absolutely gracious about it they handled it great I thought

Kyrie handled it great so who’s the only one being awkward yeah the Utah Jazz are being awkward they are there’s no other way around it and I I think that’s the issue with Ryan Smith and his tenure as the owner of the Jazz it’s awkward they’re not trying to win now they are

Like I and I think your point about the building becomes trer and truer every single time something like this happens every time there’s a controversy well Ryan wants to move the team to Draper anyway so who cares right yeah I think it’s a I think it’s a real issue and I

Think that you know your your point about hey it’s been awkward since Ryan s the team is is an interesting one because it kind of has been bit awkward I I think about you know and again I I know it’s the Tribune here in Salt Lake

And I know they have a reputation okay great cool whatever I’m not even making it personal but the reality of the situation is is anybody in the right mind who lives in Salt Lake or follows this team knows that the tri has had many many uh negative articles whether

It’s been the Homeless Problem by the All-Star Game whether it was Travis Scott uh hurting people at his shows and Ryan Smith wanting a partnership with Travis Scott during the allstar game uh you know is it you know whether it’s moving the team or any of these different things like there has been

Sort of this you know I don’t know the right adjective for it but just this Vibe around the team has changed and and not even a jazz fan and I can tell that like like I like the TV deal might be the best example of this like I don’t

Use Jazz plus I’ll be honest like so so my path with jazz plus has been kind of interesting so I cut the chord with Direct TV when the Jazz announced Jazz plus because I was like cool the only reason I really had Direct TV is because that’s how I could consume Jazz games

And obviously with our Channel we needed to watch it and last year we were really heavy on Jazz content so I had to watch pretty much every game in detail okay great they roll out Jazz plus and I’m like perfect I can cut Direct TV I can

Go to YouTube TV I can integrate Jazz plus we’re good to go try to use Jazz plus didn’t work real great for me you know I wasn’t able to easily access it on my phone like I downloaded the app but the app didn’t work right like just

Kind of this just sort of baggage with it and so then I figured out oh what is what really is jazz plus and this is what bothered me about it Jazz Plus is not exactly what they said it was yes you can watch games through Jazz plus

Jazz games only but what if I’m a basketball fan and I have League Pass oh then you figure out that if you have Jazz plus you can watch Jazz games on YouTube TV outside of jazz plus which is how I consume Jazz games now on the alternate broadcast that’s how I do it

And so whether it’s the TV deal whether it’s moving the team whether it’s this this the these Jewish signs like whatever it is I’m not hearing from Ryan Smith that’s my biggest complaint in this whole thing for anyone in that building listening to this show if you

Still do I’m not hearing from dude I where is the sit down to talk about the State of the Union of the team yeah what like where is anything that says hey I’m Ryan Smith and I’m invested in the success of this team and I’m also invested in the impact that this team

Has on the community because just doing business deals that impact the community doesn’t really reach your average jazz fan that’s just like sea level conversation stuff yeah I think it’s a really interesting I think it’s a really interesting conundrum and I think this situation with signs and Racial equality

In the NBA we have not heard the last of this and by the way I’d like to point out I’m the one that Ryan Smith needs the 30-year-old Millennial who’s like coming into the moneymaking years I’m the guy that Ryan’s trying to get after like not me personally but my age group

Is who Ryan’s trying to attract so I don’t know I just I I guess like what what surprises me is just when Ryan bought the team it was like Hey I’m this young like young owner who grew up in Utah and I’m the American dream and it’s

All cool but can you even tell me that Ryan Smith and Danny a are trying to win the championship right now no and are concerned about making the playoffs and doing everything they can do to win every game no I I I couldn’t say that as soon as he didn’t move Jordan Clarkson

As soon as Ryan Smith weed about Jordan Clarkson I knew what it was because at that point you’re telling me you care about okay relationship with player and like you know making sure that we have familiar faces on the team versus just suffering for one year and then really

Progressing into like a 40- win team that’s what that told me and I truly felt like last year this team was on a perfect path yellow brick road laid out to 40 45 wins yeah totally agree you you weren’t going to be a 65 win team but 45

Wins you’re in the playoff picture you’re probably pushing to be out of plane at that point like you’re in a great place yeah and now we’re not yeah I don’t know I I think when I look at sports across our entire country I think equality is going to

Become a larger and larger issue I really really do and I I live in Utah and I make no qualms about the fact that we have equality issues in this state there there’s no doubt about that Tanner plumber looked at jazz plus and honestly it’s not worth it would rather listen to

David lock for free than buying Jazz plus but then you’ll never know what the score is you listen to David anyway um Mike Smith says just move the Jazz to Canada okay okay uh Eric wasikowski phenomenal Hebrew are you a black Israelite come on man I don’t even want

To know where we’re going there Buffalo Hunter what’s up dude uh I’d sign up for jazz plus today if I felt like ownership was making a legitimate effort to compete facts and I don’t think the one-off content has been what we thought it was going to

Be I I think that’s a great Point um but that’s just me Jeff Woodward did they have Conor stallion steal their signs I heard he was in the building still I don’t understand why people were outraged he was at the Rose bow in a seat yeah you know oh

Phenomenal Hebrews engage with Carl Adams you nobody should be engaged you don’t do it Hebrew you’re smarter than that uh Shawn Rollins playoffs playoffs no no Mike Phillips Mike how are you I’m really enjoying Jazz plus 120 bucks for a season I got rid of cable perfect well

I also could could make that are are you who who are the cable Cutters in the room because I I’m a a YouTube TV guy and Mrs Monty hey Mrs Monty Mrs mon Mrs Monty and I watch HBO Max which we get for free from American Express uh I

Don’t have cable or satellite anymore and I never thought I would say that the NFL Sunday Ticket seamless for me the NBA league pass seamless for me super easy yep super easy I I I don’t know why anybody would have satellite or cable I struggle with that I really do um but

That’s just me Mike Smith someone who actually pays that much to watch the Jazz eek they’re not great but last night gives you hope even even though it was Detroit cougar tracks a rebuilding year can only last for so many years and that’s my point like all of this kind of

Goes away if you’re a playoff team if you’re it goes away nobody gives a damn like oh was Kyrie and and and like okay fine yeah who we playing next like what’s the rotation like we’re gonna we’re gonna talk other NBA and like the Lakers stuff and all this other stuff

Going on and all I’m sitting here asking is why are we not talking about like what’s the actual rotation on this team like why is it and and bless his heart why is that that fonio is the guy that we think is Superman all of a sudden why

Is it that we’re we’re like just all about these role player guys in the league right now oh that’s right because you’re being sold a package about hey it’s a rebuilding year and purple jerseys and overtime games and the building’s full like that’s what I’m talking about yeah like it just it

Bothers me man Tanner plumber the trip has a reputation of being angry and doing hack hacket work hacket jobs they do they do that is not a paper you should pay for uh but honestly I would prefer that over all the Salt Lake media that is owned by the church and not

Holding the Jazz accountable ding ding and and you know we’ve had that conversation on the show and you know I my opinion is we’ve way outgrown just being a Salt Lake show but like I think that that’s true and I think it’s it’s part of the reason that Ryan Smith

Doesn’t have to say two words you could you could Ryan Smith could delete all his social media and you could literally never hear from him again and nobody would nobody would blink an eye Dakota tub says move the Jazz to KC The Branding with Kansas City jazz music is

The no-brainer I mean then the fact that Taylor Swift who’s now a Kansas City resident she could okay let’s move on uh John Delon I see what you did there thank you uh there’s no jazz in Canada yeah there there’s nothing good in Canada from hockey okay what’s the music scene in

Canada like is it Alanis moriset who last night you’re dude what you’re disrespecting the greatest rapper of the ra Generation by saying that post Malone no you know who I’m talking about oh Weezy no Weezy F no you’re disrespecting dude snoop Snoop Dog Snoop Dog come on

Dude oh 21 Savage you’re right my bad my badad my bad my bad thank you Drake for reminding me 21 Savage greatest rapper of Our Generation you’re hating bro what do you mean what what go Raptors uh Alex Ray a phenomenal Hebrew still the greatest username I’ve seen yet unbelievable and

He’s one of my favorite dudes one of my favorite dudes uh not sure the jazz is uh not sure there is jazz in Utah either I believe there’s not that’s facts believe there’s not to be honest there is no jazz in Utah as well see we’re all

Rolling together now it’s Synergy uh for me even if the Jazz did have a real plan to compete I still wouldn’t buy Jazz plus you would you would Tanner says I’m a cable cutter Gumby says never bought cable ever Mike Smith cable cutter Noel Ramirez 120 bucks for a season pass for

Bal isn’t it 70 but what B though if it Bal Regional sports like the they other Regional Sports network is going on AT&T Sports Net Rocky Mountain Denver which is where the Jazz used to be was or Time Warner yeah come on uh OG Gary can we talk

About LSU on the move to take uh mou’s DC not really not really uh wife and three kids cable is only way to cover all their needs well Jim that’s a very good point that’s a very good point John Delon no cable here sling TV and rabbit

Ears the Buffalo Hunter YouTube TV for the win Amen to that yes thanks to YouTube TV I can watch my Cal Bears in action on the ACC Network never imagined this scenario but here we are because it’s garbage calford baby cal and Duke are kicking off in 10 minutes on the

Calford radio network [ __ ] man those Golden Bears and uh Duke Blue Devils Duke Duke is Duke yeah Duke is Duke Duke is Duke cut the cord while you’re drinking bucked up the official energy drink of the show tomorrow is giving Friday because certain people blew off giving Tuesday uh so we’re doing giving

Friday this week tomorrow we will give away a $100 Amazon gift card on the show and you will have to show us your buck du might as well get to work right now might as well get to work right now we’ve also thought about doing a go to a

Jazz game with us but Jake doesn’t want to support the Jazz with ticket sales it’s not true it’s not true I never said that what did you say N I said that’s a a good idea you said yeah let’s do it yeah uh but tomorrow is giving Friday on

The show uh so get your bucked up in right now and and again I will just continue to tell you and I don’t mind showing you my physique yeah anyway I don’t really get it um I don’t know what that was my hips feel better the point is uh I love the

Fact that bucked up is a daily part of my nutritional plan um I I cannot say that Buckshot is the best product they make but man I might be converting over to their pre-workout because bucked up pre-workout is phenomenal and if you use the promo code Monty a checkout you get

20% off show me your bucked up I I I had so many people um this year send us pictures of your like my guy yesterday sent me a stack of three cases of his bucked up Miami in his garage bucked up Miami the best flavor though the

Cavender twins are tasty as well well uh and their drink tastes good you know the point is bucked up Miami is my favorite flavor although that cherry candy is amazing as well hook it up Buck and you can get them at for all our Texans go to HB

You can get bucked up uh Nevada Arizona Utah Maverick Walmart any Walmart’s got bucked up hook it up use the promo code Monty to save 20% off at checkout um should the LA Lakers fire Darin ham I think this is a huge story now you know that here on the Shrum some of

Us are Kevin Durant apologists I happen to be fans of people who actually are productive basketball players like Devin Booker who will be an LA Laker before too long come on man hopefully by then they have fired Darin ham because I I if you go back on the

Channel and and watch what we talk talked about Darin ham wasn’t the right guy to be the Lakers coach it’s the LA Lakers who’s Jake who’s the best coach in the NBA right now um Steve Kerr no no I mean he’s a really good head coach I he’s just in a tough

Much tougher position I mean I think you know if the Suns figure it out I think vogle is there you know with all the injuries they’ve had uh I think has Bradley be been a bust so far yeah I mean dude’s back just can’t hold up I

Mean I hate to say that but it’s true yeah I think he’s been a huge problem but I can tell you who the best coach is not and that’s Darin ham because the story’s out of Los Angeles are getting ugly now Darvin ham has allegedly lost the locker room player

Rotations uh have been a big source of frustration his uh finagling the starting five on a regular basis has pissed some people off and frankly there just seems to be a lack of understanding of what the LA Lakers are trying to do on a possession in possession up basis

And I think we saw as much of that from Anthony Davis last night who warned that if the J if the Lakers don’t turn this losing streak around and I’d remind you they’ve lost three in a row they’re a game under 500 and they are in the last

And final playoff spot in the west again Darin Ham’s not the right guy for this job the Lakers need to go and get a guy who’s got pedigree who’s got a a track record who shown you he knows how to handle big personalities and I’m not even sure that the right coaches out

There but I’m pretty convinced Jen that it’s not Darin ham and I think the problem is is that is that your point about them sort of lacking Direction on offense and even on the defensive end like it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to watch the Lakers and see yeah this

Team is it doesn’t have an identity offensively like LeBron and AD are in the game okay is Austin Reeves on the floor or not on the floor and if he’s not on the floor who’s the number one option well a lot of times it’s Davis but a lot of times it’s LeBron like

Who’s shooting from the corner DLo went to the bench like is he a starter is he a backup like that I I just think there’s a lot of these issues and and and I think the the biggest thing at play right now is Darvin ham wants to

Sit at the deis and say hey we’ve had a lot of injuries and it’s and it’s I believe he actually said it’s damn near impossible to get chemistry and flow and rhythm in your players when they’re hurt all the time which is technically true but every team deals with this and the

Reality of the situation is when you signed up to be the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers you didn’t sign up to make excuses about injuries you signed up to get the damn job done that’s the that is the the the modus operandi the expectation the way we do things in La

Is Championship or bus so when darham sitting up there making excuses about injury it’s not a great look you then compound compound that with Austin reev saying well yeah we just kind of got to figure things out and you know like guys got to play a little better and then

You’ve got Anthony Davis sitting in the locker room saying yeah guys know what they need to do individually we know what we need to do as a team and we just have to be better like so which is it is it the injuries is it guys have to

Improve or is it we just have to do better to which I say yeah Darin Ham’s lost the locker room because ultimately When A team’s going good the messaging is the same everybody’s basically saying the same thing we’re all going the same direction so for me yeah I think I I if

If you keep losing if you lose like let’s say they play you know 400 basketball uh over their next 10 games I’d fire Darvin ham I would move it along because at that point then this team can at least get around the fact that hey yeah we had to fire our head

Coach and now it’s incumbent on us to just go out and get the damn job done and I think they really missed an opportunity with Nick nurse because that’s the guy that I probably would have picked to coach that team that word you use pedigree that guy’s loaded with

Pedigree he’s been there and done that yeah I agree uh Kaufman what’s up Kaufman uh keep up the great work Monty and two h hope you had a great time over the holidays we did Kaufman’s been a member of the show for n months let’s go wowski and plumouth Canton uh Kyrie

Irving is uh is supported by an anti-semitic group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites which would have explained his sign situation at Utah Perhaps Perhaps but I I think but what explains him denying it then like he had an opportunity to to be an idiot and he turned out not to be

An idiot so I I just think it’s one of those things where you have to you got to figure it out I I mean honestly and truly Sean Rollins says uh Bradley needs uh to you mean Brad Brad Beal yeah it’s not Bradley dude it’s Brad Bradley needs bucked up he does desperately

Desperately uh Gumby Fresh Out says Carvin ham apparently Jake made me in a script today say Darin no D ham I don’t get it carve that ham Mike Smith said uh Sean Rollins like I said they won their trophy the halfway chip yeah the inseason tournament you know uh

Mike Smith ham bone ham bone have you heard okay Jeff Woodworth uh two holes got a soul patch bro like can we not just talk sports like why why you got to distract the show dude you got to throw the show out like you and I had this dude you and I have

Had this conversation bro like what what is this technique like is this like like what is that technique what is that apparently it’s how you grow pubes on your chin I don’t know what that technique why are you using the word pubes uh that’s not a soul patch that’s

A few random scraggly hairs my point indeed Buffalo Hunter the Lakers need Doc Rivers yeah I don’t know about that I I honestly don’t know where you go if you’re the Lakers because that’s a big job and I I think you know I I I don’t know who’s the best

Available or who’s an up incoming assistant are you telling me you’re gonna hire jiren Collins for that job are you Kevin young I I I serious Becky Hammond her first gig is gonna be the Lakers job come on I mean you’re well where are we at on where are we at on a

Guy like Monty Williams with everything he’s gone through so like obviously the run in Phoenix terrible in Detroit so far like you know and and I know this is crazy to say but he’s underachieved in Detroit they should be better and they’re not and you

Know yeah I I don’t know where you go with that I don’t know where you go with that because he’s shown the ability to manage big Talent big stardom like he’s shown that ability how are they so bad

The Utah Jazz continue to deal with the fall out of their decision to take signs away from Jewish fans against Kyrie Irving and the Dallas Mavericks. Kyrie Irving denies he asked for the signs to be removed, and now the Utah Jazz are left having to answer questions about why they actually took the signs away from the Utah Jazz fans.

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  1. Monty has a problem but jazz don’t have a sign problem.
    The jazz and nba have policies and that is where you can discover problems.
    The jazz by policy did the right thing though we all can agree the policy and how teams have to adhere to just like fans have a code of conduct….
    In the end, I’m not a fan of harassing the paying fans. Looks bad when visiting teams make a big deal about the home team.
    No doubt that people like to get attention right or wrong and your right monty and Jake about the image.
    For now, nobody really cares much because the jazz are winning 🏅 yeah 😅

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