@Houston Rockets

The Rockets Have A Jalen Green Problem

The Rockets Have A Jalen Green Problem

Jaylen green is just a bisexual Jordan pool if you know you know anyways Jaylen green right now is not performing as a number two overall pick should be performing especially in year three of his career he hasn’t made that jump into the next level you often see players

Make he is currently shooting under 40% from the field which would Place him in the bottom 10 players of the league in this category it has gotten so bad for Jaylen green that he’s not even closing in the fourth quarter for the Rockets anymore statistically he he’s only been

Regressing since his rookie year especially efficiency wise flat out Jaylen green is looking like a bust not saying he is a bust he’s just only 21 years old but his on the court play leaves a lot to desire he has struggled massively adapting to a whole new play

Style under Neo Long’s x a slower more defensive type of basketball udoka has installed for this Rockets team what makes it worse for Jaylen green is that some of his teammates have shown great improvements in their game this season while Jaylen Green’s improvements have been minimal at best shung gun who the

Rockets picked 16th in the 2021 NBA draft alongside green has drastically improved this season especially his defense and honestly he is the one looking like the second overall pick the number three overall pick of last year for the Rockets Jabari Smith Jr has gone from being a terrible three-point

Shooter to a decent one in just one season it just seems like Jaylen green isn’t the guy he was supposed to be now what is Jaylen green struggling with pretty much everything truth be told he struggles scoring efficiently from all three levels of the Court he’s a terrible three-point shooter shooting just 32%

From the three this season even when he’s given really good looks from behind the arc he’s still only connecting on 33% of his wide openen shots he is only making 31% of his mid-range shots and the one thing you expect him to be good at and he was advertised at being being

Good at finishing at The Rim he is not he is only making 46% of his layups 61 Trey young is better at making layups than him overall he’s just inefficient from shooting anywhere on the court he’s a decent free throw shooter can get to the line quite often but that’s pretty

Much it green can’t run an offense and he’s not even doing good as a go-to scorer the worst thing about Jaylen green right now besides his shooting is that his basketball IQ is very low he struggles read the his shot selection is piss poor he can’t seem to figure out

The right balance to when he should drive to the rim or kick the ball out even udoka has mentioned he is struggling to read what the defense is doing saying all this I think people need to understand why Jaylen green is struggling so much you have to remember

That this is probably the first time in his life that he’s playing structured basketball especially one as structured as oka’s he didn’t go to college he went to the G league and played for ignite a team team that’s only purpose is to Showcase Young basketball players Talent

Contrary to what you would think it’s not a team that develops players there is no structure on that team and it’s just pretty much do whatever on the court a lot of iso keep in mind from what we have seen from players drafted from ignite they come into the league as

Very raw prospects scoot Henderson is a really good example of this scoot has been looking better these past few games but to start the season for scoot he was performing terribly in his first six games he was shooting 8% from the three even in high school for Jaylen green he

Was just much more athletic and frankly better than pretty much everyone else give him the ball and let him cook quick side note you will subscribe right now I am no longer asking if you don’t you will be reincarnated as a Pistons fan who can only eat if the Pistons win a

Game another thing to note about Jaylen green is that he was drafted into a team team that wasn’t in the best position to develop their young players he was pretty much given the keys to a really young Rockets team with honestly one of the worst coaches I’ve ever seen in

Stephan Silas Silas had no structure in place and just let the team do whatever on the court there was no system put in place offensively or defensively it was just a lot of iso being ran a lot of standing around and waiting for the ball at the perimeter Silas had terrible

Rotations and last season he would even bench shung gun for Bruno Fernando in games it wasn’t the best environment for Jaylen green to develop I have been ragging on Jaylen green a lot this video but he has been trying to improve even though when you look at his box score

Numbers it would indicate he hasn’t improved in any areas of his game he actually has he is showing a lot more effort on the court especially defensively I think that is where you see most of his improvements granted he does lose his man quite often and will

Give up a wide open shot on the perimeter but he always tries to correct himself he is actually setting screens this season and honestly he’s just more active on the court even though his assist numbers would indicate he hasn’t improved in that department he has gotten better at playmaking he is much

Better at locating an open teammate he just struggles at executing the passes he is just second guessing himself a lot his rebounding has also looked improved mainly because he’s giving a lot more effort and of course he still has games in which he can give you 25 plus points

On decent efficiency it’s just those type of games don’t happen that often for Jaylen green green also does a pretty good job at getting to the rim he just struggles finishing there overall I think people need to understand specifically rocket fans that Jaylen green is going to need more time to

Develop like I already mentioned he had to do a 180 on how he plays the game of basketball and it’s going to take a while for him to adapt it might be better for him to come off the bench but udoka has said he isn’t considering benching him the Rockets are a young

Team right now and and their main goal this season should be making the playoffs for the first time in Four Seasons and developing their players this team won’t contend for a championship this season Jaylen green is still a really young player with a lot of potential I think it is way too soon

To give up on him or Proclaim him as a bust I don’t think he should be traded it would be in the Rocket’s best interest to just wait and see if Jaylen green improves this season I would start to worry if green doesn’t show any improvements by the end of this season

We will see I guess thanks for watching you will like And subscribe and adios

Just talking about Jalen Green and his struggles in Houston. The Houston Rockets have improved a lot as a team this season but Jalen Green hasn’t. Kind of funny this video is getting published just as Jalen Green had a pretty good game against the Phoenix Suns.

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  1. I want jalen to be traded to spurs. , because he will not grow in houston because fred taking some space and shot selection

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