@Chicago Bulls

CHICAGO BULLS BREAKING NEWS ! | Zach Lavine & Nikola Vucevic Set To Return Tonight vs Hornets

CHICAGO BULLS BREAKING NEWS ! | Zach Lavine & Nikola Vucevic Set To Return Tonight vs Hornets

The Chicago Bulls get Zack LaVine and Nicola vvi back in the starting lineup what is that going to look like coming back tonight we’ll talk about all that more on today’s episode of the windy city Bree Sports Talk daily let’s Go What is good everybody it’s your boy P the designer back at it again breaking news here the Bulls will get Zack line and niik lavich back tonight versus the Charlotte horn it’s going to be very interesting to see how they’re going to utilize these guys now both players are

Coming back on a minute restriction Zack LaVine and niik lus will also come off of the bench in this game and the biggest question is right what is that going to look like trying to work these guys back in with this team I think the transition for Vu is pretty easy right

Like we know what he is we know how he works um of course they’re both on Minish restrictions this is a game that the Bulls still should be able to get I said this on lock on bulls yesterday like what are the Hornets good at right like they’re they’re literally one of

The worst defensive teams in the NBA one of the worst offensive teams in the NBA while the Pistons were on their 20 game or 20 seven game losing streak 27 or 28 um the uh the Hornets were quietly on a 12 game losing streak of their own they

Just broke that uh in a game where it took everybody going berserk for them to be able to get the get get a win um it’s it’s a game the bull should be able to win without either Zack LaVine or niik lavich but it’s going to be very

Interesting to see kind of how they’re utilized heading into this game because with VRI you know working him back in still coming off the bench he’s coming in he’s going to be able able to facilitate he’s going to be able to give you that pick and pop pick and roll

Option could this be a long-term thing for Vu coming off of the bench I doubt that I think this just them playing in trying to work him slowly back in but it does give you an option at the center position coming off the bench that the

Bulls uh I guess the bench unit has not had right and you’ll get to see him working in with Zack LaVine as well and I think Zach is probably the biggest question mark for this team you’re at a point right now where when you look at Zack LaVine Bulls fans everywhere are

Asking the same question is he a guy that is going to come back and be able to fit in to what the Chicago Bulls are doing here they’ve played really well without him is he going to be able to just come back in and mentally be able

To lock in with the bulls that’s going to be a major question for the Bulls moving forward here because with Zack LaVine right the Bulls are doing a lot of things that accentuate Zack lavine’s game they’re doing a lot of things that should make Zach’s life easier finding

Guys open in the corner catch and shoot opportunities left and right Zack LaVine one of the best catch and shoot players in the league the real question is is Zack LaVine going to buy into it is he going to be on board with kind of what Billy Donovan’s scheme is because at the

End of the day this is like what was it last year against Charlotte or two years ago against Charlotte apparently this is right where the Chicago Bulls beef between Zack LaVine and Billy Donovan started where he end up benching Zack LaVine so are we going to see this all

Come full circle where Zack LaVine coming back in this game versus Charlotte we’re going to see a little bit more of a buy and I think that’s what you need to see to feel confident about Zack LaVine being a part of this team there Hayes laid out he did a great

Job on lock on bulls laying out scenarios for the return of Zack LaVine and what could go right and what could go wrong and the the thing that to me was the funniest is the only scenario where things go right is Zack LaVine comes back in he plays really well he

Buys into the system things end up working out him and Billy Donovan smooth over whatever they’ve got going and all of a sudden you feel like okay now with Kobe white with the uh development of Kobe white with how this team has won and and moved forward these last couple

Of games everybody’s all Kumbaya everybody’s all excited it’s the only scenario where things work because every other scenario is kind of like or Zack LaVine comes back and and he doesn’t like it and he takes a bunch of shots and the Chicago Bulls immediately start losing to one of

The worst basketball teams in the NBA you already know if the Bulls lose tonight we know that they’re going to be coming for Zach’s head um like it’s it’s and and it just it adds to the narrative and it kills your trade value and now you can’t move him for the same amount

That you would have been able to move him for there’s so many question marks around bringing Zack LaVine back onto the floor which is why I said you probably shouldn’t play him here again until you trade him but you do have to have you do have to have him on the

Court a little bit to try and get that trade value up and if Zack LaVine does want to leave that’s how you kind of make this work for both sides you got to get on the court you got to play well you got to buy into the system and you

Have to believe that they’re can be winning with you on the court and I get it right Zack LaVine you look at his numbers he’s an excellent player he can score the basketball well I mean honestly I look at that Knicks game he was the type of player that we needed in

That Nicks game to push us over the top um but outside of all of that he’s still one of the most losing players in the NBA he still has one of the worst win percentages in the NBA which I could deal with if we’re just talking about

Right going back what four or five years with LaVine like of course he’s got one of the worst win percentages in the NBA the team was terrible forever that’s a stat that really doesn’t mean much when you take the whole thing into account but when you look at even the last

Couple of Seasons right Chicago Bulls tonn of winning ways while Zack LaVine is off the court uh uh Demar D rozan breaking will records all of those things right you you look okay all right we’re good we’re winning the game when we get Zack LaVine back we’re going to

Cook Zack LaVine comes back and we immediately start losing right Zack LaVine comes back and we immediately start going the other direction now we go into the next season and we’re like oh man Zack and Demar starting the season off this is going to be perfect iio just got a facilitate to

Him it’s going to be great here we go terrible start to the season terrible Midway point to the season the team doesn’t get on track until Patrick Beverly shows up and then all of a sudden you had a good finish to last year like that that that to me speaks

Volumes when you’re talking about and it’s not to to slight who Zack LaVine is or what Zack LaVine can do he’s a very talented player he’s an elite scorer in this NBA but the question is is that going to lead to winning ways tonight’s a night where you got to change the

Narrative and I get it it’s verse Charlotte but you better start changing the narrative Now versus the teams that are kind of easier to get into uh and and I think a lot of the folks is going to be how does this offense look is it going to look disjointed with Zack

LaVine coming off the bench is it going to look disjointed uh or is it going to look like the team’s fight is at the same level right like that at a minimum we feel like I feel like we’ve set a standard of we’re not going to play

Worse than this our worst game is the second game versus Philly where at that point it was just like we’re too injured and we have nobody that can play this team uh uh uh play Jo L andb down low okay I can deal with that loss blowout

Loss was crazy but I can deal with that that next game versus the Knicks that fight is still there they’re still going all out second of a back toback you end up running out of steam at the end of the game but that game was really good

And really close the entire game it was a fun game to watch and I think that right when you start to see are we going to see that mindset stay are we going to see that level of heart stay are we are we going to see Kobe’s leadership stay

Because what I love about Kobe white and I I know I don’t know if if y’all saw the miked up version uh um where he goes out and right after that he’s he’s talking to dear you got to boom you got to make this out you can’t miss on that

You have to make that play and and seeing him talk to dear right and telling him you can’t miss you got to make that play that I love that’s what I want to continue to see happening that’s what I want to continue to see this

Bulls team be able to go out there and do is have a voice that is going to tell people what they need to hear and if Zack LaVine comes out and Kobe white tells him you can’t miss on this you got to make this happen and he don’t want to

Hear that all right that tells me a lot so will we see the mentality the leadership and all of that remain at the same level that it has been with Zack LaVine out that’s going to be the real question Zach hasn’t been on the court since December 23rd so you’re probably

Not going to see a ton of them tonight I’d say maybe 18 to 20 minutes of Zack LaVine tonight um because you do want to work them back slowly you don’t want them to to you don’t want that inflammation in the foot to to swell

Back up um he’s back a little bit ahead of schedule which is good to see so we’ll see what this Bulls team ends up doing tonight man versus Charlotte let me know how you guys feel in the comments below also make sure to check out P kid over on the Chicago Bulls

Breeze he’s going to have a video breaking all this down as well and he’s going to be uh uh um your go-to for Chicago Bulls here on the windy city breeze so tune in with him over on the Bulls Breeze of course we’ll still cover the Bulls here on the main Channel and

We got JC covering the Bears over on Chicago Bears Bree we going to cover them here as well so as always man it’s your boy Pat the designer back at it again to continue watching our Chicago Bears and Bulls content click the links on the screen check the links in the

Description below and make sure y’all tuned in for the Daily Show y’all stay safe out there Chicago peace

On Todays Episode Of The Windy City Breeze Pat The Designer Reacts To The Chicago bulls Breaking News That Zach Lavine & Nikola Vucevic Are Set To Return Tonight vs Hornets


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