@Golden State Warriors

JK’s reaction from the bench

JK’s reaction from the bench

by I_like_cocaine


  1. levopress

    Good man, jk feels the way the fanbase feels. It’s time to put the dunce in the corner the dunce being KERR

  2. I_like_cocaine

    I know everyone was frustrated/stunned when it happened but dude looks 100% over it and I don’t blame him. Imagine having a great night and having to watch those final 12 from the bench.

  3. marionettas

    Aw man why you gotta make me watch this shot again 😣

  4. Seriously why was Wiggins in the game when JK was literally the best player on the floor last night

  5. SeekingSignificance

    I just hope Kuminga sees the love and support this fanbase is showing him right now. He’s been done dirty long enough. Dude is a star in the making and everyone sees it. That’s why every GM interested in trading with us wants him.

  6. Arooooooooooooooo

    This was the same reaction he had against the Clippers when we blew another win. He was then sat for most of the next game.

  7. I respect that he cares that he’s not playing

  8. Seeing that reaction is exactly how I felt watching that last 6 minutes. I saw them losing it once they stopped putting points up, and started to hand the game over to the Nuggets.

  9. Ok-Roof-978

    He’s like “Yup. FINALLY!! This shit is OVER!!. Yeeeeeahhh”

  10. WisdomCow

    Been a Warrior Fan for 30 years. Never thought I would be as upset as when Webber wanted out. I blamed Webber. Still do.

    I blame Kerr this time.

    I have spent so much preaching Patience and talking others into not giving up on Kuminga. I love the kid. I am irate that Kerr has fucked this up. Honestly, they move Kuminga, I’ll lose it.

    [personal context] I fight suicidal urges every fucking day, living in chronic pain with my own weight causing dislocations multiple times a day, hypermobility. I use “waiting for the next game” to endure my shitty existence.

  11. ryzerkyzer

    And I’m just so sad. I know if Kerr doesn’t fix this shit quick we will be losing Kuminga and/or Moody. I love our big 3 and will always be thankful for everything they have done for the franchise and the championships they brought and all the insane happy memories I have but I am ready for the young guns. And I’m sad that we might lose half of them, or more, cause Kerr is an idiot.

  12. DragonTigerSword

    JKs reaction looked the same as Dario’s and most of the team for that matter. I don’t think you can infer a whole lot from this. I mean if he had a towel and threw it down on the ground you could say he looked frustrated as well. Either way this is all on Kerr. But people need to stop arguing that JK needs to demand a trade. All that would do is make the team WORSE. If you’re a fan of the TEAM why would you support that? What needs to happen is that they need to find a new coach and let Kerr go. This team isn’t the same as last years’ where the vets were heavily relied upon (and came through) and either Kerr doesn’t want to come to grips with that or he hasn’t realized this yet. If he can’t adapt then they have to find someone else.

  13. Aromatic_Brother


  14. Pootahtoo_Man

    I’m so frustrated. Like this is such an easy fix.

    Yet Kerr is too much of a dumbass to play “injured fingertip” Wiggins or Out-of-Shape Looney instead of the players who got us the lead and want to play.

    The vets want to blow leads, sit their asses on the bench and let them figure out their problems while Basketball is actually being played on the court.

  15. No_Manches_Man

    I think Podz also just starting walking to the locker room after that.

  16. This benching is so bad that even the jk haters are quiet. Its been a while since I’ve seen this mind bogglingly bad coaching from the warriors

  17. beentheredonesome

    His body language even before the shot is more telling. He is so done with this and I don’t blame him.

  18. mattjchin

    Yeah he gone. This is sad that Wiggs let Murray cook last night

  19. consultant999

    So would it surprise you if Detroit beats us?

    What are the ramifications if the unthinkable were to happen?
    – In my opinion this could be the dagger that ensures something will happen and that Kerr has lost the room.

  20. geezeeduzit

    We are all over it. You can’t be a Dubs fan and be happy with Kerr right now

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