@Phoenix Suns

Bickley Blast: Why Devin Booker missing top 10 of NBA All-Star initial fan voting isn’t a surprise

Bickley Blast: Why Devin Booker missing top 10 of NBA All-Star initial fan voting isn’t a surprise

And Mara boings Arizona Sports the local sports leader bigle blast there are times when the softness of this Market drives me crazy and yesterday was one of those days I mean the whining the pouting the goober haed media disbelief over our poor Devin Booker who didn’t

Even crack the top 10 in the first wave of Allstar voting to which I say grow up stop acting like victims or get out and vote now I’m not saying Booker wasn’t snubbed any list that has Austin Reeves and Klay Thompson and James Harden ahead

Of him is a very flawed list but a little reality checks in order here Booker hasn’t been that good lately in high-profile games featuring a cluster of stars he’s rarely been the best player on the floor on Christmas night he was badly outclassed by Luca again

When the whole world was watching he he wasn’t very good in an inseason quarterfinal loss to the Lakers when the whole world was watching and in the first half against the star-laden Clippers the other night Booker was a complete non-factor before stuffing the stat sheet in the second half now I’m

Not hating I’m one of the biggest Booker fans you are going to find on the planet I am just stating facts and facts are it is not a conspiracy it has nothing to do with Market size it’s a popularity contest and book has yet to break

Through with a F so compelling that he’s an automatic selection for basketball fans from all different locals and allegiances and it basically in the end means that Suns fans haven’t flooded the ballot boxes probably because this season has been so uninspiring so maybe here’s the Silver Lining maybe this

Episode this incident this wave of voting maybe this will be the galvanizing moment something that can fuel both Booker and the fan base and believe me this team and this town could use a little juice all right today’s bitly blast brought to you by my great friends at

Chapman BMW who make luxury attainable find them online at Chapman well said Bick well said and when you reflect and again this is the first wave of voting the Voting is open until January 20th but when you reflect on this and uh sham chirania put it out on social media

The the graphic with the top 10 front Court players and back court players in each conference and and so much of the national reaction to his post was wow Devin Booker Not Top 10 what’s going on when when you ask the question this way is this more embarrassing for Devin

Booker or the Suns fan base I think the question is clear I think so too I think so too the sun’s fan base I think you and I are right in alignment on that list you can and I think you um you take a little um exception to Steph Curry I

Think Steph Curry is like basketball royalties he is so but he should be fifth or sixth on that list to be outside of the top 10 is ridiculous but but it’s ridiculous for other reasons and not what people seem to think and and the reaction like I said the

Reaction from the local media was I I I some of the television hits I was watching midafternoon when this broke just had my jaw hitting the floor and because to me when you dig down to what the issue is here this this is what the issue is and it’s always been Allstar

Voting we’ve always been a very very soft Market when it comes to All-Star voting Kevin Durant is second in votes behind LeBron James yeah but Kevin dur but Kevin Durant’s Got a Brand that’s broken through yes and he’s played in in he’s played a lot longer than Deon

Booker he’s played in different markets he is kind of not attached to whatever team he’s playing for when it comes to things like All-Star voting he’s a shoe in kind of guy yeah and Booker and and Devon we we hope he gets to that point

Where he’s a shoe in kind of guy I thought he did take starter and voting out of it let me ask you this is has Deon Booker been an All-Star to this point oh of course I totally agree with you of course of course there’s no doubt

About it and again there’s a lot of things that have worked against him and and that first half performance against the Clippers not entirely his fault he had two guys coming at him constantly and and there still is not the connectivity one time he he he threw the

Ball to the corner and the guy I think might have been Josh aogi at the time uh he left his spot he started to to cut toward the basket so Deon Booker threw the ball to a ghost when the guy should have been there to catch the ball and

Shoot a three-point shot yeah and and so there’s any number of things here that have not really lined up for Devin Booker but I but the the thing is that you got to recognize and you got to look this in the face there have been playoff failures attached to Devin Booker and

There have been big game failures recently attached to him as well and that stuff might make a difference with people outside of Phoenix but you could say the same thing for every every player on that list to to I think the point Jarrett was going to make is I

Think we can all agree at this point in year nine of his career among NBA fans Devin Booker is a household name for a household name not to be in the top 10 in any rendition of All-Star voting is curious to me I thought the combination

Of the finals run being the best teen in the NBA the next year being in that getting the you know the Kobe Bryant spot in that NBA commercial his obviously very relationship with a Kardashian whatever I thought all that made him enough of a break through star

Household name that he was going to get popular votes enough that even if he wasn’t having like an MVP season he would be in the top five or six every year yeah yeah he’s got to get back to like that 2021 mode where where this team is winning big games I think that’s

A big thing Darren Fox and and guilis Alexander are having great years and very deserving but I don’t think they’re bigger household names not at all than Devon Booker not at all not at this point so if we’re saying it’s a popularity contest it’s kind of interesting that they’re so high that’s

What’s so fishy about it to me now to the point that Bick made in the blast too you use the phrase Devon Booker hasn’t been very good as of late uh I think tonight is going to be uh an interesting examination because I agree with you and I think Devin Booker kicked

Things into gear in the second half against the Clippers uh he was very efficient in the first half but just didn’t take a lot of opportunity to create for himself I think he had six points in the first half he took five shots at four turnovers yeah 29 points

In the second half in that game against the Clippers 35 uh with six assists in that game and and two rebounds before that there had been a stretch of games where he wasn’t very good the Sacramento game he wasn’t great he shot a poor percentage in the

Christmas Day game as you pointed out against Dallas uh the win against Houston uh had 20 points had a big game against Charlotte uh and the previous game even in a 21-point win against Portland he only had 10 points that was one of those games where it’s like oh

Thank goodness Deon Booker had an off night while they were playing Portland he looked different to me against the Clippers and I think maybe this little rocky stretch that he’s going through might be over I hope you’re right and and and and you know the realization for

Every member of the Phoenix Suns is all right all this time that we thought we had to get acclimated to each other to get used to each other we’re basically out of that time yes you got you got to show up and compete every single night

That starts tonight with Miami uh a lot has been made of their January schedule the sun’s January schedule is very rough at the end of January we’re going to know a lot about this basketball team now if you’re going to if if you were going to take this vote in this story in

This episode and divide it between Suns fans and what they need to do and as Jared said get out and vote today it’s three times the vote it’s a triple match that’s right play the music right exactly play the M it’s a triple match so it but but if you’re talking about

Outside earlier this year there was a great exchange between Devin Booker and Kevin Durant where Devon Booker basically admitted I’ve got smoke with everybody in the league so Devin Booker with many fan bases in the western conference is not a like guy he’s very well respected and he’s certainly a

Household name but but he’s not going to compel F basketball fans in Dallas or Los Angeles or the Bay Area to vote for him yeah out of respect whereas I think a Suns fan might vote for Steph Curry out of respect along maybe maybe not I

I’m just using that as an example not that’s good that’s a good point you know what I mean so Deon Booker’s old school in that way yes he’s taken on this role of it’s me against everybody and I’m taking you on stop rubbing your eyes

Jared first one of the Year L one of the year so so I think there and that’s the way he wants it that’s the path he’s Chosen and I and I said I’ve said before times I I think Devin Booker would probably benefit from from dapping up

The refs and and and smooching babies and that kind of he ain’t doing it it’s he’s too hardcore and I respect I respect him I yes he does and I respect him for that that’s the way I want Devin Booker so I’m I I’m I’m not saying I’ve

Got any issues with him I’m just saying this isn’t a jaw-dropping occurrence to me it’s an injustice he’s snubbed but the reasoning behind it is not surprising to me and guess what he’s not going to be an All-Star starter based on these votes if we’re talking about the Western

Conference Allstar being being revealed and Deon Booker’s name isn’t that on that list of reserves then we got a real problem then we got yes then there we’ve got an issue I completely agree with that thanks for watching Bickley and marada click to see the latest Bickley

Blast and hit the button in the middle to subscribe to Arizona Sports

Phoenix Suns fans were in a roar after Devin Booker missed the top 10 of of Western Conference guards in the initial fan voting released Thursday. And while fans still have time to vote, Dan Bickley breaks down why this news doesn’t come as a surprise in Friday’s Bickley Blast.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports

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  1. Huge Suns fan. Devin isn’t well respected among fans outside of Phoenix, but also the Suns team has been a huge letdown and Booker has played meh in big tv games this year like Dallas.

  2. How is KD second in voting for Booker can’t land in the top-10 for West guards? The way this team has played this season I don’t know if they deserve any all stars.

  3. As a hater, here's my perspective on why Booker is hated nationally

    1. Booker tends to look to talk a lot of shit ONLY when he's winning, but never when he's losing. Chirps when he's winning, but when he's losing, he always head down, not looking at anyone, avoiding any kind of interactions. He's a p$ssy in my eyes.

    2. He's not as reliable no matter how much Suns fan preaches he is. It's like it's always when he's needed the most, Booker never shows up

    3. Suns cockieness when yall won 60 games really rubbed off of on everyone in an annoying way, so most of the time yall were just gloating when yall haven't had nothing to back it up

    4. West guards are just loaded, Klay and Reaves absolutely shouldn't be on that list, but it's hard to beat Warriors/Lakers crazy fandom

  4. Booker is trash he runs his dam mouth too much and can’t back it up he’s been playing absolutely terrible lately and he still hasn’t learned to pass out of the double team

  5. Something needs to change. No way Austin Reaves should be in over book. Lakers have been trash too.

  6. It’s no doubt Booker should be an automatic in the All Star game / voting regardless of what’s happening this season he has earned his right period, the disrespect is just unbelievable

  7. Huge suns fan. Lifelong resident here in the valley. Book doesn’t deserve to be an All-Star this year. He hasn’t been the best player on the floor at any point of this season. Let’s stop drinking the suns kool-aid here.

  8. U definitely hating he was 3/5 in the first half against the clippers I’ll let you do that math he was being blitzed what was he supposed to do? Tf he finished with 35 lol his own fanbase hates on him it’s crazy

  9. But when book was going off in the playoffs y’all was his #1 fan tho weird ass fans u don’t switch up on a player when he has a rough stretch

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