@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. Thunder Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Hawks vs. Thunder Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Got to love it got to love it tough Trey I wanted to ask you um what did you think of jaylen’s dunks and did you have a favorite and what you think about him going behind the back up for that dunk oh that was clean that was

That was a clean move uh what I think about it um I mean I got my my my standards high for jayen so I mean uh the Dunkey had a couple of games ago was crazy tonight was crazy I thought he was about to have

Two of them on chat but uh um no I mean that’s just what he does he’s athletic and sometimes I’m scared when he goes up and gets hit and Falls like that um but that’s just what he does you got to live with the live with the results cuz

Sometimes he he drinks on people a lot Trey you guys started off uh 110 to this game on a run how much of that start offensively do you think contributed to the way you guys finished and held on throughout four quarters yeah I mean some sometimes it’s scary getting those

Leads uh to be honest with you because it’s it’s a game of runs it’s it’s a game of runs and when you get on the Run sometimes it’s it’s it’s just a natural habit to relax and um and I don’t think we relaxed I think we had a a solid lead

Throughout the whole game and just late late again in the game they just they played more aggressive and we were playing too um too much trying not to foul and give them man ones and things like that and not as aggressive as we were the first three quarters and maybe

It was cuz they was in the bonus early in the fourth and didn’t want to give them free throws but um we still got to be more aggressive and just late in games when they’re trapping me guys got to be continue to be aggressive and um

And we’ll continue to get better at at it and uh like I said there I’m just glad we we can learn off a win I don’t want to jump the gun but do you guys think that this creates a different narrative for winning at home when it

Comes to momentum at home uh no I mean it’s just one game it’s just one game you can’t get too high or too low uh it’s not like we Str together five 10 wins here uh so we got to continue to take it one game at a time and um I know

We got a lot of home games this month so we got a chance to really uh put a stamp on our home court advantage this month and um but not just after one game we got to do it consistently Trey earlier this week you talked about JJ you know

Really hitting that ceiling finding that potential career-high 28 tonight how did it feel on the court did it feel like he was inching closer to maybe what you’ve been talking about yeah for sure I mean he’s going to he’s going to get career hives every night uh this year it’s it’s

Not going to be surprising just cuz I mean this is really first year really getting to play a lot and um I mean you can tell from the work he’s been putting in what it’s translating to and uh like I said last game the more reps he plays

The more comfortable he’s going to get so um it’s just continuing to get him more reps and more um more shots and more touches in the game and he he’ll continue to surprise even more people and uh he he’s going to continue to get better and he’s going to have more

Career high nights uh like tonight Trey I know you spoke at practice about kind of keeping those turnovers down and um kind of taking care of the ball more just when you watch film can you see or pinpoint something that’s kind of causing those for you is it just kind of

No I mean for me as a PG uh I don’t mind taking risk like I don’t I think my teammates that I’ve played with over the years they understand like I don’t mind taking risk and sometimes that’s why we can get out to 12 15o leads cuz we’re

Sneaking up at three and I’m throwing it ahead and trying to throw it full court to get my teammate a quick basket and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t so uh I think like tonight I got a turnover trying to throw o alive um

Just trying to get him the ball and get him involved and it was a turnover on me andtime I will live with things like that um I mean the ones I I can’t live with is the ones where I’m just throwing it right to the defense and they’re

Going out and transition and uh so I I got to be better in certain areas for sure when it comes to that but at the same time I’m going to have a lot of turnovers cuz I I do take risk and I’m trying to get my teammates involved so I

Got to live with some but at the same time I still want to continue to get better at that too good

Hawks vs. Thunder Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young after 141-138 Win

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