@Los Angeles Clippers

Los Angeles CLIPPERS vs Phoenix SUNS – NBA 2K24

Los Angeles CLIPPERS vs Phoenix SUNS – NBA 2K24

Of the Season Greg is here does everyone get butterflies or is it just me no I’m I’m right there with you partner it the anticipation has been brewing for months nothing like opening night here are the five for the Clippers man in and shooting guard with George at small

Forward down in the block it’ll be Kawai next to zubac and it’s Harden in at the guard position and so it’s the Suns getting on the board first Allen outside Beal that’s [Applause] tipped Leonard that’s for two and the rebound by [Applause] noric George against Allen with three

Cooker off to a good start as he hits his first shot attempt and from the corner Booker is not a player you can forget about Harden surveying the D George way outside trains it from Beyond The Arc and guys getting into a nice Groove here starting to feel him and this is partly

What the game has become right a matter of dueling three-point opportunities outside Beal and the Suns tack on two more well this is The Sweet Spot of Bradley bei’s game that in between that mid-range jumper is money George against Allen here’s Leonard connects on the 17-footer poor design there defensively

They know he’s a knockdown shooter from that spot that’s not coming with the right mentality the defender neither closes the space nor challenges the shot that’s frustrating as a coach boy here’s Booker Kawhi Leonard making his last shot Booker no good where just about 2 minutes into the first

Quarter and here’s Leonard coming off a solid outing against Miami his three-pointers Off the Mark I’m shocked that didn’t turn into three points I mean he makes you pay on those nearly every Time here’s meu the pass to [Applause] be it’s tipped three on three and Leonard gets it to go Leonard’s got his second basket you got to love his hustle leaving the defense no time to react the finishing transition nice and easy nin just screen on Harden for three Booker Phoenix no

Good that time either and close to making the defense pay for the lacks coverage that time here’s man he’s covered by Beal tries it from nine man can’t hit and so Booker will bring it up for Phoenix in his short career Terrence mandor has been asked to play a variety

Of positions and role and Kevin that’s a testament to his adaptability he has started he’s come off the bench one thing we know nightly is going to be tremendous with his energy and competitive Spirit boy it seems like every every shot he puts up it’s going in this

Guy is hot hot and let’s take a quick look now at some stats for Harden last season he played outstanding averaged 21 points game 10 assists and six rebounds and with his great passing he’s been a catalyst for their offense often seeing plays even before they materialize yeah

There’s no doubt about that great anticipation excellent peripheral vision his talents are really shining through here’s Allen kawh Leonard making his last shot shoots over Leonard Allen shot is off and now running up the court Leonard pushing it up I love scorers who want to seek contact Kawai Leonard

Consistently in the top 20 in free throw attempts and over the years we have seen Kawai Leonard continue Doris to battle through injuries Kevin he has been a Hot Topic as it relates to that loaded word load management but we have to be fair Kawai has had a number of leg and knee

Issues there is a certain amount of caution you want to take where his body is concerned and the first one drops I think one thing you love about kawh Leonard this guy never gets too high never gets too low but he is the ultimate competitor because he competes

At the highest level regardless of the situ situation and he makes both free throws and load management a term Greg that’s been associated with the Clippers and Kawai rightfully managing his return from ACL injury with care it’s harder to build chemistry when guys are out but it’s all about staying healthy for the

Postseason how hard Bradley Beal missing from long range Leonard no luck all alone from mid-range they know he won’t miss many of [Applause] those Allen finds Beal here’s meow on the wing Booker shot clock at five the Suns need to get a shot off releases from the wing and drills it

Instinct ual playmaker Booker very crafty in distributing to his teammates Harden against Booker Harden the pass to George and again no good by the Clippers the Suns trailer Beal deciding where to go with it and the foul called and kaai Leonard that is his first foul of the game so it’s Phoenix

Now and there’s the foul it’ll go on Terrence man that’s his first [Applause] foul Los Angeles on D on the wing Booker guarded by Harden right now trying to get into a rhythm but so far this quarter boy he is struggling to make anything go down kicks it to Leonard here’s George

Plenty of room to knock down the shot George has got five points so far this guy practically automatic Paul George and the catch and shoot look out passes to Booker nkit a screen on har with three Booker it’s rebounded by Lenard boy a tough go for him in this quarter you can

See how desperately he wants to get things started he just can’t make a shot so Greg when you think about the Phoenix Suns what do you think fuels them the most Kevin I mean the fact that they had a 20 lead in the 21 NBA finals and lost

This team is really battling to get back to that stage and if they do they want to take care of business this time the first one Falls and the Clippers one of the more efficient three-point shooting teams Greg in the NBA and Kevin really over the last

Decade that’s been one of their most consistent traits and it’s not just because of talent they’re smart about the shots they take [Applause] and he can’t hit the second last season GA the Suns trading tons of picks plus good young players all for Kevin Durant and then this summer trading for Bradley

Beal it’s clear they’re going all in constructing a super team to try and bring Phoenix its first NBA title Phoenix shooting their first free throws here for the night shooting two first one Falls for and the Clippers making a switch here Ty is checked in

And that’s good as he hits both of his shots the 2023 season DB had a Bitter End for the Clippers in the first round of the playoffs Now Kevin it is always difficult when the primary storyline for your team in a season is the injuries and the unavailability of your players

That is what cost the Clippers in the end oh great ball movement there Suns Trail by four Booker with it coming in off a 10-point performance last game out and the basket is good how about the vision from Devin Booker yes he can score it but that’s a pretty pass here’s

Man pass to harden hey yo yo right here right here out of bounds Phoenix takes possession and let’s go to the 2K leaderboard to see the teams that blocked the most shots in the NBA last year the Suns fifth well an important element of their defense is the ability

To intimidate I mean their Stellar shop blocking last year accomplished that in a big time way now here’s Booker outside Beal no luck that time in the shot that would have put them on top just doing the job job on the back board here’s man and they pick up two man’s got five

Points so far oh he had him spinning he looks like he’s dizzy after that crossover Booker outside outside Beal good and a nice assist from Booker Booker’s got five assists tonight gets one to fall but only a second make and the first seven attempts zubot with the screen for Harden pass to

Man now Ty he kicks to George six on the shot clock and they come right back with their own three-pointer he’s got eight Suns frail by four now Booker burit just screen on hard here’s Booker and the Suns tack on two more this is one of the Specialties

Of Devin Booker that mid-range you offer it he’ll take it Harden against Booker Harden outside the shot by George wide open and it hung on the rim but wouldn’t fall for [Applause] him George against Allen shoot it the three it’s h in by zubot zubot has got six rebounds here

Tonight here’s Ty and contact on the shot so he’ll be shooting free throws here and with the pause here how about the stats for Bradley Beal he’s coming off an excellent season last season season put up about 23 points per five assists and four rebounds and what a

Luxury for them to have someone like him who can absolutely fill it up coming off the bench I love it he knows they’re looking for him to bring immediate offense and he very rarely disappoints catching up on the changes for Phoenix kada Bat depps checked in

For metu Gordon comes in for Allen and a kogi subbed in for Devin Booker the Clippers also making some changes PJ Tucker he’s checked in for zubot Norman B comes in for man and Russell Westbrook is subbed in for James Harden both free throws good from TY boy Daniel Ty bided

His time was not a rotation player early but this guy is smart he’s physical he can play on the defensive end at a high level now here’s Beal he’s got five nkic the three-pointer no good there’s the pass to foul back to Ty the jump hook it’s hauled in by the [Applause]

Suns here’s Aogi passes it to Beal five to shoot over tight and and that one is good from Bradley Beal Beal’s got seven points yeah just like any true shooter Bradley Beal not worried about the defender at all 13 ft away here’s Ty and Ty throws it down it’d be nice if everybody took

As much pride in his rebounding as he does you know what I Greg he loves that part of the game and it shows well but as Defenders keep forgetting to box him out he continues to just make them pay and so many of Gordon’s shots come from three-point range because he drains so

Many of them when you’ve had his kind of success from Beyond The Arc you’re always going to have the green light now here is George eight points for him screen by Ty and that’s a f called on Bradley Beal that is his first foul of the game some

Changes for Phoenix bull bow he’s checked in for Yousef nerkish and it’s Devin Booker in for Beal and a switch here also for the cers Amir coffee’s checked in for PJ Tucker and here’s Westbrook from the ark that shot no good the sun’s trailing you

Know Greg on a per minute basis B bowl is one of the better rebounders and shot blockers in the NBA yeah and it’s not all done on the inside he he grabs a lot of long rebounds and he contest shots on the perimeter this guy is more than capable out

There take a break take a break Two Shots no good on the free throw and like his father Manu B’s combination of size and scoring is very very unique the the key for him is just staying healthy so he can’t get either to fall Los Angeles has gone two of five from

Three-point land here in the first quarter we’ve got 113 left in the first quarter and here’s Westbrook eight points his last outing four on the clock over bll after two misses to start the game he’s on the board with that shot made and the lack of effort to fight over the screen

There makes that an easy shot you know we see this all the time you’re basically as a Defender hoping the man misses rather than putting in the work to get over screens here’s Booker it doesn’t go for him Westbrook with the nice D there this guy just

Can’t find his rhythm and you look up at the scoreboard they absolutely need his productivity for Los Angeles they have hit most of their free throws tonight five of six that’s good from Westbrook perhaps the thing I will remember most when Russell Westbrook decides his career is done is

How he brought competitive fire and spirit every single night guys Bradley Beals checked in for Devin [Applause] Booker and Russell Westbrook drops them both Suns Trail by five 30 seconds left here in the opening quarter Phoenix no good that time either and Los Angeles guys uh shooting at a

Nice 53% rate to start the game they are sticking to the campaign and coffee gets it to go yeah Paul George is always about making the right play what a pretty pass deal with it he has seven let go looking to end the Run he can’t get

It to go and I like the Bold move a point right back at him to return the three but he just couldn’t get it to go Paul George he’s been the guy making things happen for the Clippers he notched eight points in the quarter and has that terrific basketball Instinct on

Display back right after this and if you’re just joining us we’ve played through one quarter in this one and taking a look at Los Angeles’s performance here what have they been doing or not doing well they used the fast break to generate some easy buckets before the defense could get set and we

Know this every team in the league now seems to be looking to play with pace so with Leonard on the bench here’s who teron L’s going with they’ve got Paul George Norman pow is out there with Russell West then there’s Daniel Ty and it’s coffee in at the three slot two on

The clock Westbrook can’t get it to go and so Booker will bring it up for the Suns trailing here by eight kicks it the ball there’s the dish to [Applause] Gordon shoots over Powell and it’s Gordon missing Clippers leading by eight a nice passing here by Los Angeles and

He can’t extend the lead to double digits the sun shooting at 36% they really seem out ofyn offensively from 11 ft away fires the three hustle Westbrook with the rebound Los Angeles has gone three to six tonight when they’ve let it fly from downtown read the league is now Greg On

Any Given night we sometimes see a team fall flat is a luck of the draw sometimes players are tired and sometimes they relax you know this is why leadership is so violent setting that standard for others to follow here’s Booker following the basket by Russell Westbrook and the basket by aogi aoi’s

Got his first points of the night stays ready lets it Fly you’ve got to be decisive in the catch and shoot game Josh aogi yes sir right now let’s send it over to the sidelines and get a report from David ald thank you Kevin well the Clippers have their sight set

High coach teron L says this is definitely a championship team but it’s not going to just come we’ve got to put the work in there’s got to be a lot of sacrifices if we come together and do the right things we definitely have a chance Kevin back to you and David he’s

A big reason why thanks so much that’s just Superior balance from The Crafty guard if you allow Devin Booker to get close he’s going to draw your contact first trip to the free throw line for him tonight here’s what Phoenix has got going on right now mat two comes in for

Kada bdon and Grayson Allen subbed in for Josh aogi one shot that one misses for Booker Booker not the guy you want to foul gentlemen this guy is one of the best from the stripe there is in the game and that’s a foul called on b b that’s his first

Foul and here in the second quarter of action with a hair under two and a half it’s played so far driving inside coffee passes to tus and foul on the shot he’ll shoot two at the free throw line excellent job by Daniel Ty to go right at the defense you forc the

Official to make a call there for Los Angeles they have been coming through at the charity stre they’ve made Seven of their eight attempts and at the line last season about 78% as a team pretty solid numbers [Applause] and he makes the [Applause] first that one misses so he goes one for

Two suns Trail by seven pass to Allen and there’s the feet to B two free throws coming up and they call the shooting foul and now here is the 2K leaderboard with the list of the NBA’s best teams from three-point land a year ago the Clippers third their three-point

Accuracy last year was exceptional largely because of their patience they would wait for the best look before pulling the trigger two shots and that one Falls for [Applause] B both shots good from the strike we’re just over two and a half minutes into the second quarter George sets the screen for Westbrook and it’s Deni Allen surveying the D and bll wide open he shoots sinks the triple Bulls got five points now in the quarter and

The big fella knows how to score the basketball B’s understanding of when to look for his is next level outside [Applause] George Ty it’s good on the foot back Daniel Ty is a Pros Pro and he brings his intensity and work every single night gets to the glass

There and here in the second quarter of action as we approach four minutes played they get it back Booker the second chance effort aset is good he’ll get a chance for one more at the line yeah truly Elite scorers like Devin Booker they find different ways to score

That time the second chance and a chance for just a second now to check out the scoring breakdown for the Suns absolutely dialed in from Beyond The Arc so far in this one the defense is surrendering the long range shot here early on yeah and in addition their ball

Movement has really Unleashed their offense boy they’ve been fun to watch catching up on the changes for Los Angeles zubot is checked in for Amir Crawford and it’s James Harden in for Russell Westbrook the Clippers in the lead now here’s pal still [Applause] scoreless pass to [Applause] harden six to shoot [Applause]

Fades and shoots good and the Clippers lead by three well there’s an unpredictability to his offensive game he is always keeping the defense off balance here’s hen and a great assist by Booker as that one goes in and they’ve done well at taking advantage of some late defensive rotations and getting the

Ball in the paint Los Angeles calls timeout use of noric he’s checked in for the Suns and let’s take a look at the playmaking here this chart with the assist totals split between the front court and the back court tonight for Phoenix and and their guards have been

The ones to really set the tone here tonight with their ability to create shots you talk about the Big Fellas they love to play with guards who try to keep them involved [Applause] [Applause] offensively and so here are the Clippers they’ve led by as much as 10 over to the

Wing a clear look for George rebound by the Suns Booker left side second shot opportunity and the rejection by Harden and now here’s George the fast break opportunity here’s Ty no off the back of the rim and it’s Gordon with the ball he brings it up for the Phoenix Suns they Trail by

One over George and it’s Gordon missing well tremendous defensive effort on the interior that’s the kind of contest you want after seven years with Houston Eric Gordon traded away during the 2023 season well Kev when you look back at that Houston time period only James Harden made more threes in that

Particular uniform Gordon was one of the keys on those 50 60 win teams Eric will always have a place in Rockets lore and this is his first trip to the line tonight and Los Angeles with some changes Kawhi Leonard is checked in for Daniel Ty man subbed in for pal one

Shot that free throw good from Eric Gordon Clippers have gone just 33% from the field in what’s been a cold second quarter for them just three of nine George with a scen on Booker Harden dishes to George over Gordon a nice shot by George George

Has got the game tied up here for the Clippers now Paul George a tremendous jump shooter squares up knocks it down the defense has got to be better here’s Booker Kawhi Leonard with the rebound Leonard’s got his fourth Rebound in this one and got to like what they’ve been

Doing down low in the post George finds Harden back to George fires the three and again Los Angeles with the triple that’s his first triple of the second period third of the game Phoenix has gone one to two on three-pointers here in the second quarter so far now Booker he’s got 10 Allen

Outside nice ball Movement by Phoenix to the paint here’s nurkic and finished off by nkic you can’t allow nkit to get that kind kind of position when you do he is going to Rattle that rimp Beals jacked in for Eric Gordon looking now at some numbers for zubot good season for him

Last year and a top 15 ranking in bloxburg game supplying that backline protection that is so key to a great defense and you know back to his tremendous efficiency shooting last season top 10 in the league his Dead Eye shooting creates so many opportunities for that offense here is Harden after

The ma shot from Bradley [Applause] be Harden kicks to [Applause] George now here’s Leonard tight defense on him rebound by the Suns medow got his fifth rebound right now in the game to a certain extent you like the aggressiveness but that’s two fouls already take a step back let’s take a

Second look at that fantastic block and this is why coach is stress the importance of Defense big block there in this close game the sun’s making a switch here Gordon’s checked in and the Clippers making a change here as well Norman pows checked in for George LA’s

Gotten a success rate of just over 50% from three-point tonight four of seven shooting Powell the pass to harden with the teardrop and that’ll be two free throws coming up officials on the call with the foul edley Beal picks one up an absolute Master at drawing contact Defenders get nervous guarding

James Harden this is [Applause] why first free throw is good when you have one of the great scores in the history of the game as you do with James Harden obviously you want the ball in his hands as much as possible Booker he’s checked in for the [Applause]

Suns so he gets him both and that’s the norm for him he’s pretty much automatic when he’s at the line and the pass to Gordon here’s meu and the call on the shot that sends him to the line it’s on kawhai Leonard yeah the defender all over it and a closer look

Here at the hustle stats for the Clippers how about the ferocity we have seen from them on defense I mean they’re looking to contest every shot that goes up you know also they’ve been incredible on The Fast Break taking those chances playing with great pace first free throw is good George is

Checked in for Kawhi [Applause] Leonard and that one goes in two from the wine that time looking at Los Angeles they took the win in their last game against Miami and George with the stuff well this is a team that depends on Paul George to fill it up such a skilled versatile scorer

Now here’s Booker he’s got 10 jacks up a three no good that time the Clippers have gone six of 13 so far from the field here in the second quarter it’s pow on the wing Off the Mark there with the three-point shot suns have gone eight of

16 from the field in the second quarter a nice efficient 50% and it’s Gordon finishing it off guys it a wild first half this has been wow back and forth start that’s for sure Harden kicks to Pal it’s good the assist that time from Harden hows got himself on the board

With three there Norman Powell with the rise in fire from three-point territory pretty delivery Booker with the screen for Allen and he can’t answer back the three-pointer [Applause] offline Harden against Booker now here’s Harden he’s covered closely and he banks in the layup now it’s a fourpoint Clipper lead Phoenix

Has gone one4 from three-point range in the second not a whole lot dropping out there for them outside Gordon and the Suns tack on two more pick works well there not much resistance from the deep it takes incredible effort to stay connected to the hip of the offensive player you’ve

Got to want to work Harden shot is off well he won’t miss many from that spot the defense gets lucky there Allen the B pass here’s Booker and the Suns tack on two more lightning quick release on that jumper no one could get to Booker in

Time Los Angeles has gone two of four from three-point range so far in the second quarter zubot finds Harden outside George oh good with the triple the sun shooting the ball beautifully in the second quarter they’re at 55% from the field and he gets the whistle two free throws coming [Applause]

Up with this break let’s show you the teams that led the league in assists last year fourth the Suns well you have to like the way they moved the ball last season guys were passing it around unselfishly that was reflected in their assist totals shooting two [Applause]

Free throw good Booker a toi’s checked in for [Applause] Phoenix both free throws good from Booker and didn’t have a single free throw in that first quarter but he started to play with a little bit more of an edge to his game here in the second now here’s

Pal 149 left in the first half of the game shot clock at six zuban a screen on Allen pow for three rebound by aogi the Suns leading on the wing Booker a three kills it from outside Booker got 12 points now in the quarter well they’re leading in

Large part because of the work he’s put in in this quarter this is nicely done and while we’ve got a moment let’s send it over to our terrific reporter David alry David hey there Kevin kawh Leonard continuing to work his way back to Peak form after his ACL Terror during the

2021 playoffs he said I missed a whole year of basketball I don’t want to take anything for granted I’m just trying to live in the moment and bring a sense of energy for the team I’m still young I’m a lot stronger and I’m back so I’m happy

Kevin yeah good to see da hey thank you and here’s Harden after Devin Booker getting his shot to go from Deep here’s George nice open look but it’s no good Suns leading by five here’s Allen F pulls it in I’ll tell you he’s trying to help them extend

This lead but it’s been a tough night for him individually man can hit and here’s Phoenix they’re on a 12 to3 run pass to [Applause] Booker 17t shot on the way boy a Miss like that will drive any score crazy especially with the defender giving a cushion here’s man

Pass to pow Fires for three oh and the buzzer beater good and a huge three there to chop the lead down as we go into the break still anyone’s game so that’ll be it for the first half fairly even battle underway in this one Suns

Lead by two stay with us folks we’ll get back just after halftime to start the third quarter [Applause] welcome one and all before we hear Kenny and Sha’s insights on that first half let’s look ahead and check out the upcoming schedule you know for Phoenix at this

Point you got to take every team you’re up against as a test asking yourself what can we do better than last year happens for us too Kenny you cook up any new approaches in the off season well I’m going to reveal those you know over time not just all in one sitting but

You’re right there is an opportunity to stretch and experiment see what’s working and what is it looking now at our featured game this evening the Phoenix Suns have a close one on their hands how about that ball movement so often we see guys dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble and make

Themselves easy to defend not this team not in the first half passing up good shots for great shots that’s what we’re talking about right now and that’s a halftime wrap let’s get back to the second half with the call by Kevin harand and the crew and as we get into this

Third quarter as we’ve seen so far neither team able to create much Separation on the scoreboard yet you know guys Devin Booker has been exceptional here well it didn’t take him long to get that double double already has it halfway through the game that takes a level of aggression and a level

Of focus and he has brought it all night thus far meow is out there with nkic then there’s Devin Brook then there’s Allen and it’s Beal in at the two spot that’s the group starting the second half for Frank vogle here’s meu no good on the three and it’s

Leonard with the ball he’ll bring it up for the Clippers right wing for the tie good as the jump shot Falls Leonard’s got it all tied up now for the Clippers well ready on the catch your pre-shot preparation is on point Kawai the catch and shoot nit setting the pick for

Be from outside Off the Mark was Angeles has gotten the three-point shot off 16 times tonight seven times they’ve hit it nine times they’ve missed well they’ll be happy with that look even though it didn’t fall I think expect them to go back to it because that’s the kind of

Shot this offense is designed to generate well an 0 for three start to the half you need to pick it up and start to put some pressure on your opponent that mid-range jumper is just another one of his [Applause] weapons third quarter of basketball about a minute and a half in here’s Beal

That doesn’t go either for Beal ugly start to the second half they’ve missed their first four they’ve got to get on track talking about Bradley beel Greg I feel like he doesn’t get enough credit for his passing game you know Kevin he’s really evolved as a playmaker over the

Years sure we we all know how talented a scorer and shooter he is but Bradley is now superb at facilitating and here is Beal Kawhi Leonard getting his three to go good on the three-point shot Bookers got 23 how about that Devin Booker say anything you can do I can do better

Threee in the [Applause] books Leonard looking over the floor it’s hauled in by the Suns norit has got FB down number nine now what an effort here tonight a little under two and a/2 minutes gone by here in the third that one no good here’s Leonard and no good trying

To use the glass suns have gone only one of six in the field in the third quarter not how they pictured the half started trying to break that ice cold streak it’s deflected pass to man three minutes gone now in the third quarter and it’s Leonard that time on

The assist by George out George has got his fourth assist in this one and the Suns call time [Applause] here and a moment here to check out some numbers for noric a very nice season for him last year averaged about 13 points per nine rebounds and three assists and

He does the heavy lifting on the glass throwing himself into the rebounding battle with just complete effort well you get the feeling he believes every rebound should be his and most of them are this guy is putting up tremendous numbers for the three and this is what

Dominating the glass looks like he just cannot be contained wow what a performance and he’s not just winning with physical ability he’s winning with anticipation and you look at Paul George Doris he really fits any system you can think of Kevin that’s about two things the skill set and the mindset if you

Need him to take over he can change and get that line of thinking in his mind you want him to play a secondary role he can adjust mentally as well and he knocks down the first one when Health has been there for Paul George he has been one of the great

Two-way guys in the league very capable scorer and can take on tough assignments and Phoenix making a change here Gordon’s checked in and both free throws good for Paul George here’s Gordon he’s got 10 just over three and A2 minutes through the third quarter of play now nkic is screen on George here’s

Gordon and foul on the shot so he’ll get a chance at the line that one on George have to be very careful when you’re guarding Gordon he’s Adept at putting pressure on the defense and these are his second and third free throws tonight and how about a year ago

82% on his foul shot so he was reliable when he went to the line that free throw no good good on the second free throw here’s Harden he’s got nine and the Clippers call time here and he could tell his guys were dragging a little bit calling timeout to kind of

Let him catch their [Applause] [Applause] breath all right a chance to check out stats for Leonard great showing for him last season and he’d make you pay every time he went to the line top 20 in free throw percentage and who could defend him last season out there Defenders

Tried to body him up play a little physical but time and time again he drilled the three anyway hey Harden the pass to George and a miss there on the triple Suns Trail by five and there’s the pass to medu two points that one goes and when the size

Advantage is as big as it was there I mean that’s exactly what he’s supposed to do in that situation and a breakdown here guys the hustle stat for the Clippers they made a point to protect the rim challenging shots all game long and the block total is off the chart and

You also have to love the way they’ve gotten out and run in transition a ton of good chances tonight simply from being willing to run the floor and it’s Harden with the ball for the Los Angeles Clippers they’ve led by as much as 10 zuban a screen on Booker Harden the pass to

Leonard it’s hauled in by the Suns still anybody’s game at this point and no question this is when you really have to have trust on the floor with each possession knocked loose passes it to man Harden against Booker they set the screen Beyond The Arc and James Harden

Hits from Deep Harden’s got 12 in the game well this is the basis of James hard g game right that three-point accuracy opens up every other aspect of the floor and his scoring ability now here’s nkic he’s got five Booker’s shot is good and this is the game plan for

Him he’s a big part of their floor spacing and right now Greg he is doing a great job delivering for this team productive and efficient Booker against Harden now here’s Leonard defense right on him nice shot from 10 ft out Leonard’s got 11 points here in just the

Second half as hot as he’s been this quarter the game plan is simple folks get him the ball and get out of the way and Booker kicks to Allen there’s the pick pass to medu power down after the assist let him into the lane man can you

Always depend on him or what to lead you to the right place with that pass money Harden outside outside Leonard lock at six Baseline jumper again Los Angeles all stars make this kind of shot contested jumper no problem Suns Trail by four and here’s Gordon he’s got 11

Nich is screen on George bounce pass Gordon and finished off by nkic with excellent footwork nurkic remains effective in those pick and roll situations Booker against Harden pass to Leonard screen by zubot kawhai Leonard again Leonard’s got 23 and at the offensive end he’s done about as much as they could have hoped

For today Gordon with it George picks him up Gordon the pass to Allen Gordon with no one around and a great assist by Allen as that one goes in Allen’s got his seventh assist of the game with that last one here’s man he has five and the call will go against Grayson

Allen that’s foul number two for for him Norman BS checked in for Los Angeles Booker against Harden count the bucket and he’s got a free throw coming up as well we are talking about a solid 230 lbs Kawai Leonard strength and his frame allows him to get shots off under duress this

Is his second trip to the line in this one one [Applause] shot that free throw good from Leonard Suns Trail by five [Applause] Booker with it he’s got 26 a look from Gordon it’s h in by zubot zubot has got rebound number 12 here already in the game and it’s Norman

F with the foul that is his first foul of the game oh great defense there anticipated the play and got there first getting another opportunity here to see that powerful rejection and big defensive play plays like that will help them stay in control of this one Booker looking around over Harden

Booker good Booker’s got 28 putting up points is what Devin Booker does best and right now he is showing [Applause] out Harden against [Applause] Booker now the pass to George here’s Leonard and it’s Phoenix with the [Applause] rebound Booker outside over Harden the rebound by Harden Clippers leading by three here’s

Leonard the rebound by medu Med’s got 10 rebounds here tonight so [Applause] active Allen outside and Booker kicks to Gordon no good that would have tied it and so pow will bring it up for the Clippers and stolen by Booker from 11 ft away and the rejection by

Zubot LA’s gone into the three-point range four times since halftime and buried two of them George that’s a two-pointer and the Clippers Miss again Suns Trail by three here’s Allen and it’s sent back back by George that’s just staying with your man anticipating what he’s thinking and great instincts on the block from

Paul George bull bow he’s checked in for Yousef nerkish and then for the Clippers Daniel Ty comes in for evit zubot and air Coffey is subbed in for Paul George back to Gordon six to shoot come on man don’t [Applause] for how pulls it in and and he has

Definitely been struggling in this quarter and you know what they keep calling his number and they’re simply trying to get him out of this funk now here is Harden he’s got 12 and that one’s good Leonard well the mid-range absolutely a part of kawh Leonard’s offensive Arsenal defense can’t expect

Him to pass those up and a few seasons ago Norman poell was hopping around the NBA from Team to team you know remarkably Kevin though his locker and location may have been changing his play was consistent through that stretch and Beyond here’s a player who you know his

Game and he can deliver scoring punch wherever he is three trips to the line so far for him in this [Applause] one and he hits the first of three kada bat doops checked in for Phoenix aogi comes in for Grayson Allen Russell Westbrook in for Los Angeles and he’s good on the second

Last one’s off and they’ll settle for two points Clippers leading by three Tes finds Leonard passes it to coffee count the basket and the foul it goes on Devin Booker and after really leaning on that three-point shot in the first half seeming like they’re just getting away from it here in the second

More of the shots coming from the interior L the Lan mind the Lan one shot [Applause] 153 three left in the third and Booker kicks to Gordon this one for three it’s good and the Clipper lead is cut down now to just three in the basket from Devin Booker

Well this quarter has been all about this guy he is trying to close the gap in the score and it’s Leonard top of the key that one rolling around and rims out Phoenix is gone three of seven from three-point range here in quarter number three back to Booker over Westbrook shots good by

Booker Booker’s got 13 points in just this quarter well Joshua kogi sees somebody working in space and puts the ball on time and on target po finds [Applause] Leonard Ty sets a screen for Leonard off Target from three-point range well Phoenix shooting 39% from the floor since the half not really what

They had in mind and it’s Gordon missing he is single-handedly dropping the temperature in here with that cold streak he is trying to shoot his way out of it and it might be better for him to pass the basketball at this point oh tough play boy did he have to fight to

Get that one to the ring we’ve got 28 seconds left here in the third quarter Gordon here’s Booker it’s hauled in by the Clippers Ty has got nine rebounds in the game getting it done now here’s Westbrook he’s got 11 it’s pow on the wing a three-pointer is Right On Target

How’s got his third basket of the night right there well on the catch and shoot Norman Powell ready to rise and fire and so it’s Los Angeles with their lead standing at six points here at the end of the quarter and they’ve done a phenomenal job down low so many of their

Points coming right at the rim back to the action in just a minute and now we have a moment to uh reveal our state F assist of the game and the definition of teamwork right there guys I mean what great communication between them and what a beautiful feed nothing

Better than chemistry right working together to create a bucket well what a terrific game it’s been so far with this fourth quarter sure to bring more pressure Pack basketball so for the Clippers right now Norman powers out there with Russell West then there’s Daniel Ty then it’s George and it’s

Coffee in at the three boy as we reach the latter stages he’s been in a ridiculous Groove they simply can’t get over the hump Westbrook no good Suns for by four 13 ft away CH shot and be de up gets it to go M de Ops got his first bucket in this

One and you want him taking big shots for you in big moments that one was as easy as it gets boy when it’s this close you try not to give up these kinds of buckets boy you got to do better defensively nice ball Movement by Phoenix outside [Applause]

Gordon Cole setting the pick for Gordon buries the long range jumper and the Suns lead by one well that’s his second three of the game one in the first half one here Booker against Wesker and here’s George for three o Angeles with another Miss suns have gone three of four in

Field goal attempt since getting things started here in the fourth [Applause] final quarter of play about a minute and a half off the clock into it here’s Gordon here’s bll and the Suns tack on two more Clippers Trail by [Applause] three now Powell in the corner George with

It and just miss after miss right now he started out strong three threes in the first half but the long ball has disappeared on him since for three aogi the rebound by Paul George George has got six rebounds now in the game and so the ball’s out of

Bounds po touched it last and Phoenix making a change here nkic is checked in and the Clippers making a change here as well Harden’s checked in and it’s the Suns ball they’re rolling here with a nine-point [Applause] run here’s aogi guarded by pow down low

And oh boy a lot of contact there but he gets the call and will shoot two well Josh oogi has the kind of frame and aggression that allows him to play through contact nice job drawing the foul and the first one at the line is good you think back to Joshua kogi’s rookie

Season this guy stepped up and became a starter he’s proven always ready for the next big challenge that one Falls so he hits both of them fourth quarter of play and we’re about 2 and 1/2 minutes through it right now George looking over the floor in the Carter pal with

It misses the three no matter what looks they get they just can’t convert to stop this run and I think you can start to feel their frustration mounting with every missed bucket it becomes more and more desperate the assist totals Kevin just continue to grow they’re way ahead

In that category ball movement has been Flawless now here’s Harden George passes to power six on the shot clock and he makes the bucket gets the whistle and now a three-point play chance here for him and sinking that one he ends a 14 nothing run by the Suns and

A chance to catch up on some numbers here the scoring breakdown for Phoenix I mean they’ve been stepping it up in terms of their shooting from distance and the confidence has been there all game long leaving the defense to scramble I think another thing that’s striking here tonight the ball movement

Is incredible again and again they’re making smart passes to ready Shooters now here’s here’s Booker here’s nkic Booker outside three-pointer it’s hauled in by Los Angeles hardens got his fourth Rebound with that last one here tonight pow kicks to harden here’s the three and the rebound by noric noric has

Got rebound number 12 now tenacity on the [Applause] glass pass to [Applause] Booker Nifty move it’s rebounded by Ty yeah but the hand in the face it’s critical that you contest his shots every time down the floor how the pass to Ty and Ty throws

It down Daniel Ty up high to finish that shot nicely done Suns leading by four Booker outside over Harden Booker’s shot is good Booker’s got 17 now just in the second half well you love that they’ve been able to rely on him time and time again you love the effort here [Applause]

Late Harden [Applause] outside rebound by the Suns here’s Big Diop dishes it to nich good ball movement here by the Suns aogi the pass to Gordon and it’s ploted and that’s out of bounds Phoenix will retain possession some changes for Phoenix that two’s checked in for bat Dion Allen

Comes in for Gordon and Bradley Beal subbed in for Josh aogi the Clippers also Chang ing it up zubot is checked in for Daniel Ty and it’s Kawai Leonard in for Amir coffee it’s Allen on the wing defended by George well this has not been his finest hour but give your teammates some

Credit for doing the job of stepping [Applause] in three-pointer it’s hauled in by the Suns got 11 rebounds in the game outside Beal here’s Booker that’s good and so Beal with the assist Beal’s got his third assist on the night and it’s Leonard with the ball he’ll bring

It up for the Clippers eight-point [Applause] game wide open look and dead on that time beautiful shot Leonard’s got 30 points well you’re working on the Twan game with Kawai Leonard as your primary target that’s the first guy you need to [Applause] stop field dishes to Ellen for three Booker knocks down the

Three ball Booker’s got the lead up to nine now for Phoenix oh it’s scary because he’s just been a matchup nightmare in this game he’s eaten up anybody they thrown at it George with a screen on Booker Harden kicks to George here’s Leonard that’s good on the jump shot

Leonard’s got 32 points in the game starting to look like one of those nights for Kawai Leonard when he’s absolutely dominant on the offensive end pass to Booker and here is Allen here’s meow tries yet again and it’s good on the layup and the Suns lead

By nine boy the work ethic on the offensive glass just refuses to give up on that possession Leonard the pass to George off Target from outside and maybe you know he thinks he can shoot himself out of the coold spell but I don’t think that’s the case maybe somebody want to

Tell him to ease up off the threes yeah just a great move by be little Shake little bake right there it’s George on the wing stolen by Allen outside Beal Booker in the corner the pass to medu trying his Lu from deep and a great assist by Booker

As that one goes in their ability again to stretch the floor particularly in this second half and guys boy when you’re hitting it sure does does work it obviously opens up major options at the offensive end now here’s [Applause] Harden on the wing George just five to

Shoot and right away they match it with a three-pointer of their own knocks that one down four triples for the night three in the first half Phoenix calls timeout [Applause] Los Angeles making a switch here man’s checked in a moment now to hear from our sideline reporter Hall of Famer David

Aldridge David thanks guys I was able to hear Frank vogle talk to his team during the break now he heaped Praise on the defense he said the pressure is great I love it keep making them make mistakes guys it’s working he thinks they’re on the right track here guys back to you

All right thank you David Phoenix leading by [Applause] 11 and here is Beal passes it to Booker back to Beal from outside the AR it’s rebounded by Leonard Leonard’s got eight rebounds in this game pass to man here’s George rejected by Booker and it’s out of bounds last Touch by Booker [Applause] Harden

Outside it’s George on the wing George double teamed and that’s a foul called on Bradley Beal that’s his fifth foul Oh my he really needs to be careful now that was his fifth foul of the night [Applause] Harden against Booker now here is Harden defense is right there offt Target at The [Applause]

Rim outside Beal pass to medu puts up a deep three here’s nurkic and and that one is good with the extra effort on the glass and the Suns lead by 13 and Los Angeles guys uh shooting 47% from the four getting it done and kawhai Leonard with

The slam this is where James Harden’s ability to quickly scan the floor and then find the right window to deliver the pass so good so good now here’s Beal it’s hauled in by Los Angeles zubot has got his 16th rebound on the night here’s George and again the Clippers

Good for two and this is a shot Paul George makes consistently right when he’s in Rhythm he’s ready to fire off the [Applause] bouns Harden against Booker he kicks to Allen good a nice assist from Booker heavy incoming from Beyond The Arc a key part of their initiative this entire

Fourth quarter it feels like they have worked their career game to Perfection swinging the ball cashing in from the outside what a performance the real come at us and we’re coming right back at you and you would expect nothing less from these two taking pride and making

Plays now here’s Beal Booker with no one around and that one’s on target from the wing Booker’s got 44 boy the delivery from Booker’s so clean that jump shooting is pure Harden to pass to man offline with his three well the defense clearly was not interested in guarding him from downtown they’re very

Fortunate he missed and Beal kicks to Allen some nice ball movement here by the Suns they get the rebound nurkic can’t hit Clippers Trail by 11 from Deep George that shot off the mark and it looks like just playing the last bit of this one out and what should be a nice

Win here for fix and they’re fully in control now but there were some tense moments I thought for them throughout this game uh listen they certainly weren’t coasting despite what the score looks like I love the way they came together though when everything started to look a little dire and really put the

Hammer down and it’ll go down as their first official win of the New Year the one player that really stands out of course in this one it was a dazzling game for Devin Booker they simply can’t stop him right now this guy playing with passion and focus now Harden Bradley

Beal missing from long range hardened the pass to man and he’s good on the three ball and I like how he draws the attention on the inside and then the nice little kick out in Rhythm for the jumper and Phoenix can just let the clock run down [Applause]

Here now here’s Beal d right on him [Applause] and so it’s Phoenix easily grabbing this one some good competition but the hometown advantage and their ability to stay focused I think made the difference yeah and the first step and becoming a good team is your ability to win at home

And they really seem to Revel in that opportunity and and this is what they came out to do and that’s going to do it tonight folks for our broadcast for Greg Anthony dors Burke and David Aldridge this is Kevin harand saying thanks for watching now let’s check out our new

Balance player of the game Devin Booker what I


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