@Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors Really Did It Again…

The Golden State Warriors Really Did It Again…

Wigs was was playing great we were rolling we’re up 18 19 whatever it was and so we just stayed with him and he helped me realize I do have negative energy how that affects a team in a poor manners obviously um you know we couldn’t couldn’t close it out the

Golden State Warriors nightmare just continues to get worse from Draymond Green’s two altercations that resulted in a suspension to Klay Thompson quite literally admitting that he’s washed which is truly a sad sight to see to Andrew begins being a shell of his former self and now the young generation

Of the Golden State Warriors their youngest players are declaring war on the front office and Steve Kerr and the worst part of all is their right they have a right to be upset but before we get to the content make sure you drop like subscribe and turn on our

Notifications to help the channel grow we’re on the grind to 900,000 subscribers and now that we get all that out of the way to the intro We made $1,100 off of a $20 entry on prize picks and it wasn’t just me it was everyone that followed these picks on my Instagram story and the best feeling is the amount of people that made money as a result of this I mean Bam Bam Bam Bam

Bam my DMs were flooded so the best part for me was seeing you guys make money as well but we’re not done yet if you haven’t signed up for prize picks use my promo code microphone to double your deposit up until $100 on prize picks and

I give away my picks on a daily basis for free on my Instagram story and now my Snapchat story we’re having so much fun doing this I’m so happy that I made you guys some money and thank you prize viix for the sponsor M check 1212 what’s

Going on everybody we all remember the infamous incident from last year Draymond Green punched the living Talent out of Jordan pool he was never the same after that punch and this became a bit of a Troublesome storyline for the Golden State Warriors throughout the year he noticed that Jordan pool was a

Shell of his former self on top of that Draymond Green’s potential expiring contract was looming and he was threatening to leave the Golden State Warriors things were so tense that Bob Meers even admits that the fact that the Golden State Warriors original core may break up was the reason why he stepped

Down from his position what is the path forward for Klay Thompson in Golden State well this is why I left first of all um look a lot of times people will say it’s just business but this is not a just business situation this guy um there’s going to be a statue of this

Player outside of Chase Center he was instrumental in bringing four championships he’s beloved um inside the organization the fan base so it’s not so simple as it’s money and years this is this is this is why it was hard for me you get relationships with these people especially if You’ succeeded with them

And and that core has been together for 12 years and that’s just so rare now that just doesn’t happen and so this is a delicate negotiation from what I know and see he wants to stay they want him to stay doesn’t mean it’ll happen but it

Is a test it’s certainly a test but Mike dun Ley would step in made a commitment to the young players of the Golden State Warriors and said that they planned on keeping Jordan pool especially with his contract extension uh we plan to have him here for four more years at least

And then traded Jordan pool for Chris Paul a few days later people applauded the move it made a lot of sense Chris Paul could lead the bench and the Golden State Warrior second unit could potentially be very dangerous what we didn’t anticipate was the other things that were going to cause problems for

The Golden State Warriors who would have thought that now that Draymond Green didn’t have a teammate to punch he would start start seeking out other players in the NBA to attack first would be Rudy goar which would result in a suspension and then very shortly after that suspension he would punch Yousef nurkic

Which resulted in an indefinite suspension that’s not the only problem Klay Thompson has had a lot of trouble coming to grips with the fact that he’s no longer a superstar talent and it’s been really sad to see about a month ago he accused a reporter of suggesting that

He was trying to bench him what do you you want going to bench me no no no it’s like that’s B wigs I don’t think I said that okay I mean you can suggest it’s fine but I mean thanks Steve I guess like I don’t know sometimes you earn

These things like patience and time to find yourself and I think history will uh is on our side when it comes to that stuff and while there was hope that Clay Thompson could regain some sort of form this latest interview right before the Golden State Warrior years based off

Against the Denver Nuggets was just so sad to see sometimes I forget just how successful and how lucky I’ve been to be a part of championship teams and Allstar games and gold medals when you want to get back to that level so badly you can kind of get in your own

Way and rather than forcing it we had a conversation about just enjoying this last chapter of my career and how lucky I I to still be playing this game do it at a high level being a better Mentor for the young guys Me by Example having my energy right every

Game and he helped me realize I do have negative energy how that affects a team in a poor maners I mean it’s Klay Thompson quite literally coming to grips with the fact that he’s no longer an Allstar caliber Talent it’s very difficult to realize that you’re washed

When you’re only only 33 years old in the NBA and in Klay Thompson’s defense the fact that he was productive enough to help the Warriors when their latest Championship after coming off of a torn Achilles and a torn ACL is nothing short of spectacular we factor that with the

Fact that Klay Thompson’s contract is expiring this season and you can understand why he’s feeling so much pressure so the Warriors have had a lot of trouble this season they’re currently the 11th seed in the Western Conference they’re struggling to find a secondary scorer next to play Thompson if Jordan

Pool stayed back for another year and maybe they chose Jordan p over Draymond Green then maybe Jordan pool could have been that complimentary scorer maybe if Draymond Green didn’t punch the talent out of Jordan pool he could have been that complimentary scorer but you see the Warriors problems extend further

Than the fact that playay Thompson is cooked Draymond Green is punching people for no reason and they can’t find a secondary scorer for Steph Curry and the fact that Andrew Wiggins is cooked no now the Youth of the gold State Warriors are very angry at Steve Kerr you might

Be wondering why that is on Thursday night we saw some absolutely riveting basketball between the defending Champion Denver Nuggets and the team that won the NBA Championship the year prior although both of these teams are in completely different situations one can really make a note of how different

These two teams are Golden State Warriors built a dynasty based upon their speed and their proficiency from Beyond The Ark which by the way is a wonderful thing the Golden State Warriors Dynasty revolutionized the way NBA basketball is played the problem is clearly they’re not the same team

Anymore it’s been almost 10 years since the Golden State Warriors won their first championship and I don’t agree with the way that they’re trying to extend their Championship window at least not anymore if you take a look at the way the Denver Nuggets won an NBA championship they have a superstar

Nicole yic a very unique Superstar at that they built their offense around Nicole yic and they consistently are trying to invest in younger players of course there’s Jamal Murray and there’s Aaron Gordon and there’s Michael Porter Jr but last year for instance they invested in Christian Braun’s development this year they’re investing

In Payton Watson’s development they’re consistently trying to develop their young players I mean the Golden State Warriors had the number two pick in the 2020 NBA draft and they botched that one year later they had two first round picks in the top 15 of the NBA draft and

Luckily for them they hit on Jonathan kaminga I can’t really tell you about Moses Moody because he just started playing him a little bit more and the case of Jonathan kaminga is incredibly peculiar so much so that he’s officially declared war on the Golden State Warriors he quote unquote lost faith in

Steve Kerr a wild thing to say about an individual that has won an NBA championship as teammates of Tim Duncan and Michael Jordan who has won an NBA championship playing for Phil Jackson and who has won multiple NBA championships as the head coach of the Golden State Warriors something that you

Would never imagined before so is Jonathan kaminga out of line well you tell me because I think there’s a problem with the Golden State Warriors philosophy the Warriors faced off against the Denver Nuggets on Thursday night in an absolutely riveting game of basketball where the Golden State

Warriors were up by 18 points at a particular point a point that featured Jonathan kaminga playing regular minutes kaminga went five of seven from the field for 16 points four assists and four rebounds in 19 minutes and you might be thinking well Mike those are just statistics well if you take a look

At the way kaminga was playing when he was in he was very physical and imposing most of his points came from inside the paint and his final play on offense was a three-point play when Jamal Murray was guarding him clearly the player that the Warriors needed to play play meaningful

Minutes if they wanted to continue to push and win but that would be his final offensive possession Jonathan Kingo wouldn’t play a single minute following this foul and one it’s obscene the man literally had a foul and one to put the Warriors up the Warriors had all the

Momentum in the world and then Steve G said I think I’m going to put in Andrew Wiggins yeah we pay him a lot of money and I think he’s older than Jonathan kaminga so we’re going to go with Wiggins so when would Jonathan kaminga return never he will not return to the

Game at all and how would the game end well the Golden State Warriors would go out like this got to put one up yic for the win it’s good no I’m not done I’m not done it gets so much better because reporters were all wondering wow Jonathan kaminga really had a great game

Why would Steve Kerr not play him anymore something’s not adding up here well this is Steve Kerr’s reason for not playing Jonathan kaminga yeah he was playing great and and um you know his normal time to go back in was would have been around the um you know 5 six minute

Mark and uh wigs was was playing great we were rolling we’re up 18 19 whatever it was and so we just stayed with him and then at that point um it didn’t feel you know um like it was the right thing to do he’d been sitting for a while so I

Stayed with the group that was out there and um obviously um you know we couldn’t couldn’t close it out theve car has no legitimate reason at all as you guys could see and the crazy part is is Kevin oconor really pointed this out in article that he wrote up called the

Golden State Warriors are falling apart there’s this one particular play that just shows you the difference between the nuggets and the Warriors the five that are in for the Golden State Warriors to finish off the game is Steph Curry Klay Thompson Chris Paul Grace Jackson Davis and Dario sarage why that

Starting five is in when you’re up by seven points with 2 minutes left to go in the game is beyond me but take a look the Denver Nuggets run a double screen for Jamaal Murray and the Golden State Warriors are absolutely lost during this double screen if you freeze frame it up

Until this point when Jamal Murray finally penetrates you can see how chaotic this is for the Golden State Warriors I mean you have Chris Paul in the paint you have Trace Jackson Davis that is helping out which means you have kcp Aaron Gordon and pton Watson open

For three what ends up happening well Jamal Murray kicks it out to pton Watson who cuts down the lead to four pyton Watson probably has the most confidence Tak in this corner three why because Chris Paul is 6 feet tall and he’s 39 years old he’s not worried about Chris

Paul closing in on him bro and the crazy part about this something that’s symbolic something that they would teach you in some sort of Shakespearean English class in any college or liberal arts institute is as a result of this difference in philosophy one of the Golden State Warriors brightest young

Stars has declared war again yeah last year it was Jordan pool Jordan paol at least got paid in this particular case Jonathan MinGa really believes that the Golden State Warriors are ruining his career the title of this article which comes from sham shna and Anthony Slater two incredibly credible sources uh

Incredibly credible the title is the Warriors Jonathan kaminga has lost faith in coach Steve Kerr according to sources I don’t blame him man look at how this article opens up after sitting in the final 18 minutes of Thursday night’s loss to the Denver Nuggets golden State Warriors forward Jonathan kaminga has

Lost faith in head coach Steve Kerr and the 2021 lottery pick no longer believes Kerr will allow him to reach his full potential sour is close to kaminga tell the athletic adding another layer of turbulence to an already complex Warrior season if you told me in

2017 or 18 or 19 that this would be a problem that players believe that Steve Kerr will not allow them to reach their fullest potential I would say you’re insane but it makes a lot of sense according to this article Thursday night was the straw that broke the camel’s

Back and I can’t really blame him again because kaminga had another strong performance on Thursday night with 16 points on five of seven shooting four rebounds four assists with a team High plus six in just 19 minutes of action he converted an and one finish with 6

Minutes left in the third quarter and then Steve CIS substituted him out of the game 12 seconds later along with Klay Thompson and cavon Looney but you see the difference difference between Jonathan kaminga and Klay Thompson is oh my God it’s Klay Thompson Klay Thompson the player that is stamping his feet

Demanding a Max contract despite playing like dog it’s Klay Thompson we got to bring him in even though he’s admitting openly that he’s washed and he’s no longer the player that he once was even though it looks like he’s really struggling in each and every press conference more Spotlight on Klay

Thompson as opposed to our promising young player Jonathan kaminga now why is this even a problem to begin with well Champs and Anthony Slater state that the Warriors have problems playing kaminga and Wiggins together they’re a cumulative of minus 66 kaminga replaced Wiggins in the starting lineup 11 games

Ago but wiggins’ steady involvement in the rotation has still led to some lower than expected minute nights for kaminga even while performing well their numbers are not good together frankly Kerr said last month they’re very redundant so the tape of the numbers haven’t been great but we recognize too that we have a

Level that we need to get to to Really compete at the highest level and if those two guys can coexist on the floor it does give us an elevated athleticism and elevated potential but we have to find the right combination of people around those two and I will go out to

Bat for Steve Kerr because there’s one thing that Andrew Wiggins historically has had over Jonathan kaminga and that’s that Andrew Wiggins has been at least up until this year a consistent three-point shooter but you need to understand this year Andrew wiggins’s three-point scoring completely disappeared I mean

We’re talking about Space Jam levels of basketball taken basketball players Talent away levels of bad to give you an idea since arriving in Golden State Andrew Wiggins has consistently shot 38 to 39% from three last year even shooting 40% from three if you round it up this year he’s shooting 30% from

Three a really steep decline but that’s still better than what Jonathan kaminga has been shooting from three this year who shoots 28% from three this year but last year he was shooting 37% from three although averages about two threes per game so I’m assuming that’s the reason he’s not playing them together another

Theory I have is the reason why Steve cerr is favoring Andrew Wiggins at all whatsoever is when we made our video on the OG on noobi trade we brought up how the Golden State Warriors were listening to calls for Andrew Wiggins now Andrew Wiggins being traded last year would

Have worked wonders this year not as much if you remember the Warriors could be open to trading Andrew Wiggins though I’ve said in the past asked the Warriors might be reluctant to trade Wiggins I’ve since heard that this would not be a major barrier for the Warriors to explore wiggins’s current trade market

Especially if he can’t play with kaminga and the Warriors decide that kaminga is their full-time small forward now this problem kind of goes back to last year if you’re remember last year Andrew Wiggins left the team for two months and Jonathan kaminga became a very big part

Of the Golden State Warriors as a result of it and the crazy thing is the moment that Andrew Wiggins returned Jonathan kaminga disappeared from the rotation now this isn’t the case anymore both players are available kaminga has worked his way into a larger part of the picture he has still played in every

Game in which he’s been active this season but he still finds himself watching from the sideline during some of the team’s pivotal moments that included Christmas when he was benched for the final 3 minutes of a loss in Denver and voiced some confusion to Marcus Thompson post game saying

Sometimes I come out of the game not knowing what I did wrong and that messes with my head it’s like what do they want me to do I can pass and I can do different now an erosion of trust from player to coach is apparent a decaying partnership for two men in

Kaminga and kerr whom Golden State needs to coexist for the future the crazy part is every single time the Warriors play Jonathan kaminga they’re rewarded he’s in the midst of his best season to date he’s averaging 12.8 points per game grabs four rebounds per game and bear in

Mind this is in 22 minutes played the ironic part is it seems like the additional first round pick that the Golden State Warriors selected in that same draft Moses Moody is also pissed off according to Jason Dumis who has been historically extremely credible Moses Moody’s Camp is frustrated with

His role in Golden State the people around Moses are frustrated with the lack of a role and consistency when Moses Moody was drafted he was supposed to be this incredible shooter from Beyond The Ark but historically he hasn’t really gotten a lot of playing time this year his minutes went up from

13 to 18 and his points per game averages nearly doubled last year year he shot 36% from three so the three-point scoring potential is there and whenever he’s on the court his offensive box plus minus which is a box score estimate of the offensive points per 100 possessions that a player

Contributed above a League average player translated to an average team and his defensive box plus minus which is the same exact thing but for defense have been positives 2 obpm point1 dbpm his VP which is a box score estimate of the points per 100 team possession that a player contributed above a replacement

Level player is positive for the first time in his career so I’d be mad if I was Moses Moody as well so at the end of the day the Golden State Warriors problems are consistently getting worse it seems like they have the same problem once again which is they don’t know how

To handle their abundance of Youth last year they botched it they gave up on James wisan traded him in the middle of the season to bring back Gary Payton they gave up on Jordan P traded him in the offseason to appease Draymond Green now I wonder what they’re going to do

This season because at the end of the day we have to remember Bob Meers stepped down for a reason and there’s a good chance that the reason that he stepped down was because he was either going to have to choose between the future and the past so Mike Dunley Jr

Has his hands full let me know in the comments section down below how did the Golden State Warriors fix this aside from that I’m your boy Mike and I’m dropping our mic until our next upload

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  1. The Warriors should trade Kuminga + Moody + CP3’s contract (expiring buy out candidate) and a pick to the Raptors for Siakim and Porter Jr.

    Siakim would provide Curry scoring help and Porter Jr is a solid veteran who won a championship there.

    The Raptors trade their best player but get the rest of this season and next to see what Kuminga and Moody are and they are the same draft year as Scottie. Kuminga is African and Masai loves Africans, and Moody is a high school teammate of Scottie. Plus a 2026 1st which might be a valuable pick.

    The Raptors eat CP3 contract and can use the expiring contract as Quickly is an RFA and I think Barnes has a year left but is extension eligible.

  2. Steve Kier should learn his lesson. Hes fucking attached to the vets. Wiggs aint him. Also, TJD and Podz is good but Warriors is forgetting thier 3rd year players.

    Its ridiculous that Podz and TJD have more playing time vs Kuminga and Moody.

  3. Their style of play couldn’t last forever. Physically they leave a lot to be desired. You need defense and some efficient offense. It’s time for a different type of basketball to be played since three point quarterbacking won’t be needed anymore.

  4. Y’all gotta understand, Kerr didn’t build that dynasty. Ironically it’s a person who ain’t been there in 14 years and that’s mark Jackson. Kerr inherited this roster and just changed the offense they ran. Now that the stars are aging you see the holes in his coaching and drafting

  5. Jokic went full Kobe on them last night. Nothing was stopping him. Best player in the league by far. 😁

  6. CP is also aint him. Dude became draymon with that tripple single. Paul should focus on assist, settling up teamates rather that scoring.

    Is some clips, hes not passing to TJD.

  7. Certainly not an ideal situation for GSW top brass to figure out how to fix things. I'm not a BB expert, but I do understand some psychology, so here goes:
    Ditch Draymond……… trade or whatever. Ditch Klay; he no longer believes in himself, so trade (Not likely) or hold onto him as a "coach" for the younger guys.
    2nd level decisions: CP3 + 30 play the floor at same time with the young guys; make a new "death lineup"
    Not sure what's the deal with Wiggs, but I honestly feel he's expecting more from the other players, while Kerr seems to be expecting Wiggs to shoulder more of the load, which I think bothers Wiggs; he likes to play where the heavy lifting is not on him, then he plays better – more efficient. Again, I'm no expert in NBA players, I just see how they play/progress since their previous situations on other teams or whatever. Not rocktet science for sure

  8. The only way out of this mess is moving CP3 and Klay to the bench then going with a starting 5 of Curry, Moody, Kaminga, Green and Looney. That gives you a becnh of Klay, Wiggins, CP3, Podz and TJD which is outstanding against other benches. The problem with this year's Warrios is balance. Everyone is getting old and there needs to be an influx of youth in the statring 5.

  9. Wiggins in the mavs alley es him to be in his natural role of a 3rd scorer behind luka and kyrie, just like he was behind Steph and klay. Luka, Kai and Wiggins is a chip especially with a healthy Derek lively. And they can put either grant or derick jones Jr at the4 and rn is go djj cuz he been BALLIN. Dude restarted his career in Dallas

  10. Try trade Klay wiggs and dray and some picks for Donovan Mitchell.
    Move moody Kuminga to the starting line up and try find a decent centre.

  11. The writing was on the wall after the GM walked away this past offseason…. Steph still has something in the tank, Klay on the other hand ain’t been right since his injury…. Dray ain’t really Dray at all…. Moody and Kuminga should’ve been given more minutes, not developing Wiseman was a wasted draft pick…. Unless something magical happens, it’s beyond over. Ijs💯

  12. I’m a big fan of the warriors and have felt for a few seasons now that Kerr is really misusing Kuminga. And I don’t understand it at all! In fact, he is doing the same with Moody.

  13. At this point I'm so piss at Steve kerr. Does he not wanna be there anymore? Piss poor decision after another. If you don't play these young guys, how are they gonna grow?

  14. Klay is not to blame for ANY of this!!! Leave him out of it! Kerr has ALWAYS done this he just doesnt have anyone to bail him out now and the rest of you are finally seeing it! Go back and watch the last 7 or 8 years and you see him doing the same things! NOTHING has changed here with Kerr you are just not being manipulated by wins! PROBLEM!?! Simple its Wiggins. Klay is still dropping 16.9 points and making 38% from 3. Kuminga cant hit a 3 to literally save his life and that doenst help but its obvious that Wiggins is just not good enough and Kuminga can take his spot. LEAVE KLAY ALONE!

  15. Draymond and klay both are washed and they both know so why not trade them away for a bunch of decent young players and you would have playing time for all your great young players you already have and possibly extend Steph Currys career if not trade him to where he wants to go and contend

  16. No matter what happens. The Bay Area has (Hellä) LOVE for Mr. Klay Thompson. Nothing last forever. But these young fellas. Their ready To Spread Their Wings. If we (Warrior Fans) had any problem. It would be Loyalty. & We are loyal. But everyone knows. Nothing last forever.

  17. I don't even think klay is totally washed, you can tell in his play that he's trying to force his way back to that all star level, he might not be what he used to be, but you don't lose that shooting and game sense. His defence isn't what it used to be, but if he gets his mind right and stops forcing it he can definitely still be great and maybe even contribute to a chip. I think seeing steph do what he does at an even older age probably also makes him feel worse about not being the same player he was, that interview sounds like a big step for him though

  18. To be fair its not their fault they wasted that #2 pick, everyone thought Wiseman was gonna be a decent player, not a complete bust

  19. I agree on what you mean about Klay Thompson and I still think that kuminga should have been playing more but however, Klay has been playing good lately.

  20. the leagues moving back to BIGS that can dribble, shoot mids and 3s… Small ball ONLY works with excellent shooters(Steph/Klay). those days are gone. starters should be Steph, Podz, Moses,JK and TJD. Get rid /dump Dray, Wiggs, CP3 and Loon(asap). Get Markennen, donavan, and dig into G , bring up Jayce Johnson (a 7ft center/Santa Cruz). Run Pick n roll with Steph/Podz – TJD. Plus Gui Santos, Les Q and Garuba are already on the bench should be getting regular time.

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