@Toronto Raptors

This was INSANE…

This was INSANE…

With the exception of maybe the OG and anobi trade the past 5 hours have probably been the most insane of the season because it started off with Shams dropping an absolute bomb saying that the Raptors are ramping up their trade talks with Pascal cakam and he might get

Dealt to the team that were actually playing today so that was all speculation that was going on and then basically a couple hours later he comes out and directly says that the kings are out the negotiations didn’t work people were speculating about whether or not you know Pascal met with the Kings

Executives in Sacramento ahead of this game and told them hey I’m not going to resign here I’m not going to guarantee that I’ll signed an extension so trade talks ended up getting thrown out the window so we had all this end up going on before the game and obviously we’re

Not privy to all the specific details we’re just broken down what Shams has said you know other reporters around the NBA but then we just had this game because the Toronto Raptors have been rolling they’ve been cooking but we wanted that little pizza party tonight as darkov rakovic promised for a

Three-game win streak but unfortunately the Sacramento Kings decided to I don’t know put up the sliders put up the the game hacks because they were not missing any threes what soever this team went absolutely nuclear from behind the three-point line we know how Elite their sort of three-point shooting is they’re

One of the best offenses of all time but holy smokes this game was just insane in terms of the shots that they were hitting the pace of play and frankly you might look at this game and say hey the Raptors definitely have some issues they went into this one with which we’ll

Discuss in this video but we faced off against a really strong Sacramento Kings team that were firing on all cylinders I mean any team the the Boston Celtics or Denver Nuggets the top teams in the NBA facing off against that Sacramento Kings team tonight is losing this game and the

Raptors somehow someway almost pulled it out down the stet stretch there’s a few things that we definitely have to clean up but I am really proud and encouraged by what the Toronto Raptors were able to do in this game despite the fact the Kings couldn’t miss a shot you know we

Still have some uh sort of holes that need to be filled in terms of the roster but this team looked great this team looked really solid and even in losses even when it’s 2 a.m. right now 2:13 a.m. Newland time I’m getting this video recorded this was an energizing game so

I’m pumped I’m happy even though the Raptor end up getting a loss but before we dive into all the stats and stuff again over 56% of our viewers are not subscribed to the channel so mean the world to me if you guys could hit that sub button but let’s dive into what’s

Going on I think this award people have been calling for it to make a comeback little Scotty Barnes award is going uh you know it’s coming back you know the Scotty Barnes award it’s returning for these games but basically tonight Scotty Barnes is electrifying 20 points his three-point shot is on another level

Right now is confidence firing up that three you know four of eight from the field but from the three-point line but unfortunately even though Scotty Barnes used to get it every single game there’s one man that earned it in the return of the Scotty Barnes reward and it’s a guy that

Frankly it’s it’s been baffling to me that’s the word that I want to throw out there that he hasn’t been getting more minutes particularly with the fall of precious atua I mean he had the promise you know people were hyping up the precious propaganda at least we were at

Least and uh he completely fell the rotation still somehow chrisb never found his way back in despite the fact he does a lot on the defensive end he always hustles he has those long arms can block shots and especially where we have a lack of forward depth and you

Know thus young not really going to be able to be a consistent contributor out there on the court given his current age Christian Koko has been out with that respiratory issue and then yaka purle particularly has struggled over the course of this season has been better since that trade has gone down Chris

Buche not getting any run has really shocked me has really surprised me but tonight really came out and proved why he should be getting minutes for the Toronto Raptors tonight in this one 28 minutes 14 points nine rebounds one assist and completely changed the way this game was played and John de Porter

Was also pretty good Off the Bench in this one 10 points three rebounds I thought defensively there were some things left to be desired but he did knock down a couple threes which is great to see Porter seems like a competent player but chrisb is clearly

The the Raptor’s Premier big man off the bench in terms of the current Ross that we have so bé sort of getting pushed down into darko’s dogghouse it surprises me but I hope tonight sort of proves to Darko rakovic and the coaching staff that he deserves run especially with

Christian Koka still on the men and then yaka purle tonight it was a really weird sort of game he missed a few bunnies and stuff but he has been energized he has looked really good on the defensive end as of late and generally these are the types of matchups that yakob purle

Really thrives against you know another lumbering big man that try to you know use their way throw him around Perle does a really good job at positioning sort of moving his feet to be a solid Defender again he’s not going to be a player that’s blocking shots primed

White Howard Defensive Player of the Year you’re not getting that from yaka Perle he doesn’t have the size or at least physical man strength or athleticism to block all those crazy shots but you know he makes up for it in terms of just positioning in terms of having good body control stable you

Should be able to take hits but holy smokes in this one Damon sabonis really took this man’s lunch money there were a lot of moments especially in the first quarter now perto was dealing foul triple throughout so that may have affected him in this game but sabonis

Just really had P’s number in this one to made some great footwork and things along those lines Perle be forced on a baseline be an immediate Spin and thrown his weight into purle and rarely do we see that sort of happen yes sometimes people finish over the top of yaka but a

Guy like sabon is is supposed to be you know bread and butter in terms of a matchup but sabonis was scoring at will in that paint and also just rebounding the defensive rebounding especially in the first half it cleaned up once we got Chris buet into the game more often but

You know yaka burle didn’t do the greatest of jobs in this one now that’s generally what he’s been good at and it’s what he’s been great at over the past couple games especially so I’m not going to be too worried about it I know a lot of people are going to be saying

Hey we need better big man which I think we do just in terms of GTH because bu is a power forward we can’t expect him to be a consistent uh backup center when perto went out with foul trouble or got fouled out of this game there were a few

Moments where things just kind of looked like there was a clear hole when bushe was running our five Scotty ended up having to guard some bonus you know we we need a Christian Koko that’s really what we need but we don’t know the timeline in terms of when he’s going to

Be coming back the Raptors have been tight lipped about his potential return so we’ll see what ends up going down but purle not the greatest night defensively cleaned it up a little bit at the end the confidence finished in the lane did get a little bit better but we do need

Purle to be able to dominate these matchups at least on the defensive end instead of letting sabonis you know who also was dealing with f trouble in this one I mean 24 15 and 11 and those assists were coming because you know he’d be getting those dump offs and

Making the right extra pass sa bonis just looked like a man amongst boys for a large chunk of this game so you know there there is all that there’s all that type of stuff but uh you know who else Steen Fox looked crazy out there on the

Other end the defense is something that I know is going to be criticized a lot but frankly especially in the first half maybe a lot of them were kind of quick D blowby RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley really any Defenders are going to struggle trying to keep Deen fox in

Front of you that’s just how it goes defensively right rebounding wise it’s going to be tough if you’re getting so many offensive rebounds to close out that many goes not the greatest performance from the Toronto Raptors defensively but from the most part from the eye test it seems like the Closeouts

Were were there for the most part so again the Kings just hit a lot of tough shots and then the thing that really made me hyped about this game is the Raptors were able to come back this is a game that pretty well 28 20 27 28 teams

Are just rolling over and dying with in this one but the Raptors they fought back and you know the offense looks really good for Toronto defense when you’re facing the Sacramento Kings team it’s a tough go regardless but our offense is pretty well on another level right now it’s on another planet Pascal

Cakam 18 points in this one Scotty 20 uh purle 14 RJ Barrett only 27 minutes in this one you know quiet 14 knocked down a couple threes Emanuel quickly 20 turned it on a little bit as of late you know had a weird sort of end of this

Game I think uh execution down the stretch is going to be something that really comes with a lot of reps Emanuel quickly RJ Barrett currently getting just integrated into this group it’s uh you know there’s there’s jelling there’s uh what’s the word you know cohesion just getting used to playing with other

Players on the Raptors group that will make these executions work down the stretch and we also didn’t have Perle going up against The Bigs the Kings also went small as well but I don’t know that weird that shot at the end wasn’t the right play call from Darko rakovich and

Bé really had a rebound at the end of this one where he could have finish it up laid it back but the Raptors were down big in this game they somehow almost made a a comeback but I’m not calling this one a fake comeback I’m not calling this even though it might have

Been you know fits the description it fits the definition this wasn’t a Toronto Raptor team looking lethargic looking just out of it the entire night this is more so yes we did have a problem defensive rebounding but for the most part the Kings just hitting some ridiculous shots doing some unguardable

Things out there on the basketball court and then the Raptors held their own they stayed consistent they kept chipping away pretty well from start to finish and then at the end almost made that run I mean if Pearl didn’t get fouled out in this one he’s playing really well in the

Fourth quarter I think the Raptors could have easily taken this game the kings are a top team in the Western Conference this group was just coming together from the Toronto Raptors now every loss stings a little bit more given the fact we’ve put ourselves in a little bit of a

Hole to start off this season but I don’t know we have to be realistic about the squad it’s not going to completely 180 overnight but I am happy at least from all the chaos that came from this game Pascal cakin was not traded we’ll see what happens with Gary Tren Jr some

People are speculating this is a phantom injury keeping him out for trade discussions I don’t know we’re not going to read into that too too much but I’m happy Pascal seak still in this group I have this game has has not deterred my confidence in this team whatsoever but

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below again you guys the best to make this far subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already I’m signing out cheers

Amongst a multitude of trade reports, the Toronto Raptors just had an absolutely insane game against the Sacramento Kings. Ben Rogers breaks down this game and all of the stories going on around it.

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  1. The problem with that last play kind of falls on Darko. We know we needed a 3 to tie the game so why not bring Porter Jr in the game ? It’s not even about him necessarily taking the final shot but having him out there creates spacing for others. The guy is literally known around the league for his 3 point shooting so they have to guard him even if he’s just standing in the corner.

  2. I know everyone is a coach and trade expert on this ch but Sacramento hit pretty much everything and still barley beat us

  3. Boucher gets benched because he gets both shot-block and 3pt trigger happy. I think this was the first game I didn't see him go balls out for a 3pt block only to get head-faked into oblivion. Tonight he almost single-handedly led the comeback. Well done Slim Duck!

  4. Sorry yall have to find out the hard way !!! At least Coach Darko knows better that to put Barrett in any game in crunch time !!! Barrett is a Bust !!! Barrett will be great for your Candian Team !!! He's already home !! Thanks Toronto for taking Barrett !!! I was just tired of watching a guy that has cement in his Sneakers !!! QUICKLY will be OK !!!! NOW OG IS A BALLER WOW IM JUST LOVING HIS HUSTLE !!!! BARRETT has No Desire to Hustle !!! I believe he has 2 Left Feet !!! Okkkk PEACE ✌

  5. I wouldn't put it behind Siakham is sabotaging all trades just to force Raptors to pay him or risk losing him for nothing

  6. Porter held his own against one of the NBA's premiere offensive centers in his second NBA game. Would I like for him to grab a few more rebounds yes but the truth be told, I think the Raptors may have found themselves something here. Its lighting a fire under Boucher thats for sure.

  7. King were %55.3 from 3pt. which is better than the %54 that the raptors were field goal.. that is a wild stat

  8. This game was garbage…. Even when the Raptors made their “comeback” SAC was never in danger of losing this game…. More changes are needed and Siakam, GTJ, Schroeder and every other veteran needs to go and this team actually needs to build around Scottie and look to 3-4 years from now….

  9. If raptors had a better center I think they would be playoff bound. Jacob poeltls main strength is that’s he’s big, but his main issues are that he’s slow, not athletic and doesn’t have a bag. He also doesn’t look like he’s trying to rebound some nights like tonight.

  10. Darko has some bad rotations man…i dunno if he’s missing some players but his rotation sucks…and his drawn up plays are non-existent out of the time out or at least chaotic

  11. Darkos rotation is also horrendous. He doesn’t use players correctly because he “wants to give everyone playing time”. I think what nick nurse did in the years previously where he would keep a super small rotation was not good but I also think putting too many players into the rotation is also bad. Doesn’t give enough time for players to get going and get synchronized.

  12. when I seen Porter getting tons of minutes tn I knew we weren’t winning this BUT I had no idea he was a shooter like that 😂

  13. Damn was hoping after missing on OG we’d get Siakam but if he’s not signing an extension so be it. It’s hard to get players to commit to Sac even though they’re good and close to being contenders. Oh well on to the next. Gg’s Raptors!

  14. Kings fan stopping by,
    I was at the game and it was a lot of fun, some good players on the raptors. One dude of note is quickley. I think he could be a much better player than he is if he a) put on some weight and b) played more physical. He seems pretty quick so I think his defense should be better than it is

  15. We Knicks fans told y’all RJ is going to disappoint y’all for 26 mill per year

    IQ is good but highly inconsistent

    Good luck Raptors nation lol😂

  16. @benrogers siakam is gonna be traded before deadline. the raptors dont want to give siakam a 4 year extension, so siakam will walk for nothing. after what happened with fred vanvleet, they wont let siakam walk for nothing.

    gary trent jr may be traded but you will get a 2nd round pick and bad contract filler possibly with term back for gary. so its probably better to let gary walk than take evan fournier type of contract and a 2nd round pick.

    siakam knows he is traded also after what happened with fred. siakam wanting to finish out the season in toronto and then go into free agency isnt gonna happen.

    with a contract like siakams its likely gonna be a sign and trade as well. so even if pistons give up a pick and a player and filler, they likely get the 1st round pick and a young player back. if the pistons can entice siakam to resign, they can get way more for him after a year than what they gave up.

  17. the reality is siakam being unprofessional and saboting trades, the front office isnt gonna want to find out what happens if siakam goes to free agency. thats a pipe dream after what happened with fred. siakam is gone by trade deadline, its just a question of where. og was traded, so siakam is definitely gone, and siakam not cooperating likely means he may be dealt to pistons for ivey filler and a 1st, and the pistons can recoup that in summer in a sign and trade. also with bird rights the pistons can offer siakam the most so they will have leverage on siakam with that. as well with bird rights you get trade exceptions when trading so thats why the bird rights are valuable.

  18. Siakam is single-handedly tanking his trade value by telling teams he won't re-sign. He's destroying our chances at getting a good return for him. If i was Masai I'd be pissed. Just send him to rot in Detroit or Washington at this point.

  19. Kings won because of the threes dropping in the second quarter. It was unnatural how every King player who heaved up a long range shot were hitting threes. Fluke.

  20. final possession was fine IMO wasn't that, that lost us this one it was the crazy 3 point shooting of sacramento

  21. I’ve been saying this for the last month, Raptors need to give Jontay Porter more minutes, he’s a big that has the ability to stretch the floor from 3 and will be a key piece coming off the bench for Jacob

  22. boucher needs 20 plus mins a night as pat bev would say he a dog..ben ive been watching since 18-19 i dont think ive disagreed with anything you've said LOL. love the vids and the post game breakdowns. keep em coming… better than sportsnet analysis out here… any chance the lives come back miss chatting with you during final alarm etc. keep being safe brother.

  23. Last 2 possesions Raps had was such a waste. When Boucher got that off rebound why didnt he dunk it instead of passing it out. And the last possession was such a waste, i dont get why no movement and just a pull up 3 for the lazt shot only to ger an airball.

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