@Sacramento Kings

Trade Rumors Upstage Sacramento Kings vs Toronto Raptors Game | Locked On Kings

Trade Rumors Upstage Sacramento Kings vs Toronto Raptors Game | Locked On Kings

There may have been a basketball game tonight and sure the Sacramento Kings did win that basketball game but the story lines this evening were dominated by rumors connecting Pascal seum to the Sacramento Kings and then right before game time disconnecting seum from the Sacramento Kings we’ll talk about the

Trade rumors surrounding the Kings and Raptors as the Kings light The Beam for the 21st time right here on locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen

It is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome to locked on Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all season long today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with

Any winning $5 moneyline bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit lockon to learn more my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for ABC 10 news and full transparency I have no idea how

Long this podcast is going to be because I’m on very low battery life for my camera at this point so we’re going to go until either the battery cuts out or we actually get through everything that needs to be discussed on tonight’s podcast and even though there was a game

Tonight and yes the Kings defeated the Raptors 135 to 130 everybody is talking about what was happening in the buildup to this game it became a what went from like a small little spark in Ember at the beginning of the day of the Sacramento Kings and interest in Pascal seum and conversations that

We’ve been having for the better part of a year the Kings have had interest in in in a couple players with the Toronto Raptors OG and noi being one of them while OG was traded not too long ago to the New York Knicks so the other player

That the Kings have had interested in or interest in is Pascal SE yakum well it turns out that the Toronto Raptors front office is with the team on this road trip I don’t know if that’s to to escape kind of the cold of of Toronto Canada right now and enjoy the California

Sunshine a little bit or if it’s a business trip but it seemed like there was a lot of business happening today as with the Toronto Raptor front office in town the Sacramento Kings front office obviously being here you have to imagine meetings were had conversations were had

Because over the hours as we went from morning to afternoon afternoon to evening and evening to a couple hours before tip off it went from hey the kings are interested in Pascal to seum to hey the kings are emerging as a front runner for Pascal SE yakum to hey the

The the kings are very very serious contenders to land Pascal seum so when I arrived here at the golden one center tonight I didn’t know if we were going to have one of those weird moments in the NBA where a trade takes place between two teams who are actually

Playing each other now there was no scenario where a deal could happen to where Harrison Barnes and Pascal seak or whoever the Kings traded for Pascal seak they would swap benches and swap jerseys and play against each other that’s not how it works there’s physicals and

Trades have to be approved by the league office and stuff like that so maybe we would have had a situation similar to what Harrison went through in Dallas when he was traded by mid game by the Mavericks and he just stayed on the Mavericks bench and supported his team

For the rest of the game I don’t know if that would have happened tonight but we were anticipating like hey let’s let’s keep a look at the uh the inactive report for tonight because what if all of the sudden an hour before game time oh Harrison Barnes no longer

Available a late scratch Pascal SE yakum Kevin herder a late scratch no longer going to play looking for the tea leaves looking for the signs that AAL was actually going to get done and then about an hour before game time Shams comes over the so over

Twitter or X or whatever the hell you want to call it and then he reports that the kings are pulling out of negotiations for Pascal SE yakum so a whirlwind of events involving these two teams and and whether it was an expedited process because both teams weren’t making phone calls they were

Actually meeting and discussing it in person or not this move could be a leverage move there are a lot of scenarios about these the the Kings pulling out of talks that that that could make sense or could be what’s happening the first is like maybe it’s a

Leverage play for either team right like think about this the Toronto Raptors their next game is against the Golden State Warriors well if the the front office staff is is is traveling with the team right now that means they’re probably going to be going down to San Francisco to the chase Center to

Watch that game as well where the Golden State Warriors are a team that also report reportedly has interest in Pascal sakam they’re a team that is looking to save their season by making some drastic moves there’s a massive disconnect right now between their organization specifically head coach Steve Kerr and

Their younger players Jonathan kaminga reportedly has lost faith so he might be on the outs Moses Moody is probably getting close to that he might be on the outs the the the the Warriors are seemingly trying to save their season and Salvage this tiny window of the

Dynasty that they have left by maybe adding a player or a veteran of Pascal seum status to give them one last push in the playoffs this year and who knows if Pascal is going to resign with the Warriors or whatever so maybe this is a leverage play by the Toronto Raptors

Maybe they’re saying okay we’re going to go down to the Golden State Warriors and and now we can say hey we had extended conversations the kings are very very interested they put this this and this on the table which we don’t know what the Kings offered could be a combination

Of Barnes herder Davon Mitchell and draft picks I’m sure the Toronto Raptors asked for Keegan Murray and the Kings probably went haha no uh like I have no idea what the Toronto Raptors are asking for for Pascal seakan from the Sacramento Kings but they can lay that out to the Warriors and

Basically say hey beat that offer or it could be a leverage play from the Sacramento Kings where they go look we’re in a power position here we’d love to have Pascal seaka we think he’s the missing piece to help us really contend this year but we’re not going to be

Stupid about it we’re not going to make a knee-jerk reaction if you really think you’re can to take advantage of a team if you really think you can go take advantage of the Warriors go ahead take advantage of them and see if they get you a better offer than what we are

Offering you this is what on the table take it or leave it we’re not going Beyond this so that’s a potential scenario it could be that the the current asking price like I mentioned for for the Raptors from the Kings or excuse me from the Raptors for the Kings

Is too high including Keegan Murray maybe they’re asking for two or more first round picks in addition to some combination of herder and Barnes and and and Davon Mitchell or maybe another player in there that we’re not expecting and the Kings just aren’t willing to to

To to put that much on the table or trade that much and mortgage that much of their future or maybe the Kings aren’t comfortable enough to mortgage that much of their future because they don’t have a good indication as to whether or not Pascal SE yakum will actually resign with the organization

And the kings are not going to trade multiple first round picks or Keegan Murray certainly for a three or four month rental that maybe makes them contenders this year probably puts them in the conversation but they’re still behind teams like the Nuggets teams like the Bucks teams like the Celtics right

There’s a lot of teams still ahead of them on that ladder even if Pascal SE yakum were to join the the Sacramento Kings so there’s a lot of reasons why this could just be like a leverage play and and one thing I think for sure is that I don’t think these

Conversations are over and done with like pass or sh’s tweet suggested that like the kings are out of it and they’re they’re just they’re done they’re pulling out of the conversation for good I don’t think that’s the case at all we still have a month before the trade

Deadline I do think the Kings have significant interest in SE yakum I think these conversations are going to pick back up they’re going to be Revisited it would not surprise me in the slightest if this picks up steam again maybe next week maybe as early as the end of the

Weekend depending upon what happens with the Golden State Warriors who knows but we will uh we’ll have have to wait and see on that so don’t worry the as much as we’ like to have fun about the Pascal SE yakum era being over in Sacramento before it even began I still think

There’s a very very good chance that the kings are firmly in the hunt for SE yakum because the Raptors clearly are are ready to move him they’re trying to move him they’re trying to sounds like get this deal done before the trade deadline not on or at the trade deadline

But time is as still as of right now on the side of the Kings or on the side of the r s and whoever wants to be the most patient and find the right deal um so that’s where I think we got to probably today probably there was good

Discussions had there was probably the framework of a deal there’s probably disagreements fundamentally in certain areas and the Kings just said look this is as far as we’re going to go we’re not budging past this point we’re stopping here or some people are speculating hey

This could be a ploy by the uh Raptors that they’ve leaked that the Sacramento Kings are are uh are pulling out of the the The Sweep Stakes for some reason maybe to motivate I have no idea there’s so many different weird ways that trade deadline season happens and trade

Deadline season goes so take each bit of no uh of of of news that we hear with a grain of salt understand it’s just kind of how the process works but the one thing I feel most confident in is that this isn’t the last we’ve heard of the

Sacramento Kings and their interest in seaka now there are other options potentially out there for the Kings to pursue if SE yakum is off the table or if the the Kings don’t end up getting a seum deal done one of them is Kyle kozma and uh I I had some discussions on

Social media with different Kings fans and stuff about this about what Kyle kosma would cost I think the Washington Wizards believe it or not are in a better position to demand more draft compensation for kozma than the Toronto Raptors can demand for Pascal seaka not because kozma is the better player

Absolutely not siakam is definitely better than Kyle kozma but kozma is on not just a contract so the Kings know if they acquire kozma he’s going to be under team control it’s one of those really good contracts that Harrison Barnes signed uh before this current contract that he on where it goes down

By two or three million every single year so the the the contract gets easier to move on from and less taxing on the team the deeper into that contract it goes so it’s actually a pretty good contract considering Sacramento scenario of trying to resign Malik Monk and and

Wanting to maintain F uh flexib AB ility financially longterm to maybe make some other moves to to maximize their contendership window down the road it gives them options so maybe the Kings would be more willing to give up multiple picks in a kozma trade Believe

It or Not than they would for a SE yakum trade because of that uh situation so that’s a possibility of course with the Golden State Warriors and uh Jonathan kaminga seemingly on the outs kaminga fills a position of need is a good solid young player I would not hate at all to

See Jonathan kaminga here in Sacramento two things there I don’t know how much the Warriors are going to want to play ball with the Sacramento Kings number one I don’t know if they’re Petty enough to say we’re not trading anybody to you but who knows number two is the Warriors

Financial situation is an absolute mess they cannot take on very much salary at all I think the most that they can take on is like $700,000 or something like that so they’re going to look to acquire veteran talent for young players and the young players that they’re trying to trade

Because they’re on their rookie contracts are not being paid that that much money so I think kingo’s being paid $6 million right so the sac the Sacramento Kings could give them Davon Mitchell for Jonathan kaminga I believe because that’s a five million for $6 million swap uh I think that’s how how

It would work or how it would go so that would save the Warriors a little bit but I don’t think the Warriors are gonna accept just Davon Mitchell for kaminga they’re going to want more the kings are gonna maybe put Harrison well I don’t think it would Harrison Barnes would be

The guy to return to the Golden State Warriors maybe they put Kevin herder on the table well Kevin herder $1 13 million per year I think is what he’s making the the the the Warriors cannot afford that I don’t think they could afford it even if they combined Moses

Moody and Jonathan kaminga together and if they do that they’re not going to give you both of those players just for Kevin herder and I don’t think from conversations that I had that the Warriors are that interested in draft compensation they are interested in getting better and trying to win right

Now they don’t care about their future clearly because they’re not valuing the young developmental players that are on their roster right right now that could help them have a brighter future so I think the Warriors are a messy messy trade partner it’s one of those things

Where if the Kings wanted to land a moody or a kaminga there probably would have to be a third or maybe even fourth team involved to make a deal like that happen but my point in laying all this out is that this is trade season man it’s picking up it’s getting crazier the

Kings are going to be connected in a lot of things the kings are expected to be big players at this trade deadline they recognize that teams like OKC and and Minnesota and other teams in the West Western Conference are are are just as good of as them if not getting better

And they’re young as well so they don’t look like they’re going anywhere and they have assets to get even better especially in the case of the Oklahoma City Thunder so the kings are trying to compete today I don’t think they’re going to make a big foolish swing for

The fences Type move for the sake of making a move Monty McNair is still going to be as smart and patient as he could possibly be but it’s not one of those scenarios like maybe we thought two or three years ago where the Kings could just put themselves in a position

To to rise in the west and establish themselves as a top team in the West after the Warriors and Lakers and these and Suns and these older Dynasty teams started to die out there’s a lot of teams that had that same mindset the West is very very talented and a lot of

Those talented teams are just as young if not younger than the kings are so Monty might be feeling the pressure a little bit I think we’re going to hear a lot of rumors and a lot of conversation involving the Sacramento Kings as this month of January turns into February the

Trade deadline gets closer and closer speaking of which next week on the lock on Kings podcast I’m going to have sea Woodley from the lock on Raptors podcast he’ll join me we’ll talk about A Pas Pascal SE AUM trade I’m gonna have Kyle Madson from uh ESPN 1320 who has great

Connections not just with the Kings but also with the Golden State Warriors we’ll talk about kaminga and Moody these conversations are just starting here on lockon Kings now why don’t we actually talk about the basketball game that happened between the Kings and the Raptors tonight here inside the golden

One Center we’ll get to that in just a second today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is brought to you by better help I’ve talked many times before here on the lockon Kings podcast about the importance of mental health and how important therapy has been to me

I it’s made a big impact in my life going and seeing a therapist I started that during Co and I’ve continued continued to see my therapist pretty much on a monthly basis he’s helped me through many different aspects of my life the Sacramento Kings uh just recently had a mental health awareness

Game and daveon Mitchell spoke about how therapy has helped him and and look I imagine players are under a lot of stress right now with trade deadlines and stuff like that and the expectations on their shoulders and and things like that so therapy is important for them but therapy is important for everybody

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Life ticking down and down and down here so let’s speed through the rest of this podcast sorry about this but let’s talk about the uh the game tonight let’s talk about the the the trade pieces that participate in the game tonight first and foremost Pascal seum 18 points nine

Assists four rebounds two steals one block wasn’t as good of a performance from sakam as I expected we would see but we got glimpses and flashes of oh man if the Kings had that on their roster oh man Pascal seum did I mean SE yakum had nine assists tonight like

That’s that’s pretty impressive as a as a forward how much he’s capable of doing that I still have questions and this is a conversation that we could have for another day about how SE yakum and sabonis would coexist but again that’s a conversation for another day but Pascal

SE yakum was was impressive tonight you know it was very impressive was Harrison Barnes HB who’s Big Time connected in all trade rumors at this point in time he was really really good tonight 16 points five of eight from three-point range four rebounds and two assists got

To give HB his props if uh if if if the kings were hoping for a good performance from Harrison or or Kevin or Davon to help change the Raptor’s Minds a little bit or or tell them see this is a guy that you could have on your roster uh Harrison understood the assignment

Because he played really really really well tonight Kevin herder only three points only took two shots off of the bench I want to have a bigger conversation when I’m not losing battery life about Kevin in the near future but I do of course think Kevin is to blame

In some aspects and be held accountable for the struggles that he’s had and his inconsistencies and his inability to step up and meet the expectations of Mike Brown and the Sacramento Kings in order to become a great team of course but I also do think that the Sacramento

Kings have failed him in a little bit to not necessarily put him in a position to succeed I also think that believe it or not dearn Fox and his emergence is a three-point threat that might have hurt herder more than anything else with his future with the Sacramento Kings going forward

That’s another conversation for another day Kevin tonight again three points one of two from the field two rebounds three assists I actually thought that Kevin made a lot of really good passes and a lot of really good plays uh offensively to get his teammates involved when he

Was playing so I wanted to make sure to give him credit there and then Davon Mitchell tonight seven points three of eight from the field two assists I thought Davon Mitchell made a lot of really smart basketball plays tonight like he had he had a a moment where he

Made the absolute perfect decision to uh on on the fast break it looked like the kings were going to settle into that half court offense he kind of reset and I think Pascal seak or a bigger player was was guarding him and he just used

That burst of speed to get right by and get a nice layup at The Rim before the defense and the offense could get set just a really good like uh like burst type play from Davon who has great speed uh but it was just the right kind of a

Veteran guard decision there to attack the basket and recognized the defense kind of on their heels a little bit uh he made great decisions about getting his teammates involved even though he didn’t shoot the best from the field uh he he was taking good shots taking open

Shots I really liked what we saw from uh from from Davon Mitchell tonight uh it was a great team effort overall from the Sacramento Kings they got seven players finishing in double figure scoring of course let’s talk about damont sabonis 24 points 15 rebounds 11 assists guys this is his sixth triple

Double in the last 10 games the man has been on a absolute tear now you heard me after the Kings win over the Orlando Magic a couple nights ago rant and scream and yell about sabonis not getting the respect and the attention that he deserves and while I do still

Think that is the case I don’t need to rehash that and scream and yell today plus battery life says I don’t really have time to do so to be completely honest so maybe thank or or or don’t thank the battery life for that but you

You you got my point on that there’s no reason to keep hitting that nail over and over and over again or or beating that dead horse although I will continue to point out what sabonis is doing and make sure that that is getting the attention it deserves when other people

And other outlets and outside of the city or in this city are not giving it the attention that it deserves uh dearn fox actually spoke at shoot around today he spoke before lighting the beam in front of the king’s crowd and then I asked him a question after the game and

And he spoke about sabonis not being mentioned in the first round of All-Star voting and that he absolutely should be but Fox basically said look the coaches are going to get it right the coaches know what he’s doing he’s going to be fine he’s going to make it uh into the

All-Star Game I certainly hope that that he is correct and it’s not so much about sabonis being labeled an All-Star again it’s just sabonis being recognized for how dominant he is and the stretch that he is on right now is simply Sensational it’s his eighth triple double of the

Season that’s second behind Nicola joic who has 11 so so sabonis is on jokic’s Heels a little bit again I’ve said this a million times I’ll continue to say it sabonis is doing something that only a multi-time MVP is doing better or more that deserves a lot of attention speaking of

Dearon Fox 24 points tonight still wasn’t his best game and a decent bounceback performance after his struggles against the Orlando Magic had some big buckets in the fourth quarters this game got way too close and I want to talk about the Kings kind of getting sloppy with big leads they’ve done it a

Number of times this season we’ll get to that uh in just a little bit but Fox had 24 points tonight four assists two steals one block went one of three from three-point range in the last couple of games he’s cooled off a little bit from the perimeter what I liked about

Tonight’s game is even though the kings were playing a team with a lot of length and a lot of athleticism and and and James ham made a good point after the game it’s like the the Raptors just kind of copy and pasted skinny 6’7 to 6’1

Players that just take up a lot of room and can disrupt a lot of shots well dearon went right at them he was trying to attack the basket still wasn’t a great efficient scoring night for dearin but he didn’t just settle for the three-pointer he got downhill got to the

Rim which is something I’ve been asking more of him so I’m happy about that uh that deserves recognition and praise and overall he and sabonis combined to to lead the kings in scoring tonight and of course help the Kings secure the victory Malik monk 15 points Off the Bench also

Nine assists his second straight game with nine assists and my favorite number for Malik he played 32 minutes tonight still came off the bench I spoke a lot after the Magic game about how I think it’s time to to consider Malik as a starter or to consider starting Malik

Should I say I know Mike is very set and very happy with Malik and and what he brings as a six-man coming off the bench so maybe the best compromise is just to play him at least 30 minutes a night he’s averaging 25 on the season tonight

He got 32 he just needs to be on the floor more and good things happen typically when monk is on the floor like he was tonight Trey Lyles 12 points four or five from three-point range also had three rebounds I will never stop gushing about Trey how perfect of a fit he is

Here in Sacramento how much I love uh that the Sacramento Kings acquired Trey L as like a bonus addition to that three or four team trade that sent Marvin Bagley to the Detroit Pistons Dante D venzo was like the main acquisition for the Kings from that trade but Trey lyes

Also came over and he ended up being not just the best piece that the Kings got arguably he was one of the best pieces in that trade period and he’s found a home here in Sacramento I love the role that he plays and when he’s knocking

Down shots Off the Bench good Lord the kings are difficult to beat speaking of which the kings were amazing from three-point range tonight they shot 5 5% 21 of 38 from three-point range Trey had four of those Harrison Barnes had five of those and another guy who had four of

Those was Keegan Murray tonight again second d uh second double double in a row for Keegan 18 points 12 rebounds four four from threo range he was everywhere tonight and as the kings were building their 23-point lead over the Raptors like he Keegan was giving the

Raptors all sorts of fits he was all over the glass grabbing boards was moving around the perimeter he got going with three of his four made threes in that second quarter Keegan was awesome tonight just another example of man given another year or two when this young man figures it out yeah he

Absolutely can be a third scoring option and a third star for the Sacramento Kings because when he’s playing this good and he’s not even being featured as much as he should be for a player of his talent boy oh boy the Kings certainly have a diamond in Keegan Murray but I

Mentioned that the Kings have not done a good job at times this season protecting big leads they kind of take their foot off the gas a little bit Mike Brown admitted as much I’ll talk about that more here in just a second like I said the top of the show today’s episode of

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Layup FanDuel official partner of the NFL of course the Sacramento Kings have had issues this season with falling into big holes when they’ve lost majority of the time that they’ve lost this season they’ve lost big right that’s a conversation that we’ve had a lot here on Lockton Kings but I don’t

Know the exact number of games but there’s also been a fair few times that the Kings especially at home have had double digit leads and big double digit leads like tonight was a 23-point lead and they just take their foot off the gas now I I understand that the the NBA

Is a game of runs right other teams are going to make their runs and this Raptors team credit to them they did not quit they started hitting shots they outscored the Kings 73 to 58 in the second half to have a chance to actually steal this game in the fourth quarter he

Got way too close for comfort but the Kings I just I would like to see this team do a better job of of closing out games where they’re in the lead they’ve done so a couple of times this season and they’ve also done time a couple couple times this year they’ve done well

To battle back from Big lead so it’s definitely possible a lot of teams can do it in the modern era with so much scoring but part of the Raptor comeback tonight was at the Sacramento Kings who were playing so well and were getting up and down the floor and were were

Crashing the offensive glass they just kind of took their foot off the gas a little bit and they allowed the Raptors to to get comfortable kind of get some Rhythm and get themselves back into this game especially on your home floor I would like to see the Kings if you’re up

By 23 hey dominate step on throats and and and make sure you you end this game before it even gets into the fourth quarter or deep into the fourth quarter that’s something the Kings could have done tonight that I think they should do better over the course of the season but

I also think and as like part of that is as much as this time of year is trade season we’re also getting into that point of the Year where we’re past Christmas now we’re starting to get into the dog days right the grind we’re fastly approaching the Midway point of

The season in terms of 41 of 82 games we’re getting very close the kings are are 21 and 30 now that means of course they’ve played 34 games so we’re getting close to that Midway point this is that grind part of the Season where you really see what a team’s worth and maybe

That grind sometimes is makes it inviting for when you have a big lead you kind of rest and take it easy a little bit and try and keep a little bit in the tank and other teams can take advantage of that I actually asked Mike Brown about that after the game asked

Him how great teams handle this grind Dog Days part of the SE uh the season here’s what he said like in addition to this time of the year being kind of labeled as trade season this is also kind of like that dog days of the Season type year where everything settled in

And you’re kind of in the trenches a little bit Yeah in your assessment just with the the teams that you’ve worked with uh like how do the best teams handle this stretch of the season when when it gets to that grind that’s a great question they usually those teams

Have the ability to to take it to another level and then not Dr you know not drastically or dramatically however you want to call it but you could just feel those teams tighten up on both sides of the ball just enough to where they can Su sustain a punch or two uh if

Especially if they if there’s a gap in the lead they can sustain a punch or two from the other team to where the other team knows okay this too hard we just gonna move on to the next one and and and having that feel that understanding

Uh as a group is something that we’re searching for right now you you know we’re talented enough skilled enough to get the get the win but can we sustain if we’re up can we sustain a punch and then a second punch in the second half with with some sense of urgency by

Trying to play the right way and being physical and all that other stuff while getting stops and still getting out and running and having fun on the offense and the flooor and that’s that’s uh I I think we can but we have to obviously show it well the Sacramento Kings have

One game left on this home stand they’re two and one so far the only issue is that game is against the New Orleans Pelicans who the Kings have lost to if you include the inseason tournament three times already this season it’s been a dreadful matchup for Sacramento I know I

I think Zion got hurt tonight I don’t know if he’s going to be available or not it’s a Sunday matina game I think a 3:00 tip off or something like that so who knows if he’s going to be playing or not but even if he doesn’t play Brandon

Ingram CJ McCollum there’s so many pieces on that uh team that that give the Kings problems I would love to see Sacramento find a way to end this home stand stand with a victory bounce back and and figure out how to top the New Orleans Pelicans but it’s it’s going to

Be a tough test for them so we’ll see how they do on Sunday then after that they go on a five game Road Trip so hey enjoy being home in your own beds for uh for a while or while it lasts Kings because after that five game Road Trip

Then they’re back home for like two or three games and they have a seven game Road Trip so coming up here the rest of January and into February as we get closer to the trade deadline the kings are not going to be here they’re going

To be on the road a lot of course for Sunday’s game I’ll be here inside the golden one Center we’ll have a postgame podcast for you if you’re coming to the game please come by and say hi I’m usually at the top of Section 105 which

Is the media seating area hit me up on social media or email me and let me know that you’re coming would love to schedule a time or set up an ability to meet you and say hi uh and then of course as trade season continues and the

More rumors that the kings are involved in and the conversations that are happening you can expect full coverage of that and then some here on the lockon Kings podcast like I mentioned next week I’ll have two different podcasts with guests discussing the Toronto Raptors and Pascal cakam and the Golden State

Warriors and Jonathan kaminga and Moses Moody so keep an eyee out for that appreciate your support as always can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network

Matt George discusses the Sacramento Kings and Toronto Raptors trade rumors, centered around Pascal Siakam, that dominated the buildup to Friday night’s game between the two teams.

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Trade Rumors Upstage Sacramento Kings vs Toronto Raptors Game


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  1. This game shouldn’t have been that close refs played but the kings played zero d in the second half they have to be better on that end in order to get where they want to go

  2. Kings Defense is a huge loophole. it’s either at 100 or at 0. Not to mention the turnover and it seems like it’s getting worse.

  3. I've lost complete faith in Huerter. His stock is so incredibly low. Hopefully one day he gets his confidence back, but trying to trade him now is selling low.

  4. Your thoughts about Kings getting Kuminga. He's my favorite player in GSW right behind Curry. I thinkg Kuminga would be a good fit

  5. Fox being better at 3s didnt hurt Hurter. When you have more players able to shoot 3s, that doesnt hurt the lineup. lol It's Huerter not producing. That's what's hurting him. He needs to get out of it before it's too late. I have mixed feelings about HB trade. I really dont want to see him go but I def understand if he gets traded.

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