@Boston Celtics

THE HERD | Jayson Tatum is good enough to lead Celtics to win NBA title this season – Colin claims

THE HERD | Jayson Tatum is good enough to lead Celtics to win NBA title this season – Colin claims

For me and it’s interesting I looked at this this morning now Jason Tatum JM loves him and he’s a very good player but the leading vote Getters among fans I’m going to read this list Giannis LeBron mbid Durant and Jason Tatum so the NBA has three groups of

Stars and I’m not talking average Stars so the NBA’s got three groups of stars there’s the old Stars Kawai LeBron Steph ad uh Kawai MVPs T the Old Guard as the old guys and then there’s the guys you know the international guys Giannis embiid yic wmi Luca and Shay OKC

SGA he’s from Canada International guys they’re taking over the league so you got the old guys they got all the the trophies and the generational wealth the titles the old guys and they got the new international guys who now win all the MVPs and Giannis got a title yic got a

Title and then there’s the domestic players in the middle that are really good ant Edwards John marant Trey young Jason Tatum H is he going to get a title ask yourself so they broke Jason Tatum broke into the NBA he wasn’t as refined as LeBron and Steph he wasn’t as tough as

Kawai as battle hardened as the old guys the Old Guard and now he had about a two-year window to win a title because now he’s got to go through yanis in his prime joic in his prime Luca’s moving into his prime Wendy Wendy’s three years from his prime Prime SGA now into his

Prime and I’m not sure he’s as good as any of those guys it’s almost like Andy Murray and Tennis right like Andy Murray’s window he got three grand slams but feder at the beginning overwhelmed him he was better jokovic at the end was better overwhelmed everybody and Annie Murray

Had his little tiny little wind and he won three grand slams other guys win like 20 plus so Tatum was not ready when he first got into the league not as good as LeBron not as good as Steph not as good as the old guard and now he’s not as good as the

Young guard the international guys was his window two years ago was that the window to win his Grand Slam because I’m here to tell you he ain’t yic Tatum’s good he not yic and and I’m here to tell you he not yanis and I’m watching wemi in the third quarter last

Night and in two years you’re not going to be wemi sorry not he’s not offensively Luca and I be honest about SGA I mean is he going to average 36 a game next year I mean can anybody in the league stop him I mean gu incredible and he is Canadian that’s

International our friends to the north all I’m saying is Andy Murray just the timing was lousy you got Federer here you got you know n Nadal had been healthier you got Joker over here a little tiny sliver in there is Tatum was the sliver two years ago in the final he doesn’t like

This folks he’s not Joker he’s not Giannis two years he’s not wemy can’t score like Luca and SGA right now is a better offensive player and I think that kid kid going to he’s going to average 35 a game at some point the only thing stopping him is Chad hren may take too

Many shots like that kid’s a scoring machine and I just wonder sometimes Windows when you windows are really tiny for tennis stars and NBA stars Old Guard he got overwhelmed young young guard now International he’s not he’s not as good as these guys if I had to make a bet I my

Question is now that joic is a better player and he is in his prime if Jason Tatum doesn’t win this year don’t you think in the next three years Luca is going to get a number two and wemi is probably a year and a half away from being Giannis with a with a

More clever offensive game oh so what we if I said over under one and a half titles for Jason Tatum you would say under oh by the way I I didn’t even mention embiid and this is my favorite Philadelphia version embiid now is passing the ball have you seen his

Assist totals I mean okay all right I think there’s too much here to to much too much Brilliance is Andy Murray comparison Andy Murr was great he was a really good he wasn’t as good as feder who for 15 years was the best tennis player ever M and then Andy Murray’s

Like okay Roger’s getting old I’m gonna jump in here and then Joker comes and it’s like yeah I can’t do that either just Jason Tatum was first team all NBA the last two years he’s one of the five best players in the league I don’t want

To he oh really five best players yes I think that’s undeniable joic Giannis MBI Luke are the top four fine Tatum’s five okay by the way stop with the embiid love man just stop so what about the stats he can’t get to the Conference Finals Colin Conference Finals Tatum’s

Been to the NBA finals more than he’s been to the Conference Finals okay but had to deal with a Simmons nonsense had to deal with we make excuses all the changes on this team this guy had to deal with Kyrie Irving Kyrie Irving was on the team with Tatum total disaster

Then it’s like oh well we’re gonna try this and now we’re gonna move this guy on and Isaiah Thomas flashing the pan and H You Know What I Hear You Know What I Hear why are you doing this to me in the first hour guy getting a little

Defensive listen and I do not like any Boston teams born in New York can’t stand the Red Sox hate the Celtics hate all Boston teams can’t stand the Patriots and I love Jason Tatum a lot of it is because a lot of Lakers fans think he’s going to end up with the Lakers

Eventually which would be amazing the biggest KOB but I think you have to consider my argument he was overwhelmed by the old heads KD Lebron he was like a 21 22 year old ex so was Andy and then he’s like it’s my time oh damn Yannis is

Better than me now y wait a minute hold up the last time they met in the playoffs Tatum took down Giannis they beat him in seven um and a lot of the other guys you point out uh joic wemi Anthony Edwards all those guys they’re in the west Luca they can kill each

Other in the West West Tatum has a a Walt a yellow brick road right to the finals who this why I tell about Philadelphia Damon and Yannis all the money on has the ascending star who is beholden to him you notice Maxi doesn’t try to take the ball out of his hand

Great regular season team show me what they got in the playoffs well again Simmons Harden by the way you know it’s chemistry issues when Tatum was blasting Boston in game six in Philadelphia when the Sixers could have beat him last year what was Tatum doing in the fourth quarter just

Lighting em beat up andem beat what did he do just choke job game seven how many turnovers for embiid go look it up Trey young embiid lost to Trey young at home I know I know blame it on other not the right coach course gosh I will ride with

Tatum I I’m sorry I I I’m all in listen a lot of people love Dy Murray the brilliant eqe SUV for mercedesbenz available digital light technology so smart even the headlamps are thinking vehicle all electric the feelings all Mercedes the choice all yours learn more at MB q-s SUV

THE HERD | Jayson Tatum is good enough to lead Celtics to win NBA title this season – Colin claims


  1. Embid did not go to a east fianl individualy last year play off he did not play like an MVP..stop the tatum game agains bucks then 76er conmon nedia people your argument common.

  2. “Historically, this Celtics group just hasn't been able to close the deal.” What in hell is this clown talking g about? “This Celtics group” referring to past teams has zero relevance to the 2023-24 team. This is sophmoric analysis.

  3. Dude you is crazy as f%$#k…Tatum has been beating all these dudes consistently. What are you smoking. TATUM ToP 5 easy. And low key he is better than luka, embied..facts bro…

  4. All JT does is win. 307-164 win/loss record. 52-42 playoff record. Never missed the playoffs and has been to 4 ECF and 1 Finals. Perennial All star and 1st team All NBA. They haven't been able to get that chip yet, but they will. Either way, Boston Celtics fans have watched a ton of winning basketball. Thanks to The Jays. JT deserves the MVP more than most.

  5. He might not know what he talking about he need to go learn his fact because Tatum is none of those guys but he sure can compete with them

  6. A guy like Tatum actually won an NBA title. 2004 Pistons. They are all-stars but not Superstars. They did it collectively. The Celtics can do the same. They can win it all as a team. You are right Colins, you are not saying you are right. Giannis Bucks team when they won vs Celtics roster was totally different. injured Tatum vs Warriors, really? 19 yrs old vs Lebron? really? give me a break.

  7. That's why HERD is just a talking head. James did not win until he's with Wade/Bosh. KD until with Warriors. Steph not winning without Klay/Green. Jordan not winning without Pippen.

    Point is basketball is A TEAM SPORT. It's no like a talk show that you only need one STUPID brain.

  8. Tatum is the 4th best player in the NBA

    1. Joker
    2. Giannis
    3. Embiid
    4. Tatum
    5. Sga

    And after he wins finals MVP this season…

    Tatum will be considered the BEST player in the NBA

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