@Minnesota Timberwolves

NBA Trade Rumors, Minnesota TImberwolves & Boston Celtics | The NBA Show

NBA Trade Rumors, Minnesota TImberwolves & Boston Celtics | The NBA Show

Yo what’s going on guys give me a second we don’t know we are having I guess technical difficulties right here cuz typically this camera we have no problem with today given us so much problems like it’s we typically do not have a problem with with this camera ever and

I’m trying to figure it out right now so bear with me while we do this this is weird I thought we had fixed this so this problem did not need to occur all righty all righty which is which well I’m trying to figure out which is this

Wire which is going to go over the way down to this white one where this white one will go all way H there we go ladies and gentlemen your boy is back you thought I wasn’t going to be here but we are we got a few things to talk about we’re talk about

The aost Celtics trimber wolves and any NBA trade news we feel like worth talking about so let just get this put up right here oh going to be doing some work for my actual job so bear with me while we do this could be a quick one

Could be a short episode but all right we’re here for a short time not a long time I hope you guys did have a good sleep have a good game we good a couple games last night all right and to me I think that’s like one of the

Biggest Parts about all this is just like how the NBA season is is kind of like evolving into this I think one of the more interesting years of my life Seasons wise because we have ourselves you know John Mor who I would say is reborn like looking like the best version of himself

Now I was I just thought it was pretty cool but yeah I want to hear your guys’ opinions what do you guys think and is this just me that this season I mean it’s up for grabs anybody can come in and take this so let’s let’s get into

The first thing I want to talk about is some MBA trade news what we’re hearing on the rumor mill and then we’ll get into talking about the Boston Celtics in the Minnesota Timberwolves as they two teams that I think were all in agreement that I mean man oh man do they have the

Possibility to those two teams that could be your your playoffs you know that could be the NBA’s like final so maybe that’s just me I thought it was pretty cool and let me I want this to go like yep like that that’s perfect next I’m just editing something for work

And I thought it was kind of cool to See how Dr not drama rant but I’m editing something for work right now and it I think it’s coming out pretty well so here we go send this to my boss in the group chat yeah let’s get right into this and talk about let’s Sor about the NBA trade news

And we just started the the recording so what is going on guys it is January 3rd Wednesday and we’re right over here let’s get over right into it and let’s talk about the first news we’re hearing is that the Knicks will always have TR Caron the tals that we heard that news

Yesterday after we had turned off the show seam grania went on FanDuel TV and announced that yeah is also there’s a video this is an incredible there’s video danil G already already finding out that there’s ketchup on Pizza he’s like so disgusted it’s an Incredible video well let’s get into

These trade rumors and discuss what’s going to happen and why but basically I mean in my mind the way I see this all working out is supposedly the Knicks believe they have enough trade assets to go get themselves a star player up there choosing which I mean

Good for them if that’s what they believe or if that’s what they want now keny towns is someone that they’ve always had this’s report is from Ian Begley that they have eight tradeable first round picks they have Josh Harden miles Rick BR can’t be traded before the deadline cuz their contract extensions

And they have M4 and several trade extension eligible players that I think that they clearly have some interest on making a move or doing so I want to hear your guys’ opinions and what do you guys think of you know the idea of a New York Knicks trade also you should as an

Italian 8 male I don’t like that as yeah no I’m an Italian Argentine Serbian male but I will say my grandpa who’s from Argent Ina owns a pizzeria put ketchup on his pizza not even kidding he owned Pizzeria since 1933 I mean my family still owns the pizzeria but he’s been

Dead for 20 years Pizza on his ketchup on his pizza his whole life and he he was like two he was a generation removed this is on my mom’s side my dad’s side is more Italian than my mom’s but I don’t know either way let’s talk

About the fact that this is going to be interesting cuz I’ve said this before there isn’t really any big fishes right here they didn’t get up any first round picks in the deal for OG the other thing is is that I don’t know if like Pascal

Seak demard D Roan Zack LaVine who else is available for trade do any of those guys make you you know I don’t know I feel like none of those guys really put you over the edge and that’s my whole gripe with this so I want to hear your your guys’

Opinions what do you guys expect from I guess it would be the Nicks on who they should go after because to me it doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t make any sense and I really like how the Knicks have put themselves in a position to to be able to make a trade

For anyone that they want and I like I think it’s it would have been interesting to see what could have happened or how it could have happened but for me I’m genuinely curious on your guys’ opinions list me the three guys you think they could trade for I’m looking

At my f because I’m doing some other stuff but I think it’s Zack LaVine pasca I don’t think pasc out at this moment demard Rosen I just there’s always the car thing tals it’s just it’s going to be a CA the player assets yeah they I think they have the the assets to

Make a move there just isn’t a guy to make a move all right and that’s my my big gipe is how I don’t know I just think it’s it’s definitely interesting how this all played out but maybe that’s just me and cu the only guy that they can potentially get is

Mr KY Talons and we’re not trading him as T wolves fan we’re not trading him so oh oh I sent the wrong video yes delete the file crap I sent the wrong video sorry I almost sent the wrong I sent the wrong video in my group chat

And now I just had to send the right one but either way what I want want everybody Cary towns obious move to yes we all know that the car Cary towns won’t get moved until basic if we lose in the first round of the playoffs then we’ll get

Moved but they’re just monitoring the it doesn’t make sense now yeah they ain’t training it just doesn’t make sense now I agree they have enough assets to trade for somebody but there isn’t anybody to trade for like unless they think Klay Thompson or Andrew Wiggins is the

Missing piece I just don’t see it we reported on the Pascal seak so let’s go over and talk about and there’s actually two I guess there I guess there there’s a couple there’s a couple things we can talk about but mainly people people really don’t think the Thunder are that serious second best

In the west 178 Point differential well people really don’t believe in the Thunder yep now let’s go over here to this and this is going to going to be Kelly Uber now we got ourselves Kelly Uber and it says What this I just looking at some clips but let’s go over here and we’ll talk about Mr yes A guy by the name of Kelly UB the the report see is Denny I will try to address all of this to the best of my knowledge and some based on field for

I’ve been told that Kelly has the most Robos trade market calling team SMS to see who he’s available and yeah so and looks like Pascal seak trade update Raptor now building team around SE Scotty Barnes that fits him age wise compared to seak seak has value around league but he holds leverage on

Potential destinations because of his expiring contract all right and and interest teams want to know in Toronto and I think want to know if seak would sign with them that impacts how much they could receive in a trade toron is now using this time to see how sakam looks

Next to Barnes quickly and RJ Barrett makes sense makes sense and then like I said the only other news we know is Kelly oenux basically the guy getting the most robust trade market which I guess good for him but it’s not necessarily what we wanted now I want to

Hear your guys’ opinions what do you guys expect and oh maybe this is just me maybe this is just me I think you know it’s not the craziest trade news in the world but the next this next coming weeks are going to be pretty big and I think the next

Couple trades are going to come out and catch people by surprise to say the least so let’s go over to the Boston Celtics and let’s do a little in-depth analysis of the Boston Celtics the Boston Celtics lost last night to the Oklahoma City Thunder who

Thunder we got to give him cred had a great game last night shout out Josh giddy Josh giddy literally can’t I can shoot the ball with the best of them but DN I had so he was just hitting it he was just hitting those shots and that’s

What needed to happen so for me I thought that was pretty big and I know maybe maybe it’s just me so Boston Celtics they’re on the screen right now the Boston Celtics are currently second in the East they are the number one net rating in the league

With 6.5 plus their defensive rating is 111 a half offensive rating of8 while they are currently one game behind the bucks for the best record in the league this is crazy that I am reading the wrong stats and I just noticed this how stupid was that guys I

Was looking I was like we are not 50 games in my apology they are number one in the East I’m sorry guys they have a net rating of 10.2 offensive rating 121.9 a defensive rating 11.8 net rating of 10.2 second best in the league 37.4

They are 26 and7 so far they are two games ahead of the Milwaukee Bucks we’re 249 they just lost to oklah City Thunder now this is a team that is the number you know one rebounding team in the league they’re the number one three-point te team in the league just

Best offense you would argue in the league and their defens is right there not so far behind them and for me I definitely Was uh I think I think he definitely gives us a interest on what could potentially be you know the team in the finals I mean this team has been gearing up for a finals run for what seems to be like forever maybe that’s just me maybe

That’s just you know I’m just a little too excited I I for me I get excited because I see what you’re what this team could be and that’s an NBA champion I Kristoff forus has been fantastic let’s be honest Kristoff everybody on this team it’s a great year I mean Derek White’s

Been the The Unsung here it been the getting the super praise everybody loves that Boston media praise for Derek white and don’t get me wrong when you look at this you got 27 a night from Jason tum 23 a night from Jaylen Brown you’re getting 20 a night from Kristoff you’re

Getting 17 from my man Derek white 13 from Drew holiday who drew holiday shoot 42% from three you’re still getting P Pritcher and Sam Hower both giving you like 8 points t i so got horer it’s not bad also I love neis Keta or hia it’s one of the most fun things to

See but I don’t know what do you guys what do you guys get out of this for me I’m definitely intrigued by the Boston Celtics and what they’ve been able to do this season I think they’re a team that has a lot of power to go ahead and be the team

They want to be so I know maybe I sort of my apology I am trying to find in this press conference from freaking Steve Kerr where the heck he says basically about Draymond Green there’s a good quote from Steve Cory about Draymond Green also the Epstein Client

List I don’t know also the Jeff Epstein Client List has everyone looked at it I hope everyone’s looked at it and everyone everyone’s so obsessed that this is the Jeffrey abste stuff is wild and the the the the the list doesn’t even matter but Josh giddy ladies and gentlemen had a great game

Against the Boston Celtics and for me I’ve always I also love how Josh giddy does not have like his Twitter’s geek but I feel bad for people now the Boston Celtics what’s their problem they don’t really have a bench they don’t have a besides Derek white

And Drew Hall they don’t really have a point guard besides paying pretty Richard and he’s like not the most Reliant guy ever they lack Wing depth like it’s Sam Hower behind Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum and behind Kristoff porzingis and Al Horford it’s Luke cornet and Neta so it’s it’s they don’t

Really have depth is the problem and I think that’s where we I don’t know we’ve been it’s it’s definitely hard it’s definitely hard to when you see it like this so for me I think it’s definitely interesting to see the the Boston Celtic because I’m scared that

When we get to the playoffs it’s going to end up being a bit I guess worse than we thought or I don’t even know if worse than we thought it’s the right one because to me it’s just if they’re they’re an injury away from um having problems in terms

Of like depth the bench but that’s just me now let’s go over to the Timberwolves and talk about the the next thing I wanted to talk about which is the the Minnesota Timberwolves and that is right here let’s go ahead and talk about the t-wolves little quick solo up episode ladies and

Gentlemen probably wrap up right after this but yes we got ourselves a it’s weird because I’m looking at this press conference Between and it’s like I can’t even find it I can’t even find this video right now it’s like def definitely making me upset because I know this video should be around the corner either way let’s download another video let’s talk about the mides timber roles who are right now

24 and8 they are the 19th offensive rating which is crazy to think about at 114th they’re the best defensive League at 108 and their net ratings fourth with 5.6 their fourth best three-point shooting team they’re one game in front of thunder and they’re technically a game and a half in front of

The yes the big bad Denver Nuggets now I want to hear your guys’s thoughts what do you guys expect from the team this season I expect them to be a second round exit um that’s me being like nice but uh I I just get scared that like we’re not

Going to have enough firing power we’re not going to have enough firing power and I get the the concern is that all right is this going to be enough is this going to be enough seriously And I don’t know I just I really like this team and let’s just go look into it right here one of the things that’s really exciting about them is look they are incredible at defense they get rebounds they get to the free throw line they don’t put much many threes up but

They hit the threes that they put up same thing with a field goal percentage there and then when you look at the team scoring wise you know you got two 20 points per game scores and Edwards and Talons and then it drops down to you know you guys yourself goar Conley Jaden

McDaniels and Nas Reed who do the rest of the scoring brunt with a little bit of Kyle Anderson and you know Nel Alexander Walker and Shake Milton but there isn’t really a big score I mean arm man John ginski wrote an article the other day saying that freaking Jordan mclin’s going to be

Be more a part of the the team so and I I don’t know I I feel like this Discusses I’m trying to see if which is better discusses gives an update gives an update so uh so for me when I look at this I just think it’s the same thing with the Boston Celtics we’re one injury away from having freaking like I don’t know

Like a not a catastrophic but an injury that could have you know one injury in the starting lineup could throw everything through a world that’s my one take from this maybe I’m being a little inevent or I don’t know I just feel like one injury not the best place to be in um

What do I know what do I know I’m just some guy making a video right here but my opinion is that this is a team that’s going to go ahead and be able to Make some noise in the playoffs I so forget we haveed next but I want us to

Be able to make noise in the playoffs it just comes down to is that going to be possible is are we a because if we lose in the first round we’re we’re gone we’re gone okay and I don’t like the idea of I don’t like the idea of

Of like needing to I guess the the word would be needing to figure out how to to win I I still think we’re a few players away and I wouldn’t be surprised if we got rid of Ky towns I’m fine with getting rid of Cary towns if the season doesn’t go the way

That we want it to go if that is that allowed so how loud wish that’s what I wish but obviously I’m just a guy here making videos and I I get maybe call off guard whenever we see something like this where a team like

The Tim will to I want to compare them I mean they’re kind of taking the spot of the Memphis Grizzlies will they be able to impress us or will they get caught up and like yeah I I I don’t know I don’t know that’s where where I get hung up I’m

Also looking for like a Victor wanyama video and it’s just not here I want the the Victor wanyama press conference please give me That like looking for a wictor wanyama press conference and you can never I’m just but yeah my big thing is we have the point guard we have Anthony Edwards I mean our weakest position is probably small forward but that’s Jaden McDaniel so it’s really our weakest by scoring so

I wouldn’t even say it’s our weakest as our weakest would be Probably our bench okay that’s where it gets difficult when trying to figure out who or how we’re going to and um be the ones like I guess covering or viewing how this team is going to make their adjustments but that’s just my thoughts on the matter I I’m curious to hear your guys

Is I’m also trying to find this this freaking quote from Victor Victor ran yeah and and I think it’s what yeah okay three words made L John so much money and I made a video regarding the the end of Archer you guys should go check that out but definitely

Interesting Victor so yeah I want to hear you guys’ thoughts what do you guys expect from this team I think it’s just going to be a team that’s going the Thunder beat both these teams timber wolves and Celtics Yeah we actually addressed that and I thought it was funny so I want to

Hear you guys’ thoughts Down Below in the comment section what do you guys expect from from the Timberwolves I mean again we’ll make our Thunders video soon but like Mr Thunder just said here our man the Thunder did beat these guys in back to back games

But that’s here nor there I want to hear you guys’ opinions though what do you guys expect and is there like this defense for this team is it real like defense wins champ championships but like is their offense good enough is there H I get scared that even

Though they’ve got this great defense they might falter offensively and that might be like the the problem so that’s where sometimes I get curious to hear what you guys want to do but that’s basically my thoughts on that matter now how long that’s going to last who

Knows and that’s where I want to know if you guys are a fan of the Timberwolves on what they’ve been building or not really because I understand if you aren so let’s just go do a little quick update and see if there’s anything else to talk about because I am going to

Head out and let you guys be if this is the case but yeah because I got nothing else to talk about and I’m gonna we’re just kind of updating certain stuff Anthony Slater oh you just got to like update certain things you do when you we’re in January now at least

Just got to make these thumbnails Steve Kerr Andre boom you fig when you upload this stuff no but that’s basically going to be it for me I hope you guys did enjoy let me know you guys’ thoughts if there was anything else you guys would have liked

To have heard but yeah I’m a cheers Bye [Applause] O He [Applause] Oh Oh

On this episode of “The NBA Show,” we’re diving headfirst into the latest NBA trade rumors, dissecting the speculations and potential trade scenarios circulating in the league.

Next, we’ll conduct an in-depth breakdown of the Minnesota Timberwolves, analyzing their performances, key players, and assessing their standing in the NBA this season.

Shifting gears, we’ll turn our attention to the Boston Celtics, conducting a comprehensive in-season breakdown of their gameplay, strengths, weaknesses, and their trajectory this year.

Join us for a detailed exploration of NBA trade rumors, a deep dive into the Minnesota Timberwolves’ season, and an in-depth analysis of the Boston Celtics’ performance on “The NBA Show”!

#nba #nbanews #nbarumors

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