@National Basketball Association

Allen Iverson on which current NBA guard he would choose as backcourt partner: “Luka. I think it’d be just deadly.”

Allen Iverson on which current NBA guard he would choose as backcourt partner: “Luka. I think it’d be just deadly.”

by WhenMachinesCry


  1. Agile-Competition679

    Refs would absolutely hate reffing those two together. It’d be nonstop complaining all game long from that backcourt lol

  2. That is a pretty crazy answer because Iverson was terrible off ball.

  3. ExtremeNo1952

    This team gets absolutely killed on D by any semi-competent backcourt

  4. FlyingMocko

    Does AI realise this hypothetical does not have 2 basketballs ?

  5. Turbulent_Elk_3676

    NBA players always seem so unaware when picking teams, all time rosters etc.

    This would be a bad fit as both thrive off dominating the ball, both questionable defenders (one lackluster, one a gambler) and AI does not spread the court to the 3 or shown he is willing to play off ball. Neither seems the type to be the 1b or 2nd option guy. They both play best dominating the ball.

    I think Anthony Davis might be a good fit. A big that can spread the floor a bit, plays elite defense, doesn’t need or even want to dominate the ball but also an excellent 2nd option on offense.

  6. lochmoigh1

    Nba players are the worst judge of fit. Honestly seems most of them only respect the individual talent. It’s why a lot of players think kyrie is a top 5 player

  7. This thumbnail had me thinking it was a key and peele skit lol

  8. xPeaWhyTee

    Some of y’all are over analyzing the shit out of this answer. I’m just appreciative that we have an old head that goes out of his way to give props to current players.

  9. Acceptable_Vast3977

    Looks like Iverson got some facial work done! Doesn’t look like the same AI when he used to play. Age and some weight hasn’t done him well.

  10. keeeeener

    They’d be the two most ball dominant guards in the league playing together. And they’d be awful defensively. But I can’t really think of what would be the right answer.

    You’d want the other guy to be decent defensively and can play off ball. The real answer is probably sga even though the spacing wouldn’t be amazing. A guy like bane would be amazing but you’re never taking him even over bad defense guys like curry/dame etc. I don’t think there’s an obvious answer tbh. Maybe ant? That would be an electric pairing on and off the court lol

  11. killerk13

    AI one the rare older guys that’s never down talked or hated on the players now. He’s always been cool as shit man

  12. NewlyOld31

    Imagine being Luka hearing this shit from AI! Damn that must feel good. Not that he’s just a great player but he’d actually want to share the backcourt with him over all the great guards in the NBA today

  13. GloomyAd1219

    Iverson and pre injury Klay would probably be a nice backcourt

  14. colombo1326

    Iverson slowly morphing into Martin Lawrence

  15. shaynewillie__

    I love Allen Iverson. The more I see of him the better.

  16. Rodzhers69

    Until he would see that Luka is selfish crybaby lol

  17. NiceIsSpice

    damn AI looking good here, healthier, love to see it

  18. ClockOk7333

    Would be incredible. Imagine how many points the opposing team would get!

  19. ArtichokeFormer8801

    An AI-Luka backcourt would be absolutely cracked offensively lol

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