@Miami Heat

The 2012-2013 Miami heat might be one of the most underrated championships teams ever. 27 win streak is this best Miami heat team of all time and where do they rank all time league rise

This team had everything
Star power
Elite defenders
Solid role players
Mental toughness

But I feel this team doesn’t get mentioned when it comes to all time great teams
The big 3 were sensational that

by Mrdynamo18


  1. alfredisonfire

    I don’t think anybody is saying this team is underrated bro 😂

  2. lomasturbasmeng

    Shoulda broke that record but Jimmy had other plans

  3. KayRay1994

    The scary part about that 27 game win streak is that it coudlve easily been more, they lost 2 of the following 12 games, which puts them at a 37-2 run, that’s insane

    On top of this, half the streak was the team being down 20 in halftime then winning the game, the 2013 roster was nuts. Prob a top 5 team of all time

  4. Lmao that was Brons prime. Nobody is under rating this team. I wish i could go back and watch these guys with the appreciation i have for all of them today. Hell id plan a trip to miami and watch a game or two. Im happy i eventually went to see Lebron play as a laker (he dropped 56 on gsw it was so sick) but i would give up a lot just to see Lebron and D Wade playing again. Damn i miss this a lot.

  5. michaelbaysucks96

    They won the title off a travel and a missed foul call

  6. Josh_in_Shanghai

    Didn’t they go down by like 30 to Cleveland during that win streak?

  7. CrossDeSolo

    God damn haslem looks young, dude aged like 20 years in 10

  8. If Wade had managed to stay healthy we’d have a different narrative. The entire postseason he was hobbled and even though they ended up winning it all it was almost like they limped to the finish.

    The sad thing is that we really only got to see peak big three for about 20 games. Battier was the one who unlocked it. When Spo figured out he could play Battier and Bosh as the only two bigs the offense finally clicked and there was a brief moment where they were unstoppable. I don’t think we’ll ever again see anything like it.

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