@Boston Celtics

Celtics on Clutch Time


by january-eleven


  1. digitalpizza5

    Clutch time JB kinda underrated. I feel like he makes the drives to get them close but never gets the final shot.

  2. Clutch time stats are a bit tricky because they’re only for 5 minutes and under on a 5 point or under situation. That being said JT has been quite atrocious this season in late game situations but I believe he has been bery good in 4th quarter in general, being amongst the leading in points in the 4th

  3. Put the ball in D.White’s hands. He’ll make the right play.

  4. igonnawrecku_VGC

    Not worried about Tatum. Pretty sure he’s got the highest shooting% in the clutch for a career in league history right now. He’ll figure it out

  5. ImDKingSama

    I think if Brown was a slightly better catch and shoot three point shooter this teams clutch offense can be unstoppable just running White KP PnRs. They both super efficient in it, Jrue and Tatum both 40%+ catch and shoot three guys that can attack easily if they get mismatches. Same with JB but his catch and shoot three has just kinda fallen off for the past 2 years for some reason. He’s still great with the ball in his hands though for the most part.

  6. rawspeghetti

    So we all agree we need to bench JT down the stretch right? /s

  7. Unfair-Club8243

    KP post in clutch! He can kick it out if he gets doubled, the team has a full lineup of 3 pnt shooters for a reason

  8. luke_workin

    KP should be getting more touches down the stretch, especially if it’s in a game we are trailing. His ability to draw fouls and get to the line is huge. Gets us 2 easy points, stops the clock, lets us set our defense.

  9. wellbreastfed

    Vegas merchant. Also KP and JB don’t surprise me. Only players with that killer instinct. KP will be our best player come playoff time

  10. Neal-Enblowme

    Derrick white is the best player on the team. Keep DWhite and KP…. Trade everyone else. Time to BLOW IT UP !!!

  11. BradWonder

    I’d wager at least 10 of Jayson’s misses are the step back 3

  12. Sweet-Banana793

    Based off these numbers alone, don’t give it to JT.

  13. restivepanda

    I also think clutch time has such an arbitrary definition.

    “Score within 5 points with 5 minutes or less remaining”— so you mean to tell me a 6-point game isn’t a clutch situation? That’s also a two-possession game.

    5 minutes is also kinda dumb- what is the significance of 5:00? Might as well make it 6 minutes- that’s at least half the quarter…

  14. centaur_unicorn23

    Golly you mean the starters play the most near the end?

  15. Mountain-Awareness13

    Stats are like bikinis. They reveal a lot, but not everything.

  16. rhonnypudding

    The story under that stats: JT is helping raise everyone else’s percentages.

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