@Toronto Raptors

The Pistons Have LOST Their MINDS…

The Pistons Have LOST Their MINDS…

The Detroit Pistons have straight up lost their minds as there have been a multitude of reports that have dropped revealing their interest in Pascal cakam and quote that they are going all in on win now players particularly like cakam so we’re going to dive into everything these reports have to say because

Frankly I think it is absolutely insane because the Pistons again have the League’s worst record they had that historic losing streak and somehow some way they think it’s a smart idea to give up the farm to acquire win now players so we’ll see what that ends up coming to

Break down whether or not it’s an actual possibility if it makes any sense for the Toronto Raptors and dive into the absurdity of it all but before we do that folks over 56% of our viewers are not subscribed to the channel so mean the world to me if you guys could hit

That subscribe button you guys been crushing as of late so if you want to continue with this daily Toronto Raptors coverage definitely hit that subscribe button but let’s dive into this madness because again we have a lot of reports coming out linking Pascal cakam to the Detroit Pistons and it makes zero sense

So basically the first one’s coming from Jake fiser saying the Detroit Pistons are looking to buy win now players and could show an interest in Pascal cakam the Pistons keep signaling to opposing Executives an interest in buying sources have set instead of selling off Veterans for from the League’s lowest ranked team

So again that is frankly Madness you look at the Detroit Pistons right now in the standings and they are 3 and 32 I mean they have half the wins of the Washington Wizards I don’t even know how that’s possible given how bad the Wizards have been this season but I

Guess when you have the League’s historic most losing streak you know that was snapped by the Toronto Raptors unfortunately he makes you do some crazy things some wild ideas start popping in the front office and maybe I get the logic a little bit I get it an ounce

Because the Pistons are so bad even during tanking years you want to have some moments of Hope some moments of joy for the fans but the Pistons just continue to lose doesn’t seem like there’s any actual development going on for the younger guys like Kate Cunningham like you know Jaden Ivy like

Ad Duran like any of those players they have currently on that roster so bringing in some wind now de can at least reshape the culture just a little bit so maybe they can make a push for next season I mean the Pistons were hoping to make a little playoff run this

Year that’s why they didn’t deal away uh boan bonovich for two first round picks last season they thought they had a little Core Group in there that could potentially make a run they gave Monty Williams that insane coaching salary and somehow some way they have the League’s worst record in a historically Bad

Season but that’s not the only report that came out as basically we also heard from NBA trade report that the Pistons will be quote all in on Toronto’s Pascal cakam as the NBA trade deadline approaches so again NBA trade report has had some hits has had some misses not

Completely leaning into that but then also from real GM basically the Pacers Kings and pistons are considered to be the most likely trade partners for the Raptors on Pascal seaka so again I dove into why doesn’t really make sense for the tro for the Detroit Pistons to be

All in on win now guys or anything along those lines but I mean why on Earth would they specifically be going after Pascal seakan because you know if you’re making that type of deal if you want to get some win now players don’t go after a guy that’s entering unrestricted free

Agency and has made it known that he will not sign a contract extension immediately after getting traded to a team the Detroit Pistons may have had better luck with OG and anobi giving his desire to have a bigger role given the cap space that the Pistons actually have

To offer but siakam’s getting a Max wherever he goes no team is trading for him without the the idea the consideration that he’s not receiving a Max contract his resume is too strong some team is giving him a Max so you know the Pistons don’t have the leverage

Of money then they also really don’t have the leverage of uh providing him with a more winning situation Pascal seak said all he really wants to do is go to a place where he’s having fun wants to have fun with basketball he believes he can do that with the Toronto

Raptors you know winning change do everything and stuff along those lines you’re not having fun with the Detroit Pistons right now and frankly it doesn’t seem like fun is on the horizon whatsoever for that Pistons team even though they do have some young players so why on Earth would they be going

After Pascal cakam you know go all in if they don’t have assurance that he’s going to stay I mean he’s going to leave it makes zero sense no reason whatsoever for him to stay with that group maybe his connection to Dwayne Casey I don’t really know but it makes zero sense for

Him to stay with the Pistons long term if that deal does go through so the Pistons we have be given up meet the Raptors asking price and uh take an insane risk which I don’t know the Pistons have just done some insane things in the past but even their young

Players don’t make as much sense of the Toronto Raptors here now at this point following the OG and anobi trade because I was a little bit more bullish on a potential piston steel if they were crazy enough to make a trade you know before we ended up absolutely increasing

Our guard depth but now especially if we deal away Pascal cakam our front line will be diminished the same way it currently is now at this point we saw it last night against the Sacramento Kings so who do the Pistons really have on their roster I mean J Ivy is a guy that

Is an interesting piece he was really good last season for the Pistons this year’s had an inconsistent role averaging 13 points 3.5 rebounds three assists you know he’s athletic he can shoot the three can get Buckets in a hurry Jay iy is an interesting piece and

A lot more interesting if we didn’t have a manual quickly but we have quickly on this group right now we have sh that’s a premier backup point guard in the NBA not that interest in Jaden Ivy here at this point and then you also have a sir Thompson who just fitwise doesn’t fit

Whatsoever this Raptor’s team now eight points seven rebounds he can slash he can attack he can do his thing out there but the lack of three-point shooting combined and maybe if you get rid of purle you know it it make a little bit more sense but he’s 67 small forward we

Have Scotty we have RJ we have shoter we have Emanuel quickly I mean you know a guy that’s shooting 15% from three again the potential is there Thompson wouldn’t be a horrible turn wouldn’t be a guy that I think is just a devastating package to get back in a pascal cakam

Deal but you know just solely off potential alone but in terms of what he’s actually providing in terms of fit doesn’t really make sense especially of this new looked Raptor younger group like future timeline looks for this team so the only real piece that I think would be encouraging to get back from

The Detroit Pistons is a Jaylen durren who this season’s averaging 13 and 12 again you probably have to deal away yaka purle then at this point you go in that younger Direction Jaylen dur is an absolute stud out there at the big man position can play defense isn’t going to

Space the floor but he’s a lob threat he finishes around the rim he’s sort of the that sort of athletic prototypical center that you kind of want to sort of develop and grow with your team so again if a pascal seak and trade does end up going down I believe it should be

Centered around Duran If Messi jiri is willing to make a trade that’s kind of Mak sense obviously the cap doesn’t work out one for one you’d have to deal purle then at that point but I think you’re dealing imp purle if you trade away Pascal cakam you know making the money

Work making all that sort of situation so I mean I unless that’s the sort of package I don’t really see a return that makes sense for the Toronto Raptors and in any world I don’t think this makes sense for the Detroit Pistons frankly I I’m shocked I think it’s just absurd

It’s a bit crazy and they’re willing to sort of even contemplate that these rumors are even coming out because we know the LA Raptors rarely leak stuff unless it’s to Michael Grange and generally they do that to Michael gra to leak some bad info to Mis you know

Mispro misdirect the rest of the NBA so the Pistons are somehow leaking this why on Earth are they going all in for Pascal sakam it’s not going to be an easy return it’s not going to be an easy Hull but if the Raptors can finess just the absolute abomination of a franchise

The Detroit Pistons has been over the past decade I mean I’m all here for it it’ be a bad look to send Pascal to Detroit but I think it’s less so because he’s an unrestricted free agent he can leave so there’s that that’s just kind

Of how it goes but let me know what you guys think about all this Toronto Raptor news the madness the trade reports rumors continues to continues to escalate so subscribe to the Raptor digest as we break it all down for you folks but anyways I’m signing out cheers

The Toronto Raptors star Pascal Siakam has been at the center of trade rumours over the past week and the Detroit Pistons are reportedly ready to go all-in on a potential deal. Ben Rogers breaks down the absurdity of all of the latest reports.

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  1. I would never do that to a friend non the less a family member, sending an All-Star to a last place team, if you trade Siakam you gotta go for an Embiid that is injured at moment or a Zion or Draymond/Wiggins trade cause we know that San Francisco would have to ponder if they would release Curry.

  2. lol two words: Trade Leverage

    Its the same song and dance with raps being in 'serious trade talks' for Dame. Had the fanbase buzzing amirite? lol It doubles as a smoke screen for the looming elephant in the room. For raps it was 3 of your top players still without contracts. For Detroit its pretty obvious when there are so many empty seats in the arena, cuz losing for years on ends sucks esp after signing a big name HC.

    Oh and Another two words: VOTE SCOTTIE!!

    Get our adopted Canadian to the ALL STAR GAME!!

  3. They got Monty Williams to try and win games. They got Bojan to try and win games. They got Monte Morris to try and win games. They got Joe Harris to try and win games. This isn't surprising to me, I guarantee they are going to want to win as soon as possible before Cade wants out.

  4. Sometimes GMs act in the interest of self-preservation, not in the interest of their franchise. Perhaps Tory Weaver thinks he can save his job by going to Pistons owner Tom Flores at the end of the season and saying "Look I know our record isn't what we wanted it to be, but look how much we improved in the second half!" He might need to add a star to his roster to make that happen and Pascal is the star who's available.

  5. Maybe they want to compete next season. I mean they have a number 1 pick playing good. The question is what can they offer for Siakam.

  6. I mean, if they're all in on Siakam, I might actually support that trade. If they're that desperate, we can strip them of everything they have- a la PG13

  7. Masai and Bobby won't send Pascal to the Pistons of all team. They've always tried to send their core players to promising teams or reputable organizations

  8. I really think a potential deal with golden state will be the end result, they quickly need a skilled winger, for the playoffs, to pair with Steph and I think Siakam is 100% that guy. They are missing wiggins due to mental health, and Draymond isn’t even showing at practice.
    I really see a deal involving Kuminga + other players for Siakam.

  9. They haven’t lost their minds. They’re trying to keep their future superstar Cade who is sick of losing. Pascal is not turning down the huge payday he would get from the pistons who have lot of cap space, and also if anybody could likely talk him into staying there it would be his old coach Casey. The Pistons likely know something we don’t know. Casey is the guy that really developed pascal. Casey was just at a Raptors game and we don’t know what conversation he had with pascal.

  10. Pistons fans are wearing paper bags on their faces, so it makes sense to show the fans something. A mixture of veterans and youth could be that something

  11. It does make sense for Detroit in some sense. They essentially are trading for Pascals Bird Rights. They will then be able to give him that 5yr max. Aswell as be able to actually attract a FA to join Cade, Pascal.

  12. No way this happens unless Masai is eyeing Duren or those picks. They have all their 1sts. So likely 2024, 2026, 2028, etc.

    This trade is doable.

    Duren or 1st from 2024+2026+2028
    Wiseman or Bagley


  13. Get their unprotected 1-18 swap, Thompson and Duren + salary fillers and that sounds like a very good deal for us, given that they are crazy enough to do that

  14. Lots of ya must be slow
    Why would a really bad team want a really good player?
    How is there confusion this Raptor dork can talk about things he's read but it's not like the Raptors will have him next year anyway 🫡

  15. anybody that wants to send siakam to the WORST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE after all hes done for us is a clown💯 siakam deserves better and our franchise is disrespectful if we even consider it 💯 i expect better from us

  16. A guy whose main motivation in the game is the benjamins and coming to an end of a contract. Throw him out the door for what ever you can get for him. I said in the off season the Raptors would be a .500 team at best. Rebuild with draft assets not trade pieces who will leave to go back to the states. The fan base should ask rightly so how the feck did the team get to this point?! Below .500, expiring contracts, losing star players for nothing. Lean years are ahead for this franchise.

  17. With koloko coming back next season we don’t need Duran. We need to maximize pascals trade value. We have one shot at this. I’m
    Suprised houston isn’t involved. But they might be… Fred is pascals best friend. They have a lot of good young players. TOO many. They can’t sign all these guys when the time comes. I would
    Rather amen Thompson, tari Eason , and 2 first round picks from Houston. Other than that…. Pacers have the package. Jarace Walker is Scottie 2.0. Just not as good of a passer

  18. Wiseman, Ausar, Brooks for Siakam give us 2 1sts…
    Ausar does fit the team way more.. He's a way more talented young OG…

  19. You know why the Pistons are still there. Because Toronto is going to keep turning down trades thinking they can do better. Most of the other teams can't match the money for this year's salary, without giving up a chunk of their team or their promising young talent. Also without any promise of him staying, that is going to scare teams off. Detroit has expiring contracts. I tell you exactly what's going to happen. At the last minute Masai is going to look around with minutes left on the deadline and have no trade lines up. Teams are going to do what best for them. Detroit will offer expiring contract Joe Harris, Isiah Stewart, Bagley and a 1st 2029. Is Masai going to turn that down? Pistons can afford to lose those players and a pick for the opportunity to sign Siakam. Even signing Siakam to a max contract they will still have 45 plus mil to use in free agency. That why they can still convince Siakam to come. Also, they could get get a guy like DeRozan 20-25mil, Buddy Heild, build a bench of Sasser do can shoot, sign a guy like Monk, Ausar, Bogdanovic. Sign a guy like Dario Saric on the cheap. Plus they will have a top five pick, which can be traded on draft night. With one of their young talent to get a guy like Markkanen. So please get the notion out of your head that the Pistons can't fleece 😅 you guys if you don't take one of the deals on the table. Kings already pulled out. The hawks deal makes no sense, why would you want Dejonte Murray when you have Barrett and Quickley. What. you don't re-sign Quickley? Then the OG trade looks like a total win for the Knicks, lol. And you would have a ton of money tied with the players they send you. Who is left to trade with, OKC, Pacers, Mavericks and Warriors. You aren't getting Mathurin from the Pacers, not getting Lively from Dallas. Who do you want from OKC, they can't match the salary, with any good players. So you just getting picks. Keep turning deals on the table down and you will end up with nothing. Lol. And that's why the Pistons are interested. The can convince him to stay and they don't have much to lose even if he doesn't decide to stay. And when it's all said and done not many teams are going to have the money to sign him. It's easy to go and check who has the money to sign him. It's less than 7 teams.

  20. Kings really the only team that makes sense to trade for especially if were playing to compete sooner then later

  21. “ Pascal Siakam & Malcolm Broadon “ and use your bench!!! then we see if Tibb’s could really coach . If he don’t make eastern conference champions, then fire him ASAP !

  22. Pistons trade for pascal they own his bird right so it a be a two years deal and with tons of cap and a top 5 pick mostly next year they can add another Star if needed or trade pascal and get back assets middle of season

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