@Denver Nuggets

After sitting the final 18 minutes of Nuggets loss, Warriors forward Jonathan Kuminga has lost faith in Steve Kerr and no longer believes Kerr will allow him to reach his full potential, sources say.

We broke them LMAOOOO 😂

by samgo39


  1. Moody and Kuminga coming after Kerr through the media. Not a good look.

  2. SmackBroshgood

    Eh, that team was bound to implode this season.

  3. He was having a good game. Was there some strategic reason that is not readily apparent for why he didn’t get back into the game?

    He says that normally would go back in with about 6 or 5 minutes left but they were rolling so kept the group that was on the floor. Then something about couple minutes later when they were no longer rolling he thought that Kuminga had been sitting for too long so didn’t put him back in then either. Doesn’t make much sense to me, how much do those extra few minutes of rest make someone not ready to go back in?

  4. albenraph

    Imagine a fanbase wanting their coach fired for playing vets over young guys. Could never be us

  5. NoAbbreviations290

    Kerr is just firing on all cylinders lately.

  6. LamboJoeRecs

    After hearing Kerr’s comments on Jokic post Xmas, I have lost faith in Kerr.

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