@Miami Heat

WARRIORS defensive mistakes vs. HEAT | December 28, 2023

WARRIORS defensive mistakes vs. HEAT | December 28, 2023

The Warriors trap here I don’t know what Brandon psky is doing you know a trap’s coming I think so I got to get up and backside help Steph Curry would kind of handle everyone two passes away right here but if you trap and have no backside help there’s no point in

Trapping and now everyone’s look at everyone’s open here and so you’re cavon Looney I mean bamat bio is basically on the Block right now I cannot have space between me and Bam out of Bio I got to get up and low and initiate look at this up up up get low

And initiate contact you bam AIO takes one dribble he’s in the paint and it’s too late now I mean this is just too easy it’s too easy ice the screen Steph Curry standing in backside help keep Tyler Harrow towards the sideline look at how easy this is look at this ball screen

Wide open Steve Kerr talks about defense a defensive how you play defense V Looney’s got to Sprint back here first of all and get his back to the Baseline I’m always seeing ball and seeing man look at Kavon L you’re not seeing the ball I would know I need to be in the

Gaps right there but you weren’t Steph Curry gets stuck on bam out bio here they’re goingon to scram switch out of this I mean Steph Curry Brandon podski got to at least rotate over to Hae Jaz okay and even kuminga can rotate to Tyler herrow Steph Curry can’t be going

To one p the first pass and he’s not sprinting getting out anyways it’s just practice shot after practice shot for Tyler herrow ice the screen keep him to the sideline backside help right here look at this like Steve KT talks about it’s disgusting it’s disgusting how the Warriors play defense

How easy is this I could score Trace Jackson Davis does not communicate that a flare screen’s coming that’s why Klay Thompson was backpedaling right into it okay so now because Klay Thompson’s not gonna be able to get over the top of this right here you got to switch this

Trace Jackson it’s fine you have to Swit there’s there’s nothing else to do you’re trying to not switch this flare screen when Klay Thompson backed right into it it easy again and if you’re Andrew Wiggins could you please battle bam out bio right here get low and battle look at Andrew Wiggins

Right here you’re let you’re fronting the post and now there’s no backside help so the Warriors switch this screen right here Chris Paul and Klay Thompson why is Dario sarich standing in the paint and have his back to his man there’s no backside help you’re switching here so Dario sard just

Standing in the middle of nowhere so everyone’s open now Seca ball screens getting set Jonathan kuminga and Klay Thompson got a switch this first screen you have no change you’re asking kuminga to fight over two screens so now bamat bio is going to easily slip this because he

Doesn’t have to set a screen kinga’s already beat now Chris Paul’s got to step up and backside help that leaves the corner Jamal kinge can just rip and go it’s offensive how the Warriors play defense can’t run drop coverage on a pick and Pop I could easily switch this

Screen okay Klay Thompson’s fine on Kevin Love right here Trace Jackson Davis Duncan Robins he doesn’t beat anyone off the dribble Steph Curry’s in help anyways okay I could also hedge this screen the sidelines right here psky would come over and backside Al he would have to be there for like less

Like a like a tenth of a second the sidelines the second Doug and Robinson hesitates Trace Jackson Davis can recover and push msky back but you run drop coverage and have no backside El so these are practice shots it’s offensive how the Warriors play defense psky

Switching the screen right here up up up up up I got to be ready to guard Tyler Harrow immediately coming off the screen like you’re playing off so now you’re coming uphill as Tyler Harrow’s about to easily turn the corner on you the other way all right so now Trace Jackson Davis

Would be nice if you’d rotate to the ball get in the gaps right I can stunt recover but psky is beat Trace Jackson Davis is hugging the three-point line for no reason and this is easy again do not need to switch this cross screen pody’s got to be attached no matter what

You’re doing okay and then I’m jamming Kevin Love as he comes through so Moses Moody can get on the other side if pody wants to switch this cross screen I got to be level to Duncan Robinson ready to battle Kevin Love coming through the screen right now and you’re playing off

So now Kevin Love is going to initiate contact se you to I mean could Steph Curry try and guard the ball Here Andrew Wiggins is coming back and helping you so could you please just get up and try and guard the ball you have help in the middle of the

Floor I mean this is really lame look at this gotta communicate and transition Brandon psky is taking the ball say it so Trace Jackson Davis knows I gotta go find somebody else to guard okay like two people are guarding the ball two people are still guarding Jaz unbelievable defensive how the Warriors

Play defense and how Steve Kirk coaches it so Chris Paul comes to double on the post right here so let D make get the dribble picked up that’s the whole point of doubling Moses Moody will take the cutter right here and Andrew Wiggins just everyone’s going to rotate but

Chris Paul’s doubling look at this he’s doubling but you don’t get the dribble picked up like get get you leave the dribbble’s still alive your double was a waste of time Brandon psky just get ready to guard Tyler Harrow look at how unnecessary that gamble was and now

You’re out of the play and this is easy again it’s offensive how the Warriors play defense so the Warriors are switching this screen right here that means Jonathan kuminga has got to stay up up up on Tyler Harrow look at this you’re switching here up up you’re not

Ready to guard off this switch I should be up ready to guard forcing jacz right to the middle of the floor where there’s help but you’re playing off so now ZZ getting in the pain first fall Klay Thompson should never have his back to the ball back to the side guideline I

Could potentially dig in the post here and recover but again kuminga still has help in the middle of floor Looney’s come over to help you so for is in the middle of the floor that was an atrocious sequence Steph Curry’s going under this screen cavon Looney’s got to

Get up and jam the screener show your hands and jam the screener so Steph Curry has a chance to get on the other side I mean look at this right here look at how far under Steph Curry’s got to go because you didn’t Jam the screener at

All this is why you have to ice this screen cuz when I ice this screen and keep RJ Hampton to the sideline right here there’s a backside Defender waiting on the wing right there in Jonathan kuminga you need that second defender on the weak side of the floor you’re

Running drop coverage there’s no backside help on the wing Klay Thompson’s got to come all the way over from the corner up into the paint so this is just a skip pass to Jaz you’re not ready to guard pump fake go to again just unbelievable why is this

Not a switch Chris Paul and Jonathan kuminga why are you not switching this why in Factor you going to do nothing actually there is way too much space for Chris Paul to be going under this screen look at how much space there is to go

Over go over the screen now I would get Looney of course up hedging again there’s a backside Defender here but I mean come on you’re going under this screen these are these are I mean please it’s just effort could Steph Curry please Sprint back please Sprint

Back look at this how this is jogging back and now another ball screen that the Warriors don’t do anything on nothing why is Chris why can’t again I would ice the screen certainly you have a backside Defender standing and waiting for bam on a bio Klay Thompson too I mean you do

Nothing Chris Paul gets screened here you did nothing about it of course how’s he gonna guard now he’s off balance Brandon pody is gonna front the post here Trace Jackson Davis has got to get over in backside help you can’t let this pass get made once the pass gets

Made when you’re Froning the post Now Kevin Le everyone ‘s open now everyone it just outer space stuff why is Klay Thompson if he’s switching the screen why are we not just letting yovic set the screen and you simply switch it why is Klay Thompson trying to avoid this

Screen only to then switch it only to then have yovic be wide open on the roll can’t guard like this Jonathan kuminga is not seeing the ball get your back to the Baseline if you were seeing the ball you know okay I got to come over here

And help again these are easy rotations Chris Paul would just slide underneath Steph Curry up and Kinga just goes to the weak side of the floor not hard at all but no one’s seeing the ball so just a nightmare Trace Jackson Davis first fall has his back to his man can

We get level to our man seeing ball and man so you’re going to be lenting up to Duncan Robinson this is Trace Jackson Davis is okay here Brandon psky just rotate the ball get in the gaps you do not need to come trap Duncan Robinson Duncan why

Heat 114 – Warriors 102
#nba #basketball #goldenstatewarriors #miamiheat


  1. I wouldn't have cared to watch this if it weren't for them being in their own arena. Just check there last year's road record, Warriors don't play D. They just try to outshoot their opponents. This year they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

  2. Man i didn't realize how badly we were out of position all those plays. Originally i thought we were just being outhustled by a more disciplined team but it was much more than that 😢

  3. Taking me back to when I played ball!! I thought I was the only one yelling at the TV.. Where has defence gone to now, MJ could make a come back they play so far off the players now.. truly sad.. Lack of effort.. No more pride, It's just entertainment.

  4. definitely issues with communication and part of the scheme. but watching every play in slow motion and criticizing the players as if they are imbeciles is kind of unfair to them. some of these plays were fine as far as defensive awareness goes, they just got beat by better/more skilled players.

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