@Cleveland Cavaliers

Mic’d Up: Max Strus

Mic’d Up: Max Strus

How you doing yeah boy you didn’t do anything this summer right yeah pick this who picked this a they took him off me come here come here go go to it let him know man absolutely I got him in front of me and your guy just go around me I’m new to

This my bad all right you’re good good you got one to give if you need it he can’t handle you trist woo W woo there go I’m a dunker shoot the ball with confidence you ain’t believing it I could tell I said you ain’t believing in it since you got to

Lose oh my God I should have stole that switch George George George going right another one hey come on come on come on come on let’s go let’s go let’s go Caris we all right okay big fell off that’s a foul and W bang bang don’t worry about me dog I’m good

I’m going keep offensive rebound stealing from J I just do the little thing the Dirty [Applause] Work our floor burns said I got a floor burn on on my side of my body hey Job Craig that was George’s 10th rebound he got 10 [Applause] rebounds

Max Strus wore a mic during last night’s win over the Washington Wizards! Listen in on the action from the floor and from the bench to hear what Strus has to say during the game.


  1. I'm so glad that Cavs signed him! He seems like a good teammate and a nice guy. And not only shooting, but his defense is pretty darn good!

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