@Denver Nuggets

Did Nikola Jokic’s Buzzer Beater Mark the End of an Era for the Warriors? | The Rich Eisen Show

Did Nikola Jokic’s Buzzer Beater Mark the End of an Era for the Warriors? | The Rich Eisen Show

Nuggets and Warriors and the Warriors took a monster lead in this game only to have the nuggets come back and right around when the nuggets made it a two possession game I guess you got the sense that they were going to win it just got the

Sense they were going to win it and then when Curry throws the ball away and gets turned over and the what was it uh Jamal Murray just swept in there and grabbed the ball and there was enough time left on the clock to try one shot in a tie

Game I thought it’s overtime certainly when they had to inbounds the ball where they did which was on the on the sideline in the middle of their own back court right right you don’t see too many balls inbounded from there and I’m like well

How how are how are they going to get a shot off certainly when they and they they passed it to joic in his own back court and then the shot that he took sort of like catapulting it over his head with a two-handed shot from about what 35 ft I think deeper what’s

The official what was the official no I didn’t see it just kind of looked like let me look it up kind of just I didn’t even think about looking up the exact uh the exact uh you know distance but but uh we’ll look it up right here with no

Time left 40 footer 40 40 foot shot banked it in and by the way feathery feathery shot a 40 foot shot and and called game that uh you know our our dve can go home now that’s it right that that’s what he said we can go home now he even told you

Know Charles who asked did you call you know you call bank and he’s basic he he wasn’t in the mood of it he we win he’s like I made it it wi get me out of here and um and you get the sense that we are now living again in

The Nuggets world and it’s kind of funny of all the teams that you would obviously the the Celtics are playing exceptional basketball so far this year and you know there’s a ton of upstart teams still in the and NBA your clippers are playing very well right now yeah TJ

So are the Sixers yep when uh embiid is on the floor which is most of the time I understand your MVP front runner so so although Giannis is number one in our fantasy league but anyway that’s not neither here nor there because I don’t want to bring up how well my team is

Doing right now because that’s not that’s not part of this conversation yeah nobody was see hon but but when you do it against the Warriors right now I mean the sense of a torch being passed you get the sense of it and then cuz very unw Warriors things are are

Happening you know Curry instead of making the three to win it turns it over gives yic a chance to throw it in from 40 feet he’s the one who throws it in from 40 feet not Steph Curry it’s a curry like shot basically is what yit

Shot MH and it just is even Wilder when it’s a seven-footer you know catapulting it with two hands over his head but you could say warrior type thing happens Rich when uh Draymond Green is out suspended forever in a day we don’t know when he’s coming back but you see today sham

Chirania did you see this report I did on the athletic well I have I have the player in question on fantasy Jonathan kaminga sat the last 18 minutes of the game last night after playing well and is complaining to the athletic about his playing time Steve

Kerr so I understand a player feels that he is not um being utilized he is not being uh fostered not Scott fostered that’s oh that’s their backup point card but but for him this honestly like what’s going on in in Golden state where Jonathan kaminga is going to Shams

Or his people are going to going to the athletic and and talking about what’s going on behind the scenes after a game like that honestly I’m I’m sure he sits there it feels I I I should get a shot but what’s going on in Golden State this makes me feel like it’s the

End of an era and that shot of Curry you know chomping on his on his um mouth guard staring into the Oblivion and when yic threw one in from 40 ft out gives you the sense that this thing’s over the thing being the the Warriors being a team that

Can make the playoffs and go in a deep run I guess you got the sense of that already this year but this kind of crystallizes it feels like it they’re the 11th seed they’re not even in the play in right now Lakers Suns those three teams are combined one game under

500 definitely feels like kind of an NWO in the West DJ too sweet new blood new teams Pelicans Kings nuggets Thunder t-wolves yach last four games he was a perfect 11 of 11 from the field against Memphis nine of 10 against Oklahoma City six of seven against Charlotte 13 of 16 against

Golden State that’s an 88.6% clip over four games is that good yeah Chris you know we we talked about I think off camera yesterday we discussed the Thunder and you know the t-wolves in the Thunder holding it down one and two pretty much the whole season who would

Have thought but ant Edwards He’s another guy who we love who you don’t always hear his name but that kid’s been well SGA and Chad holgren are quite a tandem to try and beat yeah specialist arest we were talking about it the other day off camera Oklahoma City is like a

Bunch of 6 fo8 to six 6’5 to 6 foot eight 6 nine other guys who were just rocked up who can shoot threes and rebound and go in Lan C honestly they are they are they’re all in their early 20s young they don’t know any better uh

The front office has a ton of draft Capital accumulated in the last few years Shay Jil Gus alude is Alexander top five player in the league right now Paul George better keep Bing out man he has to but he has been doing thankfully because because other than

That it’s just like you this has a chance to go down unfortunately is one of the worst trades ever if dude Jerry West drafted him for a reason no doubt that guy that guy’s an eye for talent he loved SGA from jump you could say that yeah catch the rich eyes and

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Rich Eisen reacts to Nikola Jokic’s 40-foot buzzer beater in the Denver Nuggets’ win over the Golden State Warriors.

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  1. Kuminga's right. Kerr just can't handle what is a ridiculously talented roster because he's obsessed with legacy.

  2. Once I was a Warriors fan. Their commitment to Greene though ended that. Once I saw them as a ball movement, defensive hustle, big scoring powerhouse. Their commitment to Greene though turned them, in my opinion, into poor sports seeking to win at any cost. There is no reason to be proud of what they have become, compared to what they could have been, without Greene.

  3. Who's that minge saying Embiid is front runner for MVP? The entire world apart from Sixers fans realized after Jokic dominated the playoffs that they gave MVP to the wrong guy. Jokic is the front runner. Until Embiid wins a championship, he doesn't get the MVP award again. He disappears in the playoffs. He ducks games against better teams and misses tons of games And he's a crybaby who gets a favorable foul whistle that's responsible for a fourth of his points in any given night.

  4. The '22 team was the last hurrah. They're just old and expensive now and are regressing/have regressed to the mean. Curry, even going on 36, can still be the best player on a championship team, but Klay, Draymond, and Wiggins have had their issues and the younger guys aren't ready to take the load.

  5. Teams are getting better. Nuggets are a young team. The Thunder is a team on the rise. The Kings are on the rise. I personally believe that Golden State's time of being dominant is over.

  6. Nothing against Kerr. I think the Warriors needs to go in another direction. Draymond Green is causing a disruption to the team. Jonathan Kaminga isn't getting enough playing time. Young Core players not being utilized

  7. Dear Rich,

    Please Please Please make a similar video about how the Magic beat the Nuggets the following night. The Nuggets were up 18 at home against a banged-up 19 win Magic team with no Franz Wagner. Very exciting game!

  8. KUMINGA was on the bench when Nuggets made the run to wipe out the Warriors' 18pt lead. By keeping KUMINGA benched, Coach KERR gave that game away. INEXCUSABLE! … Is KERR stiffling the young guns to save Draymond's job?

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