@Toronto Raptors



At this point every Toronto Raptors fan knows Pascal cakam is an unrestricted free agent come this off season and has been at the center of a bunch of trade rumors across the NBA but one thing that has come out from Josh lomberg specifically regarding contract negotiations with Pascal sakam this off

Season straight up inexcusable for messiou Jerry and borderline disrespectful to a guy that’s been your top option especially over the past three years has won a championship with your team that’s been in your organization for a very long time so we’re going to break down what Messi Jer

Did how it makes things extremely awkward in these negotiations going forward and if it really could have an impact on Pascal cakam in the future so lots of stuff to dive into in this video before we do folks again hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already

Over 56% of our viewers are not subscribed to the channel and if you want to stay up to date with all the latest Toronto Raptors news keep it locked to Raptor digest but let’s dive into basically the support came out from Josh lenberg because again the headline seems like another basic Pascal cakam

Trade headline Raptors expect to move or extend Pascal cakam ahead of the trade deadline again this has been reported by about 10 people over the past few days we know Messi Jerry is going to make a decision whether or not he’s going to extend Pascal or trade him we’re not

Entering a world a situation where Pascal cakam actually enters unrestricted free agency and can leave the Toronto Raptors for nothing so that’s good to hear for Raptor fans and Messi J’s definitely turn things around at least in the perspective of raptors fans after the OG anobi trade and I just

Made a video praising him about Jon Porter and just as I was about to you know closeup shop and recording for The Day news dropped you know this article I got to see from Josh lenberg and frankly it’s embarrassing it’s embarrassing to kind of root for this team and I’m still

A big fan of Messi Jerry but what he did on this one is pretty inexcusable so basically we’ll dive into this article as saying that you know One Source close to the situation said don’t be so sure it’s a complicated you know regarding about Pascal SE yum definitely leaving

You know it could go it’s a month before February 8th and uh they could come to a new long-term contract I wouldn’t be surprised if the Tron Raptors offered an extension one League executive said so in other words a wide range of potential outcomes could happen and nobody can be

So sure about the actual outcome so again stuff that we’ve heard stuff that we kind of know across the NBA and things along those lines but then Josh lomber goes on the right that it’s led a couple people across the league to wonder whether the Raptors unusual in a

Times disrespectful treatment of Pascal cakam dating back to last summer has intended to force his hand or Worse push him out something like this is hard to Fathom if there’s any truth to it but it would be be tougher to condone given what cakam and the organization have

Meant to each other and have been through over the past eight seasons cakam has come to Toronto very unknown you know 27th overall pick we know what cakam sort of has his story with this Toronto Raptors group won a championship all NBA guy Allstar was a late first

Round pick and Blossom with the tonal Raptors most improved got that chip huge piece for this organization one of the greatest Tron Raptors of all times and even Messi Jeri said I’m so proud of him at the end of last season and you know returning from shoulder surgery and all

That type of stuff but I want that guy on my team I want that kind of fighter on this roster so publicly again Messiah jury didn’t do anything wrong but you see this word this language you know disrespectful in terms of what was used borderline disrespectful unusual you

Know that type of stuff so what actually was that so Lumberg goes on to say that but after a 2022 2023 disappointing end of the season and an embarrassing play and loss to the Chicago Bulls eug Jerry in Toronto’s front office cut off almost all communication with Pascal cakam last

Summer leading the seven-year veteran to wonder whether he was being punished according to a league Source close to the player the lack of contact was especially strange with cakam entering the final year of his contract typically players of his caliber don’t get close to free agency without signing extension

But eug Jerry’s been very public message to Pascal cakam on media day that you’re going to have to earn it the natural implication being that he hadn’t already saying that he does believe in cakam we believe in a lot of our guys you know our players didn’t play the way the

Right way last season and we want to see them play the right way I said that we were selfish and I’m not running away from that we were selfish we did not play the right way so let’s see when we play the right way so a lot of stuff

There regarding Messi Jerry’s comments on Pascal seak but the insane part of that the ridiculous part of that the embarrassing part of that is that he cut off communication with a guy that has been in your organization for eight years he’s in a contract sort of extension all that type of stuff and

After a season where you praise Him publicly and all that I mean to cut off communication to sort of almost push him out as some League sources were saying to make him feel like like he was punished you know after having one of the best seasons of his career not

Putting the right type of roster around him having him sort of blow up with the coach and things along those lines I mean again Messi Jer is an elite general manager we’re seeing that play out this season we’ll see how he handles his Pascal stuff right now but doing that is

Just inexcusable shoot him a text say hey how’s your day going talk to him at least even if you avoid the contract extension sort of discussions be like yo what are you adding to your game Pascal what do you think about Fred Van gone what type of guard what are your

Thoughts on the shoter stuff he want you know just talk to him you don’t have to let him dictate your franchise the same way LeBron James does you don’t need to you know call him about every single move that you’re going to make but I mean goodness gracious you’re supposed

To have a tight relationship with this guy Messi Jerry we’re trying to build you know there’s all this talk of family and stuff with the Toronto Raptors I don’t know it’s inexcusable that this is how they kind of treated their star player because I mean right now it makes

Sense for the Toronto Raptors to extend Pascal and now that’s looking like more and more of a viable option it’s just making things awkward for zero reason there’s no sense there’s no real point in just outcasting kind of shunning your best player even though Scotty’s taking that leap maybe this season that’s

Debatable to some but Pascal cakam definitely at the end of last year was the Toronto Raptors head over heels best player on the roster so to do that to to your guy to your top dog who you’re po trying to bring back I don’t know I think it’s very foolish a just stupid

Move by messou Jerry regardless if you’re on team let’s trade Pascal let’s not give him that sort of contract extension let’s not do anything along those lines even if you’re in that camp it doesn’t make sense to sort of approach him and say hey let’s push him

Out and stuff and maybe Messi Jerry kind of has that PTSD from being extremely tight with a guy like Demar Rose and then having to make a very tough decision in order to trade him away for kawhai maybe he thought seak was going to get dealt in the offseason it didn’t

Happen it ended up falling through we knew how close an Atlanta Hawks trade was to happening you know during this summer so maybe there was something like that but still that’s kind of cowardly from rgm and again I don’t want to bash on Messiah Jer because I think he’s been

Overall Head Over Heels an amazing GM for the Toronto Raptors president of basketball operations whatever role you want to title him in because he’s done both for the Raptors but frankly this is unacceptable and if you’re treating your star players like that especially for a franchise that again has sheded this

Sort of reputation but a place where that’s not a free agent destination where star players come to leave right that’s what people used to say about the Toronto Raptors and stuff that has kind of been turned on its head now with MSI with Kyle Lowry with DeMar rosen resigning obviously kawhai end up

Leaving but Fred Van Fleet who was an All-Star Pascal cakam who you know has been all NBA guy number two option on Championship winning team has been vocal about his desire to return to the Toronto Raptors I mean to treat a guy that wants to be with your organization

That loves the Toronto Raptors that isn’t old and wash by any means that does won you a championship I don’t know and maybe it’s getting blown out of proportion maybe it’s this you know maybe it’s normal behind the scenes but I I’d be shocked if that was reported by a guy like Josh

Lomberg that again is very locked into the Toronto Raptors that if this was just normal behavior for it to just be kind of uh discussed at this point in time but I don’t know let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below frankly I am just not happy

With this sort of news but let me know if you guys think am I overreacting to this let me know I’m signing out cheers

A report was just release from Josh Lewenberg that reveals the Toronto Raptors were ghosting Pascal Siakam this offseason… Ben Rogers breaks it all down.

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  1. Get Siakiam out of here tired Raptors always buildng under overrated players who are not true number 1 options like Siakiam and Derozan. At this point id call up atlanta and take Bogan, Griffin, Fernando and Patty Mills. We get more shooters which is what we need.

  2. Dissrespctul?? Siakiam is overrated just like Derozan. Masai ows this guy nothing. Vanvleet and Siakiam are selfish and dont appriciate the oppurtunuities Masai gave them.

  3. you are right about disrespect towards Pascal Siakam from Masai Ujiri, and Masai waits too long on important decisions you can tell how long he waits on player contracts even if some people don't believe this article. @Ben Rogers would like you to do a Contract talk video, and what most of us fans are talking about is contracts this summer. MLSE first will not pay Luxury Tax, we can't pay Siakam over 40 million and be able to afford other players. Masai should also sign rate now Immanuel Quickley to a 3-year 75 million dollar deal.

  4. If we let Pascal go that is a guaranteed 20 points per game gone. Find me a player that we can sign who can do that.

  5. Siakam has had every opportunity to lead us to the playoffs but has failed us countless times. We've rewarded him with the opportunity to make ALL NBA & help him become a mediocre all star. This is a business and now it's time for Scottie to takes reigns. Scottie Barnes is a top 15 FANTASY players … go check the stats… he's a superstar waiting for Pascal to leave so he can take over. Pascal deserves to try to win another chip as a 2nd/3rd option on a contending team. Time to let go for both teams.

  6. Thank you! Great video! You just earned my subscribe. Masai alienating Paskal and pumping Scottie, Raptors commentators keep pushing how great Scottie is on live TV and not mentioning Paskal at all when he is the main reason we won the game (multiple times), Raptors coaches giving out the chain to others when Paskal should be receiving it, and the media pushing Scottie down our throats is all pissing me off. Complete dis-respect. I fully believe Paskal is still the best player on the roster. Scottie may become better but at this piont, he is not better. Paskal dedicated so many years to the Raptors and a genuinely good human-being and always nice to the fans (signs so many autogrphs b4 every game for multiple yrs) and media (always nice to reporters), while Scottie is very stand-offish in many media scrums (just watch the last Open Gym one from yesterday). This really reminds me of how Vince was alienated by Raptors management back in the days, that eventually led to Vince quitting on the team (media made Vince the villian but people that closely followed the story knew Raptors management were to blame ..even the ownership admitted it afterwards).

  7. Masai likely took that loss to the Bulls personally and probably felt like his guy that he payed and was loyal to let him down and made him look like a clown when the raptors got their asses handed to them. Masai is a competitor. Kobe used to do that to his teammates when they sucked. He would ghost them or clown them. Masai is a mamba mentality executive. He is all about winning. Thats all he ever talks about. I can respect this. Pascal and Fred did let us down last season to go out like that. To the outsider looking in, it seemed like the bag was more important than winning. Masai probably has no time for that. Winning is what earns you the bag and thats why he didn’t pay out Siakam and told Fred to chase that Houston 43 M.

  8. The truth is none of these bashing and cutting of communications happened. Its all articles made by these so called "executives" for attention. Unless Pascal himself or Masai admits that this happened I wouldnt really bite into it

  9. I would give PS his max and front load it if possible to make it team favorable, two years in we can trade him if we want as the lower yearly amounts we kick in and by then cap and tv money will be so high his deal will look like a bargain to his suitors. Issue is I know Raps don't want to be in the luxury tax, I am not sure how all that works exactly and how it works when you are re-signing your own players (I think there is some rules helping you to resign your own players without getting penalized to the max). Perhaps they figure out when they gotta pay the other guys and structure his deal that way and hopefully keep under the luxury tax. Masai can hopefully figure this thing out as it is dragging on too long.

  10. Who knows whether or not this is true. But that "selfishness" speech was unacceptable IMO. You never throw your players under the bus like that. Pascal was expected, even pushed, to be a number one option on this squad. He has proven that he ISN'T a number one option on a good team. But it's not out of selfishness. He was just doing what the organization and coach wanted him to do – trying to be "the guy".

  11. Have you fact checked that communications with Pascal had broken down? Or did you just repeat what some reporter allegedly said. Double check your source.

  12. Neither siakam or anyone in his shoes would ever accept an extension here. If OG is expecting $40 million/yr, siakam is guaranteed to get offers of $8-10 million more PER YEAR than he is now

  13. because josh lewenberg is a reliable source. fuck off with this guy.. he has no idea what happens with the raps that's exposed to the public, let alone the inner happenings of the front office. guy was an obvious paid mouthpiece for vanvleet, leaking false information about his free agency. if i remember correctly, lewenberg also tweeted no offers were ever made to vanvleet, yet fred openly admitted the offers were not enough for him and wanted to test free agency. if i was a betting man, siakam is using the services of his best friend's leaking services..

    when are we gonna learn that raptors front office does not leak information. were there any leaks with the IQ and RJ trade before it happened???

  14. Folks need to stop jumping down Masai/Raptors org about letting players to walk for "nothing". NO ONE expected Houston to shell out 40m/year for FVV.. Masai right now is using both the stick and carrot on Pascal as he should. A player should be extremely motivated in his championship year to show the club that he's worth what he's hoping to get paid. Not expect it automatically, that goes for every player in the league.

  15. Masai's been a snake. He will throw anyone under the bus we've seen it before. Did it with Demar, did it with pascal…and even scottie in a sophomore slump.. it's everyone's fault but his own.

  16. Masai a puppet i don't think he makes decisions for himself. I dare him to trade Spicy for scrubs if he's so confident he can move on without negative consequences of his decision. Scottie Barnes will never win chip in toronto and he will move on like Bosh and Vince when it's all said and done.

  17. The Atlanta Hawks, want siakem, they are willing to
    Make a three team deal
    With the lakers, so that
    Atlanta, could get siaken.

  18. Wow this is a terrible take Ben. Sorry but it’s not “inexcusable” the guy has failed as a #1 in every chance he’s got. He’s a solid #2-3 on a good team. He is a good player but not worth the max when we have younger guys with a higher ceiling. Masai is making the right choice here for the long term vision of the franchise. I usually agree with you but this take made me 🤢. Masai just fleeced the Knicks and made us extremely better, as he will do when he trades pascal. If you think pascal is worth a max with his shooting, you are nuts and a casual.

  19. Ben we know over 56% of the viewers are not subscribed. A lot of those viewers are not Raptors fans and won’t subscribe..

  20. It makes sense cause Siakam came in the beginning of this season like he’s been disrespected and he was speaking through the media

  21. Does your boss call you on days off? Fuck NO! He had his best season because it was the Fred and Pascal show last year! I would say that was disrespectful to the whole team!

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