@Toronto Raptors

Raptors’ Trade Targets Revealed! Celtics Interested In Chris Boucher?

Raptors’ Trade Targets Revealed! Celtics Interested In Chris Boucher?

What’s up basketball fans welcome to the rort it’s time to talk about the Tonto Raptors as we know the trade rumors have been going absolutely wild and they’ve been linked to two teams we’ve been hearing a lot of related to Pascal seak but we’ve also got a division rival that

May be interested in one of the chono rapor role player so I will be breaking all of that down for you in today’s video so if you’re ready to watch make sure to give it a thumbs up if you wish to hit the Subscribe button as well

That’d be very much appreciated so with that being said let’s get into today’s video now as you guys know I do like to give out shout out on my channel and the shout out for today’s video goes out to Coy McCoy so coy McCoy thank you so much

For supporting this channel to you likes and comments it is very much appreciated now let’s talk about Jake Weinbach who was reporting that Indiana and Toronto could have mutual interest on a pascal SE yakum deal the Raptors would value a 20-year-old rookie Jers Walker but healed would likely be involved as well

However the patients may be reluctant to sacrifice multiple key assets for a possible six-month rental now this shouldn’t really come as to anyone’s surprised that the chono Raptors would ideally want one of Jer Walker or Benedict Maan back in return for a pascal cakam trade and I know guys I

Know what people are going to say in the comment section there’s no way you’re getting Ben I understand that those are two really good role players that most teams would want to hang on to but as I’ve constantly stated Indiana is one of those teams that could definitely use

One of a player like Pascal seak there’s not too many forwards that are going to get traded in the NBA and if they are they’re most likely going to want to go to other markets besides Indiana now I’m not saying Pascal is fixated on going to

Indiana or even if he wants to go there but if I’m the Indiana Pacers I go for this deal now in terms of the Raptor’s point of view jerus Walker is a good player who I’ll discuss in just a moment but buddy heeld is an expiring contract

So the Pacers would have to throw in a little bit more to make the salaries work but in terms of jurus Walker now I know a lot of people are high on jerus Walker and maybe is just me based off some of the YouTube clips I’ve seen I’m

Not sold on him as the main centerpiece of a trade for someone like a pascal cakam again I want to remind fans before you say that’s a lot to give up for an expiring contract that won’t necessarily stay there I do want to reiterate that when you’re trading when you’re trading

For the best player in the trade it’s most likely that you’ve won that trade so jarus Walker as promising as he made look there’s not a sure thing he won’t be a bust so we essentially if you’re looking at this from a Raptor’s point of view look I’m not saying it’s a

Guarantee that he’ll be a bust but if jur Walker doesn’t work out you’re getting an expiring contract in buddy hee and then you’re getting some salary fillers as well maybe a second round pick maybe a first if the Raptors are lucky so again like there’s there’s a lot of uncertainty when you’re treating

For younger guys especially ones that have that are in their rookie contracts right so that’s one one thing I will say to a lot of people that may think you’re giving up too much for Pascal cakam but in terms of jurus Walker I want to quickly talk about his g- League stats

So taking a look at his stats here he’s played about six games in the G league has looked very impressive in 32.4 minutes averaging 25 points shooting 50% from the field on 17.3 attempts per game also his three-point shot has looked really well 37.5% from the three on 6.7

Attempts his free throws are decent 72 Point uh 72.2% he’s a decent rebounder I wouldn’t say he’s a great rebounder averaging only 5.5 rebounds a game three assists 1.2 Steals and not even a block a game so again for someone that’s listed at 67 around 235 lbs I think the body frame of

Someone like a jurus walker is kind of confusing right because he ideally most six seven guys are able to be very mobile you think of guys like OG and anobi look at other three andd guys but he’s kind of in a weird fit where he’s I don’t want to say he’s exactly like

Isaiah Stewart from the Pistons but he’s kind of this has his body which is more of focus on you know being a more power forward SL Center yet he’s a little bit too short to be a center because of his height as 67 so I’m not saying he’s a

Bad player before people come at me and maybe you know what you know better about J Walker than I do based off the little research I have done but it just seems like his body his mechanics his movement seems more of like that of a big man yet his height doesn’t

Necessarily indicate it again jerus Walker is a great Piller I don’t know if I’m sold on him being the only centerpiece coming back again I don’t blame the Raptors for being greedy when you’re trading an ulcer when you’re trading a 20 point plus guy you know who

Can pass who can rebound can do all sorts of things for you I definitely want at least a little bit more insurance from the Pacers you know from if I’m creating with the Pacers so let’s move on to our next rumor here and this was Jee fiser reporting that an Eastern

Conference division rival of the Raptors is interested in Chris Buie the line is saying what do you got to give us man you know the Celtics definitely be like would like to find a couple of other guys and it sounds like in the front Court behind porzingis and Al Horford as

Much as they love Luke carnette and like there’s just limited salaries there like if you are going to want to go get someone of real value like even you know Chris bue for example is someone I know the Celtics have liked for a while he’s at 11.7 million you’re going to have to

Give up someone good to go get someone good now one thing I will say right off the bat I mean obviously if the Raptors do get a chance to move off of Chris bu 11.7 million 10 million next season so you get rid of some salary there but

Taking a look at this from a Celtics point of view and if they are to want to trade someone like a Chris bue which I could understand they always get these type of players that are okay Ro players but they look so much better on the Celtics just because they’re such a good

Team they also have you know good star power there in Jason Tatum as well but taking a look at this salue cap situation for the Celtics it becomes complicated again $ 11.7 million the Celtics don’t have much wiggle room to work with salary so actually have to

Send out more than they can receive so I mean taking a look like Luke cornet o Brett s Muk Lamar Stevens Delano Bon even who they just signed from the Raptors Sam Hower they definitely won’t give up for Chris Buche but those are some of the names they would have to

Throw in wi and Payton Pritchard if they want to throw him in there as well to make salaries work so for them to essentially accumulate up to $1 million you’d probably have to throw in at least three or four of those guys and the Raptors don’t have enough roster space

So a trade of that caliber is just unlikely to work unless you get a three third team involved as well I mean one trade that could work is Al Horford for kbus you know and then You’ probably throw in one more player to make the salaries work the Celtics aren’t doing

That El Horford is a very good role player for them he’s also someone that’s an insurance in Cas Christos fingz who’s got an injury history gets injured and you know you have Al Horford pretty much playing the center obviously from a Raptor’s point of view you probably

Ideally want a second round pick but again I don’t Al Horford would be nice for them don’t get me wrong and you know even an added filler whoever one of those players may be but I just don’t see a deal getting done their both front offices are very stubborn they both know

What they want and there’s not a lot that the Celtics could give the Raptors you know that would complement and also just because of how many players you would have to include so again not much should go off here but very interesting that you know from a Raptor’s point of

View Chris bu is a player that personally I’ve wanted gone for quite some time but I just don’t know if there’s a huge huge Market there but it’s always interesting to see that other teams are interested in it let’s talk about another rumor addressing the Raptor’s trade rumor and that would be

Around Pascal seak and the Golden State Warriors so Jake weback once again the Warriors could Ponder the possibility of trading Chris Paul Jonathan Kanga draft compensation for Pascal SE yakum I think trono would be interested in kaminga a different environment could maximize the potential of the 21y year old forward

Now one thing I want to quickly um see about this obviously Chris Paul fractured his had he’s getting a surgery we don’t know the timeline and I know his next season I believe is not guaranteed money he’s making about $30 million but you know as good as Jonathan

Come in guys don’t get me wrong I know people are going to go at me in the comment section from a Raptor’s point of view when you look at how their front office operates and the players they trade for it’s been said actually quite a few times that there’s a few

Checklists that the Raptors look for when they’re trading for players and one of the things that doesn’t check off with Jonathan kaminga is running to the media and complaining about his role that’s just not the way the rap Raptors operate and I mean you’re 21 years old and you’re already complaining on a

Warriors team that’s got Steph Curry you know like how it makes you wonder how much is he going to complain when he comes on the Raptors and maybe Scotty Barnes IQ and heck even RJ beard are getting more touches than him it really makes it question his um his attitude

You know those kind of things won’t get you far in the NBA we’ve seen it with guys like Boogie cousins we’ve seen it with multiple players Carmelo Anthony could probably be in the NBA if his attitude was a little bit better so again it really makes you question

Attitude I mean heck even Jordan P you know he’s a very young player but he’s got that attitude about him where he feels like he’s better than a lot of you know U people may view him as Jonathan Kinga look excellent player I don’t see the Warriors giving him up simply

Because the the way the league has been trending you know you want those 67 68 forwards 21 years old based off what I’ve seen from him he looks like his shot creation ability is getting better he’s not a great three-point shooter which also could be a concern if you’re

Strictly looking for a fit around Scotty Barnes Emmanuel quickly but again Jonathan Kinga excellent player very athletic um from a game Stander point of view excellent Defender and I don’t see the Warriors giving him up no matter what I actually think they might move on to some of the other younger player like

Moses Moody Brandon pinski um are some of the names that we could hear but I don’t see the moving off of Jonathan Kinga again a reminder that this was a player that the Indiana or excuse me the golden St Warriors didn’t want to give up for ogj and anobi I don’t see them

Giving it up for an expiring Pascal cakam deal so again we’ll hear more about the Warriors as we go on but one last rumor to address before we end the video and this shouldn’t really come as a surprise when you hear about the Raptors and shout out to Jake weback

Once again he is just putting in a lot of work and he was reporting as we’re about one month away from the NBA tree deadline we should be expecting plenty of action surrounding the market with a whole lot of team cyling and interest to buy the most active teams appearing to

Operate as sellers are the Blazers Ox Raptors and the Wizards now ever since the NBA has included the playing tournament obviously you know in most in traditional NBA where the top eight teams would make the playoffs this is actually given hope for you know a lot

Of teams that may be 10th 11 and heck even 12th Place which makes it very hard for teams that are looking to buy and actually it’s it’s a sellers Market this is excellent for the Raptors if they do wish to sell because not a lot of teams

Want to sell including a Pistons team who you know have a lot of veterans but clearly they don’t want to sell because they need more veterans and less young player on that team so if there ever was a season where the Raptors were to tell

Sell this was it now taking a look at the Raptors salary cap situation here I think people seem to forget Pascal cakam is the name Will constantly here up until the NBA trade deadline but there are so many other names that the Raptors could potentially look to sell off again

When you look at the salary situation you got Grady uh excuse me Gary Trent Jr is making $18.5 million but his production has been absolutely terrible like when you took it take a look at his stats of this season he’s playing off of the bench um this is something he’s

Actually complained about when he got traded to the Raptors about not being happy on the Blazers for that reason when he was wanting a starting role and he didn’t like coming off the bench yet this entire season he’s been playing Off the Bench again uh his field goal

Percentage has dipped to 39.9% he’s averaging as lowest since his second season in the NBA at averaging only 11.3 points per game and also his minutes have gone down as well and I want to remind you I mean this is a 25-year-old that wants to be starting but also is

Going to be demanding anywhere from 20 million to $22 million probably in his new contract as a starting point now going back to the Raptor salary cap situation here you’ve got to understand that the Raptors don’t really have the luxury of paying him because they’ve got to pay guys like Emanuel quickly so

While there may be you know some chatter about his age and him being a fit on Scotty’s tieline I just can’t justify paying Gary TR Jr that much money given his lack of production and just him not being a really good role player off of

The bench as well so I think they should definitely look to move off of him Chris BU as I mentioned of course there are some other intriguing players Raptors could look to move off of much like Auto Porter Jr although there’s injury issues I think you could squeeze a second round

Pick out of a team treat him to a contender and there’s always other guys if teams are desperate enough maybe someone like a jayen McDaniels I personally wouldn’t TR yako purle just as of yet but if the Raptors do look to they could probably squeeze out a first

Round pick for him as well and a salary filler right so there’s a lot of players maybe Dennis although I don’t think that would be the best move right now just cuz you know the Raptors don’t have a backup point guard but again depending on a lot of these players on what the

Return maybe maybe the Raptors look to trade off some of these guys and clear up a lot of cap space you know for um next season where they’ve got to pay Emanuel quickly but also extend Scotty barnes’s new contract as well so again very interesting that we’re hearing all

These rumors leading up to a tree deadline raptors have been in the trade rumor mill an insane amount you know an insane amount and under soundly so but I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on these rumors do you see Chris bu mov moved or some of the other Raptors flers

Let me know in the comment section below and as always I do have a trivia question for you today and that trivia question is which player leads the NBA in Fogo percentage is it a Rudy goar is it B Daniel Gafford is it C yaka purle

Or is it D Nick claxon so whoever asks this trivia question correctly first in the comment section gets a shout out in my next video again I haven’t had the chance to get to all the comments from my previous videos so thank you guys for your support I do appreciate your

Patience I will try to get to them it’s just been a lot of raptors content you’ve been trying to put out based off the rumor so again I always appreciate your support guys so thank you once again and I hope you guys have yourselves a great day

The Raptors have been in the trade rumors all season long and as we approach the NBA trade deadline we heard more rumors about Pascal Siakam and what specific players the Raptors could look to acquire in return. We also got news that the Boston Celtics could look to trade for Chris Boucher! I will be discussing all these trade rumors and more!


  1. Obviously Boston wants Boucher he a hard worker and does the little things off the bench that contribute to winning the return has to be a clear upgrade for front office to be forced to make any deal cause boucher is that glue guy need more 3 and d guys

  2. Exposing yourself as a casual lol Jarace has a great potential. You're not gonna get better than that for expiring Pascal who won't commit and he has potential to be every bit as good as Pascal or better, there's a reason he was a top 8 pick. He's out producing what Pascal himself did in the G-League despite being 3 years younger at the time he's doing it.

  3. Paying way too much money to unproductive players 46 mil.
    Trent 18
    Thad 8
    Otto 6
    Grady 4
    Jalen 4
    Koloko 3
    Temple 3

  4. We need to try and get caruso from the bulls. Caruso for gary or boucher or both. Chicago can add a next lil ting

  5. Spicy P to Indy for…. Heild, Topin, Mathurin. See if you can trade Heild and Trent Jr. Topin maybe resigns for $12/yr, Quickley for $24, and see what a young core (with 2 Canadians starting) can do in 2024!

  6. Raptors front office are tight-lipped. Would it surprise anyone if "out of the blue" the Raptors engage with OKC or Pels? Both teams could use Siakam in a very competitive western conference and have lots of young, NBA ready assets.

  7. The more trade rumours I hear regarding Siakim the more I think
    that it is best to keep him because he is a known quantity –
    we know that he is going to be very productive
    and some nights he takes over a game and leads the team to victory.
    Plus the team is looking a lot better and more dynamic since the trade.

    I'm not seeing any sign of any trade packages that suggest
    that Raptors are guaranteed to get anyone that good
    and that productive back.

    Would you trade your car that is running perfectly well
    and you're comfortable with
    for another car plus a motorcycle,
    both of which might work well but might not?

    Surely it makes more sense to trade Trent or Otto Porter
    who don't seem to be working out with the team this year
    rather than trade Siakim who has not been the problem
    with this team.

    I know someone will say that it doesn't necessarily to trade players
    who are having bad years because that makes their trade value low
    but if the Raptors don't intend to play them much
    and they are on expiring contracts then
    I don't see much point in the team keeping them.

    To be fair to Trent this year and the last couple of years
    as the team struggled to make three point shots
    he has continued to make a high percentage of his three point shots.
    Has he been told by coaches to let other players have more possession
    and have more shots at the expense of his own production?

  8. Why would any team give the Raptors the farm for a player who will be a restricted free agent after this year? Siakam has already said he wants to move on, right? Most teams with money will wait and offer a max contract if they really want him. No team is going to give what Masai wants because Siakam's contract is massive and would take players and picks to get a rental unless Siakam commits….and why would he do that when the new CBA will raise the cap next year? Teams will have more money at their disposal. We'll see.

  9. I dont know man, in my opinion if Raptors want Barnes and IQ to be the future faces of the franchise then PS needs to be dealt as there are currently 5 guys in our rotation that needs the ball to be effective (PS, IQ, RJ, SB, DS). If we can trade PS for a couple of younger shooters then I think we will be fine. Somehow it took too long for Masai to pull the trigger for a perfect deal. We may ended up having to extend Spicy and see how it goes in the offseason.

  10. don't like any rumored names except keegan, ausar and johnson, rather get expiring contracts and picks. try to sign claxton in free agent

  11. Raptors: Kuminga + Walker + Mathurin + CP3 (expiring contract buy out immediately)

    Pacers: Siakim

    Warriors: Hield + Boucher + Porter Jr

  12. No team is going to pay 20M for GTJ… we should ship him for something if we are not going to sign him. We should have extended Pascal and reevaluate next season.

  13. Masai, Raptors President of Basketball Operations, needs to work his magic and turn GTJ and OPJ into Andrew Wiggins and the road to another NBA title will be paved!

    Poeltl, Siakam, Wiggins, Barnes, IQ, DS, RJ, CB, Jontay Porter, McD, Koloko, Dick, Freeman-Liberty, 2024 Free Agent, 2024 SRP… The Spicy BBQW era in Toronto!

  14. Jarace Walker is more of a 4 or small ball 5. Despite Jarace’s build, he has good lateral quickness and originally made a name for himself with his defence. He always showed flashes of offensive potential with a good handle and playmaking for his size. It was his shooting that was seen as questionable (especially if he has to play the 4), but it looks like he fixed the biggest question mark in his game and he can at the very least be a contributing role player.

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