@Houston Rockets

Houston Rockets🚀 STUN Milwaukee Bucks & Why the Rockets MUST Improve Their Roster THIS SEASON!

Houston Rockets🚀 STUN Milwaukee Bucks & Why the Rockets MUST Improve Their Roster THIS SEASON!

In this video I talk the Rockets defeating the Milwaukee Bucks and why I think they have to make a move at the deadline tap in right now enjoy the Rockets Chop Shop is your One-Stop shop for all your basketball needs for highlights analysis podcast we

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Fans for fans and we’re going to keep rocking and keep dropping that heat you deserve from me this is something I know I know I know so the Rockets got the improbable win over the Milwaukee Bucks and um yeah what an interesting game I did not

Expect us to be able to put up the fight that we did I did not expect us to be able to play the way we did I felt like the Bucks were just sleepwalking the whole game and we punished them for it but there are some things that I saw

From the game from the outset of the game that really helped the Rockets um capture this Victory and you know the main thing was their defense that’s number one first and foremost not the best defense against Giannis though Yannis did drop a smooth 48 on on this

Right 64% from the field um went to the free throw line 21 times so we canot stop fouling Giannis obviously one of the best players in the league uh but even in that you know it was a four-point game at the end most of it

Was kind of CA they did make a late push towards the end of the game um and I’ll talk about that in a little bit but but um I think that the Rockets did enough on defense to be able to beat this team and beat them handily and the what I

Like about what how we’re playing now compared to last season is these wins are coming off of Just grueling effort on the defensive end not hot shooting night because you look at um across our guys nobody shot well tonight for the Rockets there wasn’t nothing really that

Stood out as far as with our starting players um like you know usually when we beat these type of teams somebody had 60% you know shooting and dropped 35 or something like that none of that like looking at the scoring totals from the starting five jante only four points

Jabari 14 points Shang goon 21 points Jaylen green 16 and Fred 14 now we did get a big pop off our bench units they won this game for us in stretches but I still think that there were things that the starters did that was able to punish

What um the Bucks were trying to guard us like and this does speak to the level of coaching that Oka is now I got a little beef with the one the challenges I think he is definitely one of the worst uh challenging coaches in the NBA

Uh he needs to get better at that number two and there was a stretch in the game um towards the fourth quarter where he left the bench units a little bit in you know a little bit too long in there and they were going to choke the game away

Luckily he brought the starters in but it shouldn’t never been that close like you got to know when when to like make a a a decision about bringing your guys in especially when the other team has their starters in uh you had Giannis out there

You had game out there you had guys like uh uh holiday and and and and Tate like you got to know when to pull the cards and get those starters back in so you know a little blip there but otherwise I think the game plan was masterful on the

Offensive end if you guys listen to this channel I’ve been saying it for uh probably the whole season now about the Rockets attacking bigs in a drop this is something that we have failed to do uh uh this season which has punished uh teams for playing drop coverage against

Us and in this game not only Fred van fet got into the action finally uh stopped trying to take crazy layups I think he did take one that he missed uh but also Jaylen green got into the action uh of of attacking bigs in a drop

Then even you had Shang goon get into the action and I’m goingon to give a shout out to Ryan Holland uh I give him a lot of grief a lot of people do but I actually think that lately he’s been calling the games pretty good and one

Thing he pointed out was you cannot allow the Bucks to play the drop coverage on the Rockets you cannot allow that with the type of players that we have even in the live stream I done prior to this game after the Minnesota game is uh me kind of complaining about

What the Rockets are lacking as a team is guys that can punish the drop theoretically Fred Van vet should be able to punish the drop but he doesn’t always do that as good as a a point guard Fred is and as great as a veteran and the leadership he provides his shot

Selection is very very poor um a lot you know especially in late game situations but I think the type of shots he was uh taking in this game really forced the hand of the Milwaukee Bucks to be able to adjust their game plan if you guys

Noticed in that game they had uh you know started off with Lopez playing the drop coverage against the Rockets uh had Lopez Garden shenon so when they would come set screens with shenon he would be in a drop Fred uh Jaylen would come off and attack him on the drives Fred would

Come off and shoot a three or get into his midi back and we really blew the doors open with that they made the wise adjustment in the game to take Lopez and put him off of shenon so that if they want to uh set a screen it would be with

A non-sc screener and we’ve seen that adjustment being done we’ve done that before right we’ve done that adjustment before uh where we try to hide a big a drop so as good as Lopez is they had to hide him I do want to take this time out

To point that out to the fan base because I feel like a lot of people don’t understand how NBA defenses work it doesn’t matter really like Lopez is a great defender and we saw that today in the way that he was bothering shenon at The Rim not only as a primary Defender

But also as a help Defender whenever he would try to make moves on smaller smaller players but what you have to understand about NBA defense is there’s rules there’s Concepts within them it is usually not based on just the player themselves especially when you’re playing pick and roll or or screen

Defense you cannot do it by yourself I’m saying this to say one Damien Lillard torched us last year in the in the drop coverage as we played that and you guys keep me keep hearing me emphasize drop coverage a lot of teams play Drop the reason I emphasize it so much for us

Because not only on the defensive side Alin shenon if he’s going to be in a drop the team has to be bought in and in this game they work right and on the offensive end with the players especially Jaylen green when I was making videos about jaylen’s upside when

He was a rookie and a sophomore the thing that I always focused on was him being a drop killer whether it’s him coming off the screens and shooting or getting downhill to the basket and punishing those big men who don’t have the hip flexibility the foot speed to be

Able to change direction to be able to bother him as he attacks The Rim the reason I’m pointing out all this in relation to Brook Lopez is that as dominant as a Defender that he is you can exploit him just simply based on that coverage and the rockets did that

And the Bucks countered by taking him out of the main and then allowing shenon to play um I forgot the kid’s name let me see what his name is uh on uh Andre Jackson and here’s why I had a problem with Andre Jackson Jr guarding um guarding shenon the Rockets there was a

Moment where the Bucks almost made a run where they allowed um the the themselves not to take advantage of what the Bucks were conceding so you have hit square one which is forced the team to adjust right right so they adjusted by taking Lopez off of shenon and allowing a

Smaller player smaller players to guard Alper shenon the next step for them is to be disciplined enough as a team especially Fred and jayen because there was a stretch in that period I think it was the third quarter where they started playing a little bit of hero ball and

And they wanted to just get their shots up and it got really close in the game and we had to go back and adjust to get ALR shenon the ball I know Alp did not shoot well in this game but you have to be disciplined enough as a team to

Understand like this is the advantage we have you have to exploit it James Harden would exploit that Advantage a million times till you cter it again Chris Paul would exploit that Advantage a million times LeBron James Luca that’s what it has to come to for our guys and a little

Bit disappointing in fedan Fleet that he doesn’t have that discipline in himself especially in late game situations but in that moment in the third quarter as as they conceded to allow shenon to cook you have to let him cook we don’t want to see you pull up threes bro so that’s

A a problem I had luckily the Bucks really couldn’t score or do much off of it besides Janis just barreling to the basket and dunking on everybody um but they they did finally start going toward shenon and he drew like two or three fouls and then the game blew back open

After a couple of Threes from him getting doubled but stuff like that is what I need our vets to be able to control stuff like that is what I’m talking about when I was talking about in the uh against the wolves about some of the issues that you know the team has

Little things like that we just need higher IQ collectively to be able to compete at that level and I think we can compete at that level but you know the game plan the Rockets had attacking the drop coverage and then on defense having Jabari guard Giannis now Giannis dropped

Like I said he dropped damn near 50 but what you did was you make him work for it and then you close out and help on the other guys this was some of the best help defense I’ve seen from the Rockets all year and you have to help with um

The Bucks and shout out to coach Oka for making that pivot because what he tried to do in the first matchup where we got destroyed um is that he has this defensive philosophy where he lets guys go on an island you guys heard me talk

About it the player is going to be on an island you have to guard your matchup and then especially if it’s going to be a prominent player you guard your main matchup and then from there on on um you kind of shut out the other guys the

Problem with his philosophy and I think Milwaukee was the first one that really took advantage of it when you have multiple guys you can’t play like that right I can’t say I’m going to let Giannis go one-on-one and drop 50 but on flanking him as Dame Lillard uh and

Other star players Chris Middleton type players you know what I mean that could also hurt you and that’s what they’ve done whereas you’re going to have Giannis going on one1 then you’re going to kick out and let Dame cook and get open threes or get downhill on close

Outs so what they elected to do in this game is to treat multiple players as the main target and construct a team defense that focused on helping guarden the paint and uh allowing guys to be able to rotate and forcing bad Shooters to take the shots that they wanted and they did

A great job doing that they were engaged from the start and that’s the mark of a good coach not only you know every night is not going to be your night some nights you’re going to get blasted it’s what do you do on the counter I always

Like to watch coaches play on a second game uh against the same team because that’s why I said when we beat the Kings twice in a row I knew like okay we got a good coach and you had to go or hear the Kings uh uh coaches postgame conference

After that just saying they got just out coached out outworked they got whipped he said that because in order to beat a team uh again after playing them once it means that there’s a lot of thought and and intention in the game plan and I

Think eay had a great game plan for this and the rockets coming off a back toback and the game where they got embarrassed you know to have a performance like this is truly truly special um just going through some of the Box course from the

Game let’s look at those uh Jaan Tate uh 19 minutes um I don’t get why he starts uh even games where Ty Z obviously I know why he’s starting now there’s no tar there’s no um there’s no uh uh Dylan Brooks but um T you know two or three

From the field he had a couple good offensive possessions otherwise I think uh you know he he’s getting cooked on defense on a nightly basis um I I can’t wait for Dylan and tari to return because I feel like once again I keep telling y’all when we get after the

All-Star break these dudes are going to go on a run they’re going to go they’re going to go on a tear where they win like 10 out of 13 games something like that um this is definitely a lower seed playoff team in my opinion and uh some

Of the stuff I’m going to talk about in a little bit kind of lends into that uh Jabari played 40 minutes 40 hard minutes where he played great perimeter defense and I think his perimeter defense was very impressive his post defense uh on on Giannis was not that great obviously

Giannis was nobody not a lot of players can guard Giannis in the post but I think he gave him enough of fits forced him to get to the line really made it tough on him played a scrappy game so Jabari you know I mean it hit a big

Three on a pretty kick out from uh from alpr shenon uh to close out uh the game there to kind of a little bit of a dagger there but 42% from the field went three three of five from the three-point line so kind of glad to see his three

Ball come back once again the the theme of Jabari being a great rebounder is still there so you’re happy about that 14 big points um and yeah just a great game from him really used his time 40 minutes to match up with Giannis and do

A great job and he’s still a baby like ju you know we saw what they did to him yesterday uh against the Minnesota timber rales like they really picked on Jabari especially in the post UPS he was getting posted up by multiple players and they were just walking through him

Now it does kind of say Giannis you know Giannis is a different Beast um and and you know you guard him a little differently than you would a a Carl Anthony towns or a NZ Reed or a Rudy Gober whoever it is um but I think that

The the the theme for for Jabari going into this summer is going to be the same bro you need to get stronger because if you can have the complete package of being a perimeter Defender as he is and being able to guard in the paint then

You’re talking about one of the best uh you know multiple level defenders in the league if he can get there and and the defensive awareness that he was lacking to start the year literally you know with the jump that he’s made one of the biggest jumps he’s had is on that end

Not even just his matchups his one-on-one defense but his ability to guard within the construct of a team there’s a lot left to be desired that he needs to improve upon the rotations are are bad sometimes um the the the playing that kind of that weak site shot

Blockers is something that he needs to really add to his game um but otherwise just his his overall team defense has improved immensely for alrin shenon 31 minutes uh won seven of 21 uh this dude he missed so many easy layups like he should have had like 40 points tonight

Because a lot of those layups I think you heard the footsteps of Brook Lopez um he needs to get over that man like and and start punching it in stop you know I know we love the little finger rolls and stuff but he got to know when

He playing amongst really big boys um you know you got to you got to just just finish strong but I think he had a wonderful game I love this game and not only uh the on the offensive end uh I actually think he had a great defensive

Game but but you know the offense I think he had a great game because he was able to get to the free throw line 10 times um I think that even though he missed a lot of those shots what he was doing with his screening what he was

Doing with his post-ups forced the Milwaukee Bucks to have to change their defense multiple times times and it was because of nobody but him right and and that’s the the mark to me once again when I look at stars can you get to the line can you bend the defense what is

Your gravity like he has true gravity their game plan for Alp was to allow him to catch in the post and then when he makes his initial move and team’s been doing there’s nothing new swarm him and try to attack him get your uh uh your

Weak side help to come and try to swat him as he goes to the post cuz he’s not a very vertical player and and what he did with that was he started getting guys in foul trouble right cuz he’s not just going to go aggressively he was

Slow playing it and then he’s you know kicking it out to to other guys um out there to make the shots he only had four assists but you know he had a bunch of hockey assists uh 21 points like I said he could have had 31 41 points if he

Just made his layups um but I think his gravity was really important and got a lot of our guys going his gravity got Fred uh the shots that he made in the in attacking the drop coverage and Jaylen green getting down downhill off of shenon screens with the threat of him uh

Being out there to catch and hit his little floaters allow Jaylen to get into some actions um so you know once again 31 minutes um I think they sat him through a stretch because the bench was playing really really well um but yeah just the consistency that he’s playing

With is really really impressive at this point this dude is battling with Brook Lopez a defensive player of the year candidate and Janis another Defensive Player of the Year candidate and an MVP candidate right this is one on two big man they’re taking turns trying to guard

Him cooked Giannis there was a play he made Giannis look like a little baby right this is what we’re talking about right where you have a off night and you still give your your team 21 you know I mean 21 and 11 on the off night 211 and

Four is a bad game right but 33% from the field is really really low um but a tough team with a tough interior so you know that was going to be there um backto back games for us where we play tough teams with tough interiors and uh

I think the difference between this game and last game is the perimeter shooting really stepped up and they were intentional about about attacking the drop coverage but I think he had a great game defensively he he played one of the better games I’ve seen him play especially some of the perimeter defense

On Dame even though Dame got to the free throw line and got to the cup a couple times on him but being able to cut him off being able to play Help side being the man that’s coming off to double Giannis on some of the plays to for him

To kick out then rotating back out this is Improvement he had I think one of the best defensive ratings in the starting five from this game um just just a complete game man just the only thing he was missing was was uh his offense but

As you guys know I don’t look at like oh this guy you know what did they shoot you got to look at the game in totality so I like what he did um Jaylen green this was a really like two Jaylen is on the on on a stretch I can honestly say

Say that this stretch of games going back about maybe six or seven games now maybe five or six is probably the most consistent I’ve seen Jaylen green play as an all-around basketball player not offensively because I really don’t care about that right now like I need him to

Be a Plus on the court and he was a plus in this game in fact he was the he had the highest uh plus minus on on the starters and Jaylen was and he had the highest offensive rating he is playing the type of ball that

I want to see him play just going forward that he can build upon like the shot selection was much better in this game you know he took threes coming off the screens he got to the empty corner on some of the screens with Shang goon and didn’t snake you guys notice he’s

Not snaking those screens anymore he hasn’t done that in a couple of games somebody must have showed him the film right so he’s not cutting across shanon’s face he’s taking what the defense gives him that’s okay that he only had uh what he had let me see Jaylen had 16 points that’s perfectly

Fine because he’s playing winning basketball the defense was impressive the defense was impressive I loved you know his rotations his his help I think he had a block or he had a you know he was contestant I I just think he had a really really good game and just like

When I saw with Jabari uh when he started to bend that corner a little bit I think Jaylen is bending that corner and to me when Dylan comes back when tar comes back if Jaylen is a plus then we are ready bro we are ready and I’m going

To talk about being ready in a little bit more Fred I think Fred had a um he had a good game not his best game but it wasn’t it wasn’t like you know as bad as his stats look obviously he shot terribly four of 13 from the field um

But you know he he controlled the game in stretches especially when I was complaining about them not getting the ball to shenon I think he finally snapped it back into it after taking a a bad three or two and then started uh forcing the action of getting Shang in

The post ups and that third quarter where we were kind of uh peel away a little bit but Fred had had a good game one thing I will give him credit for is his his like attacking that drop coverage if Fred can do that going forward and this is something that to me

He struggled with his shot selection as as old as he is as a player how many times you know he’s been in the playoffs won a championship he has a lot of room to improve as a a shooter not just his shooting like it self efficiency but

Shot selection he has a shot selection of a rookie sometimes so if he can pick his spots better knowing when to come off and hit that midi that mid midrange has to be his bread and butter that got to be his bread and butter that mid-range that little Chris Paul pullup

Coming off the screen on the pick and roll Fred is a guy that I would like to see snake a screen to take back the leverage from the defense to get into his mid-range shot um so that has to be his shot because that’s his version of a

Layup he has to make that mid-range shot the equivalent of a layup like Chris Paul does because he’s an undersized guard guard once again can’t you know can’t let the uh uh the teams just Swatch your shot from from the rim every damn play or just throw up something

Crazy so really happy um with the way he played could have played a lot better um but you know you take what you get from him he was the only negative in the starters Jeff Green played 34 minutes Jeff is playing over his head I hate

That we have to rely on Jeff Green this much um but that kind of leads to what I was talking about yesterday on the live stream about the team construction we are playing with a house of cars where we need Jeff Green to drop 16 points on uh on 45 40 and 80%

In order for us to win right I don’t want to rely on that and I think that you know Jeff is playing a good role for us and he’s playing over his head and I I know I love it um but the Rockets just have to be able to do better uh in

Building out this roster Aaron holiday Aaron holiday man 47 right the stats look good he shot 57 three of five from three hit some big threes but man bro this dude is one of the most annoying people to watch play I love the kid I love I know his heart is in the

Right place but somebody has to get to him and tell him brother you are the backup point guard you’re not 2018 James Harden right you’re not 96 Jordan you’re not a 2004 Kobe I don’t know I don’t know what player he envisions himself to be right now but somebody got to tell

Little bro like nah that’s not you dog like just play your role like you could see him in his head trying to think about passing but everything he wants to do is ISO pull up ISO let me get to my floater like bro it was cool when he was

Like you know I mean the new guy yeah yeah nah man we trying to win games and and a lot of times he just gets so tunnel vision that it’s really annoying but he he played decent he played decent I think he’s not doing himself any Ser

Nobody wants uh Aaron holiday and this is the same thing that happened with uh with the young guys from last year uh with Jay ging them they tell you go to summer league learn how to pass the ball and play defense you go out there and

Try to drop 40 like that is not your role Your Role is going to be defined because you’re not a star player you’re not a starter level player so you need to have a niche role to play If The Niche is defined for you you are backup

Point guard on a team with offensive options play that to a t because more than likely other teams watching film on you do not need you to come in and score 20 right so he just needs to learn from that am man Thompson I think had a had a

Good game you know I mean uh the shooting is uh you know I mean but I think you can start to see some some some of the formations of what he could be as as a player I mean the first step is El leite the speed um transition he pushes Pace really really

Like what I’m seeing he reminds me of a young Russ to be to be honest it reminds me of a young Russ he’s going to be rough around the edges but as he figures and the game slows down I think you guys are going to get to see more from him

From him but I I like that he play he was a he was a plus seven I think that was the team High a man on those bench units with Cam Whitmore cam the man cam the man I’m Gonna Save cam for last but I think them together being a positive

Developing that Synergy is definitely a great thing for the for the Rockets uh going forward and then cam Whitmore only 12 minutes shot 4 or6 66% 101 from three got to the line three times he is a scoring machine um got three rebounds a big big body bully uh had Dame looking

Like a baby you know I mean I wish cam would steal the Russell Westbrook Rock the Baby thing uh just to do it on D but had B Dame looking small 12 minutes 12 points dude is a as a scoring machine but what you love about what cam

Whitmore does is not even a scoring right now it’s just the effort he’s playing with on the defensive side of the of the ball so great you know great to see him in that context of that team defense rotating taking on the challenge of trying to get posted up by Giannis

Just doing all the things that you want a guy to do that’s once again trying to find a niche the thing for cam the challenge for cam cam is not going to be required at this moment in his career to be a bucket like we don’t you know even

Though the rockets need him to be a bucket sometimes the main thing is going to keep him on the court is his defensive intensity and attention to detail on that end hustling hitting your open shots in in the flow of the offense and running in transition if he can do

That and he’s been doing that you cannot keep him off the court there is no reason you like you can’t keep him off the court and just watching him play he has a skill set that not one player on the Rockets has right now especially in our perimeter players now Al shenon has

It but he’s not a perimeter player he is one of the few players at on the perimeter on our team that can get into the paint at will and finish for multiple reasons whether it’s Dylan you know Dylan uh you know he kind of get goes a little wild sometimes takes a lot

Of off-balance shots the you know I mean not really just the he’s a decent finisher but you know y y’all seen him play uh Fred short you know guess there he’s not athletic can’t really jaylen’s too small uh Jabari handles are real loose cam got a straight line to the

Basket and he will bump and and and draw that get those feet in the paint and finish strong and draw the foul that is a very rare skill set on this team that I would love to explore more the thing for guys like Cam that you want to see

And I think kachok is doing a great job is once you have that skill set where you can get feet in the paint and he’s a paint touch King like he can get in the paint at will can you kick out can you kick out that is because just getting in

The paint and draw like that is that is great but can you kick out if he can kick out cam can be a star in this league but you love to see it um I’d love to see his efficiency scaled up slowly over these games to see if the

Mark of that star player is real in him which is that if you have a player that is efficient in small volumes if you scale it out over longer periods of time over time does it sustain if it sustains shenon had that Mark if it sustains then

You got a player I love to see that so I’m going to be watching out for that I’m going to be watching out for that so one point I wanted to make before I you know before I closed out this video is you know this was something I was

Talking about on the live stream yesterday about whether the rocket should make a move um at this trade deadline or to stand pack and just watch the team that they have now and just watching them over the past few weeks um especially in the month of December I am

At the utmost like I am almost 100% sure in my heart that they need to make a move they have to make a move they have to make a move and the reason I say they have to make a move is because this team is actually viable why is that important why is

Having a viable team important because historically when you have a defined team that is viable and you have a player like shenon and you have young players on your team like the Jabari and all these guys the quicker you get them in the playoffs the the better it is for

The future of your franchise the playoffs is a launching pad for a lot of dynasties the playoffs is a launching pad for contenders the playoffs is launching path for Success a lot of teams think that development is linear meaning that okay we look good this year

We won 32 games we’re you know we’re a scrappy team it’s up and up from here and usually life doesn’t work like that you know I mean you are one injury you are one uh uh a leaked video of somebody doing something they’re not supposed to

To to do uh you are one accident something happens to take one of your key players that you are banking on to take your franchise forward into the future away from being back in square one so there are no throwaway seasons in the NBA so if you’re seeing a team that

Is scrapping and is actually in the playoff mix as a GM Rafel Stone needs to make the move to be able to bolster this team now the question then comes in is what type of moves should the Rockets Make now people usually come at me and

When I say yeah they need to make a move it’s why would you trade any of the core six why would you if you looked at our roster I am not advocating for any of our young guys to be traded I’m not saying that you need to touch any of

Them all of keep your six good players in fact you don’t even have to trade any of the rotation players right now but you look at the roster you see that the Rockets are are coming out into games with three or four guys that are literally unplayable Jack landel

Unplayable ban unplayable you got Reggie Bullocks unplayable you know what I mean that’s on every single night you’re going into a game with three players that should be helping your rotation especially on a young team then you move up a little bit cam a men are rookies they’re just learning so that’s five

Guys that you really can’t rely on and then the bottom tier of your bench is Aaron Holliday and the Jan tastes of the world you know what I mean on most teams team those guys probably aren’t getting a lot of real minutes so that’s almost seven player

That’s almost half your team is really shouldn’t be playing in an NBA game as much as they’re playing and yeah here we are right here we are two games above 500 so what that tells me is that you’re viable you’re viable so the Rockets they need to make a move to bolster their

Bench make moves on their peripheries right you don’t have to go all in this doesn’t have to be the move but you need to make a move and the reason this is important like I said historically historically when teams young teams that come out of losing context are able to get a playoff

Appearance it launches them to that next level I’m going to go through some of the teams in the NBA probably in the recent years that we know and love right now that have made it based off of first-time playoff appearances to become Champions and contenders and this is is

In no chronological order just the way I looked it up 2021 the Atlanta Hawks after uh only winning uh 20 games the previous season they won 41 games and that year just by winning 41 games after only winning 20 games sound familiar guess where they ended up Conference

Finals best player Trey young a young guy right 2018 Sixers uh a play made it to the second round of the playoffs winning 52 games in in 2018 after only winning 28 games guess what they their best player was a young guy a big man averaging 211 and three sounds kind of

Familiar doesn’t it right 2017 the bucks first round exit right winning 42 games that season 33 wins previously guess who their best player a big man Giannis 2013 Warriors a second round exit winning 47 games in 2013 prior year they only won 23 games with a young Steph Curry at the home 2021

Grizzlies a first round exit only winning 38 games went on to uh like I said losing the first round John Morant best player on that team a young JN Moran the 2020 Suns the bubble Suns that you know the feel-good story uh made it to the bubble and just ran through a lot

Of teams almost made the playoffs that year uh but you know I mean only won 34 games in that season but that that atmosphere that there was in set the context for them to be able to go on to the next year um to appear in the finals

And I said this on a live stream in the NBA this stuff happens like this one minute you’re a 2 win team the next minute you’re in the second round of the playoffs so when you see a team that can go toe-to-toe with Milwaukee when you

Have players in in shenon that can go toe-to-toe with some of the best big men in the NBA with Joker with embiid with Giannis you got to at least give yourself the best opportunity to be able to enter the playoffs because like I said nothing is linear in the NBA and

You look at some of the teams that have struggled right in recent years you look at the magic they made the playoffs in 2019 and 2020 still trying to get in like us on that you know last time they made the playoffs was done by vets uh

Prior to that they hadn’t made the playoffs since 2012 so that’s damn near 20year drought and the only two years they did it was just a veteran Laden team right so the reason I’m pointing them out is because there’s an alternate you know where everybody says you don’t

Be a middle of the pack team it’s one thing to be a middle of the pack team with a bunch of 21 22 23 year olds is another thing to be a middle of the pack team with 28 and 30 year olds right so that’s where you don’t want to be right

2012 they’re trying to get in and I think this the year they’re going to get in but that springboards you right that springboards you the 2019 Pistons was a first round exit with their best player being a veteran Blake Griffin prior to that hadn’t made the playoffs since

2016 the 2016 Hornets Kimo Walker right that’s the last time they’ve made the playoffs the 2023 k first time they made the playoffs since 2006 the reason I’m bringing up these teams because having talent and young players doesn’t mean nothing bro you still got to get in the dance and the

Teams I named off at first they got in the dance with their young players and it took them off you look at their uh basketball reference Pages playoff appearance playoff appearance playoff appearance I’m saying all this to say we need to make a move we need to make a

Move we can’t go into these fights expecting uh Alp or jayen to drop 30 and 30 even though they might hey man when we go to the bench give me a shooter give me a viable backup five I can’t rely on Jeff Green playing 35 minutes a

Game this is where Rafel Stone needs to show his stuff we’ve seen coach adoka we know what he is we’ve seen some of these young guys you know Jabari turned the corner alp’s an All-Star level we know what Fred is we know we know what everything is we’re fell Stone this team

Is viable give them the best chance to make it to the playoffs the priority for the team right now we need a backup five and we need shooting we need a backup five and we need shooting I think you know I would say a honorable mention need would be like a

Ball handler but I think by committee between Fred Jaylen uh with amen with shenon they can kind of fix that but give us some Shooters man give me a shooter give me a bench unit where I could put Alp out there with Jabari with Fred a shooter and like Dylan or

Just give me give me that space I want to see this because right now everything our guys have to do is hard how can all these teams Converge on alpr shenon when he’s posting up because there’s no consequence because he’s kicking it out to Jan freaking tapate bro he’s kicking

It out to Jan Tate punish these teams Stone go get us some spacing Give em some tools that he can use you know the guy wants to shoot a bunch of Threes give him some tools we can use the Rockets are viable they are viable this team is real I’m not saying

We’re going to win a championship but you know I mean we got to get in the dance I want to be like the OKC Thunder where they got in a play in appearance and now they’re the second in the west you know what I mean that’s what it

Takes imagine what it looks like for your players if they go to a first round and get bounc right six we losing six to Minnesota what is on jabari’s mind if he got punked in the post that whole series or shenon where he was a little weak

Couldn’t back down some of the players or Jaylen where an was on them do you think they’re going to go to C Cabo for their summer vacation not if they’re made of the right stuff these things matter you know what I mean progression is not linear you can

Never take anything for granted and CJ Stout said it best don’t wait you got to do it right now it’s not next year or the year after that you got to go for it right now the rockets need to go for it go get some

Help on the bench to help these kids and Fred and Coach adoka so we can truly compete and show what the star potential of our players is because you’re killing two birds not only you getting your players better motivating them to do better you’re also setting the stage for

Any potential free agents that want to come down to Houston and try to contend for a championship but y’all let me know man what was your favorite part of the game mine was the defense I think the defense was excellent and also if you

Had to get a player in here who would it be who is your trade that you think that we can bring in to this team to help us make the playoffs y’all keep rocking with The Chop Shop we’re going to keep dropping that fire hey love you guys man love the work this

Is a huge accomplishment man first time this organization been to the playoffs since think 2019 all right again nobody matter doesn’t matter what people say on the outside it’s about the men in this room continue to believe in each other continue to fight every single snap we

Got special people in this room this is a special group of men believe it continue to lean on each other continue to trust in each other we can go as far as we want to go Texas bjo CJ welcome to the playoffs how does that sound to you man it’s a blessing I

Can’t do nothing but just thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ man I’m sorry I put a lot of work in my team has everybody cting us out from the from the start so man it’s just special to see the city of Houston just on to come up

Again and um I’m just blessed enough to be the vessel that that Christ picked to to lead this great franchise so I can do nothing but just thank the Lord

In this video I talk about the Rockets vs. Bucks and Why the Rockets MUST Improve Their ROSTER this season! #nba #houstonrockets #alperensengun #jalengreen #giannisantetokounmpo #milwaukeebucks

Alperen Sengun Allstar Voting: All Star ➡️

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  1. Great analysis Frank I was focusing on the Texans but I saw bits of the game.

    Yeah it was good to see Jalen and Fred taking advantage of the drop coverage. I do agree they need to take advantage and see when Sengun has a mismatch don’t go away from him.

    But yeah Jalen has played well he playing within the flow of the team.

    Also Jeff Green man, this man has been fantastic off the bench and he wasn’t susppose to play big minutes but it happened because of how awful Landale is so shoutout to uncle Jeff.

    Also Cam Im loving that he getting minutes he exactly what we need as a shooter and he a bull at getting to the rim.

    Overall it was a good win man let’s see what happens on Monday

  2. Alpi did the difficult thing to be able to approach the rim last night but just did not finish those easy buckets. I am sure he is going to learn from his mistakes after video-watching about those misses. He is a high IQ player.

  3. The Rockets 🚀 need to confirm the extension of Uncle Jeff for a 2nd year today. They need him.

  4. Great as usual. But which shooter? It's not that easy to find spacing + defense.
    OKC stuck with their guns and didn't do any trades.
    I dont think we need to do anything other than a reliable big

  5. A budget friendly option, big Yurt in Utah. Great rebounder and very strong big man, though he lacks agility and scoring.

  6. Lol you didn’t mention another non playing Rockets Victor oladipo. I believe you on the need for a back up center and a shooter bro,just you were a little hash on Aaron holiday the guy is doing his best to help the team especially at a time when Amen wasn’t ready and Jalen was inconsistent.Holiday had stepped in for both and did great.

  7. I’ll trade Tate, Landale, Oladipo, Marjanovic plus whatever pick it takes to get Naz Reid and Jordan Clarkson. If we have to throw in Bullock, so be it. That’s my trade proposal

  8. Disappointed in Van Fleet? He's our closer in terms of taking big shots. You seem to criticize everyone but Sengun. Be happy we're winning

  9. Also Tate has been a BLESSING. His defense & hustle has been much needed in Dillon's absence. You CAN'T be watching games like you say you do

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