@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: East Rivals passing them with trades? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: East Rivals passing them with trades? | Five on the Floor

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Up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolnick you can follow me Ethan J

Skolnick and five Reon Sports we have Greg slander you can follow M Greg slander also want to mention because I always forget this uh we’re on threads now as well I got to do a better job of populating it but 3,000 people have found us so you might want to find us

There too so if you use threads again it’s five reason Sports same place you can put in EJ skullnick as well but you’re basically just going to get pictures of me and my daughter Greg are you on there yet yep I’m there too Greg sander you can find me there all right

So check us out on threads and of course we have the five reason sports page on Facebook I don’t know how many of our audience are still using that but if if you want to you can check us out there as well and in a lot of the Miami Heat

Groups there although I do not recommend venturing too deeply into the Miami Heat groups on Facebook because that’s a whole another thing from Twitter you think Twitter is bad those Facebook groups are still pining for Hanan Whit side anyway Greg let’s get into transactions because we know that’s what everybody wants to talk

About and it’s funny because when I take a look at Twitter um there really are two camps here there there’s people who like this team want to give it time to get help healthy and then there’s those who are itchy for transactions as someone in the heat front office said to

Me at some point uh we love your followers but a lot of them need some Ridin so that’s kind of where we’re at too honestly because now we’ve hit 2024 and people are talking about trades but not just are they talking about trades and I feel like I’m contractually

Obligated to say Eternal was right because one of our guys Eternal host on our playback Channel been saying oh there’s going to be a lot more transactions early this year and it looks like so far they’re going to be some transactions early so we’re going

To try to put this into some context not so much about what the heat are doing right now because honestly I don’t think that there’s a whole lot going on and we’ll we’ll get to that but whether or not they’re going to need to if some of these other teams that they’re bunched

Up with in the Eastern Conference are going to make proactive moves to try to upgrade are they Heat going to be left in the dust and Greg is I I say this because as we go through the standings I said this on our postgame show last

Night the East is kind of split into three tiers right now you can maybe call it four tiers so the the teams at the top tier right now are the Celtics the Bucks and the Sixers and and I know that we believe that the heat will belong in

That tier once the playoffs start but you know because of the injuries because of some of the inconsistency they’re just not there right now those are them the three most consistent teams the records reflected I think all of them are flawed in different ways and I think

All of them are beatable in the playoffs by the heat I think the heat believe they can beat them but I can’t respectfully put the heat in the first tier uh when they’re bunched up with all these other teams so then you get to the

Next tier and as we go into play today and we’re recording this Saturday afternoon the Pacers are 20 and 14 the Cavs even with two major injuries are 20 and 15 the heat are 20 and 15 the magic are 20 and 15 the Knicks are 20 and 15

So there are five team teams separated by half a game in the standings as we start I think we got to call that tier two then you get so let’s call it four tiers then there’s tier three okay these are the teams that really should be making trades because they’re relegated

To the playin at best and they’ve all had moments this year but all have had a lot of inconsistency so I would say that’s the Nets at 16 and 20 the Bulls at 16- 21 the Hawks at 14 and 20 and the Raptors at 14 and 21 let’s call that

Tier three those are the those are the four teams that honestly should be moving players they should be moving because they’re not gonna compete in the playoffs in any significant way this year but they’re not bad enough to get a high lottery pick if they even have one

In what looks like a bad draft by the way but trade guys away to get to the next tier which is correct the the fourth tier so let’s get to that the fourth tier I know you’re you’re relatively close to them up there your friends in Charlotte 8 and 25 the

Wizards 6 and 28 and the Pistons three and 32 so that’s the dregs of the conference Pistons broke their losing streak and they just went to start losing again but all three of those teams have interesting players like that all three of those teams have players who could help the heat we’ve talked

About a lot of those players before whether it’s Terry Rosier or tyus Jones uh or Monte Morris or like or or bonovich like they all have players who would be helpful to the Heat and some way okay so we got four tiers we’re putting the he in tier two I think you

And I both believe they’re the best team in tier two but until they get Jimmy Butler healthy with the rest of this group and they prove it I can’t put them in tier one so we’ve seen so here’s how I view this okay the three teams in tier one I

Think are going to be looking to add a piece okay so what does Boston need they need fortification on their bench particularly I think think up front because if porzingis gets hurt Horford’s old they have issues there I also don’t like their backups in the back court I’m

Not a fan of Pritchard um they don’t have much else there at the wing spot like they need a they need someone off the bench I me their starting lineup is loaded we know that they need someone off the bench okay Beyond uh you know whether they play small with white you

Know white obviously he’s been starting however Direction they want to go they’re really six deep they need to get to seven or eight deep so they may it may be for them and again they looking at second apron and all the rest of this but they need to flip a pick and get

Somebody who can help them on the bench and I think Brad is aggressive I expect Greg that he will no they need to fix the defense like they need a defensive rotation player in there somewhere they’re getting Jay Crowder back but I don’t know what he can give them at this

Stage he’s probably better than what they’ve been throwing out there but they need one more guy I think probably I know the heat need this a point of attack Defender Off the Bench uh because their starting guards are not it we know with Lillard and and Beasley and Philadelphia probably has the most

Flexibility to make a major move but I think they probably need one more scorer I would say um okay so that’s those are those three but I don’t expect even though Brad Stevens can be aggressive even though darl Mory can be aggressive I don’t expect major moves from them I

Think those teams are tweak moves okay the teams that think will make the major upgrade moves are the teams in tier two and we’ve already seen one right yeah okay so the Knicks have made one and the early results are positive I don’t know they could make another they have a

Flexibility and they’re two and 0 since they got OJ anobi um and traded RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickley and again I have my long-term concerns about giving OG that kind of money and whether they’re going to regret losing quickly but for right now it seems like they’re

Happy with it the fans are happy with it which other team in in tier two are you concerned about making a move to elevate above Miami all I keep hearing is that Indiana is a major player for Pascal se yakum you heard that Sacramento kind of fell

Out of the talks there although I think that could be some just report posturing that’s taking place I think Indiana is really a team to watch they’re a team that wants to win they want to make a playoff run they’re not interested in Lottery picks they’ve had enough of them

So watch Indiana same record as Miami New York we already mentioned could make another move and then the other one that jumps out to me is Orlando um because they have a lot of interesting pieces that could be moved around and it was reported today that they have expressed

Interest in Malcolm Brogden the point guard that’s now out in Portland um so uh I I think between Orlando Indiana and New York with a follow-up move Miami has to be careful that they don’t all of a sudden find themselves like on the back end of the

Tier instead of directly in the middle of the tier in the front of the tier just by virtue of transactions happening where other teams get deeper better or might more diverse in ways that uh that makes the team come together maybe even better than the some of their parts Etc

So that’s the tricky little risk that that that you’re following and we’re tracking till the February deadline here’s here’s why it matters so much because if you’re G to have home court in the first round you need to be at the very front of that tier because that’s

The four seed and if you’re at the back end of that tier you know where you’re at the play in so it matters like and I I’ve said this that I’ve been a little surprised that Eric spuler has mentioned seating as many times as he has so far this

Season because he typically does not do that particularly in the first half of years like I I don’t hear him usually talk about seating until you get to March and he was talking about seeding in early December which makes me think that this has been an emphasis with his

Team behind closed doors that we look obviously we don’t have everybody healthy but we need to play at a pretty high level because we do not want to be in the situation we were in last year we’re in the seven and then we Dro to eight because we lose the first playing

Game and then we need Max stru is’s not here anymore by the way to save us in the last three minutes of Chicago to have any chance at that run so seing does matter to them I’m not saying it’s all end all be all or else they’d be

Playing some guys who are banged up but it matters enough and like you said if you’re going to be at the back end of that tier you’re in the play in that that’s where you’re at so you look at the Knicks okay you mentioned Orlando Miami handled them up there they got a

Chance to see him again down here we’ll see if Jimmy’s back at that point Jimmy didn’t play in the game up there and they they beat them anyway they got a lot of young Talent um I think it’s a little mismatch they it still feels to

Me like they need wings like I think they’re they’re they seem to have you know they got small guards and they’ve got really talented young bigs you know and and versatile talented young bigs obviously with very high upsid Vagner uh Paulo and it looks like they may be moving wend

Carter Jr we’ll see but that’s one of the teams I think I would be concerned about um even though they’ve got again a young coach and and a young team what about Cleveland because I I think people put them sort of towards the front end of this tier before the year but again

Two major injuries that they’ve had Mobly and Garland but they’re hanging in right now Max has had something to do with that but with Mitchell Allen’s raised his level of play and and they’ve done enough do you think could you see them making a move to

Elevate yes because they have a lot of pieces and I think that this is why we don’t get the buzz around Cleveland is I think everyone is resigned to the idea resigned to the fact that Donovan Mitchell eventually is going to get traded and so that they just don’t think

That’s going to work there and so so Cleveland’s been written off but you’re right like they’ve been really hurt if you look at their top three guys they’ve missed um tons of time like Miami Heat level time uh in terms of just missed games from their top player so uh the

Fact that they’re still in the race means that they could make a move they have some mid-tier contracts Off the Bench they’re G to keep Max our friend Max is safe we’ll say that much but um they also have like a weird roster right where they have like some people think

That they’re too big and other people think that it could work but they got to add different pieces in the back court to make it work so because of the Mitchell Garland Dynamic so it that’s just a weird team that feels like it needs a move but because we haven’t seen

Them whole they may track similar to how we’ve projected Miami and being a little more careful and kind of plotted out um more carefully because they haven’t seen themselves whole so they’re Wonder wondering maybe we are good enough and we don’t need to sacrifice an asset so

That’s why I didn’t initially go to them because I I think they want to see more of themselves as a complete team yeah I’m always transparent about not about sourcing necessarily but about kind of which Executives around the league I’ve gotten to know over time um so I’ve

Gotten to know Kobe Alman a little bit because I spent a year up in Cleveland when he was not at the top of the food chain there now he has been for the past few years so I had a lot of conversations with Kobe before he came

Come hman he would ask about the Heat and their philosophy and again I was stuck in Cleveland with nothing to do and so you’re sitting at a bar and you talk you talk basketball that’s what we used to do uh and I saw Kobe recently I can just tell you he’ll be aggressive

Okay I just know his mindset he he’s been aggressive they they have uh they have they have made major moves major changes over time and he’s not afraid to do that and and I also think that you’re in a market like Cleveland that has lost the star like LeBron before now you have

Another star I believe they will do what it takes to add a piece to that team this year to convince Donovan Mitchell look we know you like New York or maybe Brooklyn whatever but you can win here or Miami right but you can win here and

Uh and so I I would I would be careful of them I I feel like honestly and this kind of why we’re we’re doing this I feel like every team in that tier is going to be aggressively looking to move up I I I don’t think any of those teams

Are trying to drop I I Orlando for sure if you have been as bad as Orlando has been for a long time I I feel the same way about Houston in the west if you’ve been as bad as Orlando has been and you’ve been in this rebuild and you have

An opportunity to get your young players meaningful playoff experience Indie to and your young coach you do it you make the move and you do it particularly when you have some ill-fitting parts and you can I think they will make a move maybe attach a pick to one of their young

Players go get a veteran guy I would be worried about Orlando Indiana Rick carlle is not a young man okay he took this job to re re refresh this thing he’s built a style there that’s very different from the styles that he had in in Detroit and Dallas and the other

Places he’s been um he’s got an elite point guard there which can make other guys better I think they’re going to be aggressively trying to move up and the Knicks have already done it and you said they can do it as you said they can do

It again that’s one of the concern that I would have is that if Miami is going to sit Pat here and just figure okay we’re going to get healthy I I do believe they’re the best team and probably would still have the best roster of all those teams maybe not more

So than Cleveland but I think then the others uh if they get everybody you know reasonably healthy and don’t add anything but if they don’t and this chemistry doesn’t come together then I would be concerned about these teams passing them and and leaving them and I’ll say this okay they need to

Get the four uh they need to get the four like I like the three the three would be nice okay and I know people G say well if you’re in the four you may be in the Celtics bracket I I don’t care about that they need to get the four

Because I think this team needs a homecourt series it shouldn’t have to scrap from the very beginning of this and honestly this team is built to win now there’s no excuse for going being seven8 last year and then being six or seven or something like that this year

They need to be the four okay which means they need to get to the which means if other teams are going to make moves there they’re going to make them better Miami may need to counter Greg on the other side of the break I think we should talk about exactly how they’re

Gonna have to counter and what it means because you’re absolutely right if all those teams are going to do something you can’t just stand P all right let’s get to it in a second before we do don’t stand P if you got water damage you got mole damage reach out to our friends

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Boone but they serve as brow and Dade counties as well if you’ve got the Schmutz they got the guts all right so let’s get to the next tier because I feel like this is where this is going to come in okay do you see

Any of these teams we I I mentioned tier three Nets 16 and 20 Bulls I I’m surprised the Bulls record is this good actually 16 and 21 Raptors who just made one trade which was not really a stepback trade I mean you’re adding a guy in quickly was a Sixth Man of the

Year candidate and RJ Barrett who was the number three overall pick in his draft like that’s that’s not a step back even though they traded OG uh and the Hawks at 14 and 20 they just got obliterated uh as we’re speaking here should any of those four teams the Nets

Raptors Bulls or Hawks be trying to get into that second tier of teams this year um I would say Toronto’s gonna probably try to continue to stay in that second tier they made a move that um yay parody because that’s the kind of Trades that you’re going to see is trades where both

Teams come out pretty equal and I think that that was a one of the more equal trades that we’ve seen in quite some time where you didn’t really have a a hard stance either way I think we’re going to see more of those I would imagine Chicago and Atlanta are the ones

That are most likely the sellers like that are going to finally say enough of this uh that’s just me projecting and that this is where this gets super complex is that the teams in Miami’s tier are likely G to be shopping from the teams in this tier and so whether

Miami likes the players in this tier or not they could maybe go shop in a different tier as we kind of put these you know in these buckets but I really see the Clevelands of the world the the New Yorks of the world already was was a

Team that was in this Orlando I see them poaching from these squads I think that it makes total sense for them to have those kind of conversations maybe not right this exact moment yet with some of the teams because they’re so closely you know formed together on the in the

Standings but as you get closer to February I can absolutely see that and that’s where this gets tricky for Miami because you can’t get caught in a situation where you have a 29 almost $30 million expiring contract and you don’t use it to your advantage because there’s it’s you can’t

Say that you don’t have the ability whether it be a pick and a player that’s like an expiring like Lowry and a pick can go get you something what it can get you we’ll have to find out but it can get you something so you’re going to have to explain why

That was not palatable if one if all these other teams are shopping from that tier below you getting better well and I want to make it clear too you can also shop out west you know that’s the other thing there there are 15 teams to look at out west the reason

We haven’t focused on as much of course is the heat aren’t trying to jump any of those teams at the moment but also the West is a mess like like I said the East is very easy for me to classify like we did this tier one tier I think everybody

Understands it right you got your contenders looking to make a small move you got your second tier we’re trying to get that four seed those five teams in that mix then you’ve got some teams that look like at best you know playing type teams and they really should be going

Backwards and then you got your garbage right like there are four tiers the West like OKC Minnesota we’re not necessarily supposed to be in this position at this point Denver has been what was expected the Clippers have figured things out there’s a lot of Talent there but meanwhile until last night Phoenix was

Kind of sinking a little bit golden state is a disaster right now for a whole bunch of different reasons and the Lakers I mean LeBron is unhappy you never know what they’re going to do out there and I’ve just mentioned like seven or eight teams I we could see any I mean

The Lakers were not projected to go to Western Conference finals last year halfway through the season they made trades and they got there so I don’t want to rule out going to get something out west but I do agree with you that this Falls pretty nicely in the East for

Some of the teams above to pick from that third tier and then what what becomes the the question is okay so who right okay so Toronto is probably going to be the next major team to make a move or M major player to move if cakam is on the move

And it’s exactly what you’re talking about which is we know that Indiana’s been in on SE yakum we heard Sacramento was in on SE yakum and then now they’re not in onak which seemed to me just like tradecraft which you throw that out to sham so that you try to uh negotiate

Through the media here a little bit Golden State could be in on seum but if Toronto trades him out west okay whatever if he trades him to Indiana it changes things it changes things okay so you’re looking at that then you know you look a little bit below and you say okay

Uh let’s look at it at at Atlanta right is deante Murray Gonna Be Moved okay that most reporters think he will be at this stage if he’s traded to let’s say dejonte Murray some I I don’t think he can end up in Boston or Milwaukee with

Pieces that they have Orlando what if he ends up in tier one in Philadelphia because there’s right okay so that’s a possibility there you look at Atlanta Chicago we’ve talked about LaVine looks like maybe be targeted out west but what if he ends up in Orlando because there’s

Been some rumors about that okay that there’s interest there and they could use actually I have my concerns about Zack l we’ve discussed them on previous podcast but they could use a player like that situation yeah they don’t have that kind of break you down off the dribble

Type guard like they that that that kind of they don’t have that type of player and you throw him in the mix with Pao and fron you’ve got kind of a mini a mini big three down there that at least you can build around so what if he ends

Up there on a smaller scale Caruso possibly okay as that extra P see Caruso seems to be like the type of piece that the tier one teams we look at right like you add him to a Philadelphia like that makes a lot of sense what if you’re adding Bost him

To Boston exactly Off the Bench okay so that’s that’s or Milwaukee for that matter right like he would start in Milwaukee next to next to Dame so that’s a concern there so I think you start to look at those teams you’re like okay what becomes first thing are those guys

Going to be traded to teams that he are competing with not going to he’ actually get in on any of them now cakam no I don’t think that’s likely LaVine no I don’t think that’s likely we’ve talked about Caruso a little bit maybe as a possibility then you’re talking about

Partying with yic most likely along with Caleb I mean that’s kind of the conversations that you’re starting to have there um you look at uh and then let’s get to the other team we haven’t discussed much here which is the Nets who have to me the most there’s the Nel

Bridges discussion which is a higher level discussion and then there’s the den witty Royce O’Neal Dorian Smith Dorian finny Smith you know players who we know can help Miami particular J denn right on even on a smaller scale so does Miami look there or are those players all going to be

Poached because I do think Brooklyn is going to reshuffle I don’t think Brooklyn doesn’t tank they it’s not the way they do things nor Nei does Indiana but I think that they will they will Resh and then you get to the the lower tier okay and this is where we’re like at the

Plankton we’re at the bottom of the ocean right you got Detroit you got Washington and you’ve got Charlotte at least two of them teams are gonna sell off some guys there’s no doubt maybe one of them will be stubborn but two or three they’re going to sell to the

Highest it seems like Detroit of all is the one that’s going to be stubborn from what we’re hearing that they they want to win which is odd because nothing they’ve done has sort of indicated that but it doesn’t seem like they’re going to trade bogdanovich it doesn’t seem like they’re going to trade

Monte Morris I mean Joe Harris in the last year of his deal but we get into the tus Jones conversation with Washington obviously does Kyle kosma interest you in any way because that feels like the kind of piece that gets moved to Contender team for something bigger not for Miami no

Okay because skill set wise he fits a lot of the things that you would want next to B he does but I am worried that he would get in the way of haime hakz so no thank you okay well that’s fair all right tyus Jones we’ve discussed okay and D wri

Like you could get galinari delone wri and uh tyus Jones for Lowry and Thomas Bryant and a future second round pick like that’s not a trade that anyone’s going to go yay and gets real excited about but the heat get two point guards and some front core depth with it like I

Know you’d have to get rid of a couple guys but they got a couple non-guaranteed contracts although Drew Smith was reported as non-guaranteed um I think Bobby marks may have tweeted it I don’t think he realizes because of the injury that he’s fully guaranteed but Orlando Robinson

Still has a guarantee coming up if I’m if I remember correctly and I think he just had 43 and 10 or something like that in uh in G League last night or 43 and 12 or something along those lines he seems to have outgrown that um I I I do

Think what you’re talking about is the kind of trade they made in the covid season in the bubble season which was that where they got Iguodala bigger name maybe than the guy that they would get now although I think Crowder was always their number one target during that

Trade situation right and we know they move Winslow they move waiters they move okay Etc um and and and I I I think that that trade could be out there for them it Charlotte is the other one um agree Terry Terry Rosier is going to end up on

A on a contending team I think he makes sense in milwa he’s not a great defender he makes sense in Milwaukee he makes sense uh in in Philly too like I said they these are those three teams so it’s like when I talk about okay concern about the teams in

Your tier but also Miami views itself as being in that upper tier and those are the teams they’re gonna need to go p and and I guess this is where we close because I we’re speculating about a bunch of names out there and we could do

This in the West conference as well but I wanted to stick to the east I think that the Nicks trade which started the market early this year puts pressure on these other teams to make moves particularly as again the CBA is changing with the uh with what we’re

Looking at with the second apron and all the rest of this and the punitive stuff that’s going to come down the road it puts pressure on these teams to act for competitive reasons for financial reasons and uh and just just simply not be the one left standing at the altar

And I although I don’t think this team has to make a move if they get the Jimmy Butler that they got last year and if they could figure out the herob butler thing and you know while integrating hakz and get more guys I don’t think it’s it’s like a 100% necessary I do

Think and I do have a legitimate concern that if they do nothing and the league rebalances and these teams they’re with get better the teams above them get better between what’s actually going to happen on the court and what’s going to happen on social media and in the fan

Base there’s it’s not gonna be pretty I’ll just say this there’s no functional basketball reason that you can make for being conservative right now what I mean like as a point guard growing up my head coach used to always say you got to know the time and a score you got to know

Time and score time and score four well look at the time and score of this team at this build it’s year five are you going to go into the summer and say okay we made it through this year we evaluated this team and it just didn’t

Work so now we’re going to go ahead and I’m using air quotes for our our listeners who can’t see me blow it up I say that super relatively because myi never blows everything completely up are you going to make wholesale changes this summer and not have ever said well at

Least we know we supplemented that core with one more piece right before they went into the Foxhole uh for the playoffs like I just feel like this is not the moment to be conservative say this too and this is a longer term concern and you never know

What’s going to happen to other teams between you know players improving or declining or getting injured or leaving or whatever but this feels to me a little bit like a moment with what we’re seeing with some of these younger teams particularly out west where what’s happening in OKC right

Now where they have three legitimate Star level young players okay like they did in the last decade right Sam prey knows what the hell he’s doing okay this is why the heat respect him so much okay they drafted the hell out of this thing again and he made a ridiculously good

Trade to get Shay and all these additional draft picks so that they can make more moves down the road they can basically add whatever they want if they want Lori Morin in right now they can go get Lori Marin right now they have the assets to do that but they may decide to

Hold tight and wait for something else okay but it feels to me and that never came to fruition in part because the heat stopped it okay in two th with what by beating them in 2012 but it feels to me like an early 2010s OKC situation and

It feels to me even more so like a mid 2010’s Golden State situation and so I’ll I’ll this this would be the other concern as you talk about it part of it is about giving yourself the best chance this year for sure okay against the tier you’re in and particularly against the

Tier above Milwaukee boss in Philadelphia to try to give yourself an opportunity in the finals okay and to to be in the finals again whoever comes out but also with so much young talent in the league right now and if you don’t strike when you have the chance you may

Not get another chance yeah you may not get another chance and that’s why I focus so much on when’s Jimmy gonna be healthy and when are we GNA see this team look the way they should look with their top three guys who have started and finished only six games together this

Year but if you think that’s going to happen eventually in the front office then you do need to make the move to give them the best opportunity that that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t mean trading Tyler which I know is where everybody’s going with this but it means

Doing what what you’ve talked about which is taking the Lowry contract or if you’re not going to resign Caleb taking taking Caleb’s number or both or both and and seeing how this thing can play out all right we did it ear people wanted a transaction pod we did a

Transaction pod this is your riddin everybody uh thanks to G thanks to better Edge use the code 5 RS or five reasons and also water cleanup of Florida have a good one thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the five reing sports network

After all someone needs to listen to my dad

With almost half the NBA season over, the Eastern Conference has split into four tiers, with the Miami Heat seemingly in tier 2 with Orlando, New York, Indiana and Cleveland. The Knicks have already made a trade, but it appears the Pacers and Magic are looking to upgrade also. Will the Heat regret not making a move as well? Ethan and Greg look at the options and the risks.

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  1. The Heat def need to get healthy, with that being said Herro doesn’t play correctly with Jimmy and Bam on the floor. The Heat are missing someone who can get to the rim consistently. Tyler fucking sucks at that and he refuses to be a more off ball player when Jimmy and Bam are on the floor. It’s either he becomes more off ball player or he figures a way to get to the rim more. Obviously getting to the rim is harder due to the fact that it takes more on ball time and more athleticism. Herro hasn’t seem to improve that much in any of those areas, so he needs to be paired up and traded for somebody who can.

  2. Also this is something for the future, If Bam is gonna be a core player for the Heat. He needs to get better offensively. He still struggles to get to the rim and he has no 3pt, he needs to develop both for the future.

  3. I think Heat might have the same run last year rematch with Denver again I think they have better team this season I just think Heat always out execute and although Boston has crazy supporting cast but I don’t think their two best players JT and JB are good enough in terms of late game situation.
    I think it will be Heat vs Boston conference finals rematch

  4. Tyler has been given 5 years to show he’s a #1 scoring option. He’s not. He’s a good player but he’s not that. They need a primary scorer. Swing big or just be ok with being the Cinderella overachiever every year.

  5. Celtics have established themselves as the class of the East. Other teams are making moves and getting better. If the Heat don’t get a dynamic guard that can get to the rim they will be a first round exit. Rolling into the playoffs with Lowry at the point will be malpractice by the front office.

  6. We need a strong Power Forward and a 30 points per game shooter (either a shooting guard or a point guard).
    Tyler should not be a starter, so he should be an asset for trading right now.
    If Pat doesn't move in the February deadline, we are not serious contenders.
    OKC, Clippers, Nuggets in the West and the Celtics in the East are on another level.

  7. I agree with using the Kyle contract to get a couple of players, but I find it funny when people talk about trading Tyler. Tell me what superstar are we supposed to be getting by trading Tyler? Who is this magical player? I think Miami just needs to get a couple More role players that complement the build that we have right now. Three things that Miami should be targeting right now a starting point guard starting power forward and a back up center.

  8. The so-called experts said that we were going to be a play in team, but even with all the injuries were 20 and 15. So imagine if we were fully healthy. Getting a couple role players, who can somewhat mimic the skills of the players that we have who are injured seems crucial to me.

  9. I have zero faith in Pat and the front office making any moves that they should make like upgrading their point guard position.

  10. I just think they need a facilitator at point guard that can score the 3 and defend…it’ll make the offense so much easier for Tyler jimmy and bam…they won’t have to create for themselves

  11. 4-13 against the Clippers and 2-12 against the Suns lets us know that Tyler is inconsistent, we cant rely on him to be a primary scorer. He’s good but he ain’t great.

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