@Detroit Pistons

2024 Detroit Pistons: The SORRIEST TEAM IN NBA HISTORY

2024 Detroit Pistons: The SORRIEST TEAM IN NBA HISTORY

[Applause] Pistons oh my goodness man I shouldn’t have been excited watching that game last night but I was cuz I really thought history was going to be made and you know what it was it was I thought history was going to be made in terms of okay they’re not going

To have the number one not not one a one B the number one longest losing streak of all time and they came close cuz I did watch the game they they they did come close K dropped 40 it was a close game up until the end but boy them pisses

Suck they made Nicholas Claxton look like Prime Giannis out there I don’t know why I said Prime Yannis he just looked like Giannis out there there was literally one play I vividly remember Nick Claxton blocked someone uh someone’s dunk he he runs down runs down the court catches a lob like he’s

[ __ ] Giannis bro like yo the Pistons are ass’s look at this goddamn let me remind y’all what their schedule is or what the record is right now the Pistons are 2 and 28 ladies and gentlemen the Pistons are 2 and 28 and they have lost 27 games in a row that is

A league [Applause] Record this is embarrassing this is embarrassing now I understand that the Pistons are a rebuilding team so I didn’t have high expectations for them coming into this season however I legitimately think and I will make this claim right now on stream and I said this honestly a couple

Weeks ago but that was from a current perspective this is easily the most disappointing team of all time this is easily the worst team of all time to me to me from my expectation standpoint because if you look at the worst teams in history the the teams at

The very bottom and we’ll look at them right now we’ll look at them right now NBA worst records of all time NBA worst regular seasons of all time right um You got the Charlotte Bobcats in 2012 you had the Philadelphia 76ers in 73 the Philadelphia 76ers in

2016 the Dallas Mavericks in 199 3 the San Antonio sprays in 2024 okay um the Denver Nuggets in 1998 and maybe I just don’t know enough about these teams to make that statement to make the statement I’m about to make but let’s just look at post 2000s right um the New Jersey

Nets the Atlanta Hawks the 76ers 2016 the Bobcats in 2012 these were teams that just did not have talent on them period point blank or they were tanking they were tanking they they came into the season knowing they were ass and they were ass they came into the

Season wanting to be ass and they were ass but the Detroit Pistons are different you see the the Detroit Pistons like I said earlier no one expected them to be a top four seed in the East but people expected some sort of progression people expected some sort of

Leap nothing crazy but some sort of improvement from last season Jaylen duren’s coming back Jayden Ivy has another season under him they got a new coach in Monty Williams who’s been winning a lot of games in recent years Kade Cunningham is fully healthy their franchise Cornerstone the got of Sir

Thompson in the last draft and the way he was playing out the gate yo he was playing just fine he was playing just fine there was an expectation of this team to improve even internally even internally the Pistons wanted to win games and that’s what makes this team so

Fu [ __ ] ass and so frustrating is because this is a team trying to win this is a team trying to win they don’t want to they don’t want to lose 27 games in a row they don’t want to have the worst record in the league they want to they want to

Establish some sort of winning culture in Detroit to build upon that’s what makes this situation so sad and maybe the worst team the most disappointing team those are the the the those are the wrong labels I think angel said it in chat this is the saddest situation in

NBA history this is what it is bro this is this is this is ass bro this is I don’t know why why they expected that okay now that’s that’s some revisionist ass history take I I I will say that because again let’s look at the russer that they had last

Year now they were 17 and 65 all right 17 and 65 um but all of the dudes that were integral to that team they are back aside from who sadique Bay all of these dudes are back and they are young so in any other situation when you run it back

With young players who have another offseason under their belt you just expect internal Improvement expect internal Improvement on top of getting a Ser Thompson on top of getting a new coach which is honestly reasonable those are reasonable expectations but yeah just did not happen it just it just do not happen

They are a bottom three de uh bottom three offense and a bottom four defense this team is certified garbage um there’s really not much to it aside from that I ain’t going to lie as a some what Pistons fan I thought the worst days were behind that’s what I’m saying

I think for a majority of Pistons fans that was the case it was on some okay maybe we we may not even be a playing team right maybe that’s not us this year but can we at least get the 30 wins from 17 right C can we at least make the

Leag from this to this can we at least make the leag from this to this and I don’t think I don’t think the those were unreasonable expectations you know it was on some hey the playing being a playing team is shooting for the stars but being a 35 win team being a

34- win team that’s a hey I shot for the stars but I landed on the moon type type [ __ ] the Piston shot for the stars and did not move Move yo SpaceX tried to launch that rocket and it just did not move it got worse instead of going up it went 10 ft under this is embarrassing shot for the Stars landed in Flint shout out to cardiac man good morning good morning to everyone in the

Building man they shot for the stars and drowned yeah nah bro like that’s embarrassing that’s embarrassing now what do I think they need to do moving forward number one I I truly don’t think Kade is the problem I truly don’t think Kade is the problem Kade Kade should

Stay Kate should stay and I think if slash when they turn it around cuz I it can’t get worse than this right it can’t it literally cannot I’m sorry I mathematically it can but I truly don’t think it can but I think Cade being the lack of a better term I’m not saying

Kate is going to peek at Paul Pierce but the Paul Pierce of this franchise in terms of he he he was a dude that stuck it through the hard times he was there when they were you know 17 and 65 and had the longest losing streak in history

If slash when they turn it around I want Kate to be there so he can reap the benefits of his hard [ __ ] work all right um aside from that listen I understand the whole coaching Dynamic is it’s a partnership and we talked about that on the Pod as well

It’s a partnership the coach can only do so much you know um the co if the coach tells you to drop and you’re not dropping what the [ __ ] do you want me to do as a coach if the coach tells you to switch the pick and roll and we’re not

Switching what the [ __ ] as a coach do you want me to do um so I’m not blaming the full blame on Monty Williams but with everything and anything we discuss there is always a line there is always a line um I would give Monty another season all right I I would give Monty

Another season maybe this was just a fluke year maybe this is just a team that needs another year development but next year Monty’s on a short lease dog I I I ain’t going to lie I listen there’s a line there is a line and your first season being two or

28 boy you have you have you have you cut that line very fast you cut that line very fast you are approaching that Finish Line very [ __ ] fast faster than you should have faster than you should have because in any other scenario I would have given

You three years but with this start is two now 27 game losing streak two of 28 in the first 30 games and it’s looking like it it can only get worse two years dog two years if you if you don’t show if I ain’t going to lie not even

Improvement if this team next year isn’t a 35 win team you’re done you’re done buddy you’re done and I I don’t I don’t think that should Mark Monty Williams as a bad coach cuz I do I do think that’s unfair I personally come from the belief that certain coaches are just meant for

Certain situations right everyone wants to you know and maybe he could have but everyone wants to point point to Mark Jackson and say yo the Warriors hold him you know they should have never fired Mark Jackson because and now all the credit is given to Steve Kerr for all of

Mark Jackson’s hard work um same thing with I don’t know other coaches out there Brad Stevens maybe yeah I think Brad Stevens is another example right um and the same argument goes with players the same argument goes with players some players are meant to be extreme floor raisers like a Allan Iverson

But they’re not as good ceiling raisers I think C uh coaches are the same thing there are a lot of coaches in the league who are good who can make [ __ ] work with a more veteran Squad with a more veteran roster there are certain coaches who can make it work with championship rosters

But if you ask them to coach an ass team I don’t think they’re doing much to to maximize that core you know what I’m saying so for me Brad Stevens was that the season we were having with with Avery Bradley Jay Crowder um Jonas dco

And Kelly o lenck as as a top three seed in the East now I understand back then a top three seed in the East you only needed to win 4850 wins but still given that Talent like we should have never been in that position but once you give Brad Stevens the 2019

Roster once you give Brad Stevens the 2020 roster and now the expectations is Championship not just make it deep in the playoffs is to win the whole goddamn thing I just don’t think Brad Stevens had that in him now udoka I think making it to the finals

Your rookie coach uh rookie year as a coach that’s saying a lot I think Oka had it um and honestly looking at em right now he looks like he can develop a team too um but I think Monty is one of those coaches Monty is one of those coaches

That you know give him a ass Squad he’s not really going to do much but if you give him the 2021 Sons I think he’s a great coach if you give him um and it doesn’t even have to be that talented just a team with with playoff expectations just a team with veteran

Leadership instead of 22-year-old Cade Cunningham or 21y old Kade Cunningham and I think Monty Williams will make something Shake another example of this in my opinion is Doc Rivers Doc Rivers gets a lot of sh for being an ass coach and I see the argument there I see the

Argument there but I think Doc Rivers is a NBA quality coach I think Doc Rivers is a coach that hey if you want to make it to the playoffs if you want to be a perennial second round exit and that is your goal as a franchise just to instill

Some you know some some winning culture in your [ __ ] I think Doc Rivers is that dude right and he’s proven it for the last decade ever since he left the Celtics from from the Clippers to the Sixers all all of those teams have been CH uh all of those teams have been

Perennial playoff teams every single year but when it comes to winning that whole thing I don’t think Doc is that dude I don’t think Doc is that dude which is fine which is fine so going back to the Detroit Pistons Monty again you got you got another year for me for

Me if I was a GM I don’t give a [ __ ] what contract extension I gave him you got two years buddy you got two years um if not I am firing you I’m hiring um a coach out of college on some Brad Stevens [ __ ] um that has chops developing young

Players and that’s what I’mma do that’s what I’m going do um from a Personnel perspective I’m not going to lie I I would look to ship jayen Ivy I would look to ship jayen Ivy I think a lot of teams in the league still see a lot of potential in jayen

Ivy um I think the Pistons are just misutilization are are are utilizing him um I think his his stock might only go down you know what I’m saying so you might as well trade him high now you might as well trade him high now and also just get

Some winners on the team just get some winners on the team get you some guys who can win you games get you some guys that can establish some sort of winning culture on your [ __ ] team cuz you need that you you desperately need need that you don’t

Need more young Talent on your team you need some guys that can instill some winning culture so this morning the trade rumors are already kicking off for the Pistons um and shout out to Shams for this tweet um I think sham said sham said that the Pistons are on

The trade market right now um leading up to the trade deadline here we go Shams reports that the Pistons are looking to add a foran I’m told some names to keep an eye on her Pascal SE yakum oan noi Tobias Harris and mil Bridges um and I personally think these are good names

These are good names I don’t think these are Championship dudes I don’t think these are dudes that are going to take you over that hump but that’s not what you need right now you just need some dudes that are used to winning that will hold people accountable that are good

Veterans that will continue to be good veterans um on this team now is that Miles Bridges I don’t know I don’t I don’t know Pascal zakum yes Tobias Harris in my opinion yes OG ah ah ah you know ah they’d have to move to rener Thompson

So hell no Tobias for Bogden um as a player I’d probably strike to not go there that would be funny as [ __ ] is Andrew Tate live on on Twitter what is what is going on uh we were already supposed to pick up Miles when he was basically back blackball miles probably

Would be the easiest to acquire see he’s a free agent after this year um and probably not resigning with them either I doubt it would cost a first for him it shouldn’t anyway maybe like a second round and one of the other um another interesting or not interesting another

Sad stat that just puts this this thing into perspective John Morant was suspended for 25 games he comes back the Memphis Grizzlies are 4-0 the Memphis Grizzlies in four games after John Morant was suspended their best player was suspended for 25 games have already doubled the Detroit Pistons win

Column yall was looking bad out here y’all it’s is it’s looking bad out here man I ain’t going to lie this is so tough this is is this is so tough and I want to shout out um shout out Kofi on Tik Tok yo he has become the face of Detroit

Pistons um Twitter guess pretty um and it’s funny it’s funny the the streak is funny at this point because it used to be something I don’t want to see a bad team right but it’s gotten to a point where like let me watch Pistons games

Just to see how bad they really are you know what I’m saying it’s gotten to that point uh so let me bring up Kofi right now cuz Co kofi’s page is sad as [ __ ] and you know I don’t want I’m not praying on his downfall but just listen

To how sad he sounds bro every year as a fan of the Detroit Pistons and this chat this is a 9 Minute chat this is a n n minute Detroit Pistons video on Tik Tok I know it’s not one of the teams that gets mainly covered in the National media whether

It’s the Los Angeles Lakers the New York Knicks um whatever team LeBron’s on whatever team Steph Curry is on yada yada yada every year I ask for more coverage and more attention to be paid to my team what about my team and unfortunately this year I got my WI wish

And it’s for all the wrong reasons I cannot believe that there have been so many Bleacher Report posts ESPN posts NBA on ESPN posts about the Detroit Pistons losing 27 games in a row because that’s how historic that this is and you know how people are like there’s no such

Thing as bad publicity they’re lying this is awful publicity and no Detroit fam deserves this yeah you know I’m not even from the Detroit area so people are like oh yeah the the Lions won the division but they had to sacrifice the Pistons to get it I’m not a lions fan

This has nothing to do like I am a Pistons fan it’s just that for basket like there’s no sacrificing one team success for the other this is just me I’m here and again the saddest part about all of this is that we know in our heart of hearts the players are trying

Their best and it is an Institutional failure starting with the front office Troy Weaver Tom and again I just wanted to reemphasize that point man cuz I was watching yesterday man I I was watching and the Pistons were legitimate like they were trying their best to win that

Game but it’s also gotten to a point where other teams are also trying their best because they don’t want that streak to end on them like damn Tom gors everybody up there I need someone to either resign or I need a change to happen cuz that’s the saddest

Part CU I know that there are so many other NBA franchises the losing streak got to 20 games would have made changes already I would I would wholeheartedly believe at any franchise that’s not falling asleep at the wheel would be like oh yeah something needs to happen basketball teams don’t usually go two

Months without winning a game especially two months yo I need to check it when was when was the date of their last win mind you chat and anyone watching this on YouTube it is now December 27th their last win was over 60 days ago in October oh my

God oh my God this was when D was gogging on ass sir Thompson nonstop BR like I remember this haven’t heard about a sir ever since man like God damn when the owner came out and said in the press that that they were trying to compete for a playing spot this year and

We are so far off of that goal that something has to be done at this point right and yeah half of me feels bad for Monty Williams but the other half how did we bet Chicago yo King add you’re a pissing fan oh I’m sorry I’m sorry

Man chat pray prayers in chat for King Addy man I I need the the Emoji in chat man I need the type [ __ ] that’s damn damn when I see him play Alec Burks 25 minutes and Alec Burks is like ative – 255 plus minus and

I know that plus minus isn’t a Beall end all stat but when it’s that much bigger compared to the rest of the people on the team I got to say something also it it just hurts me seeing how we have absolute beast in K Cunningham and this

Team can’t seem to put together one well-rounded performance around him now I know that in the NBA yes some people have off nights and people have on nights this Pistons team hasn’t had a night where it feels like everything is going according to plan everyone’s doing well it just

Doesn’t it just never seems to happen and that’s the crazy part literally all you need is one in 30 games one in one in 27 games excuse me and it hasn’t happened that’s so crazy that’s all that’s that’s literally all pons fans are asking for bro just in 27 games just

One time just put together one performance where [ __ ] jayen Ivy is eight of 10 from the field Kate is putting 30 uh Jaylen Duren has 13 and 12 that’s that’s all you Bo bogey got 20 points on you know three of five shooting from three five free throws to

Go like that’s all it takes to win one NBA game and they have haven’t put that together bro like God damn right and K Cunningham is trying his best the most disturbing thing about all of this is that the front office has been super silent throughout all of this besides

Tom Gore is talking to the media I don’t even know what the front office thinks at this point do they even care it sounds like they don’t care which is which sucks because this is a fan base that cares a lot it cares a lot and I’m not even from Detroit there’s something

Special about meeting a Detroit Pistons fan wherever you are I have some Pistons fan friends in Los Angeles I have some Pistons fan friends in New York it’s so cool to like Bond over that be like oh the 2004 team that was so cool you know now what has happened is everyone that

Knows me that knows I’m a Pistons fan comes up to me not comes up to me but they’re like dude I’m so sorry man it is a this is It’s been rare that my team has been such a topic of conversation and not in a good way this is basketball

Ineptitude at its finest in 30 Games Monty Williams has yo what’s your what’s your favorite team the Pistons oh I’m sorry man that yo that’s damn damn played 16 different starting lineups there is a clear cohesion problem with this team any NBA roster no matter how much talent you put on it it

Still has to make sense and this roster does not make sense on paper if I see another double big starting lineup I’m going to absolutely lose my mind and this is where I get to Monty Williams where with Monty Williams’s case I know that he’s been handed a weird bag to

Like try to make things happen however it seems that a lot of times he also gets in his own way which sucks because there will be a whole game where Monty Williams the starting lineup it’s something that Pistons fans have been asking for for like maybe 10 15 games

But then you know that the next game Monty Williams is going to take all of that good progress and then scrap it and then start over it’s like a kid that never really finishes a sand castle and just like it looks like interesting halfway through but then they just kick

It down and want to start it just it’s like in kid picks Deluxe when yeah for the 80 bits I got looked at like I’ve got Ebola when I say I’m a Pistons fans uh let me read that again I got looked at like I’ve had eolo when I say

I’m a piss fan folks want to run away from me please help me you have a good doodle and I think I’m really going too deep into the generation bag here but that’s where I’m that’s where I’m at man I’m at kidp Deluxe references and the thing is is

That the the teams that we just surpassed for the losing streak with which was uh the 2013 2014 Sixers and the 2010 2011 Cavs is that those teams were going to lose the Cavs had just lost LeBron James and the Sixers were intentionally trying to lose games this

Was the trust the process the start of the process of course they were going to to lose games the Pistons are in year four of a rebuild that that is a whole presidential term this is year four this is the year where we’re supposed to be

At least a little bit better than the last year which also surprise we have the worst record last year and the thing really really sucks about all this and they didn’t even get the number one pick man they they they didn’t even get the the Vick sweep Stakes Jesus Christ is

That we’re going to do this and it’s going to that day is going to come we’re going to turn on to ESPN and and this is a year where everyone is saying that draft class next year is not even topheavy like gez gez and um the Deputy Commissioner I’m forgetting his name

Right now the Deputy Commissioner is going to go with the fourth pick it goes to the Detroit Pistons the Detroit Pistons will do all of this losing all of this on court and off Court malpractice just for not a number one not even a top three pick I can just see

It now not even a top three pick in a draft class that already is heralded as not that strong anyway so I don’t know where the Detroit Pistons go from here because I’m also scared of the fact this front office might make a desperation Panic move that even sets us back

Further so when they are actually finally fire people in the front office whoever is the the new person in the front office is going to be dealt also bad hand I can just see it now it’s terrifying I don’t want this it is really scary this Pistons team is bad

And I knew that we could just we can just Sim the season now the the thing is is that we started out two and one this is like Copus rolling up the hill and then losing s side of the rock but then he never gets the rock back he never is

Able to Reet The Rock and put it back on the hill as I say this as a Mets fan as a Bengals fan as a Carolina Hurricanes fan and as a Pistons fan this is the worst I’ve ever felt about any of those four teams and if you

Just heard the four teams that I mentioned that’s really saying something now I’m going to continue to watch these games on playback. tv/ kovy and I’m going to try to watch every Pistons game it’s like a live streaming on playback big kof on team playback yeah W plug it then W plug it

Then but yeah that’s listen that is that is the epitome of Pistons fans right now it’s a sad situation it’s a sad [ __ ] situation



  1. Boston almost gave them their 3rd win… Had to play them fools like ECF Game 7 just to beat them…..😂😂😂 Overtime. But For real 2012 Bobcats look like 2017 Warriors to these dudes

  2. Man yall asses gon be mad when we good in a year or two. We already see Cade is a superstar. Jaden Ivey looks nice. Our bench sucks. Bojan is old. We need to move in another direction. Jalen Duren looks great.

  3. Ppl are exaggerating things too much. Even if they go 2-80 so what? Next season everyone including Pistons will start from 0-0 again. Its not like they're playing in Europe where being crap means getting kicked from the league.

    Sip your coffee and enjoy the show guys. ☕

  4. Nahh they just getting they loses out they way they gonna get the record for the most wins str8 and be the 3rd seed in the play offs

  5. Tank for bronny, force Bron to make L.A. trade us some game pieces to fit around Cade, since he wants to play with his son.
    Or draft bronny and just make Bron come here and build us a playoff caliber team and then send him home to Ohio in his 50s😂

  6. Troy initially wanted to hire Kevin Ollie, but Tom Gores, the team owner, preferred Monty Williams, considering him a popular choice in the coaching market. Despite Troy's preference, Tom vetoed his decision and actively pursued Monty, emphasizing the appeal of a high-profile coach.

    After the disappointment from fans following last season's conclusion, Troy wrote a love letter promising improvement. However, since the decision to hire Monty, he seems to have run out of words. Despite his pledge, Troy has been notably quiet and absent from Monty's side during press conferences, leaving fans questioning the direction of the team.

    Since then, Troy has been noticeably quiet, not appearing alongside Monty in press conferences as he did with Dwane Casey. Unfortunately, Monty's coaching performance has been subpar, marked by questionable lineup choices. In response, Tom has been doing damage control, highlighting the team's community contributions rather than their on-court success, saying, "We may not be winning games, but we're giving back heavily to the community."

    As a Pistons fan, it's disheartening to see the franchise facing challenges and lacking the success expected on the court.

  7. 13:50 w take not all great coaches are good at developing players. Steve kerrs basketball changed the league. But he is bad at developing players you can see it with their young players now

  8. Stop being hyperbolic.
    Det is nowhere near the "worst team of all time based on expectations".
    What ridiculous expectation did you have for them? Because i had them at 16-22 wins on the year. If they slip to 10 or 12 wins, i dont feel like its shattering expectations.

    Also youre flat out wrong about those other teams not having talented players.

  9. watching that kofie vid on tik tok instead of YouTube should be a war crime, he's put in work on YouTube but it's just been mostly on collab efforts. those fumble dimension vids are interesting to me

  10. I PREDICT MONTY FIRED AFTER ALL STAR BREAK, if not he gets 1 more year w like a 20 game leash to be .500 bc look at ime udoka

  11. Are the Pistons a rebuilding team? They've been in the basement of the league the last 4 years and in year 5 they're the worst team in NBA history. I'm not sure we can say they're building at all.

  12. I’m not gonna lie for a second when I say this. As a Charlotte hornets fan, I was SCARED of the pistons having too much success this year. We’ve been tied to them a lot recently, a few years ago they wanted Miles Bridges(before the shit), we traded our pick to them and gave up Jalen Duren(he looked great for a while, not sure if that’s still the narrative), and we picked a worse center in Mark Williams(I am now happy with mark). I was legit scared they were rebuilding better than us and they were using us to rebuild faster. Weird situation for sure. Happy that they exist so I can feel better about my miserable time as a hornets fan.

  13. On the bright side at least the Detroit Lions won their division for the first time in 30 years

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