@Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia 76ers vs. Utah Jazz POSTGAME SHOW With DFJ Hoops!!

Philadelphia 76ers vs. Utah Jazz POSTGAME SHOW With DFJ Hoops!!

Need yeah mhm no not not not really but I think it’s a little delay but it should be good Yeah Yeah yeah I’m feeling it but you should get something active like uh like DJ’s uh Yeah yeah I’m looking for someone Too 30 seconds to go okay Sure Yo what’s going on guys hopefully you’re all doing well and having yourselves a very fantastic day my name is Jason Joseph all right this is played by play with JJ we’re doing something a little bit different though tonight um we got my man um from uh dfj Hoops okay my man

Andre is on here we’re going to be talking about some hoop and uh just talking about the Sixers tonight and unfortunately they weren’t able to get the win but this is a guy who I’ve been collaborating with I actually first talked to him literally like live on the

Air on on DJ Eastwood P shout out to DJ man shout out to running back Philly but uh you know we were doing like a little Community panel both of us literally decided to join and he actually told me like the other day that you know I

Wasn’t even like going to join until like somebody else came in so I’m happy that you came in he said but what’s going on Andre how you doing I’m doing good what’s going on JJ thanks for having me on bro oh no problem man hopefully you guys in the audience can

Hear him what’s going on Daniel how you doing my guy thanks so much for coming on here appreciate it what’s up Daniel’s always like one of like the first people that’s always here him and Katie yeah I’ve seen him I’ve seen him a couple streams couple couple couple streams

Yeah not not even not even sixer streams but other streams here he’s he’s he’s in these YouTube streets but I mean he’s put in the work too oh dude absolutely absolutely bro uh speaking of work well the Sixers they they didn’t really put in the work tonight well well they

Definitely didn’t get the job done I I will say that um and they looked a little bit tired especially at the very end uh you know they really weren’t able to hit their threes and Utah had so many turnovers and it honestly like even though without embiid it still kind of

Reminded me of last night’s game because they had uh they they held the Knicks to like what an eight minute scoring drought last night or S and a half minute scoring drought and tonight the Jazz just committed so many turnovers but the common denom Dominator is that

Both teams they hit their shots you know the Knicks last night and the jazz tonight um but just your overall thoughts on tonight’s game what do you think went well what do you think didn’t go so well at all so for the 76ers I appreciate you uh for the 76ers uh it

Was clear that you know playing on the second night on on a backto back and uh you could see their effort especially what you said in the fourth quarter where their legs just got heavier still not hitting their shots but from the first quarter like from the start you

Could tell that the Utah Jazz had no um what you call it no resistance going to the basket and they kept attacking the basket multiple times and they were missing a lot of their threes but they had no resistance in the paint and that’s we all know due to Joel embiid

Not being available for the 76ers uh the Sixers had three or four players inactive and um yeah that that was that was a huge that played aug huge you know a huge role as to why the Sixers were not able to come come away with this Victory you know I noticed that Nick

Patum only had two points tonight in literally 26 minutes and he was over five from three but he did really contribute on the defensive side of the ball and nobody’s really talking about it and I thought that he did a very good job at just causing a lot of deflections

He got four steals he had two Big Blocks as well but on a night where Joel embiid’s not play playing this was the the first game that we’ve seen this season Batum playing without embiid and we see how much of a difference Joel makes because when so many people are

Coming into the paint to give him a lot of attention it makes the jobs of the shooters so much easier and I just felt like tonight was just a big off night offensively but there was a happy medium because he did so well in the defensive side but what are your thoughts about

That yeah he did cause a lot of disruptions a lot lot of um a lot of deflections those deflections did lead to a lot of Fast Break points for the 76ers um if I look at my notes over here the Sixers uh they had 14 points off of

The Jazz’s turnovers and most of them was you know because of Nico Batum you know getting his getting his hands active and uh you know putting his hands in the cookie jar sometimes but I mean he was getting away with you know a lot of reaching but he was still you know

Playing defense and you know being a huge contributor to this team now he didn’t get it going scoring wise like you just said but defensively he was he was he was super solid yeah he really was I also it’s interesting to me because I still like look back at that

Trade for James you know the James Harden trade and I just I just have to say Daryl Mory or yeah Daryl Mory that was that was the fleece of the century bro like they got Batum Covington Morris senior a guy that actually had 15 points tonight in 28 minutes and he just

Continues to prove that he can be somebody that’s you know that can still score offensively and i’ I’ve been a little bit shocked about that I think that he’s given them some very good offensive production he also had two Steals and two blocks tonight so defensively he was doing his job as well

And he had a little Spar plot to him you know and you know we have to see KJ Martin out there a guy that literally had nine points two rebounds in 17 minutes some of his finishes man like I just I I I can’t understand how somebody

Can be so athletic and so explosive but just misses like three bunnies like there were literally three bunnies that I could count tonight that KJ just couldn’t make and it was a little frustrating just from that perspective you know you’re a guy that’s coming in there and you’re trying to fight for

Minutes because there’s a lot of starters that are out Anthony Melton’s not playing Tobias Harris is not playing and Joel embiid’s not playing so you’re missing three starters and you would think that you know just the hunger for the minutes would just absolutely boost the bench but it didn’t really do that

Tonight right and you add that to the fact that Jayden spranger also came off the bench and uh he was he was wide open on those Corner threes and for whatever reason he wasn’t hitting his shots and uh he had he had a couple takes to the

Basket where I don’t know if he was if he was scared there was one play where it was like a like a steal so he had to run the fast break and he was like he was right in front of his Defender but I don’t know if he was scared or whatever

And he left it off to I think Kelly UB Jr who dunked home and I was like bro you could have just went up and finished it and probably potentially got an and one out of it but I don’t know if he was scared because of the Miss shots I mean

It got into it got into him but I mean I’ll just say that he has to be confident and uh just keep shooting I mean the shots are definitely gonna eventually going to drop so just keep shooting shoot is shoot and uh he’ll definitely find his Groove but I hope he

Gets minutes because he could he could be a good contributor to this team it’s especially with his defense because he’s a very good Defender but it’s up to Nick nurse man and uh I don’t know if those offensive struggles are going to prevent him from playing a player like jadden

Springer yeah I you know I was talking about this with DJ the other day because I brought up the question you know about the Jaden Springer experience and I think that at this moment in time if we’re going to a playoff lineup okay if because we know that the rotations are

Going to be cut to eight or nine players all right right now the ninan rotation if we’re talking about the last four guys coming off the bench it would have to be Patrick Beverly right Robert Covington would have to be in there um and then the other guys that would have

To probably be Paul Reed as your backup center and then Marcus Morris senior like that’s or or or do you go with uh or do you go with Batum because because the starters probably this is how I would see it okay so you got Tyrese Maxi

Danthony Melton Kelly UB Jr right uh and and then Tobias Harris Joel embiid and then I guess coming off the bench you would have to have Batum Morris senior Reed and Beverly wait could you could you give the starting lineup again I I kind of I

Was I was gonna say that the starting lineup is Tyrese Maxi DeAnthony Melton and then you got Nick patum um or or sorry Kelly o Jr Robert or Kelly UB Jr Tobias Harris and then Joel embiid and then coming off the bench like the ninan rotation I guess

Would have to be uh Paul Reed Patrick Beverly Robert Covington and and then that’s it Robert and then and then maybe Marcus Morris you know yeah potentially yeah but I mean I’m not really confident in that in that starting lineup I think I’m really good with the starting lineup

That he that he um experimented against the Chicago Bulls with maxi and U in the back court and then he had Tobias Harris UB I mean Tobias Harris Batum and um Joel embiid and I think DeAnthony Mel is perfect coming off the bench because we do need that combo combo guard to come

Off the bench and you know give you an instant plug or an instant offense Off the Bench right and with this sixer team right here I think that’s the perfect role for him because that was his role when I mean last season with Doc Rivers

And in my opinion he he thrived in that role so I think he should he should be relegated to the bench and um with him coming off injury uh I think bringing him off the bench would be better for him I don’t think you should just put

Him in the starting lineup because he’s going to mess up what the Sixers got going on right now I mean the Sixers are one and two this week but I mean you don’t want him to get into a kind of shooting slump to kind of like mess up

With his rhythm so I think with him coming off the bench would be perfect for him I want to get into tyres maxi because tonight was just one of those nights where I know that a lot of people on Twitter are probably roasting them because I know how Sixers Twitter runs

Because you know Joel em B doesn’t play and so guess what Tyrese Maxi people expect him to go for 50 points and well he had half of 50 he had 25 tonight and was actually one for eight from three I thought that he really struggled but again I’m totally good with him just

Continuing to fire the trigger because he’s a shooter Shooters shoot and guess what this team relies with the way that they’re constructed they need tyres Maxi to shoot so I don’t care if he’s taking a lot of shots and if he’s missing I care about him taking the shots we

Always had Ben Simmons and we had these guys that were just so afraid to shoot and it actually is a good problem that we’re having now because if Maxi is struggling from three at least he’s taking the shots I mean of course you want him to make the shots too but he

Had nine assists tonight he had 25 point points I thought that he was really aggressive and he still found ways to get fouled I would like him to be a little bit more aggressive but in 42 minutes coming off of a back to back I thought that he was struggling with with

His shooting form but he looked he looked good out there overall but what say you I mean let’s let’s be honest he he’s not the only guy that’s been struggling from the three it’s an entire team effort I don’t know yeah I mean this week the Sixers

Have been struggling from the three I mean they hit only six three-pointers against the Knicks and they hit seven against the Chicago Bulls so it’s not it hasn’t been a great you know a great week in terms of you know shooting from the three but Tyrese Maxi if you look at

The game in the first quarter he wasn’t really he wasn’t really going to the basket I mean the the Jazz were the Jazz were kind of playing like a Zone kind of Defense on him they were denying him of the ball and then he was doing a great

Job you know getting rid of it you know moving around and trying to get into a secondary secondary action secondary um space on the floor to kind of make space or make additional space for others to kind of operate on the court and uh Kelly Uber was taking advantage of that

Um Kelly Uber was being aggressive he was going to the basket um Paul Reed was also I mean I don’t like when he dribbles to the I don’t like when he dribbles but I mean he was trying to impose his will I mean if you want to say that buts

Tonight right and he was saying some mid-range jump shots and I was saying myself oh I mean if they’re daring if they’re daring you to shoot it I mean why not just let it fly but but don’t get don’t get jump shot happy I want you

To take it down low and dominate and impose your will down because down low because they didn’t really have anybody to kind of battle with them um they had I forgot the name of their Center but I don’t think he was really any form of matchup for Paul Reed in terms of you

Know keeping him away from the basket yeah know uh John Collins and Walker Kessler really did a great job tonight defensively for the Jazz and look they have a lot of I I think that the Jazz like lowkey have the best bench in basketball they have a pretty they have

A pretty deep team you know Clarkson as their six-man you got Kelly oen as as your backup power forward Center I would take Kelly oen on my team I really would I think that he would be a really good uh backup center or really good power

Forward I would also take kler as well I know he only had four rebounds tonight and minutes but he is a rebounding machine and if we’re looking for maybe a younger version of Andre Drummond as somebody that can help us get by uh you know during the embiid on the bench

Minutes I think that he would be a really good Target too so I think that the Sixers honestly like we were talking about Lori marinan and we were talking about Jordan Clarkson but there’s a couple other guys I would take on this Jazz team man like low

Key I mean you’re not you’re not lying though I mean would take a couple of those guys from the Jazz but uh the thing is you don’t want to give up too much to a point where yeah because it’s it’s addition by subtraction but at the

Same time you don’t want to give up too too much but I mean the Jazz have a good they have a good decent you know rotation guys that come off the bench and give them decent decent minutes I mean Jordan Clarkson oh my goodness uh

He was just he was just he was just fantastic tonight now his numbers he was a little bit inefficient from the field but don’t let that fool you because he was going to work and these guys could not stop him they could not keep him out

Of the paint uh he was knocking down some did he make any n he didn’t make any threes but he was just going to the basket and get a lot of ons and uh he’s he’s a veteran I mean he’s been in the league since 2014 this year 10 for him

So he’s a veteran has experience and playing against this sixer team uh he really took advantage of him yeah he did and he was very aggressive and I thought that in that fourth quarter especially when the Sixers looked really tired he was just taking it right to the cup and

He was also dishing it out left and right the Utah Jazz I thought had better ball movement tonight compared to the Sixers for sure and you could even see like on the stat sheet Colin seon he had 10 assists you know you have Jordan Clarkson with six assists Kelly o lenck

Had four assists so so the Hot Potato was just going around so much and the Sixers where they really lost the game was in the paint tonight okay you don’t have Tobias haris you don’t have Joel embiid guess what Lori Markin is gonna gonna feast and and of course Kessler is

Gonna Feast as well L lenck is gonna try to get rebounds and I’d really thought that a lot of the smaller guys too were able to just fight for the loose balls and they just came out with more effort the Utah Jazz that was and that was just

A a credit to them but I thought that missing Joel and missing Tobias as weird as that sounds because he really is like one of their you have to admit he is like one of their best rebounders as weird as it sounds but I think that that

Kind of came back to bite them tonight and they lost the rebounding battle because of that yeah it definitely is and uh with embiid not playing this game shows you embiid’s um his importance impact importance impact to this team and the amount of ground he covers when he plays

And when he’s actually in the paint because the Utah jazs had absolutely no resistance like I said before they had no resistance going to the basket and they were 30 for 34 at The Rim so imagine how many points they got I think they got like 70 points in the paint

Alone and they did strug they did struggle from the three but as long as you’re getting there’s no resistance going to the basket I mean I can drive to the basket as many times as I want and uh nobody’s going to stop me nobody’s gonna um try to you know box me

Out or anything I mean they got a lot of Second Chance opportunities as well and they’ll just kick it out to the corner and then Markin will hit a three they’ll kick it out to the corner and then somebody hit a three so the Sixers really did struggle in the paint and uh

It was it was evidently that the Sixers really needed a paint presence and uh on that part you can’t count on Paul Reed you can’t count on Mo Boma you can’t count on nobody to be a paint presence in the absence of Joel andb bro Mo bomba

Just going up against like Lori Markin and he had like that one play like where he went for an and one and then he he hit the two but then Patrick Beverly got his Miss off of the free throw and literally just like leaped up over him

And just like grab the rebound I was like bro like how like like how can you not get the rebound and you let Patrick Beverly a guy that’s like nine inches smaller than you just leap up over you and grab the rebound yeah I think and I

Think it’s all about heart Patrick B has all the heart in the world and that’s something that Mo Boma lacks and Patrick B was he was he was literally everywhere now his 12 points his 12 points in the first half was that kind of like kept

The Sixers in the game a little bit because the Sixers were only only down by one point in the first half and that play that you’re talking about I I remember that exact play he got the rebound he kicked it out to Maxi Maxi

Found a cut in um KJ Martin and uh he slammed it down home and I was like oh thank God cuz the Jazz was dunking the ball a lot I mean um John Collin was getting a lot of Aly dunks and uh I was like can somebody get a dunk and when KJ

Martin got that dunk I was like finally somebody’s actually applying Rim pressure to the Jazz bro that Colin Collins like Duo oh man that’s like that’s pretty good you know what I mean like it is so effective between that and honestly like U Jr going up against oen

Like the both of their first names are Kelly like that was a broadcasters nightmare tonight because every time they would match up against each other I’m like wait o lenic oh wait no it’s U Jr that has the basketball yeah and Kat Katie Scott was having that issue too uh you could tell

But but it was it it was it was just funny to hear them confuse those two names like that just like you’re saying it’s funny you know the one thing that honestly was a little bit annoying tonight is that the Utah Jazz and I have

The stats up right here I have it up on the screen but where the Sixers in my opinion lost the game is the points off of the turnovers okay the Jazz had 24 turnovers they were I mean like let’s be honest they played very very sloppy basketball as a team even though the

Ball movement was great they just had some really bad careless turnovers and the Sixers only converted 11 points or sorry 13 points off of their turnovers and that is not acceptable and that is where they lost the game in my opinion because Utah was just you know turning

The ball over left and right and they were losing the basketball out of bounds you know some miscommunication on some bad passes I remember that Lori Markin then literally threw one into like the ninth row and like a little kid caught it like it was a foul ball and you know

At a baseball game but like yeah but but it was just that type of Night and the Sixers just could not convert and they just could not take advantage of that but that was the one thing that really stood out to me tonight that I was just

Like come on guys he got to do a better job yeah and that’s one of the most frustrating frustrating thing in a basketball in a basketball game because a team is not you know they’re having like sloppy turnovers they’re not taking care of the ball and it’s kind of like

They’re giving you a chance to come back into the game but for whatever reason you’re not able to convert on these or capitalize on these turnovers and it was just it was just frustrating like you’re saying but second night on the back to back I mean I don’t want to make excuses

For them and add that to the fact that they have four players out so that that could have been a reason why and you got guys missing shots guys missing easy bunnies at The Rim guys missing wide open threes I mean it it was just a terrible night just like you said yeah

It was but uh the one positive that I took out it tonight was uh I thought that Kelly UB man even though he struggled from three I thought that he also kept the Sixers afat he had some really good passes in that first quarter he was trying to get the teammates

Involved he got into a little bit of foul trouble but that’s also understandable as well but he did have 24 points and he was in attack mode he did a good job but going into the line and this was uh this was a good game for

Him in my opinion he played 37 minutes he was 8 for 18 from the field I thought that he was doing a good job of just driving the basketball and we really haven’t seen that and that’s one of the main reasons why is because when you have the best center or arguably the

Best player in the NBA you really don’t need to like drive it to the basket as much you know Maxi’s going to have to drive it and they’re really not going to have to have other guys to do that because then the paint’s going going to

Get cloged but it’s just good to see that U still has that in his in his resume you know right right exactly and uh yeah he he did have eight eight free throws he attempted eight free throws and converted seven of them which you know proves that he was actually going

Downhill he was applying Rim pressure like I was saying and that was that was that was that was that was a positive for me because from like like what I said from the first quarter Maxi wasn’t really applying Rim pressure but uh later on later later down in the game he

Was he started to apply Rim pressure but the Jazz did a absolutely phenomenal job you know in terms of you know trying to keep him out of the lane because you know Max he just he’s just dangerous go going downhill because he can catch you off guard and you know he’s probably the

Fastest player in the league so if he gets by you like it’s it’s a w and when he gets to the basket he’s one of the he’s one of the best guards in terms of finishing around the basket he can finish U with his right with his left Up

And Under you know going going anywhere left to right um English off the glass and everything so um but but Kelly UB yeah that was a huge that was a huge positive seeing him apply Rim pressure like he was doing how do you think Nick nurse it

Tonight I mean tonight I can’t really put the blame on Nick nurse because like we said it’s a second it’s a second night on the back to back and guys are not making shots and uh when guys are not making shots I don’t think it’s the

Coach’s fault I can teach you if I’m a coach I can teach you how to shoot the basketball I can teach you how to rebound I can teach you how to box out but at the end of the day you got to go on the court and make your shots you

Gota go on the court and rebound you gotta go on the court and box out so I’m not really going to put any um any blame on Nick nurse and he had four of his guys in active so I mean what more could we expect of him I mean he did play he

Did play um some some new guys he played Jayden spranger KJ Martin but they didn’t give you a lot you know they they gave you something but not really anything to help the Sixers win now I was expecting Ricky Council and uh I think I saw javante smart on the bench I

Was expecting them to check into the game but uh I didn’t really see them and they didn’t they didn’t play so uh I don’t know why he didn’t play those young guys but at some point in this game I just asked myself that why not play F on cork

M because the Sixers I only asked that because the Sixers was really struggling from the three and I’m like let’s go with something let’s go with cork M cuz I mean he shoots threes he can he can make threes let’s see what he got in his

You know but um that was just by the way but that shows you how the Sixers actually struggled you know the roster because it says that he’s not even on the roster like on the box score it’s weird well like Daniel house J I was thinking Daniel house Jr too you know I

Was thinking that that he should have play well yeah I didn’t see him I mean I don’t I don’t really I don’t want to see him in the game bro because he yeah cuz uh was it against the yeah against against the Knicks he did some

Bone he he had some bone plays you know just kind of like killing the momentum that the Sixers were you know building and it was just I was just like just get him out the game because he’s not really doing anything he’s literally doing cardio out there bro I I have to be

Honest I live for the bow and arrow celebrations like they’re they’re so cool like when he’s when he’s hitting his threes bro like there’s nothing better than a bow and arrow celebration from Daniel house Jr you have to agree with that yeah I definitely agree with

That I’m not gonna lie but if he’s not making shots then uh we’re in trouble yeah for sure for sure um right no but I so I was going to go somewhere else with this and now of course I forget where I was going to go I just thought that

Overall tonight this was just one of those games where it was written as a loss you know no Joel no DeAnthony Melton you’re literally missing three of your starters like there was just no and you’re coming off of a bath to back even though it’s not a traveling bath to back

Which I can’t stand those oh my gosh those are like so ridiculous but even though they were still at home oh my gosh it’s it’s just absolutely terrible bro but I really thought that tonight was just one of those nights where okay the shots weren’t falling they gave up a

Lot of points in the paint but there’s not really every time I do a post game show I usually try to take things that I can apply to a playoff game and there was really nothing tonight that really stood out to me I mean it’s nice that

Kelly UB Jr can honestly attack the rim and he can still take it to the cup and maybe they could you know try to make some more plays with that but I don’t you know you’re not really going to need those types of things if embiid’s playing 40 minutes now it it was

Interesting to me that Maxi played 42 and I know he had to but in the playoffs that’s how Nick nurse is going to be he’s going to stack up those minutes bro those minutes right right and uh that’s one that’s one thing that the Raptor fans were telling us because he was

Playing SE yakum and Fred Van a lot of minutes in in those playoffs so he so Raptor fans were telling us that we should expect that and uh that should be something that they should be willing to be doing because I mean you’re getting paid all this money to play basketball

Why can’t you play basketball for 40 plus minutes I mean especially for a championship I mean come on I would be I would be dying for that opportunity well and not only that but again you know if you have to rely on a backup center for

MB to play like 15 minutes which like would never happen in a playoff game but I’m just saying that you know you might as well might as well get reps with that now I was surprised I was surprised I didn’t see Mo bomba and Paul Reed out there at the same time tonight

Man man I mean speaking speaking of this backup center thing do you really think think that the Sixers need a backup center in your opinion see I I was Raising this question to DJ the other day I think that it’s starting to kind of I don’t want to say Throw flashes but

I did start the question if Paul Reed okay is going to be fouling a lot okay and if you’re going up against Boston or you’re going up against Milwaukee and you need somebody okay if embiid’s taking a very quick breather and they need somebody to just hold the fort

Down I think that they should at least explore that now that’s not the number one priority that would be like the number three priority in my opinion because they need to have a backup or they need to have another ball handler you and I both agree about that you know

Somebody that can play off of Maxi and embiid and that’s why maybe somebody like Jordan Clarkson would be a really good fit seriously he would be a very he’d be a good guy I would would totally take Jordan Clarks in any day but it would be it would be on my list it’s

Just not at the top of my list does that make sense yeah it makes it makes a lot of sense and speaking of Paul Reed he only had one foul in this in this in this game so was going to give him flowers for that in 28 minutes right

That’s that’s that’s a positive because uh we’ve seen him in multiple times uh he’d get like four fouls by the second quarter so just one foul in 24 minutes yeah that’s that’s a positive for me my opinion I’ll give him his flowers on that I I think moama costus a lot of

Fouls because it looked like he didn’t like want to be out there tonight it really didn’t I was thinking that you know he was getting into foul trouble and Nick nurse was like all right I’m going to pull you like you look like you don’t want to be out there tonight so

There you go yeah that that’s true but I think he was getting call for some questionable fouls there were some that were definitely a little bit questionable for sure right and he was getting fou himself and he was getting no whistle no calls no nothing and it

Was a little bit shocking to me but um you gonna have to play through it uh you’re a mo bomber you’re a back up Setter you’re gonna have to play through it and uh I just I just look at him and I don’t know it’s just his his facial

Expression his demeanor like his his body language is like I just I just don’t feel like being out there and I it really kills me when I see that it kills me when I see that y I know yeah I’m totally with you you would want to see more fire more urgency especially

Because guess what like you’re missing three starters out there and you need somebody else to step up hey man like you know I was literally Let Go by the Orlando Magic I was I was selected as the seventh overall pick I had a I had a

Song named after me and now like I’m I’m literally like a backup to the backup center on this uh Contender team so guess what the starting Center’s not playing I’m going to get some minutes don’t you think that that would fire you up it’ll definitely fire me up and add

That to the the fact like if I was him I’ll probably look at this game as an opportunity to earn my minutes and play myself into rotation because Paul Reed I mean let’s let’s be honest right here bro Paul Reed and mo bomba like if we’re

If we’re being honest Mo bomba is the better overall player but why are we playing Paul Reed because I mean for obvious reasons exactly so but I mean hopefully I mean I don’t know if it’s a if it’s a mentality thing if people have

To talk to him or he’s just not in the right situation I mean I sometimes I ask myself would he would he be a different player if he played for the Miami Heat because we know the heat culture and whatever but I ask myself those questions and I mean I don’t know I

Don’t know what I don’t know what he’s going to be like but I mean he’s in the he’s in the sixer uniform uh I do want to see him successful because if he’s successful our team is going to be successful our team could you know make

A deep postseason run and what have you but uh I mean I hope he can fix that because he’s in year five year six whatever that is and uh I believe whatever type of player that you are in year five that’s the kind of player

You’re going to be to the end of your career so I I just hope it changes for him man I because he has so much potential you know 7 foot one with his wing span oh my goodness If he if he used if he used his hands correctly on

Defense like bro he could lead the league in blocks like almost every single year if you really think about it and lead the league in rebounds but we don’t know why exactly hey hey guys we’re speaking to Andre from uh dfj hoops this is my boy um look I want to

Get into grades okay and I’m and before we get into Sixers grades tonight I I want to I want to hear what your grades are on these tryouts from Jordan Clarkson and Lori marinan and Kelly Ock you know I I think that we’ll I think

That we’ll just go in order so with Lori Markin then what what grade do you give him tonight uh with Lori Markin I man I’m not trying to I’m not trying to glaze or anything but I’ll be honest with you I give him an a I’m giving not an A+ but

That’s what I’m you give him an A+ yes I mean it’s very difficult for me to give a pluses but the highest you can get from me is an A and I think he definitely he definitely earned it tonight I mean 30 33 points um 13

Rebounds I mean he was making some some tough tough shots uh he was getting he was getting to the Lane he was being a big body down low I mean yeah yeah I’ll definitely give him definitely give give him an a see now my question is is that

If embiid and if Harris played okay obviously the rebounds would be down a little bit more possibly and the scoring would have been a little bit different but I thought that this was a very good test for Lori because now the Sixers can see how much he really can

Provide not just offensively but just from a rebounding perspective and this is he is like the perfect fit for this team in my opinion he really is oh ABS AB absolutely I mean look at his game like his game kind of like it compliments Joel’s game because he

Doesn’t have to clog the lane because MB commands so much space in the lane so he can you know he can stretch the floor he can help you rebounding wise because I believe MD needs somebody that can an athletic power forward that can you know grab rebounds for him that can you know

Guard if necessary and also space the floor and knock down threes and that’s that’s L Markin and basically so I think he would definitely he’ll definitely sit in the sixer this sixer team but the question is who I mean let me finish now the question is who would you give up

For Lori Markin well obviously Tobias Harris has to go if if if the Utah Jazz okay first of all the Jazz should not give up Lori marinan if they were being really smart they should build around Lori okay and Colin seon and they should try to they should

Try to build around them now I know that in the west it’s it’s pretty competitive but if I were the Jazz that’s what I would do but if you get a very good package like then I would consider trading him I would consider trading you know like one of the guys like Jordan

But if it’s only for the right trade package and that’s the thing about Danny a and you and I both know that when the Sixers do a deal with Danny a it’s usually not so good for the Sixers but but man he’s he’s the dirtiest

Player in the game like I told you the last time yeah man I know I know but I personally if the Sixers were to trade for lri okay I would trade obviously Harris has to go I might trade KJ Martin I would trade a couple of other expiring

Contracts and I would give up a couple of draft picks so I would give up more pieces Off the Bench you know maybe they could use that money for the following years and just empty empty salaries and that type of thing throwing furk on corm you know the guy that’s the Turkish delight

That’s the Turkish Allstar who wanted to be traded last year you know like all those guys I would I would have them all go for Lori so that’s yeah and I think that I think that would be definitely that’s definitely worth it but I mean I don’t

Like talking trades because if I was a GM I I would definitely get fired because I would want to give up my trash for some gold and uh that definitely get you fire because nobody’s gonna want to do business with you nobody’s going to you know want to associate themselves

With you or trade with you so uh with trades I don’t really do good with that and uh I mean I see some fans you know going to this trade machines and whatever and they put in they put in their trash and they try to get some of

The elite players in this game and I saw that with I saw that with the Jon Murray uh speaking of him the Hawks gave up three first three first round picks for him so you think you’re giving up Marcus Morris Senor and cork M and you know all

These garbage players on the 76ers the Hawks would you think the Hawks will give give him to you for those players absolutely not so um with this trade thing go ahead I was just going to say that they might because if it’s if it’s with the Hawks the Hawks are not going

Anywhere right now so if they if they do like want to get rid of expiring contracts and sort of start start fresh and whatever then maybe I might consider it because I want to get another star player and I know that obviously Atlanta’s not really the most attractive

Place in the world in regards to just recruiting guys to come but it might be something I would consider if there is no other trade option before the trade deadline and I’d rather get something valuable for my team moving forward ahead and if that deals with expiring

Contracts then by all means I would take that uh I can I can accept that but I I just think that they would definitely want some picks and absolutely yeah but the the tra the trade scenarios that I was talking about I didn’t see no picks

That’s why I was a little bit you know I was like n that’s that’s too it’s too it’s too true to believe that you know the Hawks will actually engage with the Sixers for a trade like that but speaking of dejonte Murray would you want dejonte Murray on the sixer team and N

Nah see see I I think that he’s nice but I don’t think that his game fits with Max and and embs like yeah he’d be a cool piece coming off the bench but again you know if we’re not playing in beid and if we’re not playing Maxi we’re cooked so

Like right you know I would maybe consider it if God for bits one of those guys gets injured then maybe I would I would consider that you know especially if like Maxi gets hurt or whatever and if he has to have like season ending surgery then yeah like he’s a cool

Option but I just don’t think that he fits the mold with maxi out there on the court I want somebody that can yes come off the bench but a combo guard and I don’t really see de jante as a combo guard type of a guy does that make

Sense uh I mean I see what you’re saying but I I think he’s he’s a combo guard because he was playing the point um and um and San Antonio but he came to the to the Hawks and he’s now the two guard so that shows you some some sort some level

Of Versatility some sort some level of um being able to play two two positions but uh I see what you’re saying what’s his three-point percentage he’s great yeah he’s not a great three-point shooter I think he’s probably at 30 33 or 34% E I don’t know I’m just I’m just

Guessing G I would not take that if if he’s really shooting that bad from three I’m not taking that I I need somebody that can catch shoot and also create his own shot that’s just what I need but it can also handle the handle the Rock and

Get other guys involved I know I’m like very needy and I’m a little bit like uh hesitant and a little bit uh you know like he’s at he’s at 38% 39% but I mean we’re still early in the season yeah because he’s usually at 34% that’s what

He shoots for his career so 38% that’s that’s a huge increase but it’ll definitely it definitely plummet I love the [Laughter] optimism oh man oh man no but um but in regards to Jordan Clarkson which which a letter grade would you give him tonight coming off the bench um Jordan Clarkson

I I’ll give him a b okay I’ll give him a b yeah just because he was he was inefficient now I know some players I mean some people don’t really care about inefficiency because you’re not going to be efficient every single night I mean they’re off you know off off nights and

You know what have you but I’ll definitely give him a b a b because he came off the bench and he did what a six-man is you know is capable of doing or is supposed to do which is come off the bench and be instant offense and

That’s what exactly what he was when he you know came off the bench tonight against the Sixers got my boy Merrick in the chat what’s going on Merrick how you doing my guy thanks so much for coming coming on here you’re the best bro uh no

Up what up no we’re just we’re just talking hoops man we’re we’re talking about the Sixers they lost tonight 120 to 109 with no Joel embiid no DeAnthony Melton no Robert Covington no Tobias Harris and I think I got the mall but yes so no no cork no cork MOS oh yeah

Yeah yeah we can’t forget about the Turkish delight there was no F on cork M also no Daniel house Jr but he was just a do not play or a did not play option for coach DM yeah gotcha so gotta yeah but uh no man I I don’t really have like

Too many other takeaways from this game I really just thought that I really just thought that they just didn’t shoot the three ball well and I thought that they played uh very careless at the rim and they just did not do a good job at getting into the

Paint and capitalizing on the defensive side and part of that’s because yes you don’t have the bodies but it’s also you know know you told me so many times man rebounding is all about effort and tonight they just looked really tired out there they really did and uh yeah I

Did I did expect um the Jazz to outrebound the Sixers I mean it’s not if you didn’t think so then you’re probably being hypocritical because the Jazz are one of the best rebounding teams in the league now I’m not looking at the stats or anything but I can I can tell that

They’re probably top 10 because they I mean they have some solid rebounders on that team but uh rebounding is one thing that um Nick nurish really emphasizes on now I watched his um one of his coaching seminars and you know he was talking about you know the two two main

Important things on defense is rebounding and transition defense but I’m not seeing the the rebounding when embiid is out and that’s when the Sixers have to be a good rebounding team because embiid is a walking he’s a walking like a walk in 10 rebounds a game he’s a walk in

Like he can just walk on the court and get and get you 11 rebounds or 10 rebounds or whatever but this team is not actually boxing out this team is not actually getting on the boards and rebounding just like you said is all about hustle and uh we’re not seeing I’m

Not seeing that hustle on that side of the basketball I don’t know about I don’t know about you but speaking for myself I’m not seeing that from this team no and I know it’s early I know it’s early and the the team could definitely you know make strides towards

You know toward that goal I I would want the Sixers to be top five or top 10 rebounding I mean the Sixers last year was one of the you know one of the worst teams in terms of rebounding and uh it’s kind of like the same thing this year

James Harden was a great rebounder uh great bro we had PJ Tu at the four he’s six’ five and he was getting you three rebound come on bro bro bro we actually had somebody in our starting line up that we actually defended and we were

Always like yo like we you have to wait for the playoffs like you have to see like what this guy does in the playoffs he would literally have like two points and in literally 35 minutes and would only get like maybe four rebounds he every time he was out there they just

Played five on four basketball I’m so and and and that’s what like that’s what makes the Clippers trade even more impressive in my opinion is that not only did they get rid of Harden but they got rid of PJ too right right absolutely and on top of

That you were able to get some draft picks off of that that’s that that’s the fleece of the year in my opinion that’s the fleece of the Season you’re able to trade a 34y old Harden and a 30 37 38 year old 37 year old PJ

Tucker and you got picks off of it oh I’ll take that any day bro I don’t even is a PJ even the the 12th man on the bench now of of the Clippers yeah he barely he barely even plays he barely plays and he was uh I saw a quote that

Uh he was he was asking for a trade or something like that saying that he wants to go to a team where he can have a higher responsibility on that team and I was hearing that the Milwaukee Bucks was interested in that now I don’t know how

True that is but I mean rumors are rumors but there’s some truth to some rumors yeah hey man look um I was just gonna say yeah I was I was just going to say um I mean but let’s not get it twisted for a guard Harden is a good rebounder for a

Guard because he’s able to get you trip triple double so we’re not GNA you know denigrate him on that side of the ball but in general he’s just he’s just not for a guard he is in general he’s not no that’s true yeah you bring up a good

Point um I wanted to get into grades for uh for Sixers uh who do you think uh who do you think was the best player out there tonight and what grade would you give our best player tonight um I have to say Kelly UB off the strength that um he was being

Aggressive he now I do understand that he was um he didn’t really shoot the three ball very good but I mean I just love how he was being aggressive you know going down the lane and applying Rim pressure when Maxi was not doing it and I believe he set the tone in that

Area and that’s what allowed Maxi to also generate Rim pressure and you know go down go down to the basket and uh earn his points the hard way so I’ll definitely give it to Kelly UB he finished with um 24 was it 24 points yep

Um yeah 24 points four rebounds I I hope I wish he could get like six or seven rebounds again but I take the four and he did have four assists and he was in foul trouble he picked up five five fouls but zero turnovers uh I’ll definitely take that 44% from the field

Um that’s that’s in between that’s not great but it’s not bad either so I so definitely Kelly Uber was the best player on this I mean he played the best but Maxi was the best player on the floor because I believe there’s a difference between best player or better

Player and playing better got you that’s that’s an interesting point that you bring you know it’s funny because like when you look at the plus minus category the only guy that was in the plus tonight for the Sixers it’s Kelly UB Jr he was plus one everybody else was minus

So that’s that’s that’s terrible that is terrible bro Jadon Springer was a minus5 theight uh it wouldn’t shock me man it wouldn’t shock me but tomb was actually minus 13 but uh that’s that’s interesting you know sometimes it’s a hit or miss with a plus minus stat like

Yeah I’m looking at the other I’m looking at the other side and like agbaji was literally plus three like baji like had no points tonight and was just 0 for two like in 13 minutes and he was plus three yeah these plusma I mean I don’t I don’t really like

Advanced stats but sometimes I just you know put that out there to kind of make a point but plus minus that I don’t really use that to I mean it shows what a player’s impact is to a certain degree but it’s not the end of deal right yeah

Now you’re definitely right about that um looking at the road ahead all right so we play against the Hawks on on Wednesday so that’s nice that we have a little bit of time to rest up some guys and that’s great um so after we play the Hawks then

We play the Kings that’s going to be a tough matchup that’ll be at 7 tough tough tough game and then and then ml then it gets tougher man like we play the Kings then we play the Rockets the Rockets that’s not going to be easy on

Martin Luther King day you know it’s a 1:00 start that’s going to be a little bit odd you know because of the early games and then you play the the very next day you play against the Nuggets so like they have a tough in my opinion

They have a tough schedule coming up um it’s a back to back yeah yeah yeah I was just goingon to say that it’s literally a BTO back and then Friday you go to Orlando and then you play Charlotte the NBA did that on purpose yeah yeah yeah we’ve we’ve both talked

About this you know the NBA just does not they just love giving Sixers back to backs and especially the traveling back tobs those are their favorites at least they don’t have to fly out to Denver like that’s that’s that would have been a scheduled loss because you know playing a game you

Know going to you know high altitude and all that I mean yeah you definitely lose that game and you could definitely hear the critics about Joel embiid like Joel embiid yeah right but it’s crazy man indeed man but he was ready to say something no

I was just I was going to ask uh I was going to ask what do you want to see during these next five games from the Sixers um these next five games uh so the number one thing that I want to see is I want to see them shoot now for

Number one I want to see them give more effort than what they did this week now sure against the Knicks the effort was I think tonight’s effort was better against the Knicks for whatever reason I think uh how they play defense and forcing all those turnovers uh I’ll give

Them the hustle they hustled more in this game than they did against the Knicks but one of the things I want to see in the next upcoming games I want to see them give a lot of effort I want to see them hustle I want to see them shoot

The three ball very good I mean they have a four day rest they better get their asses in the gym work on that three-point shot and I better see some I I better see them you know making a lot of Threes cuz this This Week shooting from the three was was horrible

Rebounding was horrible effort effort was subpar so I I definitely want to see them in those three areas yeah I want to see more improvement too uh with the ball movement I I thought that I thought that the ball movement was something that was a little bit more stale

Especially over these last two games it seemed like that there were a lot more isos and there was not much fluidity in regards to just getting guys involved D and again part of that is because of effort you know like it it all it all kind of carries into momentum I think

That that’s what the bigger umbrella is I just want them to get into a very good momentum and start off these games with a bang so that way they can just make a statement out there I’ve noticed that over these last four or five games or so

They just start off so flat and in the playoffs that that really can’t happen like Utah goes on a 10 to2 run today to start off the game and then the Sixers answer back with a 10 to two run of their own but Nick nurse was not happy

And he literally called a timeout in the first two minutes of that game and I don’t want to see those like I want to see timeouts being used like at the six minute Mark like as weird as that sounds I don’t think it does sound weird but

Some people might think it does but I would really just like to see the momentum go into the Sixers favor to starts off or to start off these next five games for sure yeah I absolutely agree with you and the Sixers is not a team that plays well when they’re behind

I think they when they come out and they you know establish dominance from the start and uh they continue to be dominant I think that helps them a lot you know helps them build momentum and helps them finish finish games off strong and uh that’s that’s one thing I

Want to see them improve on too because when the season started that’s what they were doing and uh and beid will come out and he would be aggressive from the start and uh by the fourth quarter he would just take a seat and uh now we did

See that against the Chicago Bulls but uh I definitely want to see andb take you know take a rest in in the fourth quarters in these few games that we have coming up um now I know I know some of these teams is going to go down to the

Wire because these are some some good teams these are not walk in the park type teams um against against Sacramento that’s going to be definitely going to go down to the wire against Denver that’ be tough tough tough game and Houston I think I think Houston’s a trap game bro

I I really do a one o00 start on Martin Luther King day and that’s sandwiched in between the Kings and the Nuggets I I don’t think the Houston game is an is going to be an easy one either I really don’t oh yeah they they they definitely

Want their payback because uh we had a um I mean Marcus moris he put the dagger in their hearts uh with that four-point play and uh we we stunned them without jelan be so they’re definitely their their payback and uh yeah yeah it’s it’s a trap game especially at one o’clock

The Sixers don’t really play good um early in those you know when they have gam scheduled at at at that time so it definitely is a trap game um but the Sixers would definitely be at home so and they have a three days they have three days in between for that game but

I I expect the Sixers to come out with the victory against the Houston Rockets but it could go either way it’s true my boy Philly halim’s on here shout out to Philly halftime you can feel free to plug in your link down below to my guy for sure uh Maxi should

Have stepped up tonight see I disagree because I think that Maxi tonight was aggressive okay he played 42 minutes I just don’t think that the shots were falling and that’s you know I thought that his effort tonight was good but I also thought that he was tired and I’m

Not like trying to make excuses but in that fourth quarter Jordan Clarkson’s just whizzing by him and Clarkson looked like the Maxi out there that we all know and and and we all love but I thought that Clarkson was more explosive going to the rim and Maxi

Just lost uh he he just he looked a little tired in the fourth quarter but that’s just what I saw but I don’t know I just I just thought that Maxi just wasn’t making the shots but what about you yeah I don’t think I don’t think I

Mean if he says Maxi should have stepped up and this I mean I if you ask me I think he could have applied more pressure you know going downhill sure and you know be aggressive in that in that manner but in terms of you know scoring I don’t know if you wanted him

To have a 50-point game I mean his shots are just not falling I mean he was one of what one of seven from from the three yeah and against the Knicks he was one of seven again so his shots are not falling and it’s it’s not just him it’s

The entire team the Sixers are not really shooting the three ball well so but uh we should expect they dominant I mean I I would want to say dominant but very good you know Maxi coming out with I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes out against the Atlanta Hawks with a

30-point game and uh shoot 55% from the three-point line because he’s capable of doing that yeah he is um most impactful player tonight for the Sixers uh impactful you know what just you answer it first I’ll go after you I’m GNA say it was Kelly UB Jr because I thought

That he really kept them afloat especially in that second quarter there were times where he was just driving it right to the Lane he knew that this three-point shot wasn’t going to be falling tonight and he said you know what okay forget about the three-point shooting if I’m wide open I’ll take the

Shots but or if the shock clock is expiring then I will take the shots because yes I got a shoot but I’m going to try to earn my points by taking it right to the cup because our big man’s not here tonight and we need more people

That just drive it and I really thought that there was a run and a little spurt that the Sixers had where Kelly UB Jr was able to help them from a momentum standpoint help them just stay involved you know so right he was absolutely yeah

I agree I agree with that I’ll say I’ll say Kelly UB too yeah yeah that’s who I would that that’s exactly what I what I say as well man the J bro we talked for an hour you know we definitely killed an hour with this I didn’t I did not think

We were going to be able to kill an hour with this with the way that this team played tonight and with no embiid I didn’t really think that there was really going to be much to talk about but we kept it we definitely did we definitely did

And it was it was it was fun and um with this sixer team hopefully they can come out um these next few games and uh hopefully you know get some wins cuz the Sixers are falling in the stand or they could fall yeah what seed are they right now they’re the three still

Three okay they’re still the three wait what’s the what’s yeah all right let me who’s the fourth seed yeah let’s look at that real quick all right so the fourth is the Knicks the Knicks are two and a half games behind the Sixers the Sixers were actually as of uh

Two days ago we literally like four and a half games above the Knicks but now it’s just two and a half so yeah and speaking speaking of the Knicks speaking of the Knicks there uh I did have you know some of these Knicks fans you know coming in my DMs and they’re really

Going talk about it BR I was about to drop a video but as soon as I was about to drop it I had a I had I I Got a notification that DJ Eastwood dropped his video I was like you know what I’m not gonna I’m not gonna bury these

Knicks fans you I’m gon let yall I’m going let y’all Rock but we do see them in in about a month and uh I just want to I just want them to keep that same energy when we play them again at the at the at the center yeah well I do have to

Say that Miles McBride bro was cooking us and Dante Devan chenzo like the villain Nova Wildcats 2.0 were just hitting their shots they really were you know what I mean they were they were and uh in the beginning I was kind of like I

Was kind of okay bro I was kind of okay with McBride making those shots because me personally I would rather a role player go off than you know then Jaylen Bronson or what you call it uh what’s this dude name now the other best player the other

Allstar J 6 fo a Julius Randle because we we had him in check he was one of 11 from the field so we were doing a pretty decent job on him but once McBride got it going and Dante Devan chenzo got it going and Jaylen Brunson joined the

Party in the second quarter oh it was over for the Sixers and add that to the fact that they made 18 threes and the Sixers only made what six yep that was it yeah they only made six and the Sixers lost by 36 points right it did but it’s weird because this was

It was such a goofy game because that was also the same game where the Knicks had that eight minute scoring drought in the third quarter and I thought well if the Sixers only scor like 10 points during that drought then it’s that’s GG because then the Knicks are going to

Take over in the fourth quarter and they were literally Lending the Sixers a win you know they were literally just like take it from us and yeah help helping the Sixers yeah helping the Sixers back into the game but they was just not able to grab that opportunity but I was just

Making I was just making this I was trying to make this point from here the Sixers lost by 36 points the Knicks made 12 more threes in the Sixers right yep what’s 12 time three 36 well there you have it they beat us by 36 points there you have it you know

It’s you know it’s wild too tonight Randall had 39 points against the Wizards how does how does that I mean against the wizard okay cool all right cool Wiz but still 39 like that still is crazy like I don’t care who they’re playing but like still

39 points he had five assists and he had seven rebounds and hardenstein man he like cooked gaffer on the glass 19 rebounds he had just a I I got to tell you that guy hardenstein is pretty good and he might match up against embiid pretty well you know he would he would

So I mean like I said I said this multiple times I don’t want to see the Knicks in the first round no because now I’m not saying that the Sixers wouldn’t beat them but it’s going to be a six or seven game series and uh six or seven game series that actually definitely

Drain you it’ll definitely drain you and uh in my opinion if you’re a team you got to avoid that by any means necessary and the Knicks have they have good rebounders on that team Josh Hart came off the bench and he grabbed 15 rebounds and B play more andb play more

Minutes than him and he only had 10 right and those rebounds were so impactful for them so yeah shout to them I mean they’re doing their thing but yeah I mean let’s let’s they first round [Laughter] exit yeah I’m G give you your credit then I’m gonna be real with you so

You’re funny bro H man you cracked me up man always a pleasure to talk to you man and uh thanks so much for thanks so much for kicking it for uh for kicking it with me I got to rest my voice because I’ve been getting Tongue Tied a lot

Tonight and I’m still kind of getting used to just talking again after being out for eight days you know I’m trying to get the wheels back under me you know but yeah yeah yeah you definitely need you definitely need but bro I appreciate you for having me on hopefully this

Could be this would be the first of many yes um it’s definitely in the pipeline but yeah hopefully this will be the first of many and die yeah I enjoyed I enjoyed you know talking this uh reacting to the post game with you yeah I love your bable mind thanks man that

Means a lot to me I I wanted to before I let you go you know plug in everything you know like plug in the channel you know plug in the socials as well like where can people follow you oh so as you can see on the screen right there uh

It’s dfj Hoops dfj Hoops you know seers content creator but sometimes I try to talk about other things going on in the NBA I mean I used to follow the Clippers so I might drop some clippers content from time to time but I’m fully 76ers

And uh my social media I only have an Instagram account which is sincerely. Andre and uh yeah I think that yeah that’s it sincerely Andre and uh yeah that’s where I’m at on in stagram I don’t have Tik Tok Twitter or nothing that’s funny oh man but dude

Thanks so much for coming on here we’re going to get you back on another time for sure but uh you’re the man you’re the man man I appreciate you bro hey keep doing your thing keep cooking keep keep your foot on these guys next and uh

Yeah you run of the best play byplay uh announcers out here so bro I appreciate you for having me on but don’t make me blush oh my gosh a blush right now oh my gosh but hey great conversation bro I’ll talk to you soon hey peace out chat

Peace out all right guys that’s going to wrap things up here I appreciate you all so much for coming on for our little hour and 10 minute postgame show we’re at an hour n we’re going to make it an hour 10 as we wrap things up right now I

Love you all so much we’re going to be back on tomorrow for the Eagles game we’ll be on at 4:15 that’s when we’ll start the clock actually 410 because the game starts at 4:30 all right but anyhow I will see you tomorrow that’s the whole

Point of what I just said right now and I’m signing off good night Lila Tove catch you on the next one

#76ers #jazz #sixers #nba

What a game tonight! JJ brings on guest @dfjhoops and they share their thoughts on how this game went down.

How do you think the Sixers did in Game 2 of this back-to-back? After watching Lauri Markannen and Jordan Clarkson play tonight, how badly do you want them to be in a Sixers uniform? What stood out to you the most?

Be sure to let JJ & DFJ know your thoughts in the comments down below and tune into the Sixers Jazz postgame show after the game on “Play-By-Play With JJ”.

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