@Miami Heat

Transactions Talk: What does the Miami Heat need the most?

Transactions Talk: What does the Miami Heat need the most?

I got y what’s going on everybody Welcome to trans look at that um we know it’s your favorite time of the year happy and married try season to all of you that celebrate um thank you for coming to join us make sure you let everybody know that we are live we’re

Doing something different today I didn’t feel like putting the playlist together so we have the game from yesterday playing you guys can watch it it’s in slowmo I can’t do anything about it you already saw what happened don’t get excited got drilled look at that look at that in slow

Motion Tyler picked him up hold on they’re gonna critique how Tyler picked him up slow hold on not fast enough what was Tyler’s Tyler’s efficiency picking him up off the floor people here were they here for our guest discussion I wasn’t even aware of that um I were they

Here for our guest discussion or no thing I didn’t do anything embarrassing all right let’s get people in chat let’s start to get some questions uh we got a new podcast up I’m going to post that in the chat here as well of course join the Discord we

Always tell you to do that uh because we post all this stuff there first now so that’s just the way we’re going to do things it’s Twitter comes after since I’d rather you pay me than Elon uh because he’s got a lot more money than I

Do so um go to Discord if you can hold on I’m gonna post this up and then we’ll get to some of what Greg and I talked about today because I I I’ll tell you this uh I know Eternal wants to trade um there’s the Pod uh I know Eternal

Wants to trade and I understand that and I will say this as I work sometimes we do a podcast and as I work through the podcast I come to other conclusions because you start to hear what other people say if you actually listen to

Them and I will say that as Greg and I worked through this I came to more of the conclusion that they do make need to make a move whereas I’ve said I don’t think they’re going to uh make any a significant move but I came going to conclusion that they’re

They need to and the reason is because if you go through the East right now we split it on the podcast into four tiers all right so you right now have Boston Milwaukee Philadelphia that’s the tier Miami should be in all three of those teams have holes

Like neither none of those three teams is perfect okay Boston has no bench Milwaukee does not play defense and to me even with Nick nurse I still think there’s cracks with Philadelphia even if embiid stays healthy I think they need at least to me at least they need one

More Wing um and and maybe uh you know one more rebounder to help embiid on a consistent basis so I I feel like um dude uh sorry about that Vado apologize we don’t need to scare you so anyway there are those three right and I think that those will make uh those three

Teams will make some kind of a move prior to the deadline I don’t know that it’s going to be super significant but I think each of them will address uh their issue Boston’s gonna have to do it with a draft pick uh Milwaukee has a couple of different vehicles that they could

Use they got Jay Crowder back but they still need more on defense I especially in that back court that back Court’s awful defensively and and then as I mentioned I think Philadelphia Philadelphia has more levers to pull than the other two then you have Miami Orlando Cleveland New

York and I’m missing one all three all all of those teams are in exactly the same bracket right now in fact they’re separated by half a game right so Miami right now is is right on the front end of it um on the Pacers I’m sorry um so

Those those five teams are right there right now if you don’t finish at the front end of those five teams you’re not getting homecourt in the first round you’re gonna have to dig yourself out of it from the very beginning and worst case scenario if you finish towards the back

End of those five teams you’re in the playin and I’ve said that Eric spoler has focused Eric spoler has focused more on seeding than I’ve ever heard him focus on it okay publicly this year he’s mentioned a lot I think we’re in the four seed I think we’re in the five seed

Etc etc right okay so there’s those five teams I believe all four of the teams other than Miami in that bracket will make a move to get better I think all of those teams are positioned to try to compete right now to try to upset one of those

Teams in the first tier and we’ve already seen New York do it absolutely believe Orlando will do it okay whether it’s LaVine in the back court or another Wing they’re going to add because they haven’t been in the playf play offs in so long in a contending in a position

Where they can do anything they got two really good young players they want to get experience for those two young front Court players I think they’re gonna make a move I think Cleveland’s gonna make a move because I know Kobe Alman a little bit and he is gonna try I think to do

Everything he can to show Donovan Mitchell that he can win there I don’t think they’re necessarily going to trade Donovan I think they’re going to try to supplement the roster to build with Donovan remember this a team that’s lost a its biggest star ever he came back uh

And left again Kobe and I used to talk a lot because I knew him when he wasn’t as high up on the ladder as he is now and he would talk about the way the heat did things he has a lot of admiration for Riley Etc he’s very aggressive though

Okay I think they’re going to make a move to try to get better Indiana is already trying to do that we know that okay they’re in on the cakam conversations I think that they are going to make a move maybe buddy healed is sacrificed in it but they’re going to

Try to upgrade they’re not going to go the other direction they’re paying Halbert and all that money they’re going to want to try to win now so you look at that okay and then then you get to the I mentioned the Knicks they’ve already made a move and they can still make

Another one so all of those teams are going to make moves to try to get better if Miami does not make a move to get better and does not get 100% healthy they could get stuck somewhere between three and five over those five teams and if they are they’re in the

Playin okay so that’s just the reality of it so then you go to the next tier of teams and Greg and I got into this okay today and those teams are all a few games under 500 right they’re all grouped together also the Nets the Raptors the Bulls and the Hawks all four

Of those teams should be selling whereas the teams above them should be trying to build for this year those teams should all be selling the Raptors are not selling they’re basically Messiah is sort of readjusting the pieces the Hawks there’s a lot of noise right now that they’re going to

Sell off as much as they can okay keep Trey uh keep Johnson and basically try to sell around the a rest of them and the other two the Nets absolutely should be selling some of their useful pieces to other teams and the bulls has been talk about them selling all year whether

It’s LaVine or whether it’s Caruso or whatever those are the four the four teams that if they decide to do what they should do the teams in the top two tiers of the conference are going to try to pick off players from okay and we went through those and then there’s the

Teams that the bottom Detroit Washington Charlotte Charlotte and Washington will sell off okay Washington seems inclined to do so we’re already talking all all the conversation already about kosma I believe Charlotte will too the team that may not is Detroit because they’re completely delusional and they don’t

Want to it seems trade bogdanovich or anything and they want to try to build more of a winner now even though they just lost 28 straight games this is just in the East think about how many players are going to be available before the deadline considering the trade that’s

Already been made and kind of all the conversation that we’re hearing already in the first week of January whereas usually this is towards the last week of January first week of February so this is to say without even getting into the West which is much more jumbled than the

East where you have teams that you did not expect to be this good this quickly at the top and then you have teams struggling like Golden State Phoenix Etc the Lakers who were more considered the blue blood teams of the conference going into this along with Denver where there’ll be players to pick

Off from there but it’s not as clear as the East and so I think more of the players are going to be moved from the east teams whether it’s two other east teams or two West teams for future considerations then we’re going to see uh going that direction so all of this

Is to say one thing here if Miami is standing Pat okay and I believe that’s their inclination right if they’re standing Pat and they don’t make a significant move they better get healthy like they better get 100% healthy and I know you’re shaking your head at this eternal because I know both

Of us don’t believe it but even when I saw and and you know people know I have a relationship with Bernie Lee as does most of the local media you know Greg communicated with Bernie last night then I saw I recorded Bernie directly today and Bernie talked about how the Jimmy

Injury is not serious and they they didn’t get bad results on it but then Bernie also said something that he has said to me on the side times which is that you know he’s had a lot Jimmy’s had a lot of long playoff runs lately and

Hasn’t had a lot of time to prepare for the next season and to me there’s a little bit of conditioning to that okay where I don’t think we can anticipate Jimmy being fully healthy the rest of this regular season and I’m not 100% confident and Alex and I got into this

On a podcast that he’s going to be able to ramp up the way he has in past years they’re trying to be careful with it but I mean already this season the ankle the knee the toe what’s next right when he’s missed games in previous Seasons a lot

Of it has been for personal reasons Etc okay so I don’t know that you can count on Jimmy to raise his level again to that point or to even be fully healthy when it matters so unless Miami is convinced okay that with this group they can finally get hero bam Jimmy on the

Court at the same time instead of starting and finishing only six games this season and that those guys can play well together and hak has adds this extra Dimension and Caleb can actually get on the court and consistent basis if they’re not going to move him unless

They all that I they gonna need to upgrade they are gonna need to upgrade in some way you just I’m going your direction so why are you cutting me off they’re gonna need I’m gonna let you get in here they they are gonna need to upgrade in some way okay because I

Believe that Cleveland will New York in their view already has uh Orlando will and I’m sorry I’m missing the other and Indiana will go what I was gonna say is you first started off with when and we can kind of Slash if when if they get healthy when if Jimmy

Tyler bam can work well together when if they get when they get Caleb back when if they get Haywood back like there’s a bunch of when ifs on Down the Line like it’d be different it’d be different right if Jimmy bam Tyler the last three or four seasons were just like a trained

Like a like a full on train you know I’m saying that’s coming at you um in the playoffs but we haven’t seen that Ethan so it’s like they’re still we’re they’re still evaluating if those if that Trio can work together so so it’s like you don’t have the time and I keep saying

This I know I sound like a broken record but because I’m just trying to set really trying to paint the picture for everybody that’s watching right Jimmy is not 29 you don’t have time to see any you don’t have any more time which again is unfair to Tyler I will

Say that even if I’m not a Tyler supporter like that I will say that it’s unfair to Tyler but that’s just the makeup Ethan of this build when they drafted Tyler I think he’s 23 now right they got Jimmy Jimmy was 29 Going on 30 bam was bam was Tyler’s age you know

Around Tyler’s age so it just it wasn’t like it was a perfect mix and match already they drafted Tyler before they signed J before they traded for Jimmy signed and traded for Jimmy right so I mean fact the fact is Tyler’s FastTrack above what they thought he

Would be at this point right I I just think that’s real it but what you’re saying is it’s not fast enough I I I understand that like no I I I get it and I think to a certain degree they get it and I do think they want to win on

Jimmy’s timeline like I they’re not unaware of Jimmy’s age my thing is I think sometimes the thing that they can be a little delusional about is this idea of okay when we can get our best players healthy and and that’s that’s the problem with this is that it has

Never happened it doesn’t happen um and and there’s there’s a bigger story to be written here about why uh which I really need to do the research on like why is it that when I’m looking back through the big three lck game logs you know

From 10 years ago or or you what nine 10 years ago and Norris Cole played 80 games per season and and LeBron played 75 plus and Shane Bader at his age played 70 something plus and uh you know even Ray Allen was out there for 70 plus

And Chris Birdman at you know bman Anderson was out there for 70 plus on a pro-rated basis they those guys were out there we used to complain about Dwayne DNE played more games in the last four years on a percentage basis than Jimmy has and we we we complained about the

Idea that Dwayne didn’t have his knee right and all the rest we didn’t know if he’s gonna play night tonight and the first year was you know one year was Mike Miller filling in then it was James Jones then it was Tony Douglas this team does and most sensitive about it clearly

Because when our guy Jonathan asked him about him in Orlando he said that last year most of the Miss people make too much of this because last year most of the Miss games were Victor Oladipo and om yvan um who I guess you know he’s saying were not considered to be core

Core pieces and it was a couple of guys but this year that’s just not the case I mean this is really the first year of this build that their top three guys have all missed significant time okay like there was bam was the one year

Jibby’s been in and out but this is the first time it’s happened to all three of them but also too Ethan to go back and I think the thing that is kind of here’s my theory I think what Miami has experienced success wise has kind of poisoned not only their view but also

The fan base and the media view if you remember the season that they ended up in the first seed that took Kyle PJ and a bunch of 12 good men to get that you know because you had Jimmy and Bam missing time so it’s not like they’ve

Been healthy and they got the first seed they had guys stepping up which was something they would they didn’t go into the season counting or that either so it’s not like oh we counted on you know Gabe vincon and Max stru and Caleb Martin that we didn’t know anything

About popping for us or Kyle guy and omir Yos and serving time with bam was out for like 13 14 games that’s not that you can Bank on you can Bank on your system but that’s not that you can Bank on like oh we’re going to be

Hurt and we know we know for a certain fact that we got guys that g to step up that we have to sign on two ways that was our first season last well that was a that was the season that they got first last year they had one of the

Worst seasons in franchise history they and then they lost the first Hawks playin game they was on the verge of losing was one of the worst seasons in franchise history it was a frustrating season it wasn’t I mean come on let’s that I was there for 15 and 67

You’re not going to tell me last year was one of the worst seasons in franchise history it it was frustrating I will say I’ll give you that all right Ethan they lost on UD Knight they blew they Lo they lost on a lot of nights but they they but they ultimately did at

Least get into the play in I was there for 15 and 67 I’m just saying it wasn’t okay they were all right okay okay all right but they played terrible off of season considering what they was coming off of but they also dealt with injuries last season and but basically

My point is they didn’t see what was on the horizon right like they didn’t Bank on it I I remember if nobody else remember I remember before I got on with on the network with you guys how y’all were talking about the season and when I got on the network it’s the

was not pretty right like the wasn’t pretty and the things that you were hearing from organization nobody was like oh we’re going to make it to the finals or we’re going to make it to the ECF like no one was baking on that so to go into this season and

You’re still seeing some issues some similar issues um in certain regards it’s not the same but you’re still seeing some similar issues and you’re also dealing with injuries like there was a reason why you came out of the finals and tried to make a play for Dan

Right there was a reason why you was like Hey listen we we know we don’t have enough Jimmy knows we don’t have enough but that’s but that’s not why they made but but see but I think there’s a mischaracterization of they went out of the finals thinking they were going to

Make a play for Dame or anything like I I feel like you have to understand the way that they evaluate these things okay they they place values on certain players and certain situations and their organizational philosophy is not to deviate much from those values right so essentially they came out of the finals

And I I do not believe in any way that they came out of it thinking we have to make a move I don’t they I can tell you there have been times in heat history they have felt that way and I you know they’re most of our our viewers here and

Listeners are probably too young to know to to have seen all this but when they lost to the Knicks three straight times in the late 90s with Pat coaching okay I’ve had Andy tell me this directly that team walked off the floor okay not the Allen Houston shot at the old building

But when they lost because Mashburn passed to weather spoon they missed the shot at the end and they had the whole Nick beteta thing and the Hardway and spre well whatever at the end of that they walked off the floor and I’ve had Andy and others tell me we’ve been there

Forever we knew we were changing that team like that they they he said that team had run its course okay we had we did everything we could with that group and we could not bring I said this to me specifically Andy said this to me specifically we could not bring that

Team back to training camp we couldn’t okay so what did they do that was the 2000 off season the best three free agents on the Market that year were all sort of elite Wing scorers okay Grant Hill Tracy McGrady and Eddie Jones okay Pat flew up to Orlando to try to get

Grant Hill thank God he didn’t because that was coming off the playoff series against the Heat and his ankle was never the same okay but he tried to get Grant Tracy was really the prize he tried to get Tracy and then he couldn’t get either okay because they went to

Orlando he flew to Orlando the try to head it off and then he made the move for Eddie Jones paid him seven years $86 million paid for Eddie uh in a trade traded Mashburn and PJ broke up the core of that team Mashburn and PJ were the

Three and four on that team for Four Seasons okay hero I don’t know who you want to say the fourth guy is now was supposed to be Tyler excuse me supposed to be Kyle but it’s not okay he made he made the movie he got Brian Grant too

And he built a new team around zo and then zo tested you know positive for kidney disease uh when we were waiting up at FAU at training camp me and Barry were waiting all day for Zo to arrive he didn’t show up that’s how old Barry and

I are okay and that blew the whole thing up and mace you know one got to an All-Star game I’ve been on earth a long time Sisty he uh they basically mace ended up playing an All-Star he he was an All-Star that year he was the Heat’s

Only All-Star and then zo came back 13 games left in the season mace got pissed off dogged it during the entire playoff series and M Mashburn now with the Hornets ran them off the freaking floor okay so it blew up in their faces but again it was because zo got sick but

That was a time he knew he need to make a change’ 05 after they lost an ‘ 05 okay they knew they could not Dwayne’s Rib Cage played a big role in this because I I they still believe they could have won the championship that year if that didn’t happen Okay against

Detroit but they also knew they weren’t going to win with Damon Jones long term as a starter all right and they needed to make moves and so they made the moves for posie for Antoine for pton for Jay will Etc right didn’t didn’t resign uh Damon so they knew this in 2005 they

Were gonna blow up this team I never heard that and they were trying to blow up the whide waiters team for a while okay before they finally could because they knew they effed up in in in 16 and 17 I never heard that this past off

Season I never heard the kind of things I heard back then or I heard from and in fact when I talked to people in the organization they said this is not like them we think we can win with this group okay we think and they and they

Believed to and the way it was put to me was hakz first thing they didn’t know hakz would be this but they had very high hopes for him they believe that Duncan could replace if if gotten his confidence back that he could replace streu’s productivity at that spot you

Know what they were right he’s done better than Shu did right they believe that Jay Rich could give them what Gabe gave them maybe a little different has that been right not really right I mean Jay Rich has gotten off to you know up and down starts to the season for a

Variety of reasons okay maybe he’s just not the same player that he was but they believe that they believe hakz could contribute right away they’ve been right about that okay so they’ve been right about some of these things in putting this team together and SPO and FAU said

We believe that this team is better than last year’s team that this this is this team is deeper than last year’s team and most of the people I look back at the comments and that scoffed at that I think most people would agree with him now this team is deeper the problem with

This team is they can’t get their three top players on the floor at the same time and like you said like you said they don’t even know it it the work when they’re all together because as Tyler’s game grows it doesn’t seem to fit with Jimmy’s game particularly

Well that’s the issue here and where I agree with you is that counting on that to ever happen at this point I think may be foolish that that’s where I’m with you okay that’s all that’s all my point is and also too Ethan just the kind of

Piggyback that is like you have Divine timing right now with that new CBA on on the way and the fact that all the teams are like it’s open market we’re willing to do business it doesn’t matter like every there it’s not like it’s just four or five teams Ethan

Like you just said you just named four or five teams in the east by themselves when you include the West like it’s it’s a w so it’s like Miami I don’t know what they’re gonna do out west because I don’t know who thinks they’re contending

Or not right like I right and so the thing is Ethan and I’ll let you continue it’s a good thing that they didn’t make them like I know they tried to get Dame it didn’t work out that would have been like the main thing that they could do

They tried to get getting Dame they discussed getting Dame it never got far enough to say because the other side would not communicate it never got far enough to say they tried to get Dame they they would have tried to get Dame if they’ been given the opportunity like

I would try to ask Jessica Alba out if I was given the opportunity that opportunity did not present itself when she walked to with the bar that I was in with Jason Jackson in New York last year plus she’s married go ahead continue okay all right oh my

God but but they did try to get Drew they they definitely Tred to get okay cool all right but it’s a good thing I mean but no but again again again trying to get you no they cot would not speak to them so they discussed when when Drew

Was traded to Portland they discussed getting Drew and they were willing to give up more for Drew but that’s not a negotiation they negotiated with themselves essentially okay I I would make I would make this clear the Miami were willing to try to trade for these

Yes okay that’s my point yes they were never willing to trade H Hawkins just to be clear but go ahead continue right my point is that they were willing to make a change is my point right um and it’s almost a good thing you know P past

Those two it’s almost a good thing that they didn’t try to do anything after that just because of how many more players how many more situations are different right now and so what I’m saying is yes we can all have faith and air exposure in the system and all of

That right but we we can agree that some guys and I I don’t want to be right on this I kind of figured from my personal training side that Caleb would have look knickknacks like throughout um that would you know implicate him well you you’ve been right

About that I’ll give you the hashtag on that so I think within this situation it’s just it’s just a good time it’s a perfect time for them to make a change to give one last hurah because you have Jimmy looking you know like he’s looking you need to raise the floor so

That if you do get that man back at what he’s normally like and because you have Kevin Love playing the way he’s playing like you have enough to where okay we can make a move because the market is looking the way it’s looking it can help

Us this season and also help us for the next two to three four season you know what I’m saying because once at TBA happened there’s no there’s no free agency like we’ve known it to be Ethan so like your way of improving the team is like this it you know how well free

Agency was already free agency was already dying before this I mean Bas but it is it’s G to kill it even more but it has been dying and Pat made this point three or four years ago and I’ll get to some of the questions here in a second

Pat made this point uh three or four years ago that you had to go get the guy year early now that that what they what they did in two because players all ask out they all make their decision a year before so and nobody’s hoarding cap space anymore they’re all over the cap

Most majority of teams are over the cap the only teams that are hoarding cap space there’s usually like three or four and it’s just to become dumping grounds for other players so you need a guy to so-called ask out and that’s why people are pissed off about the Dame thing and

Again I’m not blaming them for that because I don’t know how you negotiate uh with somebody who doesn’t negot want to negotiate with you but I’m just saying that they it has already changed okay it’s not like what they did where they were like okay we’re gonna hold off

On signing anybody to help Dwayne for two years because we’re looking ahead to 2010 right and that was basically Pat looking ahead and saying to Andy okay make sure we’re clear with the cap space at that point so we can make that kind of a move

And they went all in on that strategy and obviously with LeBron and Bosch and then retaining Dwayne it worked it could have backfired on them completely Dwayne could have left at that point and they couldn’t maybe not have gotten any of the other guys might have ended up with

Carlos Boozer and Eric dampier to show for it because I can tell you they talked to both of those players too okay but they ended up with Dwayne Chris and LeBron so they and and and getting Mike Miller and then keeping Udonis hasl so that worked out for them but that

Strategy is not viable anymore and they know that they’re aware of that like it’s not like they’re stuck this idea that they’re stuck in the past no they know the landscape has changed but is sometimes that they get caught up trying to make the perfect move so they don’t

Make any move sometimes do they maybe assign a value to a player or a situation and so nothing ends up happening that’s a fair critique that’s a fair critique okay I don’t think it’s a fair critique to get on the about the Dame thing when even if they had sent

The entire franchise to them other than bam I’m not sure that Cronin would have taken it but it is a fair critique to say that sometimes you know perfect can be the enemy of good right and and that’s one of the points that Greg and I

Have made and we did today on the podcast too is that maybe you don’t make the big splash move but you make a move somewhat similar to what they did in 2020 uh in the covid season which was you know they somehow it’s miraculous if you look at that deal now they unloaded

Two contracts they didn’t want plus Justice who basically was person n gr with the organization at that point because he wouldn’t play through the injury and kept saying it was worse than they thought it was and they ended up getting Crowder who was really the Target by the way for them Iguodala and

Solomon Hill that that’s that’s the kind of move that I think Greg and I are talking about and when you start you look at those moves you’re like okay is a tius Jones from one team and why does it always have to be when we talk about

This why does it always have to be you make a trade with one team I think that he can get in on multiple trades and maybe be the third team or the fourth team and nobody is better at executing those deals than Andy is so I I to me I

Think that’s where this ultimately goes and I that’s what I’m coming around to throw the first round picks out I’m with you on that make the move if you have to and add some pieces here that are going to supplement them in areas where we know that they’re weaker uh point of

Attack defense would be absolutely number one for me like that’s that’s where this starts um and and so I I’m I that’s why I’ve come up on the train to say you you do need to make a move or a series of moves but not Donovan it’s not

Gonna be Donovan Mitchell this season guys I think Cleveland’s gonna hold him I really do anyway go ahead and turn off so what I was gonna do is what I was gonna say Ethan is you’re right the 2020 move right but it because of no other reason because of right now

Because of the landscape of the league you can do a 2020 in a 2015 or a 2021 together you get what I’m saying so like how they got going and and so say you combine those two things together so you get a gorin and a Jay Crowder under

Igala and Solomon Hill and that’s only because of all the players that are going to be available right now you get what I’m saying so it’s like you have unique situation where you can make multiple trades like a prime example I hate to keep bringing them up is what

The Lakers did last year like they they made the ruy trade first right a month before they made the Westbrook and they got back deel Russell um Jared Vanderbilt right Jared Vanderbilt and all of those other pieces back which helped them raise their floor and they

Was able to go to you know so that’s the kind of trade you’re looking for but when I go to Killer’s comment here you trading hero Lowry Martin and yovic how about we just do the last three like like this is the thing see see to me if

You’re going to trade Tyler okay okay it’s only for a Mitchell type and that’s what the Heat have been trying to tell everybody they’re not shopping Tyler hero they never have been they get asked about him all the time why do they get asked about him all the time because

Other teams always ask about the third guy and just and that’s how it’s always been and I I I know for a fact okay that they had offers of multiple first round picks yes protected from at least two different teams so there is interest in Tyler around the league it just wasn’t

From Portland that’s it okay but killer here’s my thing I think Lowry Martin yic first round pick pick swaps does get you in the ballpark for useful players okay and and to me if you’re gonna trade Tyler not just his future not just the fact that he’s 23 not just the fact that

He’s a I know he’s been in efficient of late okay uh but I’m saying not just the fact that he’s a 225 and five guy okay if you’re going to trade Tyler you better get you better get a two guard who’s considerably better than him okay

Or or or a player who is of the ilk that we’ve talked about with uh you know W with the guys they’ve gone in with him for before which basically Damon Durant are the two that have been in there and it’s not a long list as Timbo says and

To me you you don’t just trade Tyler to reshuffle the deck you trade Lowry Martin yic first pick swaps to reshuffle the deck that’s what you do Ethan what if you get two guys that are at similar level to to Tyler that fit the team better like that that makes the team you

Know who fits the team really well Duncan Robinson right okay so what you’re saying I’ll follow you down this road a little bit okay so let let’s say that you’re gonna go get a guy who’s not at say Tyler’s POS not a scoring two right okay so not

Not a not not a one of these tweener types I saw a piece about all the tweener types in the league right now we know who they all are right like Tyler’s been classified with some of these guys these two guards are kind of play on and

Off the ball Etc right okay so let let’s say that that okay you you don’t make it a priority to upgrade there that you’re not looking for be the beal type the Mitchell type Etc and you’re trying to find another piece what is the piece that you’re looking for so let me just

Throw this at you if is it a deante m are you saying that deante like would you swap out if you can Duncan be your starting two with Deon Murray at the one is that is that the direction that you’d rather go does that back court fit fit Jimmy and

Bam better yes so what I was goingon to say is specifically since you brought his name up I was gonna bring some else up if Atlanta is selling off what if you can get Dante and Bon so now you have Duncan and bdon to replace Tyler you get

What I’m saying so it’s like you don’t lose anything and you gain something so I’m not trying to for anybody that that hears me talk about Tyler or Improvement of the team I’m not trying to trade Tyler for like bums not at all right if

You can get guys that rais the floor and it meshed well with Jimmy and Bam and the rest of the team like you’re if your team itself Ethan is strong as and you can get those type of Superstar performances from Jimmy and Bam it makes

You that much harder to beat if you have guys that can heeld so many different hes that you need if that Mak sense okay and no and I I’ll keep following you down the road because I think it’s a legitimate argument but let okay so let’s say you’re doing that you’re

Giving up Tyler’s future okay by the way Tyler’s not on a bad contract right so let’s stop that we we can argue whether it’s a great contract or not but it’s not a bad contract with where the CBA is going it’s that it reminds me of the conversation that everybody had about

Bosch when he resigned that big deal with the heat and two years later that contract if he had just stayed healthy obviously we know that there was a health issue Beyond something that happened on the the court that would have been a great contract going forward okay everybody criticized that contract

When it was signed and for that matter everybody was over over the Duncan contract and right now the Duncan Duncan’s I think exceeded his money this year based on where he fits in the team’s cap absolutely okay so what what I’m saying is that that uh the Tyler

Contract is not the problem okay the Tyler fit is what you’re talking about but let me let me ask you about this going forward the Heat’s view of this is that unless they get blown away all right with somebody who is like a Dame type who I told you they even had

Concerns about Dame some of which have actually played out in Milwaukee but I’m not going to make an argument that Dames Lillard’s not a better player than Tyler hero so trust me don’t aggregate that okay but what I’m saying is like they they view it as the way that

It’s been presented to me and now the way I kind of interpret it they view their present as again it’s a bridge timeline okay so it’s Jimmy and you’re trying to win with him now because he’s earned that right okay he’s got to get on the floor obviously okay but he’s

Earned that right that you should try to win for him now he resurrected you he got you out of the whide Dark Ages okay right like that’s basically what it is right almost got you to three finals right I’m I’m not arguing okay I’m a Jimmy fan but I’m saying you have

Jimmy and Bam and Tyler because they’re Young Veterans at 23 and 26 because of the minutes they’ve logged okay because of Bam’s off experience you wish Tyler had more of it but whatever they are your Bridge right right and on the other side of that bridge is hakz and potentially yic but I

Throw hold on I want throw this let me finish the thought okay if if they were to say to you well we’re not going to make a panic move now and trade future assets because we think we have something set up here for the future where we’re going to be

Consistent inly competitive and contending with the team that we can add to we’ve got bam we’ve got Tyler we’ve got hackin on a rookie contract and we’ve got a guy in yic that we think if we can find the right spot for him can fill out a help fill out a starting five

For us okay and then we make a decision on Jimmy on how much we’re going to extend him for and what his role is going to be as he takes a step back and they’re like we’re not going to sacrifice anything because we like that group like we feel it’s just about the

Group now but we like what this group is going to look like in two or three years as they grow together and we’ll add other pieces to it you’re a huge yich fan right right you realize he’s gonna have to be sacrificed if they’re gonna

Make a move right now right like we can argue about Tyler we can have a conversation about whether they move Duncan here as his contract is moving up yic is g to be moved if they make a move here because he he’s because they’re not trading hawz we know that right and

Other teams are going to demand some kind of a young asset Caleb’s in the last year of his deal he’s only useful right now to teams who are either are pretty close to winning and he has that Eastern Conference Finals experience obviously okay and they need a wing I

Think a team like OKC could benefit from him I think uh I I I think they’re I think honestly I think Phoenix could use him there are some other teams in the west that I think could absolutely use him but most teams unless they’re going to resign him he doesn’t have high value

Right right Duncan and is another one you’re gonna have to resign him okay if you’re gonna make a decision I’m done yic is again on a rookie contract he’s going to be included are you comfortable making a small upgrade a small to medium siiz upgrade I’m just playing Devil’s

Advocate because I I Would by the way okay but are you comfortable sacrificing Yi’s future with you for that so what I was going to say to you um what I was trying to inj Jake was or really just kind of give you something else to to go

Along with what you were saying because they have hot and I think really they found surprisingly Ethan their shooting guard or small forward of the future in h um and obviously you know him coming in and being able to pop the way he has this season on it on his first year of

His rookie contract um I think gives you the ability because you have hot and Duncan it gives you the ability like okay well we don’t want to give up on Tyler but we see we haven’t really had a chance to see if this no no no no no no

No no no no no we’re not talking about Tyler I’m asking you about I’m about to get about to get to it I was just going to say you have a little bit more time I think he froze because those two kids that are on the screen you haven’t seen if this

Works like you haven’t seen if this works and because Tyler listen I may not be a fan of Tyler’s game but I recognize that he’s a hoop like the kid can who you know I’m saying but it ain’t don’t look like it fits with the guy that wears

22 in the main big picture but if because I am I am all about doing what’s right for the team if I have no choice but to Cher yic it would hurt I would do it but I’m not overpaying for not a soul like if if if I don’t know

For certain right like based off of what they’ve done in another system or you know based off of what we can see as far as physical tools and and high IQ that you can boost that player or players then no I don’t I’m not I’m not

With that but it’s the same but but but but again all the moves we’re talking about are are gonna probably require that like that’s that’s what I’m saying like if because they I’m just telling you they’re not going to trade Tyler for something that’s a a lateral move but a

Better fit they’re they’re not going to do it I they’re not going to give up on his potential for that I’m I’m going to shut that down right now because I know there’s a lot of that in the comments they’re not going to do that I I would

Be stunned if they do that they they’ve never really done that like even the um we talk about the moves in 1920 right which again the ones I’m coming back to look the reason they were willing to trade Justice was again was because Justice wasn’t on the floor okay like

The Justice wasn’t on the floor like he went to two doctors to try to prove that he had an injury that they didn’t think he had that’s what happened okay that’s the reality of it they didn’t think Justice was a heat guy anymore now since there’s been a lot of stuff patched up

Etc but they they did not um did I say 1920 I’m sorry they are a lot of my kind that was the Jewish basketball league at that point we’re all 5 foot three um look I you go back to to that situation it’s not that they were trying to change fit it’s that

Jake Crowder was could play at that point he was he was actually active to play Andrea gdalo was active to play they needed bodies they needed experience and all the rest of that stuff but they didn’t dump the number 10 overall pick in the draft Justice Winslow just to change fit they’re not

Gonna do that with Tyler because Tyler’s shown more than Justice ever did and he’s 23 but I also think that I do what you’re saying but the timing is different Jimmy just got to the team so it wasn’t like justice Jimmy and Bam had been on team together for Five

Seasons this is different it’s just it’s different I I I I I understand the circumstances of it are different and that that everybody’s impatient and should be because we’re seeing Jimmy’s clock tick and and we’re seeing it in real time because he’s not even on the

Floor and so some of the things that we were worried about when he first signed was the wear on him from tibs and and all the rest of that stuff and now even what Bernie’s acknowledging which is the wear on him from the playoffs and we’re starting to

See it’s this injury it’s that injury this is how it adds up this is what happened with Dwayne okay and and the guy starts to miss more time and this is like okay we need to win for him now Dwayne got saved by the fact that they

Had cleared the cap space and bring in Lebron and Bosch because Dwayne wasn’t winning more titles after 2010 2011 he had two tremendous Seasons they didn’t support him enough because again they were holding the cap space but then his body started to break down he needed

Just like LeBron needed him to show him how to win he needed LeBron and Chris to take him over the top at that point okay and if LeBron had just performed at a reasonable level in 2011 Not only would Dwayne have gotten a title that year but

He would have gotten an MVP and that was probably his Peak at that point and from that point it was just sort of ma maintaining injuries and trying to stay on the court I’ve seen this story before Jimmy is not gonna get healthier he’s not going to start playing more games

Than all the rest of this you make the argument and I think it’s a reasonable argument that that means go get it now right go get it now while he can still produce something for you I don’t know this informationally okay and I have I have to start circling back

With people that I typically talk to and I’ll do that once the team gets home I don’t know if the fact that he’s having trouble staying on the floor sends them the other direction do you understand what I’m saying and I know you’re shaking your

Head but I I I and I’m not saying I advocate for that but I’m saying the fact that he hasn’t been able to raise his level this year on a consistent basis and I don’t think it’s just I don’t think it’s just boredom I think

It’s also the fact that that you know I don’t know that he can get to that level consistently anymore at almost age 35 okay and with every all the injuries that he’s dealt with I wonder if they just if they look at and say okay we’re

Gonna give it our best shop but we’re not going to go crazy trading future assets because we think we have a core in bam and Tyler and ultimately a Jimmy possible replacement and hakz maybe yic we have our full compliment of picks and we can reshape this thing around with

Other group I know you’re shaking your head but I can tell you that’s a that’s it wouldn’t stun me if that’s the direction they end up going lii markeing is Young Deonte Murray and bdon bdon is only 31 Deonte is 27 I’m Mel Bridges is 26 like there this a very unique

Circumstances that you will probably never get ever again ever again and Bam is 26 so it’s like you had you Hae at 22 on a plane monstrous right now you know what I’m saying for his age and on a steal of a contract right right and again this is

Not even me being um like a yish guy but you you see the potential he has Ethan I know what you said that Bernie or not Bernie but his Camp you froze again I’ll let you finish there go turn on with the dramatic pauses I got five minutes left here because my

Daughter wants to watch a movie so if he comes back in five minutes let me ask this question because AOS Sims uh brings it up here okay when I talk about I got I got three minutes of tles so I’m GNA try to wrap this uh

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  1. This team needs a trade…. We need to turn 2-dimes and a nickel into a quarter…. Too many one dimensional players….

  2. Love Bam but is just a very good player not a star…. Love Herro but he is a good offensive player that kills us on D…. Jimmy old and hurt…. JJJ very solid…. The rest of the roster is one dimensional players that are good at one thing or another….

  3. If Spo insists on starting Kyle & playing JRich as a point of attack defender it won’t matter that they make a trade… they’ll still be too weak

  4. It’s shouldn’t be Bam & Tyler as the bridge. Tyler wouldn’t be good enough to be the 2nd best player on a team with Title aspirations. Someone like Mitchell is literally 1 year older than Bam, and a better player than Tyler and has been the best player on a #1 seed before

  5. Come on Tyler can’t guard Greyson Allen, he’s a 6th man right now, build an elite defensive team around Bam. Trade Jimmy, Tyler, get younger and more athletic. This team can’t win a championship currently constructed,

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