@San Antonio Spurs

Everyone Is FURIOUS About Spurs Recent Loss! (TAKEAWAYS)

Everyone Is FURIOUS About Spurs Recent Loss! (TAKEAWAYS)

Okay I’m going to be honest man I don’t know if there’s been this much negativity or this much hostility uh all season long I I mean good God I I’ve seen some crazy takes on Twitter and I don’t I I relax I want some n are we having fun

Yet all right so I didn’t really have the energy to go live today I was like H it’s just too much too much hostility now people that’s on this channel usually are pretty pretty chill most of you guys are pretty chill uh but I I

Just didn’t feel like it so I said screw it let let’s just talk about the game as a whole we’ll go over every single individual uh player and then I’ll give you my overall thoughts about the game as a whole um and this tweet right here

It was quite a few people hitting me up being pretty quite quite rude like really angry with me for for no reason whatsoever I think um but yeah so before before we do that if you guys want to support the channel there’s plenty of

Ways to do so but one way is go over to Clane merch I caught up on most orders uh that were ordered around Christmas so check your emails for that uh you should have got a tracking number and I think I have a couple more uh that

I’m catching up on cuz we just got a new order I think yesterday or two days ago so still catching up on those but if you guys want to support uh please do man Link in the description all right so let’s go ahead and take a look uh at a

Few things so I I think that this kind of sums up my thoughts as a whole of this game uh a ton of should have could have W us wmy could have taken Levert uh mismatch Kellin should have cut to the corner which is just cut to the open

Spot and if you watch the game you know what I’m talking about okay I know this just sounds like nonsense if you didn’t watch the game uh so soan should have made a higher pass Kellin should have ran in transition and that’s at the end

Of the game which he was just kind of standing there would have made that much of a difference Pro probably not but yeah he still should have um kind of assumed the game was over there and the Spurs could have called a timeout so I’ll just go over this really quick some

Of the I don’t want to say backlash cuz I don’t want to make it seem like it’s um like a lot of hate towards my way or anything like that not really but it was a few of these where I’m like oh my God like chill out um so first and foremost

Uh wimy so the reason why I said he could have taken Levert in the mismatch is because I’m saying he could have done that but not necessarily saying that passed to soam was the wrong read okay it wasn’t it it was a fine read um and

What’s funny about it is what I’ve heard a lot of people say is well Clan oh well here’s here’s one person in particular uh wimy could have taken Levert mismatch it’s not as if Allen on wimy to so what I find funny about this cuz this isn’t

The only person I say not just calling this person out because there’s a lot of people that said this but the funny thing about that is uh people are bringing up the fact that uh Allen was lurking on that play which is true which I’m saying he could have tried Levert

But he made a good pass as well but then we’ll say in the same sentence that soan should have taken the shot and if you go back you watch it Allen was lurking there too so I I’m a little confused by that I’ve seen some people say that he

Just did Ben Simmons and it’s like no that was not the same at all so I I think that’s kind of strange I think that’s out of proportion a little bit uh Kellin should have cut to the corner I don’t think that there’s any ends ifs or

Buts about this I think everyone should agree on that that he should have went to the open space that would have made it an Easy Pass whether it been wimy or soan making that pass to him uh you got to go to the open space he didn’t he was

Kind of set on I’m going to shoot uh at this at this uh uh Wing regardless um but he he should have went to the open open space it would have been an easier pass soan he made a tough pass but it was not a good pass it was low uh maybe

Too far to the right not the perfect pass Kellin could have got it but it it was I mean it was it was it was a bullet right um so wri Reed just bad pass uh and then Kellin should have ran transition and we can kind of debate

That if if you guys felt like the game was over already and then the Spurs should have called a timeout and what I mean by that is uh a lot of people will say Pap ofit should have called timeout which is which is true sure uh but where

He was at and where he was angled I don’t know if he could tell that we had the position um it enough like when we’re watching the game when we’re on our our couches we can see the entire court but where he was positioned versus where the ref was

Next to pop he was nowhere near him it probably would have been pretty difficult to make that timeout so when I say the Spurs yes we can say papovich I’m fine with that but I also think it could have been Trey Jones it could have been Kellin it could have been Sohan any

Person on our team could have made or called that timeout there uh and I I think that that was a missed um opportunity um you had to you had the timeout somebody needed to call the the timeout and oftentimes in those situations players will call the timeout so um just unfortunate unfortunate all

The way around but I feel like what really creeped up on us during this entire game was experience that’s what really uh got to us uh there so but yeah what the heck is this are you paid to be on your knees for soan like that by the

Way he’s not the only one there was someone else and he recently deleted his reply saying that I don’t criticize Sohan or wow I can’t believe you didn’t say one thing about soan even though in the tweet I criticized soan I don’t know very strange strange behavior and I’m

Unfort unfortunately I I’m disappointed in you Ru can you stop this stop it stop it Ruru stop it uh the the consolation you giving yourself because you don’t want to call out soan to just take the shot because he had it been cuz had it been K KJ making that errant pass errant

Pass okay uh we getting a 20 minute video on how bad that pass play was and how he should get uh the two not look for three shaking my head I don’t know what you’re talking about if Kellin Johnson would the problem with Kellin Johnson is the opposite he take too

Many he takes too many contested uh shots in the paint don’t know what you mean by that uh if he would have made that pass I would have been I would have been fine and said that’s the right read um but I would have still said what I

Said in this tweet and that is soan made a bad pass it was a right Read Bad pass that’s what I would have said if Kellin made the exact same pass bad pass good read uh don’t know what you mean by that also I’m getting tired of anybody uh

Comparing certain players when it comes to Kellin versus soan okay sohan’s in his second year uh and I’ve always said this I’ve been very adamant about this before we look into each player individually I’ve been very adamant about this this is my rule of thumb I’m

Not going to go full in on trade this player this player is absolute garbage da da da if they’re in their first or second year I give players at least about four years and once you get into that fourth fifth then then I think the criticism can start amping up a little

Bit which Kellin is in his fifth year I believe yeah yeah he’s he’s in his fif yeah he’s in his he’s in his fifth year um so yeah I I don’t no um that that’s just my take on it so uh but I didn’t really go fully in on Kell either not

One single person ruined or or lost this game for us okay anyways let’s go ahead and dive into this so each player individually uh Julian champeny it always seems like every single game I don’t have much to say about him uh is because he just is who he is right uh

He’s a he’s he’s a perimeter threat um and then defensively he plays fine uh he’s he’s a decent Defender I would say maybe he’s our fourth fifth best defender fourth might be pretty crazy fourth fif fourth or fifth no actually I would say fourth or fifth I think we can

Say that fourth or fifth best defender he’s fine uh Sohan I thought overall he had a really good game um not only shooting wise went two for uh three from three that’s good um but he just does what he does right 11 points five rebounds four assists uh he had a really

Nice pass to wimy early on which I guess all those narratives about him hating wimy is is gone finally um but he had a really nice lob to wimy early that resulted in a in a foul uh and I think I talked to swis Hill about this I believe

That when soan averages at least five assists uh we win I I think that’s the stat uh I could be wrong but I think I think that’s the stat and as you see in this game he averaged four assists so one more assist that pass to Kell at the end

That’s a w um but yeah just just messed up a little bit uh Wim banama so this was not one of his most impressive games which is crazy because he had five blocks of Steel and 24 points and this was one in a double double and this was

One of his uh bad games I I guess kind of is one of his bad games but overall he did fine um you know I I one thing that I really admire about wimy and this is just you know how it is with great players and Superstar Talent is he’s

Going to find a way to affect the game no matter what so even if he’s I wouldn’t say this is a shooting slump but I mean he’s guarded by Allen that’s a tough matchup and even even so he still managed to uh put something together that was pretty uh impressive

So um he found ways to to to impact the game and at the end of the game it it was huge I think once he’s off minutes restriction it’s going to help eight ton I mean I’ll just be real with you um I don’t want to be fully riant on wimy

Because uh yeah I just don’t want to put too much I mean I know he’s the guy he’s our guy right but I I don’t I would want him to be able to come out of the game and right now unfortunately when he comes out of the game we have no one

Absolutely no one that can guard the paint the best thing that we got right now is soan and Don Barlo and those those guys aren’t centers so it’s it’s really unfortunate uh Trey Jones I thought thought Trey Jones played uh really well in this game now funny

Enough I want I wanted to bring this up too this was another thing that I talked to my my friend switch about um so with Trey Jones I I saw quite a few people tweeting that you know now that Trey Jones is starting our offense looks so

Much better and swish brought up a really good point because this entire time I’ve been saying Trey Jones coming off the bench he’s not going to look as impressive as he will if he’s starting because when he’s starting he’s surround Around Talent that’s just how I saw it like just really better players

Obviously wmy opens things up for him you have the threat with Devon fael and he can get those you know easy uh uh layups those floaters and you can see see that he was hard on himself on that last game because he hit both his threes

In this one um but with that with that being said one thing that he brought up was the fact that well the offense also looks smoother because you have multiple people that are Playmakers Devon fael is a good passer uh don’t let the assist fool you okay I know it’s just two but

He is a good passer uh wimy is a good passer soan wimy on occasion can be like what the heck what was that wimy but he’s a really good passer sohan’s a good passer he’s a he’s a great connector I would say uh so when you have four guys

On the court at the same time that can pass the ball and playmake uh to their degree I I think that that’s huge and I I just don’t like the narrativization of saying Trey Jones started it fixed everything we’re still losing um I know some somebody won’t just call him out

But I saw somebody tweet out something in the lines of uh Trey Jones is really finding Devon fael out there and at that point in the game Trey Jones has he got it to Deon fael for one assist and champeny got him the ball for one assist it he wasn’t continuously finding Devon

Fael it’s just narrativ vising right uh because everyone’s been praising or or pleading for Trey Jones to start which I understand why but at the same time it’s like that we’re not watching the same games okay that that’s not what’s going on but um but yeah just overall though

Uh Tre Jones played a good game and you know being out there with wimy and Deon fael really opens things up for him soan constantly finding the open space so that makes it easier for him too um just overall I was really impressed by our starters and champeny you know while

He’s more of a end of the bench type of guy in the long scheme of things if the Spurs were to keep him uh him starting he’s doing a fine job he he’s doing okay uh the fact that he doesn’t give up too much defensively and then the fact that

He is a threat and they can’t just leave him open uh it it helps it helps that’s the best thing we got right now uh unfortunately when it comes to that type of role that three and D rle um now on the bench uh Barlo did fine um I kind a

Discussion with someone which I’m like oh my God we just say anything nowadays um saying that well because I said that we we’re missing Zach Collins and obviously we are right every single time that whimy off out of the or off the court like it’s very easy rebounds very

Easy finishing at The Rim uh it’s ridiculous and someone brought up well Barlo is playing better than Collins he’s not and I love Don Barlo don’t get me wrong two things can be true at the same time Don Barlo can be a really good player playing really well

Uh for his age and everything and also Zack Collins be better those two things can be be like they’re not mutually exclus exclusive okay it’s it’s it’s fine um but with that being said yeah a lot of people I not a lot of people but that that person that I was talking to

Uh just I just don’t really know what you’re talking about um Zack Collins is averaging more points more rebounds more blocks uh defensive field goal percentage is 50 just like Barlo I I don’t know what it’s just I don’t know it it’s it’s this running uh inside joke

That I have uh with with with uh with a few people where it’s like oh he just didn’t put forth the effort right he just didn’t try hard enough and that that’s that’s kind of what it came down to like a lot of people just kind of

Bring that up like he just wanted it more this player just wants it more and it’s like well I mean you can say Don Barlo is bringing more effort than Collins but I I I don’t know what you it’s just Vibes checked you just you’re just basing off of Vibes at that point

Anyways moving on Osman oh my God can I rant a little bit I won’t rant too long uh Osman good gu okay so like I said I have a rule okay if it’s your first second year third year I’m I’m chilling I’m not going to be like super mean osman’s a

Veteran and he’s never been a great perimeter Defender but this game in particular my guy it was awful I mean it was awful he was double teaming where he shouldn’t have he was leaving Levert wide open when he was killing us I don’t know what the heck was going on with that just

Stick to your man it wasn’t even like oh he’s getting crossed over it’s like no it was off ball defense where he’s just kind of lurking and he’s laid on Closeouts it was terrible now he he made some really good shots uh in this game um ideally we that’s what he’s out

There for but overall man it was terrible his defense just terrible it does not make up for that defense I guess the question at that point cuz I I did rant a little bit on on Twitter you just a little bit uh I guess the question then is well who do you play

Instead of him I don’t know I honestly don’t know maybe maybe Blake Wesley but Blake Wesley was out there with them too I yeah we we don’t have anybody that’s that’s kind of the issue right now too it’s like we we don’t really have anybody to play in

Replacement of him it’s not like Graham comes in and he just locks everything down like no so we’re just kind of stuck I I was just more irritated than than anything uh I don’t know extend sohan’s minutes I don’t know someone’s minutes need to be extended somebody anybody but

Osman it was so bad uh anyways uh Kellin Johnson I’m starting to lose any bad thing to say about Kellin cuz I’m just like a broken record at this point Kellin is who he is uh there’s no change in that uh he he’s the type of player

That’s going to make up his mind before he does anything it doesn’t really matter who’s in the paint uh and that’s kind of unfortunate like Thompson was in the paint he went after him um uh Jared was in the paint he went after him uh he got

To the paint and then there was help defense he still attempted to shoot it uh not great shots but because of his athleticism because of his size because of his strength he can get away with it but I’ll just be honest and being real and saying that that’s not ideal like

Winning basketball but as the L like big scheme of things he wasn’t he wasn’t God awful he wasn’t terrible he wasn’t the sole reason we lost this game or nothing like that okay um so I’m not going to sit here and just harp on it but Kellin

Is who he is and it was it was a lot of that it was a lot of I’m going at you regardless of who’s in the paint or not and that that’s that’s unfortunate it bothers me but this is just the type of player he is I really do think that if

Kellin Johnson was either on a team or just with us in the future once we have a little bit more uh Talent a little bit more go-tos he’ll be much better as that uh role player but I think right now with him coming off the bench we don’t

Have a ton of options it’s it’s not like when he came off the bench uh that I had so much faith that anyone would make a shot um not Osman not uh Malachi brandham coming off an injury nobody I I only Kellon really so I think that

That’s kind of how he took it upon so while it wasn’t the best of plays that he attempted to take or best of shots he attempted to take uh it might have been one of our only only options uh Malachi brandom defense is terrible we always knew his defense was terrible uh it

Wasn’t good was wasn’t great but at the same time uh yeah I don’t know coming off an injury I’m not going to trip about it too much and then Blake Wesley I really liked what I saw from him he had a couple bad plays where I’m like oh

Okay that’s the that’s the old Blake creeping up a little bit but he is so fast um he’s more poised than he was previously and his defense is is decent I was actually you know if you want me to criticize pop a little bit I was actually actually quite upset that Blake

Wesley wasn’t guarding the best player um when he was out there like often times he was just uh guarding uh a shooter in the in the corner or it’s like H we’re not really getting the most utility out of you know Blake Wesley uh especially what we we’ve been seeing

Like over the past couple weeks is that Blake Wesley is a really good Defender uh when you give him the opportunity so I was pretty upset about that um but overall like I said I I told you about how I felt at the end of the game lot of

Mistakes but it it comes down to experience and I I hate to keep using that but that’s what it comes down to okay um but I will say this okay I will say this Donovan Mitchell he was guarded by actually let me see if this doesn’t come up if it doesn’t

Work I’ll admit that I was wrong or not that I’m wrong but if that is just not it’s not something we can check up on that right now but Jeremy soan played really well on Donovan Mitchell let me see if it’s up yet I was actually waiting oh probably need to do

Matchups right yeah Head to Head uh defense let’s see um we’ll just search control F we’ll do Mitchell ah it’s not up yet okay unfortunately it’s not up yet sorry uh yeah I wanted to show wait wa hold on hold on hold on actually it might be there’s a lot of players here

All right let’s see here let’s try this okay that’s Mitchell Robinson H these are only like 14 he’s not going to be on this list okay yeah but all I was going to say was um I thought Jeremy soan okay yeah it’s not it’s not up yet

I thought Jeremy soan did a very good job on Donovan Mitchell um that’s a really tough matchup uh went one for 10 I I want to it’s like one of those things where this is how it is okay I feel like a lot of people just have

Vibes when it comes to their opinions on things oh I just feel like this player is playing harder I just feel like this player is better I just feel like they did a good job in this area I just feel like they’re trash and they’re not doing

Well well I have my vibes too uh and then I usually try to back it up with you know actual stats or what happened and honestly my vibe from this game and I can’t really back it up until I actually you know go and look but every

Time I saw Jeremy soan guarding Donovan Mitchell he made it really tough on him now I guarantee you he wasn’t on him for the entire one for 10 okay I highly doubt that but he did do a phenomenal job and holding him to 17 points is insane um very impressive uh actually we

Can even go back and look at Donovan Mitchell’s previous games I think his last two were blowout so those might not matter as much to you let’s see yeah so this month 26 points 22 points 26 points and I think these two were blowouts yeah they were

Blowouts uh and then prior to that 37 points against Milwaukee 34 points against Milwaukee 37 points against Houston um in which against Houston that would have been going against Dylan Brooks if he was healthy he was healthy uh it was one of those games he didn’t play uh but yeah

So really impressive um from from Jeremy soan so I will give him that uh but yeah at the end of the game it was a lot of mishaps that that kind of bothered me but man so many Spurs fans being so negative so hostile it was insane uh but

Hey it is what it is overall uh I know this might be something that no one wants to hear but it is considered a good loss now if you lose by 40 you lose by 30 it’s not a ton that you can take out of those games let’s just be real

But this one in in particular no I think that there’s a lot that the Spurs can take out of it and unfortunately with wimy on minutes restriction uh and we don’t have any depth right now I mean I’m not trying to talk trash about these players or nothing but Wesley’s young uh

Brandom’s young Barlo is Young and he’s playing out of position uh Osman defense is terrible and then Kellin Johnson just has to lead this entire unit it’s tough it’s tough and it’s it’s it it’s tough we could have won sure should we have won sure maybe questionable uh but I

Don’t know it it’s it’s tough It’s a lot that we have to put on the shoulders of our starters right now so hopefully Collins is back soon hopefully I forgot how long it is I think it’s two week you guys can let me know let me know in the

Comments I won’t look it up right now um don’t have the energy for it but yeah just let me know how you thought what you thought about this game uh how you how you felt about it and uh yeah that’s all I got uh I’ll give it you guys later

Man until next time uh Bye


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  1. Everyone being negative about the play is totally ignoring Allen was there with Sochan

  2. This man really said Sochan is a good passer right after showing that he’s struggling to get five assisted game. Clan out here contradicting himself at this point lol.

  3. Sochan is the 2nd highest draft pick on this team and plays like a late 2nd round pick. I promise you he will not get the bag from the spurs he's a liability on offense if the spurs ever make the playoffs because he can't shoot. Teams will sag off sochan and double wemby. Wemby need shooters to spread the floor just like the bucks do for giannis

  4. Nah Clan we stand with “Trading Sochan” his ceiling isn’t that high. Wasting minutes can’t even defend opponents best player always getting smoked

  5. I'm actually OK with the Spurs losing – as long as they play hard and keep learning. I wasn't at the start of year when they started losing. I still want them to get a regular starting point guard in the draft or trade for one during the season this year before the deadline. I would get a good point guard and keep Tre Jones coming in off the bench. Spurs ain't going anywhere without a good point guard. If I can see it – then they can see it too…

  6. Great analysis Clan, pretty much agree with most of what you said.
    The negativity is very hard to understand, no one wants to give the young Spurs the chance to take their knocks and grow. The way people carry on you'd think this was a year to get a Chip.
    Additional facts from today – Allen bullied everyone in the paint including Wemby at times, and we needed a Collins type out there, and there was the usual "random bench guy gets hot" syndrome (abely abetted to be fair by bad perimeter defence by Cedi).
    But it's all good, and we're going to get a win against Detriot, and go from there. Credit to the boys for even making a game from it after the refs seemed determined to hand the game to the Cavs with 4 to go.
    Spurs family – give this team time. Please 😅

  7. Sochan could’ve shouldn’t would’ve but end up the day he’s still a kid that’s eager to learn. Pass was intended for a keldon 3 to take the lead but things like this happen a lot in basketball. Proud of the squad for the sudden comeback and the 9 points in just over a minute

  8. Hate to say it but y’all have to realize this is a channel about the spurs at the end of the day. Spurs do Better, so do his merch sales, so do his pockets. Clan will never be truthful about the spurs for that reason alone. His viewership practically depends on their success so why would he

  9. The fact that we still competing like this so far in the season is enough to proud of. Yes winning is nice but these games are just lessons for the future we get more established.

  10. It's NO FUN losing, but our games are becoming much MORE COMPETITIVE, and we have HIGHER EXPECTATIONS! I'm excited about WINNING MORE GAMES (obviously NOT a lot of wins), and the DEVELOPMENT is encouraging! Let's WIN and DEVELOP! Go Spurs!

  11. Everyone keep talking about let them grow. This is a cap league and eventually players need to get paid. The spurs drafted three players in the first round and all three eligible for extension this off season. You really think the spurs going to sign all three picks sochan,branham and the point guard extensions i think not

  12. Blake killed our lead in the first quarter, Mr. Freeze was playing for the Cavs and we missed Zach badly that game.

    Blaming Sochan for the loss is just braindead. He made one bad pass, played great otherwise.

  13. Stop blaming KJ, he is already the 5th option in scoring in the team and he has no legit help in the second unit, its easy for the opponent to put more pressure on him on defense.

  14. They aren't spurs fans they are wemby fans that jump on the bandwagon. They should just be ignored. The team is fine. We are learning and going for the draft.

  15. Honestly, Sochan had two options – Option 1: pass it to Keldon deep corner. Option 2: Pass it back to Wemby as he was open. Sochan missed Wemby and was focused on the 3 point line. I agree with Clan as Keldon should have slid to the deep corner. Sochan would have been blocked if he went for the shot down low, so passing the ball was the right choice. I just wished he saw Wemby wide open in front of the basket to send us to overtime or for and1.

  16. Today proved to me spurs are tanking. Wemby restrictions bs. Pop having him off the floor for long periods. His rest period in the 4th was eye raiser

  17. Caris Levert two three pointers in the last 2 seconds of the 1st QTR is what ended up making the spurs lose the game they went to sleep and were sloppy on defense right at the end after playing a terrific first quarter.

  18. Maybe you haven't see this much negativity because there has never been a season this bad, and seeing the Sours running Wemby's rookie year add more negativity for everyone watching (btw Wemby is getting more and more frustrated, just have to see him yell while leaving the court to know )

  19. Why does everyone hate Sochan so much? He’s in his second year. Rookies generally have a sophomore slump. He’s young, he’s learning, he’ll improve. Why does everyone expect us to be good just because we got wemby? It’s not a smart move to trade a number 9 pick in his sophomore year so get used of it. You guys really think you know more than any of these professional basketball players?

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