@Golden State Warriors

Warriors Wrap Up: Dubs get walked off the court by the Raptors | 95.7 The Game Live Stream

Warriors Wrap Up: Dubs get walked off the court by the Raptors | 95.7 The Game Live Stream

N He He N N N No two left in the third it’s time for warriors wrap up we’ll bring you into the locker room and hear from coach Kerr and the players highlights from the game Warriors wrapup Starts Now another disappointing effort for the Golden State Warriors they fall tonight at home to the Toronto Raptors by a

Final score of 133 to 118 welcome into Warriors wrapup here on 957 the game Mark Randy with you uh on this Sunday evening I want to hear from you guys all night long it’s been a number of frustrating efforts and performances by the Golden State Warriors recently

Really all season the Warriors now 17 and 19 on the year they just can’t build off of any positive momentum that they get from the game before they can’t string together multiple wins and they put together one of their worst efforts Collective efforts uh as a team they

Fall to the Toronto Raptors who entered today 14 and 21 on the season uh uh 5 and 12 on the road with the winds now Toronto 15 and 21 6 and 12 on the road uh but they just run the Warriors off the floor again again final score 133

To18 uh so again I want to hear from you all night long here on 957 the game give me a call 888 957 9570 Mark Randy with you here on Warriors wrapup um man that was ugly it was ugly for the Golden State Warriors uh they could not get a stop in the

First half it was uh one of the worst efforts defensively I’ve seen for the Golden State Warriors in a really long time Toronto put up 76 points in the first half the Warriors trailed by 27 points at the half Toronto shot over 61% from the field in the first half they

Got out in transition they beat their Warriors down the floor time and time again and you take a look at the uh fast break point numbers they weren’t terrible I mean Toronto had 24 first fast break points which is a lot but really it it could have it should have

Been worse because that doesn’t even count all of the the times where Toronto would would push the ball um they wouldn’t score on that initial push on that initial initial fast break opportunity uh but they wouldn’t allow the Warriors defense to get set the Warriors would be scrambled RJ Barrett

Would be left wide open for a three he’d hit it uh and and those don’t count as fast break buckets but um it got you know Toronto easy looks I mean RJ Barrett was incredible in this game 37 points a season High not a career high for RJ Barrett playing in his fourth

Game as a raptor after being sent over from the New York Knicks uh last week he was 13 of 20 from the field made five three-pointers 37 points uh but the Warriors defensively in that first half and then early in the fourth quarter uh it just felt like the warriors were

Disinterested in playing defense uh and we’re going to hear from Ste Steve Kerr coming up here in just a little bit on Warriors wrap-up I can tease a little bit of what he said uh he said in the entire first half the Warriors just did not want to compete

They were silent defensively they weren’t communicating they weren’t talking uh they weren’t helping each other out defensively he felt that it got a little bit better in the third quarter maybe part of that reason is because he switched up the lineups just a little bit um but the Warriors I don’t

Know how else to describe it it felt like they didn’t really want to fight for this one in the first half they give up 36 points in the first qu quart 40 more in the second they’re down 27 points at halftime and we can get into what happened in the third quarter when

The Warriors put together kind of a classic Warriors run and there was a moment there where you felt like oh the Warriors might actually come back in this game and make this a game in the fourth quarter uh they got down by nine at one point in the final minute of the

Third quarter and then unfortunately for Golden State they didn’t really close out that third quarter well they got it within nine uh with one minute left then they got a stop uh Jonathan kaminga drove looked for a foul doesn’t get it turns into a Gary Trent Jr three the

Other way so now it’s a 12-point game then kind of a turnover or a block I don’t know exactly how it was officially scored on a moody shot that turns into a bucket for Toronto on the other end at the buzzer so you had a ninepoint

Deficit suddenly Toronto goes on a 5 run they turn it into a 14 point lead it continues uh into the fourth quarter before you can even blink suddenly the lead’s back up to 20 and at that point the game essentially over uh and we can talk about what went well in that third

Quarter what went poorly uh you know late in the third early in the fourth uh but the Warriors lost this game in the first half they had a chance they had an opportunity in that third quarter into the fourth um but they lost this game in

The first half and they lost this game specifically because of the defensive end of the floor 76 points allowed in the first half uh in this one and despite some of the the struggles for the Warriors offensively uh I mean they still put up 118 points in this game

Stephen Curry made Two Shots tonight all night long did not make a three after making a three you know see every game for like three seasons uh he hasn’t made a three-pointer twice in like the last what like three weeks now for the Golden State Warriors was 0 of9 from downtown

Two of 14 from the field he had just nine points uh the Warriors debuted a new starting lineup as I we we talked about on Warriors Live it was Steph Curry Klay Thompson Andrew Wiggins back in the starting lineup Jonathan kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis I as I told you

Guys on Warriors Live I felt like this was kind of a a preemptive move by Steve Kerr to try to get this unit or close to this unit ready for Draymond Green’s return because I think the main issue for the Golden State Warriors and we’ve talked about it I can’t even count countless

Times here on Warriors wrap-up on Warriors Live on Warriors this weeks uh the Warriors main issue is the defensive end of the floor right now and what gives the Warriors the best chance on the defensive end obviously it’s going to include Draymond Green because he’s still this team’s best defender and it’s

Not particularly close um but because of the team’s lack of size elsewhere I think the Warriors best chance defensively honestly might be Wiggins plus kaminga but that’s assuming hear me out that’s assuming that you get at least a decent effort from Andrew Wiggins and and it was not

There tonight Andrew Wiggins in just under 17 minutes three points one of six shooting 0 of two from downtown two rebounds one assists uh he was a team worst and it’s not close a team worst minus 29 in 17 minutes on the floor today for the Golden State Warriors by

Comparison Stephen Curry was the Warriors second worst in the plus minus category minus 17 in nearly 30 minutes Andrew Wiggins in 17 minutes on the court the warriors were out scored by 29 Points in those 17 minutes it was ugly ugly ugly for the Golden State Warriors

And this felt like Steve Kerr kind of putting all of his chips into the middle of the table all right it’s either going to go great it’s going to go poorly we’re going to find out if Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga can coexist uh and if tonight is is any uh I

Don’t know signal if it if if you’re going to make a a a decision based on just what you saw tonight uh the decision is clear those two cannot coexist and I feel like this conversation is getting uh it might be a little bit unfair to Jonathan Kingz we

Talk about Wiggins and kaminga only only one can survive this trading deadline because they can’t play together they got to find a way to make it work right I don’t know if this Wiggins and kaminga issue is a Wiggins and kaminga issue or if it’s just an Andrew Wiggins issue

Because I thought Jonathan kaminga was fine in this game uh wasn’t the most efficient night shooting the ball I think he settled for too many threes he was one of five from downtown five of 13 from the field now to be fair some of those three-point attempts were kind of for

Because he got the ball along the perimeter late in the shot clock but still I never like to see kaminga shooting more than like three threes in a game uh he had 13 points had four rebounds four assists I thought for the most part Jonathan kaminga had himself a

Decent game um but the the Wiggins experiment continues to fail it continues to fail for the Golden State Warriors and I know that that Steve cerr likes to when he makes some lineup changes and particularly to the starting lineup I know he likes to stick with it

A little bit to give it a real try and get a larger sample size out of it he hasn’t been doing that as much recently uh remember he put Trace Jackson Davis into the starting lineup Trace started for two games then was replaced by cavon Looney that also coincided with um Chris

Paul entering the starting lineup as well he replaced Brandon psky uh and now you have the change today uh for the Golden State Warriors um and I don’t know with what we saw from Andrew Wiggins tonight what we’ve seen from Andrew Wiggins All Season I’m not sure

We see Andrew Wiggins start again for the Golden State Warriors and it it was that bad tonight it was that bad and again it’s not a are the shots falling uh is is he making three-pointers obviously that would be fantastic and he hasn’t been able to finish around the

Rim like all season long he is one of the wor worst finishers in the paint in the NBA and he shoots there pretty often to his credit he he does put up a decent number of shots in good spots he just doesn’t make them this year for whatever

Reason for whatever reason this is not a small sample size for Andrew Wiggins now it’s a big sample size and he he simply is not making shots that throughout his career even before the Warriors even before he he he became the second best player on a championship team now what

19 20 months ago even before that he was making these shots that he’s missing this year but for me it’s it’s less about the shooting it’s less about the points and it’s more about the effort it’s the the desire the drive the the competitive desire the fierceness and

That’s just not there from Andrew Wiggins so honestly if I’m to make a a rash uh decision a rash reaction to this game I don’t think Andrew wigin starts another game for the Golden State Warriors in his career I don’t think it happens happens I don’t think it happen

Steve Kerr talking about how the team just did not compete in the first half how there was no communication defensively how he he wanted to change up the lineup because of that because there was no communication no competitive desire from that group I don’t think he’s talking about any one

Guy in particular but he’s certainly including Andrew Wiggins in that group and as a result I’m not sure we see Andrew Wiggins in the starting lineup again that’s how bad of a night it was for Andrew Wiggins and the Golden State Warriors and I don’t mean to Signal out

Single out Andrew Wiggins he he was not good tonight by any stretch but neither were a lot of the other Golden State Warriors if you’re looking for a positive it’s Klay Thompson who was 20 25 points 10 of 15 from the field five of seven from

Downtown in about 28 and a half minutes uh but the Warriors still lose and it was not close the final score 13 33 to 118 it really wasn’t even that close in garbage time the final like 6 and 1 12 minutes the Warriors outscored Toronto

By 10 the Warriors lost by 15 uh but it was more like a 25 30 point loss in this one it was ugly ugly for the Golden State Warriors all right let’s uh go out to the phone lines here on Warriors wrap up I want to hear from you all night

Long it’s Mark Randy with you on 957 the game the number to call is 888 957 9570 that’s also the Comcast business text line and I’m keeping an eye on the YouTube chat powered by first NorCal Credit Union shout out to all the the YouTube Chatters uh right now you can

Visit 957 the game but up first on the phone lines is Lewis in San Francisco what’s up Louis you’re on 957 the game how you doing oh sorry Louie what’s up how you doing Louie F of Wiggins uh I think he’s been probably the most consistent player throughout

The whole year the whole 20 something games I think whatever how many games there is sorry who you talking about Louie Wiggins oh the most inconsistent it consistent consistent you can you can you can be sure what you’re G to get from Wiggins and this whole idea that Kinga and Wiggins can

Comingo I I would imagine it’s more of a Kinga wants out or he wants the star role he wants to be the leading actor and I think even kaminga is probably looking at Trey Davis Jackson as a threat as well uh in terms of rebounding

Except when I think of Wiggins I I think of Championship because he is clutch in the in the moment you don’t have that experience with with kaminga or any other Warrior that is new to the game of of on the team and so I I I don’t I I I

Listen to you guys all the time on the road at work and I listen to the games then I go upstairs and I watch Thee the recorded game and I yeah I had a call in defense of Wiggins thanks okay thanks Louie I’m not sure what game you watch tonight or what

You’ve been watching for a lot of the Season uh I feel like I have been a little more defensive of Andrew Wiggins than than a number of of our callers number of the people I see on the YouTube chat right now powered by first nor Tower Credit Union on the Comcast

Business text line 888 957 9570 but Lou you really caught me off guard there saying Andrew Wiggins is consistent uh consistently inconsistent so far this season uh he he’s not been good he’s had good stretches he’s had good moments um tonight felt like a new low and honestly I’m surprised that

Steve Kerr went back to him late in the third quarter honestly I I was sitting here in our studio watching the game game and I I began drafting up a tweet because if you remember Andrew Wiggins started the game for the Golden State Warriors it was his first start in a

Long time he started and it was a disaster in the first half we went over that the Warriors gave up 76 points in the first half and then the Warriors switched up the starting unit uh opening the third quarter if you remember the Warriors started with Steph Curry

Brandon pky Klay Thompson Dario shich and cavon Looney so instead of Wiggins you had pmy instead of kaminga you had charch and instead of tjd you had Looney an entirely new group for the Golden State Warriors and they slowly began shipping away right psky hit a three

Charic had an and one clay made multiple threes uh cavon Looney and Dario sarich were on the offensive glass in the quarter then Jonathan kaminga checked in and and tjd checked in and that run continued those two played like the final 645 of the third quarter that’s kaminga and shich and the Warriors

Outscored the the Raptors by seven points over that stretch the Warriors got down to a nine-point game at one point in the final minute of the third quarter and a big reason was because clay was going off right he was exploding in that third quarter and in

That moment where the Warriors are in the middle of that run I think it was when the the lead was down to 11 uh it was with about a minute and a half yeah yeah left I have it right here the Warriors Trail by 11 with 127 left in

The third quarter the Warriors have all the momentum Chase center for the first time all night is into the game they’re on their feet they’re fired up they’re feeling good right uh and then what happens Klay Thompson checks out Andrew Wiggins checks in but in that moment

During that stoppage I think it was free throws for Toronto I I began writing and I was about to send out a tweet and it would have been funny if I was like a minute earlier because I would have been proven wrong immediately but I was going to

Send out I don’t think we see Andrew Wiggins the rest of the game and he comes back in and I’m not trying to pin this all on Andrew Wiggins because there is so much blame to go around in this one tonight but that’s when the game

Turned it really did now it wasn’t his mistakes at the end of the third quarter uh there was a wild drive by kaminga that resulted in a crazy shot he was trying to get a foul didn’t get it it turned into a three on the other end and

Then Moody turnover SL block but barely even got into the shooting motion turned into two more points for the Raptors so a 5 nothing run for Toronto uh to close that third quarter um but my my point is I thought that we Andrew Wiggins struggled enough that he was not going

To play I thought he was going to get a dnp the whole second half I thought that’s where we were headed in this one for the Golden State Warriors um but we didn’t quite get that far um I don’t know where Steve cerr goes from here and

We’re going to hear from Steve Kerr coming up in just a little bit uh yeah and and the other point and I’m I see this being brought up on the YouTube chat powered by first NorCal creditunion 957 the game maybe the point that’s a little more um I don’t know the

One that we should bring up and discuss a little bit more isn’t that he brought Wiggins in Steve Kerr that is brought Andrew Wiggins in with a minute and a half left in the third quarter while the Warriors are in the middle of a crazy

Third quarter run uh but it’s that he he subbed Klay Thompson out now I don’t particularly hate that one I think what’s running through Steve Kerr’s mind uh is because clay had played the entire third quarter right uh he subbed them out with a minute and a half left he had

Played 10 and a half minutes the entire quarter up to that point he was playing great but you’re anticipating that you’re going to need clay to play more of the fourth quarter than normal because he’s almost your your whole offense so Steve K thought I would

Imagine is all right let’s save a minute and a half here from clay and we’ll buy him a couple extra minutes in the fourth quarter now what happened was Klay did not play a single second of the fourth quarter Because by the time Steve would be bringing Klay Thompson back into the

Game the game ended up being over so it ended up being the wrong Gamble and the wrong move by Steve Kerr but I can somewhat see why he made that decision okay I’m not saying it was the right decision it it certainly wasn’t based on

How the rest of the game played out um but I I think I can understand it just a little bit uh he played the entire third quarter up to that point sub him out get him a nice breather the extended breather between quarters and then you

Ride him maybe the final nine minutes of the of the fourth right by the time the 9 Minute Mark of the fourth quarter roll rolled around it was again a 20 plus Point deficit and the game felt like it was over so so why you going to run Klay

Thompson out there anymore but as as a result of making that substitution you are running the risk that you’re going to be able to keep at a game without Klay Thompson on the floor and what happened was you were unable to do so the other the other thing that stood out

To me in in terms of substitution patterns in this game was right around the same part of that game so Jonathan kaminga as as I already said kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis they both played the final 645 of the third quarter okay uh in those 6 minutes and 45 seconds the

Warriors outscored the Raptors by seven points in that span uh and neither were on the floor to open the fourth quarter and by the time they re-entered Toronto had already outscored the Warriors in the first six minutes of the fourth it was a 23-2 Toronto run uh without those

Two Jonathan kaminga and R Jackson Davis on the floor in the fourth and they only came back in when Steve Kerr emptied his bench uh and waved the white flag on this one that was when they got into the game in the fourth quarter um it wasn’t

Kinga’s best game of the season by any stretch I could say the same for Trace Jackson Davis But after those two were largely ineffective in the first half I thought Trace Jackson Davis and Jonathan kaminga did nothing but positive things in the third quarter to help get that

Warriors run going to help get them within points at one point in the final minute of the of the third quarter and then they got subbed out and things went downhill um a rough one a rough one one indeed for the Golden State Warriors all right let’s hear from Steve cerr as we

Continue on Warriors wrap up on 957 the game uh you can get in line it’s it’s about three and a half minutes of Steve CER so if you want to call in and React to what Steve said you can give me a call 888- 957 9570 it’s Warriors wrap up

Here on 9 57 the game Mark Randy with you uh more coming up but first let’s hear from the Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr uh who certainly was going to be a little bit frustrated with his team’s performance today as the Warriors fall to the Raptors final score

113 to18 here’s Golden State Warriors head coach Steve kert Steve what did you make of the energy you guys came out with tonight uh not much I mean we uh we got punched in the mouth right away um just they just took it to us they they um had Barnes on

Steph and then we had the Cross Match and he just ran to the front of the rim um over and over again and and uh they just threw it basically threw the ball in transition and got a bunch of easy buckets early I think I took two

Timeouts in the first five or six minutes and um tried to to stem the tide um so it was a was an ugly really ugly first half I was um happy with the way the the guys competed in the second half we got it to nine with the ball I think

We had a three to get it to six um second half our guys really competed uh but we were too far behind to to Really um you know make the make the full run Steve you started kaminga and Wiggins together but then moved away from that combination in the second half so what

Was the decision- making and starting with those two together but then not going back to it to start the second well you know we’ve talked about trying to get them together um you know theoretically um our two longest most athletic players so um we have not been

A good defensive team this year so we’ve wanted to to try it um it hasn’t you know connected really it hasn’t been good for U all season but we’re we’re experimenting you know we’ve um Gary out Draymond out we’re trying to find a two-way lineup that can help us but um

Obviously the um you know that lineup didn’t click what uh you know she kind of mentioned it but you know you went to a different lineup to start the second half that did kind of Click what was I guess the theory behind that lineup and and then what did you think really well

I didn’t want to go back to the same lineup and and uh so you know I just the only thing I was interested in in the second half was just competing and um you know what what that mean you can say compete but you know what does that mean

Um it means talking on defense um I didn’t hear anything it was silent in the first half and so um we needed to have uh you know some talk some chat some connection and uh so I went with that lineup because I felt like um they

Would give us that and they did they got us off to a good start and as I said we made a made a pretty good run in the third but um obviously wasn’t enough I think we we’ve asked you about this a couple times so far but how much does

The lineup experimentation sort of U hinder you or hinder Communication in games like this hinder hinder hinder the way that you guys are communicating or or the connection or chemistry that you guys have in a game like this well you know I mean there there’s a reason and I

Stayed with that uh first five for 25 games or so because it’s it’s really hard to uh to find uh combinations that that click and um I felt great coming into the season about that lineup it’s the best lineup in the league last two years and then coming off the bench with

Chris and Dario and some of our younger players with those guys it it looked on paper like that was going to be the way we would go and uh you know once we went away from that first group which we had to based on suspensions and injuries and

And you know poor play um we’ve been kind of in search mode um ever since and uh so we’re we’re still searching what did you think of trace’s aggressiveness in the third quarter he had about a three minute span where he had four points six rebounds one block in a tough

Game he he had that stick toess yeah Trace is um he’s a good young player you know um he’s very consistent every night um you know he’s in the right spots he’s protecting the rim he’s scoring around the rim um so he’s uh you know he was a bright spot tonight

One of the one of the few bright spots right that’s Steve Kerr after the game today as the Warriors fall to the Toronto Raptors final score 133 to18 this was a Toronto team entering the game 14 and 21 on the season 5 and 12 away from Toronto uh and they earn a win

That was not close really at any point the Warriors Got within nine in the final minute of the third quarter but Toronto really quickly push that lead back up to 14 before the end of the quarter you blink to begin the fourth quarter it’s back to a 20-point game and at that

Point it it was all over the Warriors fall to 17 and 19 and now 11 and 10 at home uh and and you hear Steve cerr talk about that lineup that he went to which featured Jonathan kaminga and Andrew Wiggins uh and as I said earlier I feel

Like the Warriors best defensive lineup now you’re making an assumption that your players are are going to be playing to their ability playing to the level that they’ve played at past you know in the past in their careers the best warriors defensive lineup I think features Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan

Kaminga and I think that this for Steve Kerr was an opportunity maybe the better word is a test a challenge to see if those two can coexist together before Draymond green returns Draymond Green has been reinstated by the NBA he’s no longer suspended he missed today’s game for the

Golden State Warriors not because of suspension because of what they’re calling return to competition reconditioning which is just a fancy way to say that he’s ramping up he needs to get you know his conditioning back up to speed he’s not physically ready to play an NBA basketball game just yet uh so

When he returns what lineup is he going to return to and and I think Steve Kerr the entire Warriors coaching staff has identified uh it’s not difficult to identify they’ve identified uh that the weakness of this Warriors team is defense I mean today Stephen Curry scored nine points was two of 14 from

The field and the Warriors still scored 118 points 118 points and it was not a very good offensive day I mean who had a good offensive day uh Klay Thompson shot well 25 on 10 of 15 from the field Kavon Looney was really good Off the Bench

Tonight by the way he was in double figures Dario sarich was in double figures Trace Jackson Davis had himself another double double 16 and 11 he was eight of nine from the field some of that in garbage time Moses Moody Off the Bench who had his first first quarter

Minutes by the way since December 23rd uh in 22 minutes Moses Moody had 21 points seven of nine from the field like you got you got some good uh scoring punch from really up and down down your entire roster uh the Warriors had six players scoring double figures and none

Of them were Stephen Curry offense is not the problem if Steph Curry has any kind of shooting night the Warriors put up 130 in this game any kind of shooting night the Warriors are in the 130s he was bad he he’ll be the first to admitted he had nine points six assists

Uh and he certainly deserves some blame for I think the way the Warriors effort felt in this one uh he was not good but mostly just because it was a bad shooting night and that happens from time to time uh but the Warriors know their weakness and and the reason why

They’re losing games and why they’re continuing to fall in the Western Conference standings it’s their defense and if they have any chance any chance to do anything this season they need their defense to figure it out and in my opinion in Steve Kerr’s opinion who you just heard from the Warriors best chance

CH defensively is a unit that features both Jonathan kaminga and Andrew Wiggins but again the Assumption there is that Andrew Wiggins plays up to the level that he’s proven he can play at in the past it just hasn’t really happened so far this season so Steve cerr in my

Opinion this feels like you know another effort a last ditch effort to see if Andrew Wiggins can rekindle that kind of play once again it did not happen tonight it was bad it was bad now Draymond Green returning to this team is going to help what did Steve Kerr say

You just heard him a little bit ago here on Warriors wrap-up he said in the first half there was absolutely no communication on the defensive end no one was speaking no one was telling anyone screen coming help like I’ve got your back there’s there’s a screen

Coming from the right like all of the communication that happens on the defensive end of an NBA floor nothing was happening and what does that tell Ste Steve cerr just no no competition no willingness to compete by this team specifically on the defensive end of the

Floor so as a result he went away from the starting lineup he he he benched Trace Jackson Davis Jonathan kaminga and Andrew Wiggins to begin the third quarter now Trace Jackson Davis and Jonathan kaminga played still like 645 of the third quarter but they did not begin the second half Andrew wiins

Played the final minute and a half of the third quarter uh and a little bit in the fourth quarter and it was a a disaster but if the Warriors have any chance to do anything this season they’re going to need to get better defensively and two of the better

Defenders like ideally if you’re just looking at like body type and athleticism and strength like theoretically Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga should be able to be part of a good defensive unit theoretically now it depends who the other three are around them them I guess maybe the better way to put it is

Theoretically when you look at their their frame their strength their quickness their agility uh their their athleticism theoretically Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga should be uh part of your team’s best defensive unit and it just has not been the case so far this season it has not been the case and

This is how Andrew Wiggins plays when he returns to the starting lineup it was really bad today for manre Wiggins you look at what he did three points one of six from the field two rebounds one assist minus 29 in just under 17 minutes played tonight that’s bad and I I think

What frustrat Steve Kerr more than anything else it’s it’s what he’s talking about there it’s the willingness to compete it’s it’s the communication on the defensive end of the floor it’s not making shots now it’s making smart decisions off defensively not settling for threes when you can take it to the

Rim or maybe making a pass an extra pass to a better shooter as opposed to taking a deep shot that’s contested but it’s not about that for Steve CER it’s not about Andrew Wiggins scoring 25 points a night it’s is Andrew Wiggins bringing it on the defensive end

Of the floor is he competing for rebounds uh time and time and time again is is he fighting for loose balls is he doing all of the other stuff the little things and it was not the case tonight and as a result I would not be shocked if Steve

Kerr changes the starting lineup again and when the Warriors next play when they take on uh the New Orleans Pelicans on Wednesday to close this home stand stand I would not be shocked if Andrew Wiggins is not in the starting lineup and I would not be shocked if we never

See Andrew Wiggins again in the starting lineup for the Golden State Warriors it it felt like a turning point tonight it really did for me all right 888 957 9570 we got to take a quick break here on Warriors wrap-up but I want to hear from you give me a call 888 957

9570 uh what do you think of this Warrior game today Andrew wiggins’s performance Steph Curry’s performance the Warriors waste a Klay Thompson great game he was 10 of 15 from the field five of seven from downtown uh more disappointment for the Golden State Warriors we’ve got more Warriors wrapup

Coming up next right here on 957 the game at the Home Depot we have Sav on laundry sets that fit your lifestyle like wpo laundry with a two-in-one removable agitator that allows you to customize any load simply remove the agitator to fit Pke N N n N A He A He A Oh he’s in that just give me a little bit of a look and I’ll get it in the hole now back to Warriors wrap up on 957 the game welcome back Warriors this wrap-up continues here on a Sunday evening Mark Randy with you on 957 the game The

Warriors fall to the Raptors 113 to 118 the Warriors now 2 and four on their season High s game home stand they got one game left they got Monday Tuesday off they take on New Orleans on Wednesday uh a 5:30 tip by the way on

ABC a special 5:30 tip on a Wednesday on ABC uh it’s new uh it’s it’s kind of interesting uh might catch you off guard so if you have tickets to that game on Wednesday by the way just make sure you have plans to get there early much earlier than you might have been

Expecting because the game will tip off at 5:30 coverage will begin at 4:30 I’ll have you with uh Warriors Live beginning then at 4:30 on Wednesday against New Orleans as the Warriors try to head off on a 4 game road trip with some semblance of of positive energy and

Momentum uh but right now uh their home stand they’re two and four and you look at all of the games I mean you can make a case that the Warriors should have won every single game on this home stand they take on Miami remember Thursday December 28th uh you know the week

Between Christmas and New Year’s without Jimmy Butler for the heat they also were without Kyle Lowry they were missing a couple of other rotation players and you lose that game you trailed really from the jump never really work in that game uh Dallas is is maybe the one that the

Warriors should have lost although Dallas was playing without Kyrie Irving also without Seth Curry now it doesn’t mean the warriors were really in that game from the jump um but you certainly had a chance in terms of talent wise like you know you should had a better

Showing in that game you beat Orlando a nice win against a good Orlando team and then we know what happened last week against Denver where you led by 18 points with like 6 and 1/2 minutes left and you let that lead slip away you beat Denver and now tonight against Toronto

Who coming into the night 14- 21 5 and 12 away from home uh you felt like coming in this was a game you should have won now it doesn’t mean the Warriors based on their effort should have won that is far from the truth this was arguably one of the warriors uh

Poorest efforts of the Season just lifeless no energy it it didn’t seem like the warriors were up for this game like this kind of felt like a game you know kind of in in in the prime years of this Warriors Dynasty when they had Steph and Clay pre- injuries Draymond

Green was the defensive player of the year and they had Kevin Durant you know and you had sha Livingston coming off of the bench and you had David West and and all of these great players right you had Andre Iguodala it felt like one of the game one of these games where the

Warriors kind of just not purposefully but you know they they take a game off they sleepwalk through a half right because oh you know this point of the Season instead of being 17 and 18 entering tonight the Warriors are what like 27 and8 right like that’s where the

Warriors were at those points of the season during those seasons and you can afford to kind of let a game slip away uh and you know the Sleepwalk through a half and they find themselves down by 20 points at halftime and then they do what these warriors did in the third quarter

They put a rally together and suddenly you go into the fourth quarter and it’s like a seven-point game and Steph Curry or Kevin Durant or Klay Thompson hits a couple of big shots and you end up winning right like that’s kind of what the first half felt like but it feels

Entirely different with the context of what this season is because the Warriors are not in a position where they can just Sleepwalk through games where they can give up the fight in the first half they’re 17 and 18 in the 10th seed in the west they don’t have the ability

They don’t have uh the right to do that at this point in the season you’re at home against Toronto a team that again 14 and 21 not one of the better offensive teams in the NBA bottom like third of the league I think they’re 25th in the NBA and three-point shooting

Entering T night they made 15 threes on 33 attempts they shot 45% from downtown and you know you can credit the Raptors shot making yeah they they made some um but how many of those are open shots and just poor defense by the Golden State Warriors it happened time and time and

Time again again Toronto in this game uh they had 66 points in the paint so when they weren’t making threes uh they got everything they wanted inside um they had 24 fast break points and really I think that number is uh not it doesn’t fully capture what they did on the fast

Break because there were so many times where Toronto they would push the tempo which this is something I wish the Warriors would do more often they did it all the time last year maybe they did it a little bit too much last year but I think the Warriors have uh over you know

They’ve overcorrected a little bit too much they’re now on the Other Extreme of being like the worst uh fast break team the worst Tempo team in the NBA but Toronto 24 fast break points but really they got more off of pushing Tempo they would push uh and then they’d kind of

Pull it back out and reset but they do it quickly enough that the Warriors could not set uh in their you know half court defense and you’d have a mismatch somewhere and while the Warriors are stuck scrambling trying to deal with that mismatch Toronto would kick to RJ

Barrett on the right wing and he’d bury at three Toronto killed the Warriors in transition uh again 66 points in the paint they only committed seven turnovers the Warriors only committed 10 like it’s not like the warriors were throwing the ball away over and over

Again now it was bad in the first half and it’s how they started the game and it kind of set the tone for the rest of this one you look at how this game started the Warriors first possession came off of a Toronto made three-pointer they inbound the ball after the basket

And it just goes out of bounds turnover for Jonathan kaminga their second possession Andrew Wiggins dribbles into trouble along the right wing loses his balance ball knocked away it’s on the ground he tries to gra but he can’t a turnover literally the Warriors first two possessions were turnovers uh you

Know a few moments later they had a possession where everyone was just standing along the perimeter uh and it forced Jonathan kaminga to take a late shot clock three-pointer he misses it turned into a SE yakum run out for a dunk Steve CER immediately calls a

Timeout a 9 to2 Raptor start like from the jump literally from the moment this game started the effort was not there you give up a three on the first possession all right you know whatever it’s today’s NBA that happened turnover bucket turnover bucket shot late shot clock 3 bucket timeout 92 like

It was from the jump for the Golden State Warriors and you begin to like sort through all of these issues uh and and just went what went wrong out there for the Golden State Warriors and I think it’s where and I know there’s been a lot of clamoring for Steve Kerr to

Adjust and to do things differently and to maybe put his his plans on the back burner and and shake things up try something new but when you look at everything that has happened for the Warriors this season you look at some of the individual performances like Steve cerr is not at

The top of my list for why the Warriors lost this game tonight and if he is for you I frankly I disagree but I want to hear from you like if if if you blame Steve cerr for this game tonight give me a call 888 957

9570 now maybe you you argue that it’s on Steve cerr uh to make sure that his team is willing to to fight in the first half like we heard from Steve cerr earlier uh and I’ll app play it back for you here really quick in a moment uh

Talking about how there was just no competitive juice uh for this team in the first half now maybe you blame Steve Kerr for that um but at some point your players just got to make plays right your players got to play well and the Warriors players aren’t playing well

Andrew Wiggins looks like he doesn’t know what he’s doing out there on both ends the Warriors look lost defensively as a team as Steve ker said no one is talking defensively no one is communicating no one is helping each other does Draymond Green solve some of

Those issues yes is he going to fix everything absolutely not this team has issues with Draymond Green they have issues without Draymond Green they have issues caused by Draymond Green he will help defensive but he’s not going to to fix everything the Warriors have too many problems for

That to be possible uh but here is Steve cerr talking about switching the lineup out of the halftime break after watching what was an incredibly poor first half well you know we’ve talked about trying to get them together you know theoretically our two longest most athletic players so we have not been a

Good defensive team this year so we’ve wanted to to try it it has hasn’t you know connected really it hasn’t been good for all season but we’re we’re experimenting you know we’ve Gary out Draymond out we’re trying to find a two-way lineup that can help us but

Obviously the um you know that lineup didn’t click and here’s more Steve CER postgame talking specifically that was a little bit more about kaminga and Wiggins here’s K talking specifically about why he made a lineup change to begin the second half remember the starting lineup for the Golden State

Warriors uh it was a new one you had Steph Curry along with Klay Thompson Andrew Wiggins Jonathan kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis to begin the third quarter it was Steph Curry Brandon pky Klay Thompson Dario shich and cavon Looney uh Steve Kerr why the change to begin the third quarter well I didn’t

Want to go back to the same lineup the only thing I was interested in in the second half was just competing you know what what that mean you can say compete but you know what does that mean it means talking on defense I didn’t hear anything it was silent in the first half

We needed to have some talk some chatter some connection and uh so I went with that lineup because I felt like um they would give us that and they did they got us off to a good start and as I said we made a made a pretty good run in the

Third but um obviously wasn’t enough so if you’re Steve CER like what do you do what do you turn to the guys who you need to rely on the guys who logic would tell you would be part of your best units are just having terrible seasons so what do you

Do what’s what’s the magical solution for the Golden State Warriors I mean we see them trying to put a little bit more emphasis on the offensive end and it’s what it was when Steve ker started Chris Ball uh and Brenan psky right or or taking psky out

And starting Jonathan kaminga and all of those changes to the lineup before this one tonight and that helped offensively like the Warriors have consisted L been over the last couple of weeks one of the best offenses in the NBA legitimately one of the best offenses in the NBA but you pair that

With them being one of the worst defenses in the NBA so Steve Kerr makes an adjustment without Chris Paul obviously you’re losing some offensive punch because Chris Paul despite you know his age and you know he’s been shooting the ball really well lately but he was struggling to shoot the ball

Early in the season despite all of that he still helps offensively and he takes a lot of the pressure off of Steph Curry the Warriors have been a better offensive team with him on the floor than with him on the bench so far this season but Steve cerr

Adjusts and tries to put out there a unit that has a better chance at defensive success right you reinsert trace Jackson Davis into the starting lineup Trace Jackson Davis more Rim protection than cavon Looney right uh Trace jacks Davis seems to know where to

Be uh has a a great feel for the game now he still gets beat it happens a lot but that’s what happens with the rookie but you also put out there Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga like that should be a decent defensive group Klay Thompson obviously is not the perimeter Defender that he

Has been in the past but if you’re Steve CER and and and you you try the more offensive firep powerered offense uh and it works offensively but it it’s an issue defensively and then you switch to a unit that you think should have more defensive success but you see an effort

Out there in the first half that is so incredibly disgusting and disheartening like what do you do what is left to do besides just wait for Draymond Green to come back and hope that he solves everything maybe the the move is to start it to start Moses Moody and I

Mentioned that as a possibility today earlier on Warriors Live when we were talking about what might the the new lineup change be maybe it’s Moses Moody for a combination of Defense effort and hustle and energy and you hope that he finds his three-point stroke once again

For as hot as Moses Moody was from downtown to begin the season I think he shot like 25% from downtown in the the third quarter or pardon me in December I don’t know maybe that’s the move for Steve Kerr but you get to a certain point where you you’ve seen all of the

Warriors issues and you’ve seen all the individual shortcomings and I mean I just ask myself I can’t necessarily blame Steve Kerr for these issues and for the shortcomings because at some point your players just have to play well and the Warriors players are not playing well all right let’s hear

From some of the players after the game tonight for the Golden State Warriors uh Klay Thompson just ask to sum up this game here’s klay’s answer I think it was just one of those nights I think we haven’t been blown out like that all year and just one of those nights where

We tried to muster up the energy especially in that third made a nice run but uh just got nothing to flow and just ugly loss just one of those nights says Klay Thompson I don’t know about that one clay I mean it was just one of those nights

But you should be able to control the the effort and the energy it this felt like a game that the Warriors just did not care about the defense in the first half was just so incredibly disheartening you allow 76 points in the first half to a Toronto Raptors team that is starting

Two guys they just Acquired and that even before the trade uh not one of the better offensive teams in the NBA 76 points if you weren’t allowing open three after open three you were allowing backdoor cuts for dunks if you weren’t allowing backdoor cuts for dunks you

Were allowing run outs on the break for easy Land Toronto got everything they wanted offensively in the first half and for the vast majority of this game aside from like a 10-minute stretch in the third quarter just one of those nights come on you got to you can control your

Energy the Warriors don’t have the ability now sitting at 7 and 19 to just trick off a game here and there you’re in the fight for your life at this point the Warriors are approaching the deadline and they might break things up this might be the end of this era of

Warriors basketball and you’re just going to say this is one of those nights man the Energy’s got to be better for the Golden State Warriors they just were unwilling to compete in the first half and I and know I know how I feel watching this game from our Studios

I can’t imagine all the frustration around dub Nation right now that first half was ugly it it feels like they just don’t care it was bad it was bad for the Golden State Warriors here’s Mor Kay Thompson who has consistently been optimistic despite rough loss frustrating loss after frustrating loss

Here’s morlay Thompson asked why he still feels optimistic we got Steph Curry got myself Draymond Green’s coming back Chris Paul will be back uh we have Champions on the roster and uh I will never Panic like I said with uh I really believe in this team and still have a ton of basketball

Left and like what what’s the point of panicking like we’ve been through incredible highs and some low lows with this team so there’s no point in just pointing fingers all you can do is keep working and uh believe and I certainly do believe I appreciate clay believing

In in his optimism but at some point you just got to see something positive and and take a step forward you see like the Warriors do they they’re just unable to to build off of positive performances right like uh you got a win over Orlando and it was

One of the better wins of the Season Orlando is a quality basketball team and you follow it up uh with a really good first three plus quarters against the Denver Nuggets like that honestly felt like one of the better like Warriors performances coming off of a nice win

Like all season or at least in quite a while uh you play well you beat Orlando you followed up and you build an 18-point lead over Denver you’re like well maybe maybe things are changing here just a little bit and then they follow it up by by losing an 18-point

Lead in the final like 645 of the fourth quarter uh you bounce back uh on Friday and you beat Detroit but it was close and it came down to the wire against against the worst team in the NBA but you got a win and now you’re looking to

Take a step forward build off of that win see if you can develop some some good habits some positive momentum as you try to close off this homeand with a winning streak uh and you put together your worst first half of the Season you allow 76 points in the first half the

Most points the Warriors have allowed All Season you allow RJ Barrett playing in his fourth game as a member of the Raptors to score a season High 37 points 13 of 20 from the field five of eight from downtown Pascal sakam was 711 from the field yaka purle six of eight Dennis

Schruder six of 10 Gary Trent six of 11 Chris bé seven of seven from the field like you just have incredible offensive night after incredible offensive night Andrew Wiggins a minus 29 uh Steph Curry a minus 17 Klay Thompson a minus 16 Brandon psky two of 11 from the field he

Was a minus n ugly ugly game for the Golden State Warriors and what’s so frustrating about this season at least for me personally is as I was talking about early you have like a step forward you beat Orlando and and you start playing well against Denver and then two big steps back

Immediately after that you hang on uh against Detroit a game that you should win and you do a win’s a win it didn’t feel great but you got the win that’s a step forward you got to win and you’re trying to close out this homeand the

Right way and then you take two steps back tonight it’s kind of been the story of The Warriors season so far a step forward and two steps back and I know we’re not yet halfway through this season the Warriors now 17 and 19 they’ve played 36 games uh five more

Games until the official halfway point um but the Warriors are at a point where you’re going to need to see something change soon and it’s it’s not because you know you’re out of a playoff spot if you don’t I mean the West is pretty forgiving the Golden State Warriors are

Now after tonight the 11th spot in the west uh but they are only four and a half games out of fifth they’re only five and a half games out of fourth I don’t say that as I think the Warriors are going to catch all those teams but the Warriors despite all of

Their issues and how frustrating this season has been the Warriors are not that far away from being not only in the playing but out of the playing on the right side of things like at the four the five the six seed the Warriors are not that far away from that but the

Warriors have decisions to make about the roster moving forward and the the deadline for that is a month trade deadline one month and one day away and and we’re basically at the end of this day so the Warriors have one month until they have to make decisions about the

Future of this roster maybe they stand Pat and maybe they make major moves in the off season but they’re going to base that decision based on what the Warriors do over this next month and at the moment it it doesn’t it doesn’t feel positive for the Golden State Warriors

And I don’t know uh what the move is I don’t think there’s a home run move that solves the Warriors issues um but it just feels like the Warriors should be playing with a little bit more urgency than they had tonight 76 points allowed in the first half and it it wasn’t just

T Toronto shot well Toronto had a very good offensive day but it wasn’t just Toronto making crazy contested three after crazy contested three they got everything they wanted at The Rim at the three-point line in Str transition excuse me everywhere it was an ugly performance for the Golden State

Warriors all right couple pieces of business to take care of here on Warriors wrap-up before we get on out of here up first is extending the three-point line and for that uh let’s go with the Toronto Raptor RJ Barrett to quickly who misfires Barnes offensive rebound open

Man is RJ Barrett left sideline another three and this is turning into a route right now 7149 Toronto the Warriors have given up 71 first half points and they would give up 76 in the first half that of course was Tim Roy here on 957 the game as

Always RJ Barrett finished with 37 points that was one of five threes he made a season High 37 points by the way for RJ Barrett who is playing in his uh fourth game as a member of the Toronto Raptors after being acquired uh last week from the New York Knicks but that

Was extending the three-point line brought to you by West Coast Men’s Health successfully treating men for Ed and chronic pain visit West Coast today all right last piece of business is our hardest worker of the game brought to you by by the Alama County Sheriff’s Office who works

Hard to serve the community are you looking for a career in law enforcement learn more about job opportunities at join uh and for that I feel like uh I got to go with Moses moody in this game actually I I was thinking about Klay Thompson Klay was very good in this game

25 points 10 of 15 from the field five of seven from downtown was a big part of the Warriors run uh in that third quarter um but Moses Moody getting back into the regular rotation played over 21 minutes played in the first quarter tonight by the way his first first

Quarter action since December 23rd against uh Portland uh and he was good in this game now a lot of his points some of his points came in garbage time but he scored 21 points seven of nine from the field four of six from downtown had three rebounds and assist a steal as

Well uh and in the game The Warriors lost by 15 but we’re down by 20 plus points for a lot of the night Moses Moody only a minus two aside from uh the two Warriors that played only in garbage time Jerome Robinson and Lester konz who

Were both plus 10 in the final 6 and a half minutes of the game aside from those two Moses Moody’s minus two the best plus minus for the Warriors tonight so Moses Moody our hardest worker of the game again brought to you by the Alam County Sheriff’s Office all right

That’ll do it for warriors wrap up tonight here on 957 the game we’re back bright and early tomorrow morning of course uh as we react to this game um morning roast as always 6 to 10 stetin and goo 10 to2 Willard and div from 2 to

Six you won’t want to miss it tomorrow on a monster Monday here on 957 the game our next Warriors game for you is as I said earlier coming up on Wednesday the 10th of January New Orleans in town to close out the Warriors 7 game home stand the Warriors desperately needing a win

New Orleans by the way coming off of uh a great performance tonight in Sacramento as they route the Kings 133 to 100 at one point in Sacramento the Pelicans led by 40 in that game so the Pelicans feeling good about themselves they’ve won five of their last six games

Uh they come into San Francisco on Wednesday it’s an ABC game special time 5:30 tip off so if you if you got tickets to the game make sure you make note of that make sure you get to chase early 5:30 tip off on Wednesday coverage

Begins at 4:30 I’ll be with you then for Warriors Live I’ll have you covered as well on Warriors wrap-up here on 95 to7 the game as well one final time the Warriors fall tonight final score Raptors 133 Warriors 118 the Warriors now 17 and 19 and on their seven game

Home stand a time where we thought the Warriors might turn their season season around they’re now two and four all right for Chris o Connell and Sterling benett the cross the glass my name is Mark granny signing off thanks so much to all of you for tuning in on this

Sunday evening hope you have a great rest of your night and we’ll catch up with you again tomorrow bright and early here on 957 the game he’s the best interview in the Bay Area feeling you know



  1. Klay was hitting 3s and was about to score 30 plus points and was taken out and never came back wtf was that about kerr

  2. Trade Kuminga. He is becoming another troublemaker, another Jordan Poole. Curry is not happy. I think he will be gone soon. Warriors is nothing without Curry.

  3. Let troublemakers go. They prove to be nothing without Warrior. Jordan Poole is an example. ​​⁠I still believe in Andrew Wiggins. He was all star starter barely two years ago. He sacrificed big with his salary to help Warriors. He has proven himself at the highest level and has proven his loyalty to the team. Keep Wiggins. We Warriors fans should always appreciate that 🎉

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