@Oklahoma City Thunder

THE HERD | They are legitimate champs contender – Colin back Shai to win MVP as Thunder beat Celtics

THE HERD | They are legitimate champs contender – Colin back Shai to win MVP as Thunder beat Celtics

So I not to be a Psy psychologist here but I’ve always thought that if you live in the moment and you tell most people you’ve got to be good at this and you’ll have a great life that people will do it if you tell people that struggle with

Weight listen um you got to get thin or you or you you you’re going to expire most people will lose weight you got to stop smoking or you’re going to expire most people can stop smoking I’ve known people that have stopped everything alcohol smoking when you give people

People sort of not necessarily an ultimatum but here are the options you’re fired it goes sideways or you just do this and that’s one of the things about the Green Bay Packers that are amazing they don’t get free agents they don’t have an owner they have to

Draft and develop well and they do faves into Rogers into Jordan love because that’s the only way Green Bay can win they can’t just spend big money and so what does Green Bay do well Oklahoma City Thunder in the NBA are doing this so they beat the Celtics last night

They’re 23 and9 five-game winning streak best young roster in the league really a fun team to watch really fun I don’t think they’re going to win the championship this year but Sam presty he went and got KD Westbrook and Harden right he he’s he was patient with that

Group for a long long time then eventually had to move off them and he’s got the best young team and like the Packers you’re not going to get free agents in OKC like the Utah Jazz so you have to draft and develop well and sgaa is averaging 31 at night and Jaylen

Williams Chad hren Josh giddy uh blue Dort uh that’s an all-time great name isn’t it that’d be a quick signature um but that’s how they have to win and that’s how they’re winning like the Packers they’re not going to get free agents that’s not what they’re going to

Do they’re not going to spend the big boy money on that and I think these big markets New York Philadelphia DC Los Angeles Chicago there’s an easy way out just go buy this guy attract this guy free8 so they don’t view themselves as having to draft and develop or they’re

All getting fired although in those markets they usually do but if you look at the last decade Oklahoma City’s won 53% of their games the Knicks have won 39% that’s embarrassing how is that possible New York’s one of the meccas of basketball in America Kobe loved playing in New York

Michael love playing in New York the players all love playing in New York how they winning 39% of their games big splashy Amari stmy Stefon Marberry the Green Bay Oklahoma City This Is How They have to succeed by the way Spurs Dynasty overwhelmingly draft and develop Denver currently overwhelmingly

Draft and develop Golden State’s Dynasty draft and develop I don’t want to hear about KD they won before him during him and after him that’s it that doesn’t mean Miami’s been able to go out and get a sha or a LeBron but it all starts with dwade and

They’ve always drafted and developed at a very high level in Miami so and what’s amazing about Oklahoma City they have 37 total picks in the next seven years now they’re not going to keep all of those they’ll probably move a third of them to get a good player but it’s um if you

Know what’s funny about this if you take out just one NBA player in the last 15 years just one guy LeBron James take him out this buying a championship and buying relevance yeah LeBron won in LA and two in Miami and in Cleveland take him out the dynasties like Boston right now

The core is Jaylen and Tatum they’re guys and by the way best team in the East and Denver draft and develop best team in the west does that mean you can’t go get a Gordon Hayward I love what the Celtics did this off season but they’re core they’re two best players

They’re guys and so I think OKC I know a lot of people always fear in the NBA small markets yes you have to do it differently but watch Oklahoma City play it’s an easy easy team to root for it’s a lot of their dudes it’s uh and and

They’re they are good they’re 23 and n on and they’ve beaten some good teams over the course of a season it’s you know you you play the bottom of the conferences you can win a lot of games they’ve beaten some good teams beat the Celtics there you go jmck we got a lot

Of stuff I looked at the NFL playoffs today I have of the of the first six games I have three Road teams winning I think this year take out Baltimore and San Francisco dude those lines are all two and a half yeah these playoffs are going to be

They’re going to be like the college football games so there’s basically two great teams and then a lot of midle class I I think I have Road teams winning half the games I mean you saw those games Monday why cuz there’s no world class team they’re all all pretty

Good Washington Michigan Texas B all pretty good to the final week of the regular season at Kyler dance oh jeez he is gifted all excited about Kyler Murray that’s your guy I think he’s so good remember in the preseason it was Kyler’s done they’re moving on as they’re

Tanking and I love watching him KY Kyler gets a couple wins and and coward wants to keep him and and um Jonathan genon says there’s no doubt Kyler is their franchise quarterback uh smart move mistake he is their franchise quarterback there’s not Five Guys on the

Planet that can throw it and move like him he’s the franchise is he small so is Tua has he been dinged up so was Jaylen herds I can live with it give me special I’m not afraid of the floor give me the ceiling I don’t care about the flo I’m

In a stock market I’ve had terrible years and terrible stocks that’s not how I invest I invest on the ceiling not the floor so um you say there’s six seven quarterbacks you wouldn’t take a call on he he’s someone you would right I mean I

Don’t think any I would take a Hall but you’d have to give me a hall I’m not I’m drafting Marvin Harrison with that pick okay what if one of the analytics guys comes to uh Ganon and says hey hey just going to plant this seed if we can get Michael penx in here

No with the fourth pick no no no no no I’m not you don’t even want to hear it no I’m not Caleb Williams I would take outside of that no and here’s the other thing Arizona and the Chargers are both in a great spot because they got great

Draft picks and quarterbacks so they should both actually move down now Chargers actually have a lot of pieces they should move down but if somebody came to Arizona and says we you’re not going to get Marvin Harrison but we’ll give you a two and two threes and you

Can get a Dun from Washington he’s good I would consider that so Arizona very rarely has this been the case I’ve rarely said this Arizona is in a great spot in this draft they can get the best college receiver in a decade or move down five spots get another great

Receiver and multiple picks so I think what’s helped us in our careers is we are outside the box thinkers willing to go against the GRE and some good fortune yeah good agents yeah um I’m just telling you at some point there will be a team that says hey we think we have

Our quarterback he’s not a top five guy maybe he’s top 10 frish but we’re going to move off him and we’re resetting that quarterback clock with a rookie big guys I can get can’t you get 80% of Kyler’s production with a with a first- round top 10 pick there’s zero guarantee of

That no with Drake May I think Caleb Williams is guaranteed to be very successful I think he’s going to be you’re telling me Jaden Daniels as a rookie couldn’t give you 80% of J Daniels is not as talented as Kyler Murray nope he’s not okay I can’t wait

For the team to do that I think I have the guy and I all you people out there selling the Kyler Murray stock I have been with him forever he plays too many video games I don’t know that I don’t give a rip I don’t need you to stare at

The film all day I don’t need that what about at all no that’s Johnny Manzel you can’t succeed like Kyler without watching film you don’t have to be a film addict not everybody’s Brady I you know I’ve heard Josh Allen watches film he’s not addicted to it like Brady but he watches

Film but he’s not addicted to it some guys you know there’s always the old saying paralysis by analysis you don’t want to study too much like you don’t want to you want to be able to allow stuff to breathe maybe if you’re a concert pianist I’m wrong

But in a lot of jobs Broadway you proba have to you can’t memorize the lines enough but I do think with most careers it’s prepare like hell and then let it rip you have to let your kind of natural intuitive Talent go and if Kyler Murray studies 75% as much as as average

Quarterback 75 80% but a lot of it is off the cuff intuitive movement I’m okay with that not everybody has to be Brady fair right this is not cir solay where you catch the people or they a Street Pizza like that’s not you throw an incomplete path I can live with the

Outcome if it doesn’t work perfectly jmck with the news well that’s the news and thanks for stopping by the her lie news all sorts of stuff did you watch the uh did you watch the best young team in the NBA Oklahoma City last night they got some dudes you were right

A week ago I watched a movie uh Leave the World Behind that’s supposed to be pretty good uh Julia Roberts it it’s got some other name actors did you like it I loved the first like 90% of it I thought the ending was total garbage and I

Walked away like this is I can’t believe I wasted my time with this oh no come on no it was that bad I’m curious what people think but you went to a great restaurant and it was amazing but the dessert stinks is that a good night out

No no yeah that’s a good night out yeah so why is a three minute ending remember Castaways with Tom Hanks that was good love the movie hated the ending what what was wrong with the ending you can’t go from talking to a volleyball and the next scene you’re a corporate

Meeting you’re talking hi Stanley a next segment he’s clean shaven and running a board meeting you got a fast forward in life come on you can’t just I have no problem with Casto now Usual Suspects average movie great ending but that doesn’t work it’s a good no no no you

Got that’s one of the best endings in the history of movies that’s right but the movie was good no I loved it I could rewatch that put it on right here that was the restaurant where the food was okay great Soule you know ch Mose to end

It but doesn’t make it a great meal I don’t know I like The Usual Suspects the ending was phenomenal you got to can you watch this movie tonight some homework for You Leave the World Behind I’m having I’m going to a steak dinner with a buddy okay all right big Wednesday night

Out make sure to boo it up you know well I got it you know I’m spending that $4 Sports bet instead tonight Winter’s coming here in La that means more rain for others a wintery combination of sleet s SN slush I can’t say that word I’ve butchered it eight days in a row

Watch tomorrow to see if I butcher it for the ninth straight day SLE

THE HERD | They are legitimate champs contender – Colin back Shai to win MVP as Thunder beat Celtics


  1. Most teams in the NBA try to "draft and develop" but the majority of them fail to become contenders.
    I'm still waiting for you to give only one decent take.

  2. I was watching OKC yesterday because I’m a c’s fan. But SGA is such a bucket. He makes basketball look easy. This whole team will get rings if they keep them together.

  3. This isn’t the year for them though they don’t have the depth to win in the playoffs. They have so many draft picks that they will fix that problem the next couple years.

  4. Cardinals could’ve tanked this season but they decided to play kyler cause they kno he’s better than every single player in this overrrated draft

  5. Leave the world behind is a warning movie. It's showing you some of what to expect when the dollar officially crashes the chaos globally that will usher in the lawless one.

  6. I've never been a fan of Kyler. Hes too small and injury prone. Was hoping we'd tank for Caleb but now I just hope we can get my favorite receivers son MH Jr.

  7. I do think Kyler needs to engage a bit more. When these other quarterbacks are out they have head sets, play sheets and are involved helping the guy underneath. nobody is implying Kyler or anyone else should be a Brady that would be like saying your not a rock climber unless you clime Everest.

    Not everyone can be a Brady but Dak Prescott was offensive coordinator for Cowboys playoffs game. He is involved. So to see Kyler just over there with a Walkman looking ear piece in just standing there it is frustrating.

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