@Golden State Warriors

The most poignant parts of Dray’s podcast episode were, unsurprisingly, not the ones clipped and shared to social media. So, here’s a transcription of them.

For those that want to watch it, it’s roughly the first 15 mins or so of the episode, which you can watch [here](

by taygads


  1. InevitableBudget510

    Apologizing and saying the all the right things is one thing but actually holding yourself accountable and doing it is another.

  2. sugarwax1

    This is part of the process to show he’s reformed, but if I was friends with Dray I would be a enabler, I hate hearing this. I’m fucking annoyed with his violence on the court, don’t get me wrong, but he can’t prostrate himself either. He sounds lifeless and consumed with drama and just being a head case.

    The game has to be the outlet where he thrives. The game and with his family. How hard is doing that and just not swinging a fist? He’s going to be baited so hard now.

  3. BeetLover1111

    No one is actually going to listen to the whole thing or read those transcripts. They’ll just listen to the viral clips and use it as a way to validate their opinion of Dray. He’s so open and transparent and yet so misunderstood. Pain.

  4. STA_Alexfree

    Dray has always been one to man up and accept responsibility when he’s done wrong. What he needs to do now is show that he can bring himself back from the edge when he’s playing and not punish the team anymore with his antics

  5. ChewieSkittles53

    what do you expect from social media nowadays. no one is reading shit. they only care and react about the headlines.

  6. That’s good, first thing of getting better at yourself is admit you’ve fucked up and acknowledge where you can improve.

  7. He’s a professional talker.

    Idgaf about what he says. Shit is always spewing from his mouth. That’s his next career.

    Show me with your actions, Dray. Actually contribute to winning, my dude.

  8. AdhesivenessLucky896

    I don’t give a damn what this guy says. Let’s be real. Words like this would mean way more if he were 24 and messing up. He’s in his 30s and still doing this stuff. We need to see actions to actually believe he’s changing. Let’s see if he can get back on the court and behave like a normal pro basketball player for a few months.

  9. IsThisMe8

    I just finished listening to the whole thing and he seems a lot more sincere in this. One of the main points he talked about is that he can’t have an apology and then say ‘but..’ which is what he’s done previously and especially any time he’s talked about the Poole incident. He also talks about how he always wanted to get therapy (after his nba career) but was afraid of what it may unlock from past trauma, but also says it’s a good thing especially with having the resources available.

  10. Final take here is:
    Klutch is having a good PR team to help promo his “reform&return”.
    All the “retirement” is just a way to get ppl empathy. I don’t believe for 0.1 sec he is going to give up that fatty contract lol.
    Ppl are fed up with this shit and his self-promo podcast thing. I’m waiting for what he is going to say after next punch.

  11. Federal_Bear_7521

    Dude is a fucking grown ass man child.

  12. Ok-Roof-978

    Hopefully he will come back rejuvenated and more centered.

    And we won’t ever have to deal with shit like this again…

  13. seataccrunch

    Going forward actions not words is what counts. Words are noise at this stage. I hope it’s smooth sailing post return.

  14. CloudSkyGaze

    We’re going on almost a decade of him having issues with hitting players on the court. He has had multiple instances every year for nearly 8 years in a row. He is not a rookie or young player anymore. While I sympathize with what he said about being scared to seek therapy, actions speak louder than words with someone with his track record and I would not expect any changes in his on court behavior until we see it

  15. dnesdnal17

    Split on this. Half with the crowd that’s tired of apologies because he has apologized time and time again to everyone under the Sun and it’s always a similar script – let family, team, Steph down yada yada.

    But at the same time eh idk. You give him a shot because he’s a smart guy so there’s gotta be something there. At least he’s recognized it to an extent with the whole “there’s no… but with this apology” and the whole bit of “maybe I shouldn’t view “help” in a negative way” so there’s probably some growth there and you hope the guy figures it out as he talks it out himself even if it’s just because he likes the sound of his own voice.

    Hope he figures it out and is able to actually show it on the court, hope the team can get through it and give it a better go after the ASG.

    If they do, this championship is going to be absolutely incredible™️

  16. The way I see it is – words are words – let’s see what he does with it

  17. dating_derp

    Thanks for posting this. didn’t want to listen to a 1 hour video. It’s messed up that his family got death threats over something so trivial. Too many crazy people on the internet.

  18. riosborne

    The thing that stuck out to me the most was that he said the “antics” don’t need to be part of the package that comes with him playing with passion.

  19. SportsBot5000App

    Only a truly arrogant man could think that people should listen to a 15 minute long winded monologue after being guilty of physical assault for the tenth time in a row.

    I’m not reading this and I’m not listening to his podcast. He doesn’t deserve my ears or my eyes. He needs to hold himself accountable and understand that he can’t talk himself out of this one.

    There’s a time to talk and there’s a time to listen. And now, it’s time for him to just shut the fuck up.

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