@Memphis Grizzlies

Phoenix Suns vs Memphis Grizzlies 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 7 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Phoenix Suns vs Memphis Grizzlies 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 7 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

[Applause] all right what else was I going to do on a the white Howard want the best three-point Sho in the league at one attempt I didn’t say best I just said highest percentage so still pretty good I was pretty shocked myself it was actually Grayson Allen who brought it up

At the postgame interview after the win over the Miami he goes I don’t think Drew’s missed from three-point range steal by aogi here he comes in a [Applause] Flash three-point play consummated by aogi see if the Suns can clim this Le I mean they continue to push the lead back up but M

Finds a way led by as many as 11 in the first half every time they take that lead one I mean he’s not really a golfer but he said it’s easy living with the sun which I think we can all agree on yeah he’ll pick golfing up you don’t

Come here and not learn you’ll teach him Eddie yeah why not I’d like to win a few games against him Amanda you did a great job with that I love that she as asked the three guys too who’s the best Rusk on the team and uh they said well probably Booker but he

Has competition from Bowl so book and Bowl two best dressed on the team aogi swatted away there’s busy again and the sun started 9 for n from the field in the third quarter they are one of 11 cents yeah busy I’m telling you that that’s why he’s still in the league

Forget about his inability to score we know that we saw it he’s old for two tonight but his impact on the floor just always a positive see if Brook can get the Suns going high screen Eubanks and rolls metu open three wide left we have the perfect an well if they’re worried

About three santi’s a good choice he’s one of 70 inside on the inbounds play Grayson Allen fed there nicely by aogi that never happened really the guy guarding the inbounds guy should always be on the inside here’s something I want to ask you each as Miss Williams Jr overshoots

It why don’t teams play a zone defense on an inbounds play well you can still get beat on that too you know so it’s not really you can really make you can make the Zone Pace a lot of times if they do that so because they’re guarding

The area and they make it easy for you to screen it met to on the Fly the Suns match their biggest lead up by 11 that was an athletic move by chesi metu he is just a joy to watch out there on the floor push off by Williams junor sent a

Ki down forces up a shot and a shot clock violation it blows up on the Grizzlies made some substitutions and he had to and it hasn’t worked well for the bench from Memphis first half they were really good s’s done a better job against the bench here in the second

Half closing out the third quarter scored a point off of their bench here in the second half metu all alone takes a dribble yeah that dribble is what cost to catch it shoot it in Rhythm reaching foul on a Ki and that’s going to be number five on

Josh you’re that wide open like me are what what happens is you tend to now want to measure it you try to like shoot it like a free throw no le Returns the S Lee will come in for a KOB good news for the Suns is they were not in the penalty

So Memphis will inbound it on the side with 52 seconds to go here in the third great minute Josh Gard inside bibo pick up I like f gu I like Bizzy but I don’t like him I don’t like him right now okay but if you got a double digit lead I feel better

About that trip tied game with three seconds I would like to see bzy throw the ball off it foot shooting and throwing it down is yankes off the air mail from Devin Booker that was devastating and he threw it from way out here at the three-point

Line you check that out watch this Deon is probably to me the best on the team at throwing that I mean if you just look throughout this whole season I mean his L because he’s such a great shooter his lobs are just right where they can just grab the basketball

So I’m happy for you back see how that work Tom I’m happy for you Banks right now and can’t be happy for both teams I’ll tell you what though Drew is bouncy man he can get up snag that pass by book Suns up 13 that is their biggest lead inside of

30 seconds to go here in the third quarter get a stop maybe another shot no foul here make him make a shot Kar just in Off the Bench loose ball foul and it’s going to go on Sabin Lee like I’m Frank V I’m like you know sa I

Don’t want to hear any complaints block him out like if you block him out then it’s no issue because he’s not going to get to the ball he’s going to run through your back and guess who he going to be at the free throw line you so again that’s that’s the mentality you

Should have with a guy like Williams who does get any plays run for him he’s just trying to catch the ball and find a way to get to it that right there good rotation right there to miss and there’s Williams like and he’s the only one that could have gotten that

Rebound those three signs players right there in the area yeah look sa Lee went over to Kevin Cutler and Kevin Cutler actually clamped it put his arm through Sav say this is exactly what you did because he knew what was getting ready to happen and if he had hit him

Earlier than that it wouldn’t have been called sun will try to take the final shot of this third quarter up 11 field taking his time double team crosscourt pass to Allen down Central Avenue couldn’t get it and we are

Phoenix Suns vs Memphis Grizzlies 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 7 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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