@Washington Wizards

Daniel Gafford Washington Wizards – We needed to step up to the plate!

Daniel Gafford Washington Wizards – We needed to step up to the plate!

Oh okay he Gaff um what do you think gave them  the edge tonight uh level of physicality um   all in all you know they came out with a level of  aggress aggressiveness that I feel like caught us  

By surprise um you know point of emphasis tonight  was just like the transition piece um offensive   rebounding so like I said the physicality piece is  something that we should have you know I would say  

Be better at and you know I take pride in that  because you know trying to come out and set the   tone in those areas I felt like I lacked in that  area tonight so and just the transition piece it  

Was just like a level of communication I think we  lacked in too C said they did a really good job of   kind of hunting the matchups that they wanted um  what’s the key to countering that um guard your  

Yard you know if you feel that they’re trying to  I would say put you WI a match up that they won   at the end of the day you just have to you know  pretty much just step up to the plate you know  

It’s a lot of teams out here that’ll try to find  certain matchups at the end of the day that’ll   try to get us you know on our heels and put us  in a position to where we have to scramble but  

That’s just pretty much any team in the league  every team in the league does that to each team   and down the stretch we just have to find ways  to adjust to it Gaff over the last like 10 or so  

Games maybe um you’ve seen an uptick in a lot of  your numbers offensively defensively um what do   you think has led to some of your consistency in  production um just how hard I work you know I come  

In every day and I try to just make myself better  in the areas that I lack in on a day-to-day basis   I try to really just hold myself accountable and  to put myself in position to where I can succeed  

And with that being said I just come in and it’s  just like a regular 9 to5 that’s how I treat it   you know I come in and I put my head down and I  go to work for sure what are some of the if you  

Can point to any specifics what are some of the  areas that you’ve seen yourself improve on most   whether it’s from you know your time your first  game here as a wizard to now um in all honesty  

For sure just you know my physicality I felt like  that I’ve took a major leap in that area you know   so more so just any other game besides tonight  I felt like that I’ve actually taken a step up  

To actually just show just like what I’m capable  of out there on the floor you know I do have my   lapses time to time of course you know but at the  end of the day like I’m going to make up for my  

Mistakes and I’m going to make up you know just  pretty much anything that we’re lacking at the   end of the day you know I try to be the energy  guy I want to be the anchor of the defense and  

I just want to be in the position to where it  can help us win games I saw you you taking some   threes in pregame you had a mid-range today um  is that something you’ve been exploring you know  

Adding that that jumper into your game to kind  of stretch the floor yeah most defin you know   whenever the time comes and the ball is in my  hand in those situations I want to be ready for   it so really just being consistent and working  on those things is helping me get comfortable in  

Those situation uh and then you you have your  clothing brand you recently dropped he talked   me a about the the Christmas drop that you guys  had with the landlord brand oh yeah um this is   the second drop that we’ve had the first drop was  great and just pretty much just bigy backing off  

Of the first dve we just want to keep it going you  know getting the merch out and just doing as much   as we can to just get a bunch of landlord stuff  to everybody everybody’s a landlord in their own  

Way you know thank you GFF would you say this last  handful of games is the most consistent stretch of   your career yeah most def I mean just mentally  physically emotionally everything I just kind  

Of I felt like that I’m actually just a little bit  more locked in with everything and I just kind of   push myself I hold myself accountable and I tell  the coaches and I tell my teammates I’m just like  

Push me as much as y’all can because once y’all  push me that’ll put me in the mindset of pushing   myself because you know I have guys behind me that  are helping me out and I want to be able to do the  

Same thing for them so I return a favor so that’s  just one of the main things with it rebounding has   been a major point of emphasis for a lot of this  season um when you sit and the team doesn’t grab  

As many rebounds are you on the bench thinking  like I need to get back into this game to grab   some boards yeah of course but at the end of  the day I try to be a good teammate you know  

Everybody gets frustrated when it comes to just  like the offensive rebounds but at the end of the   day we just can’t stray away from each other you  know I can always come out and be like I need to  

Be back in the game I need to do this I need to do  that but I can also motivate people too so when it   comes to that you know instead of just getting in  my own head like dang I should be back in the game  

I should be out there you know I try to motivate  guys that’s the main thing because frustrations   do happen and it’s a lot of times where most guys  are out of position most guys you know don’t put  

Theirself in position to go for rebounds so when  it comes to them to the sidelines whether it’s   a timeout coming out of the game just talking  to him you know got to get on the glass got to  

Do this got to do that we got to Make a Better  Effort in this area that those are some of the   things that I’m trying to grow in to be able to  kind of like push guys how they push me being a  

Quote unquote undersized Center being 610 um  does that put a chip on your shoulder just to   be out there be more gritty die for loose Balls  stuff like that oh yeah most de I’m from Arkansas  

You know nitty-gritty I was I I was raised in the  trenches and you know that’s just my mind [ __ ]   now you know just being having just like that  mentality going out and accepting the challenge  

That’s in front of you you know you really can’t  just back down from anything because at the end of   the day you’re on the floor you get thrown in  the fire you’re not going to cool off no time soon yeah have a good one

Daniel Gafford of the Washington Wizards speaks post game after the Washington Wizards were defeated by the Toronto Raptors 132 – 102 in the 2023/2024 NBA Season. Daniel Gafford would finish with 12pts, 8 rebounds and 1 assists in 30mins.


Daniel Gafford Washington Wizards – We needed to step up to the plate!

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