@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons front office didn’t expect the season to go this bad

Detroit Pistons front office didn’t expect the season to go this bad

To say that the season hasn’t gone as they expect I would kind of think it’s and I I don’t know like they probably didn’t see this season going as bad as it actually has so like my question to you is like do you believe that they thought they would have more

Than three wins so far oh yes yeah for sure um I I definitely thought that I do I think that they were maybe a little misleading intentionally in saying like we think we have a team that could make the postseason I think so uh do I think

That they thought that this is a team that should be able to improve off last year’s record somewhat significantly like high 20s low 30s yeah I thought I think they thought that too um it’s nobody expects to have the longest losing streak in NBA history like that’s just not something you even like

Anticipate happening until you get to like 2021 right like MH that’s that’s very far-fetched to even imagine so no they did not expect this um and it’s yeah I think that’s been I think that’s everything that’s gone bad has gone wrong whether it’s injuries um whether it’s the losing

Streak whether it’s not showing progress like everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong and because of that I think think they’re probably well I’m curious to see if they try to accelerate this thing sooner than they anticipated just to get uh maybe people off their back like

The fans and and things like that and rightfully so fans are upset as they should be but I’m curious to see if they stay patient or if they um maybe swing for the fences a little sooner than they anticipated it it’s so weird because I I

Did read your your piece when Tom Gores did you know talk with the media and obviously there was a lot to like get into with that but do do you think they like you said they might accelerate it you think they would do that to kind of

Try to get man more veterans because he just kind of seems like you’re around him every day he seems like a coach that maybe he’s not comfortable with some of these young guys on this team maybe you know he he talks about you know Alec Burks all the time like it’s the best

Bet he’s ever been around or you know guys like boan maybe they you know get rid of some younger guys to kind of make Mon’s life a little bit easier yeah like that’s that’s the the impression I’ve gotten is I when I say accelerate I was

More so um like if they make like a big trade yeah like the Zack LaVine trade right um but I think there’s veterans they can add that’s not quote unquote accelerating it but still pushing the product forward like I just like using this guy as an example like I think

Somebody like Royce O’Neal would be perfect for this team like and that’s and understand when people say Royce oil that’s not going to change anything I’m working under the assumption like this season’s lost it is what it is yeah you don’t want to mortgage your future

Before you know what your future is like you don’t know what assar is Ivy is you’re starting to know what Kate is and it’s everything you wanted you don’t know what durren is like I’m not ready to give up on those guys so to me I

Don’t think you can get the big fish without moving one of them um I mean you can get the big fish possibly in the offseason right but I think that’s like what I’ll that’s what I would be looking for and I think that’s what they’re going to be looking for is like the

Royce O’Neal types um just to have more like proven NBA players I think that’s a big thing it’s not that I don’t think Monty doesn’t like having the young guys I just think admittedly probably there’s just too many there’s just it’s there’s there’s far too many yeah I thought of

Two guys right off the bat when you’re were talking I thought of Royce O’Neal and thory Craig yeah guys like that y yeah like I I think when fans like hear like change like that they they think of like you know the report that Shams had

Out a couple weeks ago about like ogn and noi and Pascal seak and that like they think that kind of like change yeah but I mean you can get like lower tier like three andd wings that might not cost you like your young Talent yeah and

That’s all you need like I think that’s generally say if you this team started the season with Cade Ivy boan Royce O’Neal Jaylen durren or and then you got guys like Tory Craig Off the Bench Alec bur’s Off the Bench Monte Morris Off the Bench I think everybody’s tune’s a little bit

Different just especially if you’re assuming like Kate is end up taking the leap that he’s taken like this isn’t a three and 31 team I’m not saying they’re a 500 team I don’t know that but I think it’s a lot more palpable for people if you get role

Players spe specifically on the wing for this team um I yeah I think like just minor tweaks like that will go a long way in in building some confidence for this young group but I do think they are going to go big fish hunting this summer

I would if I were them though and I were running the team I would try to use my cap space first to try to get that before I let go one of these young players one of the cor four or whatever it kind of seems like Troy Weaver’s M Mo

Like he had like outside of his first year like he hasn’t really made like a really big like free agency Splash like you could say Jeremy Grant but like if if you go down the list it’s like Kelly o lenck was like a$ 13 million signing

Like he hasn’t really gone out and like paid someone like 25 30 million yet yeah and I knew when they came in like their plan was like year 2023 is when they wanted to turn the corner um obviously they couldn’t plan for Kate’s injury and

That put I think that put a put a pause on this their plan and put it put it back by a year but I mean I just think at the end of the day the most important thing for this organization was to find out what they had in Cade and as each

Game passes and it’s been the case for the last month and a half like they got a guy that could be a top he’s been a top 20 player in the NBA for the last month and a half now and I’ve said this at nauseum since he’s been here like

This guy’s going to be a top 20 player in his career at some point for multiple years and you’re starting to see that now and like you can’t win in this league without you need two probably top 20 players but you definitely need one and I think everybody’s starting to feel

Comfortable about them having one um and now it’s just like you just got to develop the other guys because I think assar once he can shoot man like I I really think assar has all NBA type potential I like I really think assar is going to be a

Problem uh if he can start hitting even just open threes like he doesn’t need to do stuff off the dribble like if he can be OG and anobi right like and I think he has a better handle at that age like that’s exactly what you need and um so

Yeah I think while this season has been what it is the emergence and just kind of cage jumping on the scene I think a lot of people feel better than they would if this team was three and 31 and he was still taking a little bit longer to get acclimated from

Missing a season yeah I mean I’ve said for the longest time with this season I thought that the front office wanted to see what they have before they invest long term right like I could see them having what Houston did this past summer like in free agency where y they

Go and try to get guys like they didn’t want to commit long-term money because I know a lot of people are like oh let’s go get Cam Johnson like let’s go get um Grant Williams like Matt Matt streu and stuff like that um yeah I think they

Just they didn’t want to like have their cap flexibility taken away and for those guys right like yeah I understand so I know that they had interest in cam Johnson and then it went away and my guess is and this is just a guess I’m not

Saying this is a fact my guess is Monty gave them the background on how bad his knees are or whatever like I don’t this franchise as you know Anthony like this franchise has gotten itself in this place because of they’ve overpaid either free agents that aren’t as good

As what they’re getting paid or guys that are routinely hurt and it comes back to bite them right so like I don’t mind not paying 30 million a year for cam Johnson I just I don’t um max stru would be very good on this team am I

Trying to use the flexibility it took me years to build up to give Max streu $27 million I’m just not I’m sorry like I know people wanted the team to get better but like I’d rather wait it out to find the guys that like I feel comfortable giving the money to um um

And like Grant Williams he hasn’t had a great season like it’s like I I just there’s just certain guys like I would rather now next year you might have to just settle for guys that you’re like on the fence on because you can’t let this go any longer but if you feel better

About the pool next year then you got to go for it because I’m I’m I was in the boat that so this was like their plan I don’t know if it’s been laid out I’ve tried to lay it out in stories but of course they wanted to see what the young

Talent was so people are like why not go for a Fred bleet right like in hindsight that’d be a perfect pairing with Kade but what they needed to learn because Cade missed the season is can Cade handle the US the usage and high workload of a primary ball handler like

And you and you don’t learn that by signing Fred bble to $100 million that’s why I keep saying Cade’s injury really put a monkey wrench and like their plans and I’m not making excuses for them but that’s why you don’t go get a high- PRC secondary ball handler even if we’ve

Learned since the season started that that might be the best person to put next decade right so I understand not doing 100 million for him so let’s go get Monte Morris for nothing but it’s just unfortunate for them Monte Morris hasn’t been able to play right it’s like

Okay we could pay Max Drew 27 million or we can get two seconds and an expiring contract in Joe Harris that hopefully can knock down some threes for us and we can readdress that position long term unfortunately for them Joe Harris has not worked out right so like I

Understand the logic it just like like what I said at the top of the show the worst case scenario at every turn has played out for this tuam yeah it’s it’s almost like it’s just a monkey on their back that just can’t get [Applause] Off [Applause] Yeah

On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by James Edwards III the topic of discussion was the Detroit Pistons front office and the season’s outlook so far.

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  1. Guess we have to suck it up and wait for the offseason. No sense of doing anything now unless they get an offer you can’t refuse

  2. Grayson Allen and Deandre Melton are both unrestricted free agents this summer….I'd like both honestly…..but if u could get 1 with mile bridges and I think they would be moving in the right direction.

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