@Miami Heat

Panda Express Mukbang With Miami Heat Rookie Jaime Jaquez Jr!

Panda Express Mukbang With Miami Heat Rookie Jaime Jaquez Jr!

I just try to have a lot of gratitude and appreciation every single time what was that quote you said uh best the best ability is Availability what’s good everybody man it’s your boy keny CH we are back with another video man if you’re new go ahead you already know what to do click that subscribe button right now we have the first video of 2024 ladies and gentlemen and um it’s going to be a new series man

Every Monday we’re going to have what we call here on the channel mukbang Mondays man so uh the first episode now I did film this a while back it was when ha hack was at UCLA but I felt like this video got lost in the day in the life you know what I’m

Saying cuz it was at the end and um there’s so many gems there’s so many good moments uh and there’s so many I feel like information that a lot of you young guys that are playing basketball um you know what I’m saying that trying to make it to the NBA can take advantage

Of uh like I said this was filming a day in the life that I went when I went to UCLA and I got to go to class with him and I got to you know hang out with him see his apartment and everything I feel like the mukbang was missed bro so um

Here you guys have it hope you guys uh enjoyed the video man big shout out to hame HZ for doing this video of me back when he’s a UCLA he’s doing great things right now for the Miami Heats and um man hope he wins Rookie of the Year bro it

Would be great hit that like button uh hope you guys do enjoy this video man comment down below right now who you guys would want to see on the next episode of the mukbang Mondays and so forth man appreciate you guys enjoy the video Christian garia how does it feel

To represent the Mexican Community when you play that’s crazy we were just talking about that um you know I think it’s very important for a guy like me to be able to acknowledge my Mexican heritage and to be able to spread that knowledge to people around the country and to just to

Like and really be an inspiration to the little kids looking up to me yeah and looking up to just basketball players in general to know that you know they come from everywhere you know you don’t have to be you know come from you can really just come

From wherever and and really make it I think that’s something really cool and special that I’m able to provide do you ever play for the national team I did okay I played uh I played one summer we went to Lima Peru great experience it was uh tremendous it it

It’s really crazy to see how far basketball how far basketball has come and how Global the game really is now there isn’t a lot of me and hoop we talking about that off camera but is it really only Juan right now um Juan myself I know Issa at Stanford he’s

Representing um he still yeah now my boy Diego Willis he’s playing down in Mexico right now though okay he’s on the college scene though he hooping man yeah keep going going what’s your favorite thing about being a D1 athlete there’s a lot of things man

I don’t think I can narrow it down to one but give me three I like a division one athlete I think um number one that’s up there is the the love and support that you get from going to a school and so UCLA for example everywhere I go I just get shown

So much love just for you know being a basketball player and people you know admiring my work and I think that’s something really special and I think it’s also cool to gear can’t it’s also big part of being all the Jordan they take care they

Take good care of us I think lastly is just to play in front of you know millions of people on TV and in packed out stadiums um people that really care um for for their college sports teams you get nervous hooping like what’s the biggest crowd you been

In oh wow um I don’t know think you said when we played villain Nova here at home last year that was packed out everyone was wearing white screaming um that’s got to be up there was that when um villain NOA was right higher was it

No they were two and or we were two and they were four top five match up crazy game super fun how many people how many people can the PA have I think like 12,000 damn that’s a lot of people yeah I don’t I don’t quote me on

That you you guys could look it up sure you get nervous on that like 12 that’s a lot holy I’ll be nervous yeah you get nervous at the start and then you start playing and you real everything else just goes in one ear out the other it’s just white noise

Like what about in The Way games yeah Way games are away games are fun too man like when everyone’s cheering against you that’s sometimes just as fun as when they’re all cheering for you it’s just a different different vibe what was the crazy away game I think it has to be

Oregon yeah we ended up losing that game but I just remember you’re standing there coming out of timeout it was just I think we were tired or something M and the DJ he plays this one song it’s like jump and you got it jump and then the

Whole crowd singing it jumping up and down even the players are seeing I was like oh my God that’s crazy this has got to be one of the coolest like games I’ve ever played in my life fortunately we lost but it’s still very memorable in Eugene in Eugene correct

Yeah I would not know how that feels I play in like live tournaments there like viewers but I can’t imagine the crowd like yeah I think the most live viewers I did one time was like 10 or 12,000 so I can’t imagine playing like actual like an arena with 12,000 people bro I’d

Honestly in my pants if I if I heard 12,000 people going against me you get every n 12,000 people hell yeah y against you that would be nerve-wracking I was ner I we had our game yesterday of a scrimmage exhibition and I was still nervous yeah wasn’t as a senior it’s

Like just never goes I think that’s something that will never go away like so excited to play like starting the season back up I don’t think that ever goes away if you wasn’t playing basketball right now what would you be doing I’d be playing baseball what uh that was my

That was my second sport I played I played baseball all through high school what position that was a pitcher what yeah I was solid was solid I I didn’t take it as I didn’t take it as serious as uh I did basketball but I still enjoyed it that’s actually crazy I would

Never like think of him cuz usually I think there’s only one baseball player that did it pat conon mhm I think he was the only but I don’t know if he was a pitcher I think he was a pitcher he threw yeah Pat hin might be the only

Baseball basketball player I know D gas and he jumped out the gym interesting he’s still in the league right yeah I think he plays for the buck still oh yeah but I’m saying like as far as like baseball basketball like I think that might be the only person I know that does

That kind of look like a baseball B I can see it see the hat so you you you uh who who’s your team Dodgers Dodgers obviously I didn’t make it this year but yeah I’m still pulling for my boys in blue so who are you roing for Phillies

Or Astros got to be Phillies Phillies has to be we hate the stros here mhm hate show man M all right let me see what’s it like competing at the highest level highest what is what’s it like competing at the highest college level um I think it’s special it’s

Something that I don’t take for granted at all um going through injury I know how quickly the game can be taken away so I just try to have a lot of gratitude and appreciation every single time and every day I go out and play so I just try

To be try to be thankful and grateful that I’m here healthy and being able to play the game I love at such a high level what was that quote you said uh the best the best ability is availability oh the best ability is availability is availability and that’s honestly a fact

Mhm take care of your bodies so you doing treatments every day to like maintain it uh yeah treatments every day I mean I try to eat healthier pandanda I mean I don’t know is it healthy is it not that’s Up For Debate it’s good um yeah but treatment every day I

Was there this morning early getting dry needles and yeah like acupuncture stuff you guys have like Kyros and massuse like all that for good here yeah we have an athletic trainer um his name’s Tyler shout out Tyler leer he does a great job providing he’s got his own platform

Follow him on Instagram he’s uh he’s a big help to all of us and um he’s been he’s been tremendous to me got me healthy helped me get through my year last year so we we really appreciate what he does we’re excited for you this season bro want you to go

Crazy all right let’s see one more oh okay so we talked about this off camera but this is a good question what was it like when jayen sugs hit that buzzer beater I’m sure that was like the craziest I mean everyone was watching that game like that was a crazy game I

Feel like I can never escape this question one day I’m going have we’re going to have to play again sometime oh everyone asking you this huh everyone asks you oh yeah 100% um but it’s okay it just comes with it um what was I thinking I mean

Honestly in my head I start looking I’m like oh this is long like it’s not going in like we’re going into l and then I see the ball go up hit the backboard hit the rim and then go in I was like oh my God this cannot be real

And it was just a shock it’s something it’s like it’s hard to believe like what you just witnessed yeah took a second to process and I just walked back to the locker room hugged my teammates and were’re like just proud of how far we had G knowing that everybody get us out

Yeah and uh just being able to accomplish something like that with those guys cuz I mean that team a special team we had a special connection yeah and um just really happy I was able to do it with those guys where were you on the court

What was that where were you on the court exactly I was literally right under the basket a little to the right or something I was liter I had a perfect view that would have been sick Bro oh my gosh did you watch that game I think I

Did but I don’t I don’t really remember it too much dude that game was a crazy like even when I was watching I was like what what in the hell it just so back and forth yeah it was back and forth the whole game whole game was just going at

It and they were number one so it was just like boom boom boom boom just straight action and then I mean I guess you can’t complain as a fan if you’re watching it like that’s what we’d want but I’m sure as a player just well I

Just I think what leading up to it was so crazy cuz we were down by five right with like I want to say a minute left to play something like that I I remember John or I remember tiger hit me in the corner we had to get

Two B baskets up quick like five points and under like it’s tough to do hits me in the corner I hit the three we’re only down two go back on the other end get a stop Johnny Goes Down shoots a layup misses gets his rebound puts it back up

And then right back comes back down shoots the three I’m like wow because in colleges 30 seconds now TR clock uh-huh okay 30 seconds used to be 35 or something it wasn’t longer or something I ain’t 35 High School oh 35 but see 30 seconds is like long in a

Minute versus 24 right mhm so that’s great good I’m sorry to ask you but it’s okay I actually wanted to know to cuz I was watching it and I know you and then I knew Johnny I was like dude they must just be like bro we

Can’t be mad cuz you guys yeah like better Sweet Bitter Sweet Bitter Sweet that’s what I call it all right well yeah the questions I got n you got any questions or you just want to eat your food I got a question so when you make it to the league what’s one person

Like that you’re excited to like match up against LeBron I feel like that’s everyone’s answer but that’s mine too hakz drives on James spins turns falling away it’s good got to be LeBron that’s tight I bet you that’s just surreal yeah I’ve only seen him once I saw him

At the premiere of hustle that the only time I’ve ever seen him in person big as huh yeah he’s huge bro yeah you really don’t realize how big a many playes are until you like see them it’s just like bring in the present’s greatness

Yeah all right man it’s going to do it for today’s video I appreciate everyone for watching Big shout out to highe thank you for everything bro appreciate y coming out man hey man go check him out if you in the area go check out a game you know what I’m saying they’re

Rank this year they’re trying to go all the way go show some support and uh go show them some love man appreciate it appreciate you guys

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