@Toronto Raptors

Raptors BLOW OUT Warriors – RJ Barrett drops 37, Barnes clamps Steph Curry

Raptors BLOW OUT Warriors – RJ Barrett drops 37, Barnes clamps Steph Curry

The Toronto Raptors get a huge win on my Christmas this was the perfect Christmas gift for me uh Serbian Orthodox Christmas to those of you who celebrate uh Merry Christmas to you guys this was awesome this was a team win the Raptors get 37 points from RJ Barrett they get a

Balanced attack they got six players in double digits tonight including three Off the Bench this was awesome uh Pascal yakum goes off for 16 yaka purle for Barnes plays a career not career low but a season low in minutes and 24 minutes tonight struggled a little bit from the

Field but his defense on Steph Curry was M amazing he literally did not let him breathe like he was hugging him when it was a timeout like I’m surprised Scotty Barnes did not go to the Warriors timeout to guard Steph Curry on the bench it was awesome uh Gary Trent Jr

And Dennis Schroeder um really positive Off the Bench for the most part uh in in spurts right uh Gary sh with 14 points Dennis Sher with 13 points Chris bue and RJ Barrett combined for 54 points Canada strong man um RJ was impressive uh Emanuel quickley was impressive the

Rappers entire game plan was awesome tonight it was just a beautiful Team game we got a lot to talk about tonight the warriors on the other hand they struggle hard uh they get a pretty you know good performance from Klay Thompson overall offensively doesn’t do much else

It’s an amazing statline 25 points zero rebounds three assists he was a gunner for them um let’s hit that intro uh make sure to hit like on the way in and subscribe if you haven’t already we’ve been growing pretty fast lately so yeah we the north part two we’re back it’s

Awesome today and they came early today to run through some sets it’s an [Applause] Open let’s go that’s why is the goat the Goat let’s Go oh man this was awesome I mean the Raptors came out from the jump it was like they had they had it in their mind they were going to win this game they abused Steph Curry in the post I mean if you look I just make this a little bit

Bigger here oh man this was awesome it was a great game I don’t think the Warriors played well don’t get me wrong I don’t think he beat like Prime Warriors they’re going through some turmoil but I don’t care this is a team that self- empls way too often for me to

Not enjoy this the Raptors score 30 6 points in the first quarter at one point they had 24 points with about sixish minutes to go they came out bullets hot um if you can look right here I don’t know if you can see this let me make

Myself a little bit smaller hang on okay here perfect so if you can see my cursor here right around here was when uh Scotty went to the bench for Dennis right there and there goes your scoring but man right here you were on Pace for 180 points I can’t wait to see the

Advanced analytics for this game because the offensive uh rating for that starting lineup was incredible it was a lot of transition push it down your throat get a paint touch the Warriors decided they weren’t going to guard tonight and the Raptors were like bet okay I mean the Raptors just I mean they

Pushed it down their throat you had RJ and uh Scotty Barnes just abusing abusing Steph Curry in the post early on warri don’t help they don’t recover Steve Kur second half he changes his lineup um yeah man it was it was awesome Scotty you know struggled didn’t make

His threes sometimes you make them sometimes you don’t but you know what I loved about Scotty and a man quickly neither one of those guys played over 26 like they they average 25 minutes tonight those are your two building blocks going forward those are your 1 a

1B stars going forward right in my opinion you know what I loved about them tonight chat let me know what do you think I loved about these two tonight I’m I’m curious I’m curious what what do you think I loved yes vote Scotty for Allstar absolutely uh this was Curry’s worst

Game of his career it’s close chat what do you think yes sir yes sir absolutely you saw them on the bench pumping energy I saw Emanuel quickly skipping up and down the fraking sideline the whole night and Jama malaa is just looking up up at him like what

Has gotten into this kid but you know what that Joy was infectious it it just it’s it’s permeating throughout your entire team right now you have guys who basically like don’t smile the entire game like they’re just sitting on the bench like looking around like we have a chance to

Be pretty good here holy crap this is great um I’m gonna give a little bit of credit I don’t think this is going to be talked about At All by anybody right now so I’m just going to say it Jama Mala is your hero tonight he spent two years as

One of the lead assistants for the Warriors believe me he knows this entire roster up and down and you had the game planed tonight granted kudos to Steve Kerr for attempting the adjustment in the second half um goes with a bigger lineup really forces the Raptors to

Become more of a perimeter team but you know what bet he wasn’t banking on RJ Barrett to hit five threes because he did tonight he went five for eight at one point he was five for six he forced one late in transition kind of killed

His average a little bit but 5 for8 is solid man and you know what like a lot of guys who are you know this is what I can’t stand about the modern NBA you don’t see a ton of this you don’t see guys who get you know their touches down

Because someone else is going off and their minutes are low and the were coaches playing you know Dennis schroer like 28 minutes like Dennis schroer played more minutes Manuel quickley and Scotty Barnes tonight you don’t see these guys complaining at all they’re perfectly fine with it because the team is winning

The team is playing well they’re celebrating RJ like you saw it like every time like RJ scores a bucket he’s looking over at Scotty like bang me you know and you know what’s great RJ scored 37 points tonight okay he’s asked in the postgame like what ha like talk about

This game the first thing that came out of his mouth Scotty’s defense Scotty’s defense was awesome on Steph tonight it’s just it’s it’s resonating man it’s permeating you put good people on your team and this is what happens you know you take this bet on yourself crap and

You send it off to Houston you you take your um um um crap and then you send it off to fraking Philly and this is what you get you know I don’t I don’t want to hear anyone like criticize Darko rakovich tonight just shut up about it

Okay like he has fully fully like got this team bought in and you might not you might we all have issues with some of his rotations and some people are on Twitter right now complaining that Scotty didn’t get enough touches or Scotty’s not getting enough minutes and

He’s this he’s that yo man chasing around Steph Curry is exhausting okay he did his job tonight that was the game plan but committing to that committing to taking fewer shots because your teammate has it going look this is the whole point of Basketball sometimes it’s G to be

Someone else’s night there are no Michael Jordans on this team there are no hokim alijan on this team everyone is just a guy okay some guys are better than other guys but when a guy like RJ Barrett just gets it going yo he’s a he’s a scorer and they couldn’t stop him

What I liked about RJ barar tonight his passing the scoring is great the bully ball is great man but the shooting and the passing was the big concern I also didn’t mind his defense at all tonight was great king Ali freak Scotty stop this just stop it I promise you Scotty

Is happy right now he’s happy because he has oh my goodness stop dude guys stop just please I beg of you as you know just stop it look we got a lot of flack last year this community for you know oh if if Scotty doesn’t do well he hates everybody but Scotty yo

This is not the point the point is the Raptors are playing crap basketball and freezing Scotty out Scotty was not frozen out tonight he decided that he was going to be a decoy and so did and so did you know Pascal yakum to some extent he only took 11

Shots too the only difference between Scotty and Pascal really tonight is Pascal hit his threes and Scotty didn’t you know that’s it really that’s it um Scotty was guarding on the perimeter he basically was chasing Steph Curry around screens and Steph Curry had a terrible night when the last time you saw Steph

Curry shoot two for 14 0 for nine from three I mean granted he’s had a couple of stinkers this year but this is bad like this is he was7 n points six assists But please understand he’s still one of the top seven or eight players in the

NBA and your defense like a large part of your defense went out the door with OG an anobi and precious AA and until you make a trade to address some of that defense that went out the door someone’s got to do the dirty work or you’re not

Going to win any games I think that’s pretty obvious to Scotty I hope that’s obvious to Manuel quickley and RJ Barrett and everybody um on the Warriors side let’s talk about it it you know by the way link is in the description if you want to call in we got a couple

Callers already lined up but if you want to call in definitely call in Moses Moody is he auditioning for his next team I don’t know 21 points in 22 minutes he was great tonight um Steph C uh sorry Klay Thompson tonight 25 points uh he was solid as I mentioned earlier

Steph Curry struggles Andrew Wiggins gets the quick hook and then he doesn’t start the second half um and then he gets in really late like basically in garbage time like he just got perab benched um I think his defense was really bad tonight uh Trace Jackson Davis I think

He was solid you know 16 Points 11 rebounds two assists three blocks like he’s he was the 57th pick okay like this is incredible value like good job Mike DY for drafting that dude Jonathan kaminga gets into a little bit of tussle and Tiffany was drawing back and forth

Gary Trent Jr all night 13 points four rebounds four assists good stuff man he was all right but you know come on like I I made a video last night I think uh you know was like a three-h hour video only the first hour is pretty much basketball the second hour is pretty

Much chess but I got to tell you I’m not I’m not sold on Jonathan kaminga being some redeemable project or Prospect I don’t I don’t see him as a star but he sees himself as a star and I guess that’s what matters tonight he wasn’t and dar I think he played great cavon

Looney was a load to handle I think he played really well in the 17 minutes that did get uh Corey Joseph oer Raptor fans will remember a lot of Cory Joseph going oer um Brandon Pinsky you know a guy that frankly a lot of people in this community believe is like the Raptor

Trade Target they got to get this guy they got to get this guy I mean he had a tough game tonight please understand he’s much better than he played tonight I think the Raptors guarded him well I think there’s also a bit of a shooting variance thing against Sacramento their

Shots went in against Golden State some of their shots didn’t go in but I think the Raptors guarded hard they played with Force they played fast man like I’m used to this team blowing at least five transition opportunities a game and at least missing seven to eight cuts a game

Open Cuts underneath the basket and maybe like five or six four shots in the paint when there’s an obviously open shooter I would say those numbers were way down tonight like way down like maybe you screwed up like a couple of transition opportunities like when the

Game was in the balance let’s look at the team stats by the way just an FYI to all the people who say the Raptors can’t shoot yo bro you just you just you just outshot the Warriors from three isn’t that awesome I’m sorry like this is freaking awesome you won every

Single quarter except for the third you know you struggle in the third quarter um The Warriors took more shots than the Raptors the Raptors were just that good the Raptors shoot 58.5% from the field and 45% from Three Can you wow okay they they shoot 57%

From the line to balance it out to just let us know that don’t worry Rob we haven’t solved all our shooting bows just yet they get to 38 assists this is what Darko wants to see honestly tonight Darko should give like if there were two chains tonight Two Chains ha joke okay

If there were two chains tonight I would give one to RJ Barrett and I would give the second one to Darko rakovich for getting this team bought in to actually moving the basketball 38 assists on 55 field goals is fraking awesome man seven assists six blocks just seven turnovers that’s awesome you you

Basically double their points off of turnovers uh you get 24 fast breaks they don’t even crack double digits in fast breaks you killed them in the paint oh my God 66 to 54 despite the fact that they do have try Jackson Davis and they do have you know cavon Looney going in there

I I think Steve Curry is one of the best coaches in the NBA I thoroughly believe that Darko rakovic coached the out of him tonight um good stuff man all you haters just enjoy good basketball we always got a about something just enjoy the

Ride I fully agree man just have a day take a day off just shut up and take a break take a break from hating take a break from conspiracies take a break from this guy needs to you know like pass the ball more to this guy look I have issues with

Tonight’s game for sure there’s a lot of things the Raptors can clean up on and I hope that Darko rakovich you know doesn’t allow this team to get complacent I hope that they realize that they caught a team kind of sleeping on them a little bit I hope they realize

That this team The Warriors did not play a good game tonight but I don’t care because you’re the Raptors you’re 15 and 21 you started this road trip I believe with a losing road record like one of the worst Road records in the league now

You’re 6 and 12 I think you’re s and 12 now is that is that correct or does is this factoring in already um Cornerstone Chronicles sorry but the credit goes to the players just like the players blame one to the players same argument for Darko avoiding criticism applies doesn’t get selected credit

That’s wrong I mean Darko has taken plenty and plenty of blame um for his lineups his adjustments his you know late late clock you know uh atos like I mean come on he took he took a lot of last last game for you know this the shot that Emanuel quickly took I

Think Emanuel quickly took a lot of for the shot that he took and the last two- minute minute report confirmed that he was actually fouled on the shot that he took with 13 seconds to go where he was complaining that he got fouled against Sacramento Kings chance are you

Give him to the line you go to overtime with that game or maybe you win and now you’re three and0 on your road trip who saw this coming I didn’t see this coming I did not see this coming so this has been awesome like this is the team I’ve

Wanted for years I wanted a team that played together I wanted a team that was young I wanted a team that had you know upside to grow I wanted a team that was celebrating each other I wanted a team that wasn’t stagnant this is fun to

Watch give me a w if this is fun to watch this is just fun to watch okay as I said Colin link uh with the description uh RJ talk Rob talk about RJ yeah I think RJ was awesome like his downhill attack his creativity off the

Dribble it was straight line a lot of stuff was St straight line there’s nothing Advanced about it he just bullied you know the Warriors Defenders you’re not going to be able to do this against a better Defender I understand that if they have you know a competent

Help defense oh look at all the W’s man absolutely you know and that’s the point like you know it’s uh uh Cutthroat Bob saying people who said free Scotty are high yeah I mean I think justifiably we need some time to adjust our brain away from guy who

Scores most points is good guy who scores least points is bad because that’s the evaluation that’s the way this fan base is always trended and I’m trying to tell you it’s all about process which means that I was not critical of Fred Van when he had four

Points last year or two points or whatever but I was sometimes critical of his 30-point games when he chucked I don’t care I don’t care who scores what I care the process by which you score shots go in and out all the time all the time it happens you know the teams are

Going to go on shooting their shooting variance they’re shooting luck all the time sometimes you catch you know teams napping and they’re going to play Bad defense am I going to judge you know a team that just gives yaka purle layups all night because they want to avoid

They want to shut down the shooters and I’m gonna call yaka purle the next kareim Abdul Jabar after that game no this is why you don’t need to live and die on every single game you have to look at the longer term process of what the Raptors are trying to build who

They’re building it around obviously this whole thing is still being built around Scotty obviously but you can’t build an entire team around one player you have to have pieces that work so that like what people don’t realize is RJ Barrett is going 37 points tonight means he’s on your radar the next game

You go he’s going to be on the radar shata saying um third straight game where Scotty Doesn’t get five rebounds well he’s guarding on the perimeter man he’s guarding on the perimeter a lot more so yeah this is insane I no offense actually all offense this is crazy he’s

Not but he’s good like he’s he’s capable in his role he’s awesome and I think look he scored 46 last year for for the Knicks against Miami I think he scored 44 once as well he’s he’s prone to doing this once in a while he’s a very talented player I realize that people

You know who have heard the Raptor media National media International media there was a talk about um who said it Zack low that Executives around the league unnamed sources said that they felt that RJ RJ Barrett was a toxic asset this game doesn’t change what they said please understand that

There’s balance and Nuance this what I’m excited about with this game is not the scoring please understand that I’m very excited that he had 37 points but that’s not the best part of this for me the best part of this for me me is the efficiency with which he did it right I

Mean he was molto efficient like at one point he was 10 for 13 he finishes the night with like 13 for 20 he missed most of his late like he kind of pressed I think he was I think his teammates told him like go for 40 go for 40 and he

Started forcing shots but believe me earlier on he took every shot he took was almost almost all of them were great shots going downhill he’s a lot of people talk about RJ Barrett and tunnel vision and and I get that and I see that he doesn’t see the game Super well but

He did just enough tonight to make the basic reads so he drives collapse the defense get a paint touch swing it out and it’s accurate that’s the important part those passes were accurate RJ Barrett probably should have had more assists tonight Scotty Barnes hits a couple more threes he probably does have

Those assists I think it was just a great game all around you don’t like I mean if I had told you going into this game that you would get get a combined 15 points not 15 per game Emanuel quickley and Scotty Marrs average like 40 points per game as starters or 41 42

Points per game as starters you got 15 combined from them now that’s awesome because those guys are threat they are threat they’re they’re creating openings and if RJ Barrett is the fourth guy on The Scouting Report arj bar can cook right um Chris bu just Relentless energy

Man like Relentless energy you know he hits all three of his threes perfect from the field seven for seven just awesome performance overall Gary Trent Jr Dennis schroer Chris bue like they were all above 50% tonight bushe went 100% like I mean this is craziness he’s 17 points nine rebounds in 16

Minutes yikes ironically also not an often remembered fact Chris buet is a former Warrior that was the first team that he started out with so they gave up on him he’s proven a point is Chris bu a better player than Jonathan kaminga you let me know I’m just kidding

Um max ailon saying almost 800 people come on people like the video don’t be lazy yes please like the video that would be awesome okay let’s get to some callers ARA what’s up hey how’s it going ra not too bad how are you feeling pretty good about the win

You don’t sound all that excited are you sleepy um yeah I usually get tired around this time but I’m I’m excited like uh seeing what I saw from RJ Barrett honestly like I was really bummed about this part of the trade but looking at what he can be as a third or

Fourth option if he can give me like you know 18 to 20 what he’s averaging in New York on efficient shooting then I’m more than happy with what what came out of this trade looking forward to his growth as as a player for these next few years

No I agree I I think you know at 23 years old I think a lot of people have to realize the warts in his game are real they are real but you also have a tremendous amount of upside if you can Shore it up like that’s what we talked

About when we traded for him like there’s a lot of potential still here unlike with precious auua he knows how to play the game like he knows how to play the game you can see when he’s playing that he’s played at a high level for a long time

As the guy right I think where he struggled you know is playing in a half court setting where he’s basically like the third or fourth option and he just has to spot up in the corner that’s not something that he’s ever quite embraced or learned how to do um when the concept

Of uh when I talked to a scout about you know trading for Zach LaVine at one point right and I talked about like what would it mean for Scotty Barnes in the offense right and I was a little bit concerned because I was like well you

Know zakine comes here and you know he takes like so many shots what’s goingon to happen to Scotty what’s going to happen to this we’re going to lose BL and he said I don’t think either one of those guys needs to change their game that’s the great thing about Scotty he

Can adjust and he’ll always do that he’ll always adjust to the other good players around him and kind of do what the team needs from him right so I think that that’s a generally a great quality to have as a player the fact that he can celebrate their success even when his

Own individual numbers are kind of taking a nose dive right now in the midst of an All-Star push which he’s very aware of by the way but at the end of the day you know he cares about winning and that’s true winning you know it’s different every night depending on

How the other team plays you you should never come in with this idea of this is how we’re going to play the Raptors got a little bit stagnant couple times this game it usually became when guys made up their mind about what they were going to do specifically it was Dennis and Pascal

And it’s like they kind of get in their head like okay this is going to be my driving opportunity and then I’m going to kick if and it’s usually results in just bad you know process because you’re not really reading how the defense is playing you I think the Raptors read the

Court tonight really well RJ if they’re giving me a little bit space boom take a shot super simple you know if they’re hugging up on me a little bit now that I’ve made a couple shots okay now go right to the line uh get to the paint

And there was a couple that where you know he could have settled for a job ER but he was just like I have a guy on me that has no chance of guarding me you know like a slower footed big and I’m just going to take him to the I’m

Gonna take him to the basket and I’m gonna bullyball him and I’m gonna get into the paint and that’s awesome you know like God how many times did I watch ogj and anobi drive the basketball and pray to God that he could do some of the

Stuff that RJ Barett is doing right now so if RJ can just get the 3D and passing oh my God you have a secondary star here not not not a superstar yeah but like a secondary star like a legit you know like guy who could get 20 points five

Rebounds five assists every night that’s value at at 23 years old and there aren’t 10 guys in the league at that age well there there aren’t 20 guys in the league at that age that can do that consistently while giving you decent defense I think they might not be even

10 so yeah I’m very I’m very pleased anyways man um what did you think of uh what did you think of kaminga tonight I’m curious like is there anyone on the Warriors that stood out like man if we make a trade honestly like uh to be honest you know

The three trade targets that you know were on a radar kaminga Moody and pods they had an underwhelming game so I couldn’t really like I would I don’t want to take anything from this game because you know it’s not their normal game but you know they had flashes but

This is a pry I’m looking for oh really oh yeah oh I I don’t really watch that much of the Warriors but I would assume that like kaminga like I think against the Pistons he did pretty well but I don’t know how his like normal game is

So yeah but pods has been pretty good I think this season for the Warriors as was like a supporting you know role yeah I think I think Moses Moody played well which kind of affirms my my own suspicions that he is the player that I would want back in a trade anyways man

Thanks a lot for calling in I really appreciate it man thanks for having me have a good night see okay we got MBS what’s up man yo what’s good bro I’m good how are you oh good great win tonight yeah it was awesome um I think RJ Barrett obviously

His Breakout game played great um and just a overall phenomenal win by yes absolutely did you see this coming did you see like how much how much RJ have you watched I’m curious based uh between Team Canada Youth Level I’m just curious how aware you were of

His game coming into this I’ve watched I’ve watched a decent amount I watched a lot um in Canada of the people watch lot I watched a B on the Knicks but before that and a been in college but before that I really watch so yeah I’m decent

I’ve seen his game I know he sometimes makes a lot of mistakes like tunnel a lot of time tunnel Visions make mistakes but when he’s on he’s on you know what I mean he looks like a star when he’s playing like this I agree and look like this is what

Drove Knicks fans insane with him because he would have these like weeks you know sometimes like two game three game five game samples where he would do not quite this but yeah this you know like 40 points here big explosive you know um defense right like he would go

Crazy and then it was like okay six points four turnovers no defense like for an entire week and you’re just like what the hell what what’s going on with you right so I think for the Raptors like I’ll guarantee I looked at the advanced box scorer that he is an

Overwhelming positive tonight in terms of advanced stats he was a he was a mild positive I didn’t get a chance to talk about jonte Porter today I think he was good too I yeah I know he didn’t score a lot like I think he had two points

Defensively I felt like he was really good tonight yeah I got to know a lot more about jonte over the last you know 48 hours did a little bit more digging into him I was not super familiar with him as a as a prospect and I did just

Enough research on him when he came to the Raptors 905 but I think the Raptors are really really um I think they’ve got something with him like he’s a very like he’s had all this time with his brother Michael Porter right so he is not one of those

Prep prospects where uh he grew up being the guy he was never the guy right in college he wasn’t the guy in a he wasn’t the guy he was always a supplementary piece which means that he learned all the small stuff that makes you fit in in

The NBA and I think this is a great thing for you know players who play with other good players at an early age is you learn how to fit in Scotty played a lot of great players too at M bird he learned how to fit in Moses Moody same

Thing Jaylen green yeah I was about I was about to use that example you see a guy like Jaylen green now he can’t adjust when you have guys like elfren changon Fred vanley taking L the shots and being the focal point of the offense exactly it’s really difficult to be like

A primary guy RJ is ironically very similar to that he was the guy at monver for sure he got a lot of shots Kade is like that too all these prep Pros prospects that were like number one number two number three recruits they have a massive adjustment going up a

Level because if they don’t end up ascending to Star level they have to learn how to play without the basketball and I think RJ is doing more and more without the basketball that makes me very encouraged he’s running the lanes he’s filling in transition he’s passing the basketball like I think in general

Like his on ball skills have to obviously get better and they are getting better like I’ve been very impressed with those three-point shooting so far yeah yeah he’s I think would he go five for eight today or something like that yeah he went 5 for

Eight like I I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s actually shooting over 50% for the Raptors I think it was year two where you shot over 40% yeah so he’s flashed it before he’s also flashed like this is a guy who’s given you a taste of

Everything he’s giving you a taste of great playoff performance he’s giving you a taste of great defense he’s giving you a taste of playmaking he’s giving you a taste of shooting for an entire season there like with press C we keep talking about three month three month

Three month you know there’s a three Monon sample RJ did it like on fairly decen is volume for an entire year like this is a guy and you know the thing is with RJ I just trust the work I trust the work with him you know some some

People say like the talent is there the talent is definitely there Talent is definitely there I think sometimes he gets in his own way he gets a little bit tripped up he he makes up his mind a little too early and I think that’s why I’m very excited with to have a coach

Like Jama to to work with him and Darko to work with him because I think they can guide him on that process to become a better decision maker you know because teaching the game is so lost right like it’s but it’s so important right like coaching is is so much about teaching

Especially with a young roster and you know you you need to build up the basketball capital or Collective basketball you know intellectual capital on your team where you know defensively and offensively it’s not just about running a scheme or you know running plays but rather you know completely

Understanding how things need to be addressed on the flly because the game is getting faster pace is picking up so I just think that it’s a very important thing to to get these guys coached up into becoming high IQ basketball players because that will make them you know and

That that will unlock all the talent all the potential all the athleticism that we see and it’s something that you know we unfortunately if we’ had someone like Darko or Jama on this coaching staff like two three years ago when you brought precious in maybe maybe today

Precious would be like a much better player but you know what I mean like he’s not so and I don’t think he’s gonna really like develop under tibs like that and his coaching staff so I don’t know have you checked OG Anan noi’s usage on the Knicks it’s

It’s lower than here right lower than it’s the lowest it’s been since this rookie season he’s averaging 133% I he wanted more like when he did want more yeah he’s barely getting shots and you know the offense not been super great um he’s missing a lot of shots he’s finding

But that’s the thing OG and anobi is like I hate to say it RJ bear is a way more talented player than OG lot more talented OG’s a better player right now at least even still but R.J is three years younger or two and a half years

Younger and he’s way more talented I think that needs to be stated twice because that wasn’t even who you traded him for that was that was the throwin the younger more talented player was the throwin now I realized that I have a responsibility to remind people

Chill on the RJ Barrett stuff it’s it’s going to come and go and hopefully by next year it’s all trending like instead of four good games five bad games we’re looking at maybe hopefully we get to four good games two bad games you know what I mean exactly yeah minimize and

Yeah so anyways man any final thoughts yeah just great win I think we’re three and one in the RJ barar Manuel quickly era and we just got to continue are keep it going all right yes we are thank you man cheers uh next up we have ali uh

Nurani Ali what’s up man uh your mic is off sorry can you hear me now yes I can great so first good it’s my first time calling by the way and I’m calling from Ireland so oh that’s awesome yeah so um anyway big F of the show um I you know

It’s not always I listen to a couple hours of post gameing but do yours anyway now start watching the postings because yours make a lot more sense uh I appreciate it is it is there anywhere you can go where you have a little less Echo you’re in a very um you might be

Like around a lot of hard tiles I don’t know if you were in a bathroom that smaller room ideally with carpets is probably better anyways calling in from Ireland I don’t think we’ve had someone call in from Ireland that has me they’re calling it from Ireland I love the global you know

Following of this show it’s really cool yeah yeah good stuff anyway so look uh I was one of the guys who actually said free free Scotty but I actually went a bit extreme I didn’t didn’t exactly mean free Scotty what I what I meant was uh

Um I think uh over the last few days uh or last few games actually Scotty’s been getting um less usage I think um and I think he’s guarding a lot of uh he had a he had actually really high usage in Sacramento believe it or not he and yak

Think the team in usage but he did have lower usage in Memphis yes but he’s also like believe it or not like I mean not believe it or not he’s also like he’s just such a team first guy and look all the skill work that he’s done you’re now forcing him into a

Different role to develop a different element of this game this is not like this is what Scotty is you know like this roster is not optimal for him right now he doesn’t have a stretch big Pascal yakum is here he’s having to do a lot more of the defensive heavy lifting

Because of that exactly exactly so I think that right now yeah so right now as as a team especially with him at 22 you have an obligation to develop different parts of his game and remember earlier in the year remember we we ran him out with like those four bench

Lineups and everyone hated it myself included like because I was thinking from the perspective of look at what it’s doing for his numbers look at it’s hurting his stats it’s hurting his Advanced analytics but didn’t it make him way more assertive of course it did it did make him more assertive and

That’s the point so right now you’re making him more of an off-ball threat instead of an on-ball guy and that’s going to make him practice different things it’s going to put him on in positions that he hasn’t been before and this is good for development people

Think of him like be just because his um you know his stats suggest he’s a top 15 top 20 player right now doesn’t mean he’s not 22 that he can’t get a lot better he needs to get so much better with his handle he needs to get so

Better as a shooter like even though he’s shooting crazy percentages he needs to get better as a shooter this is going to force him to to be more off ball and that’s great and believe me when the playoffs come around I’m positive he’ll be more on ball downhill attack stuff

All over again because they’ll reorient the offense but what I’d like people to realize is basketball is not one guy and then another guy and then another guy it’s five guys who work together so one guy could score and at the end of the day if that one guy on one night is

Dennis schroer going off for 40 and the process was good we should celebrate it as Raptor fans it’s okay this is not all fantasy sports you know no I agree I agree with you I was I was just going to say I think he’s he’s been guarding the opposing players opposing team’s best

Players as well so he’s been in the perimeter a lot so hence his rebounds being affected for sure and uh he’s acting like kind of like U you know um pseudo OG I guess you can say you know he’s defending a lot the best players and he’s taking a lot of Threes actually

As well um he’s PR he’s become a premier shooter a lot of Premier shooter actually that’s what I’ve noticed anyway what do you think about that I literally tweeted out the same thing I said Scotty Barnes is playing the OG at anobi role tonight and you know it’s like look if

This was let’s let’s flip one thing if we were the Knicks right now just imagine the Knicks played the Warriors tonight and OG an anobi with Scotty Barnes and he had the assignment of Steph Curry and Steph Curry had nine points they’d be like oh my God this the

Greatest tra in the world look how great a Defender he is but that’s the point like nobody stops anybody alone right and you’re watching it right now OG is not stopping everyone alone Isaiah hardenstein is having a huge portion uh tibs defensive schemes are awesome I think that Scotty’s point of attack

Defense is something of a work in progress I don’t think it’s bad as bad as people think it is I don’t think it’s as good as he thinks it is and it’s a good thing for him to work on screen navigation is a great thing really Darko

Is navigating like the toughest job in Pro Sports in any Pro Sport which is development while winning so you’re putting him in an uncomfortable position you’re saying okay guard dearen Fox John Morant and Steph Curry if I could tell you even coming into the draft like as

Much of High Hope as I had for him as a defensive player these are not players that I don’t think he can guard yeah and he’s done a decent job on all of them right like he was okay on Darren Fox last two two nights ago I don’t think

Like Darren Fox didn’t pop off it was a soft game for Fox it was a decent game for JN Morant and you win and you’re two- one that’s the important thing you’re two in one on the road and you entered this entire ro road trip as one

Of the worst Road teams in the league that’s true so it’s working that doesn’t W over the last since New Years anyway with three in one so that’s amazing exactly you’re three in one since the trade you know you beat the Cavs a team that you weren’t favored to beat you

Know that night um you beat them the Memphis Grizzlies again a team you weren’t favored to beat you weren’t or were no I don’t think they were favored to win any of these games even the warriors were favorite tonight so so I just think that the Raptors are

Doing good things and Scotty is doing something uncomfortable which is going to burn him out a lot it’s going to Le lead to a lot of dead legs on offense and I think people don’t get that you know when when OG and anobi went through cold shooting streaks or whatever I was

Just like dude like I was never super critical of it because I realize how hard what he’s doing on defenses I realize how hard what Scotty does on defenses and so right now I think it’s great for him there’s no reason to to think that he can’t develop more as a

Point of attack Defender and that it won’t make him a better player long term because AB he’s like a he’s like a Swiss army knife that’s what he is yeah he is and and you want to put him into different spots on the court right now so it’s to not you know over

Stagnate him now I understand that Darko basically alluded to it earlier that you can’t be good at you can’t be good at four things like you have to you have to pick and choose like the three things you’re going to be good at um the quote

Exactly was if you good at one thing you’re in the NBA if you’re good at two things you’re probably a starter if you’re good at three things you’re probably like a Allstar if you’re good at four things in Europe right I think that was roughly the quote or the gist

Of it and you know some people reached out to me about it and I was like I fully agree I totally agree with that that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be able to do it at all right so once in a while you want to put Grady into a post

Post defensive role like if let’s just say like year in the 905 get him to play power forward for a game and see see what happens there you know you not only do you have data now so now this is the Scotty guard Steph Curry you know running off screens you know screen

Navigation off ball this is that data game you have it for yourself but now he has it too he has an understanding of what he needs to get better at he gets the Reps I think it’s a good thing overall I’m not worried about the box

Box score stuff he isn’t either like as long as you win it doesn’t matter he could have two points zero points he’s never cared um if you lost tonight and he had six points on three for 11 I think a lot of people be complaining stand out more yeah yeah but it doesn’t

Matter yeah yeah I agree with you I think I think I think I’m enjoy at least I enjoying these games a lot more because they’re a lot more fun to watch a lot fast-paced good passing good scoring have a lot more Dynamic scorers now as well um but uh like you said I

Think I think Scotty’s stats are probably going to be affected over the next few games I think um you know um unless I guess we makes Pascal seak can trade and we get another Defender who actually is defending the opposing players you know opposing team’s best

Players that was the gist of the video last last night I think what they did was they replaced SE yakum with what they got for anobi now they need to replace anobi with what they get for SE yakum yeah basic you said that I remember you saying that as well yeah

Yeah um yeah I I just think like you need balance across your roster right now you know you saw when the Warriors went inside with cabon Looney like there were like six seven possessions in a row where there was just like two big and you’re getting outrebounded you’re

Getting out hustled you’re you know we saw it against Sacramento some of your switches were late got burned uh back door a lot so I think you need more defense on this team for sure if you if you plan to be competitive and sure like

When you get seak out the door if you get him out the door I mean maybe you extend him I don’t know but if you do trade him I think that would free up all that usage for Scotty as well right and it kind of simplifies your thing but I

Think what people are not hopefully noticing is that RJ does a lot of stuff that seak does yes yes pain touches handling second Creator now he’s figuring out the passing oh my God like if I’m the Raptors I feel way way more comfortable making a trade right now for

Seak and not demanding back like a primary initiator and he probably also score shooting better three points that three-pointers than seak is I think if I’m not mistaken he’s definitely shooting better three-pointers he’s never shot worse than SE yakum has um this year I mean seaks in the

20s you know and not to mention he’s also very he’s more respected as a three-point shooter too he’s got like um he bullies like he’s strong like I I’m sure that I’m sure that cakam is um a little bit heavier than him like because seak is like 243 but like it feels like

R.J is just genuinely like a more physical guy yeah so I think I think he’s he’s great yeah um yeah anyways man thanks a lot for calling in I really appreciate it um good morning to you over in Europe yeah it is morning anyway that’s some that’s some serious

Dedication to get up this early watch the game a lot a lot of all the time yeah a lot of my friends back home they uh they they watch games at like 2 am. 3:00 a.m. and it’s like it’s crazy the dedication is real I am from Toronto I

Am from Toronto so I miss home so you know this kind of puts me back home you know it’s nice what what are you doing in Ireland then you just work I’m working here yeah I’m here for work exactly yeah that’s dope man thanks a lot for calling in I really appreciate

It bu take uh we’re going to get we’re going to bring on Mo p m p what’s up man what’s up uh long time listener first time speaker Rob that’s awesome man got a lot of first time speakers today do you have headphones uh I don’t damn uh is it bad

Is it muffled I if I speak basically I hear myself talking so I got to mute you every time I talk okay let’s try to get through this what’s up I won’t be too long I just want to say bro we we got a two for one

Deal we trade OG we love OG well now we got younger we got RJ we got him out know click quickly uh OG is 25 years old and he’s still young but RJ is what 24 quickly is 23 or no reverse yeah reverse so RJ’s 23 quickly is

24 but we got two for one deal and offensively we’re doing better uh we’re three and one and we got Raptor’s basketball back I fully agree with you man I I think like it’s been it’s been a revelation to watch the transition offense it’s been great to see guys who

Can actually handle the ball and score on three levels RJ and Emanuel quickley are are doing a ton of the creation and it’s it’s been more interesting to see for the first time this year how teams can’t just pack the pain against us anymore even though we’re still playing

Yaka purle it doesn’t matter because they can’t completely have four defenders in the paint because you know Emanuel quickle is just going to launch and I think IQ may not be getting as much love as he should be from this fan base um but he should be getting a lot

Of credit because he has spaced out the for so bad for the Raptors they needed it hey was it not nice to see Scotty Barnes and IQ not having to play in the last six or eight minutes yes it was absolutely it was awesome that’s it bro I I don’t got

Too much else to say I’m a longtime rappers fan but uh appreciate you my brother thanks a lot mop I appreciate it man cheers I love when people call in for the first time it’s awesome so thanks a lot mop for calling in man that that was

That was that was great coach Mo not a first-time caller what up man ah that was a great game and yeah I don’t know I think this might be the first game of the year where we got up 20 and you were like yeah we’re winning this we’re winning this yeah um one

Thing that’s after the trade like the previous caller mop he talked about the two for one we’re no longer like a month ago Scotty has a game like this it’d be a miracle if we won a month ago if Scotty was out of the rotation there’s no route to a victory

Almost because the talent level was so low right facts yeah and now if Scotty doesn’t have it you have Pascal if Pascal and Scotty don’t have it there’s RJ if if quickley doesn’t have it schreuder’s there if if yakob doesn’t have it bu is getting minutes off the

Bench you know it’s you’re not living and dying by one or two guys making shots last I mean if Scotty or Pascal had a bad game a month ago it was it was rough it was rough if Dennis shuder had a bad game it was rough I

Agree there was no nothing on the bench because you can’t trust precious you can’t trust Malachi you could Grady’s too too too young you can’t trust McDaniels I mean I think I think the overwhelming you know Point here that the previous caller brought up which I think gets lost in

This is you know this was the marketing you got two starters for one starter right now you could hear me kind of shaking my head when people were saying that because I was like RJ Barrett the way he’s played so far this year probably isn’t a very good starter

However when RJ plays like this you legitimately got two starters for one starter yeah actually after the first quarter I tweeted out I think RJ and Emanuel quickley have been your best players tonight and that’s not the first that’s not the first time that I felt that way there

Aren’t a lot of games where I felt like OG and anobi was our best player ever in his entire seven years there was always like an OG is having a hot shooting night but he still has severe limitations and I’m talking strictly offensively please understand neither one of these guys are OG

Defensively and if they ever did become OG defensively then this becomes a steal to uh Criminal action and you know Messi J should be like you know not the hag the heg it’s the heg right wow the heg and he should be like on war crimes against New York basically like that’s

That’s where Messiah should be because this is highway robbery this is a heist this is Oceans 12 this is Oceans 80 85 this is fast than the Furious msai Ury Edition yeah this is craziness it’s not even it’s it’s not even the trade it’s not even the players we got that’s the

Main thing but it’s also you you you push up bu and he was our best bench player when Dennis was starting so now he’s playing you bring in Porter like you’re no longer playing McDaniels yeah saying win-win trade no I refuse shut up with this win-win stuff let us

Win something we are the Raptors we have not won in three four years now except for like winning the rights to draft Scotty Barnes trust me this is not a win-win trade you got the two younger players in the deal you got off of precious auua and Malachi Flynn neither

Of whom is a positive player right now and you got a longterm two guys longterm that’s what people don’t understand they keep comparing this to well is OG equivalent to these guys it’s not about that bro you took a guy who was a massive Flight Risk and converted it

Into two guys no more toxic Summers no more rumors just just a giant Cloud over our heads and what is the do that but also like the offense like OG anobi is a very good Defender and defense relates to transition offense I understand the relation I’m not an idiot however when

You get into transition he’s very limited he’s very limited he can he can spot up in the corner he can spot up above the break where he’s not very good he can’t dribble like he he doesn’t have a live dribble and OG was one of my favorite players but all these

Limitations were always there OG was was was one of the least offensively diverse and talented wings and I think it severely limits what you can do offensive with him because basically OG had three moves three moves on offense and I can literally Peg them out for you

Yeah move number one corner three that’s effective and it’s been a consistent staple year year one year six same thing okay pretty much consistent move two two dribble pull up always in the wrong place always below League average always below League efficiency move number three bully ball on the post end up

Underneath the basket and awkward finish offensive foul half and half offensive fou that happens too so but but beyond the offensive fouls and the lack of playmaking out of those positions which he got a little bit better at and and the touch which got a lot better this year what always

Bothered me was despite being a super big dude he wasn’t a great paint finisher RJ and he didn’t draw a lot of fouls that’s also con concerning why did he always shy away from contact RJ goes right into the contact now please understand going into this trade I not

An RJ Barrett fan I was not an RJ Barrett fan and when we made the trade I was just like uh okay but I remained optimistic that with this coaching staff he still had enough talent that He could make it work and it’s happening and it

Also remained and and I I think this this part of the equation just gets wiped RJ is is a transition player there are players like this in the NBA that just they play better faster and there are some players who play better slower right and RJ plays better with pace and

Speed where he can go downhill he’s a straight line attacker Scotty also plays better with speed so now you have players Emanuel quickley plays better with speed everyone should in theory play better with speed but there are some guys that just struggle with it they they prefer to plaud you know the

Offense because speed exacerbates your decision making it exacerbates your basketball IQ it exacerbates your athleticism it basically amplifies everything and RJ is a very fluid athlete in the full court and I think we haven’t seen anything close to the best version of this yet I think the best

Version is coming because as he gets more comfortable with the teammates around him Emanuel quickly like six assists in the first quarter he set the tone for this team idiots are going to look at the box score and I I hate box score casuals more than I can even

Explain but people are gonna look at the box for tonight and be like well you know it wasn’t that great a game plus four that’s what they’re G say plus four plus four nine points 10 assists whatever but it’s like yo how you start the game like the force defensively and

Offensively that you start the game with he crashed the glass early to make sure that you know the Raptors got those defensive he pushed he he found cakam in transition early you know you see a couple go down early you you suddenly have a lot more momentum going into the

Game right so how you start games is so important our to the music as I yeah our Outlet game right now is crazy oh my God yes year it was Dennis and I’m bringing it up man rolling the ball the court oh my God and Dennis going to the

Bench even though he continues to play more minutes that I’m comfortable with I don’t care I’m not I’m not complaining about Dennis tonight neither am I so thank God man props man coach Mo and Rob jump off the Dennis train literally at the same time it’s great

Man right before it crashes into a mountain okay I don’t care about the minutes what I’m just happy with is that we are starting games out with the with the game plan now basically the bench now has starter capable players I like the bench so much Chris bue like if Otto

Can come back like I don’t understand why Otto is not like a much much better version of jonte Porter no but at this point who cares like you’ve you you found something you found spacing on your bench look at look at the guys who were coming off the bench for you Chris

Bue shooter jonte Porter shooter Dennis schroer in theory a shooter but a quick attack guard Gary Trent shooter Shooters and Shooters off the Ben Gary had a great game less pressure on him still play 26 minutes pressure free 26 absolutely and and I mean like

Yakum you know you you you get 11 shots from him most of which were assisted and in transition it wasn’t a lot and then obviously when he went into his half court let me get mine thing I don’t think it was good I don’t think it was

Good for the team when he did too much of that so you didn’t need that tonight you didn’t you’re playing a team that’s just not defending they’re not getting backed they’re not recovering so punish punish push you can only play the opponent that’s in front of you you know

They didn’t play the 96 bows tonight I get that I get that this team is struggling they’re in turmoil there’s a lot of infighting going on Draymond kaminga Moody there’s tons of Kerr there’s so much drama yeah but you know what there was so much drama for us last

You know last year and I remember people giving us like the flowers and be like oh well you know beat the Raptors but say love they’re going through tough times everyone he goes through tough times you know but you just beat a team with two Hall of Famers you know who who

You know are still very capable players granted you know Clay is falling off a lot defensively but to to limit Steph Curry this way um to and and this is not a team that’s been playing Super badly you know they’re a team that’s better than

You so and and you beat them in the toughest arena in the league to play in this and this trade has resurrected yaka purle again tonight 14 11 and five six shooting and only two turnovers which I like yeah yakob was great the only honestly Barnes seems the only one

Struggling with the new with the new lineup because whatever they’re asking him to do right he and I actually said this to myself when I was watching this game I was like wow he’s on Curry and then I’m watching the game and I’m like yeah he’s basically OG they just said B OG

Guard this is this is temporary I’m I’m positive this is temporary believe me they they long term I know Miss’s this whole thing as the Scotty Vision right you have seen joic like if I if I pull up jokic’s game log there are games where he has 11 points 14 points 18

Points he does okay because when you’re this type of player and I think that’s what people need to adjust their expectations on with Scotty is he’s always going to be this way he’s always going to be a guy who takes what the defense gives him when he had Steph

Curry in the post he went at him when he had open threes he took it some night it’s gonna fall some nights it’s not you know he also played 23 minutes 24 minutes he play less than 24 minutes I also don’t think it’s a coincidence this is his first

Uh single digit scoring game because of what they’re asking him to do um I don’t think it’s a coincidence he’s struggling to even grab five rebounds since the trade like he fine it doesn’t matter the rebounding is a team stat like I get that I get that but with the role he’s

Playing with I’m not even complaining but with the role they’re asking him to do the stats are going to look doooo it is what it is but the stats are but the stats are so irrelevant right now the only stat I care about is wins and losses yeah like I care that he’s

Developing yeah has I don’t want him to be frozen out of the offense I want him to still have like a role in the offense that’s that’s good for him but I also like I care so much more that this team is competitive and winning like when you

Start winning you get like you get better reps you get better runs so put it that way from to to borrow to borrow a perk a word from the park you know you get better runs in the sense that other teams play you better when you’re a good

Team so you get other teams best punch also it’s really relevant to me that we make the playoffs I I I can’t even tell you how much I want us to make the playoffs we need to make the playoffs this team needs a playoff run now they need playoff reps

Also kind of an underrated thing the more you win the the more uh the more pressure there is on other teams especially when you’re literally beating the team that’s getting desperate to trade for your guy I think you increase Pascal siakam’s record if you win trade value you mean yeah sorry you you

Increase his trade value a little bit because other teams will start to see see that the Raptors turning around your negotiation position goes from oh we’re a team going nowhere we’re heading to the lottery it doesn’t matter we need to trade our best guy to hey look Barnes

And SE yakum and RJ and emanu quickley this is a playoff team they don’t have to make the move anymore they don’t have to make a trade but internally the Raptors have to have their own clock not an external clock and I I think there are three front offices that do this

Very well in my opinion Thunder Utah well actually Four Thunder Utah Boston Toronto where they just go on their own timeline their own calculus and it’s not about somebody else like they’re not reacting to they’re not like they’re not overly reactive last year that’s why the yako PTO thing was

Kind of out of character because it was a very reactive trade you know oh we need it we need a push we need we need to go further so we need to get this guy so I think when they stick to what they’re good at which is being proactive

Thinking forward having a good idea and things I don’t think there’s any like long-term future for seaka on this team largely because like you’ve been try trying to trade him like his Camp knows that he knows that you know and at this point you don’t necessarily you have an

Abundance of what you would be missing if you traded him which is creation quickly RJ Scotty like these three guys like it’s awesome you know what I mean and I I don’t think that force them is can work together long term one one has to give and it’s between RJ Scotty and

Pascal and Pascal’s the I think it could work long term if one of those guys was a little bit better defensively if RJ or or Pascal became lock down Defenders like lock down point of attack Defenders who could protect the paint yeah then yeah then this could work if either one

Of those guys could become ogan anobi on defense this whole thing works but it but they they can’t they have never and it won’t so and also like in terms of your long term cap flexibility dude if OG gets 42 to $43 million or whatever the hell he’s

Rumored to be getting this year like this offseason you might get RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickle for roughly the same amount that he’s that he’s got that’s insanity and your your your theory on um OG coming back is has some legs mainly because of his usage rate I

Watch the Knicks games bro they tell him to stand in the corner shut up and wait for us to pass you the ball fact that’s the offense yep know Nut Show um welcome browan dog Barrett AKA Vince and hey Lane what’s going on yo we got our dog hey your airpods don’t suck

Today that’s awesome it’s it’s hit or miss my friend it’s like they’re like RJ Barrett there’s there’s no RJ Drive buys today no no no no shade listen I I’m I I don’t have a long time today I I have a whole bunch of work I got to do but uh

But I’m hoping to get a few words in there about about the game I told you like wins or losses this is a fun team this is a fun team to root for it’s finally like I I’m absolutely flabbergasted that this trade provided that I never thought in a million years

It would um I definitely undersold how like I think in a nutshell or in a vacuum had you asked anyone you know who’s the better offensive player between OG and RJ Barrett I think everybody would have said RJ Barrett myself included but I would have been

Like yeah but it’s it’s a it’s a nominal amount he’s a nominal amount better on offense and he’s so much worse on defense that it’s it’s it’s a wash of a tra or like there’s there’s no contest he’s he I I don’t say I you know let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks

Here quite yet but to quote Pulp Fiction but um he’s he’s he’s just because he’s so much more coordinated and even though he doesn’t have a great handle his handle is so much better than OG’s and he just is more on balance more in control when he has the

Ball his his upgrade offensively is making the huge from the for for the team because it’s it’s amounting them it’s amounting to OG and him being pretty much equal and then we got Emanuel quickly for free so it’s it’s pretty it’s pretty crazy now I will say

That I I still think OG fits really great on the Knicks um and I think for them it’s everywhere it it but for them specifically it’s a little bit of Ying Theory like they needed addition by subtraction in so far as they didn’t want RJ like uh like

Hoisting uh possessions they just wanted they want the ball in either either Brunson or um what’s his name’s hands Julius randle’s hands every time down the court right and that’s being shown by the way by the ridiculously low usage that uh that OG has on that team right

Now still think he’s taking a pay cut with that usage hell no I think he’s gonna be forced to why would he be forced to why do people think that this this OG you know thing is done I mean can can you think of a more uh harder to read human being

In the world than ogan anobi do you ever know when this guy’s upset has he ever been upset seven years no never upset okay he’s an impossible person to read if there’s anyone who had trolled an Nicks like this it probably is him I’m not suggesting that like definitely come

Back to the Raptors but I don’t don’t put it past him to leave the Knicks at all why why is it so assured oh because Leon Rose’s son is his agent who cares you know how easy it is to fire an agent you could do it in a phone call

Phone call one contract done fired happens all the time okay so you can break a contract like that like that I’m sure there’s like some sort of penalty or something of that sort handshake deals whatever these things go apart all the time and and how do you even if

You’re the Knicks you can’t penalize him for it because you’re not allowed to negotiate with him right now I te technically you are allowed to do a little bit of a wink wink um he’s extension eligible but he will not sign that extension right now but you can’t

Hold someone to to a promise I mean teams break promises all the time to players they they promise him draft positions or whatever it’s not good ethics but like what you think OG cares I just what I don’t understand is how how have we just at collectively just

Accepted the fact that OG wanted to be in a bigger Market that that’s the reason he wants to to be on the Knicks I I don’t get it why why go to one of the slowest paced teams like a halfcourt grinded out team with two ball dominant

Stars if you want more usage why not go to Indiana why not push your way to Indiana why not say I’ll I’ll take less to be in Indiana Oh well because people don’t second guess when you say you want to go to LA or New York they never

Second guess it because they assume everyone wants to go there but this is OG an anobi we got to know this guy pretty well over the last six seven years can we please be real like this is not a person who’s starving for attention in my opinion facts facts yeah Lane

What’ you see tonight man uh positivity overall positivity over did you see did you see Emanuel quickly skipping up and down this sideline beautiful after that hit that three he did it five times he he was skipping up and down for uh there was like a one where RJ hits a three and

He points over to Scotty and Scotty points back to him like yeah my guy like what I love about this team that I absolutely despised about the previous team is the previous team has zero some mentality this team does not they don’t care it’s all about the score

That’s it 100% 100% and that’s something that as much as I mean we did on Dennis that he did call out and he was honest about even if he is a part of the problem is that the team before did not celebrate yeah but the team before did

Not celebrate each other right now they’re celebrating each other and yes is that something he should have not taken into the media 110% you do not take that out into the media especially when you’re Dennis schroer right but he was right he was 100% right and now you see they’re

Celebrating each other they’re having fun the chemistry looks better like I don’t think I don’t think that the average fan realizes because yes these are all NBA players but like how much we are out talented most kns and we’re win and we’re winning dominantly I mean even

The Kings game we’re out talented are like like by far and we we almost come back I mean it’s just beautiful basketball are we out talented by far against the Kings really really just think about it out talented by far a mon ago Gap month ago we were but you got an

Influx of talent in this trade but I just want to understand like do do the cross cross roster examination of that are you seriously out talented with this team that you have right now because I’m SE Five Guys Who start on most te it may

Be closer I think that I think that the Gap comes with Malik monk um and just I don’t to say Tre Lyles I don’t want to say Harrison Barnes but just the consistent three-point shooting even though they were extremely hot against us they’re consistent um and that’s

Something that I mean we’re only what four games into this so we don’t know if this is consistent we don’t know if this is a flash in the pan we don’t know if we’re gonna get blown out in La the next two games you know but for what we’ve

Seen far I oh I I I would bet money that we’re not but from what I’ve seen so far like this team’s just so much fun it’s so much fun to watch and it’s sad because it’s like you could see like it’s almost the end of an era with SE

Yakum and they’re playing this way knowing that one of your starters and potentially your first or second best player depending on how you see him is probably not on this team in a month and they’re still this way I would not I would not put money on that I’ve said it

I would put money on it I I hear you I hear you on that but I don’t think he signs the extension during this season if he is extended like this is going to be if we do not trade him this is going to be a summer from hell for the Raptors

Like we thought last summer was bad this summer might be worse I mean if they offer him the max he’ll he should probably sign can you do that I think you can only extend him two years right now am I wrong um I don’t think so no you can you can

Extend him fully NOP no no you can extend him to four four years no you’re right you’re right if it’s if we trade him he can only be extended two years right now because the dead pass what the 30th for him to be extended four years yeah correct my my fault my fault

Um hi am Derk saying I’m actually pissed that arj didn’t get the chain laugh my ass off why the did Darko give it to Jama well I started this CH I started this live out by saying that the that the man of the night is Jama for that

Reason because I genuinely felt like the coaching and the game plan tonight to stop Curry to to do like some people are just going to watch under the bridge they’re going to say whatever Steph Curry stopped himself he missed shots blah blah blah he was uncomfortable I I

Saw him just not trying he was getting bumped Scotty had him like I was watching Scotty’s defense because I was very curious I was I was actually having nightmares about this game for Scotty because because Steph is just so Shifty so creative so smart any laps any laps

In your concentration I’m talking one second he’s gone gone and you will never recover and you will never get to him and he had him quitting on he just I promise you there was there were plays where Steph Curry was literally like I don’t want to deal with this right now

And he just kind of like floating around I think a lot of that also had to do with the fact that the entire first quarter like his entire first shift of the first quarter if like I want to say 90% of the possessions were whoever is

Larger and Curry on them go at him they punished him on defense they forced him to guard I’m surprised more teams don’t do this to smaller guards I’m actually pissed that the Raptors didn’t do this to dearen Fox last last game but right you know the Kings had a plan to recover

I think you know look Darko knows exactly like I don’t know how much people the average fan understands about how coaching staffs prepare for games right but a game plan scouting all of this stuff you you assign this to spe specific assistant coaches Nick nurse used to do this last last year too

This this game you Scout this game you Scout this game you Scout game plan defense offense Etc our offensive game plan tonight the defensive game plan was Stellar the offensive game plan was awesome push it down their throats these are their weaknesses without Draymond in the paint they don’t have paint

Protection go at them in the paint you know Trace Jackson Davis really good rookie not Draymond Green so Draymond Green plays this game this is a completely different game completely different game from a every possession like Steph without Draymond is a different player you know without that secondary playmaker he’s a completely different

Player he struggles to get open and that’s the point you know you you had players like Jonathan kaminga on the court tonight Andrew Wiggins they’re not great passers they just don’t read the game well enough so if Steph did manage to get himself open they’re not finding

Him they’re not seeing him and I think from the perspective of You Know Drama like Jama gave I guarantee you Jama gave Scotty like the full rundown on how to effectively guard staff you face guard him you don’t lose him here are his pet actions here’s what the Warriors like to

Run out of out of atos to to to have that Intel you know I find it kind of funny that both Darko and Jama were lead assistants last year Darko for Memphis Jama for um Golden State Golden State we beat both teams why because there’s no coach in the

World world that understands these guys better than the guys who are currently on your bench you know now will this translate to the Lakers I have no idea do we have do do we have an X Lakers assistant coach can we just can we assemble a a bench of basically 29

Coaches and just poach one coach from every single team just and and ideally steal proprietary information from all those coaches on our way out so we get so we get you know so we have a RICO case on our hands where there’s like a class action lawsuit it’s not a RICO

Case that’s not correct I don’t think uh I don’t think they’re going to have as easy a Time against the Lakers they they have a lot of size on that team the Lakers suck right now they’re really struggling hard okay well they just just beat the Clippers tonight and the

Clippers are a good team we will we will see both both teams are good you know but they have talent obviously the Lakers the Lakers were you know going through uh you know a bit of a drought here their lineups have not been great darham LeBron James a lot of

Talk about you know the the rotations how they’ve managed Austin Reeves Etc uh ruy hachimura not having the greatest year uh Jared Vanderbilt a lot of pressure being put on Rob pinka for not making moves in the off season Gabe Vincent hasn’t played for them they’re actually missing Dennis Schroeder a lot

Um so I mean there’s a lot going on with that team right now and if you follow that team pretty closely you understand they’re not exactly playing the best basketball right now so hopefully this isn’t a wakeup call for them they haven’t turned it around because again

So much of you know strength of schedule is right because sometimes it just matters when you catch a team you know you catch them on a back toback after a tough loss or do you catch them on a back toback after like a really big win and they’re feeling good about

Themselves you catch them on an injury or an off night whatever I think that matters so I hope we don’t catch like the Lakers and Clippers playing their best basketball because obviously those teams will out Talent us considerably I also think that Anthony Davis presents a ton of problems defensively for guys

Like Scotty and and so less so Scotty more so Pascal so I don’t know we’ll see yeah it’s going to be my fault no I was good I no go go ahead I no no you say you gotta get off soon man so it’s all good I just I just

Wanted to talk so like I don’t know if you guys noticed this but kaminga had a we’ll say rough night tonight does does this he’s having a rough life bro he’s having a rough life rough life I know I I I I will say that Rob has kind of

Qualified every kaminga prid by saying something to the effect of you know I’m not the biggest Jonathan kaminga fan and then whatever whatever it else you said so is tonight enough for you to be like yeah the Jonathan kaminga trade talk like are we really giving up Pascal

Is Messi thinking that same thing and and do you think that it’s possible that uh we do end up extending him I I I think the Raptors would prefer to move on man and honestly I made a very hope compelling case for jerus Walker um I love him I just love jarus

Walker also like like like let’s let’s give a let’s give a little bit of a clap for my scouting skills here last year I talked a lot about Dyson Daniels tonight LA tonight Dyson Daniels was incredible against uh the Sacramento Kings they blew out the Pelicans blew out the

Sacramento Kings huge night from I think they beat him by 30 at home was that at home I believe it was at home so like I mean like I’m telling you like when I see it like if I F if I love a prospect love Emanuel quickley love Scotty Barnes

Usually I don’t remember being wrong too often in the last 10 years if I love a prospect if I kind of like them whatever it’s different but if I love a prospect in the draft cycle I’m just like this is good okay this is good Jordan Hawkins

Was one of them Kon Wallace was another one Dyson Daniel is another one jarus Walker is another one I would be very very encouraged the Raptors got jarus Walker very encouraged like I would I would consider it a no matter what else you get back picks whatever that’s your

Next OG but with way better offensive skills overall yes he has better ball skills he has better feel for the game overall I think he’s probably a more fluid athlete he’s not a great passer but he he has good vision for his age like as a secondary Creator he’s not

Going to stagnate your offense he’s not GNA kill your offense right right good so I mean yeah James saying jarus jarus Walker is a guy yes man like I mean I think a lot of people justifiably get down on players because they don’t play a lot of raptor fans are down on Grady

Dick right now I’m not low on Grady dick at all I’m just not in love with grd dick like I think he’s he’s gonna be fine he’s gonna be good for the Raptors and I I remain cautiously very optimistic about his long-term future with this team and I just imagine like

Look at how they’re playing now now imagine an actualized version of Grady dick like the version that we saw at Kansas as a fifth option or a fourth option kind of just popped up look how open RJ was tonight now replace grd dick there Works beautifully so I think the

Raptors just need to continue to build their good offensive habits I think tonight was just great process I think uh the first few uh games after this trade were not to darko’s game plan like I think they slowed down just to adjust the new guys I think tonight was the first time where

Like it was like okay this is the Raptors this is the pace they want to play with this is you know how much they want uh how how many field goals they want assisted and again I think um I think their best player tonight it’s hard to say who their best player

Tonight was I know people are gonna say RJ you know I think it’s close between him and Emanuel quickley I loved Eman quickley game tonight just fantastic just good team win it’s great fun again we have a fun team to root for that’s so amazing I think so amazing I

Think so too how does this team compare to uh the Sacramento Kings that you watched last year I mean completely different style of of play um but it’s it’s got that same kind of like come up come up feel you know like here’s a young Plucky team

That that nobody was expecting to really do anything um uh as an aside the shittiest thing is that like Scotty’s stats are going down as they’re winning which I’m sure he doesn’t care about what but do hurt his his uh his possibility to become an All-Star which kind of s I don’t think

It does at all because at the end of the day like his stats are not what’s holding him out of All-Star consideration right now what’s holding him out is the Raptor’s win loss record right sure sure so if he’s a 28 and five guy versus a 219 and six guy it’s not

Going to matter if at the end of the day he’s on a 500 team I think teams will give him credit as the Raptor’s best player because per the stats he’s still by far the Raptor’s best player um you’ve seen you know glimpses of what eight box plus minus Scotty looks like

Early in the season you’ve seen six boxes finest Scotty maybe a few three and a half to five boxes finest Scotty as he struggles you know through defense and whatever is fine it’s not I’m not it’s funny you know I’m sure that there’s a lot of fans who feel that way

They’re all like oh I would feel better you really would feel better if you had 30 11 and 11 in a loss I wouldn’t I feel much worse I would a month ago I would a month ago well a month ago was different because the team was like freaking heading

Nowhere but like this team like if this team gets to the playoffs be great if they can if they can figure out their defense if they can if they can trade thus young for something useful without adding a first- round pick to it um Messiah jury heed my words man if you

Trade another first round pick I will I will start a March bro but like seriously like if you can trade you have expiring on this how much dead weight do you have on your bench right now you have a lot you have a lot of

Dead weight on your bench okay and a lot of guys are not performing up to Snuff right now so I just think this team has opportunities like they have opportunities they have flexibility and they have like their pieces going forward there’s not like all these balls

Up in the air of like free agency you know y some of it is settled now settle the rest of it settle the the Pascal part of the equation I mean if you can convert pascal into two starters oh you’re so solid right now so solid now

If you get that seak trade right we’re golden we’re so golden yeah yeah we are yeah yeah I I’m in the camp of obviously I love SE yakum um I want it to work out do I think it’ll work out realistically no but I I wanted to however if you why why

What does he do for this team that is so so so relevant right now you need spacing man you need like super spacing like you realize how close we are to to being like an elite spacing team you do but I feel like a bot in SE yakum is

Almost better than anything you can get in a trade but 40 million at at 45 million a year for four years five years you think a bot in SE yakum is like a not at at 40 million at 40 million as a player not taking he’s

Taking 45 at minimum for 5 years that’s your minimum offer to him you want that on your books for the next five years on this team with the way this team is playing tonight can you appeal to him can you to appeal to his to his better

Nature right buddy look at you look look at the team around you now we’re passing the ball we have lots we have lots of different guys who can do lots of different things will you take 40 be a mentor you’re you’re still you know you’re still the best player quote

Unquote on the team he’s not actually the best player but like no I’m just I know that but whatever you I I’m talking like Messiah to him let’s pretend for a second I don’t think Messi’s telling them him that either or whatever you you know you’re you’re we’ll say you’re one

Of the most important players on this team right will you take will you take 40 Mill year you’re taking a what it’s a five Milli year discount right I know that that to us lay people that’s a big deal right but to consider the tax implications bro no one is leaving that

Much money on the table not happening not in California either he’d have to go to like Florida or for his tax situation to look right you know and that’s that’s honestly my favorite Landing spots the Hawks um if you’re if you’re able to get a kongu then I think you won the trade

Um but if you’re trading him for like Wiggins and whatever the hell Golden State’s goingon to offer you I’d rather keep them I’d rather keep him at that point and that’s just my opinion because I I remember Rob I have a really good memory I remember you told me I was

Crazy because I thought that seaka was a better fit on the Raptors than Wiggins I remember that was like two months ago there is no way in hell Andrew Wiggins would even get a minute or deserve a minute on this roster right now there’s

No I think W I think Wiggins is in a very you need to not live again you need to not live day-to-day like Andrew Wiggins in theory the best version of Andrew Wiggins fits much better on this roster it does it does 100% Wiggins is a

Sh Wiggins is a shell of himself right now he is he is and then if and if you hear the story that happened to him you can completely understand why is this something you’re able to share what happened to him or I don’t know did you

Like I’ve just heard this recently I had no idea about it but apparently coach mo didn’t you tell us about this wasn’t the rumor that his like wife cheated on him or and like that was the rumor yeah that’s what rumor was the rumor was that

He that his no like the bigger thing that his wife cheating on him is the fact that it was his best friend with whom she was cheating and he’s also the father of their kids yes yes yes while Wiggins thought he was their dad yeah so

Like I mean that is a bit of a mind and a half if you are it doesn’t matter if you’re a professional aete or plumber if that’s if that’s really what happened and that would explain a lot first of all like because he was away

From the team for a very long period of time and you know there was a lot of justifiable it’s okay you know like people people said it’s like this is justifiable that he’s away from the team and it’s like whoa what happened that it’s justifiable and most of us assumed

That it was a death in the family or something like that just an FYI um this is a situation that I think any team would excuse a lengthy absence it’s a real mind I don’t know about you guys and we’re talking as four guys I don’t know if I’ve ever been cheated on

I’ve never found out that I’ve been cheated on but I know a lot of guys who have by their wives whatever look at what happened with Steve Nash yeah right divorced the next day his own teammate how many guys I mean yo I don’t know who sleps with his his girl

His wife or whatever but how many men in this in this uh sport have had their careers derailed by something that happened with the woman in their life gon so many Goron dragic prime example man it’s sad it is so Z Zion Williamson had some crazy happen to him yeah

Yeah um three eyes two ears saying his dad was super sick I thought it was yeah sorry j please don’t do this James this is not a joke like Wilkin is not dead please don’t do that if you were the person who posted that rest in peace Lenny Wilkin last time you’re

Going to get banned don’t do that um killing people off who are not dead is is up like to the maximum degree um Tony Parker Roy Hibert yes these are all guys okay there’s a lot of guys that where it was very public because their their wives or significant others were

Public there’s a lot of times where the stuff happens to like end of bench guys and the truth is that if this happened to you and you went into work then justifiably look man I remember um I mean again haven’t been cheated on but I did get broken up with um by my

First serious girlfriend and I was in grade 10 I think it was grade 10 and I remember just not wanting to go to class not wanting to do anything not wanting to do my homework not wanting to come to practice not wanting to to play in games like I was

Holy did my performance suffer across the board you know you know what I mean like I’m just like excusing myself to go wander the Halls a little bit now my life was not on public display but imagine if I had to go in front of millions of people and then do

My job after that it happened to me for weeks people be like why is that guy not playing well that’s the magnifying glass so yes Andrew Wiggins don’t like I don’t like how this guy gets covered because I think he’s a hell of a talent generally

I think he’s a hell of a talent I think he was misused miscast misunderstood and probably just unfairly criticized in in Minnesota he was a big part of the problem there but he wasn’t the problem case in point when he left they continue to have problems now he goes to Golden

State he was definitively their second best player in that in that Championship run in that Championship run and man they had no business winning that Championship I don’t think people talk about how absurd that Championship was they had no business at all people just excuse it because oh it’s the Warriors

Bro no no they’re not the Warriors without without a dominant clay without KD without Andre gualo without you know Shawn Livingston they’re not the Warriors like like nothing explains it other than Andrew wiins thoroughly outplayed one of my favorite players Jason Tatum in that series and Jay and

Also the the the team that they were playing you know how you say like did you win the game or did they lose the game yeah that team lost that like that team definitely helped helped Golden State’s efforts by losing them that Ser absolutely yeah we’re uh we’re an hour

And 30 minutes into this I do want to get to the Raptor post game at 16 minutes if you guys want to hang around I’m to play it and I’ll bring you guys back on if you have any final words right now I’m going to go to that and I

Think it’s Darko and and a few people I’m just excited what they have to say and I’m sure people in the chat want to hear it so um boys fun times I’m gonna log off okay I’m off great night guys okay cool okay um okay Coach Mo’s gone Lane’s

Gone okay everyone’s gone okay so if you if you got if you got something to say definitely you can call in for sure um link is in the description but let’s go to the post game I’m very excited to hear what they have to say sorry I’m just like I’m fan blowing

Hard I’m just happy about this team man to your left front left um before the game you said you’re still very much learning what are J can do what did you see tonight that advanced that process um I thought that RJ was was great today um obviously he

Scored a lot but uh I was really proud of his playmaking uh with six assists uh he felt he he played unselfishly he was trying to make right plays every time down the court and also I really like the the force that he was attacking the rim you know that’s something that that

Uh we talked about and then watch on film just uh the force and uh and um you know forcing his will into the game you know and being more athletic there and I thought that he did really good job rebounding assists uh scoring he did it

All today in the first quarter there it wasn’t just him but he was he both kind of got some deflections and helped get you guys in transition and then uh he scored and transition looked like there was a real effort to get in transition and and there’s a lot of those early

Post-ups too against some of their smaller players anyways got you guys going was that by Design or um defensively I thought that we were very disruptive uh we really wanted to get them out of their Rhythm and their patterns uh obviously clay and then Steph are the guys they they seen it all

But we really wanted to make uh hard on them uh and uh I thought that that uh from the start of of the game did a really good job as as you said we had a lot of deflections and we were active on the ball um RJ uh he he was extra active

Today as well and and really getting his length and physicality in plays and that really helped us uh in in the first half coach since the New Year you guys have won three out of the past four games what’s working um I mean I I see us playing with lot lot of

Joy and then for each other other uh guys are enjoying uh being on the floor and and competing for each other and uh obviously feels like we have just like more tools that can that can help on the floor there just like we talked before

The start of the game and uh we have uh we have couple of players that are capable to score in different ways like start of the game we after getting those post after getting defensive stops and rebounding ball we did a good job of uh uh scoring early in transition with some

Early post UPS throughout the game uh we we continued having problems with defensive rebounding and that’s something that that uh that U we got to figure out how we get better in that area because uh you know transition fast break points we kept them only to eight but allowed them 15 offensive rebounds

We got to be really better in that area because that’s going to also allow us more you know possessions on offense and more transition opportunities um was it safe to say that RJ got the chain today uh it’s safe but it’s not true oh

Who got it uh today uh the chain went uh the chain is not just meant for uh for players it’s meant for anybody in organization they are contributing uh Our Winning culture and uh they are just affecting our organization in in so many positive ways and obviously players are

Front Runners of all of that but today uh it went to person who is uh who is a close friend of mine and uh who is also somebody who has a tremendous love for the city and for the organization and um somebody who did a really good job with the Scout today Jama

Maala of course um you obviously saw Dennis with the Lakers in the Western Conference far more than we did what do you think he brought from the time with them to his time here in Toronto well uh uh when he was uh with uh with Lakers in that playoff series he

Was a nightmare for us uh you know he was so disruptive defensively he did a really good job of uh of you know guarding multiple players multiple positions and uh uh Denis uh Dennis brings uh a lot of energy to to everything that we do you know and he’s

Uh trying to play the right way on offensive end he’s very disrupted like you know we’re switching with him putting him to guard Dario shage and uh you know a lot of size and he’s just like not backing down one inch you know uh his his mentality and and his his

Force is something that that’s really robs off of our guys really well um RJ earlier in the season he shot the ball really well from three over his career he’s had like long stretches shooting it great and then he’s kind of goes in some long slumps too is there a focus on the

Kind of Threes you want him to take all six of his all of his makes today I think were assisted is uh is have you had any conversations like that about what you’re looking for him on those shots spot UPS relocations be being in right spots on the floor finding those

Spots I think that when he does that when he has his feet pretty set I think that he’s pretty good three-point shooter and uh I just don’t want him to force things like you know to come off of dribble and like just find some shots they’re like not easy and not open you

Know and I think for this stage of his career when when he’s this young that’s going to be huge emphasis for us getting better in in those areas and slowly build other type of Threes that over the time he’s going to be able to add to his

Game we usually wants his threes to to make those shots as well so that that helps we want to make his threes as well so that’s that’s important uh I think this is the second game in a row bet un had multiple guys and couple figures just really seems to

Be become a real positive force for this team and just wondering what you’re what explains that from your perspective um I mean every everybody being ready just whoever steps on the floor just to have an impact on winning playing the right way sharing the ball shoot it with confidence

And it’s been great so farly sure you prefer to be starting all that but feel like oh my God stop it stop it stop it stop with the prefer to be starting like Let It Go there’s no way in hell he starts on this team okay none have pretty significant impact I

Mean at the end of the day is whatever it takes to win a basketball game uh for me you know um to be there uh in the games and just you know impact winning whenever I’m on the floor uh it’s the most important and um

Um I mean yeah when we win a game uh like this and everybody you know sharing the ball everybody got over 10 points everybody shooting it touching it it’s always great the sound mixer gets the L tonight whatever the opposite is of the chain this sound is horrible

Okay what have you seen from RJ you guys pretty good chemistry so far it’s just been obviously four games but um what do you think you can help him with and I hav’t been able to help him with this this adjustment I think he can help himself if he plays defense like tonight

Um if he damn that’s a burn that’s a burn I like it I like it Dennis keep it going great he can help himself if he plays defense like he did tonight all right engage like that and it’s going to help him on the offensive end too to get easy

Ones he got it uh going early end up with 37 points uh really efficient night for him and uh I think he just got to you know start on the defensive end if he does that he’s going to be a really really good piece for us D what did you uh learn about

Yourself and your game during your time with in Los Angeles oh did I uh played with one of the best who ever played the game um respect them over there you know all the players um I mean made the Western Conference finals last year uh was a really good accomplishment for Us but at the end of the day I would turn on there and uh you know try to build something I love the fact that the last time he was in front of the podium he drew so much controversy that this time they were like we’re gonna put you in

Front of the podium and we’re just gonna turn off your mic so no one can can say about what you did didn’t Advantage your career though because you got to play in like Western Conference fin in big games sort of help you the advancement of your of your of your

Career going into the summer now this season yeah I mean I was in the Eastern Conference Finals before um but I said it’s uh always great you know competing on the highest level and when it counts playoffs uh that’s the best feeling you know everybody’s watching the games

Their intention is uh you know on the teams you play in and uh you want to make an impact I want to put a moratorium you don’t get to bring up your resume every game we know who you are Dennis it’s okay also big big thank you to Leanne

Chapman here um $15 uh Super Chat here and also to Paradise Lost who says that Raptor Sports is all men it’s not all men I love that our that our community is is both yes it is still overwhelmingly male and masculine but I like the fact that um I hated the fact

That when we started pen basketball just going to throw a little bit of a sidebar here to give you a a pause from Dennis for a minute I hated that when we started this that when I would look at our Channel analytics it was like I think it was

Like 3% or 2% women I was like oh this sucks and then we had a few female callers last year and a lot of people in in the chat started objectifying and saying stuff and I just hated that so I personally love the we have people like

Erica plays you know Paradise Lost um Leanne um who else Susan Garrett I mean some of our biggest supporters are women this super cool man not not not trying to you know blow smoke up anyone’s ass but I just think it’s really cool also because I happen to have a oh

Tamberlin there’s so many there’s so many Tamara there’s so many and you guys have reached out um who else who else who else Juliana um Mrs Booth um there’s so many man I’m forgetting names right now but there’s so many like I you you see it you see it every single

Time in the super chats like you see it you know so it’s it’s super cool and I really appreciate it um I happen to know that Sports is especially the NBA and NFL very much boy club and all of these you know media companies like if you’re

A woman in those in those things there’s always like a shut up you know don’t have an opinion stuff so I I just I’ve always hated that part of it um so yeah it’s really cool we won two you know rounds in the playoffs and then Denver came through

You know played really well um and uh yes it’s always great you go you go way back with Darin and uh what has he meant to your career and last year playing with him do him yes um yeah I mean he’s like family to me know um 2013 when I got

Drafted he he was the assistant coach you know worked with him a lot you know had a lot of talks as well and um you know playing for him for his first year we always talked about that so it was a pretty special for us and uh to make it

You know all the way to the Western Conference Finals in this first year amazing and um you know I hope uh that they have uh the most you know success they can get um because his family you know B ad wees uh all those guys is really really close friends as well so

Um I hope they’re doing good just bringing it back to the Raptors again um do you feel like there has been since the new year since all the transactions happened do you feel like there’s been a style of play that’s been different um see at least in any significant

Way yeah I mean we’ve been sharing the ball I mean I feel like the the whole season I mean we just got to get better every day um I think we heading into that direction um we doing a great job of you know um building a winning culture and

Uh building a winning team and I think the last couple of games uh is heading into the right direction keep practicing um everybody getting on the same page because I mean with two new guys just came in and um you know teach them the system and get to know

Them as well and then uh just keep keep going forward stop it you know have new guys build on that winning culture while in the middle of a road trip especially in the west coast and you’re going back to LA I mean it’s just another game uh I

Think uh I mean we got to do it now we want to play uh play our best basketball in uh March April and I mean we got you know a lot of practi practice tomorrow to get better again and then we got to use these games you know to to get in

Shape uh find our chemistry under Court you know with the two with the two new guys and um at the end of the day you know just okay first of all Fred was Elite at these press conferences this is not Elite this is like the most boring

Post these these things are dry but you don’t have to literally come out and put everyone to sleep bro like we lost 80 viewers since this guy started talking four minutes ago what feels like 18 hours ago I wish I could skip this but I want to be rude a chance

Basketball when How did Dark approaching with you about changing your role and having come off the bench obviously your minutes stay PR steady but uh the time you’re playing was different so just wondering how that conversation went I mean he came up to me and he said uh uh

He’s thinking about you know doing a change and I mean you know how effective I am in any role I play um I mean in The Last 5 Years I think I said that before played uh first you know with Russell West Paul George um oh my God after that

Played with Shay and Chris I don’t care who you played with bro we can Google you future famous jayen Brown Jas t all the famers went back to LA um always come my way oh my God shut up at the end of the day whatever it takes you know

For um this organization to win I do it so uh and he knows that you know that I want to win every single night that’s the best feeling ever and I’m going just you know keep going every single chance I get on the court right

Cut this guy’s mic G oh thank God better at kind of oh thank God yeah for sure you know coming here uh learning a new system so uh learning a new system and just trying to tag your head on you know trying to be a sponge uh watching a lot

Of film and you know just try to make sure that I’m I’m doing the things that you know the coach wants and uh finding a way to be effective on on that end as well you’re you came out of the gates this year shooting a great day kind of

Stumbl a little bit from three at least and obviously since you’ve come here you’ve been pretty good um what is you know when you’re shooting it well like what is kind of mindset what are some of the uh you know the signals that let you know that you’re going to shoot shoot

Good and our Sho well you know I think I we working on it you know I work at it every day so um I just think the the amount of work the amount of shots that I put up something has to drop you know and I also just you know here and the

System being a wide open shot you know been getting a lot of wide open looks um so yeah we’re playing in a flow we’re in the Rhythm you know getting good you know shots that I work on every day So yeah yeah like I said good good Rhythm you know it’s coming um you just got to be ready to shoot it coach about the fact that more than just scoring but he felt like also playmaking out there did you feel like that as well cuz 37

Points is definitely a way to help your team yeah yeah no for sure um I think I think I had I don’t know if I had two in the first two assists in the first half or whatever it was and then and then I think I had four in the second half you

Know so just not even trying to do anything crazy just trying to play basketball you know this this team where we’re trying to get a lot of assist from trying to to play together um so not just me you know everybody quick had 10 Assist quick we quick really got us

Going in the first quarter just you know kick ah head know the ballheads Pascal got you know got me some assist today so just the the whole team and then just kind of tailing off of FO gr was just said like do you feel like it’s a matter

Of the system kind of working in your favor in in terms of finding those open LS or is it maybe some reps that you’ve been able to get up since joining the Raptors and what’s the what’s wor three or three point shot uh both I I I would

Say um I’m consistently working on my shot this first but then like I said the Raptors here you know we have a certain system everybody’s moving sharing the ball I mean you look 6 assist 6 assist 5 assist three assist 10 assist four assist everybody you know everybody’s sharing the ball everybody’s playing

Together looks like um Darko kind of su you out a little bit early and then you get back and kind of run that second quarter playing with Den um how have you guys kind of connected as a union what do you think Dennis is bring to Second unit it’s been

Pretty productive the last few years uh I think you know one it helps it just helps me to be able to gel with the whole team um I think that’s first and then as well as I mean I got to play against Dennis this summer and this

Summer is where I really saw how good of basketball player he is and then now playing with Dennis he’s so smart you know he’s such a smart player um he’s he’s a very very good basketball player so you know he’s enjy play Oh Lord okay give me a sec um would

You guys be interested in we tried this once with Taylor Jenkins I have a feeling some of these questions are going to come back to drama so because there’s Canadian media pres present ex Etc so would you guys be interested in seeing Steve Ker’s postgame because I I

Personally I am I won’t if if we get like a lot of flaming for it but I just yeah um okay here we go what did you make of the energy you guys came out with tonight uh not much I mean we uh we got punched in the mouth right away

Um um just uh they just took it to us they they U they had bar on Steph and then we had the Cross Match and he just ran to the front of the rim um over and over again and let let me see if the other one has a little bit better audio

I have two of them I know the other one has worse what did you make of the energy you guys came out with tonight uh not much I mean we uh we got punched in the mouth right away uh um just uh they just took it to us

They they um had barns on Steph and then we had the Cross Match and he just ran to the front of the rim um over and over again and and they just threw it basically threw the ball in transition and got a bunch of easy buckets early

Turn your audio up your timeouts in the first five or six minutes and um tried to to stem the tide um so it was a was an ugly really really ugly first half I was um happy with the way the guys competed in the second half we got it to nine with

The ball I think we had a three to get it to six um second half our guys really competed uh but we were too far behind to to Really um you know make the make the full run Steve you started kaminga and Wiggins together but then moved away from that

Combination in the second half so what was the decision making and starting with those two together but then not going back to it start second well you know we’ve talked about trying to get them together um you know theoretically um our two longest most athletic

Players so um we have not been a good defensive team this year so we’ve wanted to to try it um it hasn’t you know connected really it hasn’t been good for uh all season but we’re we’re experimenting you know we’ve um Gary out Draymond out we’re trying to find a

Two-way lineup that can help us but um obviously the um you know that lineup didn’t click what uh you know she kind of mentioned it but you know you went to a different lineup to start the second half that did kind of Click what was I guess the

Theory behind that lineup and then what did you think really well I didn’t want to go back to the same lineup and and uh so you know I just the only thing I was interested in in the second half was just competing and um you know what what that

Mean you can say compete but you know what does that mean um it means talking on defense um I didn’t hear anything it was silent in the first half and so um we needed to have uh you know some talk some chatter some connection and uh so I went with

That lineup because I felt like um they would give us that and they did they got us off to a good start and as I said we made a made a pretty good run in the third but um obviously wasn’t enough I think we we’ve asked you about this a

Couple times so far but how much do the lineup experimentation sort of um hinder you or hinder communication and Eng like this hinder hinder the way that you guys are communicating or or the connection or chemistry that you guys have in a game like this well you know I mean

There there’s a reason I stayed with that first five for 25 games or so because it’s it’s really hard to uh to find uh combinations that that click and um I felt great coming into the season about that lineup it’s the best lineup in the league last two years and then

Coming off the bench with Chris and Dario and some of our younger players with those guys it it looked on paper like that was going to be the way we would go and uh you know once we went away from that first group which we had two based on suspensions and injuries

And and you know poor play um we’ve been kind of in search mode um ever since and uh so we’re we’re still searching what did you think of trace’s aggressiveness in the third quarter he had about a three minute span where he had four points six rebounds one block

In a tough game he he had that stick toess yeah Trace is um he’s a good young player you know um he um you know he’s in the right spots he’s protecting the rim he’s scoring around the rim um so he’s uh you know he was a bright spot tonight

Awesome um just to get a little bit of the reactions around Twitter once again if you have something to say by all means we’ll do one or two more calls maximum um Happy to have anyone on but yeah to to get the reaction tonight I mean seems a lot of people very upset

About Scotty having six points I’m not one of them and I really don’t care to be completely honest with you I don’t care I mean yeah look at that block nice that Q’s transition boom boom boom that was that is my Play of the night I love that

Like just look at that oh just get out of here and none by the way nothing here is going to happen if one of these players decides to hold it right which is exactly how transition offense works it goes defense to offense and you know overall I just I can’t say enough about

This is a team win this is hilarious Zazu RJ was the dog tonight then Warriors are frauds I mean come on they won four championships give them a break right Barnes Muse completely unhinged right now uh Keegan Murray is apparently a bum uh he is not we need to

Stop living dayby day Deen Fox struggled hard tonight as well I think he had like three points that doesn’t mean he’s a bum either okay um people have bad games it happens like you know like even Jason Tatum he has like a two for 15 night every every now and again it doesn’t

Matter know if you thought OG and an noes thank you would short precious sua says hold my beer thank you comma City of Toronto for three exclamation marks that’s awesome uh Santa Ros is saying extend Pascal seak the team needs him no is the best team Pascal has been on

In three years coach roach H okay oh here’s a here’s a fun exercise could you guys help us could you could you actually help us get to uh a th Subs because or thousand followers if if someone’s not following us on Twitter because we are so close so close Um yeah we’re so close where the hell are we profile here we go yeah tweeting out throughout the game I got to unpin that but nevertheless super cool uh we don’t have any more callers lined up so I guess um I’ll probably close it out with just my final closing thoughts and

Then we can call it a day this was a great Christmas gift for me man and you know like seeing a team win like I was I was tweeting about RJ literally the entire night just so impressed you know he was assertive as as Darko said he played under control his playmaking was

Just it was something else right um overall like I mean the Joy James Dolan watching RJ ver Emanuel quickly spark we the north part two right now his worst nightmar is coming true yes yes it is I’m just so excited man we have a young team it’s fun to

Watch they play together The Vibes are Immaculate it’s it’s great it’s absolutely awesome all right hey thanks a lot man appreciate it um and yeah like I mean if you asked me like a year ago this is what I wanted for this team I wanted a team that

Played faster I wanted a team that was unselfish I wanted a team that played together I wanted a team that competed I wanted a team that ran in transition I wanted a team that was younger that had a future you know what I mean that had a

Future you know what the Raptor’s roster felt like a couple of weeks ago y yall watch that movie Children of Men you know that Bleak sort of like grayish tone of that film where women can no longer have children and the world’s population is dying or like you know

That Disaster Movie that was effectively Interstellar with the cloud of dust you know uh this is the last season of okra ever you know the world’s population is dying that’s what being a raptor fan felt like for the last couple of years felt like there’s no future that was

Tenable that was exciting you know you need to give people some hope here right you now how do you achieve hope I think the final uh sort of soliloquy of this of this live and probably a good one is why I believe the Raptors are choosing to Target young players as opposed to

Going the traditional route that a lot of other teams go which is draft picks draft Capital right hey thank you so much um the reason is that if you know what you’re doing more data is always a good thing and if you don’t then it’s not when you think about draft draft

Picks whatever right you’re always making a hypothetical judgment based on what a player has done either internationally or in the g-league ignite program or in overtime Elite you’re projecting but you’re projecting based on a data sample that is somewhat incomplete you don’t have PR run right even if like right now

Jarus Walker like goes out every other night and you know puts up 30 36 whatever in the g- league ignite right now as a Pacer right if he done that that for the ignite team you you might have a good sample of him playing against grown men same thing if he was

An international player same thing if he was a college player you’d have a You Know sample of him going up against Elite you know programs or maybe even March Madness run or whatever but how do you project that up how do you scale that up with RJ bar and Emanuel quickly

You have playoff data film that you can study for years you have an ability to understand how they performed when they did well I’m positive before they did this trade that the Raptors Pro Scouts they looked at like the 10 worst and 10 best games from both these guys I’m sure

They studied and extensively scouted the 20 games that are uh that Emanuel quickley started last year to quell any of that oh he’s doing it against backup units etc etc you know talk you know that you have 23 and 24 year old guys right now on this team who can play

Starter minutes in the NBA for a good team do you know that about the 27th pick in next year’s draft no you don’t do you know that about the 2028 first round pick from Sacramento no fans usually assume that if you know what you’re doing as a scouting

Department you just you know the pick is great how many picks work out how many picks actually work out 10 maximum 10 to 12 10 to 14 is a Max which means that the further down in the draft you go the higher you mis rate the general

Consensus and the general rule of thumb is you get couple allst stars in the first 10 picks you get one or two more maximum in the next 20 picks and you get one more in the next 30 picks therein lies your you know and I mean do any of

Those Allstars project to be like real real Allstars are they Jamaal mcore Theo rat Fred Van vet type Allstars and every team is getting better at scouting a lot of teams are getting better at scouting man I’ll tell you the draft inefficiencies it’s going down okay yes you still have you know busts

Picked everywhere but it’s not quite as bad as it used to be which means what which means that your better bet in theory is taking a chance on a really high upside player like a Keegan Murray you know that you have two years even like an Ana kongu

And just seeing like what is what are the Atlanta Hawks not doing that we can do for this player what you know we have all this data for for a guy like Ana kongu you have an entire season of data for AJ Griffin last year against Pro competition against your team you’ve

Seen him in you know when and and if you’re smart the more data you have the better you can go and be like okay when the pace was faster like isolate all the games and sort them so say okay when the when the Hawks played at this pace AJ

Griffin had his worst games and then he they played at faster Pace he was better or when he played in these lineups with these types of players he was better but now you have that data set for the NBA not what he did in college right I think that and also worth

Noting I think that most general managers out there value draft picks because they like to kick the can down the road so to speak something that mess and Bobby W are accused of a lot kicking the can down the road with Pascal kicking the can

Down the road with OG well when you get a hall of draft picks right 2026 2028 2030 right well you have justifiable excuse to suck right now because those things are all prospects same thing with when you pick one of those players right now you know is you can just say they’re

Young is Troy Weaver getting killed for you know how ineffective some of his draft picks have been how ineffective J jayen Ivy has been so far this year how ineffective Killian Hayes has and he’s gotten killed PL plenty for that how ineffective Kate has been in terms of

Actually impacting winning is he getting killed for that no because they’re young they’re 21 22 people have a lot of patience and empathy with future draft picks and super young players so lot of incapable unimaginative and somewhat not very good general managers will hoard up an excess of young

Prospect type of uh you know young project type players oh just give him four years just give him four years I like draft picks but not for the same reason that other people do I like them because they give you flexibility but you know what else gives you

Flexibility having a 23y old like RJ Barrett on a reasonable contract if he ends up playing even 50% as well as he did tonight is the playmaking comes along which I’m sure it will the defense comes along which I hope it will I hope with the defense I’m sure about the def

Uh playmaking but I’m hoping about the defense because I’ve seen some bad defensive performances from him if the shooting comes along which I also know it will this team has a 23y old locked up for the next three to four years going right into his Prime from Canada big

Benefit you know for marketing especially for you know mlsc you’re you’re like msai jury mlc here’s a bone how much of how excited people are about this team comes down to the fact that RJ Barrett is a Canadian you know national team guy of course it matters of course

It matters be ridiculous not to matter just like it mattered that you know Dereck Rose was from Chicago and they drafted a Chicago Kid that that matters of course it matters of course it matters LeBron going to Cleveland of course it matters I’m not comparing you know RJ Barrett to Derrick

Rose and you know LeBron James but understand that of course it matters what a great Ambassador you know what a great ambassador to have a guy you know who’s playing well who’s starting on your team who’s young and up and cominging who’s actually from the city that he’s playing

And this is great this is not a Delo Banton situation please understand it’s not a fringy guy it’s not this is one of the more notable Canadians other than unfortunately Andrew Bennett and wait Anthony Bennett and Andrew Wiggins he’s the highest he’s the highest picked Canadian ever I think

Fourth is Tristan Thompson right so RJ was like the only guy so you’ve had some really high-profile Canadians go at the top But please understand he is the second highest profile Canadian draft prospect ever way higher than chist Thompson way higher than Anthony Bennett who foolishly went first other than Andrew

Wiggins he’s like right there this guy was all the rage so now all the all the kids who idolized this guy growing up all the people who watched his high school mix tapes all the guys who bought into all that hype they get to be Raptor

Fans and they get to watch him blossome hopefully in their own City that’s big that’s big time that’s a really important thing and I think that’s a big reason why you know you’re going to start seeing like really really like you know all those empty seats in in the Raptors arena that

Everyone was talking about all those scalping prices if you’re a season ticket holder you’re like oh thank God because now if you’re actually trying to sell your tickets you will absolutely get get get buyers for it so um I will not sleep until Missi finds a

Way to get jiren Jackson Jr on this roster well then I’m afraid to say you will die of sleep deprivation because that’s not happening um sorry this is the Eastern European and me you will die everyone will die this like uh what pick was Shay again out of

Curiosity he was a late lottery pick I think he was 11th he wasn’t that highly touted at Kentucky he was great he’s a fantastic young player the Raptors really liked him but he was n’t as hyped a um Prep School Prospect as RJ Barrett before Zion Williamson emerged please

Understand RJ Barrett to those of you who didn’t follow you know the a circuit or whatever he was a nationally ranked number one player in the country in the country like this guy was big time everyone was watching his highlight tapes everyone was saying he’s the next you know next Kobe next

Whatever mapo Mamba he didn’t like I’m I’m pretty sure he didn’t give himself that niame like people thought he was really good and yo I’m rooting for him please understand with all the gripes I’ve had with his game over the last three four years the talent has always been there to be much

More than that if you get a demard de Rosen Chris Middleton you know crossover out of this look the other element of this is the immediacy of development when you trade for a 2026 first round pick which is usually like the pick that you know a lot of teams

Want to give you they want to give you they want to give you a far off pick because every everyone thinks they’re going to be really good in 2026 they’re just like oh oh whatever we’ll give them 2026 and 2028 that’s valuable well yeah it’s sort of

Valuable but the Raptors want to be good now they want to be really good soon that’s what every move they’ve made everything they’ve said so far is telling me they want to be good next year and I don’t mean like a little bit good they want to be like one of the

Best teams in the East next year and to their credit I think they’re on their way I think they’re on their way I think they’re really close I think you’re one move away and you’re and you’re young and despite you know all the gries I have about the yaka purle trade and

Losing your draft pick man if you end up good this year that pick’s going to be bad if you end up like seven or sixth or whatever that pick’s going to be in the late teens I can give up a late teens pick in a really weak draft for yaka

Purle especially because in this trade I got back a pick that I really value which is the 31st pick so now you get to basically you you convert that down which is great right and then on top of that you get two players in and a third

With this second round pick and then a fourth with Grady dick and a fifth with Christian Koko who can be in your pipeline now so that you can use all of these development gurus and Geniuses that you’ve brought in yo I’ve heard for years that Jama Malo is one of the best

Development coaches in the NBA I’ve heard it for years okay in Golden State you used to call it the JAMA effect okay he has a great way of communicating with players on their level they love him they understand him watch any pregame warmup and you’ll see how dialed in he is with

Scotty so much of Scotty’s Evolution this year goes back to the coaching staff as well as it does to him and Brian working in the offseason that work has continued in Raptor’s practices putting him in places this is a drama thing this is a Darko thing these guys

Are Elite so getting guys in the door now who are dogs who can actually play who have no like mental or athletic hitches that would completely stop them you know what I mean like you know what you know what um Mel Bridges and Devin Booker and Desmond Bane and all these

Guys have in common you know all the guys that Darko gets a lot of credit for developing they don’t have limitations they don’t have like significant limitations they’re not like super slow footed they don’t have broken jump shots they don’t have like they’re not I apologize for using the word stupid but

They’re not stupid players right so I can’t wait to see Christian Koko out there and look I I want to say this and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again you don’t have to play NBA games to develop in the NBA it’s great it’s great to get those

Reps but if the coaching staff decides very early you know there was a lot of lot of push from Tracy McGrady early on to get more minutes and Butch Carter said nope you’re coming off the bench you were not physically ready to play in the the NBA granted the NBA that Tracy

McGrady come up in was much more physical bigger centers bigger power forwards a lot more physical he was a scrawny kid Vince came out way more physically prepared once you know that a player is not physically capable of playing hanging in the NBA putting them out there is to their detriment to some

Extent to some extent not putting them out there at all that’s that’s going to be tough but putting their body through a a significant load of NBA beatings ear early on can drastically shorten their career later I think that it is a fantastic thing that the two guys on

This team that I think need the most physical strength and conditioning training are actually getting the mpcds right now which is Grady dick and Christian coloo now Christian Koko it’s a health thing I worry about it constantly in my head I mean when I go

To church when I when I went to church today I prayed for for Christian Koko that’s maybe TMI but like he’s in my prayers all the time cuz cuz we don’t know what’s up and I’ve heard some stuff but I’m not like sure what’s out there

Publicly um I hope he’s back on the court really soon but please understand he is constantly with the assistant coaches he’s constantly going through you know strength and training stuff just because they’re keeping him out of games um does not mean that he’s not developing he’s not learning he’s not in

Film studies he’s not observing another and and the final point of this live since we don’t have any more callers is thanks I appreciate that the final thing I’ll say is that there’s a sort of thing that people have been observing about the late check-ins for the Raptors right like they they

Often have guys standing at the table way longer than most teams this is interesting because typically Darko sends the guy to the table after the dead ball as opposed to before the dead ball now this has cost the Raptors a few times I haven’t heard anyone talk about this at length

But Blake Blake Murphy talked about this once I believe I will say this putting a guy at the scores table with two minutes to observe the feel of the game prior to them checking in can be a tremendous benefit to that player one they’re already standing up this is a good thing

You don’t like to put people in cold number two they get a closer look at the game I remember doing this myself where like it kind of sucks you know when you’re playing you’re on the bench you may be engaged in a conversation mentally you’re not as

Focused on the game because you don’t know when your Run’s going to come especially if you maybe not you know playing too much or whatever and then the coach says oh you’re in and you just get up you throw off your warm-ups and you get in the game and now you’re like

Okay who am I guarding what what am I doing you see a lot of that you don’t see a lot of that with the Raptors this year you don’t you know why because when you’re at the scores table for a minute and a half watching the

Game you start to observe that I’m going to be on the court that that guy’s going that guy’s really hot right now that that I think we have a pace problem you almost become a coach you’re standing on the sidelines at the center of the Court you’re seeing everything this is the

Greatest vantage point in all of sports you have the best seat in the house to watch the game you’re not stuck in a corner in a random conversation with Gary Trent Jr and Chris bu you know what I mean like you need to get you need to

Get mentally prepared for the game and I think that these I have heard nobody ask Darko about this it’s just a habit that one coach I had had where he would put you in after a dead ball he’d be like you know next up Mike Rob to the table

And I remember and I haven’t really ever thought about it um until like today when I was watching Scott for like two minutes sitting there in the fourth quarter like uh or was the third quarter just but he’s standing up he’s he’s rooting he’s watching he’s calling out he’s like

Guiding guys defensively like it’s weirdly helpful it actually engages the person mentally into the game now granted you know you still have to do your one one two when you know to get your body loose a little bit but standing is better than sitting for that

So anyways I think this is like a really random you know off point you know nugget for anyone who’s stuck around for two hours and 21 minutes of this live great win for the Raptors I’m very much looking to looking forward to La just an FYI Scotty Barnes dominates at

Staples dominates is this him setting himself up for a massive bounceback game tomorrow I think so I have a feeling I’m not telling you how to bet your parlays I’m not telling you to bet on anything whatever but Scotty Barnes in two games at Staples Google the stats it’s it’s

Insanity bro like something about being not Staples whatever you know what it is crypto or you know whatever but that yellow and purple it’s Insanity man like this guy is the best player in the world in that gym so let’s see let’s see um little things do R up man I

Absolutely you know there’s a there’s a there’s a book called Atomic habits I think you definitely could check it out there’s um there’s tons of books on there there books by Malcolm Gladwell talking about these like very small one% things and atomic habits is actually about that and

They were talking about how these like very small shifts you know in your approach towards certain things like even something like for for an athlete it could be when you take your nap you know optimizing that when how much sleep you’re getting optimizing that but

Making it even 1% better will make you a better player making these 1% 1% 1% adjustments across the year is never ever obvious it’s never obvious in the moment right it’s never obvious at what point the rep of having to chase Steph Curry around for an entire game is going

To come back two years from now as knowledge that Scotty Barnes can go back to I think there’s multiple ways to get an athlete exposure to new talents and new positions on the court there is the Houston Rockets Steven Silas special which is everyone just go out and

Up as much as you can which I don’t like I think it’s it’s very aaou it comes from aaou you know it’s a it’s a very unsophisticated way to uh approach development in my opinion and I do believe it comes from the a ciruit because in a I don’t know how many of

You are familiar with a basketball you play a ton of games every single game and it’s just ton of games every single day and you’re going through these tournaments and you just don’t have time to prepare so you’re freestyling everything and you know talented team is

Just going out and you got these players who are just bombing from 35 feet and they just don’t give a about defense and scouting or whatever so the difference here is how can you as a coaching staff because Darko comes from a completely different world which is

Why I think a lot of people struggle to understand him and maybe a lot of NBA athletes struggle to understand European coaches and their philosophy as well but I I say this pretty unbiased as a North American person who hails from Europe was born in Europe the European

Perspective on this is 100% right there are a lot of smart coaches who will tell you that young players play too many games and practice way too little now if you’re in the NBA guess what you’re playing 82 games in a very short order and sometimes you’re going to have a turnaround like

Tonight where you have 25 hours or I mean look like the Raptor game finished at 10:30 or 10:45 10:30 tomorrow night they’re playing the Los Angeles Lakers where’s your practice time you have no practice time where’s your scout where’s your you know where’s your opportunity to scout obviously somebody

Else had to scout the Lakers game tomorrow it wasn’t Jama Jam had this one where’s your shoot around where’s your morning film session hey LeBron likes to do this Austin Reed you don’t have it you don’t have it so what you need to do as a staff is hyper prepare well in

Advance and then you need to use these games as practice now typically if you use games as practice as opposed to games as games you lose so using games as practice where you maybe put guys in positions that they’re not optimal in not comfortable with but you just do it

Because you need to expand the skill set this is the master stroke in my opinion that and honestly this is why I think Darko rakovich has been one of the better coaches this year other than his Dennis Schroeder over Reliance I think he’s done a fantastic job at advancing

The overall basketball IQ of his team I think there are players who are playing better than they’ve ever played or have played in years and I just really like how he’s unlocking certain talents of these players I’m really looking forward to RJ Barrett and a minut look man if

You ask a New York fan RJ Barrett Eman quickley described them playmaking and passing is going to be very low down the list those two were incredible Playmakers for you tonight so if you can round these guys out if you can make RJ a better Defender smarter Defender by

Working with him on it every single night you can get him bought in on that end be like hey man we need this from you every night we need you to dial in can you do this and we we’re gonna get you touches we’re gonna get easy shots

You’re G to get 20 points per game super easy the easiest 20 points per game you’ve ever gotten cuz Scotty’s going to set you up man’s going to set you up now you’re really cooking with gas man man cuz you got threats you got threats everywhere teams can’t sag off and when

Teams can’t sag off and guys are excited about the Brandon basketball they’re playing you know like Scotty’s wanted to play Fast every time he started point the transition the pace always picked up this is how he’s wanted to play his whole life so I expect a big game from

Scotty tomorrow I’d be very shocked if he comes out and you know puts up a 12 point 11 point 10-point game tomorrow I think these are the games he gets up for against LeBron oh yeah the Lakers are going to get hit hard um anyways don’t live and die by every

Single game this is not a parade this is not the end of the world tomorrow will not be a parade will not be any of the world but these are dominoes you’re setting them up slowly to knock them down later I think it’s important um today that’s fair uh it’s today the

The Raptors play the Lakers today that is fair it is past midnight funny enough I used to be this guy in high school everyone hates you when you do this don’t do it okay don’t do it uh I want to uh thank everybody here uh Rahul with the with the Super

Chat here which I did not respond to because it was happening during the uh post game I just want to say do the RS trade Gary Trent Jr potential deal thank you so much for the Super Chat Rahul um I think they can and probably should however um I’m perfectly fine

Keeping him and extending him if he’s long-term bought in to being you know a spark plug kind of guy Dennis is not going to be around forever one can hope um yeah I think I think with with the way you want to play he works obviously

If his longterm goal is starter it’s not going to happen here with Scotty RJ and Emanuel quickley probably not and and he’s firmly like outside that group in my opinion just from a talent youth’s upside perspective so I could I could see that Danish or denish um I try to be

Pretty accurate with name pronunciations I apologize if I screwed that up says Gary stays um anger angry emojis or whatever that is yeah I mean we’ll see we’ll see man um wait what oh my gosh I’m screwed up the game is tomorrow so I was right in the first

Place when I said it’s tomorrow but I was wrong when I said they’ll have to play them tomorrow night at 10:30 my bad to anyone who I screwed that up they’re playing the Lakers and Clippers on a back toback it’s my bad my bad I got messed up on

That because at 12:30 I looked it up and it said the game is tomorrow my bad it doesn’t show you what date what the the thing I looked up it doesn’t say what day it just says tomorrow at 10:30 and I think it was like just past midnight I screwed up my

Bad yes the game is Tuesday and then they face the Clippers Wednesday that’s great actually it was great for me um didn’t really feel like doing a post game live at 10:30 tomorrow so luckily the Raptors will have a little bit more of a turnaround my bad on that one um

Anyways guys thanks a lot um this is not the first time the schedule has has been lost on me I need to like basically just print it out and just put it on on this wall behind me or something just so I just so I know but yes the Lakers and

Clippers I remember that it is a back toback if I’m not mistaken um yeah there we go my bad okay uh make sure to hit like on this video on the way out that would be super super nice if you could uh final question thoughts in the Warriors looking super Warriors

Owner are looking super angry or looking angry yeah I mean I think he’d be angry too free Scotty jokes vote him yes sir uh vote. vote for Scotty Barnes vote for Manny quickley vote for RJ Barrett if you must vote for somebody else vote for Pascal SE

Yakum I think there’s a pretty good chance he’s not on this team you know uh February 11th or February 8th I think the deadline is February 8th but if he is on this team it was good to see him also you know embracing his teammates a little bit tonight uh playing within the

Flow making the extra pass spacing getting out of the way not getting too too into himself I think he and Dennis were hate to say it like a bit of the reason why I think the the Run happened um just offensively I think things got very stagnant with those two guys kind

Of playing with each other there was like a two-man action where they just looked off Scotty Scotty’s just like give me the ball give me the ball give and he’s just kind of floating around the three-point line and just going up top side up top side and they forced

Like really tough shots and I think there was a turnover there so overall yeah anyone seen Vince’s proom highlights huh I I don’t know what that means anyways talk to you later guys peace

The Toronto Raptors beat a struggling Golden State Warriors on the road to move to 14-21 on the season.

0:00 – Intro
2:31 – Game breakdown
7:55 – Team first
16:30 – RJ Barrett breakdown
22:24 – Caller 1 (Araf)
27:22 – Caller 2 (Mubz)
34:30 – Caller 3 (Ali)
45:31 – Caller 4 (Mo P)
48:00 – Caller 5 (Coach Mo)
1:03:20 – Vince & Layne call in
1:12:00 – Jama effect
1:17:00 – Jarace, Kuminga, Siakam trade targets
1:26:50 – Wiggins situation
1:32:30 – Raptors postgame Interviews (Darko, Dennis, RJ)
1:57:38 – Twitter reactions
2:01:26 – Closing thoughts (hope, youth, team-building)
2:09:00 – RJ’s Canada factor
2:13:10 – Development factor
2:18:20 – Late Check in’s (a great obervation)***

The NBA lifted Green’s indefinite suspension Saturday, formally giving him the green light to work out with the team after missing all practices — and 12 games — following a run-in with Jusuf Nurkic in a game against the Phoenix Suns on Dec. 12.

Golden State, which was 10-13 at the time, has since gone 7-5.

While Green is eligible to play against the Raptors, he is expected to need time to work his way back into game shape. The Warriors complete a seven-game homestand on Wednesday against the New Orleans Pelicans.

If Green settles into a front-row seat for Sunday’s contest, he could find himself next to Chris Paul, who sustained a broken left hand in Friday’s 113-109 win over the Detroit Pistons.

The incident occurred when Paul, chasing an offensive rebound, got his hand entangled in Jaden Ivey’s jersey. The oft-injured veteran immediately detected a problem, was taken to the locker room, and X-rays diagnosed the extent of the damage.

Surgery has been scheduled for next week.

“I just feel for him personally because he does such an amazing job of taking care of his body, preparing himself day in, day out,” Warriors star Stephen Curry noted. “Nobody sees the hours he puts in, especially at this stage of his career.”

Paul’s injury is expected to mean more playing time for impressive rookie Brandin Podziemski, who had 11 points off the bench Friday, and veteran Cory Joseph, who played about 51 minutes when Paul missed three games in late November and early December.

While the Warriors were winning Friday, just their second victory in the first five games of their homestand, the Raptors were losing in Sacramento. Toronto is 1-1 to start its six-game Western swing.

Coming off a 116-111 win at Memphis two days earlier, the Raptors used balanced scoring to hang with the Kings before falling 135-130.

Newcomers Immanuel Quickley and RJ Barrett scored 20 and 14 points, respectively, against the Kings in just their third game since being acquired from the New York Knicks for OG Anunoby last week.

Quickle averaged 20 points and 5.3 assists, and Barrett 15.7 points and 6.7 rebounds in those three games, two of which the Raptors won.

Quickley credits his new coach, Darko Rajakovic, for making the transition a smooth one.

“Darko pulled me aside while the (Memphis) game was going on,” Quickley reported, “and said: ‘You’re not having fun. Have fun.’ I’ve never really had a coach do that.”

The Warriors and Raptors, who met in the 2019 NBA Finals, will be meeting for the first time this season. Golden State swept last year’s season series, with each win coming by double digits.

#Raptors #Dubnation #Knicks


  1. 0:00 – Intro
    2:31 – Game breakdown
    7:55 – Team first
    16:30 – RJ Barrett breakdown
    22:24 – Caller 1 (Araf)
    27:22 – Caller 2 (Mubz)
    34:30 – Caller 3 (Ali)
    45:31 – Caller 4 (Mo P)
    48:00 – Caller 5 (Coach Mo)
    1:03:20 – Vince & Layne call in
    1:12:00 – Jama effect
    1:17:00 – Jarace, Kuminga, Siakam trade targets
    1:26:50 – Wiggins situation
    1:32:30 – Raptors postgame Interviews (Darko, Dennis, RJ)
    1:57:38 – Twitter reactions
    2:01:26 – Closing thoughts (hope, youth, team-building)
    2:09:00 – RJ's Canada factor
    2:13:10 – Development factor
    2:18:20 – Late Check in's (a great obervation)

  2. I loved your comments on team first playstyle. I don’t even care if we win or lose, that’s the basketball I want to watch regardless of the result. Just good players having fun, showing effort on both sides and making the right decisions.

  3. RJ is really surprising me right now for a guy people implied had character issues. Not only coming to TO so far with an attitude to turn things around, and doing it; but going all in with Quickly that they both will succeed, and also shouting out Scottie’s defense in that interview. He wants to succeed and he wants the team to succeed..

    What a game that was to watch.. Also hell yeah what a game from Chris!

  4. The funniest and best part was hearing Rob slurping his coffee while Dennis was on the post game interview. Truly made me laugh

  5. Scottie's accepting the defensive responsibility, so that RJ and IQ can get comfortable on the offensive side.

  6. Need an upgrade at C with purtle going to bench that's the last step to start retool outside of trading siakam

  7. IQ can unlock Jakob's the same way Fred did, but also stay in the flow of the offence.

  8. I think pascal stilll gets traded. They get an OG replacement or even bring OG back as rob speculated. At first I thought the idea was wishful thinking but now am not so sure. Scottie in the OG role long term won’t be a thing.

  9. Masai's wild card is in the g league right now and when that thing pops off it's gonna be Pandora's box. Ooooh! Come on Gradey!

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