@Brooklyn Nets

How Day’ron Sharpe injury could tell us about Brooklyn Nets future plans

How Day’ron Sharpe injury could tell us about Brooklyn Nets future plans

Coming up Dron sharp went down with a knee injury against the Portland Trailblazers while they may have avoided severity it certainly will change the short-term outlook for this roster and rotation we break down the impact and update coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily

Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Brook Brook yo ah yes my friends it is the locked on Nets podcast right here on the locked on podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there is Doug Nory I’m Adam arck we thank you as always for making us your

First listen of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit loock on to get started and Doug we start with injury updates around one day on Sharp and not surprisingly it Still Remains a little vague ultimately what this is going to look like but at a minimum it seems to be less severe than the visuals may have

Made it feel against Portland for sure Nets uh headed to Europe here for the Paris game on Thursday per Eric Slater over a clutch points uh Daron sharp suffered a knee sprain and he’s getting an MRI as the rec this recording the results of the MRI have not been

Released I think there’s a belief that it’s not super severe like you mentioned at the beginning and especially like we saw during the game right like he comes down hard and very awkwardly it looks like the knee sort of hyperextends bends all the way back he’s clearly in dis

Discomfort the trainers run Sprint onto the court eventually it seems to be like hey stop moving right like don’t move anymore don’t put pressure on it and they and they help him off so still waiting on it does feel like we maybe have avoided like the surgery thing

We’re still going to wait on the MRI I will say the net social did um this was not they on Sharp related but they did something after the game where the players were walking through the tunnel and they were sort of handing stuff out they handing flowers out and sharp does

Go by where he is in what I would you know something of like a walker like an assist Walker it looks like you know the ones that have wheels on that you kind of like lean your leg on and then you walk that’s what it looked like it was

In this is that’s not an official thing but so I think that’s where we are the hope now is that they avoided like avoided cat catastrophic injury or you know longterm being out but we’ll have to wait we’ll have to wait for Further full confirmation on that I would expect him

To miss sometime at least yeah you know it’s funny too funny is the wrong way to phrase this it’s ironic I think think that Dron sharp who is developing who is coming on this year right finally taking that next step forward they’ve made adjustments to the type of scheme they

Run to benefit and create more opportunities for him to be on the court it almost seems like this is what had to happen this season if not day Ron sharp somebody somebody had to go down with another injury because when you go back and we think about the depth obviously

Ben Simmons he’s kind of his own isolated situation but Cameron Johnson starts out the season with a little bit of an injury then you feel like oh the depth the strength of this roster well there goes Dennis Smith Jr for a little bit there goes Lonnie Walker for a

Little bit and when you’re in the middle of this run for the Nets where they’ve lost 11 out of their last 14 games including the two wins against the Detroit Pistons it’s like I don’t know about for you but this felt like and the hits just keep coming you you’re you’re

Just trying to hold on here right now and drron sharp is a critical part of that with how well he’s been playing over this season yeah I guess I don’t have that same sort of like I don’t know if it’s like nihilism but like I don’t

Have that I don’t have that same Doom and Gloom feeling but only because only because I just feel like every team goes through this and I’m maybe I’m more insulated to it just a little bit just from like looking at every single Team every single night with every single set

Of minutes and being like this just happens to every team like every team has guys hurt now for long periods because like my my mind instantly went to Cleveland where it’s like oh we’re gonna lose Garlin and Moy I mean these critical dudes and they kind of just

Keep chugging along so I I guess like my feel is I don’t want to fall into a trap I know I know for sure why you’re saying it so it’s not like it’s not abnormal but um I don’t want to fall into the Trap of oh of course always us because I

Just do think this kind of stuff happens I I know I’m overstating what you said I I don’t think it’s real go ahead and no and and it is good CL it’s good like clarifying from you right look at some other teams and some Far higher profile

Names that that have have gone down with injuries this season and have already been confirmed to be much more substantial injuries ones that are going to impact their Outlook maybe even I I should just keep it spefic specific to Dron it’s just so disheartening that a player finally taking that next step

Where you go hey this makes us think about him differently makes us think about the future differently at that position and he goes down hopefully it isn’t long term but then all of a sudden you have to pump the breakes on oh what were we thinking here what were the

Expectations because what is true I think about a lot of players in the NBA is once the first injury happens then you go well now I need you back and healthy and nothing can happen for a while otherwise start to get looked at as a guy who maybe has a hard time

Staying on the court yeah and and for sure like that part where it’s you know he’s taken definitely taken a leap here right he has been probably one of if not the biggest surprise on the team this whole year in like sort of like the quality minutes that the Nets are

Getting out of him he has right now the highest net rating on the team at plus 7.7 right like that’s easily the highest too it’s 7.7 for him Watford if uh plus uh plus five fewer minutes Lonnie Walker plus 4.3 uh fewer overall minutes because he missed a ton of time and

Literally every single other guy in the Nets is in the in the negative right those are the only three guys with positive net ratings and yeah some of it’s a byproduct of facing other teams second units and probably beating up a little bit on those guys but it’s also

Just the product of him just getting a lot better like he’s just gotten a ton better this season he’s way more confident around the basket the rebounding is completely Elite them playing the drop coverage suits his skills much better just in terms of overall defense and he’s been the guy

For the first time in a long time well two things one he was so good that he had people stop for a moment asking about Harry Giles no no small feet I mean literally that good but also you know starting to say like hey maybe Nick Claxton isn’t as critical at like

To the Future as we thought he was maybe not too too long ago right like with in terms of overall Sen Center minutes that’s not a knock on Nick Laxton by the way like for sure it’s just a matter of you know seeing that there might be a

Cheaper replacement right and sharp has played that well to actually entertain the conversation yeah having more quality players on the roster just means you have more avenues for how you want to build your team out going forward coming up here in a second we’ll talk about shortterm roster impact is Giles

The new name on Brooklyn Nets fans lips or will the Nets go with an old tried and true b ball fashion we’ll get into that in just one moment all right before we get into that tell you about our friends over at Better Health that’s because this show

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NBA all right so as we continue our off day injury update around one day Ron sharp knee sprain as of right now MRI at the time of this recording coming so it seems like the Nets and Deon sharp may have dodged a more serious injury but we’ll wait to get that official update

And obviously bring it to you right here unlocked on Nets the other part of this then is in the short term as as Brooklyn prepares to take their flight over to Paris and play against the Cavs and there maybe thankfully this comes at a time when they’re not playing a ton of

Basketball games so that’s a good thing in terms of day Ron’s recovery timeline before we talk about how they get into the rotation and and fixing missing his minutes it’s worth noting as we said coming into his own taking that next step 37 games this season only started

One but 16 minutes on average which is a big bump up from 12 11 over the first two years of his career he’s a guy that’s done a great job as we know on the boards knocking down excuse me grabbing down seven rebounds per game to

Go along with seven and a half points the blocks averaging nearly one per game as well just can I make actually real quick before you move on I want to say one thing about the rebounding too just to put it in context um so those numbers you know seven rebounds a game doesn’t

Sound like a lot it’s a ton when it’s only 16 minutes per game yes and if you just back out if you back it out and just go rebounds per minute right so which is a better way to look at like just the overall impact he’s actually

Fourth in the entire NBA in rebounds oh EXC me defensive rebounds per minute behind only Andre Drummond clim capella uh and Mitchell Robertson who’s obviously a lost for the season and then on the offensive end he is I just had a resort yeah he’s fourth overall uh on

The offensive end as well I mean like he is when I said Elite rebounding I just wanted to contextualize it because like seven doesn’t seven doesn’t sound like a ton if you played 26 minutes a game like we’d be talk these would be a massive rebound numbers he just doesn’t play

That much so anyway just I sorry to cut you off but I wanted to just put that in a little context and I knew that yeah I knew there’s that layer deeper when you get inside the numbers that and also incidentally over the last 10 games he’s

Scored in double digits eight of those contests he also has three double doubles across that time span as well so there have been high impact games when he’s given you big going back into December you know you talk about having 10 rebounds and 13 points 15 and nine

Even it’s just 11 and 11 against it was a Detroit game but we still count those no matter what they were wins and they were also a big statistical nights it’s just you need that because we’ve also talked about Nicholas Claxton and his physicality his size right and what you

Sometimes lack being able to lean lean on dayon for Quality bench minutes has been important so that being the case now when we look at this roster we know some segment you’ll be in the comments we want to hear from you are going to say well now it’s time for Giles to take

Center Stage what do you think is more likely here a very buried Giles who’s been on the bench but has not seen minutes even in garbage games will start to get a roll here because there’s a little bit of a oneto oneish kind of scenario or will the Nets go with what

They’ve done historically in recent years small ball lineups Dorian finy Smith more Trend in Wat erred and try to stay maybe a little more athletic yeah I think it’s going to be the second thing I just don’t think we’ve seen any sign that Giles is now they C and they kept

Him right so like they kept him and didn’t put him on waivers like they did with Armani Brook so that’s a good good sign but they just haven’t shown a single other sign that like they have any interest in doing this like lit there’s literally been no scenario

Outside of Epic blowouts that he gets on the court right so he gets the blowout run for sure but even the game where that they punted against Milwaukee were kind of everyone got to play even then he didn’t play yeah really and so I just like don’t see it with Giles I don’t

Think we can wish cast that really anymore and I know other people want to do that more than we’ve really done overall I think what they end up doing is like what you said at the beginning some small ball stuff with DFS at the five trendon Watford I think they’re

Probably holding out hope I mean Simmons is I hate to even say this but Ben Simmons is traveling to to Europe um and so there’s probably some thing where he is closer like he’s traveling with the team so he can continue to get like two on twos and three on threes going that’s

Like the specific I feel that’s not I don’t think it’s 100% reported but I think that’s I think you can read the tea leaves about like that why that’s happening and so maybe you feel like you get a few minute you buy a few minutes there I think that’s the plan I just

Don’t think that the Giles thing we just haven’t seen any evidence of it I and I think that like saying you want it to happen I like they just would have done it there’s just there have been opportunities to have him play and they have not taken those opportunities so I

Just don’t think that’s gon to be the case maybe even Clowny we see first I just don’t think it’s going to be what happens and you know 10 games so far this season for Giles just to drill down on it averaging six minutes in the game he those are all blowouts look every

Single one of those things is just end of EX it was like a brief minute like real rotation minutes on that Bucks game but it was like really nothing so I and that’s the only one that wasn’t just total garbage time blowout and and I

Think the other part of it too just in terms of at least what it seems like the fans perception of him is you know regards to whatever level well you’ll get him in he can rebound but he also he he he’ll space the floor for you like

He’ll help you in that Avenue that’s also dreaming on something I’m not even trying to put him down that’s dreaming on a guy that that’s never really taken three-point shots and even in garbage time which is sometimes when you get the inflated numbers in some categories he’s

Hitting 14% this season on the attempts that he’s had like I just I think that there is there is this world where in seven attempts by the way it’s just this world where I think think you you dream on the thing that’s going to work out for you because you know it’s probably

Never actually going to be tried right so you can always speculate well if Giles just played more it would be X Y or Z there’s also a reason why certain guys never see that minutes increase and it’s actually why you mentioned a guy like more Watford as I said the likelier

Of the scenarios well Watford has shown you and he already had a bigger sample size in Portland then he gets here and incrementally you see his skill set right his style of Play It’s deserving of more minutes and you’re going to see him continue to push for that Giles

Hasn’t accomplished that in any form or fashion to this point of the season the other question that I think here maybe before can can I ask you real quick we said what has happened and what we believe has happened I don’t I I want to be clear I don’t think we’ve said like

What we want to happen I actually wouldn’t mind having him play like I like I I just don’t think it’s realistic I that’s the only I just want to clarify one thing like does that make sense I don’t know if you agree with that like would you just like would you just

Rather see him play I’m not actually totally sure why he’s on the team to be honest right no and this is we we’ve done this several times in several situations for Brooklyn right like what what what we think should happen could happen or will happen and when it comes to Giles just

As you mentioned it there I don’t entirely know why he’s here because if you haven’t utilized him at all then whether it is you mentioned a name right like Noah Clowney or whether it is going small ball and playing more X Y or z i I

Don’t know who it is you know some people even said well Johnson should be up from the G League because he gives you some backcourt value when you were struggling there even as a sample size 20 years old I can make a lot of cases

For a lot of guys that should have been up on the roster instead of Giles for the simple fact that we’ve seen them go deep into it Armani Brooks gets waved by the team I it doesn’t really change my perspective one way or the other but

They were playing him in real minutes in games that mattered when other injuries happen so no it’s informed by the fact that the team hasn’t seemed to utilize him I’d be fine if they played him and I also don’t know if that’s the the best version of this team right if you’re not

Going to have Dron sharp for a limited run here I don’t know if introducing a guy that hasn’t been playing versus leaning a little more heavily on the trendon Watford the Dorian finy Smiths guys that have played have been in the rotation and have some level of of you

Know connectivity with other guys on the roster that being said I will also note that we have been a proponent of trying different things we think that Jack vau should try more rotations and TR try different combinations so he’s on the roster if you had used him at all to

This point I might say he will be used now it just doesn’t seem likely yeah yeah sorry I just wanted to like show you like we on the right side of clarity there because it’s it’s just it’s mostly like a prediction about based on just past events that could for sure change

I’m happy that he’s getting pings on the team by the way it’s like all good I just it’s just that sometimes there’s a there is a Chasm between um what we think should happen and what is actually happening and what their actual plan is in a second here we’re g to talk about

Noah Clowney we’re going to talk about Jaylen Wilson that I want to discuss that angle as well even DQ Whitehead Plus whether or not the current solution to missing Dron sharp is on the roster or will inspire Shawn marks to look outside we’ll talk about that in just one

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On what it’s going to look like and also though what does it look like for this team replacing him in the short term one thing that you just mentioned there in the last about Giles I think it applies here now too what do you think they’ll

Do if we say well it’s going to be Dorian finy Smith and trendon Watford let’s start there do you think that it changes how they work rotations in that regard as in do you want to keep Dorian finy Smith away from Nicholas Claxton because you’re going small ball so you’re going

To put him into the second unit and keep him there and then maybe you thrust someone else trendon Watford or otherwise up the roster because you want to maintain balance and it does look different if you don’t have dayon yeah it’s funny I do think what we probably

End up seeing so like DFS is usually like the second wave of Subs right that comes out um in the game and that usually like you know signals um you know Royce O’Neal kind of coming in and in the last game it was dsj that came in

Uh and then ultimately Dron comes in like two minutes later I mean that’s typically what they’ve been doing that comes in for claxon I think we maybe see DFS stay a little bit longer in those games maybe Claxton comes out earlier right to like save him and then so they

They keep DFS in and then bring him back they kind of stagger that a little bit I think we could definitely see that I think for sure we see more Watford I mean you mentioned yesterday that Watford kind of got in right at the end

Of the game I’m not sure like how much of that was just sort of Hail Mary get the guy in because you know we need something on defense but he it was interesting that he at least came in I think that’s probably the way they go exited with six fouls just the clarity

Oh sorry right right right okay we so regard I mean the point Remains the Same they they did they have played Watford at DFS um some this year 104 minutes together so that’s they have leaned that way at times to try to get like sort of extra length into the lineup and that’s

One of those ones it’s like hey we don’t have a center but we have two guys that are big and maybe that’s enough maybe that’s like makes know 75% of a center or something like that when when they’re paired together I think that that’s probably going to be the way they lean

I’m not like too opposed to it overall if that’s the way they go it’s a slightly different look you hope that maybe you know maybe what you lose on the glass you make up for in just generating some steals which the Nets have have really struggled with this

Season so maybe like that’s the tradeoff with lineups like that you know you maybe you can get out and transition a little bit more you and maybe they maybe they just more switching right like they’ve been talking about how they’ve been married you know Jack vaugh had some interesting and more head

Scratching quotes really about the defensive schemes whole another episode on that one talk I mean my goodness it’s like I I this is a whole other episode so we can wait on this but the the the cliff notes on this one were like you know maybe we need to evaluate that we

Haven’t you know we’re going to switch up the schemes a little bit it’s like hey you’re allowed to do different things like you you don’t deci side a contract at the beginning of the season it’s like oh if we play Drop we’re fine if we don’t play Drop we’re fine like so

Maybe we see some more switching I’d be all for that also I think it’s just going to lend itself to maybe just some different looks but I don’t think it’s going to be the Gile stuff just uh be sure to follow us because one of these

Episodes coming up is going to also be that jock Von intimated that and some players can’t play certain systems and different schemes and skill sets so he also once again kind of put it a little bit on the players feet of some of them just aren’t versatile enough to do

Different things when we need them to do it so there’s a lot of interesting stuff coming and that’ll be for another by the way just as a little tease here Bridges had a specific sort of of I don’t know want to call it a counter but it was uh

Hey when all we do is play Drop and protect the boards we’re going to give up threes I mean there’s been like not amazing rhetoric coming out of this place around yeah jock vaugh you pick things that would signal that not everyone is on the same page with the

Plan now I get it when you lose all your games everyone’s just gonna be in in a bad way like it’s hard to be it’s hard to be you know Johnny positive when you just get freaking dumpstered by the good teams and the bad ones but it also there might be some cracks

Forming here in like if everyone’s seeing the same things because there’s increasing there’s increasing evidence that that might not be the way now there’s a what I would like to see them do in the short term without D Ron sharp that I do want to mention here but the

Other thing that I just want to briefly touch on mostly because I think we’ll be on the same page is let’s say there’s a world where drron is going to miss a little bit of time significant enough that the organization says well now we’ve really lost something and Giles is

Not going to be the answer for us and we can’t go small ball like that forever because the signal has been that the Nets and Shawn Mars are not going to throw in the towel on this on this season and start trading off pieces do you think that losing Dron for any

Amount of time would change their approach to the trade deadline and saying hey if there’s a margin guy if we can get a body in here that crashes the glass it’s probably behooves us to do it so that we have some onetoone replacement oh God I hope they don’t I

Mean like I I at that point i’ would rather just be like let’s just see what Noah Clowny can do let’s pivot rate to that because that’s what I think they should do in the short term and then even long it’s kids and let let’s let’s go here let’s

Go with the youth right yeah like if there’s just an opening and you need a live body and you drafted this guy 22nd or whatever he end up drafting 21st 22nd like yeah at some point I it’s clear they don’t want to play these guys

Either so you know but at some point if your hand is forc I I would be it would be a head slapping moment to me if they were to go out and do this I’m very worried by this like this next I mean I mean worried I’m basketball fan worried

Not like real life life worried I am this next month is going to be so important really for like how the team views itself in terms of how they trade some of these guys what they think they want to do how important the play in

Game is this and if sharp was gonna miss extended time that really would I’m glad you brought it up because that really would highlight something that they might want to do that would be very shortsighted right so like which would be like you know use an acid to bring in a a big

Body just rather see Clowny in a season when you really should never have a point that you reach Panic right you know that’s not what this season should be and a move like that would be like reactionary saying something we’re gonna lose something if we don’t make a move

Like there’s nothing really to be lost per se this year and really one of the things that I it it makes this makes it such a bummer and part of it by just design they have lots of good NBA rotation guys it’s hard to find minutes these are really good situations to play

Younger players in because it’s not just you know if you look back at some of these younger teams like you know Detroit maybe or uh like Houston before this iteration of them before when it was like Hey we’re going to roll the balls out we’ll see what happens like

The Nets actually aren’t like that they’re not playing great but they have real veterans that you could probably learn a lot from by playing with like playing guys like Clowney and DQ and guys like this with DFS and Roy and Spencer DIY even for all their flaws or

Like their not high ceilings these guys are like good respected NBA professionals who take it really seriously and You’ love for the young guys to be able to play with these guys yeah and that’s actually what makes it even more disappointing that they don’t it’s like because you might not get

Another chance at this and and getting good veteran sort of guidance through game situations should be what the Nets are sort of prioritizing they’re not at all ever seems like but the this it feels like this would be you’d be gifted a not gifted you would be given a

Situation where you could do that I just don’t again I have no confidence that they’re gonna do it because they just don’t they don’t do it so I there’s no how how could anyone have confidence that they’re going to do it yeah and it’s you know for me it’s the shortterm

We talked about this big picture as well but it’s remember as you said you waved Armani Brooks so you had a roster spot there if you’re not going to use Giles you know there should be a roster spot there it’s Noah Clowney you mentioned even Whitehead and Jaylen Wilson a guy

That again you know the other side of this is a player that you drafted who was already 23 years old and shown you something when he’s been on the court great opportunity even if it is a short-term a short-term injury for drron Sharp we decided over these next three

Games that Dron missed to see if we have something in a couple of these young guys worth looking into over the second half of the Season more than likely it feels like they’ll go the other way and they’ll lean heavy on the veterans and that’s a frustration point you know on

Top of maybe losing dayon for a little bit of time here it’s just this lack of conviction you had conviction enough to take these players in the draft but not enough conviction to say we want to try to give them this taste here incrementally as we work our way through

The season and by the way last point for me on this the I know we went from donon sharp to the young guys but it is it is it makes sense the or you can see why they’re connected this isn’t just about these guys they’ve never wanted to do this

Like with vaugh it’s just it’s always been like this it took it was it couldn’t get Cam Thomas onto the court right you can’t get these guys onto the court it’s not like just these guys we’ve seen this time and time again where just they have there’s a total

Unwillingness to play some of these younger these younger players and I if we had lots of things to draw on in situations where it’s like oh it was this guy but they just haven’t had that and when you don’t have it you can’t assume it’s just going to start so these

These are the areas of frustration more than anything it’s like we just have to at this point you just have to see it like and and they just they just haven’t gone that direction and so for me to tie it back to the top and dayon sharp

Sprain knee at this point going for an MRI will update it obviously as those results come along the way uh not right now expected to go to Paris with the team but all of these things remain up in the air until it gets finalized you said it now there was a superstar era

Once Upon a Time here you guys may have forgot about it with the Brooklyn Nets and Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving and James Harden I wasn’t talking about the Kevin Garnett Paul Pierce era you know Dron sharp you could maybe make the case too that he played in SE 80 games over

His first two seasons and only had 11 combined starts and only average 11 12 minutes now we saw in Sample sizes why it was hard sometimes to get him there but but I think it also it just clarifies that that perspective right yes it’s going to look bad sometimes but

You don’t get better until you’re given the chance to get better and some of it feels like this season for Dron was like well now that he’s getting consistent minutes and now that they’ve done a little bit of scheme adjustment to kind of help what his skill set is all of the

Sudden he flourishes right so you’d like to see that from this team overall and and use these moments guy goes down with injury use it as the excuse to test the waters on something different Nets haven’t done it to this point hopefully they make a little bit of different path

Forward but there’s a a lot more than just a day on injury to cover here in the coming days all right we’re going to get out of here much appreciate everyone over on YouTube everyone listening to the podcast remember we’re coming at you every single weekday covering the

Brooklyn Nets someone got on me about covering every day we said every day it’s not every day it’s every weekday that’s that’s good those are the real days of the week we’re all off on the weekends and then sometimes in the weekends with the live after the game

Stuff too so yeah that’s say that’s what we’re doing for you every single day totally free all you got to do is subscribe over on YouTube sub ever listen to podcast flock. Nets heard jock vaugh say this when discussing the lineup old age and treachery will always beat Youth and exuberance that’s David

Mamt oh one of the all time great poets and playw writers playwrights we will be back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn nuts basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball yeah

Day’ron Sharpe was injured in the game against the Portland Trailblazers on Sunday and he left the game late. The Locked on Nets talk about the injury, what is known, and what comes next for the Nets.

What will the Nets do in the short-term if Sharpe misses time and what would an extended absence look like?

There are a number of moving pieces with this built on how well Sharpe has played this season.

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  1. Hey everyone. The Dayron Sharpe injury is still a crushing blow given the great leap season he was having….

    But this could now force Sean Marks to use this week as the opening for trade scenarios and possible options to explore because this team needs new energy…..

  2. As far as what this team needs is obvious: A legitimate point guard.

    Tyus Jones has had a spectacular season for the rebuilding Wizards and has built some solid numbers and become a locker room leader for that team.

    Brooklyn could really use Jone's leadership, playmaking and toughness on this team.

    As far as looking for a backup center option Andre Drummond has been balling lately since he's gotten expanded minutes…

    Drummond is on a fair small contract and could thrive again in the Brooklyn system and help bring some much needed height and rebounding to the second unit….


  3. The Tyrese Haliburton injury looked so nasty and unfortunate tonight and even though he got carried out by his teammates it was ruled as a hamstring injury. But depending on the severity which looked really bad he could be out for a while…..

    Losing the franchise player would put the Pacers in a bit of crunch and could force them to find deals to hold down the fort til Tyrese returns….

    Given Buddy Heild is on an expiring contract and the Pacers want to upgrade their team with stronger wings, Brooklyn could use this as a big opportunity to add Buddy's three point scoring and get some important draft capital as well…..

  4. Wow everyone. Just when it looked like the Grizzlies would potentially dig themselves out of a big hole things just got very unfortunate for them…

    JA Morant is expected to undergo season ending shoulder surgery 😨…..

    The Grizzlies lost their best starting center Adams and now lost their franchise player for the rest of the season….

    The Grizzlies are now faced with a huge crossroads….

    If Brooklyn is serious about making upgrades and building pieces around Mikal Bridges Sean Marks should call the Grizzlies and get Marcus Smart….

    Some people forget the top level defense, playmaking and three point scoring Smart can bring to a team…

    Look at the Celtics. When Tatum and Brown were floundering two years ago, Smart called both of them out and challenged them to improve their level of play….

    They went on to become the best team in the league and got to the finals…

    Imagine what a jolt Smart could bring for the Twins Mikal Bridges and Cam Johnson like he did for Tatum and Brown….

    Smart would be a great catalyst to help this team build something sustainable….

  5. A talented head coach should have the ability to put both main scorers on the court at the same time. Vaughn has a lot of room for improvement.

    If unable to ensure favorable development for young players, the front office should make decisive decisions, trading away all players over 25 to initiate a rebuilding process.

  6. @Locked On Nets Dayron Sharp also has some short comings that should be mentioned. Joel Embiid and others make him look small. It should mentioned to the fanbase that he is more of a Reggie Evans than a Jarret Allen. Should play Forward in the 2000s.

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