@Boston Celtics

Boo this man!

Boo this man!

by HighlandHilltopper


  1. InAingeWeTrust

    What the fuck was that? How do you overturn that?

  2. ChipotleGuacamole

    If this was at the Garden he’d need a state police escort to Logan

  3. I feel like he’s usually pretty good as far as NBA officials go. What I just witnessed there tho was ridiculous

  4. snakeoilpeddler

    How do these dudes even have jobs at this point. Complete fucking joke

  5. ShampooMonK

    I can’t wait to read the L2M report about how Jaylen Brown’s foul at the end was an incorrect call. Unfuckingbelievable. Anyways, I’m going to take this anger into leg day, have a good night everyone….

  6. holographoc

    Crazy you can just make up your own rules on the replay there. Wild shit.

  7. xHospitalHorsex

    Wanna talk about getting screwed with your pants on? Because the Celtics just got doinked pretty good.

  8. WhiteChocolatey

    I hope your bribe was worth it you fucking dipshit

  9. His forearm makes full contact with his head before he even comes close to touching the ball. Like what the fuck??!!!

  10. SerialRapper

    Worst part is he’s gonna suffer no consequences for that bullshit.

  11. I_Set_3_Alarms

    We better see a sleepless nights tweet from the refs after this. At the least

  12. armenhammer14

    How the fuck do you actually REVIEW the play and then make that call. This is fucking mind boggling. There is an agenda here and it was for the Celtics to lose this game.

  13. Otherwise_Horror_183

    It was funny when JB walked up to the refs for explanation and the other ref just looked to this dude.

  14. AliensPr0bedMe

    Rigged game. Sports betting has ruined sports. I’m boycotting till the playoffs begin, watching 30+ years fuck this shit

  15. Quick someone find pictures of him in a Pacers jersey when he was 14 years old

  16. captaincumsock69

    Missed call but the team has nobody to blame but themselves. They came out of halftime lazy

  17. dragonrider5555

    It was obvious they’d screw us jo matter what , KP should of chilled on the contest

  18. Yogannath

    Man, I wish I could be as shitty at my job as this guy is at his, and not have any consequences. That’s my one goal in life.

  19. newtothistruetothis

    When Jaylen went up to him after the overturn, he said I got hit in the head and this dude just smiles and says “no😊”

  20. _---__________---_


  21. Biggest-of-Als

    Boo!!! I ain’t saying he is cheating….but I’d check his bank accounts!

  22. DJBermont

    The Indiana crowd left happy. Refs tend toward the home team, especially in the mid-west. We can take the loss. I hope Halliburton doesn’t stay out too long. The kid is fun to watch. They should have had a better play than a Brown iso. He was tired. Brown to Drue would have been better.

  23. ajaxtheangel

    yo on the kp foul he literally also hits the ball and our boy JUST established if u hit the ball u can do whatever the fuck you want

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