@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Buddy Hield is called for a foul on Jaylen Brown’s game winner attempt. Pacers challenge and the call is overturned

[Highlight] Buddy Hield is called for a foul on Jaylen Brown’s game winner attempt. Pacers challenge and the call is overturned

by SerialRapper


  1. This is the kind of call that really gets me going! Not to mention the game winning free throws, fuck!

  2. glazednipple

    That’s the worst refs taking over a game I’ve ever seen. Good job nba

  3. alf-isbackinpogform

    I hate the Celtics but that’s some bullshit

  4. candlepinn

    Might be the worst overturned foul I’ve ever seen

  5. internetaffairs

    buddy hield clearly hits jaylen brown’s head. refs are compromised smh

  6. Refball.
    Can’t believe I stayed up this late for this bs.

  7. mastacheef1

    unreal overturn, then they give Indy the call on the other end of the court. that’s some BS

  8. Guess you can smack a guy on the back of the head as long as you hit the ball. Cool.

  9. IAmReborn11111

    What’s the point of reviews if this is the outcome

  10. kalebglover

    Pacers getting favored over the celtics, what has the NBA come to

  11. DecapitateVeggies

    Is it just me or does this seem like some blatant rigging


    reminder that sports gambling has ruined sports

  13. JaceGhost

    I’m sorry but that’s just *bad*. Replay review, you have the replay that obviously shows the foul and you overturn it anyway.

  14. runhikebikevt

    Easily one of the most egregious overturns I’ve ever seen. What the heck.

  15. igonnawrecku_VGC

    What a fucking joke of an ending to an incredible game. Refs are on a tear this year

  16. Man this game was amazing so the refs decided they needed to put their mark on it.

  17. ThroughTheWildNight

    The worst part is they ended the game on a fouled jumper the literal next possession. Such a good game ruined by incompetence

  18. Literally took a W away from the Celtics and handed them an L.

    Pacers wouldn’t have had a TO and Jaylen would have made one FT

  19. Brown pointed at his head and said something to the ref and the ref shook his head.

    I think they didn’t even look at the angle where you see his head hit.

  20. Dumbfook1

    Between that Banchero call vs the Kings and this during the final seconds of a game, These refs are on some corrupt ass shit lately lol

  21. Plants_R_Cool

    So can you just whack a dude In the head and that’s a block?

  22. The NBA; where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter!

  23. Refs defs dropped a bet when Pacers were 11 down and Hali got hurt.

    Man made some big $$$

  24. That would have been a horrible non-call in real time. To actually overturn it on review is indefensible.

  25. Ok_Challenge_3647

    u know the overturn is bs when the subreddit is supporting the celtics

  26. iamtheneek

    In no fucking world this is not a foul. Cleary hits him in the head. Next play you call foul on that? You call foul on that and not this? Thats just insane to me

  27. Question: Even with the overturned call, why do the Pacers gain possession of the ball? Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to have a jump ball since the play was called dead by the whistle?

  28. baccunawa

    refs before review: “JB got hit in the head. foul!”

    refs after review: “oh he was just hit in the head. no foul!”

  29. How tf is it your literal career to officiate professional basketball and you get to pause the game and watch replays in 4k slow mo, and you overturn this?

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