@Boston Celtics

WILD ENDING 🔥 Celtics vs Pacers | January 8, 2024

WILD ENDING 🔥 Celtics vs Pacers | January 8, 2024

With file so we can switch one to uh one to four and Boston has no challenges Brown pulls up his jumper no good McConnell the rebound sure they’re going to take a chance that they can stop on this in but they’ll have time on the clock got a 7sec difference game and

Shot clock McConnell’s going to drive it inside [Applause] Baseline porzingis the rebound man and that’s his favorite nice jot put pressure on get an easy shot Jaylen Brown front court is going to put it up no good they they call a foul they call a

Foul not the block shot did he hit him in the head that’s the [Applause] question let’s see where let’s see who gets the ball this this is probably going to be a jump off cuz the whist stop st the play it probably be a jump ball that angle’s tough to see whether

It look clean does he hit him in the head did he ever hit him in the head see he’s what jayen brown is playing is that he hit him on the side of the head when he got the block and if that in fact is

The case we’re not I don’t I won’t like it I don’t know about anybody else listening to this the backside Defender buddy Hill hits the ball therefore the call on the flo has been overturned to a no call eminent possession by Indiana when the wh blue it’ll be Indiana’s

Ball their challenge is successful they maintain their timeout and they have one challenge remaining yeah you can use the timeout to advance the ball yeah looks gets it to maen mine’s going to fire it up it’s fou by poras and they can’t challenge cuz they don’t have anymore right no they do not

Have any was he behind the ark no it’s a two foul yeah it doesn’t matter it was at the buzzer the officials I’m sure will look at the clock see if the foul is at the buzzer or not it’s before the buzzer so that’s clearly a

Foul yeah he shoots the ball before the buzzer and I think he was behind the ark too Quinn I think it’s three I I don’t Chris I don’t think that honestly I don’t think that’s important the fact is he’s going to the foul line you get two

Foul shots and you may have a tenth of a second or so on the floor is a defensive foul the players under review to see if the foul occurs prior to the exploration of the game clock if it’s a three-pointer I mean that’s just three foul shots oh at this

Point you’re in a tied game yeah again they have no challenge this is just a review to check the clock the foul call cannot be changed yeah it I suspect it’ll be under a second and they’ve got one time now but I suspect it to be under the second I

Actually I like the call cuz porzingis I thought put his arms over maing see how they are over maing yeah that’s some that’ll be some time but it won’t be enough time to do a whole lot just make the foul shots 24 points tonight for Benedict

Mathine and it will be you think it’s a three I do think it’s a three shot foul mathine with his fourth 20-point game of the last six let’s he from James Williams after review the defender’s left arm makes contact with the shooter’s arm with six t of second

Remaining of the game this is a three shot foul we will put 6 t0 on the game clock and we will play off the makeer Miss goes through his routine tell you this is the guy you want on the on the shot on the line I’m

Not sure there’s a whole lot they can do with that and this is the big one to give Indiana a three-point lead and it’s tapped the right it’s in play yeah you miss it on purpose they got they got one1 of a second miles back

By that’s what I do just get him at the basket Derek White’s going to lob it up and that ball is tipped off the rim great win for these guys great great another look it was tapped by cornette off the rim and the Pacers have on seven of their last eight benedict

Mathine with two big free throws he’s standing by with

Boston Celtics vs Indiana Pacers – Full Game Highlights | January 8, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season


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  1. People crying on the contact on Brown's side of the head, but they overlook the fact that he traveled first on the gather

  2. I don't understand how that wasn't a foul on J.Brown. Just because Hield touched the ball it's not a foul?? His forearm literally moves his head from hitting it.

  3. I've never seen Vegas Rig this game so hard.. Refs were HORIBBLE. He clearly got hit in the head and then the other call was sus… tf?

  4. That's crazy. You can't tell if he hits the ball first or his head… even in slow motion. Definately not enough evidence to overturn the call…. Should have stayed a foul.

  5. I see a lot of people complaining. I dont care about either team, but from what i know IN THE RULEBOOK; When a player makes contact with the ball with an arm (in this situation) before that same arm touches the player who's holding said ball, then the contact is ignored as the ball was made contact with first. We can clearly see in this situation that jaylen's jump is what caused his head to hit hield's arm after the contact with the ball was made by hield. I have notifications off, so dont expect me to answer. Y'all can argue in the replies for all i care, i could even be wrong about the rulebook, just make sure if you refute me you actually fucking quote the part of the rulebook that the refs follow that refutes my claim instead of using confirmation bias.

  6. I don't care who wins this game but getting hit on the head while shooting has always been a foul since I played which is a very long time. Brown should've shot the free throws. Refs ae so bad now. I don't understand how they can be so bad, especially when they do have replay now. Horrible!

  7. KP is literally running to rim for rebound and just stops after whistle and yet refs decided that pacers gained possession cleanly as if a whistle never happened.. that was the crime. Besides both foul calls to begin with.

  8. Everyone really arguing wrong thing. Nobody would want their team getting called for that foul on either possession. It’s a defense trying to stop a game winning score and it’s good defense. It should have been jump ball center court which likely takes 2 seconds

  9. They literally watched a replay for 10 minutes and still said Indiana gained possession before whistle blew when it’s clear as day the ball is mid air when whistle blew

  10. Packers player literally jumped 4-5 feet inside the arc on that final shot. KP has a right to that space and that was emphasized as an offensive foul for creating contact. If anything that’s offensive but shot missed and should go to overtime. It’s just historical how happy that ref is to be the reason someone won. He didn’t care who, he just wanted to go tell his family he made a tough call

  11. You know that ref is telling his kids about how heroic his foul calls on both ends were and how it was unpopular but daddy is doing his best work

  12. KP also clearly gets a piece of the ball and just like previous play, when you make a block, the incidental contact afterwards means nothing

  13. As much as I hate that ref, KP might be even higher up for being such an idiot there. Coach probably told them just contest smart and nothing dumb, don’t let ref blow a whistle. KP is like, I’m going to guard him so close people will think we partners in a sack race!

  14. Should have been jump ball. Even if they reverse the call on brown (which imo was a foul), they should NOT given the ball to Indy because play was stopped. Jump Ball after the “non-foul”.

  15. 10th seed Lakers easily cake walk the Pacers….
    Celtics has issue beating them with 4-5 All stars max players on their team 😂

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