@New Orleans Pelicans

James Worthy reacts to Lakers losing to Zion, Pelicans 129-109 despite LeBron James scoring 34

James Worthy reacts to Lakers losing to Zion, Pelicans 129-109 despite LeBron James scoring 34

The sportset Lakers driven by your Southern California Honda dealers I’m Ali Clon joined by Hall of Famer big game James Worthy big shot Robert Ory the Lakers Dro backto back games to close out 2023 sit at 17 and 17500 on the season I want to talk Lakers big

Picture in a second but first this one in particular as we knew not easy from the jump second night of a back toback you’re down two rotational guys ends up being third obviously we’ll keep an eye on ruy hachimura who left in the second quarter with a calf strain did not

Return uh despite 34 from LeBron 20 and 10 from Anthony Davis your stars some other good offensive production but defensively is where you kind of turn your hat a little bit 100 points from the Pelicans starters of the 129 came from that first five much different than

What we saw from them earlier in the month you knew that they were going to get revenge on that 44o loss they of course outrebound you by 12 12 offensive rebound for 25 Second Chance points you have uh career nights season High Nights from CJ McCollum Brandon Ingram from the

Assistant department just a little bit of everything going New Orleans why they get the job done yeah New Orleans is uh not a bad basketball team they’re a really good basketball team and you know two things they had revenge on their mind after what the Lakers did to them I

Think beaten them by plus 40 points and then there’s a trap game after last night’s game they left a lot of their energy and and resources uh in in their last game and they didn’t have the start that they needed to have you know you know New Orleans was going to come out

And and try to have a fast start which they did uh Rob made a a main point about you know we talk about Zion and and Ingram but McCullum was the guy that set him off tonight and then you know this Alexander they just really had a

More energy and uh the Lakers just could not find any rhythm at all I mean uh Lebron did his thing ad but they just had opportunities for long you know for me you know you come out and you know guys are going to be determined and you

Try to you know keep them from being you remember that one play when CJ goes in tries to get a Lup and next thing you know he ends up with a three in the corner you know he was determined because he had a bad outting the last

Time and so I know this is a back toback for the Lakers but your antennas have to go up you got to understand who the last time we played this usually play well that didn’t play well the two guys that really carried him in the first half

Zion and CJ and when you have that opportunity to try to shut them down especially with Zion they didn’t play Zion the way they played him in the inseason tournament it’s like he was so we said it at halftime and we really saw it throughout the course of this game

Anytime the Lakers wanted to kind of cut into that lead they were getting close to to getting within single digits Jose Alvarado Off the Bench goes and does it and he does it very quickly so you got to keep an eye on him uh someone has to

Know and alert uh Lebron whoever but he does it so crafty and so quickly before you know it he’s he’s he’s he’s he’s done you know he’s like a shot blocker you know you think about this if you know there’s theim Mumbo back there you’re not going to take the ball at him

Right and you should know this is all this guy’s been doing since College you know he sits back and he waits and he runs you down it’s hustle plays you know most teams practice this where you get back it’s called A Tip Drill you tip the

Ball away hope your teammates can get it but this guy he’s so fast he can able to take the ball from you and count it as a steal for him and head the other way and and it’s not like it’s not on the game plan I guarantee you if you look at the

Game plan that’s the first thing that pops up watch out for the the steals but for some reason we forgot about it he’s good at it yeah you gotp your cap to New Orleans as we have just done but I do want to kind of shift back to the Lakers

Now when you think big picture they finish out the month of December six and8 and I go back to the quote that Darin gave in the pregame of this one tonight we saw ruy hachimura slide into that starting rotation um for cam Rett as she was out and you think about it

From a standpoint of a lot of communication and talk about this team finding chemistry and cohesion you think maybe that’s the move there because Cam being a little bit in and out dealing with that groin and then you lose ruie when it comes to building that stability and what you’re looking for moving

Forward how do you kind of handle this right now the loss of ruie it’s almost like you know you you need parts for your car and you you you you you put a part on Tuesday you got to take it off car and then you got to put another one

On it’s like you can’t find Rhythm when players are in and out like this I mean obviously the next man up has to step up but when you’re trying to like have a foundation of you know five or six seven guys that are used to a rotation it’s

Very hard when you’re changing lineups in and out you got injuries uh so I mean it’s no excuse but it makes it difficult to come up with something consistent yeah you know one thing we do have to look forward in New Year is they got a

Lot of home games so they can make up some ground in there and also I feel like being at home for so long hopefully they can get some practice time in because right now it’s seems like they’re they’re out of sorts you they when one guy want to do something

Another guy’s doing something but the out of sorts is not on the offense end it’s to me is on the defense end if it wasn’t for ad back there blocking shots I think he had five tonight the Lakers would be going they’d be going in a hole

You know it’s it’s things like that they need to you know every now and then you talking about cars James you need to tune up you need to go into practice tune up the defense and tune up the offense I think now that they had this

Long stin at home they can tune up this and they’ll get a little better uh physically and mentally you are right and I’m going to give you are right Rob and I’m going to give you some context to that the Lakers are currently 11 and4 at home this season in the month of

January 10 of their 15 games will be played at Arena including five straight uh to start the month of January I also want to add this little bit of context Mike trell giving this uh on Twitter the Lakers have played the most games this is no excuse but most

Games also most Road games of any team in the west if you include that inseason tournament championship game 35 yeah maybe the the hard Parts behind them hopefully and it’s not like they haven’t been playing hard and good they’ve had winnable games they’ve been playing really hard so hopefully that will

Continue as they get home get back in their own beds get some rest and get acclimated again I think one thing people don’t understand about playing in the west it’s not like playing in the East where you got like 10 teams only an hour away from each other you think

About you got to go all the way over to Houston you got to go up to you know Phoenix and it’s like it’s some trips that comes in you know nobody likes going to Denver because it’s our bus ride from the hotel to the uh to the

Airport and for me that’s one of the things that’s I feel like is also taking a toll on the lake is because of travel and people like well it’s just travel when you an athlete and you have to get in on off a plane things swell up you

Get tired you get achy and and it’s and it’s rough especially during the holiday time where you want to be at home but that’s one of the things that I’m going back to what I said about it’s going to be good to get some home cooking I mean

Just being at home for a while to said thank you for th blessings and it’s just it’s going to be interesting to see them in the month of January I okay no excuses but don’t think for one second that the players don’t think about that and don’t know and have that circled on

Their calendar I mean imagine they got in at 3:30 last night I mean and the marching band playing at 10 a.m. I mean you don’t you don’t go right to sleep you you really don’t so it’s it’s tough it’s really hard for me to give you compliments sorry about that I gave you

One though let’s is an option surrender is not our Middle Lane Tower is under attack your team destroyed a tower your team desty to sometimes words cut deeper than swords an ally has deated our Dragon Lane Tower is under attack team destroyed a tower our Middle Lane Tower is under

Attack your tower has destroyed those greedy bastards are never satisfied your teamy Tower caners have spawned Mercy an enemy deated an ally has defeated your team has destroyed a tower C deeper than our Slayer Lane Tower is under attack your team destroyed Tower those greedy bastards are never

Satisfi your team has destroyed a tower an ally has defeated your tower has been destroyed is an option surrender is not an enemy deated an ally has defeated an ally has defeated Mercy is overrated don’t hold back an ally has deated sometimes words cut deeper than swords enemy ultimate an enemy has defeated

Is an option surrender is an enemy has deated an enemy has defeated your tower has

James Worthy reacts to Lakers losing to Zion, Pelicans 129-109 despite LeBron James scoring 34


  1. James last night u said u LOVE where they were. We love seeing LEBRON james grt humiliated..๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. so James what is your excused for losing to the Pelicans today? and you still talking about the lost to the Wolves, please your time is over for now and the Wolves, Pelicans is on the rise.

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