@Golden State Warriors

Stephen A fires back at Draymond Green about Steph Curry comment, calls out Steve Kerr

Stephen A fires back at Draymond Green about Steph Curry comment, calls out Steve Kerr

Draymond Green recently you know because of the suspension and because of therapy and because of a lot of things that he was addressing he admittedly was addressing himself hadn’t been seen recently over the last few weeks during the Christmas holidays and Beyond but he came out and he came on

This podcast and he spoke and somehow my name came up because Draymond Green was talking about how he had an opportunity to reflect on some of the decisions and some of the Litany of mistakes that he has made etc etc and then from that point forward he wanted to speak to me

About I’m sorry not speak to me but he wanted to express himself about something he heard I said ladies and gentlemen this is Draymond Green on his podcast speaking about yours truly and something he alleged es I said about Steph Curry listen to this one thing throughout this process that

Really hurt me I turned on the TV screen and someone uh Stephen A was like uh Steph is a bad leader because Draymond did X it pissed me off but it crushed me it crushed me because how is Steph enduring being a bad leader like this guy doesn’t give us

Any thing to tear him down about this guy does everything the right way and yet he’s being tore down because my actions crush me that was a tough one this that was a tough blow to deal with because he got crushed publicly for that I’m going to apologize

Public I sincerely apologize to Steph for my actions do you really really need to know why I’m pissed right now why I’m so pissed off excuse my language but it’s necessary right now before I go any further ladies and gentlemen let me come to my own defense

Please and let me show you proof that what Draymond Green said simply is not true take a look at me commenting about Steph Curry just as Draymond Green alluded to look at this what about Steph Curry you you are the leader If This Were a teammate of LeBron James we’d be

Asking LeBron what you going to do about it even though LeBron isn’t the one that did something like that we would have been asking we’ve been poined to his leadership we’ve been to pointed to the incredible role model that he is the leader the champion the kind of impact

And influence that he has and we lean on all of those things to say LeBron LeBron LeBron even if it had nothing to do with LeBron but somehow someway we never asked that question about the Babyface assassin who’s the greatest shooter on the planet Earth who’s a fortime

Champion on the two-time league MVP who by the way is class personified and I can’t think of a greater role model than Steph Curry there you have it ladies and gentlemen you heard the sound for yourself you heard the sound for yourself see I keep the

Seats did you hear me say that Steph Curry was a bad leader did those words ever come out of my mouth did they come out of my mouth did you hear me say that Steph Curry was a bad leader the answer is no Draymond Green that is

False that is erroneous that is not true but Draymond Green you ain’t the one I’m pissed at it’s that damn Steve Kerr because that man who I religiously call one of the top five greatest coaches and a very very decent and good person goes in front of microphones and

Cameras and talk about how disgusted he was that folks was talking about the leadership I give Draymond credit at least he had the courage to say my name because Draymond has courage and gra Draymond ain’t duplicitous and he ain’t passive aggressive and he doesn’t allude

To things he says what he says and he stands on it and I respect that Steve Kerr didn’t do that everybody in their mother knew that Steve Kerr was talking about me when he was talking about how disgusted he was that people were questioning Steph Curry’s leadership I didn’t question Steph Curry’s

Leadership Steph Curry leads by example Steph Curry is one of the most decent classy nicest human beings you will ever meet in your life he doesn’t have a discourteous or disrespectful bone in his body he’s a family man he’s a God-fearing individual he is class personified he is a hall a future Hall

Of Famer he is one of the greatest players the NBA has ever seen and without question the greatest shooter that has ever graced this sport in the history of the game you could talk about Dell Curry you could talk about the days of downtown Freddy Brown you can talk about the days

Of Ricky Pierce Dale Ellis Allan Houston Ray Allen Reggie Miller Larry Bird himself the list goes on and on and on you can sit up there and talk about the Ray Allen the Kyle Corvin the JJ recks of the world the pick anybody you want there has never been a shooter in the

History of basketball greater than Steph Curry those are the things that I say about this man so why did I bring him up when it came to Draymond I can understand why Draymond was put off by what I said because it implied that Steph Curry was responsible

For him in some capacity if that’s draymond’s interpretation my apologies because I certainly didn’t mean to imply that Draymond is his own man and he stands on his own two feet and he ain’t trying to look for anybody else to lead him he considers himself that alpha male that

Leader that’s not what I was saying what I was saying was we live in a day and age where If This Were LeBron James we would have been all over him we would have said where’s the leadership that’s your team when Kyle when when Kyrie Irvin had issues in Cleveland what’s up

LeBron when JR Smith made mistakes what what’s up LeBron when stuff was happening in Miami we gave him a reprieve then because dwade was there and Pat Riley was there but when he went to LA anytime there’s any kind of struggle on or off the court what’s up

LeBron and all I was saying was why would we do that to LeBron but not do that to Steph Curry what’s good for the goose is good for everybody if you’re gonna do that to LeBron do it to everybody if you’re not going to do it to Steph Curry don’t do it to

Anybody if we’re going to look at Draymond and say this is you and it wasn’t about leadership implementing itself into your psyche so you wouldn’t find yourself in precarious predicaments to do some of the things that you do if you if we’re not going to say that about

Steph Curry with Draymond why would we say it about LeBron with anybody why would we say it about Kevin Durant with Kyrie in Brooklyn why would we not have said it about Kyrie with anybody in Boston when they were a relatively young team and he went there saying proclaiming to be a Le

Leader we look at leaders all the time and say what’s up not just about what they’re doing behind the scenes but what they’re doing for public consumption because appearances and perception matters so if that is what we’re doing why did not not why did that not apply to Steph Curry I was asking

The question because I wanted those people who do do things like that to have an answer and Steve cerr ran with it which pissed me off he ran with it by trying to imply that people were questioning Steph Curry’s leadership and what we were saying was no we was asking if you’re gonna

Question other people’s leadership for the same predicament why would you not question Steph Curry then maybe we shouldn’t step question Steph Curry at all that’s what we were saying and that’s what I’m talking about back to Steve cerr and the Golden State Warriors that pissed me

Off because you see what happens is when it comes to the media rather than listen to what people actually say and hold them accountable headlines and whatever perceptions you want to create That Could That Could ultimately forment cynicism in their direction is what some people do I’m not

Accusing Draymond Green of doing that I’m accusing Steve Kerr of doing that and I did not appreciate that there have been a lot of issues that have gone on with the Golden State Warriors throughout the years if it were another team if it were Giannis and Milwaukee if it when when embiid had

Issues with or when there were issues with Ben Simmons we talked about embiid when there were issues with Jimmy Butler and one in the state we talked about embiid when he was in when Butler was in Philadelphia felia and decided to depart for South Beach we talked about

Embiid we talked about Giannis and Milwaukee we’re talking about him now and we certainly have talked about LeBron throughout the years we talked about Kevin Kevin Durant in Brooklyn we talked about CP3s leadership knowing he’s a leader wondering whether it was the right kind of leadership because he’s in your face holds you

Accountable we’ve talked about all those things what’s wrong with asking the question so the experts who are intimately involved with the leadership and the influence and the impact of Steph Curry could provide an answer to provides Clarity for us all what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with that that’s

Not questioning Steph Curry it was an opportunity for those to explain what a great leader Steph Curry is and why just like those took the liberty to do so for LeBron that’s all so when Draymond says what he says I’m like where’d that come from did you hear what I had to

Say I talked to Draymond quite a few times dueing the NBA season brilliant basketball mind really good brother obviously he’s made some mistakes that he’s had to address but ain’t nobody rooting for him harder than me that’s my dog I love him to death but for people to

Look and the Twist and Turn what I’m saying now I’m not going for that that ain’t right I don’t question the leadership of Steph Curry I’m questioning why no one had questions about him but they had questions about LeBron fair is fair at least admit that all of us

Should have left LeBron alone when he was bothered about every little thing every one of his teammates or somebody in his organization did that’s all I was trying to say

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  1. Regardless of what u said SAS, u pointed the finger at Currys leadership,u raised the question. And yes you questioned his leadership, if u didnt what would be the point in saying " if this was lebron we would be questioning his leadership " why even bring that up 😂

  2. Steph Curry is the nba’s golden child. Youre not allowed to talk about him if its not complimentary

  3. Stephen A., you were throwing a bone to Lebron at the expense of Steph, and if that was not your intention, please understand that that’s the way it came across , LOUD AND CLEAR. You should have stood by what you did, which was to call out Steph, and you should have told Draymond, “indeed, you needed to apologize to Steph publicly Draymond, because your bull sh.. is hurting the team and hurting Steph’s legacy”, and leave it to that. Next time, if you were trying to call the people that question Lebron, then call them out but leave the names of other players out of it.

  4. Was that NOY the TOPIC tho. I remember that episode. But it was your show and the topic was how that affects Curry’s leadership. That was a conversation. Yes isn’t that an implication to bring up LeBron and Curry.

  5. He should stand on it, not deflect. He had a valid point – if you guys are the leadership of the team, that leadership was found wanting if this is the result they did not want (and will not tolerate) i.e losing Draymond for games.

  6. idk i see where dray was coming from. you took a draymond incident and brought up a point about addressing curry's leadership abilities. i don't see how you are defending yourself here.

  7. Do you really think those who listened to your talk misheard you question Steph’s leadership? You did not say it explicitly but you implied it clearly. Just read the comments of your listeners.

  8. Do you really think those who listened to your talk misheard you question Steph’s leadership? You did not say it explicitly but you implied it clearly. Just read the comments of your listeners.

  9. Draymond Green probably wouldn’t listen to a guy like Steph Curry when it comes to what he was dealing with.

    He needs a dog that is bigger than him and Steph just isn’t that kind of leader. You can see it with the Klay Thompson situation.

  10. That boy Steph that's the last time he can be a champion and will never be able to do it again. The so-called dynasty was over.

  11. Drey did him a favor. Stephs a journalist. this This is his meet & potatoes. I saw the bit live & thought: this guy likes making predictions about reactions. If it turns out, he gets to bang his chest. If he doesn't, he bait reactions from guys like Drey & they both get a spot light.

  12. Exactly! SAS is completely right!

    We're very fast to question LeBron's leadership for every little thing but we can't for Steph???

    After all it is Steph's team 🤷🏽‍♂️

  13. This time 😢 You were wrong. You did insinuate that Steph's Leadership was not strong enough to discourage Draymond's antics on the court… You could also take back those words.

  14. SAS your comments was a leading question asking for others to quesiton his leadership. Draymond has every right view your words as trying to stoke the fire about Curry's leadership.

  15. This dude is part of the problem but he's questioning us abt the problem. Why does the media (yes u sas) always wanna blame lebron for everything but never steph curry? It's yall that put sll these responsibilities on lebron

  16. Stephen A it did sounded like you was questioning Steph Curry's leadership mainly due to the fact you was comparing him to LeBron and how LeBron does get criticized. I questioned Steve Kerr first.

  17. Kerr has had some physical injuries before, so I think it's time to replace him to avoid putting too much stress on his body.

    The management situation is poor, such as using Kuminga and Wiggins even though there is only one handler, and trying new combinations of players without providing a concrete tactical system.

  18. Draymond you right stephen a Smith did not blatantly say ot but he implied it though so you right. The thing is he likes to rant about anybody but as it happen to he oh no all hell break lose

  19. Stephen A mentioned Steph Curry in some capacity for not stepping up for Draymond's actions because LeBron would've been expected to. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the league superstars don't handle such affairs themselves and let the front office and coaching staff take such action. LeBron is a floor general and understands the game holistically enough to influence everyone on his team, but that doesn't mean every superstar ought to.

  20. This has more to do with Steve Kerr emotional responses which is never a good thing because it seems like you want it easy. His time with Golden State should be over in my opinion.

  21. This guy is annoying man just goes around in circles we all know what you said you implied that he was not a good leader

  22. Nah Stephen A you gave lot of excuses.. Your just trying to bait steph, draymond, bron, steve and everyone.. U just want to mix up and to be called your name because of your work and money.. 😂😂😂

  23. Public perception doesn’t matter big dawg the warriors franchise does not have to address the public it’s up to the public to come up with their own opinions just like your stupid opinion you’re not entitled to Steph curry’s opinion sir

  24. Stephen A is trying to save his future career so he could still be friends with Dray and still talk about Steph being the greatest shooter god has created for hundreds of time a year

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